St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 19, 1913, Image 8

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. VT n . , . sessor of a pen thoroughbred
narb0Ur0fMayrir,y,nouth Kocks purchased from
visited with her daughter, ni.lUvn ,lf Yankton.
.ipporer in si. iK'it'iis nisi satut-i .... v- visitt.d St. Helen
Mrs. Pierce visited St
I.,.,.,.l ... ill.- mil nose of hav-
Next Wednesday evening may ik'- ing dental work done.
cide whether St Melons is to remain
Miss Nellie Watnee of Portland
was the guest of Miss Merna Yeo
rnans Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of War
ren were transacting business in St.
Helens Tuesday.
Rev. W. N. Coffee of Portland
visited at the home of W. W.
Blakesley in St. Melons last Friday.
Mrs. H. V. Christie returned
last week from a four weeks visit
with friends and relatives in Alpena,
Michigan. She reports a very en
joyable trip.
Dr. Edwin Ross, Wm. Ross and
Mrs. Ross motored to Gresharn yes
terday where they visited the Mult
nomah County fair.
D. J, Switzer was a Portland
visitor Wednesday.
Misses Elsie Philip, Anne Ketel
and Eugenia Peming left last Satur-
J.. Ct... ... L .11 .,.
the classes at Willamette University
for the term.
The new building under con
struction by W. B. Dillard on the
lot facing the Court Mouse is rapidly
nearing completion. It will be
occupied by a moving picture show
as soon as finished.
Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Haines re
turned last Friday from Raymond,
Wash., where they have been for a
couple of months.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stone re
turned Wednesday from a three
weeks trip to LosAngeles and other
California points. The trip was
made on the Klamath and most
thoroughly enjoyed by them, with
the exception of some sea sickness.
The second story of the Muckie
building is being re-arranged and
divided up into office rooms. Mnckle
& Son have disposed of their furni
ture business, formerly conducted
on this floor, to H. Morgus & Son,
who will fit up a first class furni
ture department to their dry goods
and clothing store.
The marriage of Miss Beatrice
Deneault, sister of Mrs. R. Con
stants of St. Helens, Ore., and
daughter of Adelard Deneault of
Ottawa, Ont.. to Mr, Eugene Rich
ard, civil engineer of same place,
will take plrce October 2nd.
Preaching Sunday next at Houl
ton M. E. church at 11 a. m. Sub
ject "Some Methods of Bible
Teachings," by the pastor. 7:3
p. m., Song service. 8 p. m.
preaching by J. W. McDougall, D.
D., Dist. Supt.
Real money can be saved. Nice
furniture very cheap because I am
going away for an indefinite time
and don't want to store it. Call at
my residence and examine. Will
sell one piece or more.
M. C. Gray.
Miss Bernice Masten is in Port
land for the winter and will attend
one of the Migh schools of that
Mrs. J. M. Wellington is spend
ing the week with friends in Port
land. Mrs, A. K. Thompson, who has
been suffering for several months,
was again taken to the hospital in
Portland this week for treatment.
Her many friends in St. Melons will
be sorry to hoar this and all are
wishing for her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. E. L. Wilson of Portland
was in St. Melons this week in tlio
interest of the Rescue Home of
Portland. She was quite successful
in her campaign for funds for this
Virgil Stevens of Soappoose has
gone to Corvallis where he will
enter the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. In addition to the usual
studies taken by him Virgil will also
be heard from in the athletics of
the college. He is an athlete of
some prominance already in base
ball, foot ball and basket ball, and
with his strength and agility will
no doubt become one of the leaders
at 0. A. C. before long.
Mrs. W. G. Muckie and Miss Amy
George are visiting in Portland this,1
The Review gives a list of the
subscribers to the fund for survey-!
ing the Columbia Highway andit all j
amounts to $o'80 in Rainier. So far
we have not been able to ascertain
what amount has been subscribed
in St. Helens, but it would be well
We were sorry to hear of the
wet or go dry. The meeting will 1 ,hath f Mr. Jeffreys of Yankton.
be at the Methodist church, and
will be something doing all right.
The public is invited to be present
to see how the trick is to be
Several members of the East-
He was nn upright Christian nmn
and well liked by all. Ho hJ l)'"
a patient sufferer for many mouths.
Mosdames CluUtenseti and Witne
l.el inn! Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Wilson
wote cullers at the O. P. Kyle -
em Star Lodge of St. Helens donee in North Tretinoin) Inst Sstur-
visitedwith ma. H, A. Legg of i day.
Columbia slough, Wednesday, j 0ur w.hiio u Hto2lIiiv increasing
The party consisted of Mr. and I ,or (,r (,11(.i(,nt tulrav, (lf m,-.
Mrs. j. tteorge, Mrs. MCMtf, wrs. T ... r ,,ilur ... .,.,(! in
"ir '
daily attendance , Hi) increase of HO
over last year at this time.
Mrs. Welch is ill at the home of
her daughter, Mm. Colon ("rouse.
Trenholm has boon blessed with
the Mist few days
learned the number of victims
Haines. Mrs. Gage, Mrs. cox, Mrs,
Owen and Mrs. Ray Watts and
Mrs. Mayger of Portland.
Somebody is going to get mad at
the Methodist church Wednesday
evening, September 2Uh. The
liquor traffic and the saloon
business are to be exposed, and
the public is invited. It's free and
there is no question but what every
body will get their money's worth.
Mr. H. V. Reed of Portland was
in St. Helens Tuesday in the in
terest of the International Cor
respondence school, an ad of
w hich is now running in the Mist.
Below we give some facts about
the I. C. S. w hich should interest
a great many people:
Capital I.T.Co., $(',0H),00().
Total lloor space of buildings. 7
Mail matter handled each day,
lit), (KM) pieces.
Cost of buildings, $.)(), (oo.
Number of employes. H.I'.OO.
Number of courses, 220.
Cost of preparation of text
to suggest to our ieop!e that we books and instruction pspers.
keep up with Rainier in this move- $1,500,000.
ment. j Amount spentannually for pre-
WarrenE. McCord of the Western 'parinjr and revising text books
Timber Syndicate of Portland, is and instructipn papers. ? 100, 000.
standing a few days in St. Helens Over 100,000 I. C. S students
this week looking after business have been awarded diplomas or
matters. have made considerable progress
In Von Gray's window is dis- in the ad vanccd subjects of their
played the beautiful silver cup to 1 courses of study; 225,000 more
be awarded to the school in Colum- have completed mathematics,
bia County that makes the best in-' h drawintf and 0,ier p,e
dtstrial exhibit at the County Pair .. . . . ... ., . .
next week. This is certainly a prize) Imi'nary subjects with the assist
worth striving for by all the schools! ance of tne faculty of schools,
and will be prized very highly by and several hundred thousand
the winner. Several schools of the
county have already advised the
officers that they will have exhibits
and this will be one of the chief at
tractions of the County Fair.
If anyone wants one or more
pieces of good furniture at a very
low price call at my residence.
M. C. Gray.
A.S. Carey, owner of nearly
a billion feet of timber in Colum
bia County, and w ho is building
a railroad from Woods Landing
to the Lower Nehalem valley,
was a business visitor in St. Hel
ens this week.
Mr. Alfred nolman, editor of
the Argonaut of sanFrancisco,
was in St. Helens this week re
newing old acquaintances and
looking after business matters.
Mt. Holman i3 an old St. Helens
boy and always makes it a point
to come down here whenever he
is in Oregon. ,
others, without sending in writ
ten exercises for correction, have
successfully pursued their studies
from our unique home study text
boo k s.
week. She lias a large class at,
Johnson's Crossing and several
pupils hero. i
Mrs. M. Hoven fromGoble visited
this week at the home of her sister,
Mrs. ('has. Sandslroin
Mrs. N. Perry and daughter j
Gladys is sHiidiiig the week with
relatives here. J
Miss Hazel Watts left last Tues
day afternoon for the Fast where
she will enter the Sophomore class
at Wellesley college. Her many
fi Jotuls hero wish her a sure journey
and an enjoyable and profitable
year's work.
L. C. Fish is making arrange
ments to erect a new five room
bungalow on the lot east of his
house. Soappoose is greatly in
need of more new houses that can
be rented as there is not a vacant
house in town and several families
are looking for plnces in which to
ynr k nr .... ' 'vJ
JOIN TIIK Mi;iTi7rr-
.... Iv
"""' r-v .( t" f i iu ir,c
,l,",' V'"r,ri '"4v 3l
M.....U,, V.-.,lr,.Uys
ATTn r? svi v.m
presence of un insurance agent; live
I lave inn
J Ailnrns returned from the
C.od Samaritan llospi'al on lues-
Kor S.I, .!SW Mi rw.
I own two saw mills, ontpo
must move. 1 wiil H.
hsrLruin. Fu.hv i, in-1
tune mvon. Wunl.l . '
. . HIM,
for either. Addrers C. S. KJ
i.iiiinoii, ;u',
All kinds of joti work 4,1 lt,,J
Mist niiiee at reuMonuliI p,
For Kent Hol;
ter hi n et U. r,
" ' Wii4.ll
Mrs. IV K. Fowler, who has been 'iVi nU(.i, j,,,,,,-,,.,! jn health. j For Sule Secondhand Hon
i'.,,i',,i ,, ii,. n,-,i h.mie , , . i ninniLToinerv inn , in.r c, n i
Mr ll.iwoi. 11 rclrcselltlitiv of
i . . . : l
tioV. West, niaoo a proiewnim
visitinir in Portland, returned home
J. C'hristensen and Floyd White, Tuesday.
made a trip to Portland Saturday,
..... Mrs. ('has. Parker an-t daughter
returning Sunday. I ,
iKloise and Mr. Par her s mother
Mr. and Mrs. bougie, who have (f )f Ulll Mr,.
been visiting their daughter. .Vrs. .. ,rii.i. week.
Kversaul. r.ave returned to tlietri
home in Yankton.
Miss I.oh Foster is able to bo out i
ngain after having a severe
of rheumatistn.
At special session of the school
board on Wednesday forenoon Miss
Lillian Manny wss elected teacher
of the primary grade to take the
place of Miss Luce, whe recently
Mrs. Stephen l.ampa and son resigned.
Holt of Yankton, and Misses Norah
and Lena Mosierof I'ortla-id visiti'd
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ceo,
Wilson Friday.
MoAhoy an. I (iuy Mc-
Coininenceiiient services were
held at the Congregational church
on Sunday morning and 10 new
members were taken into the
Allistor Sundayed in Portland.
Chas. Ilein is building an addi
tion to his store on Main street.
Mrs. Myrtle Schneider Sundayed
with her aunt. Mm. Ella Smith at
Happy Hollow.
Wm. Moyer of Yankton came to
Trenholm last week to work for the
Cooperage Co.
Work is progressing on the upper
church. Iloth morning and evening
sernioi s were preached by I'r. Geo.
V.. l'addock. Mrs. Paddock spent
the day here also.
For a good job of plastering sec
I.. K. duiker, the Columbia County
plasterer, Kainier, Ore.
For Sale Fine chicken farm,
with good li-rooin house, chicken
houses and scratch pen, barn and
other outbuilding; also fruit trees
lam on Milton ( .reek by the ( ooper-, and small fruit. W ill wll all or part
ige force preparatory to taking the ' at reasonable pi ice. See I'ick Kober-
I ('.III II til! it'
timber in that vicinity, which will "on. m. n.-iens, or can ui imsoiure
for particulars.
vicinity, w
be lloated down the creek for some
Hargain Sale l'our lots knd fi-
The Misses Marie and IxMia Ilein
arrived in Trenholm last week from
Sandusky, Ohio, and are now at
tending school at this place.
Mrs. Smith of the Miller ranch
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Charles Hein made a busi
ness trip to St. Helens Tuesday.
O. T. Foster and Geo. Wilson
transacted business in St. Helens
on Wednesday.
Supt. Wilkersnn called ntTren-'roorn house. I'rice $v"0, on good
holm Monday enrouie to Vornonia terms. In Houlton. 1 l-'J blocks
and vicinity, but when within a from depot.
short distance of rittdiurg was 10-L'O-p ( "has. Smith,
obliged to turn back on account of
timber having fallen across the! I." t - On !(.. lU.helor Flat road
road. Me. Wilkerson expressed ,rt ''" ''cott corner in
himself as very much pleased with 'l""'lon and the K. K. crossing, a
the school at Trenholm und-r the l,1;"'k !'"tlcr lirc contain-
able instruction of Mr. Tappen. , in' H U w Hl""11 c"i!!4 " l"lir "f
glasses, h inder please o se same
Mrs. J. S. Masten at lloul'.on or ot
Mist ollice and receive reward.
row hiwiuMi dmu
!.eveSl Helm fill )
Arrives t 1'i.rihiii'l lli:;) i.
l.esve Porllmicl nt 2 II) f '
Arrive hi. It li-nn m i).H) p y
Congregational Chiuxk
Iiible School c'.is 11 or.d u
come for ail, l!) a. m. lYii
by the pastor ll a, m. anilKi
A church homo f.-r frienli r
FvervbiHly uelrome.
Pev. K .I. .M. vit, Fallot
BEGINS l' f.iyfifili -,Jual
BteTiwats t ''
innrulIUKI. IN1iltl.
tcoNOMic. MiNvi rotit.
Tuuft-vcan Courses i m
trliilnt(, SKtlcuilui, itouiwIitBtS
ami lit.
MJSIC. Iiiclu il.iis p!no,ttric,
In.trunirtiU mul '' c.m.
..-r ... u.-uuiivTi.r ll'ltll
ml Catalogs wi.l sw-n
an m.ljllmlloll.
A.blrr.s It. M. TkaxT, lH
n.lUWM) ill0"'
Mrs.-Lena Kathbun is visiting
friends in Yankton and vicinity.
Mrs, Kiln Smith of Happy Holiow
was seen on our streets Monday. j Small pigs for sale. Write Wm.
Mesdames Wilson and Crifiith, Warren, Ore.
visited St. Helens Wednesday.
Messrs. I. 0. Wiekstrom, Frank
For Sale I have choice fall ve'ch, i
well cleaned for sale. Newell Slier-'
wood, Warren, Ore. I
Lost A large pointer dog, color
Wiekstrom. Chas. Wiekstrom, N. j b!a,.t an, white, in the neighbor-
Miss Lois Foster is now confined
to her home with rheumatism.
Oepees, John Saleen started on hood of S
; .atui day tor an auto trip to Pen
dleton to attend the Hound-Up.
Miss Carnahan from I'ortland bo-
is the proud pos- Kan iR.r yVHT'H W(,rk as teacher last
the on ner. David
Please notify
T. Honey man,
care of Honeyman Hard-tare Co.,
I'ortland, Ore., and receive reward.
Stininicr Kates ktvrcrt
St. lick-us and Mi
50 cents one way
75 cents round tr:
Tkkcts w any time aft:
Ajnil 4 tli
l'...nt l-Svi' St. I h i. ii 7 V..
KetntnliiK l.-nves I' -tlUtil J-
Arrive st St Ite'nn p..