LOCAL HAPPENINGS AND DOINGS NEWS NOTES CONCERNING PEOPLE AND THINGS IN AND AROUND ST. HELENS PERSONAL! LOCAL; SOCIAL AND OTHERWISE CharW Gram. dci-nty statcl f E"i";. ,"'" , , . . , . the Mist office, was visiting friend In labor commissioner and inspec-1 . T,,.i. .... . ... . , ,M. Helen Tuesday. tor of factories, made an otheial . The butiness meeting of the tpisco- visit to St. Helens this week. Mrs. J. E. Ramsey went to Spokane Tuesday to meet her mother, who will return with her to St. Helens for a visit. w. C. Cooper of warren was a business visitor in St. Helens yes terday. There's a welcome for you at the services of the Congregational church every Sunday morning and evening. Dr. Armstrong of the Pacific Coast Hospital, has been quite ill the past week, but is now able to attend to his duties. Mrs J. H. Price and little son Horace, returned yesterday from an extended visit with relatives and friends in San Francisco. A. J. Tucker formerly with the J. D. Lacy Co., timber ex perts and one of the leading ex perts on logging operations and saw mill plants on the coast, visited a few days in St Helens this week. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Floeter of Happy Hollow a son on Oct. 7th. Mrs. Eugene Blakesley is visit ing with relatives in Rainier over Sunday. C. H. Gibson, of McNear Gib son Co. of San Francisco, was looking over st Helens this week, liir firm is a large exporter of Oregon Fir and he feels quite in terested in the Oregon mills. There will be services in Christ Episcopal Church next Sunday evening. Octobrr 12th, at 7:15 o'clock. J. W. Sherwood. State Commander of the Maccabees.visited the local lodge last Saturday night. Ed Gore came down from Scappoose Monday and visited with friends in St. Helens for a short time. Guy Mills of Vernonia spent a few days in St. Helens this week on busi ness matters. Edwin G. Am me, an attorney of Port land, was attending court in St. Helens last Monday. H. I). VanBlaricom of Vernonia was a St. Helens business visitor during the week He was attending to the sale of property of the late Jos. VanBlaricom, decease which took place at the court Ik. use last Monday. S. C. Morton and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Day motored to Lortland S'ir.day where the men of the party witnessed the last base ball game of the season and the ladies visited with friends during the day. Mr. McCoy, in charge of the construction of the sewer in St. Helens is a busy man. He has quite a crew of men at work on the ditching and will soon have work for more men, He intends pal Guild will bo held next Wednesday afternoon and all members are re quested to be present. During the past week the sheriff has co lk-toed about $'25,000 in taxes as the last half. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. VanNatta. of Ashland. Ore., are visiting at the home of their son. J. V. Van Natta and family. Mr. VanNatta is a prominent fruit grower in Rogue River valley. The secret is out. The truth is known and we. as a public disseminator of news must tell it to you. The reason Joe Day returned just when he did was because he could not get a re serve seat at either the Mew York or Philadelphia ball grounds to 6ee the world's series. H. N. Cade met with an acci dent last Wednesday which will lav him ud for some time. He was leading a horse at the livery stable of Elmer Blackburn, when the horse stepped on his foot, badly mashing the great toe and instep. He was taken to his home where he will be confined for several weeks. Ernest Kroner, the Portland architect, was in St Helens today making arrangements for start ing work next Monday on the new Rutherford building Columbia street, work will to the building in the bottom of the tower and stairway Into the main church room or auditorium going up from the bottom of the tower. The whole building will be repainted and remodeled so thut a really good struct ure will grace the corner of Columbia and St. Helena street, large enough to accommodate the congregation and the Sunday school which has outgrown the old building. Real geld was fond last Sunday by S. Salser of Yankton In the craws of aome fowls which he killed for the entertain ment of Mr. and Mra. E. E. Quick, and considerable excitement waa aroused by the find. The sight of the yellow metal brought dreams of wealth to the host and vistors and eeroh waa made fur the aource. but so far no trace of the vein or deposit has been found. Mr. I. H. Kiser, proprietor of the Glen Cove Orchards near bcappoose, was a visitor in St. Helens Tuesday. Mr. Kiser and some of his associates have recently established the Glen Cove Orchards and they are now raising the greatest variety of fruits and nuts ever attempted in this county. Some of the peaches from these orchaids found their way to the editor of the Mist and they are just fine enough in quality and flavor to refute all the statements that peaches do not grow well in Columbia county. No better peaches are grown anywhere than were these. Mr. Kiser was much worried over the strange ab sence of his son. Fred II. Kisler. the official photographer of the Great North ern Railway Co., who went to Crater Lake aome time ago and has mt been heard of for two weeks. Search will be begun at once to locate him. Born - On Sept. 29th to Mr. and Mrs Obe Morgan of Masten camp, a son. J. L. Zipnerer has bought the W arren telephone line and switch hoard from Lou Puzey and wilt take charge on the first of November. It is the intention to make several improvements on the line until it will be thoroughly up-to-date and serviceaMo for all the patron. We do not know what the service has been in the past for the Warren people. On I DUt we do know that if they get as good be service as Dr. aud Mrs. Zipperer are MIST CIUERY-ST. IICLErtS RCSIDCtCES r. '"l'V ".V V t Annonucement In this Issue tails of the new owneralhp of the grocery m,,, formerly conducted by the Murkle Gro cery Co. of thla eity. Ur. I). W, W. llama of llwaco. Wash., has purchased thla store and will conduct tne business In the future. Mr. Williams Is a very capable merchant aud comes to the pro. pie of this city with the very beet of recommendations and will merit kit share of the patronage. Ladlea. jou can gat just as styliih millinery In St. Helena as you ran irt In Portland. Everything Aral fUu," Hanson's Millinery, llsnk Building. There are some line residences in St. Helens and quite a large number of them too. The Mist will make aspceiul feature each week with a picture of a St. Helena reesidence for aome time. The first picture In this M'st Callcry of St. Helena residences is the one owned and occupied by Dr. Edwin Rosa. Situated on the top of the bluff, on a level with the business streets and overlooking the Columbia river, sur rounded by a well kept end apacloua I lawn with fruit and shsde trees In at- tractive places, this resldecce la one of the most beautiful on the Columbia river. It Is a large building with every modern convenience ;an Ideal home. Dr. and Mrs. Ross, with their two children have occupied this residence for a num ber of years and the home has been the scene of many pleasant gatherlnge by St. Helens people. had spent three months vacation with her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis. The Dobbins have returned to their home in Portland. Some of those Portland policemen are getting quite bold when they arrest our own fcarle-a conHabble for running an automobile wihtouta tail light, but this AN ENJOYABLE DAY SM PARTY AT ANDERSON HOME BY WOODMAN LADIES Last YVedneHday morning the they did last Sunday night when Fred ,adie3 of thfi Womon 0f woodcraft boarded the early bus for the home of Mrs. H. J. Anderson at rnsriPil nn triia hnildinc and it is civintf the St. Helen people that no expected to be ready for OC- complaint can be made from now on. cupancy by November 15th. "Where is the fire?" and simular expressions were heard at 11 o'clock to day when all the bells were ringing and all the whistles were blowing in cele bration of the last blast on the Panama Canal. There was con siderable noise here in honor of this great event but much more noise will be heard when the great ships from all over the world begin to land at St Helens. Mr. M. A. Leach General manager of the largest White Pine Lumber industry in Mexico, located at Durango. has been visiting in St Helens this week. Mr. Leach says the plants in Mexico are all closed down now on account of the Revolution there. He has just returned from Washington D C, where he was in conference with secretary of State W. J. Iiryan, regarding the Mexican situation. Tuesday morning a crew of men started work on the rebuilding of the Methodist church on Columbia street. The old buildirg will be moved 18 feet south and about 6 feet east to the street line. A-IO foot basement will There was filed with county court last week a petition asking for a lo--ul option election for the the city of Rainier. The court did not take action as yet on account of some legal objec tions which were raised and the pe tition waa submitted to the District Attorney for an opinion. A suit was filed in the Cirurit Court this week wherein Bert Stanley, a sa loon keeper of Clatskanie, asks for a writ of mandamus requiring the city council of that city to grant him a li cense to conduct his saloon. The city council is dry and refuses to grant a li cense upon the petition presented by him, so he is go ng to ask het court to decide the matter. Mrs. Edwin Ross and Miss Iro Bar ker entertained Miss Hamatstroin and her Domestic Science Class at the becautiful home of Mrs. Ross, last Saturday, the occasion being the birth day fo Miss Iro. Luncheon was served at 12 '30. The table decoratione were yellow and presented a very attrac tive appearance. During the afternoon the the other teachera of the St. Hel ens schools dropped in and a most en joyable afternoon waa spent. Mr. John Payne of Sauvics Island is lying in St. Vinrcnt'e hosiptal, a very sick man. Conductor J. II. Dobbiria, wife and Wutkins subbet. fur Captain Abel as Conductor on tho big bus from St. Hel . n. n I'., ri lun. I Tha tail liffhr. went out some place between Unnton and the Muckle farm near warren. Portland and when the car was going the occasion being a surprise on down one the streets of the citj it was Mrs. Anderson, which was cer- hai ed and both Conductor Fred and Kn- tainly accomplished beyond a gineer Sheppard were ordered to report doubt. The visitors Boon took to Judge Stevenson the net morning. ,.harre 0f fIU! place and in When the story wus told of the lull- ' sjl()rt tjme fia,J a cour,e ef Kal d. lity of the lamp the heart of the juiist ai.. n;.r m, uhirh wasenioyedby all. At noon a bounteous dinner was served by the hostess, assisted by the guests, to which all did justice The afternoon was spent visiting . i.r J iand having a gooci ume, ana was toui-netl anil our brave ronsiaoie with his engineer were told to go but to keep close watch on the tail light heieafler. be built, all finished with plaster and , two lUllo daughters Lola, and Faye, used for a Sunday school room. The , spent the week end at the home of his old tower will be taken off and a new I mother. Mr. K. S. Frakcs. Lola had to rush work a3 fast as possible, one built 12x12 feet with the entrance 'junt returned from Alaska, where she We ih to announce that we have pur chased the Muckle tirocery Company and will continue the gru.vr J business in the same location. Williams & Hall. I). W. Williams, Mgr. DR. C. L WADE Dr. C. E. Wade has opened offices on the second floor of the Muckle building and will engage in the practice of his profession in this community. Dr. Wade! practiced for 11 years at Drain. Oregon and has held many re sponsible positions, being for 12 years District Surgeon and later Division Surgeon for the South ern Pacific R. R. Co. He is a member of the Pacific Associa tion of Railway Surgeons, ins license to practice medicine has been registered in Oregon, Washington and California, lie is a member of the Oregon State medical Society and the Southern Oregon Medical Society. The Doctor has a finly equipped office in the Muckle building, through the kindness of Mrs. E. nills and Mrs. Brady of theCreo sote plant the crowd had their pictures taken. At 5 o'clock the return trip was made, all de claring it one of the days of their lives. Those in the party were: Mrs. Cole. Mrs. Itrouse. Mm. Wil liams and Mrs. Davis of lloulton; Mrs. Morley. Mrs. Hazcn, Mrs. E. Felton.Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Chittim, Mrs. Cage and Mrs. Richardson of St. Helens. EDUCATION tht cmihU Something you uii itU(y while winking thai will innror .n ability In lrru Frfii ienry i. thr ju,. wind tu higher wUry. The NIQHT 80HOOL ImUv i the hig fortnr i n rHirirwy nuking. A School oa UK Hi Man im Sr. lUi ist Al home tudy cour.ci n itlmi ikr rr u It of nil. (irt ready fur liiuminm hy ptruiriiiK tixLy llox !6t sr. HH.rNS. OKF. For Sale and Want Ada Ait ia Tbee C Junta Bring Rnulu Trappere - Mink wanted, alive and uninjured. Highest price (;alil. Write Fred Everest. Ho 5, Hillahoru (J re. t it rent loans on lurtm, or chant lands, city resident or burli ness property, to buy, build, im prove, extend or refund mortgages or other curitien: terms reason i!e; special privileges; corres pondence invited. Dept. I 61H Common wcul th IJIdg., Denver, Col or Dept. I, 74'J Henry Hldg., Se attle, Waah. FOR SALE. I have choice fell vetrt seed well cleaned, for sale. NEWELL SHERWOOD, Warren. Of. Team for Sale 5 years old. Well broke. Weight about 2"U0 poundi For particulars enquire of Pivd Lynch, Scappooae;, Ore, Jtp Wanted A acoool girl tu assist with housework after school houn For particulars call at Mist office. ltp The is a notice posted on the wall of the postulate from the pontonire depart ment calling for bids for new quarters for the St. Helnrs office. Itids w.ll be received until October 1Mb for suitable quarters for a term of five or ten years. About 1000 rijuare feet of space will be required, also good duyli.ht, rear or Mint office side entrance and a location not loo far from the buasinese section. Hide must be sealed and handed into the post master at St. Helens on or before the Ifith of October. The present quarters are too small for the office as It has grown During the past few years and a 10 acrea near Scappooxe to trade for S giid cowa and $100 rash, or would take a horse and f .100 mort gage on land. Aug. Voss, Deer Island, Ore. 2tp $100 KEWAKt). The Water Cominls ion if the City sf St. Ilrhma will pay f 100 reward for the arrest and conviction of the persnaot persons who shut down one of the aster gstrs on the main line recently, re' any iraon or persona damaging oeis IrrtVrlnir with anv water dIucS OS lie line. Hy order of the Commiss'oe, E. K. yUlCK. fee. For Kent-Itooms In the flnk tiuildinir. Steam heat, elertrif light, hot and cold water. Columbia (. Bank- All kind of job work done at the- t reaaonuhle P"- Paaturc for rent. iSaledhayfcr sale. C. VV. Lind. Warren. 4tP having, in addition to his consul- j building which will give more room and tation and reception rooms, a be more nearly fire proof la desired white enameled surgery supplied There are several such buildings in the with the latest X ray machine city "J it iy "n be had for reason- and other modern appliances. Ilargaln Sale -Four lti awl room house. Trice fsf-O, ongo" terms. In lloulton. 1 1-2 from depot. 10-UO-p Chan. Smith. For Sale- I have choice fall W well cleaned for aale. Newell Shf jable retal the office will be moved, wood, Warren, Ore. SHIPPINGNOTES The Steamer ' Merced, Capt. Asplund sailed from St Helens Tuesday night with one million feet of lumber and CO passengers '. bound for San Francisco. j The Steamer Multnomah, Capt. j Maro, is loading a cargo of ties, and piling and will sail for San1 Pedro tonight. Her passenger accomodations are all taken. The Steamer Willamette, Capt. Reiner is now discharging her up cargo in Portland. She will come to St Helens for a full load of lumber and will probably Bail for Southern California ports about Monday night. Capt. Rosendale of the King Cyrus expects to put aboard the lnr Rt.Vk of his 900 M ft. cargo Tuesday and will leave down for, Astoria at the earliest possioie moment. From Astoria, as soon i as his clearance papers are pre-l pared, he will sail for New Zea land. The Captain, while acknow ledging that there are newer schooners than the King Cyrus maintains that none of them can fh.)w him anything when it comes to sailing, and says he will again be with his St Helens friends in about six months. The big Steamer Robert Dollar is due at St Helena some time within the next two weeks. She will takeout two million feet of lumber for delivery to the "Flowery Kingdom". The schooner Caroline has ar rived at the St Helens Shipbuild ing Co.'s plant, and after under going some needed repairs, will in all probability take on a foreign cargo. Negro Stabs Greek CUTTING AFFRAY AT RAINIER MAY PROVE SERIOUS Deputy Sheriff Lake returned from Rainier Wednesday evening having in charge one Sam T. Shelby, negrn, who had been in A fight with a greek named Jenes. The Greek was propri etor of a resturant in Rainier and while the negro was eating, some sort of an argument was started which resulted in an agreement by the negro and the greek to go out on the dock and settle it. Arriving at the dock the fight was started but only lasted a few minutes. It seems the negro was armed with a long knife and a bottle of gin, while the greek was backed up by friends armed with scantlings. However the negro got to work first with the result that the greek received two very bad wounds, one in the abdomen and one in the back which reached to his liver. The condition of the greek is considered Berious from last reports and the negro is being held awaiting the out come of trie wounds. CIRCUIT COURT SEVERAL IMPORTANT DECISIONS MADE BY JUDGE EAKIN Judge Eukln and Kcporter Carl Knutsen came up from Astoria last Sunday evening and Judge held court for a while on Monday deposing of a few motions and handing down some decisions which he had taken under ad visement. The following pruceeings where ad: May Johnson vs. Portland Lumber Co., demurrer argued and taken under advisement. Msy Johnson Admr. vs. Portland Lumber Co., motion to strike argued and taken under advisement. II. If. McMahon vs. W. N. McKay, default and judgment. Ross Evana vs. W. E. Ncwsnn, de murrer sustained. Mattie Winans vs. F. Stuart, decree foeclosing mortgnge. I'earl lluyckc vs. Merle iluycke, di vorce granted. MattHon va. Lewis, demurrer over ruled. South Portland ('rushed itock Co. vs. City of Clutsksnie, motion to strike al lowed. W. A. Hudson ve. City of ('Intel anle demurrer au'-tsined. W. A. Hairis vs. City of St. Helens, decree for deft for stand. A petition was presented to the council at lloulton last Mon day night signed by G4 legal voters of that city, asking that a , special election be held for the purpose of voting on the qu tion of consolidating that M with St. nelen. A similar peti tion is being circulated in & iielona thia week and will be scnted to the council next day night, bo that the quer of consolidating me po ¬ under tne name 01 v . will be put up to the votert 1 i both places on saiuruaj, 15th. The St Helens Rand h JJ discoursing first class w under the able leadership of Grewell. The boy; are 4 ing regularly and fathfuHy once each week, w(" mitting, an open air concert : be given in front of r reJ kins' Btoreand tomorrow. dav night, another will M P The lights on that con , not very good for the W we would suggest that in" or some of the business m en that locality put in 'fJj bo that on trouble will M playing.