St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 19, 1913, Image 7

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"r. f-1. In mm, Write m tm
kf2m Hi ! ewaiww. "
petfion -Foffe Co., Portland
eal, Pork, Poultry, Hides
a . .k -- -J u
alaheel Brloae. end
'"TiTiurn Mall." U'a trial alia
raaa WW a a, a .. la. SL aT
a TL llllUl U Wm
, IwaHHMI Heeatn.
men r..1
- - - - , wwrnaiejw-i '
.... ll.a I IT aTW
aitn I SIB'tUB - ee CeewMat,
-ivlla r..li4.i. tWio.ea"ei (Joi
T il U..U. all..r. 1w Gold,.!
The "Topgrade" Shoe
A Really CUwy Shoo
If ye sale e Ml faaaV h a)
Portland. Or.
Uaera, to a m. b 4 p. m..
57 U
B- ay enwlninitil
IrWnltf e Trrelm.nt of all Artlta and Cantata
I ,-. 1 k-nai-l rreruuane. Ouila K a I
trraa. Rulkllnr Nawllle. .
Hportlng Mood In Ifl
Ther ar way. f doing thing.
That Is lementary and txlmatlo
wldom. and yet peopl ar iow to M
upon It Tak.the rae of th East
tievelander who haa a gardttn and a
small boy, suggest the 1'laln dealer.
Thl man aald to bia wlf, tha other
"Kmily, we aren't going to have any
sweet corn thla season If we dont take
better care of It 1 wi.h you would
persuade Robert to taka a morning
from hla baseball and swimming, and
get after that corn patrh."
"I tried to." ,iKhed tha mother,
but he juat won't do it."
"Tell him you'll give blm a quarter
to do It"
"I did. I aald Juat yesterday, 'Rob
art. If you'll cultivate that corn and
get all tha weeda out of It by noon I'll
glr you a quarter to put in your
bank.' "
"Oh, pahaw I That'a not the way
to do It Call him in here and I'll fix
It Robert have you got any sport
ing? blood in vim? win linil iaLa aa
--- - " i J m vsa St vj u
small bet? I'll bet you a quarter you
can't get that com hoed before noon
"I got you," says Robert Then aa
a look of triumph spreads over hia
father'a fare he adds. "Have you got
any sporting blood In you!"
"I aura have, Robert"
"Then I'll hot n a half .L.U..
win the bet. I'll be at tha offlc this
noon and collect
Tba corn ian't boed yet
Dr. rierre'a I'elleta, small, sugar
coated, easy to take a candy, regulate
and Inviirorate stomach, livar and hoar.
els. Do not arrioe.
A IUn-tnc of th
CuMo von Horvatb
nd Da Hord
Strawberry la From ChilL
A great many people are under tha
Impression that the strawberry la of
European origin. Aa a matter of fact
It la derived from tha Chilean berry,
which la native to the Pacific Coast
Motbar wilt flnO Mm Winnows Bontklai
rrui lha bral rrmadr to naa lof laalr oil Udraa
dux Las 'a uatuiua arlud.
"Papa, I want an Ice cream sun
dae." "All right dear, remind ma of
it again; this is only Tuesday."
Houston Post
Hand-Power Stump Puller
Staar J. riuaauiea. 1 li ln Baal laaa. Jaaai
aa. a kj ap.ll it Lr ualna worialaaa raaraiwMT
I Colon ia Face Cream
aatllaatftil aravaratlaa. aaaalallr apprarlalad
Mia. ho ara particular la tnatUra of par
pi. ! ai p.r.rir.. hmt Um aao, aM charaa Pr"
paid, iipan n-lit of hi erota. Waaaal Una, taa-
fartlaaa. Ona-aa.
$500 000 EgUirMENT. u Uli TtiCMllL
71 C0UUE1
Couraa- Km aaaa aa. I aa.
TaaiaMrrlal I SO OO
aurihaiuj SO.00
AaUvblla SI.OO
WlraiwTalaaraDlir a00
T.taarauhr anl lraln DaavaUklaa' .)
Ewnral KnilBaanaf atl.OO
t1ll H. rtra 14 00
Ca.bia PraparaUa-r
Dun l iamtataor ttcaoot tft.oo
r:uml,in th.t
Canwntrr Ifi-"0
Vmlna a. Aaaarlna m
PharmarT l in)
M lianiral Knalrtaarlna .oo
Olh-r njunn .12.00 to lbu.OO
Una for rra Illaatrata4 TaUlacaa.
"A bad mess," declared tha junior
partner. "Lot of urgent mall to be
anawered and the typewriter baa Juat
left" "The office boy la always fool
ing around that machine," auggeated
tha senior partner. "Put him in now
and let'a see what he can do aa a pinch
hitter." Pittsburg Post
'That man is one of our leading
capltallnU," aaid Miss Cayenne.
"Didn't know he was in that line at
all. What la hia specialty?"
"Tba capitalisation of tha letter
'L' "Washington Star.
For Sunburn, Inaeot Bites,
Ivy Poison or any other akin Inflam
mation use Tyreo'a Antiseptic Powder
and get quick relief. 26c. at druggists.
Sample sent free by J. 8. Tyree, Wash
ington, D. C Adv.
Old lady (offering policeman tract)
I often think you poor policemen
run such a risk of becoming bad, being
so constantly mixt up with crime.
Policeman You needn't fear, mum.
It's tha criminala wot runs tha risk o'
becomin' aainta, bein' mlxt up with
ua I Punch.
T) f IT Ullaaaesl er Sara ryae 4 llles
Buy a Piano Now'Roma7-BaIsam
&ny Make of Pianola Player Pianos.
Low Prirra and Kaay Trrma on all
Wtlla I'a far f artlcalara.
Shcrman.ay & Co.
"N'uw," aald the stage manager,
"you are the heroine. You ara aup
P"ed to auffer more than anybody
(w in the play. You must put your
"lf Into a frame of mind which rep
wnenta grief and remorae."
"I know," repield tha leading worn
w. "I ll try to make myself believe
I'm one of the people who paid 12 to
thia play." Washington Star.
When It Had Another Meaning.
"Gown" now means a awell dress,
but there are old-fashioned girla who
will bluah If you call It by that name.
Intuition has been defined aa a quick
method of arriving at a totally incor
rect conclusion. Puck.
"Can you direct me to the best hotel
In thia town?" aked the stranger,
who, had set satchel upon tha atation
platform. .
.! replied the man who waa
waiting for a train going tha other
way, "but I hate to do It
"Because you will think after
you've aeen It that I'm a liar."-Chl-cago
A Half
An Enviable Record
ACQ Silvia rUtmM duHn, lb. past rr ta
tha alatary a! aw aaaaot
iAC-y Can. far tel. Wt r'- T"M T
wrt. ami affonla aa mm ioalUt wportunity W uuarau v
Uraduaiaa. WHta o. at fnr Irfona.tW L" J" mn:
BborUiarxi. 1-aol.w-alP. TrpawrlUn. T.lwnr.
,. M. WAlKCa. rra , . Mafrlaan. Or.
M ac tftr nail tha oontlnant of Worth
AmarlM hM baan lanlatad from tba raat
ml tha worla by tb. uaa of Z-raxa, a won
tarful laraotlon of Hannibal Prudant
fha InvanUo. had aavad tha asu.try
from foralan Invaalon, and tha aoutnant
aa4 paan unttad urtdar en. aovammant
rMh Prudant aa praaldmt. For half a
aantury paao. and proayaiity ralanad la
this part of tha world. Tha story .pan.
with Praaldanl Prudant critically UL Hla
aaath la Kaatanad by tha taualpt of a
WMaara from Count von Wardanataln of
Oartnany that ha haa at la at aucoaaaad In
ha warn.
naani a for-
ataa Invaalon. Ha tall, bar to hurry to
tha bland of ClryrUth. but dla. batora ha
aa tall tha location of tha plasa. Aatra
la noanlnatad fur tha praaldanoy by tha
ontlnantal party. Napolaon Edlaoa Mil.
an aalra. Inform, har that ha waa a pu-
u ar har fathar.. and promlaaa lo naip
ar. Ha (Iva. har a rlnt niada of a naw-
diaoovarad aub.t.nca whicn. n. .aya.
will aolv. lha problara or Hylnf. Cbaral
lar dl Laon appaars In Buropa. Ha no taa
hat preparation, hav. haa. ootaplatad
tor an laraalnn of America. Ha Mil. o
a Werdaneleln and offer, him tha se
cret of maJilna .old. He demand. In ra
rnra ahaolute diaartnament and pa...
The akevaJlar I. a ua panted ef bale an
Aa-iarlcan, Ha 1. ..Had at alirht
peaetratlna the rare Dyinc.
u aau.hier Aatra that tin. i
mmrvimA n In an arantilana Aatr. I. 1D-
au.ureted mm nra.tdenL nhe leoerre.
anaaeae-e from Edtaon. whoee lonf allejnwe
haa worried har. that he ha. been a !
enar for two month, on tl. laland of
If 1 m 1. wA mwtA haa Ilia .r. rvn Hi
iminrai that tha confederated fleet of
Europe ha. .ailed for Am.rloe. H. prom
taaa to aall on her the folloerlnt oJaht
Countee. Rnelny, a epy. become, a pna
eaar In hope of eerurln.- Napoleoae aa
aret. 8b. faiU la lo. with blm.
CHAPTER VlllContlnued.
He elevated his arm. After a few
twirling and twisting of the Instru
ment a click was heard and then came
the wblixlng sound of a bullet
-Now watch right abore ua."
Fire minutes later, at an tramenee
heUbt a flash ooeairad. Directly
afur tha flash a spiral light began to
gesoend. slowly: then, after eeweraJ
mlnutea, aa explosion followed that
nut an end to the dropping spiral of
Sr. and aboye them a small white
Blond miff alowty fell downward.
-That waa a beauty!" common tad
Caotaln Enler.
"Hare yoa any more?" Inquired the
"I am sorry, madam, but thla la the
tact for tonight" answered Cheraller
dl Leon, with eyee turned steadily
toward tb southeast. They all sat
down, and Captain Euler and the
eonnteea started a conversation In
wblch the cheraller refused to take
txt! ba was watching tba sky and
lha star. It waa much later than
Banal when ba returned to hla gilt
eaga, bat be waa satisfied at last; be
had seen a star mat winaaa ai aim
Tba next day tha conntaea asked If
they were to bare fireworks again, but
the cheraller thought It would lo It
eharm If th.y bad the display too
often. H retired to hi room that
evening, complaining of a slight bead-
"Bhall I call the post doctor P aakad
Captain Euler, but tba chevalier do-
When ta hi leeptng-room ba looked
rer tba content of hi small baggage
and lacted a number of articles that
ha sacked Into en bundle. Than be
bft tha room.
Tba raiding room waa tha one that
waa eonneoted with the outer world
by th stairway that ran to tha root.
Tha aharaller tpped quickly to the
loor leading to th corridor and 11 tr
ened; he could bear th sentry walk
ing ap and down. Ha saw with satis
faction that tb door could ba locked
en tb Inald with kay and bolt; than
ha examined tha door that led to the
mof. It waa a heavy door, that could
h Wkad only from th Inside. He
aUemtly crept np tha stair and prd
Into tb incloaure; und.r on of th
slant. U th abada, waa th eountaaa
reading There wer a number of
kaan ohleota with which tha door
toold ba barricaded.
Ha quietly descended, without being
n by th counUss. and inspected
har room. Apparently finding ovary
thing to hi aatiafaoUon. h plokad at
a book from th table and joined the
-Ar yoa feeling better, my dear
1 thank yoa, countee, yea. And how
m yoa? Doea not thla Imprisonment
tan on your nerve r
Rha alahed. "Chevalier, I think
doea. If I wer in a dark dungeon It
old hart ma mora; but a prison
a. prtaoa. and gilt bar ara hateful"
-Why ar you brT"
Bha smiled sadly. "Toa aak :
why I am har aa If yoa did not know
my mission."
-Tour mtoslon then yoa ar not
1 am a m-teoner lust aa long aa yoa
m oaa. ohaTallar. My fat bind m
ta yon. Why should I baalUU to tall
womT 8ha looked around, and than
t a whtsDor she continued: 1
tha s.rvto of tha tntarnatlonal poUoa,
aherallar. and I waa aant to yoa
ar heefca. "ChoraBer. Bsas
dont Interrupt me; I want you to
know all. Tba chancellor want to
know roar mlaaloo In Europe, from
wher yoa come and tha aeerat of
gold." Bhe waa now openly sobbing.
Neither apoke for soma Um: at last
tb cheraller turned to the eountaaa:
It ta Juat poaalbla that I am making
th graateet mlataka of my life, bat
what 1 th difference you bar bean
frank with ma, and I will be frank
with you."
Bhe lifted her face quickly.
Tha chevalier thought for a aaeond.
"Would yoa Ilk to get rid of all that
belong to th paatf Would yoa coma
with mar
Bhe looked at blm with auh an
uttorabl longing that b fait lrrealat
tbly drawn toward bar; ba actually
started toward the faaolnatlng woman
with arm extended. Then hla anr
nature reminded him of all that would
reault from letting their frteoaahlp
merge into a lore affair, and ha
a topped.
A war of rag swept ever bar
whan ah saw hi hesitation and deci
sion, bat she whispered softly: -I
hall go with you."
Now w are becoming real conspir
ator! ; be prepared o that at a mo
ment' notice you can leave."
"Wher will you taka mr
"Wherev.r my a lara lead!" waa hla
enigmatical answer, aa ha left tha roof
and went to hi room to ln.
Night cam again, tha captain left
them alone at 9:10, saying that ha
had some writing to do.
Chevalier dl Leon watched tha sky,
which waa somewhat cloudy; there
waa a strong wind that drove tha rag
ged wanderer to and fro.
Th winking star ba had observed
several time before waa stationed la
tha eastern sky.
Neither of the prisoner talked;
both sm ad to be fully ooeapled with
their thoughts. Suddenly dl Leon
turned to the dreaming eountaaa: "Are
you willing to leave with me tonight
In half an hour!"
"Bat how absurd that ta, chevalier!
Do you trust me lmpUc Italy T"
"I dot-
Then go to your room and get all
the thing that you need to taka along
ready. Will half an hour be enough T"
"I will be ready."
He led the count down to her
room, and from that moment the chev
alier became energy Itself, first of
afl, be locked the door of the reading'
room, then ran Into hi own room,
picked ap hi bundle of belonging
and hastily placed It on the root. He
arranged several heavy o beets around
th trapdoor leading to the reading-
room and than sent a rooket from hla
signal gun toward the winking star.
Th light that followed waa taken
aa a warning by the superstitious sol
diers on duty below; the red and whit
stripe of the American flag high up
In the air, and tha silvery star on th
blue background completed tha flag
that waa causing so much annoyance
to Europe.
The red a tar above twinkled
soring ly and a second later th roof
of the prison waa flooded with a strong
light The cheraller ran down and
knocked at tha count' door. "Ar
yoa ready T"
1 am," ha replied and appeared
with a email suitcase In her hand.
Just aa they opened th door lead
ing to th roof, a secret door In the
wall, that had escaped th chevalier's
scrutiny, opened and Captain Euler
stepped Into the room.
"To th roof, count,- tha cheva
lier whispered In the ear of tha woman
and ba stepped before th captain.
Back of tha captain, through tha halt-
open door, he could see several sol
di are.
"Tour recant firework hare aroaaed
soma suspicion, chevalier."
1 am sorry, captain, but I cannot
top to explain thing to you Juat now;
I am In a hurry."
"in a hurry?"
"T. my dear captain. I hare yuat
time enough to thank you for your
kind boapltallty, and to bid yoa fare
well I"
Tha captain stopped forward, but
before he could touch the cheraller
there waa a flash that blinded all. By
tha time th captain had recorered
enough to ahout: "To th d.vU with
your okel" the cheraller wa gone.
Captain Euler ran to tba roof door.
only to find It barricaded; It took some
Um for them to fore tb door, and
when they reached the roof and played
their searchlight over the whole space,
not a soul waa to be found.
hour later Aatra received her
message from Napoleon Edison.
The following morning early rlsera
In Berlin were treated to a novel sight
High abore the city, a white-headed.
tremendously large eagle appeared; It
olrcled abore the town for a while,
then turned suddenly toward the west
and disappeared with a rapidity that
waa astounding.
Tha learned Profeasor Klpfelhelmer,
a noted aoologlst who waa one of the
first to see It waa certain that tha
bird waa a genuine American eagle.
In the Master Workshop.
Th following day was a long one
for Aatra; hope, Joy and the expecta
tion of aaetnc tha man who waa able
to do no much made her reetlee.
Shortly before noon a report came
from tha Z ray generating atation ad
vising that a peculiar vibration seamed
to b forcing th ray backward. Or
der were given to establish tha naw
Bona, also to watch for further dk
turtaanoea and, after a lapse of alx
boura. to remove th first Un of re
alatanoe. leaving tha naw Z ray to
meet tha invader.
Astra wa happy indeed when aha
deeeended to the library to await N
pol eon's arrival. Aa tha hands of tha
chronometer pointed to ten, ah UaV
tntantly. Th main door
IU tinkling waraveg. A moment later
Napoleoa Edison waa admitted to tb
library aad Astra hurried toward him
with welcoming band.
8h saw at a glance that hi healthy
brons complexion waa gone and that
he waa thinner. She also noted the
unfamiliar clothe he wa wearing.
T am o glad that you hav com
at last I" were her first worda.
"I have longed to come, Mia Pru
dent but I waa detained In a prlaoa,
where I had everything but liberty."
Please be aeated; you muit be
weary after your long trip." Bhe led
blm to a chair and took a seat oppo
site. "Thar haa not been a day, slnoe
your visit here, that I hav not longed
for some new from you. And you,
all th time, were in prison."
Edison said: "I eroaaed the laolator
la my aerodromone, ascending thoe
sands of feet to get over. My assist
ant engineer, Santos Duprel, was with
me; we landed on the deserted Zug
spltse. In Germany. I alone descend
ed on sklla to Partenklrcben, where I
purchased European clothea. Duprel
and I were In constant communication
with each other until my imprison
ment which came ao quickly that I
had ao chance to advise him. I had
the honor, before I waa confined, to
meet hi majesty, the Emperor of Ger
many, the Prince of Walee and, above
all, the Count von Werdensteln, who
la the real ruler of Europe.
Are your plana for our defense for
mulated f Astra asked.
T will, with your permission, tell
them In a more detailed manner at
tha workshop. I hope you will ac
company mo there a soon aa you
I am ready to go at any time; only
you know I cannot leave the capital
for a long period. Beside, I must
lay a decided plan of action before
th continental congrea meets, day
after tomorrow. Where la your plantf"
He looked at her in surprise, but all
be could see In her . face waa frank
expectation, and In a measured voice
he said:
"On the Island of Clryne."
"Cirynithl" whispered Astra.
-At last you bave spoken the word I"
said Napoleon eagerly. "The word I
bave been expecting to hear you say."
Astra looked at Napoleon question
lngly; evidently there was something
back of thle that she was supposed to
know. Napoleon read her thought: '
"Mill Prudent. I will enlighten you.
When I discovered th element of
which your ring Is made I cam to
your father. He wa a friend and
teacher. When your father realized
th value of my discovery and saw
the tar-reaching possibilities of this
wonderful metal he gave me full In
structions, and I based my further
experiment on them.
"HI prophetic soul foresaw th
events that ar now upon ua, and he
waa anxious to know th results of
my experiments. Three day before
bis death I received a letter from him.
I had Just returned from tha trial trip
of my aerodromone. I wa intoxicated
with my success. Tb American
Eagle, my first aerodromone, waa a
marvel, but I will come to that later. 1
honied to the capital aa soon aa I
read your father letter, but waa too
late I How happy be would hav been
to know that I had won, that no nation
can destroy the work of his lifetime,"
Napoleon' vole softened to a whis
per. "But his last letter told m that
you would be Instructed to go to the
Island of Clryne and that when I met
you, you would greet me with th
word you have Just spoken, 'Clrynlth,'
the name I have given to this cle
Astra' eye filled with tear. Th
memory of the last hour of her father
returned to her In Its smallest detail,
and then she told Napoleon how ths
dying man had tried to tell har every
thing, but that the shock caused by
the message from Count von Werden
steln bad killed him before he could
do so, though with his last strength
he had written, in shaking letter, th
word: "Clrynlth."
I cannot tell what be said about
you, nnlsbed Astra, smiling at napo
leon through her tear. "All I can say
is that I am very happy today, tor yoa
hav come."
Her expressive eye told even more,
and Napoleon Edison felt that he was
amply rewarded for the services ha
had rendered, not for the girl h
loved, but for th country they both
"I hav on favor to ask, your excel
lency 1"
Whatever It is, I will grant It in ad
"The Counteaa Roslny, whom I hav
mentioned, and who played a part In
th plot 1 homeless In our continent
She 1 In th waiting-room. I brought
her with me, thinking you would not
let her go without trying to aid her.
Under your care, I feel sure she will
regain all that la good In her naturs
and lose all that la bad."
She la welcome," Astra said, aim
ply, and started to summon an attend
ant, but Napoleon Interrupted her.
Astra, permit met Before you cau
bar, I wleh we could make arrange
ment for your rlalt to my Island."
"How long doea It take to make Um
Ediaon amlled. "Th word 'distance1
1 stricken from the American diction
ary. I will place you on the Island
within three hour."
"Where 1 your laland T"
"Where th 124 degree W. of Green
wich and the 14 degree N. meet"
"In tha Paclflo Oceaat Wonderful!
Could wa go tomorrow T"
"T. but I tblnk It would be beat
to travel at night as I wleh to keel
th existence of the American Eagi
a secret for a while."
-That 1 wise. Let aa atart at elevea
tomorrow evening."
Raises the
Doimh Better
Talking; Shop.
Enthusiastic interest in one's occu
pation Is always an advantage, but an
tha other hand, it I not well for a
woman tn business to talk of ber work
at all times and places. Naturally,
tb thing that wa do constantly I our
moat absorbing interest but we must
remember that other people har other
Bhlngs to talk about
Supreme Test.
Tba supreme test of physical fortl
trade t To kiss a lady doctor. Smart
Look to Your Own Power.
Wind and wave are always on tha
Id of the ablest navigator. Gib-
Almoat Silent.
If money really talk soma men are
fond of whispering. Judge.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Sw M nrlna Ire Remedy. Mo Bmarttnr
Sine Act. Quickly. Try l for Bed, Weak,
Watery Bye. aud Granulated Byeilda. Iiiua
rated Book la each Packaira. Marine la
Gajpoended by our Ocaltata not a "Patent Meo
ae' but Bead In eocceaafn! Pbytlctana' Prae
Eoe for Biany yrare. Nuw dodlcauia lo lee Pew
a and .old by urutfgina at Ke and aOeper Bottaa, Bye BeWeln AaepUe Tubea, e aad ate.
Murine) Eye Remedy co., cnioego
gat roar
Maret" Greet tear reUad paad Juat aa th dock (are teth
Laughter Pays Well.
Laughing aa a business-getter at
tract favorable attention, make
pleasant Impressions, transform gruff-
i Into cheerfulness ana leave tne
work done with a contented after-feeling.
No Cause to Worry.
"My brushes are all worn out,"
Igbed tha futurist painter, "and I
bave no money to buy new onaa."
"Never mind," hi wif repliwL
Take the broom!"
Wan, Weary
and Worn Out
If You Feel Fagged to a Fin
Uh and Utterly Used Up
Here is Quick Relief.
Half the people you meet complain of
Weary muscles, etagnant brain. Jangled
nervea, and a mournful desire to lay
down and just quit. Moat of these people
bave been using nervines that apasmod
ically flare up the nerves only to die down
again, aa die they must. Avoid nerve
etlmulanta. Bear in mind that thla worn
out feeling la due to poor blood, to bao
terla In the water you drink; to the multi
plying of destructive germs In the blood
faster than they can be overcome by the
whit, corpuscle.; and to what la known
aa auto-tox.mla, that condition where the
venoua or Impure blood accumulate
faster than it can be replaced by the red
arterial blood.
One Ingredient !n S. B. S. serve, the
purpose of stimulating the cellular tissues
to .elect from the blood the nutriment
that renews lta health and energy.
If you feel played out go to any drug
.tor. and ask for a bottle of 8. 8. S-,
Swlft'a Sure Specific Insist upon having
It and do not be persuaded to take some
thing else claimed to be "just aa good."
8. 8. 8. I. a remedy that g.ta at work
in a twinkling; it Just naturally rushes
right Into your blood, scatters germs right
and left, up and down and sideways.
Tou feel better at once, not from a
stimulant, not from the action of drugs,
but from the rational effect of a natural
medicine Just aa active and juat as timely
u to a man who haa been lost in the
mountain., la about atarved and comes
across a settler Just cooking a aavory
meal of good honest beef. Do not neglect
to get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. to-day. It will
make you feel better In Just a few min
utes. It la prepared only In the labora
tory of The Swift Specific Co., ISO Swift
Bids.,' Atlanta, Ga. Send for their free
book telling of the many strange condi
tion, that afflict the human family by
reason of Impoverished blood.
Qerra ar bad, of course; bat they
eoeld ba worse. Sappoaa they aaaa
ai thelf vorkl
"The time has passed," said tha
orator haughtily, "when any man can
hide himself behind a woman' petti
coats'.' "You bet I" commented the cynic in
th back seat "Those X-ray skirts
have stopped that" Buffalo Express.
Every man like to say that when
ha was younger he wa quite handy
with hi mitts. Also, that 'he waa a
deril among tha girls.' Atchison
"Here something queer," said th
dantlst "You say this tooth haa
oarer been worked on before, but I
find small flake of gold on my instru
ment" "I think you hare struck my
haek cellar button." replied the ric
ttm. Buffale Commercial.
He Den't you think that yen could
learn to lore me? She Well, I don't
know. I learned to like olirea six ar
seren years ago. Somervile Journal.