St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 26, 1913, Image 8

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Mrs. Jessie Lewis of clatskanie i
visited with friends in St. Helens
last week. I
Visit the Congregational Ladies
Aid lunch tent at the Fair grounds.
Hot Coney islands, eotTee, pie, cake,
sandwiches, etc.
James W. Hunt has disposed of
his mercantile business at West
port. Ore., and is again in St. Hel
ens, where he is figuring on some
business arrangement.
The city council has taken steps
to have pulled down the old un
sightly docks and pilings in front of
the Court House. This is a piece
of work that has been alreaey too
long delayed, and should be put
through with a rush.
A good house for rent. Inquire
at the Mist office.
Mayor Frank Bishop of Goble
was a St. Helens visitor last Sun
V. E. Stevens of Seappoose
motored down in his Ford Tuesday.
Mrs. K. R. Warriner of Portland
visited witn Mrs. L, G. Ross at her
home in this city last week.
Mrs. W. II. Powell of Portland
visited with Mrs. C. H. John last
J. A. Neimela, a prosperous
farmer from Mayger, was a busi
ness visitor in St. Helens Wednes
day. J. V. VanN'atta and family took
a trip to Portland in their fine new
5-pa?senger Mitchell that Mr. Van
Natta purchased a short time ago.
It looks good to see our enterpris
ing farmers buying automobiles.
James Muckle came down from
Portland Wednesday to be here at
the opening of the Columbia County
Fair. Mr. Muckle is very much
interested in the success of the
fair and is anxious to make of it a
Mr. S. M. Hsuptman, Secretary
of the Charles U. MeCormick Co.,
also of the St. Helens Lumber Com
pany, arrived in St. Helens Tues
day from SanFraneisco on business
connected with the company affairs.
Rev. McDougall, District Super
intendent of the M. E. church, oc
cupied the pulpit at the M. E.
church last Sunday morning and
preached to a very appreciative
Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor of the
Congregational church, journeyed
to Carrollton, Wash., on Monday,
. where he o:ficiated at the wedring
of Mr. C. E. Welch and Miss
Eleanor Rulifson, daughner of C.
C, Rulifson, County Commissioner
of Cowlitz county, and an old resi
dent. county commissioner Louis
Fluhrer who wa3 in a hospital in
Portland for several days during
the early part of the month has
so far recovered that he has re
turned to his home at Mayger.
Born On Tuesday, Sept. 23, to
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ellerson, a son
There will be services next Sun
day evening, Sept. 28, at 7:15. in
Christ Eniscoind church. AH are
Ladies you are sure to be pleased
with your fall hat if bought at Han
son's miilinery. No two hats alike.
Miss Mabel Prinsle who is teach
ing school at Apiary, visited in St
Helens over Sunday.
Rev. Dr. Paddock of the Con-
ereirational church of Portland
preached in the Plymouth Congre
(rational church in St. Helens last
Norman Merrill of Clatskanie
was a business visitor in St. Helens
Monday. Mr. Mrrill has lately re
turned from an extended trip
through California.
Wanted To trade $2500 equity
in good income property in Port
land, 40-acre ranch. 25 acres well
improved, for well improved ranch
near Warren, Yankton or Bachelor
6on's Camp, Clatskanie, Ore
The County Court last week ac
cepted the resignation ef G. W.
Barnes of Clatskanie as County
Sealer of Weights and Measures,
and appointed W. J. Fullerton to
fill the vacancy. Look up your old
scales and get them in order for
Billy will soon call on vou for a test.
in hire an expert road builder or
had been taken by some person, to h re . .,,, tl,
who wanted a ride and after mak- - building we
m . .. aciontltlC road uunum.
ing the trip through the luaiatm "
Valley had returned to Portland.
Sheriff Thompson came down
from Portland yesterday afternoon
and reports Mrs. Thompson as rest
ing quite well and they have hopes
of an early recovery.
N. R. Lovelace of Rainier was at
tending the Fair in St. Heleng this
would get better results Tor our
Yours for good roads,
George Wilson,
Trenhiilm. Ore.
Among the visitors at the Fair
this week Mr. A. D. Holaday of
Scappoose was there with an un
usually fine exhibit.
St. Helens Mist:
I would like to sav a few words
in the columns of your valuable
paper in regard to bonding and
good roads. I notice an article in
in the Mist of Sept. 5, where repre
sentatives of different counties met
to talk over the road question and
arrange for better roads. Now I,
for one, as a tax payer, am not
in favor of bonding for an auto
road along the river until we get
roads n the country that we
farmers can get to market on with
our produce, without bumping over
old broken puncheon and logs that
the good old homesteader put in 30
or 40 years ago. I say open up the
farming country first and give the
LAAr.. rwn nri. Rpn- tiller of the soil a chance te get to
market witn a uozen eggs wimoui
breaking ten of them before he
gets there. I see in your article
that Mr. Samuel Hill has made 38
trira across the ocean for the pur
pose of studying road conditions
He should be an expert by this
time. I have -.-.ever made a trip
across the ocean, but I have made
nearly one thousand trips in the
Wanted A girl or woman to do last two years over the roughest
washing for family of three once a and muddiest road there is in Col
week. Apply to Mrs. Chas. Cooper, ' umbia County, and I have paid out
St. Helens. a great deal of money for repairs
to keeD riirs in condition. I would
companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. urett to improve the road from
ri,u,iv mfitnrp,! tn Trenholm ' St. Helens to the Nehalcm Valley.
i.f u .n ifc. dflv with (7 miles of which is already rocked)
i ixm v viiviu r mis . " y - - - - - ,
t,a .,i rv,nr,m nf that oitv. to one of the best valleys in the
'state, and also passes through some
Miss Olive Powne a graduate lofthe farminjf country m
nurse from London. England, has
located in St. Helens and will be, . ,. . .,
found in the Bank Building. She
For Sale and Want AcU
A J. i Tb C Jumna Bring RaauUa
Wanted-Clean cotton rag at
the Mist office.
For Rent-Room ' lhe ,,unk
building. Sl"' n,ul' c,""'v
light, hot and cold water.
Columbia t o. nana.
is, rji:.
announces that she has come to St.
Helens to make her home and is
prepared to do all kinds of nursing.
During the coming week, Sept.
29th to Oct. 4th, I expect to attend
a special course of lectures and
clinics which will necessitate my
being away during the greater part
of the week. However, I will make
an effort to be in my office between
the hours of 9 and 11 on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday of the
above week, but only for such work
as requires immediate attention.
Dr. R. L. Jeffcott.
Dr. Cliff and Kenneth motored
down from Portland last Tuesday
evening to attend the K. of r.
festivities. Dr. Cliff recently had
his automobile stolen and after a
trip through Washington County on
the trail of the robbers came back
to Portland and found his car
alongside the road in South Port
land, where it had been left after
runnintr out of gasoline. The car
would one want than to ride
through a good prosperous farm
ing country? Give us ranchers good
roads and we will furnish the sight
seer with grand scenery. I cannot
see wherein an auto road from
Portland to Astoria via the Colum
bia river route would materially
benefit the farmer. There can be
a uniform grade from the foot of
the hill, or what is known as the j
Wallace place, to the summit, not
to exceed a 6 per cent grade in any
place. If the cities along the pro
posed Columbia river route see fit
to raise money to build an auto
road I don't believe the farmers
will object. I believe by bonding
and building our roads at once we
will get more miles of roads and
better roads for the same amount
of money. At the present way we
are building roads we necessarily
eave to spend a great deal of money
for patching and repairing where it
Salem. Ore., Sept
To the Editor:
rwr Sir - In our contract with me
various school book publii-hers the
law requires the state board of edu
cation to take the prices as reported
to us by the State Text Book Com- In our contracts, how
ever, we added a clause to which all
of the publishers agreed and signed
without protest, to the effect that
th iMihlishei will not sell any book
. . ororiter Drice than is charged
r,,- ..,,!. tiooV in anv other state in
the United States. This depart
m..nt discovered a short time ago
i,o Plm.r Writing Lessons
kill V v
for primary grades was selling in
other states for 15 cents, while me
contract price in this stute is -o
cents. The higher book, known as
Palmer Method of Business Writing
is selling in Chicago for U cents
while the contract price in this
...... ;.. or, runt We took this
suit: la -"
matter up with the Palmer people'
and after threatening to bring suit
on their bond we got them to in
struct their agent in this state to
notify all dealers that these books
unut.l be sold for 15 cents and 1C
cents respectively. If any of the
children in your community have
paid a higher price than this they
should take the books back and ask
tl,.. .liftn-nre The J. K.Gill
1 .....
Co . agents for the publishers, in
forms nie that the publishers will
make the amount good to your
local dealer.
That the patrons of the schools
may know that they need not pay
these high prices I will appreciate
your announcement of this notice
This department is endeavoring
to do all that is pnwiible in securing
for the boys and girls of Oregon,
book at as low a price as they cun
be secured anywhere in the I'nitfd
Sin!. Wo will continue our in-
vnuliwntinna on everv book Con
tracted for use in our schools.
Very truly yours,
J. A. Churchill,
Supt. Public Instruction. I
a .,.wl house with three choice
lots in good location in St. Helena
f.,r wile. Inquire for prices anu
terms at the Mist otl'ice.
A bargain in house and lot in
Kood portion of ht. Helens. goo.i
soil, fruit trees, roses etc. r.asy
terms. For particulars call at
Mist office.
INCREASE ypfjpin
join I i.k Nu.nrscp
ItooiM.r.N,;, ''"'Mir, s
IWaiaiion ., cva
Do not to f mo , ,
Jrmt Co.,r.r y 4.oo , m.T
tcroiuil iiuiru. ii.,i, Ilim ,
Mon.Uy., Vr.,Uy,i Tnilnt
Have your pictures taken now
at the photo lent. e niunv
views in the country. Cull ami
see our Work.
Welch. Photographer.
For Sale Some nice White Or-
nington hens, also some line pullets.
Call or write. Box XVi. Koy Mew
art. St. Helens. Ore Hp
For Sale The furniture and tixt-
r . I II . ..I 1 VI
in tii. i .nirio iioin in '.
Helens. Will consider trade for
farm properly or cash deul. Prices
and terms reasonable.
L. Rosasco.
St. Helens. 'Jj
For Sale -4 lots, 5-rooin house.
Easy terms. Inquire of Chas. Sm'th,
Houlton. Oregon,
For a good job of plastering
L. E. Gulker, the Columbia County
plasterer, Rainier, Ore.
For Sale Fin chicken farm,
with good 5-rootn house, chicken
houses and scratch ens. barn and
other outbuildings; also fruit trees
and small fruit. Will sell all or part
at reasonable price. See Dick Roller
son. St. Helens, or call at this office
for particulars.
Bargain Sale Four lots and 5
room house. Price $0. on go.f.l
terms. In Houlton. 1 1-2 blocks
from depot.
10-20-p Chas. Smith.
For SaU .Saw Mill (W,
I own two saw mills, one porUi,
must move. I will Ml .in.....
, .. 'TtH,
bargain. Easy payments or fe.
time given. Would take In-t..
for either. Address C. S. KMJ(),
Linnton, ')ro.
All kinds of job wrk done it lJ
mini omce hi reasonable print,
For Rent - Houte close lam V.
ter street Apply to Mrs. Dilluj1
For Sale Secondhand store J
Montgomery building, St.hYW
row 1)1LAM 0AIU
Smai! pigs for
Skuzie. Warren. Ore.
Write Wrn,
For Sale I have choice fall ve'ch,
well cleaned for sale. Newell Sher
wood, Warren, Ore.
For Sale Two houses and two
lots. Reasonable prices. It. W.
Cade. St. Helens. 4tp
The Congregational Church and New Paraonage
MViwht lle!rn SOU I K
Arrive. t I'oriUii'l 1010 A.
Leavi'n I'orllaml l i M) f (
Airivtw ht. UrUnasi t;M t. k
Congregations.! Churck
Bible School chiasm am iJ
come for all. 10 a. in, 'nA
by the pastor 11 a, hi. and 8 p. J
A church home for f rienb
Everybody welcome.
Hev. . J. Meyer, I'ut
BFGIN3 it. flirty fifth school M
tlPTIMSI ta. ! I
aoaicuiruat . ininicis. m
Cconomics. MiNinq. foaistM. tm
Two-vtAR Counsts
Sara roacaTSf. COWMtaci "Mir
training, amtcultui, (turnout awa
sort art.
MJSIC. tnclu.Ilng ylano, stHnc
Inatrumrnti ao l vo-.ct calls'.
"Tnn InaicnMRJT or RrtAitw
an t a CTai.ooi will auili
application. II. VI. TasT,M
K.IUutS CwiV.lia.OrH
, 'i
f I
In our last, issue was published home and so do the members of the
an account of the dedication of the : congregation. It is an addition to
will last only one season at best; ' new parsonage of the Congn-ga- j the church property which makes it
where if we could use the money tional church. Rev. Meyer of this more valuable and very comfortable
that is paid out for patching roads, J church feels quite proud of his new i and convenient for the pastor.
Summer Rates bctwefl
St. Helens and Port'-
50 cents one way
75 cents round tr;
Tickets Ko-xl any time M
H...I .St. Ilrlnii 7
Ui-tumbiK li-avrs P..ftlnil JJ'rM
Arltve at St lle!ri 4
r. .U00CMi
By Gross
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