St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 31, 1913, Image 2

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Resume of World's Important
Events Told in Brick
Postmaster Myers, of Portland, hat
requested 20 additional mail carriers
for the city.
Colonel Roosevelt and party received
hearty welcome on their arrival at
Sao Paulo, Braiil.
Secretary Daniels says the Panama
canal will not necessarily cause an
increase in the navy.
The entire Spanish cabinet resigned
and a new set of national officers has
been selected and sworn in.
Two women lawyers on opposing
sides tried a case in the Supreme court
of the state of Washington.
The first day's consideration of the
currency bill by the banking commit
tee resolved itself into a hearing be
hind closed doors.
It is understood in Washington that
England will make no move in the
Mexican situation without first con
sulting the United States.
In a speech at Mobile, Ala., Presi
dent Wilson declares the sole aim of
the United States is to aid Latin
America, not to conquer it nor any
portion of it.
After an absence in Alaska of 19
years, during which time he was twice
reported dead, an Olympia, Wash.,
man has returned borne with a com
fortable fortune which he made deal
ing in wild hay.
To conform to the police regulations
that crowds must be kept moving, I.
W. W. street speakers in Portland ad
dress their hearers from platforms
mounted on casters, which are pushed
slowly along the street by members of
the audience.
Huerta says complete democracy in
imposssible in Mexico.
The death list in the New Mexico
mine explosion will probably reach
President Wilson has designated
Thursday, November 27, as Thanks
giving Day.
Seattle is making a vigorous fight
to exterminate rata infected with
bubonic plague.
The continuous session of congress
will cut off the members from exten
sive mileage allowances.
Chancellor Lloyd-George, of Eng
land, believes that women will be
granted suffrage in that country.
Several officers of the Miners' union
and three foreigners were sentenced to
two years in the penitentiary for riot
ing. The city water board of Oregon
City, Or., was discharged by the city
council for failure to perform its
duties, and now the board wishes to
The Carnegie commission finds that
all factions in the Balkan struggle
were guilty of grave atrocities, and
the Bulgarians, while merciful to the
Turks, were most brutal toward their
former allies.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 78c;
bluestem, 88Jfa89e; forty-fold, 79Ji
80c; red Russian, 77c; valley, 79c.
Oats No. I white, $25 ton.
CornWhole, $37; cracked, $38 ton.
Millstuff Bran, $22 ton; shorts.
$24; middlings, $30.
Barley Feed, $24 ton; brewing,
$2525.60; willed, $2829.
Hay No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim
othy, $15,16; mixed timothy, $12i
14; alfalfa, $12; clover, $3.50; valley
grain hay, $ lira 12.
Clover seed Buying price, fancy
recleaned, 9fa,9c pound f. o. b. ship
ping points.
Onions Oregon, $2.15 sack; buying
price, $1.75 f. o. b. shipping points.
Vegetables Cabbage, 0i ljc pound;
cauliflower, $lft,1.25 dozen; etrgplant,
7e pound; peppers, 6rtj,7c; tomatoes,
60cv;$1.50 box; garlic, 12c pound;
sprouts, 10fa,llc pound; artichokes, $1
dozen; squash, lie pound; pumpkins,
ljc pound; celery, tooi.TSe dozen.
Potatoes Oregon, 90cfa$l hundred;
buying price, 75fa,85c shipping points.
Green fruits Apples, 60cfa$2.60
box; peaches, 25;40c; pears, $.125tfi
1.50; grapes, 60crt;,$1.36 crate; lOtft
12c basket; cranberries, $8.509.50
Poultry Hens, 14c pound; springs,
14c; turkeys, live, 20ri21c; dressed,
25ft 28c; ducks, lift, 12c; geese, 12c.
Eggs Oregon fresh ranch, candled,
42ft 43c per dozen.
Butter Oregon creamery, cubes,
34c pound; butter fat, delivered, 34c.
Pork Fancy, llft,12c per pound.
Veal Fancy, 13c per pound.
Hops 1913 crop, prime and choice,
21ft23c; 1912 crop, nominal.
Wool Valley, 16ftl8c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, llftl6; mohair, 1913
clip, 25ft,27c per pound.
Cascara bark Old and new, 6c per
Cattle Prime steers, $7.607.75;
choice, $7 25ft7.50; medium, $7ft;
7.25; prime cows, $6.60ft5.75;
choice, $6.25ft6.60; heifers, $8ft,7;
light calves, $8ft,9; heavy calves,
$8.75ft.7.75; bulls, $3.60ft,5; stags,
Hogs Light, $8.25ft,8.30; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, $4ft.4.60; ewes,
$3.254; lambs, $46.10.
Pitched Battles With Guards
Waged for Hours.
Berwind. Colo. Three battles, the
hottest fought since the strike of coal
miners in Southern Colorado began,
marked the first day of martial law in
this district. One mine guard killed,
four union men wounded, two badly;
two children of non-union men shot;
one mine guard missing and a county
marshal wounded were casualties of
the three fights, one here, one at Ta
basco and the other at Hastings.
The most serious fighting took place
in Hastings, and it was them that the
mine guard was killed and the strikers
were wounded. The -mine camp had
been hemmed in on two sides by the
strikers, who climbed the steep hills
of either side of the canyon in the
night and at daylight began shooting
into the camp. Miners had been no
tified that Marshal Robinson with dep
uties was on his way into the mine
camp, and when the righting started
they made a rush out of the stockade
in an attempt to locate the marshal's
Not more than 25 guards were de
fending Hastings when the miners at
tacked them and for almost an hour
the battle raged in the hills surround
ing the mine. Then the strikers, who
numbered, it is said, approximately 300
men, succeeded in driving them slowly
back to the mine and shelter.
While fighting outside of the stock
ade. Guard Angus Alexander was
killed. According to the story told by
strikers and guards alike, Alexander
had shot a Greek striker through the
leg. the fighting being at close range
at that time, and another Greek, one
of four who had attacked the guard,
fired a bullet through his skull.
At Alexander's death his fellow
guards left him on the field.
Cody, Wyo. Charles W. Gates, son
of the late John W. Gates, died in
his private car here at 2 o'clock
Wednesday from a stroke of apoplexy.
His body was sent East by way of
Mr. Gates came West about a month
ago in poor health on the advice of
physicians, who accompanied him, be
lieving he would improve with a
change of climate and altitude. His
health improved somewhat after his
arrival here.
Mr. Gates' combined wealth is
placed at $20,000,000, distributed as
follows :
Southern Wire company. United
States Steel Corporation, Baltimore &
Ohio railroad, Western Maryland rail
road. Republic Iron & Steel company
of New Jersey, American Salt com
pany, Unietd States Realty & Im
provement company, Tennessee Coal,
Iron & R. R. Co., Clyde Steamship
company. National Bank of North
America, Texas oil fields. First Na
tional Bank, Port Arthur, Texas, and
other Port Arthur corporations.
The heirs are Mrs. Charles W.
Gates, of Minneapolis; Mrs. John W.
Gates, of New York; many Illinois
Takes Refuge at American Consu
late, Then Goes on Warship.
Vera Cruz General Felix Diaz,
much agitated and declaring his life
was in danger, took refugo in the
United States consulate Wednesday
night, entering by a rear door after a
flight over the housetops from his
hotel. Consul Canada advised him to
board a navy launch, which he did,
and went on board the Wheeling.
Later he was transferred by order of
Rear-Admiral Fletcher to the flag
ship, the Louisiana.
Mexico, it was represented by her
authorities here, is chuckling over the
incident. Diaz is resting contentedly
aboard the Louisiana and Admiral
Fletcher is wondering just what dis
position Washington will ask him to
make of his self-invited guest.
This was the net situation at the
close of General Felix Diaz' first day
as a refugee. Ashore the arrest of
two or three persons of lesser impor
tance served to sustain interest.
Prosperity in Potatoes.
Washington, D. C. A big sweet
potato, weighing six and three-quarter
pounds, was removed from the desk of
President Wilson the other day and
carried to the White House kitchen.
The White House chef popped it into
the family pot and the prize vegetable
graced the table of the chief executive
of the United States at dinner. The
potato, on view to the President's
callers, was the gift of Charles E.
Robinson, of Lincolnton, N. C. The
donor sent it, he said, "as a sample
of Democratic prosperity."
Potato Growing Lures.
Caldwell, Idaho As a result of the
phenomenal success of J. B. Frye, a
Deer Flat settler under the Payette
Boise project, in raising potatoes,
there will probably be some 15,000
acres set out to tubers in this vicinity
next season. Mr. Frye this year made
$4500 off a 15-acre patch, gathering
9000 bushels.
Low Tariff Rate Urged.
Spokane Secretary Corbaley, of the
Chamber of commerce, has received,
through Senator Poindexter, assur
ances that the United States minister
to Chile has been instructed to use his
good offices to prevent the imposition
of what was regarded by local lumber
men as an unreasonable rate of duty
on American lumber.
Oregon Wilis Big Dry
Farming Sweepstakes
Tulsa, Okla. The state of Oregon
was presented with a ailver loving cup
given by the Chicago Association of
Commerce for having the beet state
or district exhibit of farm products at
the International Soil Products exposi
tion which is being held here in con
nection with the International Dry
Farming congress. Oregon won the
trophy in competition with 15 states
and a dozen provinces of Canada. The
presentation speech was made by K.
E. Gore, vice president of the Chicago
Association of Commerce, who spoke
to 5000 delegates gathered here from
every nation on the globe to discuss
methods of dry farming.
Assurance that legislation intended
to better the condition of the Ameri
can farmer would be considered by
congress immediately after the dis
posal of the pending currency bill was
given by Senator Gore, of Oklahoma,
in his address before the Dry Farming
congress. The senator declared that
as a result of the recent investigation
of rural credits in Europe a plan would
be devised whereby money with which
to finance crop operations would be
loaned to the farmer at 4 per cent in
terest. Soils, tillage, livestock and other
subjects of importance to the farmer,
with special reference to the con
servation of water to provide moisture
for the growing crops during dry per
iods, were discussed by agricultural
experts from a number of states and
several foreign countries.
Privileges of Insane Patients Will
Be Restricted.
Salem The state board of control,
as the result of damages being award
ed against the superintendent of the
Insane asylum at Tacoma, Wash., in
favor of a man who was shot by a
paroled lunatic, has issued an order
prohibiting the paroling of patients at
the state insane asylum.
There is no law in this state provid
ing for the paroling of insane persons
and under similar circumstances the
superintendent would find himself in
the predicament of the Washington
After learning that a verdict of
$9000 damages had been awarded
against Superintendent Calhoun, of
the asylum at Tacoma, and the mother
of the man who did the shooting in
favor of H. D. Emery, stage manager
of a Portland theater. Superintendent
Steiner explained to the board that he
could not afford to take chances. The
order was immediately issued.
"While I think it is a backward
step," said Dr. Steiner, "it is neces
sary for self-protection. Conditions
are the same here as in Washington.
We have paroled a great many pa
tients, and most of them have done
well. Now, we are limited to dis
charging them, and those that show
recurrent insanity will have to bo re
turned through inquests in the various
county courts, the same as when first
sent to the institution."
Hood River Orchardist Finds Prof
itable Market Abroad.
Hood River "The German apple
market Is offering the best of oppor
tunities for Northwestern apples this
year," says August Paasch, one of the
largest individual exporters of fruits
in the Northwest. He says he will
sell 60 carloads of Hood River fruit in
Germany this year. Mr. Paasch has
been selling fruit abroad ever since
his orchard came into bearing. He
recently returned from Germany and
says the demand for American boxed
apples is growing continually.
Mr. Paasch and his sons have a tract
of 120 acres, one of the largest bear
ing orchards in the valley. He was
one of the first individual growers to
erect a packing plant and warehouse.
"Our prices in the German markets
this year," says Mr. Paasch, "are go
ing to net us most satisfactory re
turns, and I look for better results
next year."
Four Hunters Arrested.
Astoria Deputy Game Warden Lar
son recently arrested W. C. Burnonall,
J. F. Bidwell, C. J. Goddard and Ar
thur Elbon at McGregor's Island, a
short distance above Tongue Point, on
a charge of shooting ducks from a mo
torboat. The defendants were brought
to Astoria and each deposited $50 bail
to appear for trial in Justice court.
The shooting of ducks from motorboats
is reported to have been in progress in
that vicinity for some time, and for
several Sundays Larson has been
watching to catch possible offenders.
Clatsop Timber Figures High.
Astoria While some time will
elapse before exact figurse will be
available, a careful estimate indicates
that the recent county cruise will show
approximately 17,000,000,000 feet of
merchantable timber standing In Clat
sop county and subject to taxation.
This includes all varieties, but the
great bulk of it is red and yellow fir.
Calf Up Salt Creek Brings $16.50.
Monmouth A sale which, it is be
lieved, has established a new record in
Polk county, was made this week
when a 2-montha-old veal calf brought
$16.60. The most remarkable Inci
dent connected with the sale was that
the mother of the calf was about 20
months old. The calf came from the
ranch of J. II. Foster, on Salt creek.
Noted Biologist Teaches of Birds,
Beasts and Insects.
University of Oregon. Eugene A
man who tells the children and the
grownups, too the secrets of the
toad, the birds, the mosquito, the
house fly and of some of the untamed
animal creatures that are familiar
sights on Oregtm farms or in Oregon
woods, is Dr. Clifton Freemont Hodge,
the eminent biologist, whose services
are this year at the disposal of towns
and villages of the State. Dr. Hodge
is for one year at least on the faculty
of the University of Oregon. His
services are free to the community;
they are part of the university's ex
tension department Instruction through
the stnte.
Dr. Hodge does not tell the animal
and bird and insect secrets of Oregon
merely to entertain, although his talks
are pronounced most entertaining; he
does it to teach. From him the chil
dren learn what bird is beneficial and
should be protected to the utmost for
the sake of Oregon crops. They are
told which of the insects should be
most feared and how such Insects
should be fought. He tells them what
to expect from the small animals,
which ones can be domesticated and
how to do it. Then he goes further,
in other lectures, and teaches the sav
ing and planting of tree seeds, and of
bacteria, of common sense cleanliness
and of the fungi of household, garden
and field.
Hills Near Monmouth Prove Gold
Mine to Hunters.
Monmouth Trapping for the fur
bearing animals has begun in the hills
southwest of this city. Prices offered
by St. Ixiuis and Chicago fur dealers
are encouraging to the trappers who
are after skunk.
Prices paid for skunk hides range
from $1.60 to $3.60, according to the
Btripe, and W. L. Phillips made $25
in a single day last year.
Farmers living close to good sec
tions for these skunk spend much of
the time in the winter months hunt
ing. March is said to be the best
month for trapping skunk, as they are
on the run then and can easily be
caught. As many as 12 have been
found in one den, although the aver
age is from four to eight in a den, and
traps are set by told trees, sheds and
in low places.
In the Luckiamute country several
hundred weasels were caught along
the banks of the river last winter.
Clatsop County Co-operative Cheese
Association Prospers.
Seaside With six months of busi
ness, the Clatsop County Co-operative
Cheese association has established an
excellent record, as shown by the re
port of Manager Brague, which was
presented to the members of the as
sociation at the regular monthly meet
ing a few days ago. The receipts
during the six months have averaged
over $2000 per month, the total being
$12,154.97. Nine thousand dollars of
this sum was paid to the farmers of
the vicinity for butter fat and milk.
An interesting part of the report is
the statement that $1800 has been
paid to the farmers In excess of the
market prices for butter fat. This is
the system by which the profits of the
association are distributed instead of
paying the market price only and de
claring dividends.
The Dalles Sees Fine Corn.
The Dalles An epoch In the history
of The Dalles was recorded Monday
when, for the first time in the exist
ence of the city, a full wagon load of
corn in the ear passed through the
streets to market. It attracted gen
eral attention. Former residents of
the corn-growing states of the Midde
West flocked about the wagon. It
was conclusive evidence that corn can
be raised successfully and profitably in
the section surrounding The Dalles.
C. R. Micklan, of Mill Creek valley,
the possessor, was kept busy declaring
that it had been really raised near The
Dalles. Mr. Micklan's field average
better than 60 bushels to the acre, and
extraordinary yield, as the cereal was
grown between rows of young fruit
Escheat Reports Called.
Salem G. G. Brown, clerk of the
State Land Board, has notified all s pe
loid attorneys in escheat proceedings
for the state to report as soon as pos
sible regarding estates. It Is desired
that the money subject to escheat be
deposited with the state treasurer as
soon as possible, so that it may be lent
to farmers and draw interest. All
escheated money, including dormant
bank deposits, estates of persons
without heirs, etc., goes to the state
school fund. The total annually Is
several thousand dollars.
Medford Will Swat the Fly.
Medford At a meeting of the civ
ics department of the Greater Meford
club under the leadership of Mrs. J.
F. Rcddy, a fly-swatting campaign
was scheduled for next spring, under
the direction of City Health Officer
Thayer. The ladies are convinced that
a flyless city would not only add to the
comfort of all but would improve the
already excellent health record of the
T,l I "-""ssaasewalaw
Winchester Repeating Shotguns are
not only safe to ahoot, but sure to
shoot. They are easy to load or un.
load.easy to take down or put together
and strong and reliable- in every
way. That's why the U.S. Ordnance
Hoard endorsed them as being safe
sure, strong and simple. Over 450,000
satisfied sportsmen are using them.
Stick to Winchester and You Won't Get Stuck
WlmchtUt (iaai aaa VMnw A mmmnll(omilu K-J 1 a f
aVesJ-es Mi4 tar ftk Otlur 4 SoU ff
Has Assurance of Success.
To know one line of husineea and to
know it thoroughly holds far greater
assurance of success than to know a
number of lines and to know those
only Indifferently well.
No Small Attentions Now.
"Marriage seems to have mdr
different man of Tom."
"His wife says it hss made ln
different man of him." ... I'uubu
That Wonderful Even
IK THERE U a tim lxv all time when t
woman fthouM be In perfect physical condition
It U th Um prtwtou to th cumin o br btb
rHirtntf this prrtotl many wonwu tiffrr from ht1rhc
ftrpirBYiMk im l4 VthHi .li-Mrli't.irt., e.ir1if
ml hist! t o4hr AilmemU whkti shotiM hj tiimiiitij
JuftlKsJ la Um imtw 111 tUmul to be) UaJtoivU inlu Uiu mvtUL
It s arlmtlrif medicine raraiully compounded by an nprlrn.l and tMlhil
rhvtUin, aiul aUird lo In and rvuulramanta ul wwiin i urlUate
lytlrm. ll baa bv ratocnma-iuWd Un owt liwty yaaia aa a jrnwUy tan ll
twvulur ailmciita whkft make Ihrlf ai'peaieiH iluon Ilia aipntaitt'
Crttkl NiiilicthiKxl u mlfMl by lu wc 1 buuawuuU ul mora have
ra twiMtHni W aamlnin.
Your HnjuuUt ran surr'v vou In tkniM n taMct form. or voo ran tmi
' ffl fiiv-rnt .Unit" ! a Inal hoi I"hrr.'a Pavnrlt frvarrlp4lo
1' I 'i. i'kma, at luvalkla' llulat aiul Suisxal liulilula, Uuilttu.
.-'., n. iV.-rt-tf Air nihtic anil It if ill ha nl.i.lUt
givnn rear vt ciurytf. Vf Count all (ummunkaliont art conhUcnltaL 9
Botts than othar powder
producing light, dainty, wools
loma cakes and pastri
la hiah a-rad and
modarat in Dries)
25c lb. tin at trocars
Craacaat Mf(. Caw, Seaula
His Only Opportunity.
"Does your wifs talk In bar slaep,
"No; I talk In her sleep. It's tha
only chance I get." Iondon Life.
" When Your Eyes Need Care
TV Marina Eye Bwhkit. Ko Hmartlne Wts
fine Acta V"''''- Trr ll 1W K-l. Wak,
Watarj atxl Urii.iUt-! Kjrall-la. Illu
Iratwi IfcH.k la h l'.'btr. Muriiut la
Eai puotMlMl br nur N-n!l. m.t a!1!!!! M4
iMi ' bul o.M In auonMfnl l'hrl !' I'r
Ui-m tnr manr riiriir.l ui tha I'tjb-
u an4 ai"l IfrutitfUt at V. iil HMymr ttHtia.
atarlbe aire HaUaln Aaitptts Tuuaa, Hj it4 awa.
Murine Evsj Romody Co., Chloaso
It baa been conjectured that exces
sive atmospheric precipitation might
be responsible for earthquakes by in
creasing the supply of subterranean
water, leading to a washing away and
collapse of the earth's crust but It
may not be so.
Impure Blood
Gets Good Bath
Wonderful How Quickly
Your Entire System
Awakens When the
Blood is Cleansed.
If you are town with rheumatism; If
you aneete, faal chlllml, are choked with
catarrh, have a cough, or your skin le
lmpla4 anil Irritate! with raah, arums,
or any other blood dlsnrilrr, Juat remem.
bar that alinnit all tha Ills of life come
from Impure blood. And you can eaally
give your blood a iK,d. thomush clean.
Ins. a hath, by unlna; 8. 8 H. Thar le
no naed for anyone to ba drapondant over
tke lllnaaa of blood Impurltlna. No mat
tar how badly they attm k Ih syatam, or
how unsightly bcrni-a Ilia skin. Just re
main bar there I one limredlrnt ln B. 8. H.
that so atlmulatra tha callular tlasuae
throughout the body that each part se
lects Its own esjuritlal nulrlmaul from
Ui blood.
Thle means that all decay, all braaklng
Sown of the tl.auen, la chucked and re
pair work bKlna. S. S. H. has such a
speclflo Influence on all local calls as te
preserve their mutuul walfare and afford
a proper relative asaiHtam e to each other.
More attention Is bolng Riven to con
structive medicine than ever before and
B. 8. 8. la the hlaiheat achievement In this
line. For ninny yeur people relied upon
mercury, Iodide of pntimh. arsanlo. phy.
Ice, cathartic and 'dope" as remedies
for blood slckn,.ia, but now the pure
botanical B. 8. 8. I their safeguard.
Ten can get fl. H. 8. In any drug store,
but Insist upon having It. The great
Bwlft laboratory In Atlanta, a., pre
pares thla famous blood purinr. and you
should take no chanr by permitting any
on to recommend a suhttltut.
And If your blood con. lit Ion Is such that
you would like to ronsult a specialist
freely and confidentially, addreaa the
Medical Liepartmant, The) 8wlft Hneclfle
Company, i Bwlft ISIdg., Atlanta, Oa.
The Life of Ilusinras.
Development of new trade in buj
ness is to the life and growth of Uia
business of even greater import tiui
the mere accumulation of dollar pro!
from channel already established.
J Fortunate la the man who falls Id
love at first aight - if he nt vt-r gr'ej
another look.
1. Ska K.vr
2. Ikmry laatrtie-
I. U-m4 l
( all M m4 far
4 etatoeaa.
(Valral Y. M. '. A.
Slk an lailwr Hta.
t'artlaaa. Ore.
Do You Wish lo Enjoy
the comfort of a clear head,
sweet stomach, keen sppctjtt and
S good digestion?
Send for free sample to
Wriohl's Indian Vegetable PIUU
372 fterl Slreel, Mm tsrt
A ll ruarijn
I rtA'ig,
II 10 Mr roll
llmmsT ilis
t ftialljr Jnw
prifi. Wt
Im aril tar
, tntlHinf
Irtfl tap'. 4-silnlfts) rl(
4 ssMlsr I') i
Sfflttuftf tryeje prtrS
las S7lA
lluura, 10 a. m to p. m..
or br ai4,intntnt
nit. joski'ii iioank
Prlantlflr Trra!m-nt of all A run and Chronic
V . ' "''""I 'raniiu.n. BulUtt-a-T
Arrait HuUli,lv Scania
I .. MS
Ma e II atTS yas
Ut K an y
h.r bill. Our "
, all nrtl r "4
flrat auality.
roudiretl SwaT
liat loaJr",'
pffPatd rH
Wa tin a aw bv rJ..u IMI
a Mil la a.amr aa a r.paa.l II
tai ml la It. F'Maal a.iga ' "
auiiaara ana .ara of a.
r aialaataal aiaba. ',
i'.( naaa ar inmmmrrm. " - - -- p,
"7. n.awaiBar wa ara am i ...
Hue. aa ha at III) calaae !' "
' Poosl
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