St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 10, 1913, Image 2

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Resume of World's Important
Events Told in Brief.
Italian exporter are said to be well
satisfied with the new tariff law.
for religious
Peru has adopted a
amendment declaring
The question of the succession to
the Russian throne is said to be great
ly worrying; Car Nicholas.
Officials of the Treasury department
are having trouble arriving at sat-
iion of the new
isfactory interpret:
tar i IT laws.
A German scientist declares he has
worked some wonderful cures of deaf
ness by the use of radium and mesor-
thorium rays.
An outbreak of Filipinos is expected
soon unless the government declares
its intention to confer practical inde
pendence on the islands.
Roosevelt has been requested to
search for two Americans who are be
lieved to have been murdered by canni
bals on the Amazon river.
A plot to wreck and rob the south
bound express near Redding, Cal., was
foiled by the nervy warning of the su
perintendent of that city's water
Wheat prices at Walla Walla took a
slump, instead of the advance which
was expected, and farmers who are
holding for better prices blame the
new tariff bill.
Colonel Roosevelt and his hunting
party sailed from New York for South
America, where they will explore
country on the Amazon where no
white man has ever been.
Over 700 are reported killed in a
desperate battle in which the Mexican
federal forces completely routed the
insurgents at Santa Rosalia, many non
combatants also being killed by the
federal artillery fire.
Experienced Aviator Loses Control
and Hit Party on Hoof.
Rochester, N. Y. Miss Ruth Hild
reth, daughter of W. E. Hildreth, o
New York City, was killed and her
sister, Dorothy Hildreth, waa perhaps
fatally injured Thursday afternoon in
Hammondsport, when Lincoln Beachey
lost control of a 100-horse power aero
plane and it swept a number of spec
tators off a roof from which they were
watching the exhibition. Ruth Hild
reth fell upon an automobile. Her
akull was fractured. Among those
slightly hurt were Lieutenants Rich
ardson and Bellinger, of the United
States navy aviation corps, and
The accident occurred near the head
of Lake Keuka, where Beachey is said
to have planned to execute a somer
sault in the air. A crowd had gath
ered ;ir the exhibition. lo gain a
good liw the Misses Hildreth and the
navy officers climbed to the top of a
small building used as headquarters by
naval aviators.
Beachey recognized the party and
dipped his machine in salute. They
waved. The aeroplane went to the
end of the field, turned and came
back. When it was over the heads of
the Hildreth party the machine waa
seen to dip. The aeroplane came so
close to the party as to sweep all to
the ground. The aeroplane careened
wildly and plunged to the earth, un
seating the aviator and wrecking the
Ruth Hildreth was unconscious when
spectators reached her and blood was
gushing from a gaping wound in her
head. Her sister also was uncon
scious, but Lieutenants Bellinger and
Richardson were able to rise. Dor
othy Hildreth sustained a broken arm
and leg and may .have internal in
juries. Her condition is said to be
Beachey sprained an arm and ankle.
Beachey said that as he reached a
point directly over the naval building
he momentarily lost control of the
machine because his foot slipped from
one of the controls.
. - -
General News of the Industrial and Educational Development
and Progress of Rural Communities, Public Institutions, Etc
Hood River Orchardista Are Hur
rying Crop to Cara.
Hood River Orchardista at rush
ing their harvest, pickers are hurrying
their work and packer are busy mak
ing the fruit ready for transportation.
There is an atmosphere of hustle about
the entire valley. Wilmer Sieg, sales
manager of the North Pacific Fruit
Distributors, said that more than 400
carloads of Hood River fruit has been
sold, and is being routed out just aa
fast aa growers can get it to town.
- ah Olivers are nowiing lor their or
ders," he said, "and we constantly are
urged to hurry the fruit that has been
sold. These 400 cars sold have been
disposed of for the best average prices
in years."
All of the warehouses of the asso
ciations affiliated with the Apple
growers' association, the local affilia
tion of the North Pacific Fruit Dis
tributors, have been opened, and by
the middle of next week about SOU
men will be at work labeling, adjust
ing packs and loading the fruit into
the cars as fast as the wagons of the
orchardista bring it into the receiving
stations. From ten to 20 carloads of
apples will be shipped from Hood
River every day now until the crop is
cleaned up.
A stream of wagons is in constant
procession on Railroad avenue, lead
ing by the big brick storage houses of
the association. Four thousand boxes
of fruit were delivered in the city by
growers in one day last week.
Two Massachusetts fishing schooners
landed 650,000 pounds of fish and paid
a duty of about $5,000, while if they
had waited outside the harbor another
day the new tariff bill would have been
in effect and the cargo could have
been landed free.
A woman has been elected city
treasurer of Roseburg, Ore.
A Galesburg, 111., woman has left
435,000 of her $500,000 estate to
Senator Lane urges upon congress
the importance of taking up the Celilo
Falls power project.
The bankers's convention in session
at Boston expressed great dissatis
faction with the national banking re
form as proposed in the Glass bill.
Governor West, Secretary Olcott
and Treasurer Kay, of Oregon, have
been sued for alleged wrongful expen
diture of $16,000 of the penitentiary
revolving fund.
Wolves, hyenas and lions which
escaped from a menagerie in Austria
are killing the stock of the fanners
and shepherds, and the government
has sent an expedition to exterminate
Wheat Track prices: Club, 78ft
79c; bluestem, 88tf89c; forty-fold,
80c; red Russian, 77c; valley, 79c.
Oats No. 1 white, $25 ton.
Barley Feed, $24.50(f25 ton;
brewing, $26; rolled, $28f29.
Hay Fancy Eastern Oregon tim
othy, $15C' 16 ton; timothy and clover,
$14oi 15; timothy and alfalfa, $13Ci
14; clover, $8.50tfi.l0; oat and vetch,
SlOfrll; cheat, $10wll; valley grain
hay, $10tftll.
Onions Oregon, $1.60 sack; buy
ing price, $1.35 f. o. b. shipping
Vegetables Cabbage, ljc pound;
cauliflower, $1.25fr,1.50 doz; corn, 10
f; 15c doz; cucumbers, 20w.40c box;
eggplant, 6ft, 7c pound; head lettuce,
Zh(n 40c doz; peppers, 6f(.7c pound; to
matoes, 200; 40c box; garlic, 10fj)
12 Jc pound; sprouts, 10c pound; ar
tichokes, $1.25 doz.
Potatoes Oregon, $1 per hundred;
buying price, 75(i,85c at shipping
Green Fruit Apples, 60c(Tt$2.25
box; cantaloupes, $1.50rti,1.75 box;
plums, 30rt;50c box; pears, $lftl.75
box; grapes, 75cfa$1.35 crate, 12Jc
basket; casabas, $1.75 doz.; cranber
ries, $8.509 barrel.
Poultry Hens, springs, 16ft,16Jc;
turkeys, live, 20ft 22c; dressed, nom
inal; ducks, 12ftl4c; geese, 12ftl2c.
Eggs Oregon fresh ranch, candled,
35rt36Jc doz.
Butter Oregon creamery butter
cubes, 34c per pound; butter fat, de
livered, 34 c.
Pork Fancy, 12c per pound.
Veal Fancy, 15c per pound.
Hops 1913 crop, prime and choice,
22ft23c per pound; 1912 crop, nomi
nal. Mohair 1913 clip, 2(ti,2Gc pound.
Cattle Prime steers, $7.60,7.65;
choice, $7,2507.50; medium, $7ft(
7.25; prime cows, $6.50ft6.85; choice,
$8. 2506. 50; medium, $6ft6.25; heif
ers, $6ft7; light calves, $8ft9; heavy,
$6.75ft7.75; bulls, $3.50ft,6.75; stags,
$5. 75ft 6. 75.
Hogs Light, $8.40tfi8.70; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, $4ft4.60; ewes,
$3.25(a4; lambs, $4ft,5.60.
Lane County, Oregon, Judge Would
Instruct Children.
Eugene, Or. A road primer, the
first of its kind, is to be issued by
County Judge Thompson, who for a
long time has been studying the prob
lem of securing some method of teach
ing properly ' the principles of road
building at the country schools. The
book is to be written by Hoi lis W.
Libby, county surveyor, and be pub
lished by the county judge. Although
intended to be used as a means of in
struction primarily in this county, the
book will be available for schools all
over Oregon. It is believed it will
meet a general demand.
"We're blazing a trail in this line,
just as Lane county has blazed a trail
in aome otner lines of road construe
tion, " said Judge Thompson. "This
book, so far as I know, will be the
first of the kind, but it will be of
great value in the schools. It will not
only teach the children, the future
generation, the elements of road con
traction, but it will bring this phase
of education home to the parents.
"At present we need a book of this
kind in the schools of the Siuslaw dis
trict, where Miss VanBiber has al
ready introduced road-building and
road-construction as a course, and
where she has offered prizes for the
best road. The ordinary teacher can
not teacn sucn a subject as this, and a
road primer, or textbook of some kind,
is necessary.
New Oregon Eastern Line Connects
Vale and Inland Town.
Vale The Oregon Eastern Railroad
s now completed to Juntura, connert-
ng V ale with that rapidly-growing
town, 62 miles to the East.
There have been three bridges, ag
gregating 850 feet in length, built
across the Malheur River, and the lin
ing was put in one tunnel during two
A large boulder came down the
mountain recently, derailing the con-J
struction engine and tender and a
heavy gondola.
There will be 100 cars of cattle
shipped from Juntura by the end of
this week, and two trainloads are ex
pected to go next week.
The Oregon Eastern company has
contracted with William P. Harris, of
Vale, to sink a deep well on the depot
grounds at Juntura, with the purpose
of striking an artesian flow.
The new depot at Juntura is to be
built of native stone, seven acres of
ground being used for the depot site,
yards, "Y" and a large gravel pit.
which is being opened for building
purposes and cement work.
Governor Fears Oregon May Lose
$100,000 School Money.
Salem That $100,000 is due the
state a loans from the school fund on
farms waa announced at a meeting of
the State land board. Announcement
waa also made that, under a law
passed at the recent session of the leg
islature, unless the money is paid on
or before January 1 next, it shall be
presumed to be paid and it will be lost
to the state.
The law clearly specifies that the
State land board shall be responsible
for the collection. Governor West
called attention to section 3915,
I.ord'a Oregon Laws, which says that
all loans from the common school fund
"shall be made for a period of one
year; provided that in case the inter
est is promptly paid and the security
remains unimpaired, the board may,
in its discretion, permit the loan to
stand for a period of not longer than
ten years. "
The governor then announced that
an examination of the record revealed
there were about 100 mortgages cover
ing loans from the common school
fund in the custody of the State treas
urer which are past the ten-year
period provided by law. lie admitted
that the time which the loans should
have been permitted lo stand was
wholly under the control of the board,
but intimated the State treasurer had
been derelict in not reporting them.
Mr. Kay said complete reports had
been mado to (he board and that it
was customary to be lenient with the
borrowers. All of them, he explained,
had been notified that they must pay
what they owe, and the attorneys of
the various counties representing the
board had been notified to bring suit.
He said it had not been the purpose of
the board to work hardships on the
land owners, for in all cases the state
was amply safeguarded. The loans
amount to only one-third of the value
of the land. Mr. Kay said he was
willing to foreclose at any time.
Governor West insisted that action
be taken at once.
20 GAUGE (
The Model 1912 Winchester la tho lightest atromw
and handsomest repeating ahotgun on the inarir
weighs only about 5 pounds, yet it has great stremrtk
because its metal porta throughout are, mado of nickel steel
It is a two-purt Take down, without loose parts, is siinple to
operate and the action works with an ease and snioothneia
unknown in guns of other makes. See one at your dealer's or
Snd I WlmktUT aVaaaNaf 4 rat C Km Hvm, Cm, tor tlitmUr
Middle Ag Mortality.
Insurance nieu are noting an In
greasing middles mortality. In
this country It has Increased SO per
rent In thirty years. In h'ugluud It
has been very much less.
Putting Pigs on 0rM.
nen pitca are .It ,.ki ,4 i
may be turned Into arm.. ttIui .,,'
.. ,., , wrnl
...... a..... p' "'Mil, Will,
dry, roomy pons.
Success depends largely upon
Uood rteaitn jj
In your rare for success don't loose sight of the fact that only
through good health can you attain success.
The tension you must necessarily place upon your nerves, and the
sarritlce of proper exercise you have lo make at times must be
balanced in some way.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
U tha balancing poaT ) mlaliting potomr. It acts on
the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition, thus
purifying the blood and giving strength to the nerves,
indirectly aiding the liver to erform Its very important
work. Dr. Pirta' CoUmn MtJieal Ducmmry has been
successful for a generation aa atonic and body builder.
Sold by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form
trial box of 'Tablets' mailed on receipt of CO one.
cent stamps.
If In (ailing health write Dr. R. V. Pierce's
faculty at Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, New York.
M. rtrtrrj am
Miiir DoiTui fcjM
"Ua rotl.'a r
Smm. Madid Adrmm
n.w I, rn 4
Ula adilma lug
"', r. Uk
wkkh na, - ,,
a,U mr mtmrrUdm,
adJtaM M) m
mm4 aUaaa,ft
mmd M.ilia a mmij.
Daily Thought.
Keep well thine tongue and keep thy
friend. Chaucer.
The Real ds Lux Editions.
Buy your books to rend, not to kru
about, and you'll be sufii.
Glenesslin Sold for $."60,
Astoria, Or. The British ship Glen
esslin, that was stranded a few days
ago on the rocks at the foot of Neear-
nie Mountain, has been purchased by on the game refuge shot over the re
Alex tsremner and John Caarnen, of stnciea territory for the express pur-
this city, for $j60, their bid being the P or testing the constitutionality of
highest of the four submitted. Caar- tne law.
Chief of Police Arrested.
Salem State Game Warden Finley
has arrested S. II. Shidick, chief of
police at Salem, for shooting within
the Capital game refuge. The game
refuge includes all the land within a
five-mile radius of the center of
Salem.' The penalty is a fine of from
$50 to $100, with imprisonment at the
discretion of the court.
Others arrested were E. Simmons,
charged with having shot two female
Chinese pheasants and three Bob
White quail and with shooting on the
game refuge; A. O. Baker and Adrian
Kemp for shooting on the refuge, and
Ralph McDonnell for having six birds
in his bag, five being the limit.
Most of those arrested for shooting
Common Law Changed by Liability
Act, Says Court.
Salem Justice McNary writing the
opinion, the Supreme court held tha
the employers' liability act has rhang
ed the common law so it is not neee
sary for an employe suing for dam
ages for personal injuries to show tha
the employer had knowledge of tool
being defective. It is further held
that the act requires the emnlovcr to
furnish workmen with perfect tools,
The decision was in the case of Arthu
Askatin against the Mclnnis & Keed
company. The case was appealed
from Multnomah county, the plaintiff
having been awarded $000 damages
He was injured while working on the
Multnomah Club building, a load o
terra eotta having been precipitated
on him as the result of a defectiv
rope. The defendant alleged that the
law required ;thc plaintiff to prove i
nau Knowledge of the defective roje.
nen left immediately to take charge of
the propetry. The purchasers do not
plan to do anything with the hull, but
will salvage the stores, tackle, apparel
and furniture. Captain Williams,
master of the ship, and his crew left
Wednesday morning for Portland.
Crop Fund Is Going Out.
Washington, D. C. The Treasury
department has deposited in the na
tional nanus jo,4U,uui of their pro
posed $50,000,000 of government crop
moving funds. About $19,000,000
more will be put out in the next few
weeks. The deposits so far distributed
include Texas, $900,000; Colorado,
$350,000; Kansas, $100,000; Minne
sota, $500,000; Missouri, $4,125,000;
Mew Mexico, $50,000; Oregon, $H00,.
000; Utah, $125,000; Washington,
Crook Land to Be Opened.
Washington, D. C More than 300.-
000 acres of land in Crook county,
near La Pine, declared more valuable
for agricultural than forestry pur
poses, soon will be opened for settle
ment on the lottery plan.
Secretary Houston has advised Rep
resentative Sinnott that he recom
mended the elimination of 24,000
acres from the Deschutes National
forest. Approval by the secretary of
the interior is needed to complete the
elimination, and this is expected with
in the next ten dHys from remarks Mr.
Houston made to Mr. Sinnott, who has
been working to secure the elimination
for almost a year.
liruin Raids Homestead.
Koseburg Returning to his home
in the mountains near Peel after at
tending the county fair in Roseburg,
H. J. Rohinette. a well known Douu.
las county homesteader, discovered
that his cabin had been entered, pre
sumably by a bear, and that most o
his winter s provisions were missing
According to Mr. Robinette, who re
turned here for supplies, the bear evi
dently possessed almost human intelli
gence. Bruin worked the latch on the
rear door and entered the cabin. In
addition to consuming most of Mr.
Kobinctte s provisions, the bear broke
several dozen soup plates, tore cur
tains, smashed a rocker and did other
Alfalfa Sells at $5.50.
Vale The alfalfa hay ranchers of
the Malheur valley are finding a ready
W.aKinntnn n C . . . iiici mr uitjr tnipi (D.ou ion.
' vy. major unen Tk i ; r . i.
T nw,n.A i ir ,i . - m m 01:1,1c Litvnwt'H cumiJunv nas
Negro Troopers Praised.
commended the Tenth United States
cavalry as being as brave and efficient
as any regiment in the American army
in an address here at a reception ten
dered the troopers by the colored citi-
rens of this city. General Wood
spoke of the great responsibility rest-
purchased 6000 tons of alfalfa in this
valley this fall, and many of the smal
ler ranches are disposing of their sur
plus to cattle buyers, who are driving
Gresham Club to Study Birds.
Oresham The Girls' club of this
place will meet soon " at the Gresham
library to begin the study of Oregon
birds. The habits of tiheasunt. will
first be considered. The club plans to
study the "Birds of the United
Mates this full and winter and a
specialty will be made of the birds of
Washington and Oregon. Arrange
ments nave been completed for the
special election which will be held
here soon to decide on the location of
the proposed county -high school. Four
sites will be submitted.
Little Girl Burns Barn.
Roseburg Moved by a desire to
kindle fires, after watching her moth-
er, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Thacker, of Kdenbower. re
cently secured a box of matches, on.
of which she liehted and threw lrn
her father's barn, which with several
111 uiiiui ui cnue uurcnweu m me in- ions or nav. waa rinaf rnirH 1- .
tprinr tn K. faA sinner tha l,nA lf T' I 1 1 .
. i " '-"""' . mr. niHCKer, wno is em
necnuse 01 a snoriage caused ry neavy
j ' rr .. ' m"r rains during the harvesting, a few of
e?etiv It ,h 7 " CP the larger producer, are holding their
reaentatives of the colored race. . ! i
Pellagra to Be Studied.
Colon A study of the disease of
pellagra in the West Indies Is to be
made by the British expert, Dr. Louis
W. Hambon, of the London School of
Tropical Medicine, who left here for
Trinidad, accompanied by Captain
Joseph t. biler, U. a. A., medical
corps, and A. H. Jennings, chief of
the bureau of entomology at Washington.
Snow Worries Sheepmen.
Pendleton Sheepmen who have
flocks in the mountains are much
worried because of an unseasonable
snow storm occurring recently in the
mountains. The first snow fell Friday
night, followed by more during Satur
day. Though the sheepmen have all
made preparations to bring out their
flocks within the next few days, few
of them have been moved.
iiiujn-ij 11 1 Kins a waicnman, was
sleeping In the barn at the time the
nre started and barely escaped.
State Officers Accused.
Salem Labor Commissioner HofT
reported that the eight-hour law waa
being violated at the asylum farm and
the Feeble-minded institute and urirnH
that the State board of control here
after observe the law relating to labor
at the state Institutions. Mr. HofT
says the law relates to laborers, but
not to attendants. The letter will be
presented to the board at its next
Our big IvMctlalutf (til, Uviwi triuuMailiul Uif Mull oiiUrlul trg !), ,rr orttrrO ) UV
Hutorjr of th buiMmf tmainia. II will tliuw you kuw U ui num. Lumkrr, 8.1k, Dm
ILntw.r., paint and al! tmiMin mauriala. W? aril to ynn rtirret al fa'tory fri"
(rara prkM ft
fairs torn bar
palM. WaHaara
raa aaoMy aft
aalau far Havaa.
nw. Waas ftf
KK ffti.
Hatk WtaO
tlsjsjiitrt We-
II plwMlttM
altiia Of til
kid) M VktXO
s1 btW Till
IB. L(oetM
iiim. it., ru
1 1 f , !.
fat-(W (
v fiesta
diir. y
Oar trm Mil
sHv fM toa-. ftssta, t LVtM Jtk tal east
ft rlm ! ISaat Mi loawsaM (Ml tea 1 fa.
Owa) (at tJ ft, Sfta4s 4 sW( Ijus
W awl I teJa4 all BW4 M jr Me ftat
tMse as sjsiisaa, ppt4 a
w ..... '.. .
.. f ... ..J., 1...., !.. . .
t'- " l.'l Kl U .'li
2J01 W Si Aw laanta
Fit Boy for Business.
When a boy undertakes to learn the
grocery business In Prague. Ilohenila,
his employer demanils from l.'O to I'lO
a year from him ami In return furnish
es bonrd and clothes. The Ind must
attend an advanced Inislnens school at
least twice a week and on Sundays
study an additional language.
Ht Knew What H Meant.
We were visiting a cousin hos
small boy was very fond o. the des
serts served. After finishing his din
ner he waited fur a :'.:n and then
said: "Mnmmn, Is thorn any lust
thlngT" Chicago Tribune.
Get Rid of Seal.
Oyster ahell scale Is not alwsyi r
moved by the limn sulphur sprsy. But
the iNiuilnlon Kxperltnriitul farm t
I Ottawa. Can., has shown by actual
test that a good hltewnshlnf U1
succeed where Hie spray fulls, forty
pounds of lime, 40 gallons of witftf
and eight pound of mil mnke up lb
recipe. Hpray on the trie Just ftr
tha leave full, and aguln as tool
a the first wash hua dried. Tk
acale will loosen up from th bark
and fall off. This will not do ivty
with the need of tho lliiieiulphor
pray for San Jose scale, but Is
Telia How She Waa Restored
To Health by LydiaE.
Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound.
Gra Wills. III." I Waa a ..
fererof female complaints fee a year
ami 1 got noUiinu
that helped me un
til I Ixgan Uking
I-ydia K 1'iiikham's
Vegetable Com
pound. I was Irreg.
ularand had cramns
so bad thnt I had to
go to bed. Now I
bave Utter health
than I have bad for
years and I cannot
speak too hiirhlv nf
yoai mediclne."-Mr. Jkshib Scuaas.
413 Mum SL. GravvlIU III
C'a of Mrs. Tully.
Chicago, III.-"I fake r.l.n 1.
writing to thank you for what Lydia E.
rlnkham's Wctahln
lone for me. I sufTnl iih ...w
ful periodic pinS( an,j htd m djupi
ment, and received no benefit from the
i.00 7l 1 .WM '(,vi",, 10 uk Uydls
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable ComnnnnH a
am now as well as ever." Mrs. Wil.
If 7011 have the allrl.raf t.a
that LydU 1 I'lnkl,,n'. Vereta
lle Compound will help you, write
to Lydia lUMnkhamMedlHneCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Ma, for ad
vice. Your letter will ! opened,
r?.".'! an"w'l woman,
and held In suict confidence.
I'enaNtl mt ailiigua
lit'. Ar1t. fnanfca f
lllf tietM ivfriHft IraMwrkfa
The "Topgrade" Shot
A Really Classy Shoe
If raw a-ar fca ml UaV arj
Portland. Oi-
ll'urm, lo a. m. to p. m..
uc by appointment
P-lnllfl Tmlnml nf all Acuta and (Tironlr
I I'Imin I Irmanl rrarllltuMr. hulti4-t
.rrl. HiilMina. HealtJ J
out or TOWN
7 .. .r ita fni-1-
B iMIlk-kailalM naMllat
Try unet)
in la nna
I 'Mir
rnora If fvtsj ha r hasMs Anrttirirtl
mnA thatl rnia mn4 ha n of lalna-J
rll. JaM Ihiaarr! iialur hMlawls
a mint pr
tr sj-H knows 10 th nntil arorl-f. l-ul '
. dd down font. faUbatr Ui auai la i pkr
laaiukM 1 nllsaV
f f rnJ H ml nf W-i mnA mnr rlt. wrtW IW
ympiam biajta svai atrtmiatr, awluais
162 rirst St., Cor. Morris
PwtlaMtA, Orasaav,
1. N. V.
No. 41, 1
WHS arrltlBa- aaSartiaan, la 1