SERIAL 8TORY OR Isolated Continent A Romano of tbm Future By Cnido von Horvatb and Dean Hoard la 1 Bruala. sum 11 SYNOPSIS. For fifty ymri the continent of North America had ln isolated from tho rest of the world bv the use of Z-raya, a won derful Invention of Hannibal Fru.l-nt. The Invention had aawd tha country from foreign Invasion, an J tha continent had been united under ont rovernment with Prudent as president. For half a century peuce and proaperity reigned In this part of tha world. The story opena with ('resident Prudent critically 111. Hia death is hastened by the receipt of a meesase from Count von Werdenstetn of Germany that ha haa at last succeeded In Knetratlns ths rays. Pytna;. he warna daughter Astra that this means a for es"n Invasion. He tells hr to hurry to the Island of Clryne. but dies before he eaa tell tha location of ths place. Astra la nominated for the presidency by tha eoaxtnental party. Napoleon Edison rails on Astra, tnforn-is her that ha was a pu pil ef her father's, and promises to help her. He ilvtn her a line mads of a new lr discovered substance which, he says, will solve ths problem of flvlne. Cheval- ten dl Leon appears In Europe. He calla n von VYerdrnstetn and offers htm ths secret of making (old In return for abso lute disarmament and peace. The cheval let la suspected of being an American. He Is seised at nlitht and carried oft In en areoplane. Aatra Is Inaugurated as i5s eident. She receives a Rieesare from Raon. whose lone silence has worried her. that he has been a prisoner for two naontha on the laland of Helgoland and has Juet escaped. He announces that the confederated fleet of Europe has sallsd for America. He premises to cell on her the following night. Countess Koelny. a, spy. becemea a prisoner In hope of secur ing Nspoleon's secret. She falle In love with him. She s trees te Join him ettorapt to eecape. By the use ef flre werta hs summons a curious fly Irs ma r-Bine wblca resemblea a aaonater eaali ale escapee and sends his message to Astra. Edison cauls on Astra as promised Hs tells Her hts plane for defense have been completed, but that he will give full or details at his workshop en the Island of Clryne In the Pacific. They make ths trip In three hours. His piano are based est the peculiarity of the new subatanoe. otrvnlth. which Is lighter than any knswn reetsj and :s practically indestructible The Europeans succeed In passing the Be of Isolation, but And that the Amerl sua) havs established a second one Ell- ace- eel! vers a note to von Werdsns'ln nj hie nsgsalp demanding that the fleet bo withdrawn. Edison Is attacked, but ST ths use of some myatsrlous power he cesrrors two wcrshlcs and several dssej. Realising his helplessness W leaotsln withdraws hie fleet and consents to naivei-oal disarmament Edison s moth jr la 111 on tits Island ef Clryne. Counteas tenet y offers to go and comfort her. hop ing to discover taieon e secrets. Hhs bo ItAe to weave a net around Santos Du pes L. Edison's assistant. Ths oounteso fees latter from Wsrdsnstsln ofTering or tne princedom of acftnraburg-Lltho for Edison's secret. Edison and Santo start In search of a new deposit of drvn fth. ttietr supply being almost exhausted. They find it on the estate of Schtmburg L4tnow. i ne coun'ens nnany gets Bant fa to her clutches. Shs gets anothsr letter rrom werflenstein ssklng her to find out why Edison Is Interested In the ftchom horg estate. Edison applies personally to veroenstetn vmn an nirer for the prop- any, pet gets no satisfaction. CHAPTER XVI. Continued. "Is ths re an answer?" ha asksd la English. will yoa see ths countess person ally" asksd the chancellor. "Who?" he asked stupidly. : Oh, never mind, answered ths chancellor, knowing the man knew nothing whatever about the message "who will coma after the answsr. It there Is one?" -A bird man." "A bird man?" Ths count did not know whether the man was really simple or not "Where do you live?" "In America." -"H'm; that Is a broad answer. Tss there will be a message." Hs sat down and wrote: "My Dear Countess: I am glsd to bear from you. Tour wishes will ba fulfilled to ths lstter. I will do my bast to prspare things for your re- oaption. Tour legal advisers will eeiTs tha necessary papers in dus course. with best withes and hoping to hear from you soon, I am, "Von Wsrdensteln." Ha sealed the letter, then gars It to the man, who left tha room. Tha chancellor pondered deeply over the situation, then started for tha royal palace to report Napoleon's visit and Rosltta's promises to his majesty. When Napoleon arrived boms ba bad a long conference with Astra. They were both somswhat depressed. His disappointment In not securing tha Peak Suemeg was great, because ks had many Inventions that required tha use of drynlth, and be knew that tha eoanf s actions ware a menace to tha pesos movement. They decided that they would marry ta the month of July. That evening they woot to Clryne to toll their aator- mlaetloa to Mrs. Edison. Napoleoa and Astra spsnt another say oa Clryne. This time Napoleoa soodnoted tha three women through tha wonderful plant where clryalth was refilled and manufactured lata parts of aerodromonea and other ase rul articles. Boaitta kept her ears and oyaa wide ope, bat not being trained alone me afisnlaal Unas sha son Id not sndar etaad many of tha things sha saw. Still aha was glad that Napoleon hon ored her with hia son fid an oe ss from now oa there would be no objection to her rlsfUnf ths shops whenever she Napofs-ee, took Aetra btet to Wa-eV tagtoa lau ta ths aAaroooa. If ra. Bd xsoa aad Koeltta walked down to tha sandy ehore and sat Usteaicg to tha ware. Tho mother was drs-emlng of tha happy future tor bar son. Tho other was weaving Boa throade of tha at she was tangling about bar friends Baatoe wag awajr, but ba was ss pected back soon. She disliked ta aoe blm leave bar side, as sha feared to loss tha control that shs bad gained over blm. He returned that evening. When Mrs. Edison retired ths countess etole out of tho bouse and strolled toward tho shore, where shs knew Santos would ba awaiting ber. Santos was tho happiest of men when shs greeted him with passionals embraces and kisses. He was ltks a faithful, obedient dog Whatever Rosltta asked hs did with out question. Tonight hs handed her the count's letter, that cams In answer to the one he hsd sent tor her. Rosltta opened It, and hs held bis pocket flashlight so she could road. "Mr little blond boy. ths time Is nearlng when my name will be changed to IHiprel. What do you think of that? Mrs. Duprel? Doesn't that sound good to your Santos' only answer was kisses; bs had begun to master ths so-cailsd loot art very quickly. Do you know bow I hay missed you? Mr. Edison and Astra were cere, but since I know you I eaat enjoy them any mors. I know It Is not right to feel that way, as Napoleon haa beea very good to me, but my sympathy Is with you. dear." Her ana slipped around his neck. 1 cannot bear hi criticise you." "Crlticlee me? Is ba eteeettwnod tth me?" Ths words were heavy with dismay. Rosltta knew that shs had touched the right strings. Wh told yon that?" Don't take It seriously. BooSoa. I have tried to keep It to mysest. bat I I could not" "Did be say that I bad not (erred blm well? Did he say that?" "Hs did." whispered Rosltta. Santos breathed lira and flame. Ro sltta subtly convinced Santos that hs was tha man. and not Napoleon Edi son, whose nams should ba ths revered one tn American history. When art-a menta were weak, kissel strengthened them, antll poor Santos was molded Into a form that sultsd Rosltta. Tbea shs said: 1 awn ths dryalth deposits la Hun gary. I nsvsr will give them ta Na poleon. I want you to be hia assail si Will yoa corns wttb ms?" "I sm with you and yours forever! The tone la which this was said wa enough tar RoaltU. Sha knew sha had won. CHAPTER XVII. The Fifteenth ef July. July It. ths marriage) day of Astra aad Napoleon, bad beea declared a aontiaantal holiday. rrstn near and far cams coaxreta- latlona. They bad not planaed a gor- geoss eeremoay. but they could not stop tbs expressions of lovs that cams from ths loyal ciUsena. Ths whols capital was alive with color, and tbs messages that came and ths sincere Joy of all. mads ths dsy ons to ba remembered for years to coma. Astra hsd mlsssd Rosltta very much. She had beea unable to attend the wedding, as shs had been 111 en ths Island of Clryne tor tha Last few weeks. When Napoleoa heard that the countess was anabls to at trad their wedding on account of ber Indkipoel tlon, hs thoughtfully shook bis bsad. It seemed Incredible that Rosltta, who wss so full of vitality and energy. should ba 111. Ha only said: "Every Illness has a remedy." Ha did not give ths matter further thought. He spent the last day before his marriage In his aerodromone, the American Eagls. Where be was, or what ha did. no one sssmsd to kuow, and bs did not volunteer ths Informa tion. After their wedding ranch-eon Astra returned to her presidential office, aa there were things that shs wanted to attend to personally. Especially the criminal cass of Nlkolsy Mosrak. Tha Criminal Court of ths continent hsd decreed cspltal punishment for at tempted assassination of tho Preeldnnt of the United Republics of America. Astra resd the document carefully. and Instead of signing It, sha wrote: Pardoned, aad shall ba taatantly re leased." (Slgnsd) "ASTRA PRUDENT EDtSOM." Bhe dispatched ths pardon by a spe cial messenger, and then took np other matters. At ssvsa o'clock sha was at ths Crys tal Palace, to dress tor tha banquet of tha Continental Oommerclal aad Ia dustrlal Association, ons of tha moat powerful societies organised to pro mote tha welfare of business neon la. She ssd Napoleon drove to tha now Capital Hotel la aa open ear. The banquet was arranged for 4.000 meats snd tha whore apper floor was thrown opea tor tho purpoe-e. At atoran o'clock tha prooldooUal party toft aad threaded Ita way toward the Crystal Palaoe. At tha Palaoe Jadge Seaalaa ef tha Continental Ooart awaited them. Hia mission was to deliver a heavy looking lot tar to tha Presldeat, Toor sxesllsncy will pardon ma for taking thia liberty, bat Mr. Mosrak, tha prlsonsr you so kindly pardonsd. Instated that thia latter la Important. aad would not lease tha prison until I psomleed hlra thai I would deliver It personally." Astra took tha and thanked him for Ita safe delivery, thea dis missed bins with a few kind words. Napoleoa eeeorted Ms mother to ber thea retorted to tha Karary, where Aatra awaited Mm. Her ean dld, beautiful face was pals and tesrs gUstsned ta her syss. Her whols be ta expressed sorrow. "What la It. dear? asked ber bus- band, sympathetically. Instsad of replying, shs banded blm a letter. He recognised the One hand writing of tha Couatsss Roslny. It read: "My dear Friends aad Protectors : "I am writing this to yoa both, as I know yoa will ba married wbea yoa receive tt. I know you will receive all kinds of presents, earp rises aad eon gratulatlons, aa you are both ths be loved of your followers. But la order to give more value to the kind wtsnss. I have decided to tell you tha truth. the aavarnlshsd. cruel truth. I wonder If It will surprise yoa to find that I am. and have been la tba service of Count voa Wsrdensteln Tou hsve been the kindest of hosts Indeed, se good that yoa mads my laek really despicable but much easier. Don't taks this very seriously. Life Is mads up of an sous! portion ef bad aad good, aad the end la always the same. Death gathers us all la. and puts In our places others who msy find pleasure ta destroying all that we have sreatsd. Tou both dream of world peace I wish I could create peace In my own heart! "I admire yon both, eased ally Na poleon, aad for that reason, I bate you both, being unable to love yoa, as thsre are no middle streams la nay aa- ture. Til era la aa asa of my tolling yoa what I Intend to do; yoa will know It sooa enough, and yea both will aa sorry that you aver mat tha unhappy person waoee name was, once, Rosltta Roe lay. And aaw. I srtsb yoa all bapotaass. aottl we meet again. "ROSrTTA, "Fttaceee af Scbomburg LJthow." NapoVeoa quietly folded tha totter aad banded It baek to Astra. Ha did not seem disturbed at all. He picked ap tha eav elope aad saw the No Tork poetmark. "It la dear. The countess baa the secrst of drynlth and, very likely, ef the aerodromoae." "But bow did sha get KT "That remains to ba aoe a. Werdea- stein evidently thinks that everything la fair la lovs or war." "Will you read me that ether letter. the save the judge brought V asked Astra. "Of coerse. dear. This Is Mosralfs communication. I wonder what bs has ta say." Hs s posed ths heavy enve lope aad a number of sheets fell to tha table. "Ta tha President of ths U anted Re publics of America: "Since that unhappy evewt, la which I was selsctsd by Pate as the toe tra ct ef Death. I have bad many boars to think clearly aad to leara from my lanar self that It Is ths rule of Leva, and not the rule of Force that eboald rale the world. I have set down the following facta, so that your ladyship shall know all tbs motive powers that msy govern human actioes. 'Tbs fact that my bullet went astray is dus, not so much to tha quickness of ths grsat humaaltariaa and Ameri cas patriot. Napoleon Edison, ss to ths fact that I behsld the Countees Ro slny la your company. A moment of hesitation is enough to frustrate plans Her Influence naturally, unintention ally saved your life, as my band and sys are always true. I an happy that things turned out as they did. "Before I explain why the couatees' presence saved yoa (shs bas dons, however. Involuntarily, at least oos good act In her life), I want to toll yoa that my name Is not Mosrak. aad I am not a Russian, My name la Aetxel von Rothenberg. and eorae years ago I wore tho uni form of the famous Red Hussars Tears sgo, when on a vacation trip. I traveled through Italy; at that time I could enjoy the great marvels of Na ture. I was young and noblo-thlskiag and free. On the shore of the Lego dl Magglore I found destruction. "I wss tramping through the coun try with a sketching outfit aad let people think me an artist la a se cluded and beautiful spot, from where I bad aa uninterrupted view of ths now-covered peaks of ths Alps, aad a wide rlsta of surroundings pins-cov ered land, I struck my saael and bgaa work. A girl emerged from the only path and walked toward me. I say s girl, bat I ought to ssy a vision Shs was the most bewitching creature I had ever seen. She came to me fearlessly aad greeted ms la a friendly way; I sketched ber In my ptcturs. Ineldo of aa hour my fata was sealed, aa I had fallen In love with her. uno oay near me ana of my vaca tion, I received an Invitation to visit ths castle of the Roslnys. There I found her. She wss msrried and had a beautiful little girl about three rears otd. Shs told ms that shs loved me. that her husband was cruel to her, and I believed everything. We eloped aad she mads ms a traitor Inside of a few wssks. I was antrustsd with Im portant secrets and I aotrastsd tham to her. I loved ber sot (TO BE COMnWUsTO.) Vanity. see There la a stirring of tho body. People are bresking down id dsr tha tyranny of material posses sions. Thsre nsvsr was a time wben women's Intslltgsnce wss so ssgsr aad Inspirational ; nsvsr a time wbea men were so wsary of mstal and meals and miles. It Is all clear to a prophetic understanding that ws are searing tha and of oar lessons In three dimao stosa aad Ave senses. Striving to Oblige. Angry Diner Walter, yoa are not flt to serve a pig. Walter I am doing my bast, alr-Jutfsye. PUT NEW IDEA IN CURRENCY BILL Republicans Aid Reed and Hitch cock In Its Favor. Administration Leader Saya Han Equivalent to Central Hank; 1'redirts Dire Results. WashlnKton. U. C. An entirely new fostura was tentatively written into tho BilminiMtration currency bill bv tha sonata committee, after a full day of hosted wrangle. The new plan was characterised by Chairman Owen, chief administration uuDorter in tha committee, as "equW alent to a central bank." lis ssid ths nimmittve idiourned with tha matter "un in the sir." The new scht mo wouu provuis lor the centrslixation of one-hslf of the rest-rvt's to foe held by tha regional banks in the proposed new system. This proportion would be plsced undi-r the complete control or the reat-rsi re- serve board and would va nt'iu in Washington to be silministi-red for ths aid snd convenience of the entire banking system. As finally voted on the proposal wss a modification of a plsn proposed by Senator Reed, of Missouri, who sug- geited It as a means oi composing tne wide difference among members of tho committee. Senator Keed snd Senator Hitchcock joined with the Republicans in voting Tor tne pisn, wnicn wss op posed by Senators Owen, I'omerene, Ilullia, O'Gorman and Shafroth. Senator Owen wss plainly sgitsted over the progress of affairs in the committee. After the vote on the Keed propossl he declared that It an opportunity were given him he would demonstrate that the plsn would not work. COMMISSION MEN MEET TO GET BIGGER SHARE Sesttle. Wssh. A csll for a secret meeting hss been sent to commission men along Western svrnue requesting members of the dsn tn gather at a secret place to consider wsys snd mesns of incresslng commission rstes from the scccpted standard of 10 per cent to 12 and 15 per cent. Commission men and jshbers from the entire North Pacific Coast terri tory will be In attendance. It is in listed by the commission men thst it is Impossible to mske a profit on a strictly 10 per cent commission bssis No attempt will be msde to regulate jobbing prices, it Is snnounced. BOTH PARTIES ARE PLEASED Rrpublirana Note Gains, Democrats See Indorsement of Plana. Washington. I). C Both Chsirmsn Doremus, of the Democrstic congres sional committee, and Chairman Woods, of the Republican congression al committee, express satisfaction with the result of the elections. "Massachusetts, New Jersey and Maryland voters," said Mr. Doremus, "hsve Indorsed President Wilson's progressive policies, including tariff, currency and Mexico. The results in- dicste that manufacturing Interests are not apprehensive of the tariff re ductions." "Many Republicans hsve been elect ed to public office now held by Demo crsU," ssid Chsirmsn Woods. "Thers has been a tremendous Republicsn gain and a tremendous Democrstic loss compared to the Isst elections in the lime districts. The Bull Moose aa a party demonstrated that they have practically no strength at all; their candidates would hsve received probably more votes If they hsd sim ply been candidates on an independent ticket.' Progressive party headquarters msde no statement. Women Rule Grand Jury. Redwood City, Csl. Women will direct affairs of the San Msteo county grsnd jury, organized here with eight men and 11 women members. The jury was drswn from a venire of 17 women and 13 men. Judge Buck made the selections, holding that wom en msy serve on juries, although Judge Cabanlss and Attorney General Webb recently have ruled to tha con trary. As soon as tha Jury went Into executive session tha women elected Miss Diva Belli as secretary, although the men nominated a candidate. Rate Frauds Puniahed. New York The firm of Elmer & Amend, among tho country's largest dealers In chemicals and laboratory apparatus, plesdcd guilty in Federal court to clsssifying freight shipments improperly and wss fined 1600. This firm it one of 150 prosecuted for simi lar offenses by the Interstate Com merce commission. Two other firms have pleaded guilty. Eimer & Amend shipped chemical and scientific appsr atus ss "glssewaro," thus obtaining a lower freight rata. Tennla Cabinet Revived. Washington, D. C Tha days of the Roosevelt "tennis cabinet" were re called recentlly by passers-by at the White House. Julius Jusserand, the French ambassador, who often played with President Roosevelt, angsged In a tennis mstch with Secretary Me Adoo of the treasury depsrtment and the Misses Elesnor and Jessie Wilson, daugthers of tha President. HUERTA SILENT ABOUT NOTE Friends of General Regard Commu nication as Ultimatum. Mssico City Tha undercurrent of conversation at the natlonsl palace e.rrUs rumors rsgarding ."resident ll.i.rts'a attitude in tha face of Wash 'a domands thst ha retire, but tK. urea Men t himself remslns silent. llunrts's intimatss are familiar with the terms of tha communication which they regard aa mandatory. Tha memorandum from Washington ssys that unless General llusrta retires Im medistely and thereafter has nothing . (.! with tha conduct of affairs or tha formation of a nsw government. ths Tresldent of ths United Ststes will issue an ultimatum, which if ra- looted, will causa hiru to call on con irrsn to authoriss him to una sterner m methods. Huerta's friends regsrd tha Amerl can communication as conclusive, sine Cuneral Huerta Is given no choice regsrding further participation in Mexico's oltlcisl affairs. Gencrsl Huerta is reminded thst any attempt on his part to leave as his successor any of the men connected with ths coud d'etst by which ha ob tained ths presidency or to utilise in the proposed government any of thoss chosen In ths recent elections, even those named as congressmen, would result In tha definits bresking off of all relations. YUAN MAKES DRASTIC MOVE Martial Law Prevaila In Pekln Arreata and Executions. Pekin Tha struggle between tha Chinese psrlisment and President Yuan Shi Kai has brought about dri tic action by tha president, which, la the opinion of many, will have a seri ous effect on parliamentary govern ment. I-engthy presidential proclam ations were issued at midnight expel ling the Kwo Ming Tang party, num bering more than 800 members, from psrlisment. Tha proclsmstions recount tha diffi culties with which the government has been struggling since tha Manchu reign and describe disasters certsin to follow If parties such aa tha Kwo Ming Tang are permitted to exist. A crisis in the situation wss reached last week when the draft of the pro posed constitution which would make the president absolutely dependent on the psrlisment wss decided on.' Martial Isw Is in operstlon in Pekln and the authorities are msking arrests and summary executions. Prepsra tions are under wsy for tha elder statesmen who served under tho Man chus to resume their positions In tha cabinet. At various legations tha opinion is held that only by strung action can tha president prevent tha disruption of China by her own people. Little had been accomplished by psrlisment, which hss devoted its time to opposing the president since it convened. Dis orders sre spresding. STRIKERS HOARDING FOOD Copper Mine Workers Prepare for Idle Winter. Calumet. Mich. With no hope of a settlement of the copper strike in sight, the strikers have begun prepar ations to carry their .fight for recogni tion of the union through tha winter. Stores hsve been opened at Hancock and Red Jscket by the Western Feder ation of Miners, and others will be started at Lauritim, Ahmeek and South Range. These stores will be storked with provisions contributed by strike sympsthizers snd labor unions snd will be the disi-'huting centers In their respective districts. leaders declare there is no suffering among the strikers. Donations of money are being received from organfistlons sffilisted with the Amerlcsn Federa tion of Labor. The Calumet A llecla company Is Importing strikebreakers. Present production is one-fifth of normal for the district. Ths injunction against picketing will remain In force until November 18, the date set for arguments before the State Supreme court. Foreign Itutter Arrives. Portland The first Important ship ment of foreign butter has arrived here. A lot of 6600 pounds of tha New Zealand product wss reeejved by a local broker, and later was put on saia in a retail market st 87s cents a pound. The price of tha best Port-Isnd-msde butter Is 40 cents. The imported article wss pronouced good by experts, but the differennce between its price and that of local butter was not grest enough to causa any flurry In the trade. Low Cable Rate Wanted. Toklo In consequence of the grow ing commercial relations between Jap an and tha United Ststes. and In view of tha opening soon of tha Panama canal, tha Japanese government has entered into negotiations with tho ob ject of obtaining reduced rates for tel egrsphic communication across the Pacific ocean (Much of tha telegraphic business la now relsyed by way of Europe, but Japanese offlcisls believe tha Interests of the United Ststes and Japan require tha estsbllshment of a cheaper system of communication Indian Land ia Re Sold. Washington. D. C Secretary I .ana has signed an order authorizing tha sale of the remnant lands, comprising 36.3B6 acres. In the Kiowa, Comanche, Apsche and Wichita Indian reserva tions In Oklshoma. Tha sale will ba by public auction at Lawton, Okla., beginning December 8. DEMOCRATS WIN TWOJMRNfjRS Massachusetts and New Jerse, Follow Nation's Leal New York Goes Republic,,... Jersey Progressives Far Be hind Roosevelt Vote. KKSl'LTH IN ItKiEp. New York City. John Purroy Mitchell, Fusloni.t elected msyor by 76, INK) plumi!) over McC.ll., Cf Lg-Governor Sulxer elected to u. sembly by large plurality. New York Ktats. r....ft.n... i.. '"i"""1"" vicuiry lor sjsetnhl; and state iiulielar. l.u.-. . 1 , . -. Miuiceieu. Massachusetts. David I. Walsh, Democrxt, ,1 ad governor by probsbly 60,000 Gardner. Republicsn, snd Bird Progressive, close for second plies' Governor Koss. Indetiendent, fourth. New Jersey, James F. Fielder. Democrtt. alerted governor by mure thin Jo 000 plurality. Senate and sssembl'y Democratic. Progressive candidate falls far behind. Maryland. Blair Lee, Democrat, elected to United States senste. Virginia. Henry C. Stuart, Democrat, sleet ed governor; unopposed. CongrraaionaL Third Maaaachuaetts Calvla D. Paige, Republican, succeeds a R publics!, the Iste Wm. P. Wilder. Thirteenth New York Georjs W, Loft, Democrst. succeeds Democrat, tha late "Big Tim" Sul livan. Twentieth New York-Jacob A. Cantor, Democrat, succeeds a Den. ocrat, Frsncls Burton Hsrrisoa, now governor genersl of Philip plnee. Third Maryland Charles R. Coady, Democrat, succeeds a Dem ocrat, tho late George Konlg. New York Election returns ihoe i complete triumph for the DemorriU n 'Massachusetts, where a governor and state ticket were chosen In four- cornered fight, the selection of s Drnv ocratlc governor snd ststs ticket it Virginia without contest, ths ssend ancy of fusion ovsr Tammany In Nss York City, with Indications of Repub lican victory for the New York assem bly and the judicial ticket, snd tbs election of James F. Fielder, Demo crst, aa governor of New Jersey. A feature of tha New Jersey lsc- tion la thst the vote cast for Everett Colby, tha Progressive candidate, sill not exceed 4n,0(K), as compared iu 146,410 received a year sgo by Colonel Roosevelt for President Fielder'l in dicated plurality is sbout 15,000. Fielder a vote in the returns st hsnd is running slightly below thst received by WW! row Wilson s year sgo, which wss 17N,Z!!. toe vois probsbly will exceed 160,000, ss cots psred with HM.83H received by Tift Isst vesr. Fielder's plurality in tbs state Is probsbly 20,000 snd msy ti ered thst amount. Estlmstes from Hudson county, Fielder's home county, show tfcxi Fielder hss csrried It by 20,000. Stokes sppsrently hss csrried Eski county, the home of Colby snd altotbi home of ex-Senator Smith snqi Democratic 8tate Chairman Nufest whom Fielder, on the stump. accoseJ of working agsinst him. MULTNOMAH VOTES FOR INTERSTATE BRIDGE BONDS Portlsnd Returns virtually eon plcte from Multnomah county thst tha Columbia River Intarttits bridge bond issue of $1,250,000 bss csrried by sn overwhelming rots sm thst all the ststa measures on wbito tha referendum hsd been Invokes, with tha single exception of tha stst ilixstlon act, have received Isrgs Jorities. These returns are from 1"""" plete and 14 Incomplete out of ths in precincts In the county. if Sentiment In the county ror we in state university appivpristion ass ures was especially strong. Thsnra one, that appropriating $76,000 for re pairs and additions to buildings, car ried by approximately two to ona The majority In favor of ths I OO.w appropriation for a new admlnlit tion and classroom building, whils w quits so large, wss dec lalva. The sterilisation dim isuu i. .u. - ku wnio elssrly iso' IS (IIV UfUllb VJ ' llfl eating publle sentiment In ref'" It. Tha measure ran behind by aw Jority of about 4 to 3. Lee Elected In Marylnd' Baltimore Bssed on Ineomplsts n torn, 'mm thia lt. Which SPS ed as a aura Indication of ths "MJ suit, Blair Lee, Democrat, hss as. elected to tha United Ststes artists; w ... ... . i jt . f tha ats W nil ne unexpired mm" -. ilr dor Rsyner by an eslimsted awW of from 30,000 to 85,000 over sx-n resentstlve Tarrsn, KP"D"T ea-United States Senator wen Progressive. Chsrles P. WJ. y ocrat, was elected to conj.--- - the Third district In place oi Representative Konig.