St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 17, 1913, Image 1

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    i . .
i i
' ' NO 42-
tax cases decided in favor of the jnty
C' " I . '. I T. I Faln Holds that
is Wrecked
opular St. Helens Vessel a Total
Loss off California Coast
WhO'S WhO In H 0 U 1 1 0 II Special Levy was Regular
Thh.-BLiiiful new st4nm chK)ncr Asplund. nn old and
in heating t pieces on the Va captain. She
HI"-" I
t bwn w recked last Wednesday
Tm. tiont wni coming up the
from San Fianc-isco with 20
nuvn and a cargo of cement.
running close to the shore to
wait one of the
LuofT tho California coast, hav- mo(l j,(),uur M)ttt on the coast
'. Urn U re rkcd last Wednesday! i ... -..i
Tun, nil vniiin me
fitted up with the very htcst ami
bestfxtures. There was perhaps
no boat on the coast with such fine
Utheheavv wind and to save furniture Biid no well lit led up lor
Ural hour, a strong current un- the convenience ana conuori 01 me
upelcdly struck her and sho was pasenger.
brown on a roc, me a. vj. o. ji, nnrn. iTi -
;oalm flashed ly wireless and , the Merced, as ne oi u.e
Urn very long other boats ar- two finest boat of the das ever
Manv of the Leadin? Business Men
All Lines and What They are Doing
hia stay in thia aection of the coun
try. They are liberal advertisers
and acarcelv will one pick up a
nrwr when he does not aee aome
Oliver, Oliver & I'lumrner con
titute the personnel of Houlton'a
leading mercantile enterprise. They
are successors to the firm White &
White, whom Oliver & Oliver
houKht out the 2oth of last Febiu
ary. They deal in general mer-
. , . a i of Wanamaker that me nrst uj and farm implementa, flour i .... . tn.:i0,ii
..... , . Tho, rrrv a ' opened up in business in Philadel
-,.rl f.f ffr.vries. dry ' uhia that he tooa in aome
fifty cents. He
. i i i . .t p t m nkanifa nnd
ware, ahoeti, haw, iurnisniriK u . aepi me niiy mm
nil kimU for both nnt the rest in advertiainiT to lei
aexea. The store is stocked from ' the people know about his business. autriorizino; the levying of special
end to end and floor to ceiling, and ; Everybody that reads this article tfixeg wa9 unconstitutional be
. .-....:..,, t i. tkoi niiuor Oliver & : fnr thp nuali-
the seconu story coniaiii iu int"' , w in muw iu .
lounges, beds find bedding, and com-j pluminer are in business at Houl
. . . i 4 i ...;n uw an .!! that they
niotu hniiifl iurn hiiuiKB
- 1 '
r..,.Qiiod tax cases. These cases,
oi nf ihm were filed during
the summer to prevent the sheriff
paper wnen lie aura ni. Rn(j county court irom coiiecvniB
thing about Oliver. Oliver & Plum- the taxes levied by the various
mer. merchants of Houlton, and road districts as special texes and
. ... ...... m. ha onmnlnints were based on
what mey nave io ecu. ,
of Wanamaker that the first day he the theory and P"1
- Va low was not proof riy certi
fied to the clerk and that some
litrht mistakes were made in
tho records of the meetings
,.,v,oro the levies were made.
They also contended that the law
cause in providing for the quali
fication of voters at these meet-
Last Wednesday Judge Eakinj were non-residents, might have
laKen pari m yi.--
. . i . : iLAi
handed down a aecision m mc
The G. K. wentworth Co., the
Portland Lumber Co., Peninsula ,
Lumber Co., Columbia Timoer
Co., Hammond Lumber Co., and
Louis Beirl were plaintiffs, and
several ' other companies had
stipulated that they would abide
the decision of tne courx in uicc
cases. District Attorney Tongue
filed demurrers to each and every
one of these complaints and ar
gued them about two months
ago. and it was upon these de
murrers that the wnoie quew
rested. Judge Eakin. after mak
o mnot ovriAuative and com-
prehensive study of the legal
questions involved sustained the
.nnnnH whicn means umv
ncation oi voters at mwe
ttod other
description. They are kept as busy . . groceries, dry goods, narawarc than tne ordinary legal voter w , " w:u have t0 pay
as bees and enjoy an excellent trade nd farm implements and mach.n- vote; for in8Unce. at that time. (
which i. constantly growing. Prior ery. also furniture, m fact, every- women A second contention by ( tir taxes log wU,
to launching out in this line II. O. , thing nearly that the farmer needs them waa that the turM of the IJvJ .floO
m.ver and Iris W. T. Oliver were and at ngni prices. meetings as sent w --
were so worded that it maicaieu . -
The-heaiing art" is one of the p8erson8who owned property sidered probaWe thatthecases
noblest and most important of call- .n tfae district( although they t will be appealed.
ings. and those who adopt it should -mSm
be at once learned, of sound jud- - nr..p , jjrui rilTCDDP K HH fNS
farming near town. They have
lived around here all their life pi ac
tually, in fact, went to school to
gether at Yankton and hence are
II known and know everybody.
Oliver was a Miss Tarbe 1 in
her school girl days, and is an ex
.iunf nre keener and saleslady
u.heniovs a very wide circle of
mont enercetic and philanthropic
in dinnosition. Their reward is not
always money, but the silent en-
charrtv lend an addi
Ultf Ul I UCOi uio - -
friends and acquaintances. -.
have worked hard, saved and been cares lor me p..,m,.
haveworaeu i , Plm. or tKo tt.hllu human race. Prominent
guccessful. air. u. ....- . ..
bought in the tirst oi ."" lM . h- le a deeD
It- likpoiiv ii weH anowninsKen:n. . " ... -
W He likewise is wei nowu . v - .
S of the country and spent study of magnetic healing, which
this pari oi me . '. . Hreni Master and
....... K.nlf'm const
. i . ir ...i i nn ine i
nvi and succeeded in iwmgou.iu... ,
too liasm-iigcra without any loss oi .-" - i....t H.-l
fe. r,,t. and Mrs. Asplund la-ingl umb.a Lounty n r -
mi a I i.-.uliiri lltJ v . 1 1 w - -
gthe,ast to , 1 he ,an oper.t d
are mai vncr- . , . r ,ut is al
fi.nrc to save the ship and thai u mo --
ill be a total loss. rw V . , ,1 ,.r
,.r me aieit-.-
The M.-rr...! w. bu t n St. Uel- wrcem.. .... , .l
wand launched only last January ni - ,o jn shttIH. l0
ehud lM-en on the run my a. w . iL r,Wpil v..s,
..rttime. during which she wasj Uke the place oi
While John R. Boegle of Ketch
ikan. Alaska, was in St. Helens
hut Saturday he gave out the in
formation that he was looking
over the prospects of putting in a
Ushcnnnrry at St. Helens. He is
now. and has l.cen for several
Tears. nrriHnir ft cannery at
nit home town In Alaska, but
thinks th-re is a chance to move
his cannnrv hor and live in Ore-
Km, where ho lived for so many
Circuit Court met here last
study or magnetic neaunn. , and the Grand Jury
ral years in the Yankton .ttle- the method the Ureat Mas. a i Q
ment. He was a prominent ouicner n. f- ' " Vin thp trial this week, ipeuranu-u.,
nSt Helens years ago for some on oi nanus . " 7k ;, consists of C. N.Davidson, w. Cj.
nai. iuiii i f,L,,.,Ha of health to the sick of their ' r.n Hr.
it.. fl man uhh i l'iiamqi i hi en i. i cciu'i --"-;- ii has been studying at the""" " A " t .roa
i.: in..crr tv ana luaes hi . . S enn.rurucsu '
ma . .. i . . . :.. . luDPhun imi ,v' - ... i
. ; .v.- m P. church, anon ieeioiKrein.u..v -M-7nnd- and Jonn uoian
pariu. M. - - ,i .(hi earlv ADOstles sat T,
mitfht further be aaueu mat - - .. They are worKing on nc
m r. .... ... Uo live active at the feet of the Master for three . . jnve8ti.
ami mr- ; I . v.i an out and . .
. AnrVvra n the same years ru - it will nernaDS De sonic
leinoers " - - Mnt.iml LawB for I "Y .
denomination and church. . ' , of di88ses time next week Dei -
iwl:... k former proprieiui, - a m.j, NxtMODaaj meuK"
u;.i for a day when mey uic
Tears. ne conferred with "cv-,
to a ocal canneiy
pctua given the business by the
he lotion of a cannery right
here, he think,.
could be eaUDimn. -
Kood location for wen
. n,n.,ni pneour-
prise anrt wun i"-
agement it will be here.
Congregational Church
A church home for strangers and
friends. Regular ..
Sunday as announced.
Bible School 10 a. m. -
I .MIDI' hinir a series oi
The pastor
y w nen i
' I . . .1 I 1 .1,. oiolf "
bought him and his parme ou, wno -
i ikv hHve been Kept o"
and they have oe de,onstrated. exhibited power. He
gallop so steadily .hat Bf ' ... . h ghould teach
,i,m it miKhl a so oe uuu - ....
wi'hthem. Itni.g do ag he dld.
here that Oliver. Oliver & I lum a p QUalifies.
. :... hnil issued meir iuc i xnow;
ir'T Inder wh ch consist, and those who are uualified as the
New Year calander wmcn ai-l,.!.,. are called. Mr.
at St. Helens, so with even . canl with the name oi m o the
n riion of this catch sola firm printed at me ,oi - rhriatilinity He
Kuuoij v- ,, , m.ntpr. and the monms uuw ... - ,,L
A . Wn cannery ii'v imo: . .. . nrom neut Udd reuow,
vw . . l, tho .. . iho liotiom. inn ww"'
me yea. ;...:,. j . mmher of the Maccabees,
of the nicest New lear - - " - " Sociali.ts. the
-m ro under tne writer viib , ,
in the form of a caianaer .. .
i u(a travels and alter un iuwi .... "
has seen in his travels u nt "everything in com-
y:r u keK;n:k -t ; -
'J Voft m produce and every to be commonly (or publicly) owne
buyers of farm prouu Drivately used to be
farmeraround her. w pre v, ' ""owned He is a herald of
ta7Unaforh, garde, the New Agethat has dawned.
trUC,J Ar -I S. ThellouHon Hotel. Livery and
liveries when necessary a i. conducted bv N. 0.
town ad -urrounoing cOUu - teJ the en.
item that should not be oyer ooK r jg
. t mniAn iiiiN . in iov -"
firm Is now selling for $10. They
carry the latest records, and every
i kkvp an entertainment in
one ,
the home by having one oi me
. . t..l In nhnnoffraDns. nir
late mouci -
"The Teaehingr oi
;..ndiiv is number
.. ;i Ko horo p.troin and the
trial cf crimir.Kl cases will start
and continue for several weens.
The Pfnder trial, which was set
for the first day of the term. v. as
on motion of John F. Logan, at
torney for Pender, continuea un
til Oct.. 29th, when it win start
and will be finished before any
other cases can te lanen up.
Civil cases will follow the crimi
nal cases. During tne ween
T.,i(ro Fulin has been hearing fiamnrrprs. etc.. and
IUVbvr..0 " "
handing down decisions which he
has had under advisemeni, prin
cipal of which was the case of
several Timber Companies vs. wi
ennntv to test tne vauaity ui
special road taxes levied last
fall A few divorce cases were
also heard and ' decided by the
Judge. It is probable that tne
court will remain almost con
stantly in session here until tne
latter part of November.
For several weeks a deal for St.
Helena property has been pending,
which thia week has been consum
mated to auch an extent that a con
siderable sum has been paid on it
to insure the transfer. The prop
.M la tho two lota facing the .
Plaza on the west Bide of Columbia
street and known as the Anrge
lot and one of the Meeker lota. The
buyers are some Portland ana rjun-
ern capitalists who have been look
ing over the country for a location
in which to build a large garage,
repair shop and sales room for Ford
nH Ktu.fohaker automobiles. They
have selected St. Helene as the
most desirable place, being doee
enough to Portland and on a good
road and a place where renta sou
overhead expenses will not eai up
all the profits. They will begin the
An;nn nf a two-atorr concrete
building 85x125 on these lota within
a short time and will operate a com-
i 1
olete repair shop, garage ana sale
room, occupying both floors them
..i0 it will be the most com-
plete automobile house in the state
outside of Portland.
tral fmhormon and left ftpi' ,u,n"1- "t'erisl's Esti
ontativos to talk with the other ,t" ' rf Au(lfnce." 7;30 P. m..
lollows w horn he did not see, , . nn.i .rmon.
moiuh fish can be secured to p midweek
him in operating newu. - - . Bm it.o.e atuu,.
move his Dlant to St. Helens. .iconic.
There is now an average of SOOeryu. paitoff
If enou
v-nt on the eallopmost all the time
and is a hustler. He came nere
three years ago and started in the
and wood business.
The hotel he renovated from floor
I . n: n Knk the. first and
. Mr. Oliver are envennsi . , , wwnuw p ifj """r
, Vu , ,Kl ro-ahead business ' second stones, ana auuea sever.. ,ivered. There is no fleiay wnen
and thoroughly m-atieart du , . f improve. k. ta an order, provided the
people, and their store is m. Cont!na pf , def Q x
onethewrittr has been in during
kick is being
J. - i. InnrrtK f 1 1 mO It
... A ka riaiivaron in
Houlton, and we will say to our
Dremreii mat & -
DtBAKnrn the Helens delivery
man: to take their orders they
" 7 - . . s J J -
would be promptly rinea ana ae-
FT I o J.Ia MlnAII
Notice ,l
Columbia County Pomona Grange
will meet with Yankton Grange
Nov. 1st. This meeting ia of great
importance to all Grangers as there
... m . f-a
will be resolutions oi Rreai mierwi
. A.I
introduced at this meeting, a i
R. N. Lovelace,
Master of Pomona.
On the 29th of October the
Spooks will appear at the City
Hall, accompaniea py vncne.
Apparitions and ooDiins, so you
better watcn out ior mem. inej
will bring with them something
jroodto eat for every ooay mai
5 . ,i
4 1
3 V
wns of fish caught and maraeteu