St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 31, 1913, Image 8

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Miss Mamie McClay of Columbia
City, was one of the out-of-town
visitors to the Guild entertainment
last Wednesday evening.
Word was received from the hos
pital in Portland where Mrs. A. E.
Thompson haa been for several
weeks, is that she is improving .
Mrs. Perry of Rainier visited
several days this week in St. Hel
ens with her daughter, Misa Lois
Terry, the efficient primary teacher
in St. Helens schools.
Mrs. Matthews and Miss Ethel
Matthews, accompanied by several
friends from Houlton, attended the
entertainment at the City Hall
Wednesday evening.
Miss Susie HafTiden of Portland
has been the guest of Mrs. R. L.
Jeffcott during the week.
Basket Hall at the school Gym
tonight between the High School
team and the City all stars. Ad
mission free.
Mr. Holcomb of Portland visited
with his daughter, Mrs. W. B. Dil
lard, during the week.
Frank Tracey of Clatskanie was
a county seat visitor during the
Mrs. C. C. Cassett spent several
days in Portland during the week
visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. Hoven, the Goble ferryman,
was a business visitor in St. Helens
this morning.
The Misses Jeanette Creveling
and Lucile Lane of Kalama. Wash.,
were visitors at the home of Rev.
and Mrs F. J. Meyer on last Fri
day. They are both school teachers
and visited the St. Helens school.
A cordial welcome awaits you at
the Congregational church Sunday
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
R. W. Butler, who has been in
charge of the furnishing store of
Welch & Ames, has resigned his
position and gone to Portland,
where he will finish his course of
studies at the North Pacific Dental
College. Dick Roberson has taken
the position as manager of Welch
& Ames store here.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Heyburn
of Bend, Ore., a'e visiting at the
L. R. Rutherford home this week.
Both Mr. ami Mrs. Heyburn are
enthusiastic over St. Helens and the
good roads in this vicinity and think
the city has made wonderful prog
ress within the last year and a half.
Mr. Heyburn is a nephew of the
late U. S. Senator Heyburn of
Charles Graham of the firm of
Perry & Graham of Houlton has
been feeling somewhat under the
weather for several months, so he
decided to take a vacation and left
this week for Monrovia, Cal., where
he will spend some time in the
famous California climate.
The Ladies of the Episcopal
Guild wish to express through the
columns of the Mist their appreci
ation and sincere thanks fer the as
sistance given them by the people
of the city and especially to Mr.
Meyer, Dr. L. G. Ross, Mr. Baird,
Mrs. Dillnrd, Misses Mae and Lizzie
Farnum, Miss Terry, Miss Neil,
Miss Weed, Miss Hammarstrom,
Mrs. Saurer, Mrs. Williams, Miss
Lawler, Miss Anderson, the Galiehio
Orchestra, Mrs J. W.Allen.Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Blakesley, Dr. and
Mrs. Zipperer, W.C. Morley, Elmer
Blackburn and the boys and girls
who so kindly helped and enter
tained. To the members of the
Guild and others who donated the
cakes, pies, candies and other
things and to the two Gipsys who
came so far to assist in the matter
of raising the funds. Also to thank
the public for the very liberal pat
ronage given at the entertainment
last Wednesday night. '
The Lai lies of the Guiid.
Miss Kltiertson and Miss Nona I.awlor
of Portland were g'lesta of Mrs. Fdwin
Ross during the week.
Miss Helen Anderson of I'lirt'ioul
visited with friends in St. Helena
office Monday. Mr. Collins ia getting
out a real live paper in the city across
tho water and hit loeality ia thereby
getting some good advertiiing.
2 Fred Wutkins ia wearing the amile
that won't come olT. Mrs. Watklna
will return home tomorrow from an ex
tended visit with frienda in Maine.
Mr. ami Mrs. Elmer Connell of Deer
Island passed through St. Helena Tuea
day on their way home from Portland,
C. A. Nutt. the edtior of the Rainier
Review, was looking after buaineaa
niattera in St. Helena Tuesday.
"J. F. Larson and John Neimela,
prominent farmers of the Qui"cy
neighborhood, were transacting buai
neaa in St. Helena Tuseday.
Wm. Resimius, a prominent farmer
and fruit grower of the Machvlor Kliit
country, waa in St. Helena Wedneaday
taking ordera for hia famoua Northern
Spy apples.
M. KaulTman of Scappoose waa
buaineaa visitor in St. Helena Wedneaday.
Mr. W. T. Hume, a prominent at
torney of Portland, waa looking after
legal buaineaa in St. Helena thla week.
T. W. Todd, who haa been aerioualy
ill for a number of weeka and who haa
been to the hospial a couple of timea,
Mr. Rosenthal ipent aeveral days
at Rainier this week, vlaltlng with
her daughter, Mra. Ricen. ,
Mr. Keller, formerly Seargent of
the Portland Police Department,
haa ao far recovered aa to be able to now the Chief Special Agent of the
walk around the city.
At the election held in Houlton last
Monday the following oflWra wore
elected : Mayor, N. O. Larabce; Coun
oilmen for two ycara, L. II. Comba and
W. H. Smith; Councilman for one year,
C I). White; Treasurer, Charlea dra
ham. There were 77 votea rant and
a majority of the voters being women.
Three women were on the election
board. Mrs. White, Mrs. Long ami Mrs.
Wm. Karth of Yankton was a busi
ness visitor in St. Helena thia week.
Krncst Kroner, the Portland arihi-
S. P. & S. Ry. Co., was In St. Hel
ena thia week looking after buaineaa
affair of hia company.
J, Ilrure Polworth, an attorney of
Portland, waa attending to matters In
the Circuit Court thla week In St, Hel
ena. Congegational Church
A church home for frienda and
Services -10 a m. Bible achool.
U a. m. Preaching and worship.
7:110 p. m. Song service and ser
mon. Wedneaday. 7-0 p. m. Alld-
tect. waa inspecting the work going on! week service and Bible Study
under hia supervision in St. Helens Inst
Ham Kautzman has become the
sole owner of the Columbia Herald, the Mist office.
Kvervbody welcome.
F. J Meyer, Pastor.
Wanted-Clean cotton raga at
For Sale and Want Ad.
Ads ia Tk.. C .Inn Brl, RWi
Chris Jonhsnn & Sons have leaned
from the S, P. & S. Ry. Co. at Houlton
the portion of the depot property be
tween the building and the street and
have erected a large platform upon
which they will run their autos while
loading and unloading passengers and
Dr .Zipperer has had a crew of men
busy the past two weeks reconstructing
the telephone line between St. Helens
and Warren. He has the work nearly
completed now and within a few days
the central switch board at St. Helens
will handle all the business of St. Hel
ens, Warren, Houlton and Yankton.
Getting to be quite a telephone system.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Siercks of Scap
poose arrived in St. Helena Wednesday
and will be here as witness in the Pen
der trial.
Mr. W. II. Kotfcl of Clatskanie has
purchased the blacksmith shi p in St.
Helens of Mr. Jell) man ar.d has already
taken charge of the business. Mr.
Fogcl is a blacksmith of many years
experience and is well known in the
county. He will have the support of
the public in this community.
Work was started this week upon
te vault in the City Hall. The vault
will be a large concrete, reinforcci
structure, large enough to hold all the
papers and bojks of the city council
and water commission.
R. L. Payne of Quincy was a busi
ness visitor in St. Helena Tuesday.
W. E. Conyers of Clatskanie visited
in St. Helens a couple of days this
Carl R, Collins, publisher of the
Woodland Chronicle, calleJ at the Mist
ITT2 11
The beautiful new home of Mr.
anil Mrs. L. R. Rutherford on "Tho
Hill," commanding a wonderful
view of the Columbia River ami the
mountains in Wanhington. Thia
modern residence was erected two
years ago by Mr. Rutherford and
is in fact a mini em house. In con
tains every convenience that can be
hail in the city. A large home
beautifully finished and elegantly
furnished, it is one of the choice
residences on the Columbia River.
No artist could paint a scene of
beautiful mountains and show
capped peaks with a great river in
the foreground along which pass
the ships from all parts of the
world, that would compare with
the grand view that is visible from
the front door of this Iwautiful
resilience. Mt. St. Helens, Mt.
Hood, Mt. Adams and Mt. Rainier,
four of the greatest enow cap)ed
peaks in the world, with the Cas
cade and Coast Range of moun
ting sloping down to the Colum
bia river, the foot hills dotted with
clearings and farm homes and the
Columbia river in front, form the
wonderful scens. The main busi
ness portion of the city of St. Hel
ens can also be seen as well as the
lights of the City of Portland dur
ing the night. It is truly an ideal
place for a home ami Mr. and Mrs.
Rutherford have erected a resi
dence there that is in keeping with
its surroundings.
Turners - Mink wmn.A .,,
uninjured. Highest price paid w,i.
c-rwi, ihji o, uiiisboru. Ore
Team for Sale - 6 yean old w..n
broke. Weight about 2500 1
tor particular! enquire of iwiJ
Lynch, Scappooae, Ore. 2tp
Wanted -A acoool girl to tajit
with housework after school nimr
For particular, call at Mist office.
Itp '
10 acrei near Scappooae to tr,,
for 6 good cows and $100 rash, or
would take a horse and $;!0n ml..
gage on land. Aug. Vmw,
Island, Ore. 2tp
For Rent Rooms in tho Iink
building. Steam heat, elictrit
light, hot ami cold water.
Columbia Co. l!ank,
All kind of Job work done at the
Mist ollice at reasonable prices.
Pasture for rent. nlod hity fr
aale. U W, Llnd. Warren. 4tp
Bargain Sale - Four lots and 5.
room house. Price $n.10, on good
terms. In Houlton. I 12 blocks
from depot.
0-20-p ('has. Smith.
For Sale Two house and two
lots. Reasonable prices. W. H,
('ado, St. Helens, .ftp
Fresh Skamokawa Creamery but
ter, Kl) cent the roll. Muckle Cio-
eery Co.
For Sale IS head nf g dairy
cows. J A. Nelnon, Warren, .lip
For Sale- Scow house, 2i?.() lui.l.
three years old, paprrrd and paintnl,
bImi wired Inside. HQ worth of furni
ture goea with it.
lip W. J. Mnlhr.i.
Last Saturday night, J. W. Sher
wood, State Commander of the Macca
bees accompanied by Frank Mottcr, a
well-known Portland attorney, visited
the local lodge of Maccalieea and a
lousing good meeting waa held.
The dance given by the Firemen of
A Snap
The St. Helens improvement
Co. has secured an option on the
72-acre farm known as the old
Downing place near Warren. This
St. Helena last Saturday night in the ( PIacH has 40 ncrM in cultivation and
City Hall waa one of the usual enjoy- the balance in pasture, easily
able afTairs given by the fire boys dur-' cleared. It is on the main Port
ing the fall. A large crowd greeted land rpad, on a milk route, rural
the boys and a general good time waa delivery, and telephone. I-ch than
had with the attendant addition of a ono mile from a depot and about a
iuw uunari iu mc criui'iii iunu OI me Ulf . r.e--
..a ,, ..ia, c. ill n,
Fire company.
Al Lee of Rainier visited in St, Hel
ens during the week.
a hrst class high
school. An excellent opportunity
for a dairy farm, there lieing suffi
cient pasture and farm lands to
handle 30 cows. Thia place can lie
bought for $125 cr acre on eay
terms, and 7 per cent Irterest on
deferred payments. We have also
several other good farm proposi
tions and a number of houses and
l lots In St. Helena which can be had
on the easy payment plan.
St. Helens Improvement Co.
A. T. Laws, Mgr.
Houlton Free Methodist Church
Sabbath School at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and H p. m.
Prayer meeting on Thtrsday even
ing at H p. m.
J. N. Wood. Pastor.
Election Notice
Puratant to a elilion signed by
ninety qualified elector of the city
of St. Helens, Oregon, presented to
the Mayor and Common Council of
said City, praying that a special
election le held in said citv on
Saturday, the 15th day of Novem
ber, A. I)., l'J13. for the purpose
of submitting to the electors of sail
city the question of whether tin
City of St. Helen shall lie consoli
dated with the City of Houlton.
Oregon, a contiguous municipal cor
poration, under the name of the
City of St. Helens, Oregon;
Now. therefore, by order of tlx
Mayor of the City of St. Helens,
Oregon, and tho Common Counfil
thereof, notice is hereby Riven that
on Saturday, Nov. A. P.,
1913, beginning at the hour of 8
o'clock in the morning of said dy
and continuing until 7 o'clock In the
afternoon thereof, a special flec
tion will bo held at the City Hall in
the City of St. Helens, Oregon, fr
the purpose of submitting to the
electors of said Citv of St. Helen,
the question whether said CltTf
St. Helens and the City of Houlton
shall lie consolidated into one cor
poration. Dated Oct. 14, 1913.
K. K. Quick.
Recorder of City of St. Helen.
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