St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 26, 1913, Image 1

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    3 'iT-ffra-
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About 100 members of the K. of
Loiltfi' "f Kidgefield accompanied
L the members of the Pythian
(iters Lodge of that place paid a
iternal viait to the St. Helena
xlKct last Tuesday evtning and a
lyl k "J l" e was the result. The I n i f ht along with them
Iveral g jod lingeis and spakeri,
liotlrr.M land and weit very
mch in evidence In the cnterlain
:pnt. Mr. N. A. 1'crrjr called the
keeling t order in the I. O- 0. F.
Itll nt H:tU) o'clock, and after
Lverul selections by Galichio'a or-
est i a of St. Helena and the
liJuefiiM bnd, called on aeveral
the member of the lodges for
marks. Judge Harris welcomed
vinit-Ts to the city in a few
II i-h'Mcn remaiks, which wel
ne was responded to ly Mr. Geo.
in a hutTiorous vein, telling of
adventurous trip across the
u r t . I i a in their, bctitr
iiiith commonly known as a
att.e boiiw, and of the funny inci-
,ts happening on the way. He-
ponses were also n.ade by W, 11.
lillr.r,! i, nil Dr. Cliff of the St.
Ivlens lodge and J. W. Blnckburn
I i .. n i l ci. . 1 VI;.,. C.,.;
it a a i:i :.. .. Ct
I'l.'l Bnil J AY t.HIILIill, Ul i .
-rtu ne mo, oujt 111 .uj.jyy
u was aluo a chorus by eight of
- . . -
tur Hum miwo ......
i...... r.... i.rnu. flu. rivnr
After the entertainment the crowd
wan invited to the banquet hall ir.
the Odd Fellows building where
Chief Cook W. J. Fullerton, ably
twisted by Frank George and Mar
tin White, w ith the help of course
of Home of the ladies, had prepared
t feus', of clam chowder fit for a
king. Cukes and other good things
Completed a most delicious feast,
which was the real enjoyable feature
of the evening. About 200 people
were present and all pronounced it
the greatest fraternal gathering
ever held in the city.
Mm. J. Christenson retuined
home Sunday after a week'a visit
with friends in Portland.
Ar. and Mr. Stevens and Mr.
aiid Mm. Fopejoy of St. Helens
visited at the home of Ed. Bolby
on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mm. A. A. Smith who
have been spending the summer !n
Tilambok Co., pasesd through
Trenholm Tuesday on their way to
their home in Happy Hollow.
George Wilson is having an ad
dition built on his house. Oliver
Smith of Happy Hollow is doing
the carpenter work.
Mr. and Mrs. Mode Grilllth made
a business and shopping trip to St.
Helens last Monday.
Severa' improvements have been
niade on our school house and
grounds this year. A beautiful
new flag has been hoisted, water
has been piped into the building,
and in a very short time a drinking
fountain will be Installed, a new bell
will be added and a fence built
around th grounds.
A. M Campbell has been suffer
ing with a sprained ankle the past
Several from here will take in
he Columbia County fair at St.
Helens this week. A number of
exhibits wall be entered from this
littlo place. Trenholm is not
Talking Consolidation
Wednesday evaning a delegation
of Houlton people rame ovet and
met some of the St. Helens people
to talk over the matter of consoli
dating the two towns. Mr. I.arabee
of Houlton was present and showed
a petiti m signed by .14 of the Houl
ton citizens asking for consolidation
and assured the people of this place
that there wan a real feeling in his
city in favor of the project. After
talking the matter over for some
time it was decided to have pie
pared a petition in St. Helens so
thut the people nay have a chance
to vote on it, and from expressions
heard on every side the matter will
carry almost unanimously in both
places. There is considerable to be
aid on this question, and it was
proposed to have a mass meeting of
the people of the city of Houlton in
a couple of weeks to talk over the
matter and an invitation was ex
tended to the St. Helens people to
attend. loiter on a meeting w ill be
held in St. Helens and the Houlton
people will be invited over here.
By this means it is expected that a
lietter understanding of the situ
ation w ill be gained than by any
other method, and also a better
feeling will be brought about be
tween the citizens of the two towns.
Announcements of the dates of
these meetings w ill be given in time
for everybody who has anything to
say for or against the proposition
to be present and produce the argu
ments so that we w ill all know the
advantages and disadvantages of
consolidation before voting.
Mrs. Margaret Keisecher of Con
don, Ore., visited the St. Helens
Eastern Star Lodge last Saturday
in her official capacity as Grand
Worthy Matron of Oregon. She
was very agreeably surprised at the
beautiful lodge hall occupied bythe
Mason and Star Lodges of this
city and was loud in her praise of
the enterprise displayed on the part
of the local lodges in erecting and
furnishing such a fine building.
And really the compliments w ere all
devrved too, as there is no doubt
but that the St. Helens Masonic
Hall is as fino as anything in the
state for the purposes. Not only
is it a credit to the lodges, but is
also a credit to the city.
Methodist Notice!
Sunday School, 10 a. m. Subject:
The Golden Calf.
M,.rninir service 11 a. m. Dr. Mc-
" n
Dougall will preach and administer
the communion.
Koworth league, 7:15. Subject:
Ungue Study Classes. Merna Yeo
man, leader.
Evening sermon, 8 p. m. Subject:
The Consecrated Life. Mrs. Wil
liams will sing a solo.
A hearty welcome is extended to
. ,. .
E. T. Luther. Pastor.
For Sale - Perambulator. Eng
lish shape. Cheap. Enquire at
Mist office. llP
A New Order I
For several months Mr. D. C.
Ashman of Houlton has been in-, land came down last Sunday de
dustriously wxrkirg on a plan for J termined to take the rubber from
the organization of a society whose ti e local boys, each team having
members would be provided with lone game to its credit over the
employment at all times. He ha other one. They had talked about
worked out a plan which he thinks 'the rubber so much that it seemed
will accomplish the purpose. He, that rubber was the predominant
in company with several other j feature of the game. When one of
people, has organized a lodge known those boys from Portland would get
as the Industrial Society of Heavers.
They propose to build a mill in this
county, the operation of which will
be entirely by members of the so-
citty. They have closed a deal for
the Oleen saw mill near Deer
Island and have also purchased a
tract of timber from Norman Mer
rill near the mill. They have closed
on these deals, so we are informed,
and will commence operations within
a week or two. They propose to
put in some sort of an industrial
plant in any community that will
organize a lodge of sufficient
strength, numerically, to warrant
it, the particular industry to be
daptable to the community in
which it s located. The members
of the new society are quite en
thusiastic and have high hopea of
making it a great order.
Actual wort on Siwer
District No. 3 Startci
Machinery is on the ground, sur
veys are completed and everything
is in rendiness for w ork on the sewer
in Sewer Dist. No. 3 of this city,
which embraces what is known as
Lottville and Columbia Park ad
dition. The James Kennedy Con
struction Co. of Portland has the
contract and Mr. McCoy, an ex
perienced man, is in charge. Early
next week the actual work of ex
cavation and tunneling will start
and the work will be pushed to com
pletion as rapidly as possible. When
this is finished there w ill be about 5
miles of sewer built in this city,
which will drain the portion of the
town most thiekly populated. It is
estimated that it will take three
months to finish the work.
Barilars Get $1.50 for
Heir Trouble. No Clues
Last Friday night burglars en
tered the store of C. H. John & Co.
in the Masonic building and secured
about $1.60 in pennies for their
trouble. F.ntrance was made
through a high transom in the back
of the building with the aid of a
step ladder on the outside and when I
inside a screw driver was used to
pry off the money drawer. When
the store was opened in the morn
ing the till was found on the floor
and the screw driver lying beside
it. Nothing else was taken, iso
clue has been found as to the burg
lnrs. A gold watch fob was found on j
the streets of St. Helens. Owner j
can have same by calling at rei-
dence of John Q. Gage a:.d paying
for this notice,
We Take the Rubber
The Scritzmeir team from Port-
hold of a ball the rubber in his arm
would stretch out and the ball would
go somewhere within fifteen or
twenty feet of the man it was
thrown a and of course the local
boys would take advantage of the
wildnets and scamper across the
plate. Five of the eight scores
made by St. Helens were' the result
of alittie too much elasticity in the
rubber arms of the Portland players.
The local boys also had a slight at
tack of wildness and allowed a
couple of scores to be made when
they should not have done so. but
played a much better and steadier
game than did the other fellows.
Anyway St. Helens won the game
8 to 4. with Eikman and Morton
doing the battery work and Harry
Richardson and McDonald taking in
the flies. From the viewpoint of a
rabid St. Helens fan it was a good
game. It presented a number of
good occasions for real joyful yell
ing, when the scores were being
made two and three in an inning
without a hit.
This week there will be three
games between St. Helei.a and
Rainier, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, for a purse of $100, and
the championship of Columbia
county. Each afternoon during the
fair the teams from these two towns
will cross bats on the local grounds
and there will be more real en
thusiasm displayed over these games
than over any that have been
played here this season. The teams
will both be made up of local men
and much interest will be taken.
They will be games worth seeing.
Scappoose, Ore., Sept 22.
Editor of the Mist:
Dear Sir A great deal has been
said about the incorporation of
Scappoose in the Rainier Review,
giving the impression that those
w ho voted for incorporation were in
favor of a saloon, which is not a
fact. There are people here just
as good and just as much opposed
to a saloon as any of the church
people in this town, and any school
boy ought to know that if the good
people, as they call themselves,
were strong enough to vote down
incorporation they were also strong
enough to elect a dry council and
gtin keep out 8ai00ns. No, that was
not tne jjea at au. They were
afraid they would have to pay a
little more taxes. Someone made a
foolish remark that we might open
iUD a 8treet down through east side
addition. Others threw up their
hands and said "Oh, Lord! we have
lived here twenty-five years and
never had a street; why should we
have one now?" Which is a fact.
There is not one btreet opened up
In town. Now, about the liquor
question. We can safely say there
is just as much liquor shipped and
Finest Display of Products
Ever Seen in This County
School Exhibits are Wonderful
The first Columbia County Fair
is in progress and it is a success
already. Some of the products of
Columbia County art on display and
such a display was never before
seen in the county. There are
horses, cattle, hogs, poultry of all
kinds, rabbits, in fact, so many
things that it is hard to remember
them. In the main pavillion there
is a display that cannot be beat for
quality in the world. There is also
quite a quantity. There are fruits,
vegetables, grains, grasses, nuts,
flowers, and then there Is some of
the very prettiest of fancy work,
embroideries, laces, cushions,
knitting and sewing of all kinds.
Then one of the most interesting
exhibits is the work of the school
children all displayed from several
schools of the county. Really,
everything seems to be the best and j
if a person should be called upon ,
to place ribbons on all the best arti- j
cles diaplayed there would not be
enough blue ribbons to go round
and there would be' no use for the;
red ones.
G. L. Tarbell, the president of
the Fair Association, is the busiest
man on the grounds, unless it be
Than Brown, the secretary. Both
of these men have been untiring in
their efforts to make the fair a
huge success. Too much credit
cannot be given them.
Yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock
the St. Helens Band marched out
to the grounds and played some
stirring music, which seemed to be
most thoroughly enjoyed by the
large number of people present, and
the stock was paraded around the
grounds, after which the pulling
contest for single aad double teams
was started. At the time of send
ing this article to the press there
was not enough rocks and heavy
articles to be loaded onto the
sledges to stall any of the big teams
and an a Ijouir.ment was had until
1 some larger sleds could be made,
j About 4 o'clock Mr. Ben Worsley
jofAstoiia was introduced to the
crowd and made an address on the
j horticultural products and possi
bilities of Columbia county. His
address was most thoroughly en
i joyed and appreciated by the farm
' ers and fruit raisers and caused such
comment as "He is telling the truth
there." "He knows what he is
talking about." "1 guess I will
try that," and similar remarks
which showed that he was talking
to an appreciative audience.
It would be impossible to name
all the persons who have exhibits
there, but next week we will have
a full list, together with ail the
w inners, and then we will tell you
about them. While wandering
around the grounds yesterday after-
carried into this place as the saloon
ever shipped in, but as the boy
said "What mother don't know
don't hurt her." And we can also
say without contradiction there is
not a town in Oregon the size and
age of Scappoose that is not incor
porated. But by the grace of our
Lord and the will of the people we
will sheep on for a hundred years
A Taxpayer.
noon the Mist man accosted George
Perry for some information about
his exhibit and was shown a Chester
White hog that would weigh about
500 pounds, one of the finest speci
mens of swine ever raised in Ore
gon. He also had a yearling Jer
sey bull and a Jersey heifer which
seemed to be perfection itself in
this breed of animals. They were
a part of the famous Harry West
herd. Mr. Perry also had a 3-year
old filly there that weighed over
1200 pounds and was certainly a
beauty. Mr- Perry has a fine ex
hibition of livestock, in addition to
some other exhibits, and deservea
special mention. Another extibit
that i3 entitled to a great deal of
credit is George Lemont'a. Mr.
Lemont has perhaps the largest
variety of exhibits on the grounds.
He has six horses, each and every
one a prize winner and very valu
able. Going into the poultry house
we found a pen of Toulouse geese, a
pen ot Rouen ducks, bronze tur
keys, a Guinea hen, a cage of Homer
pigeons, a cage of fan-tail pigeons,
some Belgian hares and some beau
tiful Chinese Phesants. Hia horses
are among the very best specimens
on the grounds. He has a yearling
colt there that he took first prize
on last year as a suckling colt and
this year will without doubt take a
prize as a yearling. He has three
brood mares worth several
hundred dollars. Taken altogether
the exhibit of Mr. Lemont is about
the most extensive individual
exhibit on the grounds so far.
There are many other fine ex
hibits there, detailed mention of
which will be given next week.
Today, Friday, is Good Roads
day and a large delegation from
Portland will be down to talk roads.
Samuel Hill will deliver a lecture in
the afterfioon and will give his
stereoptican lecture in the City Hall
this evening. Tomorrow is school
children's day. The exhibits of the
various schools in the county are
certainly great. The schools from
Warren. Scappoose, Yankton, Tren
holm, Mayger and St. Helena are
represented, and it will be a job of
considerable proportions for the
judges to decide on which one shall
receive the beautiful silver cup now
on display in the window of Von
Gray's jewelry store.
A. and A. M. Clark to F. W.
Madanby. lots 10, 11, 12, Clark
Tract, Houlton.
A. R. & M. B. Miller to M. F.
Smith, land In 8-7-4.
F. J. & M. A. Fewings to T. H.
Smith, tract 138-121, Beaver Homes.
F. H. & C. A. Jacobs to W. T.
& E. I. Sheets, land In 7-7-4.
E. F. & J. S. Allen to M. J.
Rutherford. 1-2 int to Iota 16, 17,
blk 18. in St. Helens.
B. M. & J. W. Rice to Martha
Rice, land in 13-7-3.
Col, Co. Inv. Co. to H. P. Bar
rick, 10 acres in Tract 19, Beaver
A. C. & J. A. Krum to Henry
Mannila. land in 3, 7, 4.
Anna Randle' to Joseph Randle,
10 acres in 20-5-2.