NOV. 17-23 $10,000 in Prizes 'him NATIONAL t APPLE SHOW I t I I 77 .v is the time for a nice trip Spokane is the Place North Bank is the Way SPECIAL liOUXD-TUIP HATES Tickets Sold Daily, Xoremher 16 to 21, $16.10 from H out ton. lie turn Limit Xor. You are invited to join iu the General Observance of ArPLK DAY, Nov. iSth throughout the Pacific Norrhwcst States. Ask our agent for "Fifty-five Ways to Serve the Apple." Free. R. H. CROZIER, Aul Gen 1 P.... Agt Portland, Oregon J. O D1VENS. Agt. Houllon, Oregon AJPIRITED REPLY SCAPPOOSE TAXPAYER ANSWERS LETTER OF LAST WEEK In your last week's issue 1 noticed the caption "A Thrilling Adventure, and the sub title. "Scappoose in the throes of excitemnet over robbery and I wondered if I hud been as lot-p that I had not heard about it. But as I read down through the half column or more of your valuable front page it be gan to dawn on my dull mind why your correspondent was trying to enlarge a mole hole into a mountain. With such a very great effort he would have de livered a good sound argmuent in favor of incorporating our little village, so that we might have a marshal to look after our hoodlum boys. Great, wasn't it? Great in its premsies and wonder ful in its (conclusions. Scappooae will probably incorporate immediately if not instanter. It is true that we do have a few hoodlum boys in our town. It would be far better for the peace and quiet of some of our staid citizens if the parents of these boys would keep them off the streets both day and night. I mean as loafers around the stores, the pool room and the street corners. But would incroporation cure the evil? Would incorporation even give us a marshal? . It takes money to pay a HOTEL ARRIVALS ORCADIA H C Hardey, Tortlund Kli Dai vs. Kainier S II Neustedt " R O Hill. Portland Andrew Parker, Vernonia S V Malmsten O O Donclson " Ray Willliams. Rainier E Gordon, St Johns Omar Nickerson, Vernonia Ernest Smith Pnlugh Grant, Shtridun J M Fry. Scappoose ST. HELENS McCord, ClaUkaine Glen R Meeker and family, City B Godfrey. Portland A B Owen, Yankton W E Chrulle E M Martinson, Portlund R L T'chenor " P A Williams Mrs E Beckenridge " H B Simington A Anderson W Helim " F G Butler, Rainier W E Bluder, Portalnd F G Shotswcll, Astoria Mr and Mrs Atchison, Scappoose I)r Geo Burt, Seattle Erick Nelson, Portland Hugo Erick on " C Mincka L Chapland, Shannons marshal's salary. Who is going to pay 'J Tillton, Boston it of nfk 11 - uvvn u ili.i Oliiail lUnilB III our own county. Take Vernonia, for example. It has been incorporated fur the past 20 or 25 years and by living up to the limit on its tax rolls it yields Louis Kluhrcr, Maygcr just enough for ordinary property and j J A Eakin, Astoria city expenses. Nothing for a marshal C Knutsen " and nothing for street improvmenti. A J Palm. Clatakanie O D Kyle, Trenhlom Virgil Powell, Vernonia W Davies. Portland L L Levings It baa one well worked, well graded street through it, but this work was done by the county and not by the city. Scappoose has as much. Look at Houl- ton! The writer heard a resident tax payer of Houlton say during our cam paign for incorporation that Houlton had no marshal, the mayor did what marshal's work was needed to be done, that the city could not afford to pay a marshals' regular salary. What? And Houlton has three Baloons, bringing in at least 11200 a year, and levied last year a 10-mill tax on its taxable prop erty. This is what the records show. It ia true Scappoose has had a bit of hoodlumism the past year, but would incorporation get rid of it? With in corporaion sa your correspondent and his friends who tried to get it last sum mer want it, that its, in order to get saloons here, it would only bring more hoodlumism. Oh, but Mr. Taxpayer will hold up his hands in holy horror and say the saloon was not an issue last summer. Perhaps it was not openly. But it was all the ssme the big issue on both sides and the sequel is proving it. The breweries were to pay the ex penses for the election. At least that was the understanding and after the election the bills were gathered up and presented. But what did Mr. Brewery man say? Just this and nothing moie: 'You did not deliver the goods." So. Nor will they soon. If they think they can let them put up the money for another survey and election expenses, get op their petition and bring it be fore the voters again. The anti'a are ready for the fray. The "hena" would like to give them another good little peck. Either put up or shut up. Come out in the open. Another Taxpayer. C J Patterson & son " R R Jubinville John A JefTers and wife, Portland F A Roberts E B Tongue T C Watts. Reuben F C Wehrman, Portland Chris Hansen " J E Knowles, Mist G F Hipok. Portland D I Smith Goble O Anderson Portland R W Galbcrt, Kelso R V Snow, Portland All kinds of job work done at the Mist office at reasonable prices. SI Watches Clocks 12 cation then)! I VON A. GRAY I Watchmaker ami Jeweler. All Work (iuarunteed. Optical Good. St. Helen. Or. aiiimniiiiiUiUiiiiUjuiUiUiiiiUiUiaiiiiUiiiiUiiimiaiuu be hting made on the 7th day ul Noveiularf, IUI3 Dated I he 2lh day id Sept. lt:l. Arthur I. Moulton, Attorney lor Plaintiff, I'oatoince a.ldie-a, Mil I ewis lll.lg , Portland, Oregon. Summons IN THR CIRCUIT CO CRT OF THK 8TATKOP OREGON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. M Miles and W A. Miles, Rxecu. tors ( the estate of 8. A. Mile, tie ceai-ed, plaintiff, vs. w Veargain. Iefendant To O. W. Yeargnin, defendant above named : In the oamn of the Htate of Oregon You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled actios within six weeks, from the 7th day of November, 1913, being six weeks from the first publication of this sum inons, herein, and il you fail to aipar and answer for want thereol th plain tiffs will take judgment against you for the sum of 1200, with interest at the rate of 10 r rent per annum from the 21th day of December, 1H9I, and the further sum ol flQO attorneys fees or such other turn as Jthe court may ad. judge reasonable and the costs and dis bursements of this action, and further that llu attached property herein nold to untidy paid judgment . This summon is published In piirstt. ance of au order mad and entered in the above entitled court tin the 1st day l November, l! thn Honorable. A Eakin, Judge of the al .ve entitled Court, directing said summons to be published once a week for nix con secutive weeks in the St. Helens Mint, Murpliv, II rod ie A wcen, Attorneys tor Pl.unt ill. Date of first publication Nov. 7, llll.'I. Date or last publication is Iec. It) IN Notice to Creditors THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK UNITED STATICS. In the malter of James M. Barker, bankrupt. No 2."iSi in bankruptcy Notice is hereby given that on the Uh day of Nov. A D.. 1!1:J. James M. Parker of Rainier, Oregon, lh bank rupt above named, a duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that th- brft meeting i.f his creditors will be held at thcoihce of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3. 4 .ft, Kenton Building, Portland, Oregon, on the 'J I st day ol November, UU3. nt 10 a m., at which timea.iid creditors may nt icmi, prove incir claims, appoint a trustee, examine th bankrupt, and transact audi otliar tuinncs as may properly come before said Ulteting Claims must be presented in form re quired by the Bankruptcy Art and sworn to The schedule tiled disclose no S'srtu, Ch j-ter t i. Murphy, Referee in Bankruptcy. l.ited Nov. 5, I'Jl l. Sheriff's Sale in the circuit toi-iir of the STATU OF OIU'iiON, IS .(Ml H)R THE COUNTY iF COLUMBIA Win. M. Rosa, lis iidiuiiiMtrt'or of the estate of I Unn P. I'.i itkinan. deceased. I'lalctllT. vs. John I.aren, Anna I.aren atnl Amos W Mi'F.lwain, Ie.ndanta Notice is hereby (riven that tinder and by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the f tate of Oregon, for Columbia county on the 3tst day ol October, 1V13. under and in pursuance of a judgment, order and decree ol foieclosure made and en tered in said Court on the ll'hdavof October, in a suit to forecloMe certain mortgage wherein Wm. M. Rots. as administrator of the estve of H ms P. Bjorkman , deeeaiw I, plsintlfT, recovered judgment and decree against John seti. Anna Laroen and Amoa W. Mc Elwain, defendants, for the sum ot $5:i'..41, with interest thereon at the rate of tj p.r cent tier annum fro-u October i tn, r.u.i, I'tr the further sum of 7,1 an attorneys ftx-s, for the further sum of f l i for taxes paid on the premises hereinafter described and for rosts of suit and accruing Cot, and (orever barring and foreclosing nai I defendants and all persons claiming undur them ut)aeriient to August 1st. l!(IO, ofall right, claim or interest in thu hereiu after described premises, and requiring me to make sal of the following de scribed property to satisfy the above amounts, to-wit : Commencing at a point 3d rods west of tne northwest corner of the Dmatiun f.and Claim of Z. Bryant, m auction Iti. township 7 north of range 4 west of the Willamette meridian. in Columbia County, ongon, aril running thence south M rods; theteie went 12 rods ; thence north SO rods; and th. nee east 12 rod to the place ol lg'nning, all in mhI Columbia county, Oregon. I will, therefore, on Saturday, the 6th day ol December A. I). l!l:j; at the hour ol 11 o'clock In the forenoon ol said day, at the front door of the Court House, in ike city of 8t. Helen", in Columbia County, Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of fie U. S , all the right, title and interest the said defendants, or either ol them has, or had at the date of tl.e execution of said mortgage, to-wit: August lat, litlf). in or ro the real proiierty above described, to satisly said execution and order of sale, together aith the accruing COSlS. . Dated at St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, this i h flay of November. II, lf13. A. I'. Thompson, Sheriff of Columbia County, ore. First publication Nov. 7, 1913. I.ast publication pee. 6, 1913. Hastings, 1). C. Asl.tnan, I.. II. Combs. IV Hanson and F Kcever, Hcfeudanta. To F. J Hasting, one id the above named defendant" : In the name of the State ol Oregon : You ale hereby required to appear and answer the complaint bled sgamst you in the a'ove entitled court, on or bel re the I'Hh day of Iecember, l!il3,am il vou failao to answer lor want thereof the pl.unt ill will ake judgment against yon for the sum of f'tfi.M), with Interest on fiOO.PO at the rate of H par cent from the lIHh day of Febiuary, UH:l, to Iho Will day ol Mav. lOM, to gether with interest on 7l, from May 'JO. lul l, to June 20, HiU. at the rate of H percent per annum, together with in terest on f.rM M) from June 20, Ilil;l. at the rate of 8 er cent, the coals aod d'S bursements ami Jf t" attorney's fees This siiminiina ia publinlied by order of the Honorable J. A. Kakin, Ju.lce of the alkive entitled court, and said order was made and dated the 31st day ol octoler, I'.lM. and the date ol the lirat piililication ia the 7th day of Nov. U13, and the date of last publication will be the I'.Unday of Iiecember. I'.IKl A W. Mueller. sttorney pro ae Summons notice Tt ckeixtoks IN THE COUNTY lOl'UT I't'B COl I'M BIA COUNTY, OKEtiON. Kstate ol Margaret Koks, deceaaed Notice ia hereby given that the nn del signed a us on the 20th day of Sept III 1 3, duly apiKiiuted adiiilmstiator ul the estate ol Margaret Kims, deceased ; ami the creditors of said deceased and all persona having claims against said estate are heieby n.. tilled to preaent their claims, a ith the pro er vjllcbers, within six inoiiths livim this dale to me at the law ollice ul Hillard A Hnv, at St. Hi Inn, Oregon, alnt'li I deglsnate as the ,ilace for presentation tbeirof Hated S.t 20th, 1H3. W. j. R...HS. AduiiniKlrator of the w'..iie of Mar garetUona, ileceascd. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATIC OF OKKtiON FOR COLUM BIA COUNTY. Alla-rt W. Mueller, Plaintiff vs Irene Wbilten, Uefi ndunt . To Irene bitten, the almve iiaiin d defendant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON HMI COL I'M BIA COUNTY lenny Oazula, 1'lutntuT, VM. John i.a. ola. I. Icndiint, To tohii (iaixnia. the alaive iiilined l"e feiidant. In the name of tl.e stale of Oregon you re hereby reunited to and answer the complaint filed herein against you In the entitled court on or lie I. ire the 1 Ith day id November, l'.)3, and if you fail to -o answer, lor want there.. f I lie plaintiff will ai.ply to the court lor the relief therein da-mandedtii-u it, lor a decree ol llie lute divorce from and for the care and cost o ly f Thomas tiattoU, fur the restoration totl.e plniutltf ol her maiden name, Jenny Marina, for the cota and lisbiirsrmenta and lor such other and further relief as to the Court may seem StrTlRALH Summer Kates U-twccn St. Helena and p,, 50 cents one way 75 cents rotmj trj Tickets k,kk! aUy,ime after April 4th I...., i ' " I .HI, Ketii.nlng leaves 'Portland ft) nmvB ai m Helens 4 4," tn. Ul. p. in, I IIOOCHldRK An N-roimi i...... IUl two. lota in rortl.mi f., proved plan. o Trade seind r a small i Could put In k,l.. property if it ahould ,e neceuar, Trmle with owner and sav. . .1 . .. .. vu"i' iriioeion. v all on Mr. N ney. Columbia Hotel St. Helen. Ore. Lost A H. Kin. or write.) lrgo t.oinur .t. . bluck and whiu. in the neighbor- hood of Scai.imos. v the owner. Dnvid T. !In,7min curt' 01 lloneviniin ll,.i.. , ... HltJ( Portland. Ore., am ward. I'ar Co., receive re- Professional Cards In the name of the State ol Oregon You are hereby rnilred to npear i"st and eUltahle herein. This summon' is served upin you by virtue ol an order of Hon. W. A. Hams judge of the County Conn ol Columbia Glen R. Metsker ATTORNEY AT LAW tTaa DmiKt Aikny Ohi m Coumy Court H-na, ST. MtltNS 0RfC0N and answer the Complaint tiled NginiHt you in the alsive entitled court, on or before the huh iy of I ada inla r. Ilil atnl if 11.11 full ton anrwer, for want then of the plaintiff will take a ju.l nicni ngainrt you Tor the sum of lloo, together with interest on the rale of ti per cent since April, 20, BI3, and tr.terest on .." at the rata of I) ir ent County, Oieiioti, l,i h said order is dated the .10th day of Septetnber, M3, pre'ribitig that the summons herein la rved upon yuu liy pul.l cation tl creol once a week lor sis consecutive weeks in the .St. Helens Mist, a newpiana-r ol since iH-cemlier Ith, !ul2, and the nmta r,"'r' circulation In Columbia County. arid disbursements of tins ai ti.m The ";ch said rrder dispenses with ttie 75 herein being for legal acrvicas it n- "c,"'ssity of seud.iig a certihid copy ol dered by the plniiitifl or the defendant, "' summons and Complaint to your and the Jfi for gooes sold vnill.vlhs 1;l"'k""n postollioa address, for the Eastern Outlittii g Coiiiiwny and tiv it "nN"n tllilt v"" ' " scb last assigi ed to idaintiff known DR. C. K. WADK PH V3ICIAN AND SURG10N Pit OUt 69 DR. L. GILBERT ffOSS PHYSICIAN & SUHGC0N IIITlco Rant Hl,4 H..III fliolie. St. Helens II. ill you address. 1 ms summons is publi-heit by order or the inn J. A. Eakin, Judge ol the r...,.ir.i -.-nun. ami saio onier was made sn l dated the 5th day of Novem ber, 1!13. and the date ol the lat pub Heat ion w ill las the 19th day of e, 11113. A W Mueilsr, Attorney pro se. A W Mueller. Attorney lor Plaintiff. bereiu Is 1'iite of ir-l Octoirr 3. IIII3. Oiiteof bint publitation Nov It 111 13. DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SUKCrON 'rrirn IS HANK III II HIM, St. Helens Oregon IN NOTICE TO CREDITORS the county court r.n Col umbia county. ri .hn, In the Circuit Court if the Stale of Oregon for Columbia Countv. Maude C. Story, PlaintilT. vs. William R. Story. Defendant. In the Name of the Slate of Oregon: You. William R. Story, defendant above named, are hereby required to of Frederick Kammeyrr, de- 8l'lar and answer the con. plaint filed against you herein on or before the 22nd day of November, 1913, that date being six weeks from the Drat publi- cation herein; and if you fail to ap- II, -.,.., . , . . ,. I uticiii pianino win app y to tne the estate ol Frederick kauimcyei. le- L..,iri f,., ih ...., -.1 ' l ceased; and the creditor, ol e.ini.l..,, itilV L . 'i. 1 "l.... 1 9 imti iitiviu, tu- wii; r kit m Il'I a) laertorifl Imvini r!ul.. . I flcrrt tVii a.... ,i; 1..1.. . .1 n . ..... - - w.s u mnui I I IK klT T. S. WHITE FUNERAL DIRECTOR I.M KNMKD RwHAl MKa Hoult on Oregon Estate ceased. N it ice is hereby given Hint the under signed was nn the 15th daV Ol S.l.lei.i. duly appointed executrit oil f,, against said estate, are hereby notified to pr. sent their claims, with the proper vouchers, within nix months from the date of this notice, to me, tha said ex v.iiin, m me ,,iw ollice of DilUrd .Si way, at at. Hileiis, Oregon, it being the place Used for preciitiitiiin there. I. Dated Sept H, ';3. bonda of matrimony now existing be tween plainlitr and defendant on the ground of cruel and inhuman tretament committed by the defendant airninat the plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as may be lust and e-iult- al.le. DR. ALFRED J. PEEL PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Kant hiill'llii( St. Helens DR. H. R CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURGEON 111. me Main 4-LI. A Ijti. Kea. X M Portland, Or. II 1.1 U. 1117 aelllni H ! 1 1 . 1 1 aj Sophie Kainiiu ver, I'.xeculrix ol Ihc estate of Kamtni-yer. deceaseil. SUMMONS This summons is served upon yu bv publication thereof fur not less than six weeks in the St. Helens Mist a Frederick newspaper published in the County of i lumoia, iaie oi wreiron liv nr. r r Hon. J. A. Ekin Judge of the ahnv entitled court, which order is dated the third day of October. 1913 ti. uiiib oi me nrsl putillctalon of this summons is the 10th day of October r.M.l, ami the data of the last tmldlra tion of this summons is the 21st day of ciuvemner. 'J,. CEORGETAZWEl.I.. Attorney for the I'laintilf, Calls answered day or night ThoaaM W. S. Armstroni;, M. I). PHYSICIAN A SURGEON tifiint at Pacific Coast Hospital "T llr.l.K.NH IIOII.TOt Summons IN THR CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OR ROOM 1'OR COI,- UMI'.IA COUNTY. a. W. Mueller, I'laintilf, vs. C. T. I'reecott, N O. I.araU-e, F. J. IN TIIK Cllltt'IT lot;KT OH THK SrATK OK oiim;. n, FoM TIIK rnl'NTv OK Col. I Mill . Herbert Derlcki, I'laintlff, vs Mattie Dericks, Delendanf. To the above named delendant, Mattie ' .l I 1...- I I , ., . ' emu; - vioou much cow in the name ol thn state ol Oregon, Jacob St. Helena Ore Vnil as raw lu.s.l.u : . 1 v 7 irtjuircfi to nppciirand RtllfWcr til A rntnt Juti.l iU. : . , filed against you in the above entitled US! with three choicp court and cause, on or Udore six weeks ln K",M '""turn in St. Helcnit weeks Irom the 2Mb day of ,S,pt. 0i3, for mile. Inquire for pric-H -J"" lo fl -ar ami answer for ti rtnH at the. Mist oIico. incrnoi, me aoove nameil philntiH i.y and win apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint herein, to wit: For a decree ol said raurt dissoly. ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaint ill ami defendant, on the ground ol wilful de. sertion This summons is served upon yon by publication thereol once i week In the .St Helens Mist, a newspaper of general ......... moil, ,j oroeroi l lie Him, W. A. Harris, County Judge of flu County of Columbia, Htate of Oregon, the county wherein said cause is pending, the first OKTLANI DAILY STEAMER ilaRXKliCIUft V ... i-eavesm Helens fl;0n A Arrives at I'm t hind l():;l A l-eaves Cortland at if 'to Arrive Ht. Helens at 30 " M. M. M M CEORCE H. SHINN ATTORNEY-A TLAW I St. Helens Oregon M. E. MILLER ATTORNEY A TLAW St. Helens . Oregon HERBERT W. WHITE ATTORNEY-ATLAW St Helen Oregon rilONE o.i Pacific Coast Hospital DR. W.S. ARMSTRONG, SUP. HOULTON and ST. IIELINS, OSkCOlf