St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 19, 1913, Image 2

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Borah Says Situation Demands
Action by Congress.
Warring Tribes Capture Enemiea
and Sell Women and Children
Peonage Common.
Washington, D. C. At the first fa
vorable opportunity, Senator Borah,
of Idaho, will lay before the senate
documentary proof of his charge that
slavery and peonage exist, to a large
degree, in the Philippine islands and,
based on that evidence, he will ask
congress so to legislate as to wipe out
these two practices. Slavery and
peonage in the Philippine islands are
now prohibited under the terms of the
Philippine government bill, passed by
congress July 1, 1902, but that act
provides no penalties and makes no
provision for the enforcement of the
Some time ago the senate, on mo
tion of Senator Borah, called upon the
secretary of War to furnish any evi
dence in the files of bis department as
to the existence of slavery and peon
age in the Philippines. The secre
tary's reply, written in the bureau of
insular affairs, conveyed the impres
sion that there was neither slavery nor
peonage in the islands. Senator Borah
has evidence that native children and ;
women and occasionally men, are sold j
and held as slaves or peons, and in :
that condition are often brutally treat-1
ed by their virtual owners. His chief:
reliance, however, is on a report writ-j
ten by Dean C. Worcester, secretary :
of the Philippines, April 30, which is
replete with evidence substantiating
the charges.
After citing innumerable cases, giv
ing names, dates and particulars, Sec
retary Worcester concludes this re
port, saying:
"Negritos, Infugaos, Manobos, Tag
banuaa, Moros and Filipinos have
been captured by armed men, who in
order to obtain them, killed their par
ents or other natural defenders, and
have subsequently been sold as chat
tels and compelled to render services
for which they were not paid.
"Members of the above-mentioned
tribes, as well as Christian Filipinos,
have been kidnaped and subsequently
sold, held and required to render ser
vices as above.
"Filipino slaves have been shipped
to China. Filipino school children
have been secretly enticed from their
homes by false promises of education
and remuneration and have been sold
into slavery and peonage.
"While there has been much noise
about slavery, there has been pro
found silence relative to peonage,
which, in the Philippines, is by far
the greater evil of the two, because
of the large number of persons who
suffer from its prevalence." j
The report of Secretary Worcester
shows that natives of the Philippine
Islands are often sold for as little as
$1.60, American money, and the aver-!
age price paid for slaves is only a few i
dollars, in rare cases price of $150
having been paid. In most instances
the slaves are held as household serv
ants, though some of the more comely
women are handled as are the white
slaves in more civilized countries.
One common method of obtaining
slaves is to negotiate with Negritos,
savages of low mentality, for as many
slaves as may be desired. The Negri
tos make a raid on the town of some
enemy, capture the children or women
and turn them over to the slave-trad
ers, inese jNegntos win lane me
children from their own people, if,
they want the cash, and commonly
will get Negrito parents intoxicated'
with vino and buy their children from I
them while they are drunk. Other j
natives have been found selling their
children to procure food for them
selves, when they happen to be in par
ticularly destitute circumstances.
"When they are starving," says
Secretary Worcester, "it is compara
tively easy to buy their children.
Under such circumstances, I have per
sonally known a Negrito girl of mar
riageable age to be purchased for rice
worth $1.60 gold."
Attempt Made On Life Of Los Angeles
Times Publisher.
Loa Angeles For the second time
within three years a bomb Wednesday
placed In Jeopardy the life of Ueneral
Harrison Gray Otis, owuer of the I-os
Angeles Times building, which was
destroyed by dynamite October JO,
1914. That he waa not blown to pieces
was probably due to the watchful eye
of his Japanese servant, who received
from the postman an Infernal machine
mailed In this city, and called tils em
Dlover's attention to it.
The first Infernal machine directed
at the life of Qeueral Otis was fouud
at his residence a few hours after his
newspaper plant had been destroyed
through the efforts of the McNamara
The attempt on his life Wednesday
was attributed by the general to agen
cles friendly to those for and whose
conspiracy eventuated In the destruc
tion of his newspaper plant and the
killing of 20 men three years ago. Hut
the police and postal authorities be
lieved something might be developed
from the theory that the Mexican
question bad au Impelling part In it.
General Otis la heavily luterested
in lands in the Mexican territory of
Lower California, where two years ago
Industrial Workers of the World Joined
the "direct action" element of Mexi
cans in an effort to establish a social
tstlc commonwealth.
A few weeks ago there was another
outbreak caused, according to report,
by the employment of Chinese In the
places of Mexican laborers Dy rancn
ers In Lower California, but General
Otis asserted at the time that none
were employed by him.
"Any Little Indiscretion" May Be
Serious for Secretary.
Berkeley, Cal. The condition of
Secretary of the Interior Lane was
such Wednesday that Lis physicians
saw fit to order his removal from the
home of his brother. Dr. Frederic
Lane, where he haa been cared for
since his collapse in Uukland Septem
ber 9, to a quieter portion of the city.
He was taken to the home of Assis
tant Secretary of the Interior Miller,
who is a resident here. The Miller
home. In North Berkeley, is remote
from traffic noises of the business
Secretary Lane's physicians said
that absolute rest In the Miller home
for a period of at least two weeks is
essential to warrant his recovery. He
will be permitted to receive ouly
members of his family and Intimate
friends and may not discuss any of
the matters pertaining to his public
"Any little Indiscretion may bring
about serious complications," oue of
the doctors said.
Convict Thank Governor.
Olympia, Wash. In a letter to the
80 members of bis "honor camp" of
convicts on Hood's canal. Governor
Lister promises to extend the system
if the experiment is successful. Gov
ernor Lister, on his return from a
brief vacation on Mount Rainier,
found a personal letter of thanks
signed by all 30 members of the honor
camp, who said: "We desire to as
sure you of our determination to carry
out every promise we have made you
and demonstrate that your confidence
in us bas not been misplaced."
"Shoot to Kill," la Order.
Chicago Chief of Police McWeeny
has detailed 26 men to make war on
holdup men, in the hope of averting
the wave of crime which has made its
appearance in Chicago each October
for many years. The chief's Instruc
tions were: "Shoot to kill if neces
sary. There never must be such an
other state of affairs as existed last
winter, and the time to prevent it is
before it starts."
Plans for Using Panama Canal Are
Rapidly Being Realized.
New York In anticipation of the
opening of the Panama Canal five
steamship lines are rushing work on
ships. Three of these companies
the Royal Mail, North German Lloyd
and the Hamburg-American have an
nounced their Intention of operating
direct first-class passenger and freight
steamers from Europe to the Pacific
Coast via the canal.
In addition to Inaugurating direct
service from Southampton to the Pa
cific Coast by way of the West Indies
and the Panama Canal, the Royal Mail
Steam Packet Company has given or
ders for construction of five 20,000
ton fast passenger and freight steam
ers for service between New York and
ports in Chile and Peru via the canal.
The Austrian Lloyd will send passen
ger and freight vessels from Mediter
ranean points to the west coast of
South America by the new sea route.
It has completed arrangements with
the Chilean government and Is build
ing four new steamers for the propos
ed service.
Expert Figures Given.
New York The arbitrators who will
decide the wage dispute of the eastern
railroads and the trainmen received
statistics Tuesday Indicating that the
roads have increased the size and ca
pacity of freight cars without Increas
ing the coBt of operation. The wit
ness waa Dr. Frank J. W'arne of Penn
sylvania. The employes will use his
figures to argue that either train
crews should have been Increased or
wages raised. Dr. Warne admitted
that he had had no practical experi
ence In railroading and that his testi
mony was based wholly upon statis
tics In which he claimed to be an
San Francisco Is Hot
San Francisco Wednesday was the
hottest day ever known In San Fran
cisco, the mercury climbing to 105V4
In the shade at 2 o'clock In Union
Square, four and a half degrees above
the highest previous mark, scored In
1904. By night the usual cool sea
breezes were blowing again.
The city had no wind from the
ocean, hence the heat was the same as
In the Interior valleys. Being without
humidity, the heat caused no suffer
ing among workers. Reports showed
temperatures In San Joaquin and Sac
ramento valleys ranging from 105 to
110 degrees.
White Rlbboners 8core Hoppickers.
Portland-Denouncing all Christians
and W. C. T. U. workers who pick
hops or work In the hop fields as un
true to the right standard, the dele
gates of the Multnomah County Wo
men's Christian Temperance Union at
their annual convention, unanimously
adopted a resolution decrying the In
dustry and those who aid Its progress.
The fact that beer Is made from hops
is the reason for the denunciation by
women wearers of the white ribbon.
Bryan Warns Against Alcohol.
Staunton, Va. Secretary Bryan de
livered a lecture Wednesday at the
birthplace of President Wilson in
which he lauded the chief executive.
The chautauque tent was crowded.
The secretary warned young men
against alcohol, declared the world
was steadily growing In morality, and
touched on state politics.
General Newa of the Industrial and Educational Development
and Progress of Rural Communities, 1'ubiic institution..
Moth Has Done Damage to California
Crop This Year.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lls. Although the potato tuber moth
bas done a vast amount of damHge to
potato crops In Bom sections of Cali
fornia, it is not expected to Invade
the potato fields of Oregon for some
time perhaps not at all. If necessary
precautions are taken to keep It out.
This la the Informal report made by
Professor Wilson, head of the depart
ment of crop pests, Oregou Agricultur
al college, who has returned from Oil
iforniu, where he made Inquiries con
cerning the tuber moth situation. The
hope that Oregon may escape this peBt
if proper caution is taken Is based on
observations made by George Coin
pore, chief deputy state quarantine of
ficer of California, to the effect that
the Insect has not appeared to thrive
in northern latitudes, as will most
likely occur prior to an iuvaalon of
'But this fact should not be depend
ed upon to keep the tuber moth out of
Oregon," says Professor Wilson. "It
is not a native pest, but one that was
introduced Into California along with
imported potatoes. It has spread most
rapidly In southern California, hut
may appear further north at any time,
and as it Is much eusler to keep such
pests out than to put them on' slier
they are In and established, this lew
enemy should not bo allowed to enter
the state. If potatoes lira shipped In
from other states they should be in
spected and If Infected, they Bhoull
be destroyed before tlu-y are taken
from the car. The inspection may be
made by county Inspector! who oper
ate under state laws."
First School Fair Week Is Success
Annual Event Assured.
Med ford The first school fair week
In southern Oregou has been a good
one. The weather has been Ideal and
there hus been much Interest on the
part of the young exhibitors and their
teachers and parents.
Two local fairs and the county f.tir
for Jackson county have been held
the past week. Rogue river and Phoe
nix held successful fairs and made a
fine showing at the county fair. Oii-i
little girl of less than 14 won a prize
on IS Jars of canned fruit, no two of
the same kind. There was good, ripe
fieldcorn, popcorn, sweetcorn, breuc'.
dreBses, aprons and some fine exhibits
from the manual training department
of the Medford schools.
There will be three more local fair's
before the state fair and Jackson
county will be ready to make a flue
showing in the new Industrial building
at the state fair. Superintendent J.
P. Wells, of Jacksonville, has the
work of collecting and preparing the
exhibit. In this work he will be as
sisted by one of his supervisors, Mr.
Chase, who will go with the exhibit
and have complete charge until It is
returned to the owners In the county.
The exhibits will be assembled for
the state fair. The schools uro In
session In Jackson county and teach
ers and children are Interested In
what they are going to show at the
Salem fair.
Jackson county school fair will be
come an annual event In conjunction
with the county fair.
Trains Are Run on First Section of
Willamette Pacific.
Eugene Opening of the first sec
tion of the Willamette Pueiflc rail
way's line from Kugene to Coos Bay
was marked Tuesday by a picnic at
Noti. 20 miles west of Kugene, at
tended by upward of 2000 persons. Of
these 800 went from Kugene and 400
from Springfield by special trains,
and hundreds drove to Notl from the
surrounding territory. Kugene and
Springfield took bands, which played
on the trains and at the picnic
Talks were made by County Judge
II. W. Thompson, M. J. Duryea, mana
ger of the Kugene commercial club;
Jack Llttell, of Springfield, and M.
Vernon Parsons.
All the talks related to the signifi
cance of the occasion marking the
successful finishing of one link In a
great undertaking.
Many of the visitors walked to the
tunnel, two miles beyond the picnic
Road Tax Held Invalid.
Ashland Road District No. 1 In this
section of Jackson county will be mi
nus a two-mill additional road tax so
far as the Southern Pacific and Wey
erhaeuser corporations are concerned.
This special tax was levied last De
cember, and paid by property owners
with exception as noted above. A rul
ing of the supreme court released the
companies from paying this extra as
sessment. It was thought at first that
such ruling would not apply In this
particular caae, but the decision has
been confirmed. In the meantime It
remains to be seen If other property
owners will demand a refund of this
Florence. Coal In promising
amounts has been found In this vicin
ity this summer, and Frank Ferguson,
of Alder Ridge, has opened a tunnel
Into a mountain on his place, about
nine miles from Florence, In search
of It. He has now reached a depth
of 150 feet, finding three veins In that
distance, and Indications show another
one quite near. Mr. Ferguson Is an
experienced miner and his opinion,
as well as that of many others, Is that
there Is a good supply of coal In the
region. W. J. Butler, whose place Is
near that of Mr. Ferguson's, has also
commenced work.
Measure to Deal With Interstate
Problems Urged By Committee.
Salem A special committee of en
gineers to prepare a national water
law. dealing with Interstate and navl
gable streams, and covering all uses
of water, has Just been appointed by
the board of direction of the American
Society of Civil Knglneers. according
to a letter received by State Knglneer
Lewis from Charles Warren Hunt, sec
retary of the society.
The committee- U made up as fol
lows: George G. Anderson, Denver,
Col.; Charles W. Comstoik. Denver.
Col.; 11. S. Ferguson, New York City;
Clemens llersiiiel, New York City;
Robert K. Morton. Albany. N. Y.; John
II. Lewis. Salem, Or.; Charles D.
Marx. Stanford University. Cal.: F. II.
Newell, Washington. D. C and Gard
ner S. Williams, Ann Arbor, Mich.
George F. Swnln, president of the so
ciety, was authorized to designate the
chairman of this committee.
The August proceedings of this so
ciety. Just Issued, shows thut favor
able action was taken upon a motion
authorizing the appointment of such
committee, which was presented by
State Knglneer Lewis of Oregon, at
the society meeting, May 7.
This action Is believed to be the di
rect result of a paper on "State and
National Water Ijiws," presented by
State Knglneer Lewis before the an
uunl convention of this society, held
in Seattle last year, and a more de
tailed statement, occupying 40 pages
In the monthly proceedings of the so
ciety for September, 1912. This pa
per has been discussed by 14 members
in subsequent issues of the proceed
lugs, and the full paper with discus
sions has recently been printed In
pamphlet form by tho society. It con
tains 122 pages.
The Dulles water power project and
the Snake and Klamath River compli
cations were cited, among others, as
reasons why an Interstate water board
should be created by congress with
power to handle those water matters
which are beyond tho Jurisdiction of
the state wnter boards.
The divided control In water mat
ters between stato and nation was
urged as a reason why some further
legislation was necessary In order to
eliminate the present twilight zone of
uncertain authority.
To promote Immediate development,
co-operation between the states and
the nation was offered as the most
logical policy to pursue for bringing
about this result.
Move of Superintendent Churchill to
Wipe Out Discrimination.
Salem Superintendent of Public
Instruction Churchill's fine detective
acumen saved the school children of
the state $150,000, when the A. N. Pal
men Company, which has a contract
to furnish a textbook entitled. "Pal
mer's Method of Business Writing."
telegraphed him that the book would
be sold to the children in this state
for 16 cents, the same as In Chicago.
The original price asked by the com
pany was 25 cents. Mr. Churchill es
timates that at least 80.0HO children
will use the book annually for the
next six years.
When the school superintendent
learned that the company sold a book
entitled "Palmer's Writing Lessons
for Primary Grades" for 6 cents less
than was being asked for It here he
telegraphed a protest and tho price
was reduced from 20 to 15 cents. Then
It occurred to him that t?ie price ask
ed for the other book might be exces
sive, and he telegraphed Mrs. Klla
Klagg Young, superintendent of the
schools of Chicago, what the price wns
there, and she answered, 16 cents. Mr.
Churchill then made a demand upon
tho company.
Eugene Fruit Association Expects to
Handle 40 Cars Dried Product.
Eugene Drying of prunes began at
tho Kugene Fruitgrowers' Association
cannery on Monday, and 2400 tons of
green fruit will be hnndled this sea
son, making approximately 40 Tar
loads of the dried product The fruit
Is of good quality this year and none
hut the highest grade of fruit will be
taken at the drier.
The cannery this week Is closing
the season's run on pears, which have
been coming In at the rate of 20,000
pounds a day for the past two weeks.
A total of at least 350,000 pounds will
be reached before tho end of the week.
The cannery has orders for canned
pears and dried prunes that will vir
tually take up all of the crop and will
net the growers of these two fruits
approximately $125,000. A car of
mixed fruits wns shipped to Butte,
Mont., where earlier In the season
another carload had gone.
Pupils to Hold Contest.
Creswcll Greater Interest than ev
er before Is being displayed In the
school and grange fnir, which Is to he
held here Friday and Saturday of next
week. The grange Is planning that
Its display here will be preliminary to
the county fair at Eugene the follow
ing week.
A programme of addresses on sub
jects appropriate to the occasion hns
been arranged, and President Camp
bell, of the state university, and M. J.
Duryea, manager of the Eugene Com
mercial Club, will be among the speak
ers. The Creswell band hns been en
gaged to furnish the music.
Gresham Fair Is Opened.
Oresham The seventh annual fair
of Multnomah County at Gresham
opened Monday and continued through
the week. In stock, horses, cattle and
poultry the directors and superintend
ents have been severely taxed to take
care of entries. New stock quarters
were built, but these were found inadequate.
Woman Is As Old As
She Looks
Ma wwmaa wants " M- Many In tlvrfr effort w I,,,,
.uuSfulraB.trtvothe''lBul-.lueH V nraerrtitUons ritaim,,..
take U that iMoultUx ran iKIWUMal la Utedtu llura.
Vturrr. sluaplaas - t . .
larllMa and waas uf a diellnrllr fanilnlnarliararu In a
ah.-t lima hrtn lha dull ere. Ja crow e I ." Ute hasiltu j
i i. j ....... Jk.iul.lan. bjhI lha fellarlnsT si all.
-rT. iK..uuMmiip uf mu nun retain haalih.
Inalaadai kMWaa, pwrdert and peloU, as suur iiiuiat
Favorite Prescription
This famous matllrlM strikes at the vary root of lima
enaml.a ul "ur rmiiaful apiiaereaoe. It you uu
ajllv too young, rwwm J"-a-
Vaat ntmmM aaa I
Frenchwoman a Cava Dweller.
A woman of forty-five has been
found living In a cave in the forest of
Fontaineblesu. Snakes and rats
were her co-tenants. She subsisted
on raw vegetables, and was clad In
rags She wss reluctant to leave the
cave'. I'arls Cable to the New York
She Remembered.
Minnie, aged two years, asked her
mother's permission to throw away
some flowers, ss they were dead, she
said. Her mother corrected her and
told her to say "withered," not
"dead." The following day a mili
tary funeral was passing and the baby
astonished everyone by ssylng:
"Come here quirk, mother; someone
else has withered!"
Mother's Way.
A friend of mine, a teacher, had
just received a very handsome fsn,
and took It to the classroom for the
ediflcstion of the children. Selecting
one of the pupils, she asked what the
lovely thing was. ine rnna urn ih
know. "What does your mother use
to keep her cool In summer?" asked '
the teacher. "Peer." wss the reply.
Embarrassed Tolice Sergeant.
"She caressed me," was the blush-,
Ing admission of a police sergeant at
Tottenham, Englsnd, when a married
woman was charged with obstructing
the aergeapt while he was taking her
husband into custody, the woman
flinging her arms round the Hirer's
neck and crying, "Tske me, tool"
Cause for Worry. j
Friend "Why, Elvira, what's the
matter!" F.ivira "Oh, I don't
know, only I'm worried to death I j
I've had the same girl six weeks, and
she doesn't talk about leaving yetl"
Friend "She doesn'tT" Elvira
"No, not a word I She must be In
love with my husband I" London
Slck-Roora Light.
If there are electric lights In the
sick room they will generally be found
too brilliant, hurting the ryes of the
patient, and not every slrk room haa
the electric lights that ran be turned
up or down. Makes little green silk
bsg snd fasten It over the incandes
cent bulb and It will give a good but
subdued and hsrmless light.
When Her Memory Failed.
Mrs. Worldley "If, as you say,
your master kissed you sgainet your
will, why did you not cry 'Help'!"
Fronrh Maid "Ah, madame, sat eea
just te vord of vlch I could not sink at
ae moment." Puck.
Courage Not Needed.
The greater part ut the roursj, j
la imwiru in ilia wuuil in not of IB. St I
role kind. Courage iiinv la di..i....
In every day life a well as aj7
iviua in i iii-rv neeus, fttt 1
ample, the common county; to be sos I
est. the courage to resist tmni.u
"pvaiiga 1
the courage to speuk tha trula, tka I
courage to be what we rrally tr I
nut tu prpienu to ne wiiat srtut I
.1... .... ... 1 ... "
viia niuinno tu nvv noni'suy Wiuilaj
means. Smiles.
Wholesale Invitation.
There have been many Innocent al
takes made by parson. Among that
In one told of a certain rlrrgymin t.
left a notice In his pulpit to b ttti
by the preacher who en-hinged 14
him. The minister neglected t
note carefully a private postscript
and the people were astonished to baa
the stranger end by saying: "Yaj
will please come to dine with tot i
the parsonage after service.
"Best Play"
is made when your phys
ical condition is normal
Sickly Hrsons are always
ladly iiandicajiil be
cause they lack the tttam-
Q ina and strength neces-
nary to win. I ry a bottle
Stomach Bitters
It restores the atit, aids
digestion and in every wy
helps you bark tu health and
strength. Hit a bottle todty.
Avoid substitutes.
How Simply Awful.
"Just think 1" said Mr. Twlckenv
bury, "those horrid women have been
throwing bric-a-brac at the prima
donna of England!" Christian Regis
ter. Tired of Being Poor.
"Oxford undergrsduate scholar, who
is tired of being poor, wishes to be
adopted by wealthy people." London
Daily Thought.
Let friendship sweep gently to the
heights; if it rush to It, it may soon
run Itself out of breath. Thomas Ful
ler. Harrowing Thoughts.
Germs are bad, of course; but they
could be worse. Suppose they sang at
their work I
Make Hair Grow
Restore Color
Dandruff Is a disease thst dm positive In-
Jury to tha hair folliclas and hair roots KV
KKY DAY ills parmlttad to ail.t. Unlaas
you eaa afford to be bald JUST A LITTLE
LATKR ON yon cannot afford to naglact
dandruff or falling hair for ANOTHER DAY.
But don't as any hair tonic without K NOW.
INO rOB YOUKSKLF Just what it contains.
The aafast way is te slither mis your own
tonlo ar fo to a drug-gist whom you know te
be rallable and hara him mis it for you. Aa
absolutely safe and unquestionably the most
mcacloua formula you can possibly use Is
this very simple one: 6 ounces Bay Bum, 2
eunaes Lsvona da Compose. H drachm Men.
thol Crystals. Mix thoroughly, sad after
standing half an hour It la ready for use. If
you choose, add 1 drarhm of your favorite
perfume. Apply night and morning, rubbing
lot the scalp with the (Inger-tipa. Insist
poa this eiaet formula. If you have your
druggist mli It for you, and you wlU have a
toale that you can depend upon for quirk and
UsOng Mtm. It not only rid yourValJ
b.irM,.ro4,U,p lrr k"fr ,rom '"'""ST.
...7.' 't. ntin an ingrad-
. 7T - "-"' s li m u l 1 e the artlv
noon a
A B gasrsa
laed roofing,
11.10 per roll ("via.
master pitas
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