St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 29, 1913, Image 8

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Mrs. Georg Adams and Mrs. 0.
Olson wert In Portland on Friday
of last week to see the. circus.
Ladies Aid of Congregational
church will meet with Mrs. Dem
ing on Thursday, the 4th of Sep
tember. A full attendance is de
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Muckle
visited in Portland during the
Mrs. M. Rosenthal went to Port
land today to meet her cousin,
Mrs. Cohn, of San Francisco.
Mrs. Dart and Miss Bertha Dart
were in Portland on Thursday.
Dr. Cliflf and family and Dr.
Ellis and family visited at the
home of C. H. John on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Vogle and
little daughter and Miss LaDuc
of Rainier visited friends in St.
Helens on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. P.T. George were
St Helens visitors the past week.
Mrs. Willard Jones is spending
the week in St. Hslens visiting
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Erick
Morton of Bachelor Flat Aug. 26th.
a son. Dr. Edwin Rosa attending.
Among the friends of the late
Mrs. Conyers who attended the
funeral at Clatskanie on last
Saturday were: Chas. Muckle, J.
George, Amy George and Mrs.
W. B. Mackay.
Mrs. J. M. Hanson of Portland
will open a first class millinery
tore in the Bank building the
first week in September. Mrs
Hanson is a sister-in-law of D. B.
Hanson, the well known saw mill
architect who planned the big
St. Helens mill.
J. W. Day lett yesterday morn
ing for Maine, where he will
spend a month or more visiting
with relatives. He has not visited
at his old home for more than
thirty years and expects to visit
all the cities and communities
which he kne as a boy and
young man before, he returns.
Miss Loriel Collins of Portland
ia spending the week with Mrs. J.
L. Zipperer and Miss Slade in this
Mrs. Parsons returned home last
Thursday from a Portland hospital
where she underwent an operation.
Mrs. Parson's friends will be glad
to know she is recovering rapidly
and will soon be about again.
Word received at this office from
the "Muckle part" is that they are
having a delightful time.
Mrs. Fred Adams and her sister,
Miss Drake of Deer Island were St.
Helens visitors on Thursday.
ladies of the Congregational church
entertained, as is her usual custom,
the members and friends of the
church and society at her hospitable
country home, Kose Hill. A general
invitation was extended to all from
the pulpit of the Congregational
church in behalf of Mrs. Lamont on
the preceding Sunday, and about
forty men and women accepted and
enjoyed a delightful evening stroll,
a bountiful repast served on Mrs.
Lamont's spacious porches, an en
joyable informal musical program
and withal a generally happy time.
Mrs. Fred Elder of Pueblo. Col.,
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. F. J. Meyer during the past
month, returns to her home today.
She carries with her a collection of j
Oregon rose slips furnished by Mrs. I
E. E. Quice and others, with the
intention of growing them in her
own garden in Pueblo. Mrs. N. R.
Jones, Mrs. Meyer's mother, who
came out with her daughter, will
reside with Mrs. Meyer at the par
sonage for some time, as she found
after residing' on the coast for a
year that it would be impossible for
her to live in the Colorado climate.
Mrs. Jones remained in Colorado on
her last trip only one month.
Wanted To trade for real estate,
one 35 II. P. 4-paasenger automo
bile. Enquire at Mist office.
Congregational Church
Preaching by the pastor every
Lord's Day 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Beginning Sept. 7th Bible school
will convene every Sunday morn
ing at 10 a. m. Everyone not
attending any other Sunday
school is urgently and cordially
invited to worship and fellow
ship. "Come thou with us and
we will do thee good."
Rev. F. J. Meyer, Pastor.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Bosel on Aug. 25th, a son, Dr.
Edwin Ross attending.
On Thursday, Aug. 21st, Mrs.
George Lamont, assisted by the
Methodist Notices
Sunday School, 10 a. m. Subject:
Israel and Mt. Sinai.
Rev. Fiank James of Portland will
have charge of the preaching serv
ices both morning and evenitg.
Epworth League, 7:15. Subject:
Vacation Experiences. E. A. Ross,
A hearty welcome is extended to
E. T. Luther. Pastor.'
County Court
Saturday, Aug. 16th, 1913, 5th
judicial day.
Court came purstant to adjourn
ment. Officers all present.
Due proclamation being made the
following proceedings were had:
In the matter of the application
of E. M. Watts, J. G. Watts, Min
nie A. Price and D. W. Price for
the vacation of the alleys through
blocks 1, 2, Sand 6 in Greenwood
Addition to Scappoose. Oregon:
Whereas, E. M. Watts, J. G.
Watts, Minnie A. Price ami D. W.
Price, having filed on the 11th day
of July, 1913, filed with the County
Clerk of Columbia county, Oregon,
their written petition for an order
of the above entitled court, vacating
the alleys through blocks num
bered 1, 2, 3 and 6 in Greenwood
Addition to Scappopse, in Columbia
county, Oreg n, from which peti
tion and the records of conveyances
for sajd county, it apears that said
blocks and the whole thereof belong
to said petitioner, who collectively
and severally own all of said de
scribed blocks and are used only for
residence purposes;
And whereas, it further appear
ing from the affidavit of C. W.
Weaver, that due and legal notice
of the filing of said petition was on
the Uth dav of July. 1913. posted
in three of the most public places
in said Greenwood Addition and in
said town of Scappoose, Oregon,
wherein public notice was given
that said petition had been filed,
and would on the 16th day of Aug.
at the hour of 11 o'clock, at the
court room of the county court
above named, in the court house in
the city of St. Helens, Columbia
county, Oregon, be presented to
said County Court fur hearing and
its action thereon.
And said petition having come on
regularly for hearing at this time
and no objections having been filed
thereto or now being made; and
appearing to the court that all the
allegations of said petition are true
and that said Greenwood Addition
is not incorporated and does not lie
within any municipal corporation;
It is therefore, now, ordered that
the alleys through blocks numbered
one(l), two (2), three (3) and six
(6), in Greenwood Addition to
Scappoose, in Columbia county,
Oregon, be, and the same are va
cated. Whereupon, Court adjourned.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Pomeroy during the
past week have been Mrs. W. H.
Colwell and daughter from Port
land; Mrs. Blue and her two child
ren from Salem.
On Friday evening a theatre
party consisting of Mrs. Grant
Watts, the Misses Neva Boyle, Hazel
Watts, the Misses Neva Boyle,
Hazel Watts, Ruth Duncan. Eva
Garrison and Messrs. Grant Watts,
Niblock, D. W. Price, Lloyd Price
and Watta Price went to Portland
to see "Every Woman." All were
delighted with the play.
The school board has decided that
school will open Sept. 15th. An
excellent corps of teachers has been
selected for next year: Supt., E.
0. Bundy; II. S., Lina Heist; 8th
grade, Lena Tultz; Cth and 7th,
Mrs. M. VV. Hatfield; 4th and 5th.
Blanche Miller; 2nd and 3rd. Hallie
Hart; 1st, Iva M. Luce. Supplies
for the school year have been pur
chased and all will be ready foi the
beginning of a good year's work.
Miss Mary Adams and Miss Eva
Garrison are spending their vaca
tion at Carson Springs, Wash.
Mrs. Albert Johnson has re
turned home. She was accom
panied by her mother, Mrs. Krcpps,
and Mrs. Cole, who will spend mine
time at the Johnson home.
lr. B. lilat.-hford and family and
Mr. Clay DeGraffe have returned
from Seaside where they have been
enjoying an outing,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleston moved
on Thursday to Clatskanie, which
will be the center from which they,
with Kev. Chase, will do evangel
istic work in the lumber and railroad
camps. Their many friends wish
them success in their new field of
Miss Ruth Duncan has begun her
year's work as teacher in a school
near Rainier.
Lauren Johnson, Gladys Johnson,
and Helen Watts have returned
from their visit from Husom, Wash.
The "Girls of the Blue Buttons"
were entertained by Miss Hazel
Watts on Friday afternoon. Ti e
time was pleasantly spent in the
making of booklets descriptive by
picture of tirl life. Light refresh
ments were served.
Miss Grace Hays from Portland is
the guest of Miss Hazel Watts this
Mrs. A. II. Nossman, with her
two children from Whitewater,
Kansas, is visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
John Richardson, who was in
jured at the new Chapman camp by
a fall last March, has s far re-1
covered that he made his friends
here a visit on Tuesday.
Mr. Grunt Watts anil son James
are sbending a few days at Seaside.
Mrs. J. Adams, Miss Mary Adams
and Miss Eva Garrison returned
from Shippard Springs on Sunday
last. They all report better health
as well as a good time.
Mrs. I). W. Price and daughter
Neva have returned home after a
month's stay at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Ijron were also Bur
prised by an unexpected visit from
her sister, Mrs. Arnold Gresel of
Portland and MisaHellen of Salem.
They were accompanied by Mr.
('reset and son
F. E. French of Reno. Nevada,
visited 1iia half brother, Albert
Larson on Friday.
Mr. and Mr. M. Link took their
daughter to Port'und Friday to be
operated on for appendicitis. The
operation was a success und the
daughter is improving nicely.
W. E. Wiley and W. M. I'ilUbury
of Portland was in the city Satur
day. Mrs. T. C. Watts went to Sea
sido Saturday afternoon to nttend
a reunion of the old timers of
Eugene Ore.
Capt. Sumby of .
town Sundav. U
F. M. Daniels of Tid. r
G.L. Tarbell of v. Z
the citv on Mm.i., " H
- ".
Fritz Anliker, wlf,
ter of Tide Creek J , :
Saturday evening Mr V
is logging for the Length,, ,
mill at that pW 'Bl
J. M.Lindsay w..
tor Monday.
M". G T. m-
Bobbins and Mr. 7..iu ,.
were the guests of Mr,, j '!
row Saturday.
Mrs. Robert Fry f Kw
turned home Wedm.a; tf
two weeks' V.nit with fri
thia vicinity.
voir C.LY c,Kt
.!U n- Do:en
for Your AVV ut
Attention Harrison's sTcrc
( 'jll.lululc
Tll ( ntiMn hrii tir.itly ilipil ami lillcj in with ruiur of llir rukUm
nii nu ni.h In voir, ami brought " tt'ailrtl to the Ciuiicil DrpiMinnt ail
omiitrnr uiv I'.ni ( n.ii. .Nmi in iut.
Mrs. J. P Emmerson and daugh
ter of Mayger visited her daughter,
Mrs. C. T. Rambalski, last week.
Harvey and Gladys Jordan have
arrived home from a visit with their j
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. '
Shultz. of Reave Valley. j
Rudolph Anliker and Geo. S.
Snyder were in Rainier on business
Tuesday. i
It was Fred Lengaacher'a home
that was destroyed by fire, not W.
F. I-engascher's as reported last
week. J. M. Fowler of Rainier is
building a new home to replace the
one burned.
A pleasant surprise party was
given Mr. a..d Mrs. Geo. S. Snyder
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. '
Albert i.arson luesiiay evening.
Mr. Snyder and family contemplate
starting for Lorain. Ohio. Their j
many friends take this opportunity j
to gay good-by. We are sorry to j
have them go, but hope they will j
return. Whist was played until j
11:30 when a dainty lunch was!
served. The first prizes were won
by Mrs. Wm. Hyberger and T. C.
Watts, the consolation prizes going
to Mrs. R. B. Tipton and D. AhIut.
r4Tx WfPiP
Rtmington-UMC in tht Box with tht Rtitti
A CF-NSUS f Revolver and Pitol F.perts will show,i tun mnjoniy use ncmington-UiVH-. cartnatfr-t
for prompt Ignition, uniform and sure; and aauraq
demonstrated by world's records.
"' 'T-SN'it ri.J a.rj h.Uh, Cara ArMfa . . 0t
.h J . In.loor PK.MkH r-.Mol KmoH k.M kT (irar. ArMm I
World t Hr.anty rMt hnt KspiiJ Pt, Rmot4 fcclij br A. I. LM . .
. U I 0J f.k.l Hnnln, Hm,4 M A. f. I M . . . . Jlll
.k I .,JA,, lrlll KMord ImM r A. I. Um ...
WotUl M,l,i. K,,j imM br Stmu.l r.i.rxM JlSlfl
Cnnyour denlrr give you tU Rmington.UMC mmunition JOS
ought lo hav t tot tfwry tlanJarJ m4
rid tha bo beat iha Had Ball maik. Look lor .
emington Arm Union Metallic
Cartridge Co.
2W Broadway J Naw York
By Gross
" 1 1 " - "
mms ' 1 ' "E' ' '