LOCAL HAPPENINGS AND DOINGS NEWS NOTES CONCERNING PEOPLE AND " THINGS IN AND AROUND ST. HELENS PERSONAL; LOCAL; SOCIAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Larua Barber visited friends in Portland during the week. James Hunt, was a Porttand visitor during the week. All the ghosts and goblins will ap pear at the City Hull on the evening the 29th. Little Morle Hicks, who has been ill for several weeks, is improving and seems to be on the road to speedy re covery. Lost On the Portland road, a child's pink and white wool cap. Finder please leave at the Mist office. Mrs. V. H. Powell was the guest of Mrs. C. H. John several days during the week. Mrs. Lewis of Clatskanie is visit ing with St. Helens friends this week. Mrs. Lela r orris anu children of Port land are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Muckle in St Helens. Fred Abbott has a second crop of of raspberries on his property in this city, which seem to bo as fine flavor and size as the first crop was. Judge W. H. Cooper of Rainier was attending to legal business in St. Hel lene this week. Geo. Grant and G. B. Milloyof Scap poose visited in St. Helens Tuesday. C. J. Patterson, a merchant of Clats kanie, was a visitor in St. Helens Wednesday. Goe. W. Vogel of Rainier was tran sacting business in the county seat early in the week. There will be scrviecs in the Episco pal church next Sunday evening, Oct. 2G, at 7;30. Ladies you can get just as stylish millinery in St. Helens as you can get in Portland. Everything first class at Hanson's milllinery. Every desirable feature demanded in scientific eyesight testing and intra ocular examinations, modern eye glasses and spectacles of today is generously taken care of by Drs. Lowe & Turner. When you patronize them you receive the combined skill of the trained eye specialist and optician. The combined years of experience of these two specialists is an even 40 years. Do you not think their opinion in regard to your eyes is valuable? It is yours for the asking. Kinsey & Kinsey, photographers of Seattle, Wash., are located in the Hol comb building at Willamette and Win ter streets and will remain for 10 days. The work exhibited by them is of a high order and they should receive a liberal partonage. Roy and Ed Laws sailed last Wednes day evening on the Yosmemite for Red lands, Cat., where they will spend the winter. Both the boys have almost re covered from their recent illness, but in order to effect a complete cure with out taking further chances, they de cided to spend another winter in South ern California. Dave Davis, a former resident of St Helens and of late years con nected with the Timberman of Portland, has resigned his position with that publication ond has hied himself back to the farm. Macbeth at the City Hall next Wednesday evening. Floyd Pur.ey of Clatskanie was a wit ness in the Circuti Court this week. The newest thing in ladies, Misses and children's hats. Prices in reach of all, at Hanson's millinery. E. V. Conyers and Miss A. Con yers of Clatskanie were interested visitor in St Helens last Saturday, attending; the Masonic ceremonies. Prof, and Mrs. J. H. Collinsn of Rainier visited in this city over Sunday. Judge Dean Blanehard of Rainier was one of the visiting Masons on Saturday night. Miss Dernice Masten, who is at tending a school in Portland, visit ed over last Sunday with Miss Lois Clear in this city. Mr. J. A. Allen, pharmacist at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Ross during the week. James Bacon and Mrs. Bacon of Warren attended the Masonic ceremonies here last Saturday. The Beaver Socity of Houlton will give a dance in the Bishop Hall Houlton, on Friday Oct. 31st. Galichio's Orchestra will furnish the music. All invited. Mrs K. A. Rotger returned this week from Portland where she has been attending her cousin, Mrs. Watts who is recovering nicely. Mrs. Ray Watts and Mrs. Geo. Maygerof Portlond were St Helens visitors during the week. Every member of the Maccabbee lodge of St Helens is requested to be present to-morrow-evening at a special meeting of the. bulge. The State Commander will be here as will also a speaker from Portland. Something to eat will be provided. A floating dock for small boats is being built along the strand near the Court House. Several large logs have been fastened together and secured to the piling making an excellent place for the tieing of small boats, safe from damage by the large steamers. The City Council paid one half the expenses and private subscription paid the balance. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Masten of the camp were visiting in St. Helens Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hughes of Rainier were the guests of Mr. and Mrs L. R. Rutherford last week. J. W, McMillan, the postmaster of Rainier, attended the Masonic dedication in St. Helens last Satur day. Editor C. A. Nutt of the Rainier Review, was one of the out-of-town guests at the Masonic dedication, Judge T. A. McBride of Salem visited his son, Geo. M., here last Saturday. Mrs. Curtiss, who gave the lec ture with the Pilgrims Progress production, also visited at the St. Helens High schools yesterday af ternoon, where she entertained the school for a time with an address upon the matter of slides for demon strating studies. There are two states in the Union now using the slides, New York and Pennsyl vania, and the plan has been adopted by some of the schools In Oregon, thus milking the third state to use them, Judge J. C. Moreland of Salem visited with friends in St. Helens last week, the guest of Chnrles Muckle. Dr. and Mrs. Fdwin Ross enter tained Judge and Mrs. P. A. Moore of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hol aday and Mr, Washburn of Seap poose last week. Dr. M. D. Harbour of Mayger and Dr. J. L. Wooden of Clats kanie visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Zipperer l.tst Saturday and Sunday. A Snap During the present week the St. Helens Improvement Co. has se cured an option on the 72 acre farm known as the old Downing place near Warren. This place has 40 acres In cultivation and the balance in pasture, easily cleared. It Is on the main Portland road, on a milk route, rural delivery, and telephone. Less than one mile from a depot and about a half mile from a first class high school. An excellent op portunity for a dairy farm, there being suflicient pasture and farm lands to handle 30 cows. This place can be bought for $125 per acre on easy terms, and 7 per cent interest on deferred payments. We have also several other good farm propo sitions and a number of houses and lots in St. Helens which can be had on the easy payment plan. St. Helens Improvement Co. A. T. Laws. Manager. I nil... ... I...lt.ara.l with 9. lis Irs of TV 11 w . ...... . - r glm.es? Call at St Helens lltitcl Monday. Oct. V. end have Irs. Lowe & Turner show you the new Invisible bifocal, with which you can see all distances. No splits, lines or seams in the glass to ratc.s dirt or to strain the eyes. No cement to blurr or come apart. Light solid, smooth lenses. They guarantee all their glasses to give entire satisfaction, whether they cost $2.00 or more. One charge covers entire cost of ex amination, frames, lenses. Free de monstrations. Scores of references. Remember the date. In St Helens Oct. 27. Rainier Oct. 2H. Clatskanie Oct. 29. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS H. S. & M. S. Uurnhani to II. S. & N. Littlefield. land In 80-7-2. D. (!. Thayer to W. E. Neivson, land. W. H. & L. I-emcko to W. E. Neivson, land. II. Hansen to Chris Hansen, land in 22-3-2. For Sale and Want Ads AU U The C Jumna Bria, RMUU Trappers- Mink want,.,!, v, ."1 uninjurwi. manest price paid. vVrltJ rreu bveresi, nox 6. llll.bo,, ()fe Team for Sale - f years old ,i broke. Weight about 2Mm For particulars enquire of lvil iiyuen, tH-nppxMia, wre. tp . lr l(, tiwi(t. with housework after school houri r or particulars call at Mint office. Hp 10 acres near Scappoose to trail,. for 6 good cows and $100 cash, orl would take a horse and $;mo rnort I gage on land. Aug. Voss, Island, Ore. jtp For Kent -Rooms In the Itank I building. Steutn heat, electric I light, hot and cold water. Columbia Co. Hunk. All kinds of job work done at the I Mist office, at reasonable prices. Puilnrii l.l . I I . nntw.v- ivuv. it'll nuv Inr I A mi.t n ll f fdv 5.T IIP! PNS R PJSmr ti 0 F ue i uyiiiULH i -a i . iil,uui i uuwitu, -J: i "- -'. r ..a.)fi.'.. (-'-.. .:' .s . - .: 4.' . . N- : - i v. sale. C. W. Llnd. Warren. 4tp One of the newest and coziest residences in this city is shown this week, the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stone. Only a few short years ago, not more than two, the prop erty on the north side of Nigger Creek was looked uon as !eing too far out in the country to make a desirable location for a home. Hut Mr." and Mrs. Stone decided that there was no more desirable loca tion in the city for a home, so they secured a couple of lots and erected thereon the !eautifu! bungalow shown in this picture. It is situ ated on a blulT overlooking the Columbia River, furnishing a view for about 10 miles up and down the river. During the summer months the gentle breeze from the Colum bia Ib wafted through the house of the Stones, making it an ideal place for a home. Since the Stone house was built other beautiful homes have been erected there until it has become one of the choice portions of the city. ?TlyriirTlf,rTl'TTfTlMfT1HTHmvTllTTl'TTlHTT Mrs. A. J. Defiling entertained in formally on Thursday afternoon with a card party in honor of Minn Adeline Allen of Spokane. Two table of five hundred were played, with Miss Ada George holding the high score. Dainty refreshment! were served. Those present were: Miases Allen, Harris, George, Perry, Muckle, Ketel, Mrs. Eugene Illakesley and Mrs. I)eming. You and your children are safe if you wear Drs. Lowe & Turner's super ior glasses eye safe and price safe. They cost you no more than the in ferior kinds usually sold and you have the benefit of their skijl and many years' experence as exclusive eye sp cialints. They do net go from house to house. Consult them for I day only, Monday, Oct. 27, in parlor, St. Hi Ions Hotel. Dozens of references. Remember the day and date. Mon day, Oct. 27. When workmen demolished the steeple of the Methodist church here this week, tho old corner stone was removed and several old articles taken out, among thrm being an issue of the Oregon Mist of March 2:ird, 1900. The Mist was then edited by David Davis and there sre several interesting articles contained. An item or par ' itcular interest reads: "Work was be gun on Tuesday by the Multnomah i county rommissioneis on the building of s bicycle path from Portland toward the Columbia county line. The path will be improved for a distance of seventeen miles. If a path from St. Helena to the county line could be made, wheeling from here to Poitland would be pleasant instead of irksome." The home it J. W. VanNatta and family was the scene of a pleasant gathering last Sunday. F.ightc n in all were present for dinner. Tho gather ing was In honor of mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hugillof Kalams. W'aih., who are visiting at the VanNatta home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. II. A. liugill of Kalnma, Wash., Mr. "and ( Mrs. I. G. Wickstrum snd daughters, C. E. Wikstrom, Mrs Dupees snd Miss 'Lottie Morse of Scappoose, M'. and Mrs. Prank llerdahl of Karhclur Pint, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. VanNatta and child- Congegation&l Church A church home for friends and strangers. Services -10 a m. Bible sch.)ol. 11 a. m. Preaching and worship. 1:'M) p. m. Song service and ser mon. Wednesday, 7-I10 p. m. Mid week service ami Bible study. Everybody welcome. F. J Meyer, Pastor. . Itargain Sale Four lots and 5. room house. Price f HoO, on giioj terms. In Houlton, 1 1-2 blurb from depot. 0-20-p ("has. Smith. For Sale Two houses and two lots. Reasonable prices. W. H. Cm le, St. Helens, 4tp Fresh Skamokawa Creamery but- A 4.1k - at.. . II a I.I f ut, ri renia me roil. mut'Kie bra- eery Co. I Election Notice Purstant to a (K'tition signed by ninety iunlifii'd electors of the city of St. Helens, Oregon, presented to the Mayor and Common Council of said City, praying that a gwciiil election be held in naiil city ua Saturday, the 15lh day of Novem Ikt, A. D.. 1013, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of sail city the ueslion of whether the City of St. Helens shall be consoli dated with the City of Houlton, Oregon, a contiguous municipal cor poration, under the name of the City of St. Helens, Oregon; Now, therefore, by order of the Mayor of the City of St. Helens, Oregon, and the Common Council thereof, notice is hereby given that o'i Suturday, Nov. l.r.tli, A. P., I'J 13, beginning at the hour of! o'clock in the morning of said day and continuing until 7 o'clock in the afternoon thereof, a specisl elec tion will be held at the City Hill in the City of St. Helens, Oregon. fr the purpose of submitting to the electors of said Citv of St. lleleiu, the question whether said City ut St. Helens and tho City of lloulbm shall In; consolidated into one cor poration. Dated Oct. I I, 1913. K. K. Quick. iU-corder of City of St. Helens. Notice Columbia County Pomona Grsnpe will meet with Yankton Grange (Nov. 1st. This meeting is of grill importance to all Grangers as there will Ik? resolutions of great interest introduced at this meeting. A'l come. R. N. Iivelace. Master of Poinons. MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS By Gross oJT.reu. ill, te 100 J ce t er&y M ntce ( a m s'&J U ice a voo W-L