St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 10, 1913, Image 7

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    r WANTED:
UPork, Poultry, Hides
f" h miiiMl, klaheai irlra. ail
. .Ml " v..
r. rruii m
. rI r--T3 VATItl
L, pouiuy. Hog. Vtfcl
I ( a k. P a-Kand. waah ewllns tart. II,
VfrJ, lialrr bittr. II. rr-an-
r i "' laiar;
'' ., I.ik. f Ih. Kin us f.jr.. ..,!.
I ' X ' 1 J f" '-
CEMENT rrrniiu
No B.,t.r Foundation c
Than Solid Clay Boll-No Ad.
Vantage n u,(n( Ro(;kt
ft a.. .. I. I . .
'" mem f ii .,. . .
, . utior
Hand. Or.
TlT A CO.. I" ''"'' ',url
A.ia axna.u.
l j pjuj i. ?'inr-i arteinaa, aoiiara.
W "T m,H r.4 l.lal ! rna.
rm. u
j i h'akhn t .. a. lal HI., r.
UaiKl. Or.
fj Catalog of Men's and
I 1W Clothing
JJI wearing apparrl now ready,
he hv tulip for ft now
w wjr Mvkit. All m-
r- aTT
Vwttm4. Or.
Kroun.1 uriiliTlulii with c .v.
'"fur., ,lrt down l it, Ym ,
mud. of'n'a , "f . ' r:'1
. mrp.,,n,, Rn,lf()llr
ror or
a ni v.. I 1 i . .
dry. ,(,, . """'
right onto ih., lay. ' rP""1",
No better f.ji,,n ran be ha,i
thun a.ll,l rly . Tbi-ra la b h
lll lny, a ll.y raiIH, trol)bI,Vrnr
fuiura. Put d, thr. or fou?
nrhwi or aiirh ronrrri,. ond bfor. t
I P'.t down on, !,: 0f T"rV
lu...l c,.nt lo two imrt. 0fc i
ruariM, .,!. .li an, dry .. be
l"n w,t ,, r,.,nll carfullr. and1
y ta a,,r,u, tlon CQarH i
( r ft.
1 hi. will nili a duruMa floor I
Uo k an.l ..d t),low ,ra not ro.
ultlr' "r'" U- 'nfl00r 0,i
A Romanc of the
Caido von Horvtth
nd Duo Hord
When Your Eyes Need Care
No Hrniarilny.Frla '
Try Htiniia Ft nmr4T.
iwad lla.,1 llarrrl. and Keg; , fc f fV:.':ria'.X
jGata. SuiiaM- f.,r Cider or Kraut , l.rVa;lbK.V;:'ru',i:.'JV;i'i
ta Xr POM UNO. OR.
jy a Piano Now
LrMaaiof I'bmda I'layrr i'ianoa.
L Frkra and fjr leraaa on all
Wrtla I far raHlrakwa,
Sherman, (play S:Ca
1'OltTI.AM). OUE.
f iilnil. m lal4 twmrr m aVa
I Val. Sat ataT - anai aaaaaal. B
la M art- - X) MM Jf B
I ahab aU. Cat m ha aa4 arioai D
lUai raWlt aai; t' B
WaaJiara, Or.
Murlno Eyo Ramedy Co., Chloago
To Ramova 8talna.
fJraaa nlnlna nuiy lm romnrad from
waahulilx fubrlra t.y rubbing with
froali lurd bofore wnahliiK.
Tae for Aniline Colon.
That anilino rulora have a marked
action Um variuua kindi of microhci
apiwara to bu mtabliahed. It ii dia
covertKl that aniline compound In gen
eral act to drat my microbe, even in '
Ifrcatrr decree than doc phenic acid. ;
Of the ditlt-rrnt bacteria examined the :
typhu bacillu it the moat readily i
alTwtrd. !
Molhar w!l fnl Mn. Koc.ihlB I
yril. Ihn b. al t-:r-lr Ut Mm lu( llialf OtlUUlad i
ujibg in utitii.a parKMi.
Much Cold in World' Coin.
Seventy p. r cent of the sold In civ
ilized man a K)h.'lon i Q tba form
of colu.
Dr. Pierce' I'lt-asant I'clleta reii- j
late and ittviorato .imai-h, liver and ,
Imiwi-I. Sunr-coiiti l, tiny granule. !
tuny to lake ait randy. j
Mak Money In Fox farm. !
Koi farmlni; 1 a growing Industry S
In ou(hem Yukon. ;
Memoaial to He Marble.
Tubinifton, I). C Tha Lincoln
laaritl eommiaaion ha decided to
kemend that Secretary Uarriaon
fii Ih cuntrart for tha erection of
wpentmrture of tha Lincoln Me
rit In this city to a local conatrue
fiwnpany at $1,637,800. Tha au
ptrarture ia to be constructed In
f aaio from Vulo 'marbla from Col-
pa- New biila will ba aakad for
Shake Into Tour Brioca
A Ran Foo- Ijum. a powdar tha faat. !( rvrm
aalnfuL awullrn, amartlrtc. awnatira f-t- Makal
iww abuaa aur. K-'l all lrurra a4 Sha
Ham. w,n t acrn-t any autaiituta. Hampl
VKtuB. AiMraaa A. S. Olmalad. 1 Kur. N . X.
Knew Where He Wa.
Sportaman "Can you tell me where
to aend a handkerchief I have found
belonKini; to father MaloneyT" Irish
I'rieat "I can; but he'll have no uie
for ut. He' been in Hiven theae
threa week." I'unch.
that have been relieved In the pait IS
year by Wrljhf Indian Vegetable
Till and decldo whether they ara not
worth a trial. Tby regulate tha
bowel, atlmulaio the liver and purify i
tha blood. Adv.
3.oo 3Q A.oo AND 6-oo
ffavt' la ( W-td '
IJ UO, H. 50 IM $i.09
ia araiatH ta ii'i
Dli OAriTAL. m raa
I.4IU1IT M ana or ao
a aaou ia raa auaLS
Ak var alr la aha
W.I. Iloaalaa ilU OUaa tl.l
. 1 1 J .1.1. mm mmm
aar aa aia.r aakaa milaa fa.00 la fi.m - laa
aal. aiffaraax la I ha Brink aaaaa la an
laalkwra. afrlaa aa4 aaaaa la aall aanaar.
If oa roaU tlill W. L. buaalaa lara farlarlM
al trarklaa, Ut-U, aa aa far faaraair fc
rarafallf W. L. Itaaalaa ikoaa ara aarfa. a
n. I J . k. k . k. mrm aarraatad la
at wiiar, look kaiiar. I4 Ikalr akaaa aa atar lear
Ikaa aay elkar aaaka far la arlra.
If W. .. IVmilaa t4 ara nm wT"".,,
lc u iha fmlt. at all ani-aa. M rrr.i -i, I
i.m u.ii.dliiMiri.J l alNl"fl 1
al.oar j.-n bi k er.lw l aU,ail wliiroaoaa
a-iinia. a .
nwat m ima lwitaf a
lawaialMa, aat apara
juzbs f LA s f
r. j . x I
. -W m
fJLr va no I
ra auaanrvra
Urn ancj Sulphur 8pray.
Ulna anil unL.tin I a v.
r'- U In dlMMiireeabla to make
' my. Hut It cloura tha treea
Virll-tV l.r .l
r 'hot hn Id flim-na la rirnaH.H li
p trowi-r, liordemu mlxtura ha
P "1" Ii i. .rr.n(.i hi.t
"Ulrea im ..-j ,-wl,rlli .n,',r..
J1 One Kood treatment with lime
Jy!" w"l do mora to rid the
the iiiHcnaa than a eenaon of
m : with liordemu. For thla pur
JL r n" ,,th,,r. ,h sulphur la to
Jmii-iidi.d. Add to that tha
n thn other allmenta and It
r" Ulfl triMltnmnt valnatila Ml
U Hum arower.
Turnip and Watermelon.
Turnip seed acnttered among
tha wntnrmelon lnea nfter tultua
tlon hu ceaaed. will produce a good
aocond crop on the land.
Cheeiy Butter.
The rheeny (ante of butter la due to
lnrk of thorough nraa In wnahing and
i reniOvlliK tlm imuexmi.a. "
not keep well If any of the buttermilk
Common Fault.
In the long run It la with a prof
alon aa with mnrrlK. we eenae to re
mark anything but It drnwbacka.
BookkceniniT - - Shorthand - - Telegraphy
, t Toyour Ability add trainintr.
food pojitic-. oo4 lalary. We wi b,ck of ' P
jklt ar W u lllfapmaa ia aaa llalaa
fcaa aa Una aniata.
For an yaara Iha rnnltnml of North
martca I,a1 bam la.ilatr.1 fmm tha rt
V XT wor1,1 ' f 7. rya, a won-
rul Invamlon ut Hannibal I'ruilMiI.
T" Invanilun hart iava) tba rouiitry
P f'tn Invaalon. anil tha eontlnant
aail baan unllad unilar ona r'lvi-rnmant
with Hruilanl aa praaMant. For half a
aturjr paaa and proap-rlty ralnad In
thta part of tha world Tha atory opna
Wllk Fraal.lanl 1'm.lant erttlrally 111. Ilia
na t h la h..i.ti.J . . i .. . n. m
Jfaaaja from ('iiunl von Warrtanatatn of
Oantiany lhal ha haa at tut aurraadad In
aatratln tha rava Iyln. ha wama
kla daiifhur Aalra that thla maana a for
alaa Invaalon Ha trlla har to hurry to
Iha Ia'and of rirvna, hut dlra befora ha
a tall tha l-al!on of tha t-laca. Aatra
la nomlnalad f'.r tha praaldnv by tlia
rratlnanta! parly. Napnlaon Kdtaon ralla
avi Aalra. Infnrma har that ha waa a P'l
adl af har fath-r'i. and promlaaa lo halp
har Ka -1vaa har a lin roada of a naw
ly eiaovarad auhamnra whlrh. ha aaya.
Will aolva tha priiblrm of flvln. ChavaU
lar dl Inn appaara In Furopa. Ha ralla
a von Ward-i ar aln and offra him tha
aaerat of mak in i!d In raturn for ahao
litta dlaarmamant and paara. Tha rhaval
irr la a'tapariad of halna an Amarlan.
Ha la aa'T-d at nlaht anl rarrlad off In
mm araoplana Aalra la Inaiiruratad aa
nildant Kha r"-alvaa a mi-aaaaa from
aon. whoea ton allanra haa worrlad
kar. that ha haa haan a rirlaoner for two
aanntha oa tha laland of Italaoland and
Haa Juat aaoapad Ha annotinrra that tha
oafadaratad ft--at of Furope haa Ballad
far Amarti-a Ha promta to rail en har
Ika fnllowln nlaht. Pouniaaa Roainv. a
rrV. haromaa a prlaonar In hopa of aarur
hf Hapilaon'a Ba--rat. flha falta In lova
arfth him Pha nfraaa to loin him In an
attempt lo aa'-apa Ilv Iha uaa of flra
wrta ha aumniona a rurloua flvln ma
ahlaa whi-h raaamhli-a a monaiar aala
Ka Cmjm and sanda hla maaaaaa to
Ajrtrm Kdlaon ralla on Aatra aa promlaad
lla talis har hla plan f"r dfnaa l ava
aa nomplalad but that ha will alva full
mr datalla at hla workahop on tha laland
r Clryna In tha Parlflo Thay maka tha
trip tn thraa houra. lf!a plana ara haaad
at Iha parullnrlly of iha naw auhatanra.
atrynllh. whlrh la Hahtar than any known
aaatal and la prartlcally Indaatmrtlbla.
Tlfca rTuropaana aurraad In paaalna tha
aa caf laolailon but find that tha Amart
aaaa hava aatabllahad a aarond ona. Edl
aa dalwara a noia to von WarOenaialn
a kla fttaahtp drmandln that tha IWt
W withdrawn Fdiaon la attarked. but
Vy rha uaa of aoma myatarloua power ha
4awtray two warahtpa and aavaral aaro-
kuaa Raallltna hla halplaaanaaa War
iaaaialn withdraws hla Haat and aoaaanla
aa aolvaral dlaarmamant.
Ciatlng the Net
Biz month had paaiad. Tha eap
tarad army and navy bad been aent
koine to Europe and disarmed. Tha
wiou monarch had raged at the
Count von Werdmnteln for acceding
ta tba term of the agreement ubmlt.
ted by the t'nlted Republic, but the
faepte were happy.
The United Republlee of America
offered a large tract of land In the In
terior of Uraill, Venetuela and Co
lombia for emigration purpoea. Drain
age and Irrigation bad been o per
feeted that thoe great plateaua were
habitable and supplied the richest ag
rtoaltura! dlatrlct In the world.
A meeting had been called to for
mnlata the rule of peace. Napoleon,
with full sanction and authorization of
Congress, made hort work of the
agreement with the oriental. He ap
peared above the Island Empire and
aaoounced the ultimatum: that he
would blow up every man-of-war un
teea they were turned over to the Unit
ed Republic of America peacefully,
ta which case the latter would pay one
third the value of the monster. The
oriental had been prepared for thl
aetlon and agreed to the terma. China,
the young Oriental Republic, followed
Japan'a example.
ChrUtma wa nearlng. The war
rweael of the world were harbored
ka the porta of the Americana and
tamed over to the Navy Department,
with the command that they be ued
tor eommerclal purpose.
The disarmament went on all over
the world. When Chrtatmaa day
dawned, peace reigned. Not ChrUtlan
inn, but a peace begotten of fear.
The IUh of December found the
American Continent open to everyone.
Napoleon Edison, on account of the
earvlce he had rendered hla country,
bad been appointed president of the
vortd peace committee.
Hie mother' lllnes had caused him
anxiety. He poke of It to Aatra one
day while the Countes Rolny waa
near. The beautiful Rosltta had un
dergone a great change. She wa be
lieved to be a thorough American In
eytrlt, and bad thu gained the con
fidence of the people eurroundlng
A Bhe begged Aitra and Napoleon to
. t... ,n and comfort Mr. Edlaon.
Tbey consented, glad to haa bar go
to the Island or uiryne. wtwu u.uuu
.... .....a of the aerodromone were
there, to be a companion to Mr. Bdl- i would be Tory lonely
without her. and Napoleon eolved the
problem In a way wai pi.u .
.. I h a moat.
-j wm take you to Clryna In the
Bagle and aend you back In a few ' daye
brBanto., and you can thua divide
your time between Aatra and my
asother." , .
8ns oould hardly repreee he trlum-
That evening Napoteoa took BoaltU
to Clryoe, to bla mother.
Bhe won the mother' sympathy at
one. Her pleasant oompaatonahlp
waa a relief to the stately matron, aa
save the aervaota there were no other
women on the laland. It waa aha who
watched over tha precloua plant dur
ing the long and repeated absence
of Napoleon.
Notwithstanding the difference tn
tbelr agea, they became good fttenda
Rosltta waa anxious to see the manu
facturing plant, where the aerodro
monea were made, but aba waa not
permitted to enter the workahop, aa
she bad failed to obtain Napoleon'e
porailsslon to do so. He bad promlaed
to return for her within a few daya.
or to aend Kantoa. Ona balmy morn
ing the two women were enjoying the
tea breexe on tba porch, when they
aaw the aerodromone approaching
from the eaat The great bird aettled
In Ita hangar gracefully. The two
women went down the path to meet,
aa they auppoeied. Napoleon. But It
waa Santoa Duprel, bringing two let
tor, one from Napoleon to hla mother
and the other from Aatra to the
Santos' honest eye glowed when he
saw RoRltta, who took pains to give
him a friendly glance aa aba ahook
Her lt-tter ald that Bantoa and the
Hawk were at her disposal, and that
Astra would be glad to see ber again
aa soon aa Mr. Edison' condition
permitted ber to leave. Bhe alao in
vited Mr. Edison to com to the cap
ital, but tba mother knew that ber
son depended on her preaene) on the
laland, ao declined.
Rosltta expressed deep disappoint
ment when Mr. Edlaon gave ber rea-
eon for not going back with 8anto
and the Hawk, but the chance to talk
to Banto on the return trip aolted
her best. After some hesitation h
decided to make a flying trip to Wash
ington the next day, aaiurlng Mr. Ed
laon that ah would stay only a day.
Bantoa received Instruction to be
ready to leave early In the morning.
The little, round fellow waa elated
when be thought of the three hour
alone with Roaltta.
HI night, since be had met Aatra
and Roaltta, were reetlea. Roiltta'e
many klndneise especially gave him
food for thought He paid mora at
tention to matters of dreas; ba ahaved
hla round, ruddy face every day. He
even used perfume. .
It daisied blm to think of the trip
to the capital with the countaea for
Early in the dewy morning Banto
brought the Hawk to the cottage and
waited for Roaltta.
A little later the wonderful machine
leaped into the air and up and for
ward with mighty flaps of the glitter
ing wings.
Countea Roalny rose and went
slowly forward to the man who waa
directing the flight of the great bird;
the brain of the mechanism.
She leaned over the railing that
epaxated the cabin from tha steering
wheel and the rarioua lever. "How
high ara we now, Mr. Duprel t" aha
Bantoa looked at tha aerograph:
2,627 feet, counteaa. Do you want to
go hlgherT"
"Oh, yea!"
The Hawk darted up; a turn of the
wheel worked the wlnga, and electric
spark were aeen In a ateady atream.
"What a wonderful machine thla
la!" whispered the countea In Bantoa'
ear. He had maatered hla timidity
"How Much I Admire Men Like You.
Mr. Duprel."
and. for the first time, turned to look
at her. Her brilliant eyea melted Into
the light blue, round eyea of Bantoa
"Tea, It la," be eald almply.
"Are we going atlll hlgherT ahe
aaked In a breathle tone.
Banto looked hurriedly at the aero
graph and aaw that It ahowed 16,000
feet In hla nervouaneee he had gone
higher than he Intended, ao be haatlly
changed the direction. It waa bitterly
cold for a ahort time, but the wing
oon generated enough heat to warm
the cabin; In fact. It waa too warm,
and Santoa opened the air condanaer
that let In the freah, pure air of that
altitude, where It la clear and Intoxi
cating In Ita eweetness.
"How much I admire men Ilka you.
Mr. Duprel. Tou have conquered the
air!" whispered tha counteaa to the
good boy who had succumbed to bar
"Counteaa, you ara too good to me;
you ara the sweetest, dearest woman I
have ever met," jtuttered tba bird
man. Ha waa still more dated when
he placed her dainty, dimpled band
on the steering wheel where It touched
"Where does this machine get tba
tremendous power that enable It to
fly wtra TeaoextyT" ajaeetJoaed
'Eleetrtcrty," waa an tka tittle man
aeld; thea be emlled at bla lair paa-
aenger, wboee band atlll reeled oa the
wheel, touching hla.
'Electricity V Bhe looked around at
the simple machinery In sight "How
do you generate UT"
Bantoa laughed at the shrewd queav
tlon, "We don't At least, not much
of it" Than be suddenly eloeed bla
moutb like one who baa realiaad ba ia
aaytng too much.
The clever woman read bla thoughte.
Bhe waa quiet for a ahort time, then
ber band released the wheel and fell
In her Lap. Bbe alghed deeply.
"Are you happy, Mr. DuprelT" waa
ber sudden question.
Santos waa ao surprised that be
gave aa Involuntary pull at the wheel
that took them from tbelr eouree.
Why do you aak thla question, count
eaa f
"Because a man Ilka you ought to be
very happy."
"A poor, loneaome fellow, such as
'Ara you lonely T I would have aup-
poaed that a genius, who could con
quer the air and save bla country,
couldn't be lonely."
Bantoa Duprel pnt oa the automatic
lock and let the wheel go. Hla Instinct
waa arouaed; something told him that
this beautiful woman waa playing
with him, and ha, the brave Bantoa Du
prel, turned toward the bewitching en
emy with eyea Ut up.
"Counteaa Roalny I Why are you
playing with me? I am not a great
man. I am not an inventor and con
queror; I am only a simple workman
trying to give my best to my master.
Should you tell all thla to blm, to Na
poleon Edlaon, It would be well placed.
but why do you apeak to me this
Hla appearance waa changed. Hla
tone was clear and atrong. Hla round
face waa pale.
The countea looked at him aa If
faactnated by bla outburat Tears ap
peared in her eyee.
'Mr. Duprel I Have I wounded you?
I am all alone, with no one to care for
me. Tou have been so kind to me
that I have, ever since Helgoland,
looked on you as my beat friend. Can
I help It if my lonellneea haa " ahe
did not finish her aentence, but fell
to Bobbing hysterically and poor San
tos' heart was softened.
"Can you pardon me, Mr. Duprel?
Will you still be my friend, my kind-
hearted friend V She offered both ber
handa to the unhappy man.
The control algnal rang. Banto
Jumped to the wbeeL He waa excited,
but automatically Blackened the
Hawk'a pace. It almoat fell down
ward and with a graceful curve aettled
on the roof of the Cryatal Palace.
Aatra waa awaiting Rositta'e arrival.
and Bantoa watched tha two women aa
they walked toward the elevator that
took them down to tbelr room. "At
eleven tomorrow night" called Roslt
ta, with a friendly wave of her band.
Santoa felt the encour: ement in
her manner and happily took the
Hawk to Its resting-place.
' Better tfcaa oihmt parwdavw
' producing light, daierty, whole.
' sosao cakee and pea trial
high grade and I
' moderate ia price I
f 25c lb. tia at grocwra. I
f Creseeetf Ml. CeSeaed. I
Phones for Rescuers.
A telephone designed for uaa of
mine rescuers whose beads are cov
ered with helmets while at work is
operated by throat vibrations, the
transmitter being held at the throat
Banish All
Skin Troubles
Remarkable Remedy That
Works Wonders Against
Eczema and All Rash
If you have been fighting soma blood
trouble, aoma akin disease, call It eesema,
lupua, paoiiaala, malaria, or what you
will, there la but ona aura, aafe way ta
get rid of It Ask at any drug a tore for
a f 1.00 bottle of S. S. 8. and you are thea
on the road to health. The action of thla
remarkable remedy la Juat aa direct. Juat
as positive. Just as certain In Its Influ
ence as that the aun riaea In the East
It la one of those rare medical foreee
which act In the blood with the aame da
gree of certainty that la found In all nat
ural tendenclea. The manner in which
It domlnatea and controla the myateiieu
transference of rich, red, pure arterial
blood for the diseased venous blood Is
Out through every skin pore acids,
rerms and other blood Impurltlea are
forced in the form of Invisible vapor.
Beneath the akin is a fine net work of
nerves, a myriad of them In which S. 8. 8.
works with untiring energy to prevent
the further destructive work of the aclda
and blood impurities. Theae are scat
tared Into the velna to be driven from
the system. The lungs breathe It out,
the liver la stimulated to consume a
groat proportion of impurities, the stom
ach and Intestines cease to convey lnte
the blood stream the catarrhal, malarial
genua; the bowels, kidneys, bladder and
ail emunctorlea of the body are marshaled
Into a fighting force to expel every ves
tige of eruptive disease.
There ia scarcely a community any
where but what has its living example
of the wonderful curative effects of
8. 8. 8. Get a bottle of this famoua rem
edy to-day, and If your caae la atubbora
or peculiar write to The Swift SpeclOe
Co.. ISO Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Their
medical laboratory la famoua and ia eon
ducted by renowned experts la blood and
pkln diseases.
Gross Carelessness.
"Bill's going to sue the company for
damages." "Why, what did they do to
him?" "They blew the quittln whistle
when e' was carrytn' a 'eavy piece ol
Iron, and 'e dropt It on 'la foot"
Everybody's Magazine.
Letter From Europe.
The Countes Roalny was surprised
to find a number of letters awaiting
har, all bearing European postmarks.
"How did they reach me?" she
aaked Astra.
"Napoleon told the Count von Wer-
densteln that you are my guest and
be also made arrangements to bare
your property Interests protected."
"Mr. Edlaon 1b very kind." Bhe
looked at Astra. "Do you know, I
sometime envy you."
Astra raised ber eyebrows queeUon-
"My dear, I do; you are so good and
noble that Mr. Edison cannot help lov
ing you aa he lovea goodness Itself
through you."
Astra sighed: "Then you love Na
poleon. Roaltta V
"I love him. Indeed." she replied
laughingly. "And were I as good as
you are, I would take up the glove and
light for the prize. But I my heart
waa poisoned long ago. I do not in
spire pure love." Her voice sounded
somewhat bitter.
"Dear sister," said Astra, putting
her arm around Rosltta, "I cannot be
lieve that you are not as good as you
appear, for I do not believe I could
love you aa I do If you were not good
and true."
Astra left to preside at the Educa
tional Society of Independent Women
of America. "We shall have luncheon
together at two o'clock, and then we
will have a ride with Napoleon." she
said as she left
Rosltta hurriedly went to her own
rooms, taking the letters she bad re
ceived. One wca in Count von Wer
densteln's handwriting. Bhe locked
her door carefully, then opened the let
ters one by one, leaving the count's
unUI the last
Letter for John Doe, "Himself."
A new kink In addressing envel
opes has been noticed recently by
some of the posto trice clerks. Instead
of the word "personal" on those en
velopes to indicate that the letter la
Intended only for the eye of the person
addressed baa been written "himself."
In each case these letters had been
sent from England. In some parts of
Ireland the head of the household la
always referred to by the members of
the family aa "himself," and the Influ
ence of that custom may have had Ita
effect on the English writers, or pos
sible tha writer were Irishmen Uta
lng in England.
It appear that In all the world there baf
been discovered one drug and ONLT eae
that actually stimulate to renewed action tha
follicle and cella that noariah the hair aad
thereby make it grow even on bald heads
That drug ia a standard article of commerce
well known to the drug trade. The National
Standard Dispensatory aays it acta aa a parr
erf ul atimnlant to the growth of the hale
Therefore even if yon have tried a huadrW
kinds of hair tonic without that drug yea
have not proven that a hair tonic containing
that drug will not make your hair grow. Tha
best way ia to mix your own tonic or have
reliable druggist mix it for you. Here la
formula that includes the drug referred tot
Bay Rum. 6 ox; Menthol Crystals, H drachm;
Lavona de Composee, 2 ounces. You can get
theae ingredients at any drug store. If you
ehooae you may add 1 drachm of your favorite
perfume. Apply to the scalp with the fingers
night and morning. Thia formula ia recom
mended for falling hair and dandruff. It
should make your hair grow. It is NOT in
any aense a dye and contains no coloring mat
ter whatever, but has a tendency to stimulate
the pigment-accreting cella and thereby re
store prematurely gray hair to ita natural
Robber Band Loots Bank.
Fort Smith, Ark. After a rifle bat
tle with several citizens Wednesday,
a band of robbers, who bad looted the
vaults In the First State bank at Dar
denelle. Ark., escaped. There were
nald to have been eight men In tba
band. The robbers secured approxi
mately $4,000, according to a state
ment from the bank officials. Tba
robbers have succeeded in eluding half
a dozen posses which ara scouring
the country.
Real Thing.
"How waa the reverberation la that
"I don't know anything about that;
bat tba echo was Ho a."
Get rid of that feeling of de
pression, commonly known
as "the blues." It is only
the liver that has become lazy
as a result of impaired diges
tion and clogged bowels. Try
today and notice the im
provement in your general
health. It tones and
strengthens the entire system.
phaAt Joy.