uTSEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT 1 I 'r VON A. (RAY W'tif i'liriiiikf .... Sfini annual .statement of Sheriff of Columbia County, Ore., for the 3 month ending September 30th, 1913, showing collections and turn- y ummkih arm nr what years tax has been collected. I- .Kill JcWt-l.T Work (liiaiitnlt.il. St. Helens Jr. Optical Gotult r April i i : May 19 13 June I'.il.i .rs i July l'.Uii I August I'llii i:il:t EUKri AN I'l AN AMI KK AN I'l AN EYIRYIIIiNi; M'IDI.RN AT Hit STHELENS .HOTEL j (.KO.(.E. I'r..,,..rtr All. Hl.'SM.S C A I 1. AT HOT I.L MAI I ..- tl 00 AM) l ' SI'EtlAl. HAM S To KU.Ui.AK IIOMO I MS Collected $18,790.23 978,31 966.99 1.300.98 681.18 7,126.01 Balance on hand Turned over to Co. Treaa. 18,700. 23 879.31 966.99 1,300.98 681.18 1,055.31 6,070.73 $29,843.73 473.73 303.37 413.02 28..182.hS i ' . - " . ... lMWf. J.MUIMI. tvO WASHINGTON Mill M I o W 8 $ AUC'KLE IMRDVIRE COAPyilY' DEALERS IN i iwixrs ii.it; ii .,'; f .. A'N.s- N.N nouns I sr. hue vs. okecon $ "II . UK :r A' s. .' s v iraa -tmi -el- SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES 1 HE KCIIANI.K AM) INIRODUITORY I'KICtS III M I.OOl. HOOKS ARE STRICTLY f. ASM WATERM N S IDEAL fOUNIH PENS ALSO CENTURY. I AU .HIIN M l I I II I.INii AND NON I EAK ABLE. "'OOHE'S NON EEAKAIIIE AM) OTHERS ..N7.I..V I'lloTdtlH.irU IC (LoohS C A J. DEM1NG. DKCVWif, ST. HELENS I CiuimitiitHiiiiitiiiiitutiutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiL Patronize the P4ist Advertisers H. ELS YOURS h. A , I- si t imm mm To a Good Salary T h, ii' is n ihri-i t ami r.i-v .iy f"r " ,. h. I vi-iirst-lf to a ilisn.iM.' "".it'H all. I "V 111 rir "a.ii- in t .,,. that Ih-sI sii.ts v..:ir t.is!.- ami ,,nl,ir:,.i All lh:s with. ml haviiiR in- witlumi !.. ini: an h'r ' .r a .L.il.ir ..I pav. Mich ..-ii..h! is ina.h; .ussil.lc Lva w.nhl- n ia .i.!"U..Ti ii. ai I i M-ars of sm i .-s'-lul xp. ricm m in.iniliK li"isau.l ambitious w ,! iMfiii-rs I.t a.lvaiK.-mciir I tiH instttiitiiiii m.w niU-rs '0U ini o;.p..rtuiiitv. in I lie rmipon Pil.iw, t.i better yimr fjirnitiK" i.ci,ili..ii. in matter tunc scant v,,ur lime, m.mev, r iihualmn in iv be '1 'I1'1 brt ""T i li'-H"" your... II to a KO...I Hilary r." m.nkinwr an.l mailiiiK the coupon. To ilo this ptiN yon u'ulcr no ubllc.atle.tl. UO ll nw. I i? Intero.tlon.l Corripnndenc scnoo.. . n-v - 1 HhnW-CtKl WrMT Wuntow I'rlttiri.T N..M.itiUi"l l"-Mfinti lllintrittnr t'tvi I Hitrvlfi ult '1 oidl- !! ui. l.trii-i" Kl.o -l.nthiin H ii it WwlikiiiKaJ Ki.iuf Cull Kiiittlfrti' liinlli l'ontr'lnr Ari'lHti-turl l)tn A n'httni't Him -Mtil fniinwr lin.lfn M 1 1 r i ti r r..ri-inn rinmr'' I. Sam -I SI. and So. 4 8 .A ixFon.v.irwx nv .tnniiKxsixa H. V. REED, Manager 15 McKay BS U1,D' 0RFGON $2'J,8 13.73 Ta fur year r.Mi1.) 473.73 HMD 303.37 111 1 113.02 i'ji2 i.'8,rr,3.i;i Iialanee on hand i,070.73 $2'..843.73 $2D,843.73 Stale of Oregon f (aiunty of Colurnhia HS I hereliy certify that the foregoing statement is correct to the bet of my knuviTeiijfu and lielief. A. K. Thompnon, Sheritr. Hy A. B: Lake, Deputy. S. tui -annual .stutenient of County Treasurer of Columbia County of tii.me rcveived and paid out durinir the six months ending Sept. 30th, I'll 3 ( ;ill till llliriil liu Iti.r biut niiu.rl lax received from sherilf on general fund County Koad Special School Special City Special Koad $6,604.92 3,064. 4'J 4.632.09 1,683.26 7.788.24 eived from Co. Clerk, Clerk and recorder eived from Co. Clerk 1-2 Scaln Hotintv 162,777.51 23,773.00 In . I ii i' of the I'eace. fines Krom County ileositories. Int. on money in VV. A. Harris for (!en. Fund r'rutn II E. LaBare. paid by 1). W. Price County Fair Appropriation from state Spi'i'iul.'loposits from estates -v-e of visit,, f, I...P cont I! ? I in,) ?!!. An lrew Nelson, for powder furnished by Co. I'. S. I ispain for Co. road Mate School Fund VV. A. Harris fur Co. road A. .!. Burns, overpay in school Dist. No 2,753.57 87.00 77.85 396.52 4.00 8.00 922.22 451.17 for road 106.14 26.40 227.00 6,518.46 78.69 2.32 Total 20,108.63 28,305.21 28 717.72 27,108.35 7,825.31 59,696.72 612.52 91.15 25.00 9?2.22 296.19 24,135.85 11,567.34 198,207.85 Amount paid out of General Fund County School County Koad Special School Special City Special Road Int. on Bonds S. I). 2 Spc. Deposit Fund S. - C. Indtf. Fund County Fair Fund Funds, fioin sale of bonds Money nn hands State of Oregon County of Columbia 1 herebv certify that the foreiroinjr statement is correct. Dated this 1st day of Oct. 1913. R. S. Hattan, County Treasurer. S -mi-annual report of the clerk of Columbia County, State of Ore gon, shuwitiR the amount of claims allowed by the County and Circuit i u, is of s aid Countv. for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, a id an mint of warrants outstanding and unpaid from the first day of April. 1913, to the 30th day of September. 1913, 198,207. 85 On what accounts allowed County Court Circuit Court Justice Courts Slierhr's ollice Clerk's ollice Treasurer's ollice Coroner's ollice School Superintendent's ollice Fruit Inspector Assessor's ollice Assessment and Taxation Fax rebate Current expense Court House expenses Jail Care for poor ludixent Soldiers Insane Election Koad damages Koa.ls, Ceil. County Fund Misc. License refunded Fair Forest Fire Protection School otlicers meeting Amt, of warrants drawn $1,388.08 1.677.41 345.40 1,986.44 1,156.71 300,00 160.20 729.02 53.95 1,605.61 177.50 263.64 1,726.05 838.28 646.20 1,681.84 25.00 28.50 220.11 3S2.21 1.988.60 405.84 105.12 602.00 600.00 6.00 Total 19.399.71 2,353.39 GREAT COMBINATION OFFER The Mist management has made arrange ments with Portland Evening Telegram whereby we can give subscribers the advan. tage of a gigantic combination offer for a limited period. You can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and all the news of St, Helens and vicinity in the Mist at a remark ably low price. The tiffining Telegram is the best pap er in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine and comic section in colors. The Evening Telegram St. Helens Mist - - -Total Both Papers Through this office if paid in advance for i year, on or before Decem ber 31st, 1913 - . - - - $5.00 per year $1.50 per year $6. so per year $4.75 Amt paid from Apr. 1, 1913. to Sept. 30. 1913 Amt unpaid to Sept. 30, 1913 Amt balance state tax due from county RESOURCES Amt cash in handi of Treaa. Gen County Fund Amt cash in handa of Treaa., Gen. Road Fund Amt Bal. Current Tax of 1912, Gen. Co. Fund Amt Bal Current Tax of 1912, Gen. Road Fund Amt Delinquent Taxes, 1888 to 1911 Amt Lien3 on Land bid in by County Amt taxes paid on liens held by County Court House, Jail and Fixtures I'oor Farm Four Acres for Rock Quarry Five Acres for Rock (juarry Rock Crushera, Engines, rollers, etc RECAPITULATION Liabilities Resources 28,747.40 898.53 9,216.13 ; 1.723.53 416.46 17,904.63 9,037.24 17.153.96 2,827.39 94.79 35,000.00 7.000.00 1,500.00 500.00' 22,500.00 115658700 $ 12,468.02 115,658.00 Number 15,726 406,766 Amount of unpaid County Warrants State of Oregon ( Columbia County )" I 11 F (-Bare. County Clerk, in and for the abovenamed county ,' . ' (', hereby certify that the foreRoinK is n true and correct sta.cim-nt of the amount of claims allowed by the County and Circuit c urls of said county for the period of s.x months vmhng on the 30th 1 f S -ptember 1M3, on what account the same was allowed, and the mount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding - and unpa d on the irencral fund, as the same appears upon the records of my ollice and in my official custody. Witness my hand nnd -eal of said County Court, atlixed this 15th day "f '''"" mX H. E. LaBare. County Clerk. G ,i ..nniial statement of the financial condition of the Countv of tl,e County 'f Columbia. State of Oregon, on the 30th day of Sept.. ,,,,l,J' MAMMTTK Vn.t Gen Fund warrants unpaid Apr. 1. 1913 $ 2.974.36 A"!!! issued from Apr. 1, 1913f to Sept. 30. 1913 19,399.71 Amt. .-aid Apr. LLM3 to Sept. 30th. 1913 Amount unpaid Sept. 30. 1-M3 a, ,,f Gen Road Warrants unpaid Apr. 1. 1913 922.41 Ami" led Apr. 1. 113 to Sept. 30, 1913 28.723.52 22,374.07 20,f20.71 " 2.353.36 29,645.43 Summary of Assessment Roll Summary of assessment roll of Columb;a County, State of Oregon, for the year 1913, as finally equalized by the County Board of Equal ization: Classification of Property Acres of tillable lands Acres of non-tillable lands Improvements on deeded or patented lnds Town and city lots Improvements on town and city lots Logging roads and rolling stock Steamboats, sailbrats, stationary engines and man- ufacturing machinery Merchandise and stock in trade Farming implements, wagons, carriages, etc Electrc Notes and accounts Shares-of stock Hotel and ollice furniture etc Horses Cattle Sheep Swine TYiiw ' - -r- $15,798,590 The above figures do not include the assessments made by the State Board of Fublic Utility Companies, such as railroads, etc., which is ap proximately $3,000,000 more, making a total voluation in Columbia County of more than $18,000,000. The total cruise of timber in the county is about seven and one-half billion feet. The valuation of the non tillable land as given- in the statement aoove, includes tne timDei, in fact is the valuation of the timber alone as the land is not considered worth anything until the timber is taken off, so the valuation of timber in the county is more than eleven million dollara. 775 1.935 6,448 1,801 1,327 590 Value $ 911,355 11,467.180 523.555 738,375 661.060 333,800 502,820 238,360 41,045 25,000 12.540 63,030 9,535 119,165 135.995 3.805 . 6,515 6.045 $100 REWARD. The Water Commis ion nf the City of St. Melons will pay $100 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who shut down one of the water Kates on the main line recently, or of any person or persons damaging or in terfering with any water pipes on the line. Hy order of the Commission. E. E. QUICK, Sec. A Snap The St. Helens improvement Co. has secured an option on the 72-aere farm known as th old Downing place near Warren. This place has 40 acres in cultivation and the balance in pasture, easily cleared. It is on the main Port land rpad, on a milk route, rural delivery, and telephone. Less than one mile from a depot and about a half mile from a first class high school. An excellent opportunity for a dairy farm, there being suffi cient pasture and farm lands to handle 30 cows. This place ean be bought for $125 per acre on easy terms, and 7 per cent interest on deferred payments. We have also several other good farm proposi tions and a number of houses and lots in St. Helens which can be had on the easy payment plan. St. Helens Improvement Co. A, T. Laws, Mgr.