LOW COLONIST FARES TO OREGON AND WASHINGTON FROM ALL PARTS OF . EAST AND MIDDLE WEST Writ Year Noighkor and Friend lo Con U the Laad of Plenty SEPT. 25 From KanM City. St Louis, Chicago, Minneapolis, and St. Paul direct To All Point on the S.P.4S. From AfWe, K. C. Atchiirn, Koi. Atlanta, Ga, Botton, Mis). Chxrleiton, S. C. Chattauooca, Tean. Chicago, Ul. Cincinnati, 0. Denver, Colo. Detroit, Mich. Den Moinct, loira Duluth, Minn. Indianapolis, Ind. Other cities in proportion. 5tooveni allowed. Local agent will accept de posit a prepayment for tickets. Colonist tickets good in tourist sleeper by paying the proper charge. Details upon application to T ! R. H. CR0Z1ER. Atat. Geo I Pa. Agt. Portland, Oregon THE CITY HARMONIOUS PLANTING NEEDED FCR BEST RESULTS Groat Skill Neadod In tha Treatment of Small Place. On srnall places harmony In plants la much harder to aecure than on tbone of greater scope. So often does the average owner have lint of plant be moat fancies and Into the garden somewhere, somehow, these plants must go. Nor 1 his taste at fault It la proper and fitting that he should hare what he wants or most admire. A great deal of skill Is needed, how ever, if he Is to hare harmonious ef fects from many sorts of plants In a small compass, says the Los Angeles Times. But when we step Into a large gar den we expect to see more of order and harmony of detail, also some central or fundamental scheme manifest upon which the whole revolves or rests. There la too much of really stupid planting In local gardens duo to lack of study la planting a plea for the services of one who knows. All col ors, habits, climatic requirement and characters are put Into one hoieless jungle, with the result that such gar dens are nut only lacking In character, but of Interest and certainly full to attract any one. Our parks are also fell of thW meaningless planting, and therefor where we should be able to look for examples of good planting we meet with rank disappointment and failure. One of the chief faults In both park and garden lies In the Ina bility, or perhaps unwillingness, of planters to distinguish between funda mentals and Incidentals. Any plant U not so valuable for itself as for the part it plays in helping to make the picture. Tree end shrub masses and troops are fundamentals. A single Aint Is au Incidental. Small flower fcs plants are the merest Incidentals tued to brighten the scene. ROUGH MARRIAGE KNOTS. Pledges Under Which They Ware Tied In Medieval Times, The matrluiuulai contract today Is a thousand thxes more polite than It was In the ulud:e ages. It bos lost the en gaging fraiiice of its medieval orig in the good old days when the bride was taken "for fairer, for fouler, for better, for Jvorsc," and promised "to be buxom end bonny to her husband, ber father gave the bridegroom one of the bride's shoes as a token of the transfer of authority. The bride was made to feel the change by a blow on the head duiy administered with the shoe. IIow much more significant and eloquent a use of the article than our "refined custom of throwing It after tha carriage! The husband took oath to treat hi wife well. In full are of which she might leave him. As a point of honor, however, he was allowed to "bestow on his wife and apprentices moderate castlgation.' An old Welsh law lays it down that threw blows with a broomstick "on any part of the person except tha head is a fair allowance." while another provides that the stick "be cot longer than the husband's arm nor thicker than his middle Cneer." The bride however, had ber privi leges. In certain countries it was her accepted right the morning after the wedding day to ask for any sum of money or any estate that she pleased, and her husband could not In honor refuse A can had to bo pretty sure of his bridtf'a "Intentions" to run such risk. These old time marriages were often bard driven bargains, which unblush ing' displayed a rood deal of unlovely human selfishness. Tet the rough knots that were tied a thousand years ago held faster than many of tb be rlbfeoned and bejeweled bonds we so fenteelr adjust today. New York TO OCT. 10 Choice of Attractive Scenie Route with Suarpior Accomodation aad Fa Tim via Northern Pacific Northern Pacific Burlington Route 2.9 Kansas Cilv, M.. ?0.(M) Jrt.lKI l.ouiswlle, K.v. - 51.70 Memphis Trim. 42. St) 55.1 Milwaukee, Wis. 16.711 S4 7$ New York, N. Y.- . .0 4g.4o Oklahoma Citv, OkU. H.i'. 3 00 Omaha, Neb. 3'M'' 42.S lVoria. III. 37.IKI 10.00 Philadelphia, lu M.7. 41. Ml St. l.oui, Mo. 300 J2.4 St. Paul, Minn. Ju.lHI .Jit. 00 Wheeling, W. Va. 4A.75 "40.60 Wahiiiton, D. C. 54. IS J. O. DIVENS, Agt t Houlton, Oregon BEAUTIFUL ! i CONVERTED SANDY, ROCKY YARD INTO PRETTY GARDEN Jersey-nan's Experience Should Be a Lasaon For All Others. The Tillage cytilc of Itutherford, N. J, told John II. Williamson that grass would not grow In bis yard. This was Just after Mr. Wllllumson had bought an unsightly kit in that village and moved there. And at first it seemed as if the cynic was right The back yard was composed largely of red Jersey sand and rocks. The Idea of converting it into the prettiest gar den In the town seemed absurd. But Mr. -Williamson wanted a gar den, lie wanted flowers and lots of them. He wanted to dig in the ourth and wanted roses for his friends. Ho set out to show the populace of Ituther ford that llowera could be mndo to grow in Jersey sand. Now be has one of the most beautiful gardens In that state, and his neighbor. Inspired by bis success or envious of his achievement, have likewise Improved their yards. Spots which two years ago were dumping grounds for tin cans are now magnificent gnrdens. The ef fect of the single garden has been mar velous. The first thing Mr. Williamson did was to get the sand and rocks out of his yard. Every afternoon be hauled a wheelbarrow full of rocks to trie woods, a hnlf mile away. On his re turn trip he brought a load of good wood soil. In one month be had two flower beds. Thr was in the middle of May, and the question arose. What shall I plant? MB. wiT.i.uaTHOir'a bom aaBDKX. It would take an entire year to get a food stock of perennials from seed. Therefore he sowed a variety of an nuals and mode a hotbed and a cold frame. Then he bought a number of rosebushes and tried his hand at plant ing clippings in the hotbed. The re sults were strong, healthy plants for the next year, a majority of which were kept In the cold frames. In two years the spot of Jersey sand and rock has been converted Into a beautiful garden. It Is situated on a prominent street corner, and all pass ersby take notice. Ills nclgbliors ask ed questions and begged for clippings and advice, which were freely given. Everybody wants a garden like Wil liamson's. Today tho entire neighborhood shows the effect of what can be done If one only trh-s. Mr. Williamson says his greatest Joy was when be presented the cynic with a lsuquet of roses grown on the spot where grass would not grow. Mr. Williamson baa recently been awarded first prize for having the pret tiest back yard in Itutherford. He baa shown what can be done by energy, perseverance and a desire to have garden and flowers. Novelty In Villsge Rule. The village of River Forest, 111., baa entered on Its career na a snoeVrn boJ- JJIW, .'J w, rT"-'s" " if i uem rwraniisnnicnt. Rnrl M. "Mitchell wna selected from a field of seventy applicant by the village laMird of true tioa, nuil he pinna to run public sf falra on the economical ami service giving land of a successful coiiimcr- i rlul enterprise. Aa all the- members of the village board are lit hoalticsa In Chicago, It was believed tlinl there would bo gen cnil siitlnfuctl.m In having a man al I way on the Jok The new iierln I tendont will got 1 I .Kurt a year atul will have chnrgc of tho public service, con struction contract and atiHrTtHlon of ' all employees. A Cheap Dreae thirl. Aa for pnior fastener, a tonrlng actor writes to point another of their utilities: "There Is, nt time. In a small company esfievliilly, a aenrcity of starched Uneu. And shirts, liko King John's treasure. K-t lost or misluld In tho wash. You are playing a dude port any, with naught tut a flannel shirt to go with your dress cont Take a sheet of noto pit per or f'lmiip, prod It under your vest and where tho central stud should le Insert a round headed brass paper fastener!" Necessity mothers invention. Loudoa Chronicle. UMMUNS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATKOF ORK.UON FOR COl.UM. RIA COUNTY, w. weed Nichols, Plaintiff, vt Elsie Nicl ol, IVft ndnnt. In the name of the State of Oregon, Yon, Elsie Nichols, are hereby coin manded to aper and answer the complaint sgainet you III d hetei on or hefoic'the 25th day of Oct. 1013, that date being is weeks front the first pit' lie tlon herein, and if you fall to appear and answer herein, pin in tiff will apply to the court for the relief praved for in the complaint filed herein and more par. ticu'arly defined as follow: For a deree of this court dissolving the b mil of matrimony nw exiting between plaintitl and defendant herein on the ground of deertion and abandon. n ent cntnmllted by defer.dant sgainut plaintiff and for tuch other and further relief as may set tn rquitahls. Tliisiinimon is fer ved upon yon by publication thereof lor not less that si wetk in the "St Helen Mit,"a news paper published in Colnmbia County, Oregon, and by' order ol the Honorable J. A. Kskin, Jndice ol the above ent ii led court, which onler is dated the Kthday of September, 181.1. I'ate of first pultlicnlii.n of this sum. Dinm Sept. 12, 1013. Date of last publication ol summ.iti oct, 21. 1U1U Msnniz 4 Sullivan, At'orni J for I'laini iff. rortUnd.Ore Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OF TIIR STATE OP ORTiGON, FOR COL UMIilA COUNTY. Edna Spark, Plaintiff, v. A E Spark. Defendant. To A. E. Spaik, the above limned IV- fendatit : Iu the name of the Stale of Oregon you are hereby requiitd to aptiear anil answer the complaint filed against you in the above entit'ed con it and c uni on or before the lid day ol November, 1013. said date lieing alter the expiration of six wetk Irom the first publication of this summons, If fmi fail lo appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the court fur the rebel demanded in the complaint: For a decree of divorce for. ever dissolving the bond c( matrimony now existing between the plaintiff snd defendant, on the grounds of cruel and inhnman treatment, rendering the life of the plaintiff burdensome. This summons is published once a week for six consecutive week in the St Helens f ist, by orik-T of the lion J A Kakin. Judge of the aliove entitled conrt Dated the 18th day of Si-ptetn tier, l13, directing the ptihlicat'on thereof, First I'uhliration Sept Iv, 11)13. Last publication Oct, 31, 1013, w L Coofier, Attorney for Plaintiff. DM Chain lier of i:i mineree, I'ortUnd, ore. Summons IN THK riRCUIT COURT CP THE SlATEOPoREOoN FoK THK county opcoi.umuia. Win. M. Rois, as adininiftrator ol the estate ol Ilali I. lUotknian, dereaxed, 1'IaintilT, vs. John Larsen, Anna Itrwn and A mo W. McRlwain, Iefentant. To John Larson and Anna Larsen, Te- fendanta: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of yon are hereby required to appear and aniwer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled uit, on or before the lst day of tbf time prescribed in the order for the publication ol this summons, the mid period of time being six weeks from the day of the first publication of this summons, and said last day of pub lication lieing the 211 1 h day of Sep tember, 19I3, and if you fail to so appear and answer talil complaint tha plaintiff will cause your default to be enteied and apply to the court above named for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: For a judgment against you forf TiO, with Interest there on at the rate of 0 per rent per annum from August lit, 1010, for $73 attorney' fee, for f I fH for taxe. pai-l ami lor f iwt and di.l.t.rcn.e..t of ..lit; For a d.rre- of sate utt.ler for, clci.re of the follow. lug defil ed real j.rojwrty In Col n in I i county, orrg. n, to-wit. Ci nitiii ncing at a point M rtkla aeit.pl tu Northwest comer of the l. I- C of U yant. in section Hi, townth p 7 nuth, range 4 west ot Willamette Mcthlhin, and run. ning thence amillt lit) rods; titmice wel 12 r. il', thence noMli.'M) roil aud ihetire esst U" rod to the Hiint tl beguiling; and that urn and a'l permm rUiuiiug uniler yon, tnlseuent lo the exwuiiin, ol the mortgage refei red In In coinplnlut be lo e, lowd if all rinht, claim or inity of redemption in Mid premiers, and that you pay any (Kfii ii ncy reiitniiiii'K alter apiilving tha proeeeil of faiil sale properly applicable to the ai indict ion ol said J iilgtnent. This runiinops is pith ishixl by mder of the llonorshle W. A . Harris, Couii'y Judge for said Columbia county, oreuon. made and dated AiiKin-t Hih, It'l.l, which order pr scribe thnt rvlce of (ituitiioii in tin tuit Ihc tiisde u, on on liy publication once a week or ix roii- secu:ive n k in the St lUleii Mint, liewipnper of grtieral i lrculatlon pull- llsl.ed weekly in ssiilcoutily, which time w'll U giu in run (nun the day of the it publication he eo'; nn I tliet tu within which you are required tuarer said rompluiiit ii ou or hcfie the lsit lay of the time pr 'sciihed in inid order for pnhliciitiou to-wil: Scp'riiilicr 'Jtlih, l!3 The ditte of the lir-t puhlii-ation of this tumiiiun i 1' iilny, Auguat ITith, 11)13, Pillsrd Pair. Alti rney fur r.atm iff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the county coUkt low Coi.-u.mi-.i.v County, ki i.onv Ealnti of Frederick Kamtueyer de ceased, i Notice i hereby given Hint the under signed wn nn 'he 15th day ol Sep e iii ler, l'.ilS, duly app lintt-d exenilrix of the cHtate of Frederick Kammeiei, lie reaped; and the creditois nl raid de. Ceased and all pereuiis Imv i-iaim against said entitle, are hereby ii'.tilicil to pr. ent their claim, wlih the prner voucher, within six months firm the date of this notice, to me, the nil ex aciittix, at the law offii-rt of Ihllard & Day, at St. Helen, Oregon it being the plice fixed for prewntation thcteof. Date I Sept IS, !i.1. Sophie Kaliiinerr, Hxrcutrix of t)e entitle of Frederick Kumun-rer, ihceiiil. Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Till'. STATE OFOREtiON, l-OU COI.UMRIA COUNTY. Martha A. Tift, Plaintiff. Vs. Thadeui F. lift, Ittfeidant In the nme of U e Slate of Oregon, you, Tha. leu S Tift,are hereby required to (car and siDttir to the complaint filed nuainit you heiein on tr U-furc the LTnh day of uctol er, I : ;j, (hat ,!nie being six week from the publication heiein, snd if you fail lo appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in ll e complaint fi'ed herein, and more particu larly defined as follow : "The plaintiff k Hint a d crce be granted 1 ,rever divorcing hey flout the aln defendant. That tha eomt tr- uiit and allow the said plaint. If to re. Hum the name of Mr. Martha Annette Amlemon, raid name Is-ing that granted her in a former marriage, and that inch uther relief be granttd a to the court may seem dl and equitable. Till siiuiiii'ina is Fcrved njion you by publication thereof for not le ihan six week in the St Helen Mi.it, a newspar pnhlisiied in the County of Columbia, Stale of Oregon, and by order of the ll .n J. A. Kakin, Judge of ti e alove entitled curl, which outer (a dated I lie At h dav -! September, J0I3, ai, illhe dale ol Ihn last publication of this aumii.nii is the 2l:h day ol net. I'.ll.l. Jii'eph MannitiSc Howard lier.nett, Altorm ya for the I'laintiff, SUMMONS IM TIIK Cllll l IT i ot kT OF THK STATU fir OKKOoN, FOR THK COI'NTV OPCUI.l'MIIM. Herbert Dirhki, l'liiii.tiff, . v. Mattle Derick. Defendant. To the alsiva named defendant, Mutlie Ilerlcks: In the name of the stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against ynu In the alnve entitled court and ranse, on or before six weeks weeks from the 25th day of Sept. MM 3, and if you fail to appear snd an-ser for want thereof, the above named plaintiff Will apply to the court lor the relief prayed for in bis complaint herein, to. wit: For a decree of said court disaolv ing the bond of matrimony heretofore ad now exbting between plain III snd defendant, on the ground of willu! de sertion. Till summon i served upon you by publication thereof once i week In the St. Helen Mial, snewspsier of general circulation, by order ol the Hon, W. A . Harris, County Judge of ths County ol Columbia, State ol Oregon, the county wherein said reuse I pending, the fir it ' ,mUic.tl"tt tlieirof Ik It's ' 1 27.lt day l He't Hl. '" l " 'cation thereol Ulng m-"' " iM "' day ol NoVeiulr, lou listed the Vol" dsy WT AilhllC I. Moultott, Attorney lor I'Ulu iff, I'os'iinic a.l.lre. 313 If wit llldg I'nriUuil, Orrg in. NoTICK Tti CREDITORS IN TIIKCOf.MY COURT F R COI. CM 111 A COUNTY, UKKtiON, lUlalr of Msrvaret Ro. deceaed. No-lee la hereby given that tha un .lersivne.l a nn the SOlli day of Kept 1I15. dlltv appointed adililnUlialnr of the ei-tsti" ol Mriet litt, dif eaed i . . ..,,, dvieaed and Lit havmx rlaima sgsli at aal.l etst aie herrbv n ttll' d ti rrBt their claims, w 11 the pni er vjiichera within nix month lions tM 'r l" at the biw olV.ie ol Dllisr.l A Day. at St Helen. Oregon, h C'l I degNeale a the ,ilme fur prewlilalioti theleof. Dated Sept. '.'mh, 1013. W.J. R . Admliilstistiir of the iti'e of Mar gaietKosa, dil'eawd. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREtioN FOR COl.. UM1.IA COUNTY. Jenny (-aiola, I'lalnt' J, va. John t;aol, Di ft-ndaiit, To John tiiuiola. the alaie named ! fendnnt. In lli name ol the state of Oirgon you re I ereby requlnd 5a ap..r and answel the Coiii.h'llit filed heiein agaiuat you In the aUve enlille.1 court on or before the 1 lit) day ol NvemUr, 1013, and il you fail to mi atuwer, fur wmt thereof the plaintiff will acpty to the court for the relief '.herein ile manileiltit-wlt, for a decree ol al so lute divorce from )'l and for the care and custody of Thotiia OaraotiC, for the restoration to I he plaintiff of her maiil.o name, Jenny M.irlna. for tUw Coets and di'btirieineul and for mch other and further teliet a to Ihc Court may tectu jin' and equitable herein Thisiiiimtn 1 served Upon inu by virtue of an order of Hon, W. A. liar. t, w'u.lg" of the County Court ! Columbia Coiiuiv. Oiecon. a bhh said order I dated the 30th day of Se leather, 1013, precriblng that the summon beiem be served Uxn you by publication thereof once a week for six conwcutive week in the St. Helen tfit, a newspaper of generl cliculatioti in Columbia County which laid or.ler distente with the necessity of rending a certified copy ol tli iimmiuu and c,hiplaiiil to your liit known tKMtollic aildn-ss, for the reason that you laic lefl such taai know u address. A VY- Mueller. Attorney for I'laintiff Ire ol first pubiicaib'u herein Is OctoKcr X 1013. Dale ol last publication ! Nov. H, 1013 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. Maude C. Story, I'lslntifT, vs. William R. Story. Dcfemla.:!. In the Name of the Stste of Oregon: You. William It. Story, tk-rcmAiiit above named, are hereby required to appear and amwer the complaint filed against you herein on or before the 22nd day of November, 1913, that date tieing six weeks from the first publi cation herein; and if you fail to ap pear herein plaintiff will epptyato the court fur the relief prayed fur in the rompatmt filed herein, to-wit: For a decree of this court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant on the ground of cruel and inhuman trt lament run; milled by the defendant against the plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equit able. This summon Is nerved upon you by publication thereof for not leu Ihan ix week in the St. Heluns Mitt, a newnpaper ptil.linhed In tho County of Columbia, Stale of Oregon by order of Hon. J. A. Ekin Judge of the above entitled court, which order I dated the third day of October, 1913 The In to of the first puhlictuion of this luninmns i the 10th day of October, 19 1. 1, ami the date or the last publica tion of this lummona is the 21 it day of November. 1913, GEORGE TAZWKIX, Attorney for the I'lalntlli. For Sale Good milch cow by Jacob Skuza, St. Helens, Ore. A Rood house with thrVo choice lots in Rood location In St, Helens for aale. Inquire for prices and terms at the Mint office. row lOKTI.ANI DAILV STEAMER AMKKXGA Leave Rl, Helens (1.00 A. Arrives at Portland ll:.l A. leaves I'orttand at 2:30 P. Arrives SI. Helens at ;.') P. M. M. M M Str, IRALDA BBBXani Summer Rates beiue St. IIclcus and Portl-td 50 cents one way 75 cents round trip Tickets good any time after April 4th Boat leaves 81. Helen 7;M, m, Reluming leaves Portland t.30 , fc Arrive at St Helen 4 it, p. Wi ' L HOOCIIKIRK To Trod - An 8-rotim houM .nd two lota in I'ortUnd for a small Im. provt-d place. Could put In other property If it should be necesiary. Trade with owner and save torn misaion. Call on Mrs. N, I. Kb,, ney, Columbia Hotel, (or write.) St. Helens. Ore. Iat-A larjre pointer dog-, eolof black and white, in the neighbor, hood of ScappooKe. l'lease notify the owner., David T. Hi)neyman, care of Honey man Hardware Co. I'ortUnd, Ore,, and receive r! ward. Professional Cards Glen R. Metsker ATTORNEY AT LAW Deputy Dinrx Anoney Omc m County Court Houh ST. HtltNJ . OREGON DR. C. IC. WADK PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON rHQNt 90 Mutkl BUg. , AT. UtWiS, OKI DR. L. GILBERT ROSS PHYSICIAN SURGEON OrtW Hani HM4. Uuth I'huitea St. Helens DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SURCtON firril'K IM BANK m il.UlMi St. Helens Oregon T. S. WHITE FUNERAL DIRELTOR I.H KHSEO BVHAl.MKH, Houlton Oregon DR. ALFRED J. PEEL PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Hank tliillillnt St. Helens DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Itinne Mala iM; A IU: Re. R. Wit '"'"MaiMmi"0" rortland.Of. Call an wared day or wight Phosw M W. S. Armstrong, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON HKHI'K T Pacific Coast Hospital ST. HKIN linl'ITun GEORGE H. SHINN ATTORN EY-ATLAW St. Helens - Oregon M. E. MILLER ATTORN EYATLAW St. Helens Oregon HERBERT W. WHITE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW St. Helens - Orcgo ruoNi 9.1 Pacific Coast Hospital DR. W.8. ARMSTRONG, SUP. HOULTON and ST. HSUHS, OKSGOl