St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 17, 1913, Image 8

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Watch out for the sigh of the
Jack O'Lfintern.
. ...
Mrs. Jacob Merge visited in
Portland Monday.
District Attorney Tongue, of
llillsboro. is here attending court
ami visiting with the Grand Jury.
W. H. Cooper, of Rainier, was
attending court during the week.
Mr. l?oo. Lemon t has deeded to
the Congregational church a choice
corner lot on Hemlock street, ad
joining Columbia f'nrk. This lot is
for sale for the benefit of the par
sonage fund.
V. H. Powell came down from Tert
ian I last Tuesday to lonk nfer matters
in Circuit Court.
County iiiii.-iom rs Farr and
Flurher wits in conciliation with Judge
Harris Wednesday relative tj county
W. E. Cotiyers of Clatskavie, spent
several days this week in St. Helens.
S. M. I'caU of Muygcr visited in St.
Helens several days this week.
W. .1. Fuilerlon and Martin White
returned yesterday from Portland
where they were attending the (irand
Lodge K. of P. as delegates from Avon
lodge No. t'2.
Mr. ai.d Mrs. tj. It. Human of War
ren were husiness visitors in St. Hel
ens yesterday.
Miss I.ois Perry visited over Sunday
at her home in Rainier.
doe W. Harms of Clatskariie has
been an attendant of the Grand Jury
this w e k.
K. A. Kotger is putting up a
building on Columbia street ad
joining his electrical store which
will be occupied by J. 11. Cronkite
as a carpenter shop.
f.ee3e Hall, of Chinook, who is
interested in the Muckle grocery
Cn., was looking after business
matters here this week, the guest
of Mr. Williams, the manager of
the company.
Mrs. James deary and daughter
.Tennie, Miss Melissa Tangen and
Mr. Tangen. of C'atskanio, were
St. neltns visitors during the
Mr. and Mrs. E. h. Klagg. of
I'ortland, arrived in town today
to attend the dedication cere
monies of the new Masonic Hall.
Mrs. E. A. Kotger was called
to F'ortland last week to attend
her cousin, Mrs. Ed Watts, who
was stricken with appendicitis.
An operation was performed on
Mrs. Watts and she i3 fast re
Mr. Keaton, of the St Charles
I.and Co., of Portland, was in St.
Helens yesterday conferring with
A. T. Laws, of the St. Helens
Improvement Co., regarding
some prospective .settlers. Mr.
Laws promptly furnished the de
sired information and before
night a fine farm bad been bar
gained for by the Portland par-tics.
John R. Keegle of Ketchikan,
Alaska, was viitit in relative and
friends in St. Helens Saturday. Mr.
lie0(jle WM returilin(. from Sai, Kran.
'eiseo where he wa disposing of his
I salmon paek for the season. He is
' ,u'w engaged in the cannery business
. in Ketchikan
J"S rs- Lowe & Turner, th
'w well known opticians and op
tometrists, will be in St. Helena
Oct. 27. Rainier 2S, Clatskame 2i.
Don't fail to consult them.
Mrs. V A. George spent several
days in Portland this week as a dele
gate to the Grand Lodge of Py
thian Sisters.
The work of installing steam heat
in the city hall has begun this week
anil before another issue of the
Mist is printed we will be warming
ourselves with steam instead of the
old stove.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cooper and
Mrs. R. O. Hazen. of Warren, were
shopping in St. Helens Wednesday.
George Grant, of Scappoose, was
doing St. He. ens Tuesday.
C. W. Mellinger. Ed Webster,
Kichard Sosseman, Harvey Duncan.
L. I. Stewart and other Vernonia
people are in St. Helens this week
giving testimony before the Grand
Jury regarding the Adams murder
T. C. Watts left at the Mist of
fice this week a couple of spuds
which were raised on the farm of
Mr. Alexander, near Reuben. One
of these potatoes weighed 42 ounces
and the other one :iJ ounces, both
came out of the same hill and there
were eight more large ones there
t. They are of the Burbank
variety ami are certainly beautiful
pjiecimens of the potatoe family.
Last Monday night the members
cf the local K. of P. lodge char
tered the White Flyer, as the big
auto car of Capt. Able has been
christened, and went to Portland
to attend the meeting of Ivanhoe
Lodge of that place and at which
time a large class was initialed in
the first rank of the order, the ob
ligation being administered by Su
preme K. of R. and S. Wheaton,
of Minneapolis, and on the original
Rathbone Rible. About 25 of the
St. Helens members attended.
Mrs. Wilbur Muckle and Mr.
Turner attended the funeral of Miss
L'va Turner, of Fairview, Or., on
Wednesday. Miss Turner was in
her last year at the Oregon Agri
cultural Coliege, and her death was
a shock to her relatives and friends.
The regular winter Lyceum
course has leen arranged for, this
time by the St. Helena High School.
Five excellent numbers have been
secured and there is every indica
tion of a most successful course.
The following attractions will ap
pear on the dates as given, and be
fore long tickets wili be on sule for
them all; Stelzl Musical Quartette
on Nov. 20; Wood Orchestral Trio
on Dec. 0th; D. Ernest Randall the
The beautiful pitcorial production of
.luilll iiuntniii I mkiiiih I iuui vaa mil
. , ii . ...
uppeeared so succtssfully it the Heilig
i ..... i it; I...: ... !.... il.i i
Theatre last May will bo scon
City Hall next Thursday evening. The
graded schools completed arrangements
yesterday with Colonel Kay, whoii
general niuuager of the booking agency
connected with the Heilig Theatre. In
addittion to this pictorial representa
tion St. Helen will have the pleasure
of hearing fur the first time that gifted
woman, Charlotte Curtiss, whose lec
tures at the Port'and library aroued soj
much interest in social and literary
circles. Mrs. Curtis will deliver a
short addreesa in the afternoon un the
relative value 'if literature and will be
heard in the .evening on Pilgrims
Progress. C D. Raker, a expert
camera man operates the picures, four
reels in all. The entire performance
will be up to the usual Heilig stand
ard. Wanted Clean
the Mist office.
cotton rags at
aW ' -K' '.'C
!Wr '- '
This week we are showing i tractions of the city. In the
w hat is considered the very yard are two mammoth English
choice of St. Helens residences, walnut trees, shown in the pic
the home of Chas. Muckle. Thisjture, upon which grow each
house was built about three years year enough walnuts to almost
ago and is located on the corner j supply the city. They arc ac
of Columbia and Cowlitz streets, know ledged to be the finest
where the Muckle home has been specimens of walnut trees in the
for so many years. Charles ' State of Oregon. With Mr.
Muckle, the owner, is one of the j Muckle in his palatial home re
most progressive and prosperous side his brother, Washington
citizens of the county and his J Muckle and his neice, Miss Amy
beautiful home, surrounded by a I George, who reigns supreme in
well kept lawn, is one of the at -
Cartoonist on Dec. HUn; Harold
Morton Kramer, the Novelist Lect-
ure on Jan. 2lh. and the famous
rioyus; in their Magic and Mystery
entertainment on Feb. 24th. The
prices and condition will be prac
tically the same as they were last
year, except that the school child
ren and teachers will have complete
charge of the entire course.
The entertainment given bv the
United Artisan Lodge No. 10 of St.
Helens, Ore., Saturday evening,
Sept. 1 1, was a great success. There
were several Artisans present from
Portland. A program was planned
by the St. Helens and Portland
Artisan. Program of the evening
was opened by a song by Mr. Hud
son, Jr., of Portland. Recitation
I ; -
Portland. Ore.. Sept. 20, 1913.
Mr. H. F. McCorinick. Mgr. St.
Helens Lumber Co., St. Helens,
Dear Sir:
, . ......
Supplementing prevloua corree-
" '
Wtltienee in connection omifoui
It ttera of Aug. 2(th and Stmt. 4th,
I beg to advise that the following
builetin hus been issued to train
men by Superintendent MeGuire:
"Sept. 12. 1'J13. Hereafter, in
calling Houlton station, passenger
trainmen will also inuke the an
nouncement that passengers for St.
Helena change at that point."
1 trust thia will dispose of the
question to the satisfaction of our
friends at St. Helens.
Yours truly,
W. D. Skinner.
For Sale Two houses and two
lots. Reasonable prices. W. H.
Cade, St. Helens, 4tp
Fresh Skamokawa Creamery but
ter, Ml cents the roll. Muckle Cro-
l eery Co.
1 this estate.
f by Miss Cave of Portland. Singing
J by Mr. Cunningham of Portland,
! Kem(uk, from our Supreme Master
Artisan, Mr. H. S. Hudsm of Port
land. A song by Miss Susie Ketel,
which received much praise. Reci
tation by Gladys and lister Iike,
also a song by Little Beatrice Lake.
The I-nke children received much
praise, which they certainly desejrve.
Recitations by Beatrice Allen and
Serena Malmin, which were a credit
to the youngsters. After the pro
gram flinch was played and a fish
ing pond was enjoyed by the
youngsters. Ice cream and cake
and coffee were served.
Mrs. M.ry McAboy made a
trip to Portland Monday return
ing Tuesday.
Methodist Notices
Sunday School. 10 a. m.
Morning service 11 . .
Fpworth league, 15:45.
Evening sermon, 7:30 p. m.
A cordial welcome ia extended
to all. Special music will bw ren
dered in both the morning and
evening service.
K. T. Luther, Pastor.
Stop! Look! IJiat chance to
get your choice rf BO mated pairs
of Homers snd other funey pigeons.
All awards Clatskanio poultry show
and best display county fair. Will
consider trade for thoroughbred
chickens or Helgium hurt".
R. C. Hamill. Deer Island. Ore.
Election Notice
Purstant to a petition signed by
ninety qualified electors of the city
of St. Helens, Oregon, presented to
the Mayor and Common Council of
said City, praying that a special
election be held in said city on
Saturday, the 15th day of Novem
hrr, A. I.. I'JIS, for the purpose
of submitting to the electors of said
city the question of whether the
City of St. Helens shall be consoli
dated with the City of Houlton,
Oregon, a contiguous municipal cor
poration, under th name of the
City of St. Helens, Oregon;
Now, therefore, by order of the
Mayor of the City of St. Helens,
Oregon, and the Common Council
thereof, notice is hereby given thut
on Saturday, Nov. loth, A. D.
1913, beginning at the hour of K
o'clock in the morning of said day
and continuing until 7 o'clock in the
afternoon thereof, a special elec
tion will be held at the City Hall in
the City of St. Helens, Oregon, for
the purpose of submitting to the
electors of ttaid Citv of St. Helens,
the question whether said City of
St. Helens and the City of Houlton
shall be consolidated into one Cor
poration. Dated Oct. 14. PJ13.
"K. K. duick.
Recorder of City of St. Helens.
Statement of the ownership, man
agement, circulation, etc., of St.
Helens Mist, published weekly at
St. Helens. Oregon, required by the
Act of Aug. 21, 1U12: Editor. M.
K. Miller. St. Helens. Ore.. Jan
aging Kditor, M. L". Miller. St. Hel
ens. Ore., li'isincfcs Malingers, M.
K. & Stella Miller; Publisher Mist
Publishing Co., a corporation.
Owners: W. A. Harris. I. M. I lai -ris,
A. J. LVming, M. F. Huzen. L.
K. Rutherford. U. MaMen. A J.
Peel. A. T. Ijiws. S. C. Morton, II.
F. McCormick. M. K. Milter. A. A.
Ghliehio, Stella Miller, all of St.
Helens, Ore. Known bondholders,
mortgngea and other security
holders holding 1 per cent or more
of total anount of bond, mortgagea
or other securities: None.
M. K. Miller.
Sworn and subscribed before me
this 1st iluy of Oct.. 11)13.
K. K. Quick, Notary Public for
My commission expires May 21,
Letters unclaimed in th, gt. H,j
ena Poat office for the week,.,!,'
Oct. II. 1913: u"
Anton Anderson
Mr. Co telle
Monroe Davis
I kit,
1 lett,
John Deidnchsen ..
Flmer Jones ..
Letters unclaimed by or ..
will be sent to the Dead Mter 0(rJ
iva K. Dodd. p. m
Out ('mini Stmirtliiiiu v . . . ,
mIiiIc wotkniK I tut Mill n,rjlt lliu
uhility M r.rn t riirim, y lf
ird lo 4 hijjhrr ,r
I.kLiv i III lily .(, , ,Hi,lcfc
A Simool Mis 1111 Hl'M M,
in Sr. 1 1 1 is,
Alit home l.llr ,ih,i, ,1
re4.ll o all. (id rr4dt l, , Wm
hy pri'iuiniK iml.iv
For Sale and Want ArJt
Ad in TbM C ilumm Riing R..ult,
Trapprrs Mink wmiHimI, liv ,
uninjured. Hla-hent lirhe t,Mi,, Wrji
Kied Kvtreat. Hoi 6. HilUl,ru ()re
I! per cent loans on f.trnu, ur
chord lanls, city resident or l.ui
i..i.a 111'niMirtu t.. I..... I I t
......... ... mi) , nuini mr
.prove, extetul or refund mortgag,'
or other securities: terms reiwon
able; apfcial privileges; cum
pondenee inviteil. Dept. L, I'd!'
Commonwealth I'.ldg., Denver, dl.
or Dqt. I, 719 H.niy l!ldg.,i-V
attle, Wash.
Kdlt SAI.R I have rliour Ml vrt.t
tei'd well rlvnned. fur ml
NKWKt.l. SIIKl'.Wniiii,
Wiirrtn, Oi
Teum for Sale fi years old. Will
broke. Weight about U.'iUO iHiunrts.
For particulars em pi ire f Iaid
Lyneh, Seuppoose, Ore. l!lp
Wanted A scoool girl to anxitt
with housework after srhoul hun
For particulars cull ut MistolW.
10 acres near Seappoonr Id tr!t
for fi good cows and floil rush, m
would tuke a horse and f too mort
gage on bind. Aug. Voss. iWr
Island, Ore. 2tp
$100 KKWAKK.
The Water Coniini ion thrCitrrf
St. I lelona will pay f loo rewanl for Ih
arrot and conviction of tin' prr of
persons who shut downnnc nf I he sttrr
gut' on the main line rrn nll), or of
any ermin or persons ilmnminK or io
terfrilng with any water pipii nn lh
line. Ily order of the Ciiiiininin'i.n.
K. K. gl'K'K. !rf.
For Kent - UiKims in the Hunk
building. Steam heat, electric
light, hot 11ml cold water.
Columbia Co. bank.
All kinds of job work done ut tlw
Mist otlice at reasonable prices.
Pasture for rent. Paled Imy fr
sale. C. W. 1 jnd. Warren. 4tp
Pargain Sale Four lots and &
room houw. Price f ."0, on gixd
terms. In Houlton. 1 1-2 blfk
from depot.
10-20-p ( has. Smith.
For Sale- I have choice full vc'rk.
wcdl cleaned for sale. Newell Sher
wood, Warren, Ore.
By Gross