St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 07, 1913, Image 3

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g O 3Lt O IMC 33; I jfc OOUNT Y, ORHOON
In lh- N'.rtliw.Mt.Tn part of Orcg..n. on the Columbia
Kivit. with about 70 mile of river front.
K i: A :
AImiu. 70 wiiuire mile. 2'i,W.l'l hitch.
I '.,72'; nrri H. "hi in land that is ui'tuaHy in cultivation
and elrared, i-xc usivc of town lot.
11,1,71,1; ucri't- vhirh n.eltid.x nil timhi-r wlit-if there in
r th:in Ion, l, 110 fn-t 011 11 ipmrtir nrri ion, 11U0 (ill loy-
. f T lurid '.vhi-ti U not m.U;iMi- f..r :u.d in no condition
,il Cultivation.
y: i
A 1 m hi t . -veil an I u.n half to cijlil biliinn feet.
.s.v 1 :i va t i: iimuki:: ii 1. i;t. 10.
.vKD VAI.I'K. oK IIU.AI.I.K LAND '. ,:tr.f,.
; i h nun mm.
JII.I.S oK COt'N H 1;')AIK:
.Ml') mii'v-i, Muni" if which H in lirst c!.i.s condition, 40111c in
Lit con litioii nod ioini' invciy ioor omditinn.
illl.i S oK UAII.UOAliS:
About KT mill ", which include the main line of the S. 1.
A- S and the various loytfinu: runda.
oi l I.ATIoN:
(VimiH of I ;ilii k'ives 10,'iSO hut u careful estimate this
c:u ivrs it a'. I a t l.'i.OOO.
.1.1 MAT.
lci .M iaii- liuring the Hummer the thermometer rarely
irnchi ;. lmi in the shade arid in the coldest weuther of
winter z-ro weuther is almost unknown. During the
winter months there is considerable rain, hut not too much.
Just enough to insure crops. Crop failures are unknown.
rUnlil CTS:
Kr mm of all kir.d. specially apples, pears, plums ar.d
lierrieH. Cr.iiu; garden truck of all kinds and
Ships from all parts of the world carry Columbia County products down
the Columbia Itiver and to the market of the world. A throuKh line
of Railroads tiuverse the county from the North to the South. River
boats carry local products to local markets at low rate.
Thousands of acre of first class land can be purchased at reasonable
prices upon which are stump left from the timber operations. This
land is especially suited for farming, fruit raising and dairying.
A city on the Columbia River, 28 miles from Portland, with a population
of 100 people. The County Seat of Columbia County. A Four year
Standard Hikh School. Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal and
Catholic Churches. All the leading fraternal orders. Gravity water
system owned by the city suthcient to supply a city of 10,000 people.
Kluctric lights, graded and macadamized streets, sewers. Principal
industries are lumbering, shipbuilding, creosoting, stone quarrying,
fishing and shipping. Two large (.aw mills with a capacity of 250.000
feet per day; more than 5 million feet of lumber shipped each month;
several large ocean going vessels built each year; timber treated with
creosote and shipped all along the coast. Two biR stone quarries and
rock crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of 300 tons
of Columbia River Salmon caught and marketed. A farming country
back of it that cannot be excelled in the world. Several new business
blocks now under construction. Five miles of sewer being built.
Many beautiful and attractive homes.
Lumbering and timber is the principal indnatry; there be
ing about twenty-five saw mills. Salmon fishinf in th
Columbia River is also an important industry. Farming
and fruit raising; Stone quarrying; Ship buildinn and all
kinds of lumber manufacturing planU.
There are fine opportunities for the amall farmer, dairy
man, fruit grower and truck gardener. AIm a number of
choice deep water sites for manufacturing plants.
12,000 acrei of low land along the Columbia Riter which
have recently been dyked and are now in high state of
cultivation especially adapted to growing of vegetable and
small fruit.
Four standard High Schools;
Grade schools i n each
Nearly all denominations represented.
Circuit Judges, J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin
District Attorney, W. B. Dillard
County Judge, W. A. Harris
County Clerk, H. E. LaBare
Sheriff. A. E. Thompson
Assessor, C. W. Blakesley
School Superintendent, J. B. Wilkerson
Treasurer, R. S. Hattan
Coroner, F. H. Sherwood
Surveyor, Geo. Conyers .
Commissioners, John Farr, Louia Fluhrar.
St. Helen Rainier
ClaUkanie Houlton
Scappoose Warren
Deer Island Goble
Yankton Vernonia
Mist Quincy
Mayger Marshland
Columbia City Reuben
Apiary Hudson
Prescott Trenholm
Patronize the Mist Advertisers! State News
V si.vyff '
'lyy :
Are you getting more pay than you
did last year? Are you reasonably
sure of getting still more next year?
If not, this is your time NOW to
mail the coupon below and let the
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explain how they can qualify you to
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In making this offer, all your cir
cumstancca have been taken into con
sideration, and it only remains for you
to fill out and mail the coupon. How
you can succeed with the aid of I.C.S.
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you have succeeded, will be fully ex
plained at no cost whatever to you.
Pke explain, without farther ,
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Hl4 TrlMr
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ArltT PrfUM
n 1 v ,11)1)11 CSS IXCr
FULL fXtfJli-1'-' llu1 '
H. V. REED, Manager
505 McKay Building ruiULft '
(iri'uon lead the world in dry farm
ing product. One man, Tillman Reu-
ter. of Madras, with an exhitu, me
tainK of which coat but $750, went
to the Dry Farming Congress at Tulsa,
Oklahoma, and ubaolutely on the quality
of the grains, grasiiea. veifetables and
fruit produced by dry farming methods
in Oregon, he won the grand sweep
stake prize over f anuda's 150,000 ex
hibit over South America. Australlia
and every other state in the union.
The Great Northern and Northern Pa
cific railways earh contributed $250
towards the expense of the exhibit.
At the Chicago National Dairying
Show a yearling Jersey heifer, exhib
ited by Darrow Stump, the 12-year-old
son of J. U. Stump, of Monmouth,
Ore., carried olT the sweepstake prize
over cattle from all parts of the United
States. Oregon is noing into the greal
land show to be held in Chicago the
later part of this month and it is fully
expected that tne exniou, wnu-n is
piobahly the best ever assembled by the
state, will land the tnird prize ol the
Experts declare that Oregon has the
best climate in the world for the pro
duction of tlax and they predict that
flax and flax mills will be to Oregon
what cotton mills have been to the
south. A co-operative manufatcuring
firm is being promoted at Salem and it
is expected to begin opera'ions within
the near future. Coarse crashes and
twines for sewing wheat bags nd for
making nets will be the first articles
turned out, but as soon as a market can
h 4iliid the finer grade will be
produced, such as linen, damask, table
cloths and towels. About 1500 acres
of flax will be needed to supply the first
year's output of the factory. The
thr urn that flax imnoverishes the soil
is an exploded theory, it is declared
On the contrary, it prepares the soil
for heavy succeeding crop.
That the Dallcs-Cellilo Canal will be
completed and ready for the passage of
boats in about another year is the
opinion of F. C. Schubert of the United
States enigneers, who has had charge
of the work. With nearly all of the
government appropriation available,
Ubor olentiful and weather conditions
less the June rise of the Columbia is
unusually great, it is believed that next
fall will see boats passing freely from
Portland to points on the Upper Colum
bia and Snake rivers.
One acre of celery, grown a short
distance west of the city of Hood River,
is being garthered and marketed,
mostly in Portland, and the truck
grower expects to receive not less than
$2000 from the crop. In addition to
celery he is raising tomato s and
peppers, both of which are extremely
will call at my office in St. Helens
and make settlement within the
next two weeks and save costs.
Oct. 24th, 1913.
M. E. Miller,
$100 REWARD.
persons who shut down one of Um water
gate on the main line recently, or of
any person or parson da an aging of in
terfering with any water pipe on the
line. By order of the Commission.
B. B. QUICK, Se.
For Rent Rooms in the Bank
tl... .... r ... i ri.. r building. Steam heat, electric
St Helens will pay $100 reward for the "ht. hot and cold water.
arrest and conviction of the person or Columbia Co. Bank.
llellaire. Mich., Oct. 30th, 1913.
Editor St. Helens Mist
My Dear Sir I have missed several
copies of the Mist, but owing to late
issue which fell upon me one evening
of lute I saw an extended reference of
a friend whom 1 have missed for several
years. I was glad indeed to learn inai
"Norm" was doing well and that the
people of St. Helens had come to know
him so well, as is indicated in the
reference to him as man whom all are
trying to induce to become your next
mayor, for if Norm will consent to run
unless he has changed very much, he
will be elected He was quite a humor
ist in this country and many times his
friends insisted upon hi entertaining
them at public recitals where h wa
especially at home in song and humor
ous recitation?, though he disliked vau
deville. He has yet some quaint pro
duction of "Honest John ClurW," an
original composition, but here' to
Mayor I.arabce. His many friends
nere will be glad to know of the esteem
in which he is held there, and he has
many here, for he was never in a
serious difficulty but once tnai me
writer is aware of, and that was when
he persuaded one of our best loved girls
to unite her fortune with his. but it
was the making of Norm for he realixed j
that he had to make good to justify the
choice she made.
Truthfully yours,
C. E. Densmore.
H. Larson, formerly in the mer
cantile business at Warren, has
placed his account in my hands for
I collection. All
favorble. the work is being pushed 1 , .
... ,. . . . .,, tnemse ves inaeuiea 10 nr. lswu
forward faster than ever before and un-
The Mist management has made arrange
ments with Portland Evening Telegram
whereby we can give subscribers the advan
tage of a gigantic combination offer for a
limited period. Yon can get a Metropolitan
evening paper with all the latest news from
all over the world and all the news of St.
Helens and vicinity in the Mist at a remark
ably low price.
The Evening Telegram is the best pap
er in the state, market reports unexcelled,
Saturday edition contains a magazine and
comic section in colors.
The Evening Telegram
St. Helens Mist - - -Total
Both Papers Through this
office if paid in advance for
1 year, on or before Decem
ber 31st, 1913 - . - - -
$5.00 per year
$1.50 per year
$6.50 per year