St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 03, 1913, Image 1

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NO 40.
Mow wv give, tnu list or prize
.hii'M t '' t'ounty Fair who
r n"t mentioned luKt week. The
iiriii s'ti ' 1 won the beautiful
et o ip fur th beU general
, i . .1... - ....... Ti...:
HXll exllll'll in llltT vovjiii . ti!.-ii
I if . in il.i r fll I .liutiluu' tt
lUlll Willi "'"'ivi.-i "'"r'-J
jiU an I v.'etttlileu, Meveral of the,
ides winning indivitluui prizes
well. The other sehio' exhibits
. ,!, i v.-rv line an I the judges
s.i:in"A i U o a in 4 ii decide.
Warren Sorinelund, Int.
Ul & Iioy, 2nd.
Cullv Sl;iDW(iod. 3rd.
cv c; penler W ot k
Hurry WiUon. 1st.
Sf iih. 2nd.
('url.s ( iMper. .!rl.
Illl'.IM' t
I'lilTur 1 Jackson. Int.
Mile i.i'i.M'intii, 2nd.
I. Mcl.'iiuley, 3rd.
lirllMti '. fi'ct Jlllt-J
Wain n Si'luiol, lit.
,V:i;ip "i .' ."-cliooi, :nil.
Tr- nS il hi School, 3rd.
kci Imx fruit
Myrtle Lirsoii. lit.
Jvin Larson, 2nd.
Raymond Murines. 3rd.
ipl.iv canned fruit
St Helens Sthonl. Int.
Warren School, 2nd.
b i!;.y Jelly
St. Helena School, 1st.
Sr.ipp'iuse School, 2nd.
Warren School, 3rd.
;if luead
Ha.. I Lope. 1st.
Kuth Ki-n.lrickiion. 2nd.
Kthel Lynch. 3rd.
I.ily Larson, 1st.
Myrtle l.nrson, 2nd.
Mildred Nelson. 3rd.
lain needle work
May Clnin. 1st.
l!iM"iii (iarrison, 2nd.
Frank Peeler, 3rd.
r'iinry n, idle work
St. Helens School, 1st.
Kllu Lainhcr-en. 2nd.
Uuth Ilendrickson, 3rd.
I'iiII's dress -
IVd Tail.ell, 1st.
L la White, 2nd.
K"se iaseel, 3rd.
.Silver r'.ip to Warren School.
'n.ilt rv
White Orpington cockerel, Uoy
Steward, 1st prize.
While Orpington pullet, Koy
SU'wnrd. :trd.
Mr. Hendure. 1st.
Mrs. W. H. Faxon, 2nd.
ut llnwcrs
Mrs. A. J. Freemun, 1st.
Mrs. C. C. Moyer. 2nd.
'"tied Plants -
Mrs. Dspuin, 1st.
Mis. 1,. Dupont., 2nd.
Mrs. (Niriihs. Urd.
Canned fruit -
Mrs. Kay Turhell. 1st.
Mrs. Harry Krnnelt, 2nd.
Mrs. C. C. Mover. 3rd.
Caniinl veo'ablca --
Mrs. Kail Saxton, 1st.
Mrs. Kay Tarbell, 2nd.
Mrs. Harry Hcnnvtt, 2rd.
Mrs. Harry Ilennett. 1st.
Mrs. Kay Tarbell, 2nd.
Mrs. Frand Rrown. 3rd.
Broad, white -
Miss Dever, 1st.
Mrs. U. L. Jonea, 2nd.
Mr, n.-ndure, 3rd.
Urea 1, brown -Mrs.
Bendure, 1st.
Tin- pi.ultry department of the
Columbia County Fuir was a sur
prise to everyone, hoth in quality
Hinl quantity, the only drawback
being that the building wan over
rrowi d. There were 363 head of
piiullry and pet stock, besides quite
a number that were taken hack
home nn account of lack of room.
Gen. I-oinont raptured the largest
prize with his display of turkeys.
Keen, ducks, phcsantn. pigeons
I "'"'-
Kuineiis and rabbits; though some
wmugni inai ine pigeon mspiay by
1 1 - 1 1 i 1 1 wan the most attractive.
no iuti u large numlier of vanctiei
-n imc onus, .nr. aim air
A. I). Iirscin of (liible received the
inoMt ribbons on chickens, with a
display of Huff Iii-Khorna. HufT Orp
ntoiis and Ucds. Their bird were
all of fine quality, the first leghorn
pen especially so. Intervale Farm,
owe tied I'.v Uuy Tarbell of Yankton,
ha I a good showing of II. I'. Korki
mid Ancnna4,one of his Ancona peni
getting first parti-colored pen and
also a very favorable comment from
the judge. T. I'rown of Yankton
gut the first solid rolured pen with
his White Wyandottes, the White
Rucks shown by the CUver Hill
Farm of lleer Island were good
birds, as also were those shown by
lva Tarbell of Yankton. Among the
H. 1 Kocks the cockerel exhibited
by Mrs. I. Felton was by far the
best bird in bin class. Many other
exhibitors had a few good birds
jeach, and the display of I.eigiart
hare w a line, 1st going to . i.
Morley. The judging was done by
M. S. Myers of Portland in a very
satisfactory manner. Mr. Myers
said our show was the best in quality
of any he had judged this season.
Any one who has not received
their premium money from the
Columbia County Fair please send
their full address to T. Brown,
Secretary. Yankton, Ore.
C. I. & M. F. Parker to A. M.
Parker, land in 3-4-1.
A. M. Parker to Alfred G. Pear
son, land in 3-4-1.
C. Burgdorfer to Huliert Braim,
Rainier tand Co. to F. Trow,
lot 1. blk F. Koxy Park. '
Rainier Land Co. to F. Trow, lot
H, blk 17. Kainier.
N. N. & M. P.lumensaat to
Kaininier I-nnd Co., lot 1, blk "b"
Koxy Park.
Kainier Land Co. to F. Trow, lot
4. blk 17. Kainier.
G. Boyle to C. Ijimberson, lota
7, 8, blk 7. Watts Add.
L. W. Tandy to T. V. Tandy,
land in 3-7"5.
K. B. & M. K. McFarland to
Lola Kaahc. land in 20-4-2.
J. M. El wood & V.. Snowct ux to
F.I wood & Snow Lbr. Co.. land in
V. S. Spencer o F,. L. Ander n
tract 5, Valley View Acres.
I). Hlanchard to P, Stennick,
J. J. Havlick to Koman Catholic
Archbishop of Diocese of Oregon,
land in 14-3-2.
C. K. & K. c- McCormick to K.
H. Kawson. lot 12. - BU 4,1
K. A. & J. VV. Jonea to John V.
Libel, land in 13-(5-5.
Fron my farm near Yankton,
,. red bull calf, nix months old.
Any information a to hit where
abouts pill be aultaWy rewarded.
Frank Drown.
Ball Season is Oyer
The base ball season for St.
Helens is over for the year. The
season has been a successful one
from the standpoint of winning
games and giving the people
good entertainment, but from a
financial standpoint it was not so
much of a success as should have
been. During the season the St.
Helens team played 17 games,
winning 13 of them. The players
were nearly all local boys and
Manager I. F, Ballagh is to be
congratulated for handling the
ball team in the satisfactory
manner in which he did. The
last game of the season was with
Woodland last Saturday, which
resulted in a victory for St. Hel
ens by a score of 8 to 5. Posters
were out announcing three games
between St. Helens and Rainier
during the three days of the fair
last week, but for some unknown
cause the Kainier team failed to
keep its date. This failure on the
part of the boys from down the
river caused quite a little dis
appointment to the locals as w ell
as to the fans who were expect
ing a royal good time and some
real base ball games.
Ralph 0. Hazen
Mr. Ralph 0. tlazen, a respected
reai'lont of Warren, in this county,
passed away at hil home last Tuesday
evening after an illness lasting sev
eral wecki, caused from asthma and
heart troubles.
Mr. Ilazfln was bora in Pennsyl
vania in April, 16,ri0, and waa 63 years
old at the time of hil death. He came
to Columbia county in 1879, and settled
on a farm near Warren and hat made
his home there ever since. He leavas
a widow, two sons and two daughters,
sll living at Warren, besides several
brothers in different parti of Oregon.
The children left by him are Mrs.
W. C. Cooper, Mrs. Edith Bacon,
George Hazen, and Arthur Hazen.
Funeral services were held at the
family home in Warren yesterday af
ternoon, and more than two hundred
friends and relatives attended to show
the high esteem In which the deceased
was held.
Rev. F. J. Meyera, of the Congrega
tional Church of St. Helena, preached
the funeral sermon, and interment was
had In the I. O. O. F. cemetery at
The dance given by the St. Hel
ens Firemen last Saturday waa the
most successful dance ever given
bv the boys. From a financial
standpoint it was probably the most
successful dance ever given in St.
Helens. Considerably more than
$100 was taken in by the boys,
which shows that the people appre
ciate the efforts of maintaining an
efficient fire fightng company. The
St. Johns Fire Co., headed by their
chief, visited the St. Helens boys,
coming down in a launch, and they
were well pleased with the recep
tion given them.
6 per cent loans on farms, or
chard lands, city resident or busi
ness property, to buy, build, im
j prove, extend or refund mortgages
I or other securities: terms reason
able; special privileges; corres
pondence invited. Dept. L, 618
Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, "Col..
or Dept. I. 749 Henry Bldg., Se
attle, Wash.
The Pender Trial i
Circuit Court will convene in
St. Helens in regular session on
Tuesday. Oct. Nth. The first case
to be tried will be the State vs.
John Pender, charged with mur
dering Daisy Wehrman near
Scappoo8e on Septenber4th, 1911.
In June 1912 Pender was tried
before a jury in St. Helens, and
after deliberating for about 40
hours the jury failed to agree.
Since then the trial has been de
layed from time to time for vari
ous reasons until now. It is
probable that the trial of the
case will take two weeks, as
there are a large number of wit
nesses on both sides to be ex
amined in addition to the task of
selecting a jury which will be
satisfactory to both sides. E. B.
Tongue, District Attorney, will
handle the case for the state and
John F. Logan and John Steven
son will handle the defense.
Following is the jury list for the
October term of the Circuit Court:
Arthur H. George, St. Helens;
Louis Boeck. Vernonia; C. N.
Davidson, Mayger; Thomas J.
Flippin, Rainier; James B. Kenny,
Goble; George C. Fowler, Goble;
Omer C. Nickerson. Vernonia; Geo.
C. Beavers, St. Helens, George W.
Kale, Yankton; W. E. Eversaul.
Houlton; Albert Freeman, Warren;
Charles W. Mellinger, Vernonia;
Frank Bishop, Goble; G. P. Hiatt,
Clatskanie; Walter S. Shearer, Mist;
W. R. Harding, Clatskanie; Charles
Hermo, Qiyncy; Rudolph Kappler.
Warren; Harvey S. Glenn, Quincy;
Forbes L. Hedges, Rainier' John
Holdorf, Mayger; Eli Davis, Rainier;
Chas. W.- Emerson; Houlton, Jos.
Norwood, Houlton; Amos Erickson,
Clatskanie; Jesse M. Nation, Kyser;
Thos. E. Grewell, Wairen; D. R.
Fowler, Yankton; Fred W. Wilson;
Clatskanie; John Dolan. Warren;
Peter Mayers, Scappoose,
A Bad Fire
Last Friday night the barn owned
by S. Rock near Yankton was en
tirely destroyed by fire, and the
contents, belonging toN. E. Walker,
consisting of three horses, two
cows, buggy, harness and about 20
tons of hay were also destroyed.
The origin of the fire is unknown
and there eeems to be no way of as
certaining the cause. About 12
o'clock at night the Walker family
were awakened by the cracking of
the flames and every effort was
made to save the property .especially
the horses and cattle, but as the
firee had such a start it was im
possible to do anything.
Congregational Church
Bible school, 10 a. m.
Sermon by the pastor, "A Su
preme Purpose in Life," 11 a. m.
Song service and service and ser
mon by the pastor, "A Man who
Outlived His Welcome," 7:30 p. m.
Mid-week Bible study and service
Wednesday. 7:30 p. m.
Flease notice the change of even
ing service. A most cordial greet
ing and welcome awaita you to wor
ship with us.
Rev. F. J. Meyer.
Roaf Survey. Assured
County Court Passes Resolution
Asking Aid of State Commission
In the County Court of the State ef
Oregon, for Columbia County:
Whereas, it i deemed to be a public
necessity, by the County Court of Co
lumbia County. State of Oregon, to
raiae money by issuing ita bonds, un
der the provision! of Chapter 103,
Oregon Laws of 1913. for the purpose
of constructing and maintaining a sys
tem of peimanent roads in Columbia
County, and
Wberreas, petitinoa have been filed
duly aigned by a large number of the
freeholders of aaid eounty, praying for
the establishment of a system of per
manent road as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the main
county road from St. Helens to Port
land, Oregon, where said road inter
sects the boundary line between Mult
nomah and Columbia counties, thence
running in a northerly and westerly
direction to a point on the west bound
ary line of Columbia County, where the
said line intersects the county road
from Clatskanie, Ore., to Westport,
Ore., said road to run through the cit
ies and towns of Scappoose, Warren,
St. Helens, Deer Island, Goble Rai
nier, Mayger, Clatskanie and Marsh
land, and following aa near aa practi
cable to obtain desired gradea and
curvea, the present county road be
tween aaid points, also
Beginning at a point where the
Beaver Creek county road intersects
the line between Washington and Co
lumbia Counties, thence running in
a northerly and westerly direction to
the boundary line between Columbia
and Clatsop Counties, and running
through tbe towns and cities of Ver
nonia, Pittsburg and Mist, and follow
ing as near aa practicable, to obtain
deaired grades and curvea, the present
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gray left St.
Helens this morning, bound for
Florida where they intend to make
their future home. Last Tuesday
evening the members of the X. of
P. and the Pythian Sisters lodges
held a farewell reception for Mr.
and Mrs. Gray, at which time good
byes were said and well wishes ex
tended. A very enjoyable time was
had. Mr. and Mrs. Gray go away
from St. Helens carrying with them
the vcrv best wishes of almost the
entire citizenship of the city. They
have been prominently identified
with the growth and progress of
the city as well as beirg leaders in
their church and lodge affiliations.
They go to Florida and will engage
in raising citrus fruit on property
already owned by them.
Letters unclaimed in the St. Hel
ens Post office for the week ending
Sept. 27. 1913:
Erik Forsgaen 1 letter
Frank Gustofson
R. P. Johnson
Opal Johnson
Alfred Johnson
A. F. Lewis "
Frank Pfleiger
Earnest Sy mi th "
Mrs. S. C. Yancy
Letters unclaimed by Oct. 11,
will be sent to the Dead-Letter office.
Iva E. Dodd, P. M.
Welch & Ames will have a sale
of ladies suits, ladies and childrens'
coats, ladies furs Friday and Satur.
day, Oct. 10-11, Watch for their
county road between aaid pointa and
towns; also
Beginning at a point which ia at
tbe intersection of the center line of
Bridge and Nebalem streeta in the City
of Clatakanie, Oregon, running thence
in a southerly direction, and following
aa near aa practicable to obtain the de
aired gradea and curvea, the preaent
eounty road from Clatakanie., Ore., to
Miat, Ore., to the intersection of aaid
road with the county road from Ver
nncia to Mist. Ore., also
Beginning at a point which ia at the)
intersection of Cowlitz and Columbia
streeta in tbe City of St. Helena, Ore
gon, running thence westerly through
the towna of Houlton, Yankton and
Trenbolm, and following aa near aa
practicable, to obtain the deaired
gradea and curvea, tbe preaent county
road from St. Helena, Oregon, to Pitta
burg, Oregon, and
Whereas, aaid County Court deairea
to have aucb a system of permanent
roads planned, located and constructed
with the co-operation of the Oregon
Stste Highway Commission, therefore
Be It Resolved, by the County Court
of Columbia County, Oregon, that it
does beret petition the Oregon State
Highway Commission to lend to it the
servicea of the State Highway En
gineer for the above purpoaea, and
Reaolved. further, that the County
Court of Columbia County, doea hereby
set aaide sufficient money to pay for
tbe aurveya, maps, profiles and eati -mates
of tbe aaid propoeed permanent
road system.
Adopted at St Helena, Oregon, this
2nd day of October, 1913.
W. A. HARRIS. County Judge.
JOHN FARR. County Commiaaioner.
County Commiaaioner.
A. L. Cruikshank, who has been
hauling staves from the stave fac
tory at Trenholm to Houlton for
some time, was arrested by Deputy
Sheriff Lake Tuesday upon a war
rant issued by the Multnomah
County Court, charged with ob
taining money under false pre
tenses. Just what the specific act
waa that waa charged we did not
learn, other than that Cruikshank
had defrauded the Linnton Bank
out of several hundred dollars on a
fake mortgage of a team of horaea.
He waa taken to Portland Wednes
day where he is being held In jail
and a number of St. Helena and
Houlton people are holding the sack.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild
he.d a meeting last Tuesday at
which time it was decided to install
steam heat in the Guild Hall and
church. For the purpose of raising
funds with which to help In paying
for this improvement it waa de
cided to entertain the people of this
community at a garden party on the
28th of Oct. 1913. Full announce
ments and particulars will be given
in our next issue.
Last Saturday evening wits Amy
George entertained with a crawfish
party at the Muckle home in this
city in honor of Miss Agnes Muckle
of Portland. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Muckle, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Muckle, Mr. and Mrs.
Rotger, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mackay,
Misses Cohn, Misses Perkins, Mrs.
Roberts, Mrs. Davis, Miss Agnes
Muckle, Dr. Fenton, W. Muckle, H.
F. McCormick and Chas. Muckle.