Report of the Condition of ' . , 4 T 9ttwt - . V Ja . 5 il ) I AUTOLOADING SHOTGUNS V ". ' NY way you look at it. the , sjF'Wl f h'Kh" avtlopml in fj JVlJ-v doain. It imta hve load, at NVo2i'' merely pricing the trigger. It pub mm NY war you look at it. the Autoloader is the vour diapoaal by t tk MCOil hi UMfful nv.rt to rirct the. emDtT and lip in the liean alien. It aavca the gunner' ahouMer rida Kia iport of annoyance. incrauaea hia .hooting average. Your danger ia that in your enthuaiaam over the autoloading principle, you may forget to insiat on getting the fintd embodiment of that principle the Remington Autoloading Shotgun. TK prulir ara ct lK Reminatoa araloo nwny o d.u.l K. V. Hat rl to do l to B ot lha Ktrnmnton Jflm in thja accooa la draoMi thm to yov oa IA sua itedi. ' Raminrfton Anna-Union Metallio Cartridge Co. 299 Broau.ay ' I N,w Yj,t fT -via?" J - ....... . i ..--yiajr .. . V- V -! V t KV,. .' ' - " t j ( J. A. MIX K. C. IJOBKRTSON CENTRAL MARKET IN Frr ah and Cured Jfruts Fish and Poultry, Produce P Your Order Solicited Good Prices Full Weight Phone GO at- Helens, Ure, St.HelensMi!ICo. Electric Lighting (Saves Your Eyes) Steam Heating (Prolongs Your Lives) Lath Wood Lumber Livery, Feed and Sale Stable INo. 18 The Columbia County Punk, at St. Helena, in the State of Oreffon, ut the clone of business, (Vt. 21, RKSOfKt'KS Iioansaml discounts J140,5ti.SM Overdrafts, necureil an.l unsecureii ldS.81 Iiomls anil warrants 47, i:ii.l' Stocks untl other se curities ' 1S9-00 rankintr house l.l.r.70.00 Furniture ami fixtures 2.700.00 Other real estate own-d ft.12S.77 Pue from approved re serve banks 20,(527.25 Checks and other cash items S.ftO Cash on hanJ ll.74ft.OS Total $24r!.Wi,.:W 1JA1HI.1TIK.S Capital stock paid in 50.000.00 Surplus fund 10.000.00 Undivided rrfit!,i vfutnu..o an.t Bvti4 IMlid !t.9()l).4ft t ostal savinirs deposits Individual deposits sub ject to check Demand certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier checks outstand- 117.719.4S C.Htift.OS ftS0.2ft in i;t;!.07 2.5S2.74 D.llO.OS 21.1.51 iiti.yj'i.a:! DRAY I NG AND TRANSFER All Business Promptly Attended To PHONE IS OR 12 ELMER BLACKBURN ST. HELENS, OREGON Prop. Time certificates of de posit Savings deposits Liabilities other than those above stated Total State of Orejjon, County of Columbia, ss. I. A. L. Stone, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge anil belief. A. L. Stone, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this With day of October. 1013. J. W. Day, Notary l'ublic. Carrect Attest: L. R. Rutherford, L. G. Ross, J. S. Allen, Directors. Report of the Condition of No. 73 The Farmers State Rank, at Seappnose, in the State of Oregon. at the close of business, Oct. 21, 1U13. KK.SOLRCKS Ians and discounts londs and warrants 'anking hous Furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Due from banks (not re serve banks) Due from approved re serve banks Checks and other cash items Cash on hand Kxpenses Other resources Total UABII.ITIKS Capital stock paid in Undivided profits Individual deposits sub ject to check Demand certificates of deposit Time certificaU-s of de posit Savings deposits Total State of Oregon, County of Columbia, ss. I, O. M. Washburn, Cashier of the ubove-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the lx.-Ht of my knowledge ami Ix'lief. O. M. Washburn. Cahhier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Hth day of Oct. l'JRl, J. G. Watts, Notary Public. Corret Attest: J. . Watts, Asa Iloladay, Directors. A CAREFUL READING QF THIS AD Will Disclose Two Mistakes Made Purpose- ly by the Printer. Read it over and bring it to our office with mistakes correctly marked and you will WIN A PRIZE A PRIZE WORTH WHILE TOO ! ! fust this week we have placed on the market a portion of St. Helens that has heretolor been overlooked. A choice resi dence section, level lots, close in and sightly 54 INSIDE LOIS AND 12 CORNER LOIS at $7r and $100 each with terms of $10 Doiin and $10 a month. 7 blocks to river NOW AKOUT THAT PKIZK: Thejirst person trho hriii'Js the Mist io our office with the tiro errors nroixrhj murhed and buys one of these choice his trill he r.Cn ()XF MOXT1IIA' PJYMFXT FHFF of'chargc. '"" hut tiro lots you will et u mon t hi inpay ment free on each lot. The person who comes second with the errors properly murhed and huys one of our lots on the Fusy Pnymeiit J'lun, will receire the St. Helens Mist for one year free of charge. We also hare other proerty, hoth in the city und country. Prices and terms rjiht. Call at our office and let us show you. ST. HELENS IMPROVEMENT CO. 77; FJSV PJVMFXT PUX FIRM ST. 11FLFXS Oil EC OX 4 22,f,30.37 9,500.00 0,250.00 2,525.00 3,074.00 1 05. 97 1,511.52 605.81 3,167.2:1 2,425.19 2S3.94 $55,399.00 12,500.00 2.257.23 27,183.71 2.587.80 2,370.09 H, 499.03 $55,399.00 6 per cent loans on farms, or chard lands, city resident or busi ness property, to buy, build, im prove, extenil or refund mortgages or other securities: terms reason able; special privileges; corres txindt'nce invited. Dept. L, 018 Commonwealth Bldg.. Denver, Col.. or Dept. I, 719 Henry I!ldg., Se attle, Wash. Banoerous lutoiyii ilin latia Taaiooa. TaaM Oar Wrras-to Fit Ilk Elastic HlfT rallevaa at t talking a, Knaa Capa, AaWta If . I Uaaa aaa mtm wooDAio.cuassi FartlaaS. OMata CO. GOIJLE The residents in the Neer City arhool district met on Tuesday. th 28th, and organized a club to In known as the l's rent and Teacher club of said district. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong was elected president and Mrs. Wallet Hunter, Secre tary. The meetings will be held on the third Fridny of each month, ard will meet at the home of Mrs. Rlake on Friday, the 21st of No vember at 2 p. m. All Interested in the school and social life of this locality are invited to Te present. Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Mae Links and Mrs. Metcalf have charge of de program tm that date. Miss Phalon, our preser.t teai lw r. is going to start industrial wik in the school. This is a step in tin right direction and ought to be en couraged. The women of this precinct, (doble) are certainly going to take advantage of suffrage ut our tac tion Nov. 4. All we hear nowaday j is "You bet lam going t vote" and then a very animated nnd n n 'erally Intelligent discussion of the different questions to In- voted n takes place. i VNS AM) LS I L"1 ATLS LLkMSIILIJ ON ALL KINDS OP WORK E. W. KETEL CONTRACTOR IN vimeni Finishing Concrete Work .Plastering MY WORK IS THE I tST l;tCOMXf.SDA T10N ST. HELENS, OREGON NOTICE II. Larson, formerly in the mer cantile business at Warren, has placed his accounts in my hands for collection. All persons knowing thomselves indebted to Mr. Larsen will call at my office in St. Helens and make settlement within the next two weeks and save costs. Oct. 24th, 1913. M. V.. Miller, IE HOI OE Oliver, Oliver & Plummer GENERAL MERCHANDISE we carry an up-to-tlatc line of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HOOTS and SHOES as well as GROCKKIKS, HARDWARE, TINWARE mi it i ii ipi n tan Houlton, Oregon IE 3QE 301 3E