St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 19, 1913, Image 1

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NO 38.
I'JIilill SCtfi
St-ril tui r Hardware Co. 7, St.
Helm -i. Thai I th y the score
(Miktil at tin- ml of tlit- Uth inning
of one of tin" nxwl exciting games
of tin' ':im"i played last Sunday on
tin- I'. 'mI ground. Stevcni made
the lir-.I s.' mu fur St. Helens in the
4 1 1 1 it i i k fi" I'TMt on a hit by
FUlluuh sigaim.l th rij-ht field
f.nco. The victor got l'Uy in the
fifth with Ivm hits, one walk ami crrois. coring live rurs. St.
Htli M' ic ti t back In tin' fifth
ith l"u:g niul Pill living hit by
Mums, pit t-liint; fr the visitors and
hit? 1 y Kickman and iVrry ami
wmli-v I'y y Unikke; vising us 3
run. Tli'' visitor wored 1 in tin?
k'.iMitli und 1 in the eighth, making
it 7 to t wh-n St. Helena ranif to
Lit in tin- ninth. With three rutin
to tif uti'l fi ur to win the local boys
tiirl."l after them. Dill bunted
saf.-: I.u V. riiuri hit nafe; IVrry hit.
scorin !:!! ami Hickman: Hnikke'a
hit s-or- l IVrry. Stexens and
l!.lhu'h v.oe ran- out., then the
imvs tn d mi the game. The fans
i ha i I, .ft ut tlii heuinninif of the
ninth all came l ack and rooted
rnul!y. Tl.i-n was nothing doing
i,n it,., i ..r it... I'.ii-k-
man got a two hit; IVrry got'lM'ar Co., nd one of their steam
iiisti uc, im.s to bunt, which took the ers will be ut St. Helens the early
visitots by surprise. nnd they threw part of October to take this lum
tl.fl.irl a a ay lr inc tn ret Fiek-.lcr for China.
nun at third, winch xrmilted him
to scire and win the game.
r'irkmun replaced McDona.d in
the hfth and got 3 hits out of 4
til, .iw up.
I!.irl I'erry played a good game
at ., nd, getting 7 assists, 3 put
otits and 1 hits; being up 0 times.
I till hived otr the first purt of the
IfBMii', as he bus a wrenched knee
from the game the week before.
Shrader started the game- for St.
II, Irii-, hut was replaced in the
fifth by Stevens, who finished strong
afti r the lifth inning.
Shiadcr is tfoinrf to bo a biir help
to the St. Helena team. Ker a
Southpaw he has Iota of speed und
Kop, I breaks and control. The errors
were hat K"t him in trouble in the
This makes two camel this ciuh
has played against St. Helens this
ytar, the liiht ame being won by
tin l ortland boya 11 to 10 in ten j
innings, utA tho last game won by 1
our boys S to 7 in 11 innings. Next!
Sunday the snnie teuma will bki'" !
froM bats on the local diamond for
the rubber and it will be the best j
Kanie of lh season,
whii really enjoys
hvery in-rson
a jrl K'ne
ulnnild sure see tho bova next Sun-'
Methodist Notice
Sunday School, 10 a. m. Subject:
The Cohlen Calf.
Morning service 11a. in. Ur. Me
Hoiigall will preach and administer
the communion.
Epworth Ingue, 7:15. Subject:
League Study Classes. Morna Veo
Tians, lender.
Evening sermon, 8 p. m. Subject:
The Consecrated Life. Mrs. Wil
liams will sing a solo.
A hearty welcome is extended to
E. T. Luther, Pastor.
The Schooner Irene, ("apt. Mitch
ell, after taking on a line cargo of
St. Helens lumber, left down Sun
day morning in tow of the Okla
hamn for Astoria. She sailed from
Aiitoria on Tucuday hound for
l-uureston, Tasmania, with a cargo
of 'j 10.000 ft. of lumber. Capt.
Mitchell took along with him his
wife and two children und a friend
of the famly who were anxious to
visit the Antipodes. The trip for
the ordinary sailing vesbel in abr-ut
75 days. Tasmania being about u0 '
miles ..If the Australia coast, but
the Irene, under the skillful sand of
dipt. Mitchell, haH been in the of making smart passes and
his friends here predict a pannage of
about liO days for him.
The King Cyrus, ('apt. Roscndale,
is now out 22 day from the
Hawaaian Islands, and is due ut St.
HeletiH any day. She will take a
full cargo of lumber for delivery at
New Zealand.
The Schooner Heulah arrived at
the docks of the Columbia County
j Lumber Co. on Friday last and ill
complete h-r carKo of lumber to-
The Heulah goes to San
! Diego this trip and carries almost
, BOOM ft. of the St. Helens product
The St. Helens Lumber Co. have
k 1,1 a arire cargo to tne kooi.
The Stean.rr Merced was here
Thursday and after taking -n a
partial cargo went on up to I.innton
to finii-h. She will nail from St.
Helens for Southern California
porta .Saturday night.
Another New Building
Mrs. M. J. Rutherford has pur
chased in the interest of J. S. Allen
in the property on Columbia street
known as the Meeker property and
together with L. K. Rutherford will
bein the construction of a two
store room building 40x60 feet.
The building will have concrete
floor, hollow tile sides, plate glass
front and up-to-date in every par
nicular. One of the rooms will be
occupied by U. Constantin with his
plumbing sh.-P and the other will
be esK-cially fitted up and ar
ranged for a modern printing office
and the St. HeUns Mist will be at
home there after the first of No-
ber. The building will be con-
BtructeJ 80 that the portion now
,.i u.;n l,,. a complete part of a
. ... . .... t.ii,iinir the second
! 8t()ry to be put on when there is de-
, n"nd for it.
W. J. Fullerten has just com
pleted for the State Tax Commis
sion an abstract of all the real es
tate transfers of the county from
March 1st, 1912 to Jan. 1st. 1913.
giving the consideration for each
piece of property transferred. The
commission secured this inforu.a-
...:.k -"imout to taking into con-
v!uesof land and,
BIIUTlllloii i"w
property as given in the warranty
deeds In arriving at a true valu
ation to be placed on the land.
Last Sunday morning a jolly
party of St. Helena and Columbia
County pwple returned from the
Kound-Up at Pendleton, each and
every one loud in praise of the
wonderful out door show at that
place and of the really enjoyable
time had on the trip. The six
yountf ladies who were guests of
i. . i f : i. i
l"e m'sl w ' re 10 lne crowa Rna
" "l l"t,,n "Presseu ueugni
m me inp. a special car was
secured by the Mist for the use
of the St. Helens crowd and each
member of the party was wear
ing a large button reading "St.
Helens to Pendleton; Mist
Special 1913; Let'er Buck," so
that it was easy to distinquish
the crowd. And in I'endleton,
too, after a few hours, the St.
Helens party was soon recog
nized as a live wire advertising
medium" for the best town and
county in the state. The car
occupied by the St. Helens peo
ple was the best in the train; a
large 16-section Pullman, all
steel and located next to the din
ing car. For three nights and
two days the party occupied this
car, day and night, every Ac
commodation being afforded. The
train was parked within a hun
dred yards of the Kound-Up
grounds at Pendleton, making it
handy and convenient. The
Round-Up is the greatest show
on earth. That is all that can be
said about it The exhibitions
of riding, roping, racing, bull
dogging and handling wild
horses and cattle are too exciting
and interesting to undertake to
describe, while the Indian war
dances and loud costumes are
worth the trip alone. It is a
show that every man and woman
living in the western country
should see. People say that they
cannot afford to take the trip,
but a better and more apt say
ing would be that people cannot
afford to miss it. The expense is
nominal and the accommodations
are of the very best. With the
amount of advertising the show
will get from those who attend
ed this year there should be no
difficulty in filling four or five
Pullman cars for next year's
trip from this county. Those in
the Mist car this year were Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Wellington. J. H.
Price. Mr. Ames, GeneBlakesley,
Lester Wellington. L. R. Ruther
ford. Mrs. I. K. Dodd. Mrs. Ira
Withrow, Misses Kate Baker,
Fannie Cooper, Esther Weigle.
Dottie Pringle, Wilma Pulliam,
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Miller. Other
St. Helens people were Misses
Nellie and Erne Perkins and
Hayes Estabrook. ,
Otters unclaimed in the St. Hel-
ens Tost office for the week ending i
Sept. 13. 1913:
Pal Rlackwell 1 letter
George Johnson
Hansen Fred
Strande Oscar
Steelman Albert
Letters unclaimed ty Jepi. a,
will be sent to the Dead-Utter office.
Iva M. Dodd, T. M.
On Thursday, the 11th of this
month the members of the Rail
road Commission of Oregon, T.
K. Campbell, C. B. Aitchison and
F. J. Miller spent the day in St.
Helens and vicinity looking over
the city They were accompanied
by several officials of the S. P. &
S. Ry co., including Mr. Russell,
Mr. Habersham, Mr. McGuire
and others. They were shown
over the city and the various in
dustries here and the question
of putting in a new depot at
Houlton was discussed, and also
the proposition of giving St. Hel
ens a depot. All expressed them
selves as surprised at the won
derful growth of our little city
and also gave expression favor
able to the establishment of a
depot for St. Helens, either under
the consolidation plan, or, if that
could not be accomplished, one
for st. Helens alone. The busi
ness of the city is sufficient to
warrant such a depot, and the
officials, both of the railroad com
pany and the state, recognize it.
Pleasant. Surprise
Mr. and Mrs. M. C, Gray were
most completely and agreeably sur
prised by about 30 of their friends
at the Gray home last Tuesday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gray were
invited to the residence of Rev.
Luther during the evening and
shortly after arriving there a tele
peone call urged them to come
home as there were some parties
there to look over the furnitur
they have for sale. Upon entering
the home, which w as in darkness,
they were thrown into confusion by
the crowd of people who had as-
sembled there. Refreshments were
served and a most enjoyable time
was had by the entire party. Mr.
and Mrs. Gray will soon leave St.
Helens for their new home in
On the night of Sept 5th the j
teachers of the public school were
tendered a reception in the City
Hall by the Epworth League of the
M. E. church. The hall was ar
tiscally decorated with pennants,
flowers and ferns. Mayor Mueller
gave the address of welcome and
Supt. Kilgore responded in behalf
of the teachers. Sereral musical
numbers followed, after which a re
ception line was formed and the
, public was given the pleasure of be
coming acquainted with the teach
ers. A social time followed, dur
ing which punch was served. The
reception has become an annual
affaii and seems to be enjoyed by all.
All members of Avon Lodge No.
62, K. of P. and all members of the
Pythian Sisters Lodge of St. Helens
are requested to be present at a
special meeting next Tuesday night
at Castle Hall, at which time and
place the Uidgefield lodges will be
Arrangements Made
Buildings Complete
Special Features Each Day
Next Thursday, Friday and Satur
day will be held the first real Col
umbia County Fair. Everything is
in readiness for the event. The
buildings are completed, the fence
is nearly all in place, exhibition
tables are ready for the exhibits,
stock yards and poultry pens are
completed and it only remaina for
the people of the county to send or
bring their products, so they may
be seen by the visitors to the fair.
The management of the fair has re
ceived assurances of exhibits from
all over the county. With these
exhibits will come citizens so that
this will be what it is intended to
be, a Columbia County Fair. On
Thursday morning the exhibits will
be placed, and it is requested that
all exhibits be delivered at the pa
villion before noon on Thursday.
W. C. Merley. the St. Helens ex
pressman, will haul all exhibits from
any place in Houlton or St. Helens
will u,trh n trains and boats for
your exhibits, so that if you send
- --
tnem direct to the Columbia County
Fair at St. Helens they will be
taken care of. On Friday will be
Good Roads Day. Samuel Hill, the
noted road builder, will be here
and deliver a lecture at the fair
grounds during the afternoon, as
will also Col. Thatcher. In the
evening Mr. Hill will give a lecture
at the City Hall and w'll show his
views taken in all the countries, by
slides. These features of the fair
are out of the ordinary, and should
be witnessed and heard by every
person in the county who is in
terested in good roads. On Satur
day the school children will have
their day. The various schools of
the county wi.l be represented by
exhibits and prizes will be awarded
to the children individually and the
schools they represent. These are
only features, the main exhibits and
parades will be going on all the
What Oliver Wendell Homes has
said "Gladstone's rule even in his
older years was that of a "twicer''
ag he termed it at public worship.
Church going, he said was not a
matter of fancy for a Christain; it
is his duty for the work's sake. No
public spirited deciple had a moral
right'to absent except for a good
cause, he often asserted, from pub
lic worship, "I am a regular church
goer. I should go for verious rea
son?, if I rid not love it. but I an
fortunate enough to find great
picagure jn the midst uf devout
multitudes, whether I can accept
ail their creeds or not. For I find
that there is in the corner of my
heart a little plant called Reverance
which wants to be watered about
once a week." There is inspiration
and help for all in God's house.
Preaching Servicer and worship
every Sunday t 11 A M and 8PM
Bsble School 10 A M.
"Come thou with us and we will do
thee good."
Plymouth Congregational Church
F. J. Meyers, Pastor.
Western Cooperage Co. to A. P.
Rasmussen 20 acres in 19 & 29 5 2.
A. R. & S. M. Bunce to Ernest
Bryant 2 acres ir 8 7 4.
O. W. Weigle to S. Z. L 15, 16
and 17 B 16 in St Helens.
Scappoose Acres Co. to Ellsworth
Ellis Tract 25 Scappoose Acres
time. It is up to the people of the
county to make this a real fair and
in order to do so it wi'l be necessary
to have a large number of the very
best exhibit of Columbia County
products and a large atte!iu3ic,
Yankton, Sep .
Editor of the Mist and Pe f
Columbia Co.:
Just a few words about our fair
I have the buildings nearly com
plete; just putting on a few finish
ing touches this week. The main
exhibition building is 32x80, with
tables all around the walls and two
through the center; then we have
a poultry house that will hold 150
birds; also a good sized house for
swine; a horse barn 28x60; shedt
for cattle and a few smaller build
ings, so you can see we are going
to be all ready for exhibits by the
! first of the week, and we want and
expect a lot of them. I have the
buildings ready now and it is up to
you to fill them and make the fair
a success. Come and bring some
thing with you for one or more of
the buildings. There is no one but
can bring something if they try.
Besides the regular things that
usually goto a county fair we would
like to have any old relics, pictures,
bouquets of flowers or anything
that will be of interest to the
people. Exhibits must all be in
place by noon Thursday, Sept. 25.
The Fair will last until Satuiday
night, Saturday to be children's
day. Admission 25 cents. Child
ren under fifteen 15 cents. If you
have not received a premium list
write for one to G. L. Tarbell or
T. Brown. Yankton.
At the regular meeting of the
Scappoose Development League
held last Saturday the members
went on record in favor of the Col
umbian Highway. Mr. L. G. Allen
was elected to attend the next meet
ing in this county for the promo
tion of this matter. Also that this
body favor the contribution of
funds for the survey. The League
put itself on record favoring the
dividing of the county into not more
than four road districts, that funds
raised in each district to i
pended in such district. Al '..t
we favor the assessment p. 'vr
the raising of funds rather th...t the
issue of bonds.
P. C. Boicen to L. & F. Alley
Land i n 623.
C. H. Davis to G. L. McPherson
Land 17 6 4 1
D. H. & L. E. Pope to Chas.
Goodman Land in 7 4 1.
A. & F. Hildala to Jonas Wera-
tela 60 acres in 4 7 4.
II. H. Knighton to C. F. Lough
felts L 30 B 1 Titchenor's 2nd add
A. & A. m. Clark to N. W.
Madanty L 10. 11 and 12 of Clark
tract Houlton.