LOW COLONIST FARES TO ORECON AND WASHINGTON FROM ALL PARTS OF EAST AND MIDDLE WEST Writ Your Neighbor and Friend to Com to the Lud of Plenty SEPT. 25 From Kansas City. - St Louis, Chicago, Minneapolis, and St Paul direct To All Points on the S. P. A S. From " Ashville, N. C. Atchison, Ka. Atlanta, Ita, Boston, Mass. Charleston, S. C. t'hattauHa, Tenn. Chicago, 11). I'iiicimute, O. lenver, Colo. Detroit, Mich. l)c Moines Iowa Duluth, Minn. Indianapolis, I nil. Other cities in proportion. Stopovers allowed. Lik.iI acnlt will accept lt positi sn prepayment for tickets. Colouit tickets piwul in tourist sleepers hy paying the proper chaiye. Uetuils upon application to R. H. CROZIER, Asst. Gen I Pass. Aft. J. O. DIVENS. Art. Portland, Oregon Houlton, Oregon PENSATH3N ACI The Workingmen't Compensation Act, one of the four measures to be submitted to the people at the special referendum election to be held Novem ber 4, was drafted by a commission composed of A. T. Buxton, II. G. Starkweather, and B. G. Leedy. repre senting the Grange; J. A. Madsen, William A. Marshall and R. A. Harris, representing Labor, and Geo. M. Corn wall, Amedee M. Smith and James B. Kerr, representing the Employers. The bill drafted by - this commission was passed by the legislature by an almost unanimous vote was promtply approved by .Governor West, and would have ' gone into effect June 3, 1913, had it not .been held up by a referndum peti tion, which was filed by W, E. Farn.ll, of the firm Davis & Fane II, a Portland law firm with a Urge personal Injury practice. The act provides that any employe of any employer subject to the act, or his dependents in case o death, shall be entitled t6 compensation according to the schedule contained In the act on account of any injury sustained in the course of his employment, regardless of the cause of the Injury, whether the result of negligence or otherwise, save only the willful act of the work man committed for the purpose of sus taining the injury. The schedule fixes various amounts, depending upon the severity of the injury, and in case of death depending on the number and relationship of the presons depend ent on the deceased. The advantage of this plan to the workman and his family will be ap parent when it is recalled that under the Employers' Liability method, now in vogue, only about one workman out of eight has a claim for damages. The compensation provided by the Act is exclusive and neither the workman nor his dependents have any claim aganist the employer, unless the emlpoyer has refused after demand to pay his re required contribution to the fund or un less the commission entrusted with the administration of the Act determines that the employer has violated the gen eral statutes of the State with respect to some safety appliance and the injury has resulted from such violation. The fund from which compensation is to be paid, is made up from the fol lowing sources. Three-fourths to be paid by the employer, one-eighth by the worktnsn.and one-eightb by the state. For a short period, and until a surplus required for the necessary se cruity is provided, all employers pay at the same rate, but therefater the pay ments depend upon the care exercised by each employer and the number and the number and extent of the accidents occurring In his plan or works. For the purposes of the Act, the hazadrous occupations enumerated are divided into two classes, A and B. In class A the employer is required to contribute until he has paid in and has to his credit an amount equal to three per cent of his annual payroll. When he has this amount to his credit his ob ligation to make further payments ecases. If, however, his own workmen sustain accidents requiring payments to them out of the general fund, the employer's obligation to resume pay ments' at once arises until he has once more establised a surplus of 3 per cent of bit annual payroll. No account, however, is taken of payments on ac count of any employer's workmen. TO OCT. lO Choice of Attractive Scenic Route with Suerpior Accomodations and Fast Time via Northern Pacific Northern Pacific Burlington Route f S2.9S Kansas City, Mo. ?0.l0 JO. 00 Louisville, Kv. !.' M.70 Memphis, Tenn. ' $5.15 Milwaukee, Win. 1S.70 54.75 New Vork, N. Y. 5 Villi 4.4u Oklahoma City, Ukla. ' 1.-S Jif.lMI Omaha, Neb. 10.00 4.X5 Peoria. III. 37.00 30.00 I'hiUlelphia, !. 54.75 41.50 St. Louis, Mo. IT. 00 J.V84 St. Paul, Minn. 30.00 JO. 00 Wheeling, W. Vx 46.75 40.60 Washington, 1. C. 54 75 amounting to over 6 per cent of his payroll in any one year, for a serious accident might require him . to pay thereafter indefinitely. The result is that under no circumstances can an em ployer be required to pay more than 3 per cent of bis payroll in any one year, nor can it single accident, or series of accidents, no matter how serioui pre vent him from securing complete ex eruption from payments if no further accidents occur at the end of two years. In class B, comprising the less haz ardous occupations, the right of the exemption is required us soon as the employer has to his credit a surplus of 1 1-2 per cent of his annual payroll. . That limit of liability is appreciated by emplyocrs is shown ly a recent let ter from F. W. Hillsdale, chief auditor of the Industrial Insurance Commission of Washington, where a similar law has been in effect for two years. Mr. Hillsdale says: "Washington em ployers generaly are thoroughly pleased with the Act and fiud it a great relief to be freed from tee hazards of indi vidual liability and the distressing con dition that prevailed under the system of carrying liablity insurance. The improvement in yie relations between the employer and the workman is very marked, as the workman finds a friend in his employer, after an accident has occurred, rather than rinding him stand aloof in an unfriendly attitude, while a reprseentative of some liability com pany endeaovrs either to altogether deny liability, or offer an entirely in adequate settlement. It is certain that under no circum stances would either the employers, r the workmen of Washington consent to have the Workmen's Compensation Act stricken from the statutes of this State." Under the system in vogue in Oregon at the present time, probably not more than 12 or 15 per cent of all the 28,000 injured employes could have recovered damages for their injuries, in the courts, and experience shows that at least one-half of the amonut so re covered wnuld have gone to the at torneys and for other items of expense that are a necessary part of the lia bility system. Figures compiled by the Oregon Bnreau of Labor show that in the monh of July 372 persons were in jured in the industries of this state and that in five cases the injuries ter minated fatally. In August there were 308 injured and eight killed. An average of one life each day is the price paid by labor for the conduct and up tuilding of industry in Oregon. In Washington, with its more varied and extensive industries, one life is lost every other day in the year. To critics of the compensation system who assert that it is new and untried, students of industrial and economic matters reply that Germany has had the syt-tcm in successful operation since 1 J?S4. that Austria. Norway, England, France and other nations followed Germany's lead in rapid succession and that now prac tically all of Europe and 22 states of the American Union, have discarded the pauper producing employer's lia bility system and are operating under the compensation principle, guarantee ing automatic compensation to the in jured and financial independence to the widows and children of the men who lay down their lives in industry. The Oregon Compensation Act itself, and not the referendum, is on trial. The question is "Shall the bill pass?"' Those in favor of the bill should vote 308 X yes. Referring to this referen dum petitior, the Portland Journal de clares, "There has never been more ntorciutis abuse of the referendum." Labor Press. WRITE ADS. IN FLOWERS. Garden Roplaoe Unsightly Billboard In Belgium. IMclutu has ilecUhnl to uilopt tho latent Kronen advertising scheme aa the rvHult of the new law prohibiting thu hideous liourUa Iteming tradu nu nouncoineutst which mollcd the scenery itlonn the rullwuys. This now plnn consists In having thu saitio advertisements carried out on bauka and ihiM In (lower and bedding plant. On tho Orleans lino one can alrouity rvud from pusaliig trains ad vice to try some wonderful cigarette or valuable, pill carried out tu wroen letter urown with pyrethrum plant with u dark red ground. Tho aet!ide have nothing to any atmllist the new Idea; the ndverflHt-r tro HiitlNiltHl and tho gardener are delighted.-New Vork World. I SUMMONS intiik ciRiTir eonir of thk STATROF OKKtiMN FOR COI.UM. MA COUNTY, w. weed Nichols, Plaintiff, ve Klaie Nichols, IVfrtidant. In the name of lli State of Oregon, Yon, Elsie Nichols, nrs I ereby c nt man. led to apar and answer the Complaint SKniiiPt ou III d herein on or before the Sfith ilayofaict. 1(113, that dale being six weeks from the first publica tion herein, and if you (nil to appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief prated lor in the coijipl.iiiit filed herein Mid more pat ticu'aily ilctlmtl as follows: For a dcree of this court ilissolvtni? the b unl of matrimony now cxUtint? bet ecu p!, until! and defendant hi rein on the ground ofilerertion and atoindon. went committed by defendant against plaiattir ami for such other And further relief as may sc lit iqiiiub'p. This summon is served upon you by publication thereof for not less that six weeks in ih"St. ll-h n. Mint," a news paper published in Columbia County, Oregon, and by order of the llonorab'e J. A. Ri'kin, Judve of the stove entitled court, aliich onlef is ilnti-d the Kthday of Sep'i mhvr, 113. I ate of first publication of IhW sum ntuns .-'cp'. 12, l'!:t, Da to of last publication of summons net, 21. VJ3 Mnuix A 4tillivau, At'orn. y for Paint iff. l'orilaid,Ore Summons IN THK ClliCUI T COURT OF THK PTATi: OF okKOON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. Edna Spark, l'laintifi. vs. A. K Spirk, Defendant. To A. K. Spark, the above named De fendant : In the name of the Slate of Oregon yon are hereby reqniird to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the almve entitled court and mux on or before the let day of November, .!. said date Iwing alter tbs expiration of aix weeks from the first publication of thif summons. If you fail to appear and answer the plaintilT will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complain!: For a decree of divorce for. ever dl.stolving the bond of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, rendering the life of the plaintiff Imrden'onie, This summons is published once a week f.r Nix consecutive weeks in the St Helen it, by order of the lion J A K-tki- . J'idge of the above entitled con it Dated th ISIh d.iy of SeptetntHr,19.l, din the publication thereof, Fut I'm bl ;! ion r-'ept 19. 1913. Las' publication oct, 31, !!3. w L Cooper, Attorney' for I'lainlill. ill I Chauilier of commerce, I'oitlaud. ori. Summon IN THK CIKCUir (OLItTCP THE M:aTK OF nKliOoN roll THK t uU.VI Y oF CoLl'MLit. Win. M. Loss, as ndmiiiii-tialor of the esia c of Hans i'. I' joikniao, deceased, 1'laintifT, vs. John.arscn, Anna La men and Amos W. McKlwaiu, lefendants. To John Larson and Anna Laren, De fendants'. . In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you and each of yotiar hereby required to p'r. and an'wwr the complaint filed agsiiiKt you In the above entitled suit, on or before the last day of the lime pre-crilied In the order for thn publication of this summons, the said period of time being aix weeks from the day of ihe first publication of this summons, and ssld la.-t day of pub lication being thn i!l!th day of Hep. temfxr, liH.'t, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint thn plaintiff will rause your default to le entered and apply to the court above named for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: For a judgment against you fur J I V), with Interest there on at the rate of rl per cent per annum from August 1st, ItflO, for b attorney's fee, for ICS lor taxi s pi.l ami for ru-ts sod dml urwliienU of soil'; For a device . of al uixtet dar. closure u the lollowr ing described real properly in Columbia county, oregi u, - it . tVtnuit m ing at a point Mi toU et l the North est coiner 1 1 ihe 1, L. C. of '& Uiyaut, in section lo. ltiwnh p 7 nuith, range i west ol Willamette Meiidiuu. and run. niiut thence south M) rods; I hci.ee west IS r. tN; thence m.itli;.r0 rod and thence east li rods lo thu point ol begini.lng ; and that You and all persons laimilix under you, snliarqucat lo the cxecu'iin, of the llior'gHgtt leleited lo In complaint Ik bee. lom d ef all ritiht.ulaiui or equity of redemption in said premise, and that vou pav any ilcliciency lemtiinii g after applying tho proceeds of id sale proterly applicable to the satisfaction of said judgment. This numutiin is pub Ished by order of the llot.orable W. A. Harris, County Judge for MiilC liitubiji tvuritr, oreyon, made and dated Angn-I II h, 11113. which order pr arribes I hut s nice of kuiiiiiioiih in ibis suit I ms.le ut on on by publicnliou oncp a seek orrix iiui seculive Weeks in the St ILlciis Mist, a licHSaper of gem ral circulutioii pub llhlicd weekly in sulili-ouii v, which time w'll la-tiii lo run from the day of the lirst ptiblicaiion he co'; an I Ihe t in within wh eh you are requited tiai er said complaint is on or before the last day of the time pr. sciibed in aid older for publication to-wil: Sep emhi r Xii'li, 1913. The date of the llrt pnblica'ionol thi. fuiniiioiis is F blay, August 'ith, 1013, Dillard .t: Par. Attorneys for I'lalnlifl. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TI1K CoUNTY CoUKTrolt I'oU I Ml. I A CoUNTY, oliKtioN, Ksta of Iredeiick Kumineyer, de eear d Notice is hereby given tlut Ihe un-ler-l gi cil was on '.he 15th 'lay of Sep em Irer, IMS. duly app inteil exei'tilrix ol the est. tie of Frederick Knmtiie yer, de-reuM-il ; nud I lie crcditots of said de. Ceased and all persona liuv.ng cialms against said estate, arc hereby u itificd to pr. sent their cloj ni, w h the pioper voucher, within six months frfiu ihe date of Ibis notice, to me, th said ex aciltiix, at the law oflic of Dillnrd & Day, at St. llclein. Oregon, it be:ng O r place fixed for p-fo-iilatinn thereof. Hale I Sept IK, I'.H.I. Sophie K amine ver, I'.xfculrix of the estate of Freileru k Kalian yer, iKceiseil, Summon. IN THE CllU'IUr COURT OK Till'. MATE OK OKEtiON, FOIt COLUMMA COUNTY Martha A. Tift, rialmlff. vs. Thadeu F lift, IV fer.dant In the tump of V e) slate of otegon, yiHi.Tbadeus M. Tift, are hereby require)) to appear and antwi r tj the tiompl.iinl fite-l against you herein on ir la fore the 'Joih day of octoltr, iu;j, tltstl ('ate being six weeks from the publication heiein, and if you fail to appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the court for the reliel prayed f ir in the complaint filed herein, and more purtica larly defined as follows : "The plaintilT asks Hint a d crce be grintcd ftrever divorcing her from Ihe uImivs defendant. That the roint r- mit and allow thu sjid plaint, If to re- A nm Ihn name of Mrs. Martha Annetta Andcr-on, raid name la.'ing that granted her in a former marriage, and that Mich other relief be granted as to the court may mem lit and equitable. Thissiiiiiiuons is served upon yon by publication thereof for not les lb.ui aix weeks in Ihe St. Helen Mist, a newspaper published in the County i f Columbia, Slate of Oregon, and by order of the iMn. I. A. Enkin, .fudge of the alove entiil. d court, wl;iih ir.!er is dated the 5ib i! ir of Sctenilr, !)I3. andthe dale of the Inn' pnbliciil inn of ibis sum 'i, tins is the ill'li day of o?t. IH1.1. Joi-eph Mnnix & Howard I'.eimelt, Attorni ys for tl.tt I'laintilf, SUMMONS IN THK ClRCt'lT'OHMT Of THK STATS Oe OIlKC.i N, FOU TIIR COI'NTr Of COM Mill t. Herbert Iirick, l'laintifi, vs. Matlie Dcricks, Defendunf. To the above named defendant, Matlie Derlcks: In the name ol the. slate of Oregon, you ate hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plainlifl film! agaiMit you in the above entitled court and canse, on or before six week weeks from the 25th day of Sept. ISI3, and if yon fail to appear and answer for want thereof, the aliove named pliiniilj Will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in Ids complaint herein, to wit: For a decree of said court diisolv. ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plain' i and defendsnt, on thn ground of wilful do serlion. This summons Is served upon you bv publication thereof once I wtck in the St, Helens Mist, a newspaper of general circulation, by order of the Hon. W. A . Harris, County Judge of tha County of Columbia, Htate of Oregon, tl.eii.unty wherein said cause is pending, the first publication ibenof tv Ing made on the I'.lh day ol Sept W.l, and lh last publi cation theriHil (ring mail oib7ih day of NoVeniler, ItJIS Dated he tfilh Oav of Sept. l"13. y Arthur I Moulb'ii, Attorney for I'laln iff, 'os'olliii addrc, .112 I wli Hldg , 1'orilaiid, Oregon. NftTICE To CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY IOUUT FOR CL UM1IIA COUNTY. OltFOON, Ksla'eol Margaret lltos, deead No ice ia hereby given that tho un designed was on the 'Mh 'y of Sept ltli:i, duly appoint. I adiulnistialor ol the etale ol Margaret lut. dmeared ; and Ihe creditors of r-ahl deceased and All p r-o s having claims ag.dt.st raid estate " heieby u tilled In present their claim", with the p.n er v ilichcr within six mi iilhs Itoiu this dale to me at Ihe law nlTii e of Dil!ard .ti Duy. at St. Helens. Oirgon, slrc'i I deglaiiale a the .ih.ee for presentation tlieieof llited Sept. I'lilh, ltlKI. X J. R 'S. A'luilnli'l'Ktiir of the istii of Mat g nelKi"", deceawd. Summons IN THE ClUt FIT COURT OF THE Sf ATI- OF OliF.tiiiN FOR COl I'M III A COUNTY. fenny tuwU, I'lidnti.T, v. John ('.stroll, Pcfemlitiit. To John liasxola, the alaive n imed le feudant. In the mi me of the stale of Oregon you vrc hereby ieitilrcd toappe.rand answei the cini fie i il filed herein Ltnl you lu ihe alsiVC enlitlisl routt on or la lore Iho I Hh day nl Noveudrer, 1!13, ami if you fil t o answer, for WJiit thereof ihe plaili'lff wllrai-ply lo lite court lor tho relief tlu-rem de-nmniti.lt'v-wit. for a ibi-ree d also line divorce from you ami l..r the rare snil ciistixly of Thomas iMzsola, for the restoration to the plainnll of her uiai.h u inline, Jenny M;krina, fir Ihe cwls slid ilii-humciiii nts and lor such other anil further relief as to the Court may stem jus: and eijuitulile herein. This nn'i. inoii" is served tisu you by virtu.-1! an order id Hon. W, A. Ilariis, JuiIm of ihe Coil"i Court f Coliiiubis Coiin'y, Oiegon, lbll said ordr is luted th .loth day nf Se teinber. 1UI3, prcn ril.ing that the summons heiein be st rveil upon jou by pu liC.iliou thcreol once a week for six consecutive weeks in the St. Helens Mist, a new.papcr ol general circulation in Columbia County, which said e nler dispense with the lien ity ol sending a cert: foil copy ol the summons and Complaint to your lu-t known pontolUci) address, lor the reason that ou I ae left such lal known address. A W Mueller. Attorney for I'lainliff Dale of f r-t )iihlic.ttlon herein Is lictoner a I1H3. Dole of last publication is Nov 14, IUI3 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. Maude C. lury, I'lsintilT, v. William It. Story. Defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You, William R. Story, defendant above iimiv.ciJ. are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before the 212nd day of Novembsr. 1913, that date being six weeks from the first publi cation herein; and if you fail to ap pear herein phiinttlT will apply lo the court for the relief prayed for in the enmpahut filed herein, to-wit: For a decree of this court dissolving the bunds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant on the gtound of cruel and inhuman trttament con milted by the defendant against th plaintilT, and for such other and further relief as mny be just and e uit u hie. , This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for nut less than aix weeks in the St. Helens Mist, a newspaper published in the County of (iltinibia, Mute of Oregon by order of Hon. J. A. Ekin Judgo of tho above entitled court, which order Is dated the third day of October, 1013 The date of the first publictaion of this summons is the 10th day of October, I'JIS, and the date of the last publica tion of this summons Is tho 2 1 at day of November. J913. GEORGE TAZWELL, Attorney for the I'laintilf. For Sale - Good milch cow ly Jaenh Sku.a. St. Helens, Ore. A Komi hotwe with three choice 1'iU in frond location in St. Helens for snle. Inquire for prima nnd terms at the Mint office.' FOM UOKTLAND HAIL 6TEAMER liOavesHt. Helens 6.00 A. M. Arrives at S,n In nd UtM A. M. Leave I'ortUnd at 2:30 I. M Arrive fit. Helen at I0 P. M Str. IRALDA Summer Rales between St. Helens aud Iortl tfj 50 cents one way 75 ccuts rcmud trip Tickets K"'1 any time after April 4th lloat leaves 8t. Helens :Via, , Uelii'nlntt leaves Fia-tlund 2Mp, m Arrive at St Helena 4 -ib p. m. C IHOOCHIClIlK To Trade -An 8-room house and two lots in I'ortUnd for a small Im proved pine. Could put in other property if it should be necessary. Trade with owner and anve com inisaion. Cull on Mrs. N. H. Kin ney, Columbia Hotel, (or write.) St. Hi lens. Ore, Iot-- A lurge pointer dog, toor bluck and white, in the neighbor hood of Srnppooo. riease notify the owner." David T. Iluneyman, cure of Honeyman Hard vare Co., I'ortlund, Ore., and receive re ward. Professional Cards Glen R. Metsker ATTORNEY AT LAW Depot District Attorney Olhce tn Couniy Court Htxne ST. MtLtNS . ORECON DR. C. K. WADK PHYSICIAN AND SURGCOd rnoNt 99 Murki BUg. ar. utuss, obi DR. L. GILBERT ROSS PHYSICIAN A. SURGEON omv a.i.s HiiU. r, iri. H..IR i n..ii M. Helens DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SURGEON orrn-K iK hank nni.nixo 5t. Helens Oregon T. S. WHITE FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ut'EKKKD KMMA1.MICK Houlton Oregon DR. ALFRED J. PEEL PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Dsns molding St. Helens DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Phuns Msln US; A I3; Has. R. t tmuXZW rortland.Or. Calls answered Jay or night PkeaeN W. S. Armstrono, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON OCKIt K AT Pacific Coast Hospital ST. IIKI.KNS IIOI'l.Ttl GEORGE H. SHINN ATTORN EY-A T-LAW St. Helens - Oregon M . E. MILLER ATTORN EYATLAW St. Helens - Oregon HERBERT W. WHITE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW St Helens - Oregon nioirt 0.1 Pacific Coast Hospital DR. W.S. ARMSTRONG, SUP. HOULTON and ST. lliimOUOOt