St. Helens Mist I uuwli'u I on I I.. u.J I r rriiLr br f.Ut Publiliina Company Hie .1 . I tin itiiififr .1 111 i v -4,ui.t M'-li li lr Ii l.l l-.H 1if!i-i": i,'K mi'i uiM KaTKS Ml .7r) t.iii-n mu ll- known "ti pll ,. , m.ii ! ieni trr Mi c County Official L'aper .iim ti for Wli.'D nil 1"','n ,,, r. .:. inline the , i r P.. ..i i i 1 i j ill;.' IIWIl) I I ti.iini , .-. ... i .: i : . .-iiiij II luis nit n i'i a' ii- in! In call a I'ui ! !. l! f imrjiii' hi raismk' jnili svilli which t') build Uiirt 1,1 tn.nk mail ilmvn tin- G.l- rivi-r. the fact ri'iiiains i;:lt tin- mail fmm Hmilton to i ..iii . ... .'ittsl'W 'g !-l.'Uill I": (Mil. I" K' ' .pair. I!' varilli'HS of tin' nvrr this mail shuuM he npi rn iJ ,ir trawl between the Ni'lialem ,a'!,y ni.. I this section of the jlnty. It will imt take much uiu'V tn r. pai r this roa 1 ho that : will 1'' ia fairly K"'"l hhan for ravi'l, ewn w ith heavy loads. ,.,1 fur the benefit f the com-rjni'it-t of Columbia county ihiih thi-i roail connects it ;.u;M lie inn1 of the first roads o I).. r pain (I urn) maintained. : hn i...-'i said that St. Helens v;u .shii.v in' a selfish spirit when iiiii' of t he people of this coin niiiity were advocating this a I. b it tie- authors of such .aiiimnts were miles aw ay from ic fai't-i. There has never been a tiiiii1 w hen th" peo.Ii of this )!ii:i.iu:it v paper in (.oluirihia county, and: the success with w hich we have j met ho far is very encouraging ami gratifying. At the I Up there will be people from all ! parts of the western country and from the last. Manv if these people have never heard of Columbia county, hut hi fore tlu? ...nit special leaves lYndie ton. everybody will know that we have one of the best countries on earth. There will perhaps he other people at the Koiind-lTp from Colombia county, and if there are, we invite them to come to our car and join the club for advertising our home county. hverythintf will he provided for! ' the party; transportation, belt!. ;, said arid j meals i" a dining car, the very proposed I ,"'--t"f dining car service, mid re- I ODOES HiifUON CillCLK M) 4S, Women of Wik1 mil, meeU the iccimil atil (nurih Tueplay afternoon of ewb rnonih lit lloiilton, III. Mn. Kl V ik r-tn .in , (iuarilian Neihlor. cui ii'M', Ore.; Minnie A. Morley, (.rk. CHURCHES Houlton M.K. Church First and third Sundays 1'reaching at 11a. in. Sunday kcIiooI every Sunday at 10 a. in. II. O. Oliver, Supt. Kp worth League. Win. II. Smith, president, meets every Sunday even- I ing at 7:;JU, preceeded by a song j service of twenty minutes conducted ; by the pastor, l'rayer meeting ( iililinl.ia t in .inipn, rut Ni. 77, I. i-...H.1,1,1e I. o ( . K. IIkII, "-.levt;ry Thur8(iay eveninK ut7::i. . iihi rni'i ixuriii i n ii rw my oi encii in. ii. tli, nii'iiiriie; I'ati iiiirhs most " 'if 'lully inviinl lo mei-t Willi us. ('. C. KuIk j, Cliii-f I'.ttriurcli. C. W. llLkeslry, ft-ril. would not have avTi d a ood road dow n the ;vvr ti connect clatskanie. ;uinry. Mayjrer and Rainier with ,'iMtnd of the county, and it is 'ry pro'iable if a bond election ut. caile l tomorrow lor ine -iisiii ol tun. is wild wi.icn lo jilda i'iad down the river that t. Helens, IJniiUon. Yankton, app'i. s , Warren, Deer Island il ilnble would show as many otis f t it as would the pre- oincts in the middle and lower irti'ins of the county. Taking he history of road improvement n the onmty by districts and it not hard to figure out that this nil of the county has been build- !i roads w hile some others have i"t levh d anything. The roails sh.AV fi.r tlu inselves. I!ut aside ruin all these facts, the people f this community are interested ii a river road and will do all diey can to boost i', if it comes i a place w here they can do no. 'I'"! roads connecting the dif Un iit portions of the county are necessary and in advocating such ruads no special interest should ! pat forward. When the final 'si is made this end of the e.iunty will be found doinjf its !Jll share, as it always has done. served seats in the urandslsnd at tin' Round I'p eruund-i. The Special will leave lloulton this, Inursday afternoon, and will anive In t'endh'ton Hometime lurinx the nijfht, so that the Kreat wild west show will be just ready to start on its wonderful exhibitions of frontier life. mi.l'MI'.IA II()MI..STI'.:,I) No. 2I.VI l'ri)iliciliiriil i,l Aini-r:i Hii Veoinen, nit-tit llic neroivl an 1 fourth Wel ncMtiiy nijjl.t ol ewch inonlh at Yank ton,()i. ViMtinx iiii iiil erH we'eome. K. S. I'isson, Hi.iHinil.'c I'oTtnm !. I'. I.akh, C"oni5dKi lrnt. Yankton - l'reachintf on second und fourth Sundays at 1 1 a. m. Sunday w-hool at 10 a. m. Leader of class. Mr. Carl K. Olsen. Warren Preaching at 3 p. m. on first and third Sundays of each month. Other and remote points, week nights. W. T. Fairchild. I'astor. When the school -i open in Ore gon this month the pupils are re quired to buy new books all around. Just why this should be so in hard to tell, as a rule. Of course some of the books arc out of date, but in a majority of cases fie old books are just as Kood as the new. This thintf of chanKif))? the school books every six years is more of a tfraft than anything else. It puts thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars into the pockets of school book publishers and in many in stances this moicy comes from families who i-annot alTord it. Then the book publishers are in many instances Riven to un scrupulous methods in charging more for their books in one state than in another. Such an in stance w as had here this year when one of the concerns was chartfinjr 2o cents for books here Mizi'.i;: n.i "tki. . mi Vi-rll! i'l Mas lie I. ill .t i.l (.Hirt h r-iiim l-v- o. MAHY ..I.OU'.i l.t'C iiUAY, Si-iTi'ia. i .10, f). :. S J -..ii ml acii moiilli W M. Speed Accuracy Stability l .v; ii7,l .o. c v;:."-y'"ti.H.i t. Ilt l. n- I.iiilif No. 117,1. '). O. I'. lllC IH 1 1 K liin! 1- in.i.ii 1 1 i' hci ii 1 1 h ii. 1 lourtli S ttiir.litys if i Ii month, i si 1 1 ii u in. iii'.itk ai .i!.ivh,mu-ii a lit-iirtv Hi-Nome. etui... i . ti.T, n. ;. J. W. A In., Sir. Av.n; No i,J RniirlilH ot y . 4, tH' -1 4 i' wry T'lcUny KmmiI: x in a ile Hull, Si. llflctm. Vif ltinK K ijjlitf h1 w hvn h t'lcollll. M, i:. MilUr, C. ('. Harolil K..SH, K . of RAS 7(k sr. ih:i.i:n l.oi'iiK ND. A V A M. Met-tfi 1st Hint .1.1 Siituiii' in each ni' iit'i. Yiii'inu hrolhi'm iirilillv welt'omnl. II W t'lark. Mai-trr; K. IC. (iuii k. SccretH. . I'ni'e.l A r I i h :i i . h . Aenility No. K0, tiiir's lir-t ami lint. I Salnr.lay of Mi II moi th h! K . of I'. Hall. St. Hf V. . 'Illeem: M A , M s. l.i.ii H.'ol.ets ni ; Mi), nt, M I-)..--;.r; Si c, Mrs Matiel 11.11 , To -.. J. Kill All iilii K A-li-am me con!i;i!lv invileil. Columbia County Bank OLDEST IN THE COUNTY ST. HELENS, OREGON Capital . $50,000 Surplu. . . . 10,000 Stockholder Additional Liability 50,000 Total . . $110,000 This is your protection ichrn yon do business iith the Columbia Co. Hank. Four er cent in terest, pftid on, Snrings .leeounls. Any amount ft start an account. BOARD OE DIRECTORS Wm. M. Rot, President L. R. Rutherford, Vice-Pre. A L. Stone, Caihier J. S. Allen, At. Caahier L. G. Ro k i i i i i 4 that they were selling in Chicago Q for It) cents. When the state officers found this thir.: out they made objection, but not until several thousand had already been sold for the exorbitant nrire. it would be a trood piece of work for the next legislature j Q in reneal the law rcnuirimr a ft v " - chanKc of text books every six years and leave that matter up to the Hate Superintendent ami the bounty Superintendents or some other board, the members of which know trie needs of the school children. In order that the people of 'Jri'Kon and Washington w ho at tend the liuund-Up at I'endleton may know that there is such a I'liice as St. Helens. Columbia county, in Oregon, the Mist has chartered a special car which will be loaded with Columbia eininty people with all the neces- s;try advertising matter on hand t show that we are alive. The Mist special will be hooked onto 'special train leaving Portland Thursday night, and. it will con ia"i. m addition to the seven Viang ladies who are guests of Mist, about 120 ladies and K'Mitleinen from this locality, ev''ry one of whom will be ready t" tell of the wonderful prospects f this section of the state. K a httle canvassing had been done '"Veral cars could have b-en f'lh'd, but our time was limited 8n I it was somewhat of an dx Pcriment. so we limited the spuria! to one car. This is proba !ly the first undertaking of the kind ever taken hold of U a OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS it" forty fifth tcliool year irTiMHf i. '' DEGREE COURSES - m.ny pl.sof .a.lCULTURC. rNQINtCHINO. MOMt tCONOM.C. MlN.NO. fORI.TRY. COM MIHCC PMRMCY. TWO-YEAR COURSES l Aokicul tubc howi economic MrcH.N.c ,. rOBlT. COMMCBCt PHRMCY TEACHER'S COURSES ""l tr.inh.n, .K.i. ultnie, lom.-.tic icicncr llll Hit. MJSIC. imUi'lin fi.uo, b"d iH.triiiiii-nl!" mut culture. A DEAUTIFUL BOOKLET rntltlr.1 "TllH KxBtCMMBMT oK Re t. U'K ,n I CTAi.n.Uil will ! niHd free ou iillcntlon. A.Ur. H. M- TknhT, R.-Uti. dwlin-) CoiUi. Ortjtoo. For Sale Some nice While Or i.ioirton henH.iilHosome line pullets. or write. I!nX :til- V.. II ' - - - nrt. St. Helens. Ore ' TOW PORTLAND HAIL Rainier Mineral Soap The Soap of a Thousand Uses COMK .ILL YOU P.UXTKUS, PRLVTEliS and .UKCILLXJCS und THY .1 JUU OF RAINIER SOAP o C.H.dOHN&CO. o M THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 1 II ied. These are the essential features in a typewriter, possessed ONLY by the UNDERWOOD which holds every inter national Record for SPEED and ACCURACY -The Machine You Will Eventually Buy" UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPLY (INCORPORATED) 68 Sixth Street Portland, Ore. BRANCHES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES This best grade Cotton Felt $15.00 Mattress for $12.50. We have regular S1S.00 Silk Floss Mattress at $15.00 Other Mattresses as low as $3.00. Give us a call if you need anything in our line HIZlSKUrOOD & ROSS UNDERTAKERS HOUSEFURNISHERS EMBALM ERS UtiiLUHimiULUiULUtiiLlAHiLliiiULAAiUt GET THE HABIT All Work Guaranteed Estimates Furnisl R. CONSTANTIN Plumbing anJ Sheet Metal Heating Work St. Helens of going to BROWN'S CENTRAL GROCERY Our prices are right and we aim to please. We carry Preferred Stock Canned Goods. White River Flour. Try Them Uov Stow-ltp STEAMER Arrive- .1 Pmtliui.l 1 . A. M. Arriven St. Iltl""t P. M F..r Sale "The furniture ami fixt ure in th.' Ontral Hotel in St. II.IirM. Will cnsi.ler tral f-r fll,m property or cash .leal. ITico. 1 D I E 11. MOIKWS S- SOX hare just receired from Xcir York a beautiful line of Spring dress goods, tremmcd hats, and all orer embrodery, and laces. Yc asl; you to call and see our new stock it is worth your w h i I c . MO RGUS cSc SON I-I. Chris Johnson & Sods Succewurt to St. Helen Auto Co. Will positively meet every train Autos for hire. Calls answered day or night Phone connection Look for the cars with the Red Cards St. helens Oregon ti An Invitation )S est ended you, risit the to Favorite Restaurant everything built new und clean Zll SI IIDKHAKKR, Prop. For Sale 24 white Leghorn pul-1 lets and cockerels; also fancy j pigeons, several varieties. Tigeons received blue ribbons at Clatskanie J Fair. For information and prices write Robert Hamill. Deer Island Ore. Houlton Free Methodist Church Allen, Felton & Quick REAL ESTATE DEALERS INVESTMENTS. KENTALS. INSURANCE. COLLECTIONS. LOANS, LAND TITLES. APPRAISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR. GUARDIAN. FISCAL AGENT CONVEYANCE. EXECUTOR INFORMATION AND EMPLOYMENT ST. HELENS . OREGON 2; r-V -W-i niul terms reus. inabl. L. Kosasco, St. Helens. Box 142. Pry Fir Worn 1 for Sale- Delivered in lloulto-.i and St. Helens. Wm. Skuzie. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and 8 p. m. l'rayer meeting on Thtrsday even ing at 8 p. m. ' J. N. Wood, IVstor. Columbia County Abstract And Trust Co Abstracts, Real Estate, Insurance. Loans, Conveyancing St. Helens, Oregon i