St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 26, 1913, Image 7

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T In . Write fur
JJaSerw ei k ullr' '
pwwon-1'aire t'o., Tortland
Veal. Pork, Poultry, Hides
F I'Kku iiuiw vn
0 ((IMWmi"'! vimnuiw.
a-,, SslsT ' "d ejcaea Hat.
m lair tt ' .-.
tllve us a trial wlik
r. M. Mental 4 ( ,
Ml 141 Iras H. etas, srt
SW l.i
ZitW If m ' eellln. wonderful elean-
' -.-.i. r'l l ! seller. Hajtiplee
""bT-I- Huf-' Twkot,
Cfnc". ei.
k . ri.n.lary Ihietln- (lolh. "2.r4."
PIITIm!-". Will Injure lha llnal eur
'"hk ' MfrKllenHlipplyCtk. DUIl II.
iTrllf Weleen Y, I !,
DllrlUlia liiiiliialiiii
i A I tale a7 lit . AitvkeaM Irea
nl'. ll'Bi" rrr.i.ii". j .
I. a f - eerecwl.llan
Brad-IUn4 Mark ha.
hi. eoki ana
iil'a etc. 1 ha i. ft.. Martin la.. ee lat
Jare Mi
fat-vot bend Bias. I -lat IM p.
Money on Your Clothes
I ajx oKi PAw ru nmr taid.
I hi) catal Mi n i arul H"y nothing and ail
T .pttJ M-avly ,. Hnd fur It m and
1'iartlaad. Ore,
1 1 .miUrfi! .-thin mU fnr Herns. Braid'l " t a.ane. na nia.
nVtulil I v. " !"ut aa I an earelUml re
, fun. Ij to hi jar sent u yew.
I (uf f. lv.v tor w. uiuer u) ay men
fMtel . I. (). He tit. Fact lead. Ora.
A.vnla Wanted.
Eggs, Poultry, Hoga, Veal
trtprlraa f o. b. I'.irtlanil. ak aniline BapL
frvsk va chk.. vr; uairr lMjlu.r. kj;
rr PHl-'. l.nt. 1 tu l&r. -priiia-a. ial17;
Hall wr. fa-M t pttk. imttiijc, vaai. faanr.
a) .var. ranara l.i. U lb. Mtil aa lura. wauls
al Ikiaa. a.'i t'r i.mi. mh.
iMiavr rr " u . a . i I
al V- w ., I " i runii iwuawi, VW
AaanU .J.uUI.UU.
The "Topgrade" Shoe
A Really Classy Shoe)
Portland. Or.
Kind of ISoy He Likrd.
I Mother -U J.mea a nice boy for
to play marble with, aonnie?
kool-Suro. I can beat him every
bples Should
Be Watched
Myhe Means of Absorbing
Disease Germs in Most
Unexpected Manner.
To research lahnnttarv nt Tka sVarfft
ferine O.iiii.nny has collected a Vast
petint cf liifurmation rv.axdlng th
read of Mm tt tliarajies. In thousands
lsstajiT ilia moat virulent type, have
me rriut of cumin. In contact with
funis In pulillo Mitres, and the
VMrentlr lu.; lint tilmnla hna haan
f cause. It aorritila with astunlshlna
JpWIty, ftf Iniuctlng the emir system
- law rtil J 1.
it Is fnrtiiit.iie, however, that there I.
'ttielr to r... quit kly and thoroughly
- luch a ti.tidlllon. and thanka to the
f"tT df lis tirtNlurera tha famotia
8. tliny now ha lunl at almoat ana
? ,,or he clvlllted world.
preparation stands alone aa a
furliirr. n la aiiiuewhat revolu
mtr' In tm riimHalilon, since It ao
npilahca all that a .v.e rl.lml foe
PUry. ltl.Mll.. .....U. . .l nik..
F . '"'I'-'iU dru.s. and yet It I. ab
lwalr ,",r"lr veaetable pro-luct
f r km tnnro rases of articular rheu-
P'lam, Ifii'i.rniittir ataxia, naraala. nan.
and diseases resultant front
1 kSS of inlhornla than m.iaff r...1- m
f "t 'J liro fjtrla in hr.nmht not
Slrhly Inti.rnal lna ...mnlll
H Riellt-al itiiiMrfmi .r -tiA utr
fclH0 (',) 1(1 Kwlft 111. la. Atlanta la
atslletl free. t.,Ketir with a .peclal
!r Of a.lvl. . . ..i .
Ilk a M . .: "e etniB.iine
' a blii.,,1 tllsn.
rt a hiit a ,.f u
... ...
B. to-day of your
f ''. It
Imh...... -"T" 7 who i
Iw. ' "" " the blood
accept something oi
fin good." The onlv
ffered you aa
jns should not try to .ell you
v Urra nrnflt
s. a. a.
117. n,n cr'",a ruga. Ilewars of
' attempt to persuade rou td buy Km
t la place of 8. B. S.
Do you wish to earn a Better Salary?
Itusinesa Training in the Following Branches at
Engll.h, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy,
Arithmetic, Typaw"ln-''
Will clear tha way for adysncement. Writ for our cab-
LM.WAUritrr.eide rrta Near Marram rartl-W. Oe
Moral Hcnae and Aim. ..a
Kuthrfurd aid In Mobile;
"The moral, of the New York bar
teem to be .bout lk, ,h, mori"J
Colonel Byrne, no better and no
"Colonel Hyrn,, , Kentucklan, de-
TAn f,,r mur,"r- '
tilled th.t th.. m. m.jr.l. rd wom.n
on the niKht of Amfii.t 20. Two or
three witi)..e. w tn, Jt wm
committed under the milky light of
full moon.
n-Tifc" ."'tn"",', mn -,,le Wen
II ry the dt.ft.nd.nt on arcount of the
brilliance of the moonlight. The do
fend.nt could not .n,v. an ,jM ,nd
thinK. looked pn-tty bad for him.
"Hut at till, point Colonel liyrne
produced an almanac ihowing that on
the nlitht In queation tht-re had been
no moon whtv.p tl... .
. iiiricuiiuu
freat I.UKh rewmnded throuKh the
court room arid th .l..r.i..
. iiwaui, waa
poedily acquitted.
Ulonel.' .aid the defendant, af, 'bow much do I owe youl'
" 'You owe m ' tha
, ...v vuiv.iiui au
awerad, 'ISOO.'
" 'Ain't that pretty .teepT
" 'No not W'hln Vdll tV. t
I only jtet $100 out of It'
" 'Whv. what riiil vmi .ln l(k .1.-
olher 1400, Colonel? Bribe the jury?'
no, air I .nouled Colonel Byrne
hotlv. 'No. air. Tin mil think f
no moral arnT It co.t me $400,
air, to get th.t almanac printed.' "
Te Kraal, to New Skart.
AtwBVB.httl.alH. II J - 1. ,
i, " iT . "' "mi r-ua, .pawlar.
I ruinliDl i...un,, .hlii, .0Un
iir....-.ri,., In.rnwli.g liall.aud butuoiil. Al
Ml rtnifi ltd and lliua tarn. I t. .
n.i..ui.ila. haiuilrmalinlKkLk. Ad4rtat
4llaaajlulait. U knr.N. V.
The Broken Spell.
Among the White House corre-non-
denta i. one young man who wear,
long hair and a continual poetic tem
perament The other day the White
Houae .quad were putting Secretary
Joi-ph 1'. trick Tumulty through the
third degree. He waa exceedingly
coy, and they had ju.t gotten him to
the point where new. aeemed likely
forthcoming, when the young man
with the poetic temperament drew
from hi. pocket a .mail leather-bound
volume and cried out eratatically :
"Oh, Mr. Secretary, have you read
thi. perfectly delightful little thing?"
The apell wa broken. Secretary
Tumulty retired into hi. .hell and the
disappointed new. .eeker. went out
.ide. When they had reached the
.afety tone Gu. K.rger turned fer
ociously on the poetic young man.
"Co back." aald he, hoarsely; "go
back and ting to him. And when you
are all through we'll drop In and aee
If we ran earn our ..larie.." Wash
ington (O. C) i'o.t
Motbars win And Mr. Winnows Boothia.
7rnp th brat ratnadr to uaa liif l&all oa-Utlraa
AuxLa tka UatiUu barital.
Early Humor.
Gladstone, when a boy, wa. visiting
In the country, and the farmer waa
showing him around. Coming to a
field that contained a large black bull, ;
the farmer "There", a fine, I
strong bull there. Master William,
and it' only two year old.
"How do you tell its age? queried
the boy.
"Why, by lta home," the
farmer. ,
"By lta horn.?" young Gladstone
looked thoughtful a moment then hi.
face cleared. "Ah, I ee. Two horn.
two year." Bo.ton Transcript
Dud's Thoughtfulnesi.
One of the younger set In Newton,
Kan., ssvs th.t her mother i. to
crippled with rheumati.m end It I ao
hard to ee her doing the week' wash
ing that it i unendurable. "I alway
go ahopping on washday," y the
Bud. Kansa. City Star.
Con.tipation cauHea and aggravate,
many .eriou. diseases. It i. thoroughly
cured by I'r. I'ierce'. I'lea.-ant Pellet.
The favorite family laxative.
Young Lady (looking at room) The
sun doesn't come In here at all. Land
ladyNo; that is why I charge ao
much for thi room. You can it by
the window without danger of getting
freckled. Transcript
Same Thing.
Wife (bitterly) "How can you talk
like that? You know that I never
pester you for money." Hub "No,
but the people you buy thing from
If Llater Had Been Commcrcisl.
If Lister had sold hi discovery of
the antiseptic dressing of wound.,
would hi. name .land where It does
among the Immortal.? -Toronto Globe.
Mia.lonary-And you found no hap
pineia In leading a doube life? Sin
nerI felt aa if I were leading the
live of two dogs. Ex.
Raises the
Dough Better
" What', the matter with that fellow
over there on the corner, who I. pur
ple in the face and i. waving hi arm
like a windmill?" "Oh, that'. Blobblna
In an arifumet. He' evidently trying
to muke .oniebody take what he con
ider. the rommon-aense view of the
tariff." Birminicham Age-Herald.
The "Pennant"
is won
The "banner of
health" is always won
by the person who pos
sesses a keen appetite,
enjoys perfect diges
gestion, and whose liv
er and bowels are reg
ular. Get into this
"winner" class at once
by the aid of
It is for Poor Appetite,
Sick Headache, Heart
burn, Indigestion, Con
stipation and Malaria.
60 years the leader
Course taj aaaa aa. ( aal
rommerrlal t KM
Shorthand to.00
Wlraleaa Telesraphr K.00
Talattraphr arxi Train Deapatchin. 6.00
Klartncal Kiufineerlrul bi.00
Civil -rrtre 2i'.
rll(t Preparatory a'-t1"
Bora Klemrntanr School t&.0O
Plumbin tS.Ut
Terpen try i6-(
Mlnlns and Aaaayin. BO.OO
Pharmacy .!
Mechanical Enaineerin. 2&.00
Other eouraae 12.00 te lto.00
Saad far Free lllaat rated Catalagna.
Buy a Piano Now
Every Make of Pianola Player Piano.
m Pricee and Easy Terma on all
Write Us far rarureUra.
" What, the trouble at your house?"
"Hunger strike for a new bonnet"
"Your wife refuses to eat?" "No;
refuses to cook." Kansas City Jour
nal .
Jackson Whew I that' some cliff I
Johnson Seems to fascinate you.
Jackson Ye.. That's the way my
desk will look when I get back.
Old Lady Does your horaa eyer hy
at motors? Cabby Lor' blesa yer,
no, lady; didn't even ahy when
railway trains fust coma In. Punch.
"I am seeking the light," announced
the Pilgrim. "Well." replied the
drugstore clerk, "wa carry antifat and
peroxide." Cincinnati Enquirer.
First Stude How near wera yon to
the right answer to the fifth question?
Second Stada Two Beat away.
JT Older yadclhoa.lo at
ff asililaltnl wat aaabh sanary ie tha
M Wen. Sate SMSy-anad daappeaa. H
SMaL 500 acrer-SO yean aVseehlr
I taaabW aW Cat eat lat sad press
B aetam yes bay s be t, tj M
T H B aaaaf
Tyaaapsrs, Ore. .
That th dandruff garm Is responsible for
asaxly all the diseases to which the scalp la
heir, as well aa fur baldness and premature
gray hair, la a well known fact, bat when we
realise that it is also indirectly responsible for
"any of the worst case, of catarrh and soa
atunptloa, we appreciate the imports ee of
any agent that will destroy Its power. We
are, therefore, particularly pleased te (ire
herewith the prescription which aa emineat
scientist states he has foond, after repeated
testa, to completely destroy the dandruff
germ la from one to three applications. It
will also almost immediately atop falling hair
and it has la numerous eases produced a new
hair growth after years of baldness. This
prescription can be made op at home, or any
druggist will put it up for you: 6 ounces Bay
Rum, X ounces Lavona de Composes, one-half
drachm M.ntbol Crystala. Mia thoroughly,
and after standing half aa hour It is ready for
use. Apply night and morning, rubbing into
the scalp with the finger-tips. If you wish It
perfumed, add half a teaspoonful of To-Kaloa
Perfume, which unites perfectly with the
other Ingredients. While thi. preparation la
Dot a dye. It la unequalled for restoring gray
hair to lta original color.
Expert Advice.
"Shall I marry Mr. Wombat, who I
40, or Mr. Wopp, who i. 20? They
both earn the .ame .alary."
"Marry the young man. He'll nag
you less about expenae.."
"Why ao?"
"He can't remember when price,
were lower." Louisville Courier
Journal. ' When Your Eyes Need Card
Fry Murine Ire Remedy. Mo Smarting reel
rine Acta ijulcklr. Try It for Red, Weak,
Watery a;re aod Uranulated KyeiMs. Xilua-
tratad Book in ee'h Package. Murine la
eompuandna by oo r oeallau not a "Patent Mad
Iclua" bat eaea In sucreasfa! Phratclana' Prao
I Ilea fnr nianr yeani. Now dedicated tu tee Pnb-
ho end sold by lirustrtata at 'Jbo aod 60c par Boole.
Btnmie sire naive la Aaepuo 'l ubes, xo ana sbo.
Murine) Eye Remedy Co., Chloage
Suddenly Smitten.
Maud "I've ju.t heard of eaae
Where a man married girl on hi
deathbed, bo that she could have his
million, when he waa gone. Could
you love a girl like that?" Jack
"That'B Just the kind of a girl I could
love. What', her address?"
Dave Long Mined for Rubies.
The world'a richest ruby mine, la
Upper Burmah, are known to bay
been operated since early In the even
teenth century.
Write about your wanta in thi Una te)
183 Madiaon SL Portland, Oregoa
may be either a transient or per
manent affliction, arising from
some error in diet or as a result
of constantly weak digestion.
For temporary and obstinate cases
the best relief is
Very Probable.
"I don't known what it is," gushed
the animal lover, "but there la some
thing about cata that sort of take
hold of me." "Oh," said hi matter-of-fact
friend, "I'll bet it's flea."
From Both Sides.
Steamers plying between England
and Holland have been equipped with
apparatus by which all their lifeboat
can be launched from either aide of a
"Did you read my speech?" asked
Senator Sorghum. "I did," replied
the candid constituent "In fact, I
read it several times. The first time
I wanted to learn what you had to ay,
and after that I kept trying to figure
out, if possible, what the 'laughter'
and 'applause' wera about" Waah
ington, D. C., Star.
"Well, did you discover anything In
Stump's past life that we can use
against him?" Detective Not a
thing. All he ever did before he came
here was to aell awninga. Election
Agent Why, that'a just what we
want We'll say that he haa been
mixed up in some decidedly shady
transaction.. London Tit-Bite.
Mr.. Robinson And were you up
the Rhine? Mrs. De Jones I hould
think ao ; right to the very top. What
a splendid view there I from tha sum
mit 1 Tit-Blta.
Angry Investor Wall, I've been
out and aeen that building lot I bought
of you. Real Estate Man You're
Just tha chap I want to aee. What
does it look like! Puck.
"What cutup that fellow is!"
Quite so; he is a medical student"
Baltimore) American.
"Bloob haa turned cublet" "Rot"
"Sold hia first picture for a thousand."
"Final" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
!.&(( 3AKRELS
.oo 3150
.so AND B -
Bout' tm th Wr4 '
$J. 00, $ 2. 60 M t J. OO
ir ja irjflTrfEM in i rr
LAkuxflT wax it or
Wt&k w.
k tmp )! r tt alMir
llONtflu A4.M.i4.0Uaat
iilOeM. Jeiat aU U0O6 ! aVftf
wur h tnr isai
f jiiftrar u
,i r- V.v
It fttm eoalaj f Uft W. L. lvaf lavi Urr favlr.
al llrorkioa. ., aa4 for foartwlf
carefailr W. L. boaarlaa ihaMa ara .. ta
lf.l wea
H thea aadrataat war
ailer, look kvctUr, kola
iui aar aiaar ror
If W. I DfxiBTlaU ahoa!
Ofler d'rvt flotn th r
rwr 01 met ramiiv, aU ail
irre. rtia fur 1 1 1 uaC r aa t l taala. Jl will
lluiw ya bow to rIr by bUmb uy toacu
fivsi monT on Tour footwear.
It tsnttAtm. W. Is. ItnMaj.M, tOl
At a dinner of firemen recently the
following sentiment wa. proposed:
"The Ladies! Their eyes kindle the
only flame which we cannot extin
guish, and against which there ia no
Do Yon Feel Chillg?)
K everiaii ana auic mi uvci ih
Feel worn out blue and tired ? Don't let your cold develop
into bronchitis, pneumonia or catarrh. The reliable alter- ,
aiive and tonic which has proven its value in th past 40 years iai
Qolden TWedical 5iscovery
Restores activity to the liver and to the circulation the blood ia
nnrttiaH tha Hiireation and aDDetite imnroved and the whole body
feels th invigorating force of this extract of native medicinal
plants. In consequence, th heart, brain and nerves feel the
refreshing influence. For over 40 year, this reliable remedy baa
been sold in liquid form by all medicine dealers. It can now also
be obtained in tablet form in f LOO and 60e bozee. If your druggist
doesn't keep it, send 60 one-cent stamp to R. V.fierce, M.D. Buffalo.
77te Common Sen Medical Adviser a book of
1008 pageianawen all medical questions.
Send 31e in one-cent $tamp to R.V, Pierce, M.D.
May Be Some Truth in This.
"There was a time in my romantic
young life when I believed there waa
auch a thing as a broken heart," com
mented Cordelia Killjoy, "but nowa
days I think it ia often mistaken for
what is really a cracked head."
Our big lyi J catalog (tree), ariowa thousands oi themasi wonderful bargains ever offered in the
history ef the buildinf business. It will abow you huw te ssve atone en Lumber, Bath, Doers,
Hardware, paints and all bnildinr material,
as ine
te et ear KHJ
rarer price be
fere yoa bur
palaL Wall ear
ree swear as
Batata for Hoaaa,
rioor. Wacoe or
B ere.. Bars
of (irlea I, i
I Batk tana)
Be year e a
slssikart W
aell elumblas
siatarlala ef all
klads at wbole
aale price Toil
ets. Levator!.
sidm. ripe. rtt.
tlssa, valvee.
fauceta, ete
no lie
la alack 4
treat ,
$L15 op
Oar free eats.
lo. ska as Ike
flsest Use ef
aaere.aU at stni
SOe gsl
Overheard at the Club.
"Mazie Gay way aya ahe makes her
husband pay her a dollar every time
ha kisses her. She's saving for a
limousine." "Now, if she'd only j
adopted a similar plan "before she met
Gayway, ahe might have had a whole ,
garage." Judge.
Since Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Re
stored Her Health.
Louisville, Ky. "I take great pleas
ore In writing to inform you of what
Lydia t. nnknam a
Vegetable Com
pound haa dona for
me. I waa weak,
nervous, and eared
for nothing but
aleep. Now I can
go ahead with my
work daily and feel
ten years younger
than before I started
taking your medi
cine, I will advise
any woman to consult with you before
going to a doctor." Mrs. Inizb Wn
US, 2229 Bank St, Louisville, Ky.
Another Sufferer Relieved.
Romayor, Texas. "I Buffered terri
bly with a displacement and bladder
trouble. I waa in misery all the time
and could not walk any distance. I
thought I never could be cured, but my
mother advised me to try Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound and I did.
" I am cured of the displacement and
th bladder trouble ia relieved. I think
th Compound is the finest medicine on
earth for Buffering women. " Mra.
Viola Jasper, Romayor, Texaa. j
If yoa want special advice write te j
tydla E. rinkham Medicine Co. (confla j
deatlal) Lynn, Mass. Yoar letter will
be cpeaed, read and answered by a
vejaaa sad held la strict C9Hiatt
U. alt
ua .QO 7.09 th
w ri-w la all
thmt ara warr-at! (
U'lr tasaa u4 waar lavftr
im arico.
aro tot for amis tn toot rlrf t?t.
- torf. flhooa fur aTerr iu-
rirj, rjw rarrwi row, Iioan
aaxark Ma), -taam, Baat.
No Cause to Worry.
"Teosophilus," .aid Mrs. Ooaefav
"just think. One-half the works
doesn't know how the other half
live.!" "Nevermind, dear," replied
her long-suffering husband, "that m
your fault"
f Pit l "I : "41
VeTWa. F .iKr ill
i r c rfa imr t - . w r a a
a yivvi
y 'i a
aa eussnrun I
Prospective Statesman.
"Your boy stole a barrel of apples
from me the other day." "Dear ma.
1 wonder where that boy will wind
up?" "I think he'll wind up In tha)
legislature. He talked me into be
lieving that it waa all right"
Vi aril to yon direct at faetttry prices.
ur vow tamwr nw ttm In a-tttvaa Dtbayt w-v
fviat nun patrtfs that all ItjaHbar .hat htm gi tat, aal
B m 4 tit Oun la all ft rat ajr4 ava am aaaaUly
Wa eJtrweH at MlU artcaaB -Vemtl M "Mr MM Oaa3
at tvavr Mk-tmeaa, a" leriwaa.
tMini. W aiil tell rw Juat tit U fUl aaat aaaki
111 ! your siwitev. Cataiaj
220S WeetlaBeA! Seattle'
Houra, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.. Kjii (714
or by appointment
Fclentlfle Treatment of sll Acuta end Chronts
IVaeaaee. Lirenaed Practitioner. SulU 424-M
ArcaHe BuiWine. Seattle. .
is what they all say
r ear u a. i. -at
Method f
Out-of-town pan
pie can hare thssr
plate end braise
work finished In one
day If aeceeaerr.
Aa absolute saaaw
antaa. backed era
eaars ta PertlaaS
ML m. L wIM. raaaaw aw
Wise Dental Co.
orrict moursi
A. M. ta S P. M. Senders te I
P honest A 2029: Mela 202.
refflnt Bid.. Third and Waahinetee. Port least
out or TOWN
aaa toIt Travrt tiaaa
nieDfa of n t rnlisaarn-a
Btesata-lpaUac rwaJ
tlva Ciaaao aoajttor.
Tit onoe mort if yoa nav bajitm dootorivf
tbia on an thai cm ana hav not otatnatd ms
Manant ral lf . LM this tnttu n at ara dleva
anaa yoar cajaa and prfmrir ekonia rauiody who
aotloa ra quick, aara and awfa. fit iriBjrrlil1aa
ara compounded from Routa, N artsa, Bada am
rarkta thai bav bart ajathwrad frota avary T"sa
tor of lha ttoho. The mfffrt tJaaaa titoiaiaa
Jra not known to tha otitaida world, but hava bsaa
andaxi down frota faUkar lo mm ta tka gbjtttaaw
faatiiiaa La Oaiaa.
If ftm llva ont of town and amiiaot emJI. wrta tav
aTmptoa. blaaJt and aUiiar. a.irtlna 4 aoala la
1 62) First St., Cor. Morrtaoei
Parti aad. Or a en.
P. N. U.
No. sa, is
TlfHEN wrltln tn sdvartlaars, nlnss saaar 1
" Uaa tkla paper. I