St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 12, 1913, Image 7

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. futry priaaa fc WI14 Dnki
m a - Wrll. M tm
all kind af paalUy. pert, eta,
Petnon raec Co., Portland
Veal. Pork, Poultry, Hides
i AnH our n t rub nrtra Hat
fair trimnt. h.hl prtr, imI
H.I""' " ilv. ua tri-l lt.
.rllTC Wa.eee) K. ( at a. a a,
fllTLM I X I'.i.m i.ri.i..r..
rllUIII' l.
Wf-.i.j llifiwM rliM liwk.
Baannd Hand MaHn.
hmaaht, iuM arwi
him: rnf hh
m.u. ti f "J art
B nwd I
JJJ.a. td f I
The MTopgrade"Shoo
A Feally Classy Shoa
U m Urn mm a .
Portland. Ore.
fSMra.taa.rn Li p ro
ar of PV""" '"-"
e $714
pit. josi:ni ROANE
Urrada Biitltng. r-ltio.
fly auffar r.umilta'l"" fnira a hairy Kn It
iMrtond rvurwlf of MtM quKkly. privmtlj
a vilbMt aia uatnf
ifcitaMfuf arnarat.i that mahaa uly rrawtk
jttum fa-. .. vanish qiitrfcly, Cajmptwta 3
kMtJBt with (uirmlM wilt ha mni ai-waad tm
jm (xn iwi.t II. with laraw ataa hsvauufylna:
fMtCram I' ' Cnlr now f rata tfc intn
K Hand-Power Stump Puller
la I. riUp.lrWk. -n- taal imm.
Something of Lott.ry.
"Will I witil," (aid th. young man,
1i to gat mirrlod and bar a peace
ful quirt home." "Wall, aom.tlm. It
worU that way and eoraellme U'a
tit ulDln' a drbatln' aocUty."
Ai a Dior toward atandardlxatloo
tt I'nltnd Stair (iuvrrnmcnt will ra
julra all elwtrle vrhlrlra purrhaaad
for 111 drpariinoDta In lh flaral yaar
taftnnlnK lih July to conform to
earula prririratlona.
Cleans Blood
Through Kidneys
A Most Important Func
tion and One to be Care
fully Guarded.
Tk pun" th kl1nra balnf ta
Gtw lh U,j, ) quwllun of traallBg
nirowJ k!lnry wcakn'aaa ahould ka co
M.r,J r.ri.rully. Inataad of dnica an
alltfxl ki.lnry ailmtiUnla tha battar plaa
k) t purify tha blood Willi an antldutal
aft audi aa ynu (at from H. B. B.
It ahould rrmrmbrl that tha kid
Ti ara mula up tf a Una nat work at
Maud vaanali. and It la to atlmtilata tha
fiMili.nai activity of kldnay tlaaua
hfuh Ihta rniillry hat work that
. atiuwa una of Ita moat rarnarkabla
Tha madlrltial Talna of tha componnl
ara relutlvaly Jiut aa lll ta
aaalihy kMnay action aa tha nutrlmant
akuiaad from train, meat, fata, aurara.
ar any othar part of our dally food la to I
tta natural ris'onatrtit'tlva raqulramanta :
af tha tin. And thrra la one com
nt af H. . B. which arrvae the actle
urpoa of atliiiulatliiR the cellular tlaaua
the kl.ttina to a hrnlihy and judicloua
ailaailuo of Ita own aiaontliil nutrlmant.
Tkui, In caara of rhfunnit lam. rvatltla.
kronlo aora throat, huaklnraa of Tolre,
aronchllla, aathma, and Ilia myriad of
ethar rrrtr Itidlcntlona of wank kl.lnry
tlnn, flrat fuirlfy your WihnI wllh 8. 8. H.
It will ihn tlaauaa In rahtitld
tlr cellulnr alrcngth and rmiln thalr
kormaj haallh.
lou can ct H. H. 8. at any druB atorav
ut inka no otlirr ao allcil hlixnl purifier.
S- K. 8. la mirrlv it Lotunlcitl tiroduct. 1
and will make u urint inlntuka ta
ke aoma enihualiiat rulni off a mar
ry, ararnlc or I. nil. la of noiuxh .raiura.
Un that nmy do you Irrcimrnlila harm.
8 H. la irired hy Tlia Hwlft Hp
na Co., ino Hwtft Ill.lg , Atliintn. Ua.,
If you have any deep aculi-d or ob
lai blood irouhlo write to llielr Wad
"1 I'r-iinrimciii for free advice. It will
a wuriu yuur hhl.a to tlo au.
Wsys f the I'hilippint lled
Dt-an C. Worceater, form.Hy of tha, of Michigan. .nJ J,w .Ij
ratary of tha I'hlllppin. M.n(U
oma Intereatlng particular, about tha
head hunter of tha Inland of I.uxon In
racant la..., 0f Tb, G.,K,.,,hicJ
M.Kailn.. Ha atatea that aix or
an of th. i trlba fmind In the northern
Prt of th. i.l.nd have been addicted
to h-ad-huntinK. WhCn I firat en
Ured th. country of th. IfuKao " h.
continue.. "1 found many of tha houa...
ornemnnUd with freah human akulla
nd I eaw many victim, of he.d-huntl
Inn raid.
.'.'uWhrn ,n,I,,'K"" r party return,
wlth.nradlt xecute a ceremonial
march or dance one hardly know
which to call It which d.;Hee aucceav
ful dracription. The mun have th.-ir
aplit raincoat, on their bark. On the
ln idea of the, raincoat are pocket,
which form convenient receptacle for
(fory trophiea.
"I have aeen houae with tasteful
orr anient frieze of alternating carabao
akiill and human akulla extending
aniund it at tha height of th. Door. I
have aeen other with great open-work
baaketa of akulla hanging under the
"A man who loae. hi. head ia eon
aldered to have treated hia family and
friend autnewhat ahabbily. lie It not
buried an ordinary peraon would be,
but ia carried to a reating place on
aome hillaide far from hi. nativ. vll
lagn. A tunnel I excavated In the
earth, hi body I carried Into It and
placed In a aitting poaitlon and tha
tunnel ia then tilled. A lane. I
thruat Into the ground over the grave
to ahow that he waa killed in war, ajid
an anito Image rudely faahioned out of
graaa la left to watch over hi. laat
Va Caa Gat Alkta'a r-raae Wrr.
Wrlta Allan N. (ilmn.d, l Hoy, N. Y., for a
frra aamiila ol AlKn'i root-ha. It cum
w.lli., h l iwailau, acbluy laat. Il aiakm
now or I. IUI aha ay. A oartala cut lor
soma. Initowlni nalli and kunlana. All dnif
lUlaaaUll. . ian'1 aoc,t any (uUIUul.
Home Mad.
"My dear." aald Mr. Wombat, "you
look a. frees aa a budding tre. In
yaur new aprlng dre.." "The compar
laon I. good," .neered Mr. Wombat
"Like a tree, I kad to make It mya.lf."
when the appetite is nor
mal and vnu oro nhl( tr In
eat without distress; but
how quickly you go
"down to defeat" when
the "inner man" be
comes weak. Play safe,
and at the first sign of
trouble you had better
Stomach Bitters
It will help you continue
to be a "winner."
Raises the
Dough Better1
A New Yorker tin. Invented a motor
truck with four rear wheel, lnitead
of two, ao mounted on abort axle tbat
the loud la equally distributed among
all of them reKardlea of Uie rough,
ness of tb. road.
Equality of atrength In both arm.
occur, almost twice a. frequently with
women a with men, more men than
women being atronger la th. right
arm than In the left
In How Long?
A number of men gathered In the
moking car of train from Little
ltock to another point in Arkanaa
wer. talking of the food beat calculat
ed to .u.tain health, lay. th. Houae
keeper. On. Arkansan, a itout, florid man
with abort gray hair and a .elf aatia
fled air, waa holding forth In great
"Look at me I" bo exclaimed.
"Never bad day' aicknes. in my
life. All due to simple food. Why,
gents, from the time 1 was 20 to when
I reached 40 I lived regular life.
Nona of these effeminate delicaclea
for me. No lata hour. Every day,
ummer and winter, I went to bad at
9; got up at 6. Lived principally on
corned beef and cornbread. Worked
hard, genu worked hard from 8 to 1.
Then dinner; plain dinner; then an
hour', exercise, and then "
"Excuie me," interrupted th.
tranger, who had remained silent,
"but what were you in for?"
Dr. Pierce'. Pleasant Pelleta regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granule,
easy to take. Do not gripe.
Owing to expansions of Industrie,
and to general prosperity throughout
Norway, th. circulation of bank notea
In 1912 wna aeveral million, greater
than In 1911, and exceeda 100.000.000
crown. (I2S.800.000) for tb. first time.
Those Were Happy Dsjs.
In tha days of Machiavelli
W.r. their vehicle so amellyT
No buzi wagon, then.
. . j t tf . Tt an
ID in aay oi j
Did they read about Hull Mooserai
Had no H. M. party.
In the days of Nell of Troy
Did the end seat hoy annoy T
lie didn't exist,
ti. a i.. t..n livod Alexander
IIIU mrj - . - ;
Kagtim. tune to raise their dander!
They escaped that
In the days of Zerub-babel
Did the lleef Trust .oak th. rabbleT
Lucky rabble, no! j
When Your Eyes Need Care
a H k. (. a..-h Pitt k IT. MfllM !
Mlurln Kv Remedy Co., Chlosgo
A new form of anniury bubbling
fountain for piiinic uni- on
knife edKos rn.lh.tlng from it- opening
to prevent a l-erm.n pulling hit mouth
against the orifice.
A new eUtrlc tool for removing
scale from bollers-nn Kngll.h Invention-delivers
8.000 hnmmering and
tearing strokes Bgnlnat -urfac. to
be denned every minute.
A Half
An Enviable Record
JOJ th hxtory f our acbool.
1 aO B.P ramrriW In taa hiator, of an ,Uoni to kit
and afTorua ua aa aoalkit avportunlty to Ouaranu- f
Writ. a. a, onca f tafw-alk. V
Bh.a-than.1. Hanmanahlp. TrpawrlUn.
reartk S- N.a Marrhwm. rartla Or.
M. WAlKtB. freaMaa.
Cooraa- Daj a a. I am
VilrakaaTalraraphy ...
Tl-raphy and Train Il.atchln 0O
Klrtriral Kn.nnn
:.ll Srvlo
Ooll Praparatorv )
Bora Elrantarjf School J
Minlna and Aaiayln
rh-rnrr J"
Mechanical F!na-innn
Othr couraM M
Bead for Fraa Illaatratod Catalocaa.
LiFollette and Poindexter Join
With Democrats.
To Grow Hair on
A Bald Head
Thousands of paopl from baldxu-a
and falling hair who, having tried Baarly
.vary advertlaed hair tonle and halr-growa
without raaulU, hav. reaicnad thamselvMto
baldness and Ua attendant dlacomfort. Tat
thalr caa. is not hopeless; the following aim
pi. home preacription haa made hair gnm
after yaars of baldnaaa, and la auioanaqoanad
for reatorlng gray hair to IU origtnaUolor,
.topping hair from falling t and
tt. dandruff germ. It will act mak. i tha haU
pw,, and can be put up by any druggurq
Bay Rum. 6 ounce; Uvona da Ccmpo I
uncas; Menthol CryaUU, ena-half drachm.
If too wish It perfumed, add half t one
apinful.fTe-K.lon umhlch anlU.
IHwrfUy with the other Ingredient. This
pr.pan.Uon U highly racommendad by phyat
elanaand srclali.U, and U atwoluUly harm.
ltT. u t contains none of tha polsonoo wooo
alcohol so frequently found In hair toaloa.
Old Lady (who ha. bean lunohlng
with h.r .on)-"Here. WUlUm. you
left thl. quarter on th. tabl. DT !
take. If. lucky I .aw it. bacai. U.
waiter bad hi. ey oa It" IU.
According to an English arllmam
tary committee the production of all
of London', electrlo power
large cUtlon. would .ave S.000,000
ton. of coal a year and greatly leeau
the .moke aul.ance.
Conferees Are Named at Once Gal
lery and Floor Applaud as
Doubtful Votes Are Cast.
WaiililiiKton, D. C. The democratic
tariff revision bill punned the senate
at 5:H:i Tueaduy, 46 to 37. The burnt
of applause that .wept down from
crowded Kulleriea found It. echo on
tlio crowded floor of the senate. Its
parage was attended with surprises
in the final moment, of the voting,
when Senator I.a Kollotte, republican,
caxt hi. vote with the democrats, and
wua joined a few moments later by
Senator I'olndexter, "Progresaive."
The democrats had counted through
out the long tariff fight on losing the
votes of Senators liansdell and Thorn
ton, of Louluiuna, democrats, who
voted against the bill because it would
put Biinar on the free list.
Until the names of Senators La Toi
lette and Poindexter actually were
called, however, no one knew definite
ly the stand they would take, and
their vote, were greeted with enthus
iastic applause. President Wilson ex
pressed great gratification over the
end of the long struggle in the senate.
Senator Simmons, chairman of the
finance committee, who bad piloted
the bill through the finance commit
tee, the democratic caucus and the
senate, predicted that It. passage
would bring Immediate s'lmulus to
the biiHiness of the country.
As It passed the senate, the tariff
bill represents an average reduction
of more than 4 per cent of the rates
of the original bill that passed the
house and nearly 28 per cent from the
rates of existing laws. In many Im
portant particulars the senate has
changed the bill tbat passed the house
and a conference committee of the
two houses will begin work Immedi
ately to adjust these differences.
Leaders of both houses predict that
the conference will consume less than
two weeks.
The senate endeavored to hasten
the bill on Us progress to the White
House by naming its members of the
conference as soon as the bill passed.
Vice-President Marshall appointed
Senators Simmons. Stone, Williams
and Johnson, democrats, and Senators
Penrose, Lodge and La Follette, re
publicans, as the senate conferees.
Senator Stone withdrew from the com
mittee and Senator Shlvely was ap
pointed in his place. The house con
ferees, it was reported, will be Repre
sentatives Underwood, Kttchln and
Rainey, democrats, and Payne and
Kordney, republicans.
The final struggle began at 4 o'clock
when, under a previous agreement,
arbitrary votes began on pending
amendments. In the closing hours of
debate Senator La Follette had been
the center of Interest, proposing final
amendments In the cotton and agri
cultural schedule, and discussing some
features of the bill which he deemed
Minimum Scale Adopted by Commla-
ion In Portland.
Portland, Or. The first ruling to
bo rendered under a compulsory minimum-wage
law In the United States,
for adult women workers, was made
here by the Oregon Industrial Welfare
Commission, following a public hear
ing at the new Public Library, on the
recommendations of the conference
called to determine proper wages,
hours and condition, of labor of wo
men factory workers In the city of
The ruling Is In exact accord with
the recommendation, of the confer
ence on all Its three points that the
working day shall be limited to nine
hours, with 54 hour, as a maximum
week's work; that the minimum week
ly wage shall be $8.64. and that the
noon-lunch period shall not be less
than 45 minutes In length.
It will be unlawful for any employer
to disregard the commission', ruling
after 60 days, when the commission
will make Its formal announcement
The law under which the commis
sion was created and given It. powers
provides a penalty for conviction of
violation of the commission's ruling of
a fine of not less than 125 nor more
than $100 or Imprisonment In the
county Jail for not less than 10 day.
nor more than three months, or by
both fine and Imprisonment
Any employer who discharges or In
any other manner discriminates
against any employe because she has
testified or is about to testify, or be
cause the employer believes she Is
about to testify. In an investigation or
proceeding under the law shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, pun
ishable by a fine of not less than $25
nor more than $100.
I .-v
. .r , m.
I S ;t In. Ij&TK
.00 3i50 4..00
.so AND sR-oo
Boy' 8t f tt9 Wort
$J.OO, $2.60 a I'd. 0t
M-tO IMO&kt UI TM 0&U
h VAir mir f .how
m. Jtitt u muo4 im at I, fit and
vur m thar kM cotla $w-O0 $7.06 tfct)
If irrrt..o to th prU: Kkooa ! ail
lea than, atriea an 4 shapM t tall tvarvboHf.
If yom eomim flail If . I. ! I aa larva fartnrlea:
at BrtH-ktoa, Baca., aa4 m for yaaraalf kow
csrvraiif w. I. aviaa aaoaa ar ma, ion
waald tkaa aadarataad wkr that ara warraal4 la
vtffr, ik bftttr, ftoi4 tMr ahapa ka wotr ioar
tkma aar ataar aiaka lor ma arie.
If w. I,. Dofirlava ahoa ara fio for aala m Towr TirlnltT.
ttnXrr A)Tt? (Wo llie fatftff. Hhtiet for twtry
br af turn ft mil r. at an prtra. M rarnei rose, poatmtta
frt-a. rlt rr I llMt)trati4 tula. It wiil
Kmi ihu W.I.. aahjav ioW T'i kow to orltr It mali,aad t.j; yoa caa
ix.uif lm ttMmm la bat monT on ?oar f-otwmr.
Bttva. on t h ktoUoak W . I. I Ml Istrk Mrttt, If rtt u, Bbm.
r v VA
1tBWaw7 -V if- . ill
m : i ia
A. I- S I
lyr T0 I
auaaniun I
To Keep Cut Flowers Fresh.
An interested reader write, that,
whether the .tern, of flower, b. either
hard or soft, they may b. kept fresh
longer if th. stem. ar. cut off about
a quarter of an inch after placing
them in water. Use .harp pair of
scissors, and b. sure tbat th. cut and
ia not exposed to the sir at all.
Glory of Doing One's Duty.
To do what we ought i. an alto
gether higher, diviner, more potent,
more creative thing than to write th.
crandest noem. rjaint the most beauti-
ful picture, carve the mightiest statue
or dream out the most enchanting
! commotion of melody and harmony.
I Geo. MacDonald.
Coin Scattered By Blast
Salem, Or. Protum was on the map
In lnrge letters Wednesday, for dol
lnrs were scattered all about It. south
ern suburbs. A score of persons hunt
ed for them and each one found at
least one "slmoleon." The postofflce
was robbed during the night, the
thieves loading the safe on a truck
and hauling It away.
At the outskirts of the city they
put a charge of dynamite Into a hole
they had drilled, and safe, money, and
everything thereabout went aeroplan
Ing. After the money had volplaned,
the robbers picked up about $40 of it
and then fled.
Gerard Defer. Worrying
New York James W. Gerard ha.
sailed on the Kron Prlnxessln Cecllle
to take up his duties a. United States
ambassador to Germany. When asked
If he thought he could live on his $17.-
000 salary. Ambassndor Gerard, whose
wife's father was Marcus Daly, the
copper king, replied: "That Is some
thing I should worry about later on."
"Blue" Feeling
of telegraphing- yon that somethlng
Whea yoa feel dis
couraged sad all the
world seezas to bo
against yoa that's
your system's way
Is WRONG and needs HELP.
It may b that your llvar ia th-d and refuses to work, or
oativa orirana have had too much to do and need care. Perha
dlgaativa orirana bav
rich or tmpovariahed. What you nad la a tonlo.
you have bacn eating th wrong kind of food, and your blood ia too
Pr. Pierce's flnlden Medical Discovery
will glv the required aid. Tones th. nttr ayatexa. Th weak atomach la 5
made atrong. The liver vfbratca with new life. Th blood ia cleansed of all
impuritia and eanie renewed health to .vary vein and nerve and muscle and
organ or tn body. r.o more attacu 01
the "bluea. Life boeomee worth while
again, and hop. taka place of despair.
Intltt on getting Dr. Plerce'a
Gclden Medical Discovery.
Sold by dealer lit medicine.
trmUUmt. WorUTt XapawaW a
AMtaol Aoaiatitm. Buffalo. N. T.
Accepted Sight Unseen.
"I have a very clever new nov.l
here," .aid Jones, the lady-like reader,
to the publisher.
"Humph I will it sell, though?
That's the question. Anything in it
about 'abysmal brutes'?"
"Jammed full of them."
"Is it full of 'primal passion'?"
"Chocked full."
"Doe. th. cave man in the book woo
hi. lady-lov. with a club?"
"Sure, Mike."
"Ru.h it to the printer, Jones.
We've lassooed another best seller."
The Midnight Doughnut
Hotbars win flna Mr. Wlnaiow Boothia
Syrup tha beat ramedv to nsa fur their ohiWraa
auilas l ha teething period.
Nice Scratchera.
If a calendar aeem. too pretty to
destroy, past, a piece of sandpaper
over the calendar pad and use as a
match scratch. One of these will not
com. amiss In each room if gas is
A bread that Is not kneaded, the In
vention of a Philadelphia woman, is
aaM tn K niAf ri1ffatlhlA than brenrl
made in the usual way from the same
He Will you marry me if I ask
your father? She Ye., provided you
are .till able to work. Boston Transcript
For Sixteen Years. Restored
To Health by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
More town. Vermont "I was trou
bled with pains and irregularities for
sixteen years, and
was thin, weak and
nervous. When I
would lie down it
would seem as if 1
was going right
down out of sight
into some dark bole,
and the window cur
tains had faces that
would peek out at
me, and when I was
out of doors it would
seem as if something was going to bap
pen. My blood was poor, my circula
tion was so bad I would be like a dead
person at times. I bad femal. weak
sea. badly, my abdomen was tor. and X
bad awful pains.
"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound and used the Sanative
Wash and they certainly did wonders
for me. My troubles disappeared and I
am able to work hard every day. "Mrs.
W. F. Sawyer, River View Farm, More
town, Vermont.
Another Case.
Gilford, Iowa. "I was troubled with
female weakness, also with displace
ment I bad very severe and steady
headache, also pain In back and waa
very thin and tired all th. time. I com
menced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and I am cured of
these troubles. I cannot praise your
medicine too highly." Mrs. InaMuXi
BLAGUE GlSord, Iowa.
The largest electrical steel furnaces
In the United States, having a capacity
of 10,000 tons a year, will be opened
In the near future at Lebanon, Pa.
Established at Woodburn in 1863
nrn roou
m uti.
cause much annoyance to children
and great anxiety to parents.
The presence of worms is recog
nized bv these common symptoms:
itching nose, unsatisfied appetite.
offensive bream ana cone pains.
CUaiue th. lyst.m ol worm Is a very lew hours
is what they all say
ia. a), a. HI. r. im aa nm
of oar
Method, of
Out-of'towa paa
pte eaa hav that
Plata and bikl
work Aniahad ia oe9
day U naeaaaarv.
An abeotata suae,
antae. backed br 3
la Portland
Wise Dental Co.
orricr. notiasi
S A. M. t 8 P. M. Sundav t 1
Phone A 2029: Main 2029.
raltlnc Bid.. Third a ad Waahinctea. Portland
;( av ... 1 -
em ract prow H trMk
mental of loai-rla4MMa,
aitk-lvmUaiM rs-mstiisa
tha Chlaaaa aootor.
Try one raor If yoa hava baaat dotor.BC wltk
tble ona and that ona and haw not ofctalaad r
nan ant rcllttf. laat this BTtt nat ara haalar dla
Dtjs roar nuw Mid prracrth soma ranly whett
action la qniok. n and aafa. Hia Fraiayriptkkna
ar rompoamlM from Roota, lHtu-ba, Pads Mti
Park that hav baon Bwtberwa from avary qaar
tar of tha Blotnfi. Tha twcrau of thaaa att4iatnfa
Jra ant known to th ontaide world, hat kav baa
avndexl down from faihar to ana ta tka akatotaaa
tamiiiaa ia Caiaa.
Tf yrm 1la owt of town and oannot oall, wrHa to
tynptom blaak and oiroulavr, t''-! 4 aamki ia
at am pa.
1621 rirst St, Cor. MorHaoo
Parti aad. Orecwav
P. N. U.
No. 37, IS
WHrN wrltlnc ta adrartlaaia.
" Ua thl apr.