NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY IN TUB COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OP ORICC.ON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. Is the natter of the estate ol Herman Hansel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pur. nance of an order ol the County Court ol the County ol Columbia, and State of Oregon, made on the Srd day of Sep tember, 1913, in the mutter of the estate of Herman Hansel, deceased, the ad ministrator ol aaid estate will fell at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash and subject to confirmation by said County Court, on Monday, October 6, 1913. at 11 o'clock a. m. ol aaid day, at the front door ol the County Court Honne ol aaid county, all ol the right, title, interest and estate ol aaid iietman Hansel at the time ol bis death and all right, title and interest that the estate baa by operation ol law and otherwise acquired, other than or in addition to that ol said deceased at the time of bis death, in and to all those certain pieces or parcels of land, situate in said County of Columbia and tate of Oregon, and bounded and described a follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of a tract of laud heretofore deeded by Rachel A. Campbell and J. A. J. Camp bell, her husband, to Emma Vivian and Frederick Vivian by deed, dated Octo ber 28th, 1892, and recorded in Book M. of Deeds lor Columbia County, Oregon, at page 4S8, thence running west along the south boundary line of tlic present traveled county road leading from St. Helens to Houlton, Oregon, 150 feet to a point, thence running south 175 feet to a picket lence, thence east 61 leet to the east line of Rachel A. Campbell's land, thence in a northeasterly course 220 feet to tne place of beginning, all io Section 4. Township 4, North, Range 1 West of Willamette Meridian and being situated In the City of Houlton.Oregon. and also lots 20 and 21 of Blk 107 of the city of St. Helens, Oregon, except strip taken by county road. The terms of and conditions of sale being as aforesaid, cash at time ol sale. G. K. Zeisler, Administrator of the estate of Herman Hansel deceased. Date of first publication Sept, S, 1913. Date of last publicatisn Oct. 3. 1913. A. W. Mueller, Attorney for Administrator. "UMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUM BIA COUNTY. w. weed Nichols, Plaintiff, vs Elsie Nichols, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, Yon, Elsie Nichols, are hereby com manded to appear and answer the complaint against you filed herein on or before the 25th day of oct. 1913, that date being six weeks from the first publica tion herein, and if yon fail toappear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the conrt.for thejrelief prayed for in tbs complaint Bled herein and more par. ticularly defined as follows: For a deree of this court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant herein on the ground of desertion and abandon ment committed by defendant against plaintiff and for such other and further relief as may seem equitable. This summons is served upon yog by publication thereof for not less that six weeks in the "St- Helens Mist." a news paper published in Coi'imbia County, Oregon, and by order of the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Judge of the above entitled court, which order is dated the 8th day of September, 1813. Date of first publication of this sum muns Sept. 12, 1913, Date ol last publication ol summons oct. 24. 1913 Mannix & Sullivan, Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Portland, Ore. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY, Edna Spark, Plaintiff, vs. A E Spark, Defendant. To A. E. Spark, the above named De fendant: In the name ol the Slate of Oregon yon are hereby requited to appeaV and answer tbe complaint filed against you In the abeve entitled court and cause on or before the 1st day ol November, 1913. said date being after the expiration Of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, If you fail to appear and answer tbe plaintiff will apply to the conrt for the relief demanded in the complaint: For a decree of divorce for. ever dissolving tbe bonds cf matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, rendering tbe life of the plaintiff burdensome, This summons is published once a week for six consecutive weeks in tbe St Helens fist, by order of the Hon J A Eakin, judge of the above entitled conrt Dated the 18th day of S. ptember,l13, directing the publication thereof, First Publication Sept 19. 1913. Last publication Oct, 31, 1913, w L Cooper, Attorney for Plaintiff. 914 Chamber of commerce, Portland, ore. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT rot KT OK Til K I STATE OF OREGON FOR COLl'M- BIA COUMY C. I. tlooghkiik. l'laiutiu. vs. Joseph Silva, Catherine Silvs. K. F. V-orhees, Delia Yoorhees, L. W. Voor bees, Olive Yoorhees, Walter Yoorh- ea, Nettie Yoorbecs, Delia Voorhees and the unknown heirs of Isaac Vuoihaes, deceased, the unknown heirs of William Yoorhees, deceased.and also all other persons or parties unknown claim-! ing any light, title, estate, lien, or in terest in the real estate described in tbe complaint herein, IVfendants. To E. F. Voorhees, IVlta Voorhees, L. W. Voorhees, Olive Voorhees, Wal ter Voorhees, Nettie Voorhees, IVlia Voorhees and the unknown heirs of Isaac Voorhees, deceased, the nnkuown heirs of William Vo rhees, deceased, and also all other persons or paries un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate de scribed in the complaint hereia, IV fendants: In the name ol the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Sled agsinst you in the above entitled suit, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons, the said period of time being six weeks from the day of the first publication of this sum mons, atd said last day of publication being the 12th day of September, li'ls. and if you fail to so appear and ans wer, said complaint tne piaintifl wil cause your default to be entered and apply to tbe conrt above named for tbe relief demanded iu said complaint, to wit: For an adjudication that ti e title of plaintiff in and to ti e following de scribed real property in Columbia county, Oregon, viz.: Commencing at a point on the north sid of Water street in the city of Rainier, thirty feet easterly from where a line running parallel with and through the center of New Bedford street in said City of Rainier would cross the north boundary of aid WaierSt. and rani, ing thence easterly along the north side of Water street forty feet, thence at right angles northerly one hundred and seventy feet, to tbe tide land or water frontage sold by Dean Blanchard to said C. I. Houghkira ; thence at right angles westerly fotty feet; thence at right angles southerly one hundred and seventy feet, mure or less, to the place of beginning, I goo J and valid; that neither the defendants nor either of them has any righ', title, estate, lien or interest in said real prop erty, and that they be forever enjoined from asserting any claim whatever therein. This summons is published by order of the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Judge of the Circuit Courtof the State of Oregon, for Columbia Connty, made and dated July 26th, 1913, which ordrr prescribes that service of summons iu this suit be made upon you by publication once a week for 'six consecutive weeks in the St. Helens Mist, a newspaper of general circulation published weekly in said county, which time will tgin tp run from tbe day of the first publication hereof ; and the time within which you are required to answer said complaint Is on or oefore the last day of tbe time prescribed in said order for publication, to-wit, September 12th, 1913. The date of the first publication of this summons is Friday, August 1st, 1913. Dillard & Day, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. DoraE. Mussleman, Plaintiff, vs. Charles C. Ma-sleman, Defendant, To Charles C. Mussleman, the above named Defendant. In the name of tbe state of Oregon yon sre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if yon fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to (he court for tbe relief prayed for in the said com plaint, to-wit, for a decree dissolving the marriage contract existing between yon and plaintiff, and for snch other and further relief as she may be entitled to. Ibis summons is served npon you by publication in "The St. Helens Mist," pursuant to an order made and entered In tbe above entitled court on the 1 1th day of August, 19l3, by the Honorable j. A. Eakin, Judge of said court. John It. Downea, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Ore Date of first publication is Aug. 15. 1913. Date of last publication is Sept. 27, 1913. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT CF THE SI ATE OF oRKGoN I?oR THE County op Columbia. Win. M. Ross, as administrator of the estate of Hans P. Iijorkman, deceased, PlaintifT, vs. John Larsen, Anna Larsen and Amos W.McKlwain, Defendants. To John Larson and Anna Larsen, De fendants: In tbe name of the Male of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required t.i pear and an.wer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before tde last day of the time pre-cribed iu the order for I lie publication of this summons, I he said period of time bring six weeks fn iu the day of the first pilb'icatiou i f I) is summons, and said la-t ilay of pul licatioii being the '-'t'th day of Sep tember, 1913, and if you full to ao appear and answer said complaint the piaintifl will cause your default to be enteied and apply to the court above named lor t lie reliel ilcnmmle I in saut complaint, to-wit: For a judgment against you for f 150, with Interest there on al the rate of o per cent per annum from August 1st, 1910, for $70 attorney's fees, for fl.CS for taxes paid and lor costs and disbursements of suit; For a decree of rale under foreclosure of the follow ing descrilied real property in Columbia county, Oregon, to-w it. Ci tiimencing at a point Mi rod west of the Northwest corner cf the D. L. C. of 7.. Bryant, in section 10, townsb'p 7 north, range 4 west of Willamette Meridian, and run. ning south 50 rods; thence west 12 rods; thence north 50 reals and thence east 12 rods to the point of hegiuning ; and that you and all persons claiming under you, subsequent to the execution, of the mortgage refei red to iu complaint be foreclosed nf all right, claim or equity of redemption in said premise, and that you pay any deficiency remaining after applying the proceeds of raid sale properly applicable to the sat isfaction of said judgment. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable W. A. Harris, County Judge for said Columbia county, oregon, made and dated August IV. b, l'.)13, which order prescribes that service of summons in this suit be made Upon jou by publication once a week or six con secutive weeks in the St Helens Mist, a newspaier of general circulation pub lished weekly in said county, which time will begin to run from tbe day of the first publication he eo'; and the ;iun within which you are required to answer aaid complaint is on or before the last day of the time pr.'ciited in said order for publication to-wit: September 2tilli, 1913. The date of the first publication of this summons is Fiiday, August 15th, 1913, Dillard ft Da. Atttrueys lor Plaintiff, Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORKGON, FUR COL UMBIA COUNTY. Hazel Wuxtuan, Plaintiff, vs. Chas. Woxman, Defendant. ToChas. Woxman. Defendant: In the name of the state of Oreg n: You are hereby required to appear and answer to 'the complaint filed against you in the ab ve entitled suit, on or be fore the or the twelitv-si-venth day of September, 1913, and if yoti fail to answer, plaintiff will take a decree against you as prayed for iu the com plaint filed herein, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and yourself be dissolved and for such other relief as may seem meet and equitable. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon, W. A. Harris, County judge of said County, made on Aug 14, 1913, directing said publication in the St. Helens Mist once a week for six con secutive weeks, beginning the lOtli day of August, 1913. O. M. Hickey, Attorney for Plaintiff. 513 Wilcox llldg. Poitland, ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the county court for Col umbia county, oregon. Estate of Frederick Kammeyer, de ceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed was on '.he 15lb day ol Septem ber, 1913, duly appointed executrix of tbe estate of Frederick Kammeyer, de reared ; and the creditois of said de Ccated and all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to prt sent their claims, with the proper voucher', within six months from the date of this notice, to me, tbe said ex scutrlx, at the law office of Dillard & Day, at St. Helens, Oregon, it being the place fixed for presentation theieof. Dated Sept 18, 1913. Sophie Kammeyer, Executrix of the estate of Frederick Ksmmyer, deceased. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The board of directors of school district No. 55 of Columbia Co. ad vertise the old building and grounds for sale to the highest bidder. Bids to be opened Oct. 1, 1913. By order of the board of directors of district 55. Edwin North, Clerk. Notice to creditor. IN THE CoUNTY CoCRT oF TIIK 8TATK oF oRKUoN, FoR COLUMBIA COUNIY In tbe matter of the estate of Andrew J. Rupert, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by th under- signed, the executor of the estate of Andr.w J. Kma rt, deceased, to t i creditors if. and all persons having claims itgiiiit said etute. to present ,1...... mill. Hi nrmirr Voucher-, wltliin . .... j six months from the date ol this n. lice, , . . . ... i ,,: ..I to the said Executor, ul me iw uim f Mi.i.,,. I t It.v al SI ll.d. ns. Columbia county, Ore.on, the same la b It the .i .. , i. ...... place lor tne transaction m i"- - of said r-tale. Dated August I'Jud, li'13. , Andrew King, Executor of the estate of Andrew J., Rupert, deceased . j Notice to Creditors in the county court ok the ' state of oregon. for i COLUMBIA COL'NTY. i In the matter of the cs ate of Oscar J . Clark, Deceased. Not ceis he.ebv given by the under- sigmd, the udinini-triitor of the estate of oscur J. Clark. .I..ceascd. to tl e credi tors of, and all person having chums against said estate, to present them. with the proper vi-uche', within six months from tin d.ile of this notice, (o the said administrator, at the banking otlhesof the columU.1 Coiiu'y Bank, at St. Helens, Columbia Comity, Oregon, the same being ihe place for Urn transaction of tee business of said etate. Dated August 22nd, It'l l. A. L. Stnne, Administrator of the estate of oscar J. Claik, deceased. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. Nellie R. Higgins, Plaintiff, vs, William R jUlggiiia, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon : You ate hereby requited to appear and answer the con plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within six weeks from tbe date ol tbe first publication of this summons, to-wit: August 29, 1913, and if you fail so to appear and answer raid roniplaiut, for want thereof the plaintiff will 'a lie a decree and judgment against you as prayed.for in plaintiff's complaint, to wit: For a decree that the bonds of matrimony uow existing tctwren said plaintiff, Nellie It. Higgiua, and said defendant, wil.iain B Higgins, bw dis solved, and said parties divorced. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for six consecutive weeks In the St. Helens Mist, a news paper of general circulation prin'cd and published at SLlle'en. Columbia rouuty Oregon, and said service being made in compliant e with an order made by tbe Honorable J. A. Eakin, Judge of the alxive entitl. d court, dated the 27th day of August, 1913. Thomas Maniix.J. w. Maloney, Attorneys for plain' iff. Date of first publication Aug. 2 1. 11)13 Date of lai-t publication is Oil. 10. 1913. Summons IN TIIK CIRCflT COL'Itr CF THK STATU OK OUKUON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COl.UMltlA. Ani.i i M. Van de Car, I'laintitT. vs. It. f. Van deCar, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby r, quired to appear and answer the complaint filed egniust yon In tbe alaive entitled suit, within sis aeeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summon! to-wit: Aug. 9, 11113, and if you fail so to apoear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a de cree and judgment against you as prayed for in tbe plsintili's com plaint, lo-wit: for a decree thai the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween said plaintiir, Annie M. Van de Car, and said defendant, K. II. Van de Cur be dissolved, and said parlies di vorced. This?iimmoiis is served upon you by publication thereof for six consecutive week- in the ft. Helens Mist, a news paper of general cinulatloii, print, tl and published in St. Helens, Col urn bla County, Oregon, and said s rvice being made In compliance wilh an order made by the Honorable J. A. F.akln, Jiidne of ihe above entitled court, ila'ed tbe 27th day of Aug., 1013. Thomas Mannix i J. w. Maloney, Attorneys for I'laintifl. Date of first publication Aug. 21), 1!I3. Date of last (publication Oct. 10, 11)13, First Notice to Creditors Notice 1 hereby given that the under signed has been appointed adiiilnlHlia trii of the estate of Rolit Johnson, de ceased, by'.he C"iinty Court of Columbia County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate will preaent same to me at the (.flue ol Chas. J. Schnabcl, fi00-4 Chamberof Commerce, I Portland, Oregon, duly verified, within tlx (0) months from the da e hereof. Mary Johnson, Administrates. Chat. J. Schnabel, Attorney for Ad ministratrix. August 27, 11)13. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE COUNIY COURT Of TilE STATE OF OREGON, FOR CoLUMuIA COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Vanblaricom, deceased. v..i . i. ,,! tven that 1,11. D Vaublerioui. as duly appointed, quall f. and acting administrate f Ihe es tate of Joseph Vaiiblslicoin. deceased, will sell al public auction all the right, title and itilcie-t or any and all Interest that Joseph V a n 6 I a r I com mV have had iu or t: and now is in or l- ' is estate, the following de scrilied leal pr 'perly, to wit: About 2 1-2 acres more H less lying in the rvml beast 14 of the northwest 1-4 ol Section 4, Towm-llip 4. N. K. i W. of W, M. on the east and norlh side of said pail Alsoastiipof land about 100 ftrt in width lying east of the tract now owned by Guy Mills, and west ol land owned by Joseph llifs-iihotloni. and ru lining to the enter of Rock Cieek and all that pait of (he 8. E. 1 4 f N. W. 1-4 t.lNec.4. to 4, N a. 4, lying beiween the land of Jocsph lluken hottomand East Side Addition Town ol Veriioida, excepting 1 00 'I. by luu It. as shown in look 14, pge Jtt.1. ol the deeds of record ol said Cold ly. And all that part of the S. E. 1. 4 ol Ihe NW. l- of fee. 4, Tp. 4.N.K. 4. b Ing a-l ol Kock Cieek and V. ami N. of Fa t Side Addition to Town of v.mmiia. escent. Ing that deeded as shown by Ux k II. page 320, ol the deed lecorda ol said comity , also aslripof land ehout I0i by . feet lying in the extreme southeast corner of I lie Sw 14 of ihe Nw 1-4 of S.r 4 To. 4. N. R 4 w of w in. And all tint described as lot No 0, Block No. 12 of the T wii ol Wr- uonia, and all the lots ul the l ast Mdr Addition of the Towu of Vrrnonia d scribed by lot numbers slid bl k nutii bets as follows: Una numbers I to 5 ol blk. A, lots numbers I to II of blk. B, lots numlera 1 to 0. blk. No. I. lots i.umWis t to 12. blk. No !. lota num. bersl.S. . II. 12. mk N.. .1, lots' iiiii liets 1..2. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. blk No. 4. h ts uumlsered 2. 3. 4. bUx.k 9, lots immbeisS. 4. 6, 7, H Mk. 10, lots num bers 1, 2, 3 blk. No. 16. Raid sale will lake p'a.-r at ill- County Court House door, at M. llcUu , C I iin liis t'ountv. Oregon, on tt.e Oih day of Ocohei, M ud.iy, two o'clock p. ni. of said day. Ti e terms of sale will lie for cash to the highest bidder, 20 per irniofsnch hid payable at the lime of bidding and the balance on the execu Ion ol the deeds. . . ' Tl . i.u. 1 ,.,ush ..air.iianl lit &1IC .inn, nutii. h.,m i''".. an older by the county court ol Colum bia County, Oregon, ui .de .d eoi. r,d uieiein on uie sua 'isy oi rvpiciuo. i, 1913. ii. D. Vanblaricom, A.luiiuislrator. First publication Sept. 6. I-ast publication Oi t. 3. II W White, Attorney lor Administrator. NOTICK In the nistter of lb" application ol J II I.inville for a lh tine to sell spiritu ous, mall and vinous liipiois. ' To whom It may concern: Take notue thnt I, tlm under-ig'ied. have fi'ed with the R-cordrr of Hi- Cl'y of St. Helens, Oreg in, my application for a license to sell spiriiuoii". malt and vinon liquois in quantities le-s than one gillon, said tuslnest to lie con. ducted in the to called Harris building, situated on Ihe Strand at the foot of Cowlllx street, and said application will 1 heard and acted up n by the Mayor and the Common Council of the City ol Fit. Hr-leii', O egnn, at the Citv ilall, on Mo.t lay, September ti. J'.13,-t p. M. of that il.iv, and at which sild nine and place any objections lo the grantli.g of sa d license wl'l ba beird 1)4. ed ai d filed wiili the Recorder of the C ty of Ht. Helena, Oregon, this first day of September, 11)13. J, II. I.inville. Applican'. Summons. I.N THE CUtcVur T:oURT OF TIIK FTATE OFORICtiON. FOR COLUMP.fA COUNTY. Martha A. Tift, PlaintifT. vs. Tliadius F. lift, Ihfendsnt. In the nme ol t! e sta'e of oreiion, you, Thadeus rt. Tift, ate hereby required to piear and answer to the Compl.iint filed atfainit you herein on r bi fme the 2il day ol October, 11)13, that 'a'e being six weeks from thn publication he. em, and if you fail li a pear ai d answer lieitio. plaintiff will apply lo the court for ihe relief piaved fur in ti e complaint filed herein, and more purlieu lurly denned as follows : "The plaintiir asks that ad cree be granted forever divorcing her from the alaive defendant. That the coint r mitand allow the tsld plaintiff to re. sums ihe name ol Mrs. Martha Annette Anderson, said name bnlng that granted her In a former marriage, and I hat snch other relief I granted a t? the court may teem fit and equitable. This summons is served npon yon by publication thereof for not le.t ihaa ait week t in the St. Helens Miat., a newspaper published In the County ol Columbia, Slate of Oregon, and by order of the lion. J. A. Eakin, .fudge of the aUve entitled Court, which order is dated the 5th day id Heptemtier, 1013, andtl.e dale of the last publication of this summons is the 2th day of out lltl.l. Joseph Minni& Howard Itennett, Attorneys for the Plaintiir, Notice Strayed from my place at Yankton, 32 goats. Finder re port to me and receive reward Edwin Koss. For Sale and Want Adi Ada ia Thee C Junta Bria Wanted -Ck'un cotton m. .. the Mint ollic. For Kent-Km. ma M theBwJ liuiltlinir. Steam hriit, el light, hot ami roltl water. t'olumliu ('p. i!nk A inmmI houso with ih'iw v.T" iIIUIGS, Iota n jroml location in St. Helen lor smo. inquire lor prices snj terms at the office. A 1'urnuin in Iiouho nn.i ITT iroml portion of St. Helens, g mil, fruit trees, rows ete. fj terms. For particular rail ,j Mist ollice. Have your Dictuns taken BiUBJ at the photo -nt. We main views In the country. Call and see our Work. Wild., rhotographsr. For Sale- Some nice While Or pinKton hens, also some fine pullets. Oil or write. Uox Illli. Hoy Ste. art. St. Helen Ore i,p For Sale The furnituresnd (! urea In the Central Hotel In St Helens. Will consider trtile f(,j farm property or ensh deal, prits. and terms reasonable. L. Kima.sco, St. Helens. Itox 112. ForSnle-4 lots, f-room houss, Kasy terms. Inquire of Chu. Smith, Houlton, Oregon. Professional Cards Glen R. Metsker ATTORNEY AT LAW Drpul Dmrtcl Aiuxnry Office in County Coutt Howe ST. HEl ENS - OF.ECOfi DR. L. GILBERT ROSS PHYSICIAN &. SURGEON time. II. nk HM. T f,.1.n, H..lh l li.ilir. CI. IIUCB DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SURGEON OKrit'K IN IUM HI II UMi St. Helens - Oregon T. S. WHITE FUNERAL DIRECTOR UCKNxKI) SXHAl.lSta Houit on Oregon DR. ALFRED J. PEEL PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON 9t Helens Huilillns Cl. IICllUJ DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURGEON llione Main 4St; A liKB; Re. l'',lh!.,."mi1''' Portland, Or. Calls answered day or niM PhoetW W. S Armstrong, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON orrit k at Pacific Coast Hospital HT. IIKI.KN-4 lQl'lTB GEORGE H. SHINN ATTORN EY-A T-LAW St. Helens Oregon M. E. MILLER ATTORN EY-A T-LAW St. Helens . Oregon HERBERT W. WHITE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW St. Helen . Orel rIONS 03 Pacific Coast HospM DR. W.S. ARMSTRONG, SUP HOVLTON and ST. HilWS, Ofti