St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 24, 1913, Image 5

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    t Helens Mist
j? fmUAXUX
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rmintv Ofli
C 1 a I
" "' .
Onpif m will be
.iJtV K ir4 which
"jura !
lira 0 " - "... "
tv refrer.d--i of tt
lie, ::h Uv.e excej.' n of the '
se relitlni to lh ratlsinjr of j
jta!nf ctwntjr ciT,cr of ,
iiieocnty. All th :hm wer
ANMi bv th W-nltare It
finter nd tiiei. re fererxlutn
oriflni were :ed by c-me per-
Lq or jrn bo r.trnes are
'.to bi" apf ror-rtieff money
'jf the Unietity f Orepon
ftr referfed by th w-ne po-
!t who referred the ttlU two
Loil inliiutkr.. Of courtej
t wilt tit ny tiis. but as a mat-
aot fact tht i tbe r realob-
ct in referricK these bills. The
p!e of the sU'.e s'jould jas
ih of these bi.U by such tr.a-
arities that lhee enemies of
educatiosal institutits would be
Juried so det-p they culd not
raise their head aain. 'Jy all
neans these two bills should re-
eeive antnnauve votes Dy an
.'sirroin i people.
Perhii-sthe met important of
ill the bills to be voted on is the
Workmen's Coc pen sat ion Act,
referred by Mr. f arrell. a mem
berof the fira of Davis & Far-
reil, peral injury lawyers of
'ortlarsd In another column of
this paper is printed a resume of
this bill Ukcn from the Labor
Pross of Portland, and which
ihrtii-S b read by everybody.
V.tU is a bill of irreatest i.nport
inre to eTpkyer and employe.
There may be. and perhaps is.
torn thirds in the bill that does
sot nu-et the ariroval of every-
hody. but it is right in principle
ind the defects can be cured at
each sucreedicz session af the
leffislature until it meets all the
rwjuirer.ents of every class of
people. r.Tto if it doe not suit
you in every particular, it is far
better than to law at all on this
imp .riant matter. This question
sh:il also receive a large ma
jority favorable.
ie st?r.!ir!ion bill is just
what it saTs it is in the title. By
or.).? j;4 it is dec ared to 1
ba !urou and uncal:ed for by
the t-eoL.e of a civiliwd com-
in .niiy. Hat afur reading the
bill, kn ir.s; what its provisions
re, aid a.-crtai'.irK tho condi
tion of .tne of the criminal and
insai . ther: is no question but
tru: .t vri'.l a great bent-fit to
the coming generations unless
the power given therein be
abused, of w hich tbere seems to
be no cause tt alarm.
The County Attorriey Ml ws
pas-d by the Lgi!ature after
considerable z rlling and po
litical mate ut eric g. That tne
DrinrinU ri-f iKfr seems to
be almoat vmuimvit opinion. jcut , f, arai.
but tht tiis bill will not be;Ui.ti,ai4r u
Mtisfactory to a great number of ; .ty. r
People is iU apparent. It gi vts ptpet fct i
the Govrr,'T power and au- pfinttrs m taiki
thority to WMat county
tomey.. who bold over nt'VM'".ltt u, fa-r. fr.
1317. thereby taking the right j Wfc u wi ff
of thejV.tofcam theirown( -n., j,er..- u
officr away ard putt it In the , nttltiur4 "
bands of the Governor for three j tf -u 4 aitrt .a
Jean. For pol-tkal realms this. x, lt
bil. wil, probably have hard Tv.
Weareprintitgthe ballot ih.ijai..- ' -
week ao that each vour may Uv ; .f.u Cveu
n opportunity t t w ba t
rra hi-.: ......
-r.U cf tie V-).nutr.j
Fr ert:
eocer.l r i
tea.- heat
f f ti arr i'
ir.w rr-ea rtre ---.,
job. Tr.e
as f
Tr.'-ir 11. ew
ci M'.tg tia is. Al nf
high, ani at a f ti
council deciied to ;idu-it
radiators and r ; aii tM. -.
the wtrk dcr.e j lU iir ciz Sale Li :
"'Knfe OX IS J.-iT
, . -
.... a. t Ay . : T
"' ni K U tin "s iit
in UP t-f ib. !s t i-U.f
mJ fe'- je5triij ! tin
th ";t " i- I4: i j
I' " In Jr
rosi ci ut civrj.. it.
work W&S j-ut cce-if
am.Hini bij by the Pcrtxri car- "n """t "taa nr mmmm
ttr.. Eriieetly as:et3j :ntiuE5 11 tm'
iA .V . .
the City
An editorial arpered is is.
Portland Journal iait 5crij
which is o fa' I of wt.2 ikx
facts and comes so tear U u :
heart of the p-jbILher t
mall wefklv tarr tiai r: ;t
printid in this issue of tie
The subject of the artic is Ti
Up-State Press" and waiwr::?ts '
by a man who knotrs tt euct
conditions. It strikes tie tsi.'
sjuarly on the head "e hrt,
urging our readers. e;fru.;j
the .business men of St. Ktitti. .
to look it up ana reai :: ct
After you have rtad it OTtr ex.--'
fully, read it over agaia. Ttet
come into the Mist effee ar i rrr
a contract for advertis.:rg
in the paper that is dotrg n:rt
towards advertising Ue city ail!
community than is asy ccit?;
man or set of men cr bK-eu '
the city.
Ahnnt ixo or three
ago the roads betwtea here z i
1'ortland were oiled iy ':
County Court. sit c whitis un
they have bren in rsifi tCtr
condition. With the cd c lie
macadam roads aid that i
'automobile of AU1 4 Si?;--:
running over two or t-ree
rfav the rds have paxi-t i
dow n hard and smooth as rax i
There has been ncthirg Cc :a
these roads that has rt:ei
more real bentt w ti xiai
the running of that tig a-V ftr
them. Especially U ti3 tt
after the roads have bea t
Tb up-tut !;;' iJf"
nlnttion in ''
kfi of th"" ,!l:J "
a bo J"'
,iviiv,tb.r fci i
irif'i H IMt--
thin th op.Utt tf-.ri-.
of copy "O"' :1
t it
.ho... ur,t, f.f.. i.?
fairs. Kfc'l fr.
,h.r.ty b.ll..J ft. -'
mltutt.cb.rity eswi". i,J
tcmmitut.jf f
..ublir.ty rc-itt. C- "
c.rr-rBUUtt -w
fair, mw --i .
! .....,. !?. s--
ihfcwtri m.
qlflU I'"
ij Jdii..n tern . la. wAmmmsrm. f3 Sal itl I
, fc .
I nl lai rrw ac leijra. la-
l a a c w ie
. . ,
..aca san-Jcn r
msmm aac iduma "
rAu-i at i tr fcws vr lam
tt OS aril C t K SaC.
.t uaije tar a Mom iuscia
pscna v mum m m tm
w - cjoi Cue Jirjmic ict?ta.
Bit t c T.rnittm.. '(Nt Kik E"
Sa... "" . Minn. i. Vtrir
f - am B Z It 'it f . ?iai.
J mt iiut Bat 1rtt Tbrrwaex a
r ifrjt t awe m-sa a
i C ioar.
C 1
K- atsK smZ lam m
mat tisrru facte a n
nail w x.
snt mi" Tneanr I tob a
k vccntia
X 2 ICZms
of 1 a
k I tit Juai: mmt. M
tagji s act aatu. Tacnrw
indali aoarf. X V
Rainier Mineral Soap
The Soap of a Thousand Uses
a sv aaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa aaa aaaBBBBBBBBBV jaaaaaaaaaaiiiaaBaaaaaBaaaa . - - 1 - .aa
I I S -aa S-a-a-a-r Jlr"ss-r"""J""","""' sVttaW 9 Jm 1 rMsWI la-C"
I A2WatCxarsifilei Esisaies FanslsW. rL i
X a --.i-c-----t'--
f PhrmVatig scad HtmSng I
Sfarct IbcaJ -k t
i 1 5
I KUea tT I
An InTitatiaa
visit ti
Fnoiiu Rfiiant
I-n Fr Twrf 5tr 5o.t laii-wp-w:
M.1a rm mm. I
TBSSt .TMUk I -"'I U
Tfci mum lualiatl m
--a n-TU. I
f unrig a"
Tat 3SIUC- 2Ta."er Si
miiiL liura Somae1 sc 1
Jcm araino uz'i' a
at I:rvc aur trrt S'jnzET
T. Jatrmiit. tmsx.
m t i 1 1 1 1
i w i winse ierturt jb1
m'3 aai encatfejs. sum fancr
jisf-ma ag a! varetiea. fiftna
TtesM ii!at rnoviw ae Cai4jmit
Far. FtT aJurcaOiiit an jnr
wn Xuditr: Ejrn.lL. Twer laiani
5ta3iscx msim sc at1 a n
Trt-mZtiX al 11 a m. anc m.
'n'C TixciiiC is .trrwcsj- ec
i I. Wat. lataff.
6S Sixtii Street
w . a a ..a a a tt ki
I -Tfee Lmznn Tm W2 EvaCssaly Bcf
mtaaCJIta a.iak.QSI
Orr prirss trs rrr car lis joctsc Ve
cettt ?TEKrr Srxi Crrrr-r Gxk "Wxis
111 32
mm. mm mm - w
B a- a ai - 1 a
1 Allen, Felton & Quick
Cclunibia County Abctnicl
- 1
Stability I
PcrtTT:3. Ore.
Special at n
va. vJk.l -
T a
rrsr K.
rrtrr trsiz
l xxrwctd err r xxirs
lck xx lie cars -srii i
3 ST-
'!SI v.-w-' j-j
x r2zrrcv fKPWW
. .- r.aTC
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