iffmmmmwwwwirrwwmwwmwiirwwmiTfK l W ci u i. -3 l . 1 VON A. GRAY 1 V.it hrii:iKcr ami Jeweler. All U'irk Guaranteed. r r rwii .il CotwU St. Helena 3 iiiiuiaiaiiuuiuiUiuiiiiUiUiuiiuuiuiiiiaawuuiiUiui; tUKOI'IN I'l.AN AMERICAN MAN EVf.RY IIIINi MOUJHN AT HIE ST. HELENS JHOT E L j (.1 0.'K.r, Proprietor Al l. BUSSI.3 CALL AT IIOTF.L RAILS $1.00 AND UP SI'ICIAL KAlf.3 TO KrC.UlAR UOARUrRS Hanson's Millinery , Xi in.sf uinl t'-to-)i,c lints for Liiihrsy ,l.s.s7 untl (' i lil tin . Ihiul 'nil ht Sir Th i in I'n jrr !niiii'J. Old II ills Mini t: Or, ,-. BANK UUILDINQ ST. HELENS, OREGON rrSJ6aS5SB5B5a55U8Sai!M8a8 J J a 3 8 B 41 8 IB B 5T51! H I m SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES JIIK fc.KUIANCK AND INTRODUCTORY I'KIC tS O N SO.OOL BOOKS ARE STRICTLY CASH WATERHVNS IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS AI.SO CENTURY. LAUC.III.IN SEt.F-Hii.INC. AND NON LEAKABl.E. (.'OORES NON 1.EAK.AB1.E AND OTHERS i:.istm.ix nioTot.iLirii hj coons a I A. J. DEMING, DwuG'.rsr. ST. HELENS CjiiiiiuiiiuiiiittiiiuiiiiiaiuitiMiiiiimiui Patronize the Mist Advertisers fei Eli lit II To a Good Salary There is direct ami easy way for von to help yonrscl! In a ili-suaniu uimui ami Komi pay in the trade or profes sion (hat III".! "Ill" OMI l.l-lir atnlution. All tins without leaving home; without losing an hour of wi.tk, or a dollar of pay. Such i I.. t., i,,tMli!i liv a worlil- renowne.l institution that lias had 1 years of successful c uperieiue ill darning thousands oi uu.oniou.-. w.u-e earners for ndvuiiciiiiriit Thi institution now otters TOU mi opportunity, in the coupon Li-low, to In-tt.r your earnings ami position, no matter how scant your tune, money, or education may he. The hist step in helping y..msclf to a good salary i.es m marking and mailing the coupon. To do tins put vou uuuei u obligation. Do It HOW. International Corr..pondanee School ., i tile .,.tM. " h 1 b . H- kk.. i-r in(irili-r A(lTf.rl.....Ml Writer H(,..w-l'r.l WrilM Winilow 'I tlminr lriimntl i)iauir llliitri.r Civil HxrvIO ChKinli' 1 kia Mill tupt. run -i.ihtin uit M-hnutl Kuffinr Civil Rnninr K.illtltntf ronlrat'tnf Arehitwtur! lrftA. Uri.1i iimr rnin IMntuMf Nam . Stat i- vi.u ixfonM.iriox ii y .ii)ii;i:ssi.vi; H. W. REED, Manager 505 McKay BaildinJ PORTLAND, OREGON MODEL DAIRY FARM At Io. Islund.Colurnliia County, On-jron, i.s loruteii the most nwidern, i-t' dittc, sanitary dairy in the utato of ()r.-Kim. It in owncl l,y Mr. K. L. ThorniHoti of the firm of Ihrtniiiii & Tliotnpson, Hanker, of l'ortland, mid conniHti of 400 acrcB of choice lands. The farms un named the Clover Hill Farms. About -'' acres is on the river bottom mil during the hi'ifh water in June nearly a.l overflowed by the river. Hut the method of farming this nd makes the overllow a jrreat "eneiit, as two larjcu yielding crops re Kiiiered from it, whereas only one could be Kathered if the water did not cover it. Another 200 acres is lirah bench and up land on which ureat crops of kale, corr, ami other cro"8 are harvested. A visit to the farm this week was made very in teresting by watching the process of cleaning up the barns and build ings and harvesting the crops. About 12 men were employed on the farms, exclusive of the poultry department, and great loads of hay period is passed." It i uite proba ble that as the Guernsey breed of cuttle becomes better known by the farmers of the Northwest that the 'demand for them will increase' I amazingly. i I I At the present time about 00. , cows are being milked and each day , a shipment of about 50 cases or lofi j j gallons of pure certified milk is. 'shipped to t ortland. X he prices I received. for this milk are the high est paid for any milk delivered into the city of Portland. There is a : reason for this, and a glimpse at the Cow barns, milk room and other buildings is enough of itself to war rant the high prices being obtained. The cows are brought in from the pasture in the evening and thoroughly groomed and, washed. The barns are cleaned, scrubbed, washed and disinfected in the even ing an 1 morning, twice each day, so that whn entering the stables they are as clean as can possibly be. There is absolutely or odor or dirt on the premises. To demonstrate the cleanliness of this barn a lunch table is to be set on the barn floor lit I j.wtsai' nti5 v"..T.r.-?Ts THE SANITARY COW BARNS were being hauled into the yards, where it was put through a chopper and placed into a silo. Two large silos are being filled, each contain ing (.K) tons, and a third of the same capacity is to be built at once, mak ing a capacity for ensilage of 270 tons. The men are also at this time seeding crops of rye, outs and vetch on the low or river lands, which crops will be harvested before the high water next spring. Immedi ately after the water goes down the same land will be re-seeded ith oats, millet ami corn and this: crop will be harvested in the fall.j This plun has been employed on this .lac already for two or three years and has proved successful, the crops now being harvested being j suiTn-iftit proof of that success. I'art of the high land is cropped .villi oats and vetch, which is, made ;nto hay to provide a mixed ration for the cows. Still another por tion of this ground is used for growing kale for the same purpose. "We consider alfalfa, kale, corn in, I vetch the very best of all foods for milk" said Mr. W. Al. Kelton. the superintendent of the farm, and in accordance with that belief great t ops of each of these are beini un vested ar.d fed to the cows. An xperimet.t is now being tried with lfali'a on the lower lands and from ne.-e:it appc.i: aaces has every indi cation of being a success. With I fa! .'a growing on the place, that mikes up the four great milk foods, oil.ng is another feature of this lac. The green feed is cut and ',.,1 direct to the cows instead of .cii g pastured. Hy this method he same amount of feed will sup i'v a much greater number of cows, it being said that at least two cows o:in be fed this way on green feed where one could be fed by pastur ing. The stock on the place consists of il.ont t'.r niileh cows and two reg st 't ed lluernsey bulls in service, the cows being mostly Guernsey and Guernsey grade, several of them having been imported direct from the Guernsey Islands. It is the intention of Mr. Thompson to dvent .tally have nothing on the place but registered Guernsey cattle. "We consider the Guernsey as the best dual purpose cow, giving a arire amount of rich milk; several of those we now have giving 5 gal lons a day," said Mr. Kelton. "and cows of this breed make an excel lent carcass of beef after their profitable milking and breeding on the day of the sale there and the people are to be invited to eat where the cows were kept the night before, and it will be just as clean as water and scrubbing can make it, with no odor or dirt to bother the most particular person present. This farm is devoted entirely to supplying certified milk to Portland and the product is distributed by the Portland Pure Milk & Cream Co. of that city. There are only Continued on Pago 6 I f - x vsi IX! I Yf r AUTOLOADING SHOTGUNS ANY way you look at it, tna Autoloader ia the highest development in modern ahotcua A, an ! null v ImAm mt vnur iliniwllf merely oreutns the trigger. It puta the racouls lutul I wor to eject the empty and alip ia the ireah ahalL It aavea the gunner' ahoulder rida hia aport of annoyancea increaaea hia ahooting average. Your danger ia that in your enthuaiaam over the autoloading principle, you may forget to in mat an getting the final embodiment of that principle the Htminglon Autoloading Shotgun. The peculiar ajvaala of tka Reminatoa ava loe mB9 lo detail Kara. M1 kat roil Waal to Oo la to (at oaa oi tna Keminvton dealer- in thia accooa la danioiieaaie taaaa to rou oa tka sua ilaalf . ) Ramioattoa Arms-Unioa Mstallie Cartridge Co. Z Breedoer 1 1 New York S.AllaLiilt.LilULAitULiAAitaLii,L.liaLiAiULkl ' ' tft ' if J. A. BILL E. C. R0BERT80N C Ti H CENTRAL MARKET Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Poultry, Produce Your Order Solicited Good Price Full Weight Phone 60 St Helens, Ore. ''iliiULliiltLiUtlLiP.ilaLlaittLltiiaitiltLlfiltLiH L u.ia.iUAJg mm E. L. THOMPSON, Owner DEER ISLAND, OREGON IMPORTER AND BREEDER OF GUERNSEY CATTLE AND BERKSHIRE HOGS Preliminary Notice of FIRST ANNUAL SURPLUS SALE 40 Dairy Cows and Heifers, mostly Guer nsey and Guernsey grade. 3 Guernsey Bulls from 12 to 18 months old, eligible for registry. Also 12 or 15 Pedigreed Berkshire and Duroc Jersey Hogs. Terms of Sale Will be Announced Later AT 10:!H) O'CLOCK 1 CLOVER HILL FARM, Deer Island, Ore.