Summons. IN TMK ClKCIuFcorRT OK TUK STATE OKOKKtiON, rOK OOU'MHIA OOfSTY. Martha A. Titt, HaitititT, vt. Thadens F. Tift, IVdendant. Id the name ot the state of Oregon, you, Thadeua S. Tift, are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you herein on tr before tLe 9th day of August, 1913, that dale being six weeks from the publication herein, and if you fail to appear and answer herein, plaintitf will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed herein, and more particu larly defined as follows: "The plaintitf asks that a d cree be granted forever divorcing her from the above defendant. That the court per mit rd allow the said plaintiff to re. tome the name of Mrs. Martea Anuetta Anderson, raid name being that fjraated her In a former marriage, and that Mich other relief be granted as to the court may stem fct and npiitahle. ' Ma O. Cohen & Joseph Mannix, Attorneys for the riaintid, UMMONS INTHK CIRCTIT CWKT'oF THE STATE OF OREtiON FOR COLUM BIA COUNTY. Hannah C. Fr, I'laintiff, VI Faul Kdnard Fors, I 'oft ndant . To Usui Edward F is, defendant: In the came of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint til' d against job in the above entitled suit, on or before the JiHh day of August, 1013, and if you fail to answer, plaintiff will take a de cree against you as p raved for in the complaint tiled herein, to-wit: Tliat the b inds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and yourself be dissolved, aud for such other relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. Service of this sum mons is made upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Jude of said court, made on July Hth, 1913, dir?ctiug said publi cation in the "St. Helens ilia," once a week for six consecutive weeks, be ginning with July 18th, 1913. O. M. Hickey, Attornev for 1'lainiirT. 618 Wilcox BMg., Portland, Ore. Firt publication, July lh, li13. Last publication, August 1913 Alias Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. f 'argaret Bean, I'laintiff. vs. Arthur L. Bean, Defendant. ToArtburL. Bean, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon yon are hereby requited to appearand make answer to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice to-wit: the (5th day of September, 1913, and if you fail so to do, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment and decree against you, forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between you and the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff be given her maiden tame and have sn h other and further relief as to the court seems equitable and just, together with plaintitl's costs and disbursements herein. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication of the same in the St. Helens Mist, a weekly newspaper, for six successive wteks by virtue of an order eined by the Hon. J. A, Eakin, Jmlge of the above entitled Court, on the 21st day of July, 1913. Date of the first publication the 25th day of July, 1913. I 'ale of the last publication the 5lh day of September, 1913. Ferry C. Stroud, Attorney for I'laintifT. First National Bank Bldg,, St. Johns. Oregon. Citation IX TUB COUNTY COUKT OP THE STATE OF OREGON, FOH COL UMBIA COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of P.. B. Sanders, Deceased. To A. D. Sanders, M. A. Sanders, E. E. Sanders ami F. M. Sanders, heirs at law of said deceased, and all persons unknown having any interest in said estate: In the name of the state of Oregon: 1'y order of the shove earned Hon. Court, made and entered on the 2 lib. day of July, 1913, you are hereby cited ami required to appear before the said County Court, at its court room in tte City of St. Helena, Oregon, on Mon day, the ISth day of September, 1913, at me o'clock p. m., then and there to show caue, if any yon have, why an order of said court should not lie made granting to L.SL. liutherford, as ad ministrator of saiiLtstate, permission to sell and directing him to sell, at public or private sale, as may appear to the best advantage of the estate, that cer tain tract of land lying in Multnomah County, Oregon, known as lot Na 9 in block No. 2 of R'.ckwood Tark, accord ing to the plat thereof duly recorded in the poMic records of said county on the Hth day of May, 1907; and the S. W. 1-4 of the X. W. 1-4 and the YY. 1-2 of the S. V. 1-4 of Sec 2. township 0 South, Ranite 3 East of Willamette Meridian, located in Marion County, Oregon, it all ieitig the properly of said estate; or so much thereof as mav be necessary to pay the debts of said de ceased and the charges and expenses of admin. stratum. Wtiui s the Hon. W. A. Harris, Judge of said County Court, with the seal of said court atllxed this 2Uh day of July, 1913 Attest: H. K. I a Tare, County Clerk and EtOlbeio Clerk of said Court. (Seal of County Court SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COUKTOP THE STATE OK OKEOON FOR COLUM BIA COUNTY C. I. Hooghkirk, Plaintiff, vs. Joceoh Silva, Catt.t riue Silva, K. F. Vorht es, Delia Vooihees, L. V. Voor hees, Olive Voorhces, Wa'ter Voorhi ea, Nettie Yoortiees, Delia Vooihees and the unknown hens of Isaac Voorhacs, deceased, the unknown heirs of William Yoorhees, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any fight, title, estate, lieu, or in terest in the real estate described in- the complaint herein, IVfendants. To E. F. Yoorhees, Dell Voorhees, L. V. Yoorhees, Olive Yoorhees, Wal ter Yoorhees, Nettie Yoorhees, Delia Yoorhees and the ui known heirs of Isaac Yoorhees, deceased, the unknown heirs of Wil Yo rhees, deceased, and also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate de scribed in the complaint herein, De fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon : You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons, tin' said period of time being six weeks from the day of the first! pu hi cation of this sum mons, ard said last day of publication being the 12' h day of September, lull and if you fail to so appear and ans wer, said complaint tne plaintiff wil cause yonr default to be entered and apply to the court alove named for the re iefdrtuanden iu said complaint, to il it: For an adjudication that t' e title of plniritiff in and to ti e following de cent d real property in Coitunbi county, Oregon, viz.: Commencing at a point on the north side of Water (-treel in the city of Rainier, thirty feet easterly from where a line running parallel with and through the center of New Bedford street iu said City of Rainier would cross the north boundary of "aid WaterSt. thence easterly along the north side of Water street forty feet, thence at right angles northeily one hundred and seventy feet, to the tide land or water frontage sold by Dean Blanchard to said C. I. Hooghkira ; thence at r:glit argles westerly frjty feet; thence at right angles southerly one hundred and seventy feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, be goo and valid; that neither the defendants nor either of them has any right, title, estate, lien or interest in said real prop erty, and that they be forever enjoinod from asserting any claim whatever therein. This summor.s ispnh'ir-hed by order of the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Judge of Ihe Circuit Courtof the State of. Oregon, for Columbia County, made and dated July 2Hth, 1913, which order prescribes that ervice of summons in this suit be made upon you by publication once a week for six consecutive weeks in the St. Helens Mist, a r.ewspap-r of general circulation published weekly in said County, which time will begin to rnn from the day of the first publication hereof ; and the time within w hich you are required to answer said complaint is on or iefore the la-t day of the time prescribed in said order for publication, to-wit, September 12th, 1913. The date of the fin-t publication of this summons is Friday, August 1st, 1913. Diliard & Day, Attorneys for I'laintiff, Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OKE'iON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. Ihira E. MuS'deman, l'laint'3, vs. Charles C. Mu-sleman, Defendant, To Charles C. Massletnan, the above named Defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear ami answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against yon in the aVve entitled court and cause, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fait to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief praje I for in the said com plaint, to-wit, for a decree dissolving the marriage contract existing between you and plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as she may he entitled to This summons Is served upon you by publication In "The St. Helena Mist," pursuant to an order made and entered in the above entitled court on the 1 ltd day of August, 1913, by the Honorable J. A. Ivakin, Judge of said court. John It. Djwms, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Ore ft of drat publication is Aug. IS. 1913. Date of last publication is Sept. 27, 1913. Summons IN THK CIRCUIT COURT CP THE M ATE OP 0RF.O0N FoR THK county f oli'miua. Win. M. Rosa, as administrator of the eatate of Hans P. Bjorkmau, deceased, Plaiutiu. vs. John l-aren, Anna I.arsen and Amos W. McP.lwain, Defendants. To John Larson aud Anna Larsen, I de fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled agaiuxt you In the above entitled suit, on or before the last day of the time pre crilied in the order for the publication id this summons, the said period of lime being six Weeks from the day of the rirat publication of this summons, and said last day of pill lication being the "t ih - day of Sep tember, una, ami it yoti lull to ho appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will cause your delimit to he entered and apply to the court al-ove named for the relief demanded iu said complaint, to-wit: For a judgment against you for fhSO, with Interest there on at the rate of d per cent per annum from August lt, lillO, for $73 attorney's fees, for f 1. 28 for taxes paid and tor costs and disbursements of suit; For a decree of sale under foreclosure of the follow ing described real property in Columbia county, oregn, to-wit. (' uiun ncing at a point 30 rod west of the Northwest comer cf the D. L. C. of . Bryant, in a ction 1G, townsh p 7 north, range 4 west of Willamette Meridian, and run. ning thenre south 50 roils; thence west 12 rods; thence north 50 rods aud thence east 12 rods to the pointed beginning; and that you and all persons claim 41 g under you, subsequent to the execution of the mortgage refeired to in complaint he foreclosed cf alt right, claim or equity of redemption in said premises, and that von pay any deficiency remaining after applying I he proceeds of said Hale properly applicable to the satisfaction of said j udgment. This summons is puh'i.shed by order of the Honorable W. A. Harris, County Judge for raid Columbia county, Oregon, made and dated August 14'b, 1913, which order prescribes that service of summons in this suit be made u.'Oii 1 011 by publication once a week or rix con secutive weeks in the St. Helena Mist, a newspaper of general circulation pub list ed weekly in said county, which lime will begin to run from the day of the first publication he-eo'; an I Uistm within winch you are required toai'saer said complaint is on or Wore the last day of the time pr sciibed in r-aid order for publication to-wil: Sep'tuiher 2Gih, 1913. The date of the lir-t publication of this summons is Friday, August loth, 1913, Diliard A Day. Attorneys lor Plaintiff, Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUK STATE OF OREGON, FoK COL UMBIA COUNTY. Hnzel Wuxnian, Plaintiff, vs. Chas. Woxman, Defendant. To Chas. Woxman, Defendant : In the name of the state of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you in the ah ve entitled suit, on or le fore the or the twi-ntr-teventh day of September, 1913, and if you fail to answer, plaintiff will take a decree against you as prayed for iu the com plaint filed herein, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exiting between plaintiff and yourself be dissolved and for such other relief as may seem meet and equitable. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. W A. Harris, County Jrvlge of said County, made on Aug 14, 1913, directing said publication In the St. Helens Mist once a week for six con secutive weeks, beginning the 15th day of Auzut,!1913. O. M. Hickey, Attorney tor Plaintiff. 513 Wilcox llldg. Portland, ore. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby (riven that the board of directors of school dis trict No. r5 of Columbia Co. will receive sealed bids for the con struction of a school house size 24x34x12. Bids to be opened on the 27th day of August, 1913. Ma terial of old schoolhouse to be used as far as may be. Specifications to b seen at the house of the clerk. Ten per cent of certified check to accompany each bid. The board of directors Unserves the right to reject any or all bids. Jiy order of the board of directors of district 55 of Columbia Co. Edwin North, Clerk. Notice to creditors. IN THK CoUNTY ColKT f the STATE oP oKFiioN. Poll COLUMBIA COUNTY Iu ihe 11. alter of tl e estate of Andrew J. Rupeit, Deceased. .01ice I her.-by given by th-undersigned, the executor of the e.late ol Andrew J. Rupert, deceased, to the r..liiiir rf and all pefsous having claims against said estate, to pr. sent .... a llll- them, with the proper youcners, wivmn six ui' litis from the dale ot Ibis in lice, to the said Executor, at the law oim 01 Diliard A Day, at St. Helens, Columbia couuty, Oregon, the same heiir the place (or the transaction ol the btiaiiiex of said estate. Dated August 22nd, 1913. Andrew King, Executor ol the estate of Andrew J. Rupert, dei ta ed. Notice to Creditors IN THE CoUNTY Col RT OF Till STATE OF 0RH.0N. FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. In the matter of ihe estate of ocar J Clark, IVcensed. Notice Is he.eby given by the under signed, the administrator of the estate of oscar J. Clark, deceased, to tl e credi tors of, and all persons having claims against said estate, to present thrtu, with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of Ibis uotice, to the said administrator, at the banking ollh es of the Columbia county Bank, at St. Helens, Columbia couuty, Oregon, the ssuic Wing ihe place tor the transaction of tee business of said ttate. Dated August 2-' rid, 1913 A. L. Stone, Administrator of the estate of otcar J. Clark, deceased. Summons IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ST A I K OF ORKiiON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. Nellie R. Higgins, Plaintiff, vs. Will, am l:iliggins. De'eudant. In the name of tire State of Oreg'rn : You aie hereby ieitilred to appear and answer the complaint filed again! you iu the above entitled suit within six weeks (rem Hie date o the fir-1 publication of this summons, to-wit: August 29, 1913, and if y-u fail so to appear and answer raid complaint, for want thereof the plaiutifT will 'ase a decree and judgment swsiur-t oll as prayed for in plaintiff's complaint, to wit: For a decree that the bonds ol matrimony now exixting between fad plaint ff, Ncllirt K. H'.ggliis, and said ill, wil.iam B lliggins, lie dis solved, and said parties divo'i-rd. This Solomons is served upon yon by pub ii atioti thereof lor six coii-ccotive weeks in the St. Helens Mist, a news paper of general circulation prill e l and puhlbhedat St.lle en Columbia county Oregon, and said service beiug made in Compliance wilh an order li.a.le by the llonorablrt J. A. Eakin, Judge of the aliove entitled court, dated Ihe 27lll dav of August, 1913 Thomas Maniilx.J. w. Maloney, Attorneys for plaiiriil. Date of hrt publication Aug. 2,1913 Date of last publication is Oct. 10 1913 Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ( F THE STATE OF ORKOON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Ami; M. Van de Car, Plaintiff. Vs. H H- Ysn deCsr, D. fendant. In the mime of the Stale of Oregon: You are hereby r quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons to-wit: Aug. 9, 1913, end it you fail so to appear and amwer said complaint, for ant then of the plaintiff w.11 lake a de cree and j'ldgimnt against you as prayed for in the ptaintill's com plaint, to-wit: for a decree that the tajiida of matrimony no existing te tween said plaintiff, Ann e M. Yan de Car, and said defendant, R. H. Yan de Car be dissolved, and said parties li vorced. This summons is served npon you by publication thereof for six consecutive weeks in the At. Helens, a news paper of general circulation, printid and published in St, Helens, Coliitn bia County, Oregon, and said Service being made In compliance with an order made by the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Jodue of the above entitled court, da'ed the 27th day of Aug., 1913. ' .Thomas Mannix A J. w. Ma'oney.i Attorneys for 1'laintlll Dale of first publication Aug. 29, 1913 Date of last publication Oct. 10, 1913, IOW DKTLANI lAIL 6TXAME.H laaveaSt Helens 6.00 A. M. Arrives at Poll land 10 M A. M. Leave. F inland at 3-M - J Arrives St. Helens at .. ' " NOTICE OF MELTING OF IHE BOARD Of EQUALIZATION. COLUMBIA COUNTY, ORE. Notic is horohy k'iven that on the aocotul Monday in SoptemU'r. Mon day. SfptemUr 8th. l'J 13. the I'-Mird of ivjualii-ation will attend t the court house in St. Helens. Columbia County, Oregon, and puhlii'lv ex amine the assessment rolls and cor rect all errors' in valuation, de scriptions or iiualitiea -f laniU, lots or other property assessed hy the assessor; and it "hall he the duty of persons interested to apiear at the time and place appointed. Dated AukusI 4th. 19 L. C. W. P.lakeslcy, Assessor. I OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS fottyfiflh school ytai StPTiMata i. ( DEGREE COURSES 'n many phssesof AoaicutToat. enoiNitaiNO. momi economics. MiNiwa. roasarav. com- Mtaci. sMaMacv. TWO-YEAR COURSES In aoaicuc TUKf. MOMI ICONOMICa MrCMaNIi arts, roaierav. CoMucacc. rMaatsacr TEACHER'S COURSES In manual training, agriculture, domestic scicuce nd art. MJSIC, including piano, string, band instruments aud voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Tmk hatiMiNT v Uuaai. Lint" and a CATtMHltm will I mailed free on application. Add:es U. M. TNlT, Rrietia. it7 iiu,) Corsullis, Oicgua. Professional Cards DR. L. GILBERT ROSS PHYSICIAN &. SUKGEON Otlle. Il.i.s HI.!-. I H..III riione. sl' I1CKI1S DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A aUh'GUVtJ OKKH K IN H.INIC it lev. St. Helens Oregon T. S. WHITE FUNEHAL DII1ELTOR I K KNKII FMriai.MMl HouUon Oregon DR. ALFRED J. lJEEL PHYSICIAN i SURGEON Hank IIiiImI!i( St. Helens DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURGEON I'l.ulir Main 11.1; a l.'ni; II.-.. K. 41'.,; """i.l.VJ.i"'"' Po.tland.Or. GEORGE H. SHINN ATTORNEY -AT-LAW St. Helens . Oregon M. E. MILLER ATTORN EYAT LAW St. Helens . Oregon HERBERT W. WHITE ATTORNEY-ATLAW St. Helens . Oregon PHONE 9.1 Pacific Coast Hospital DR. W.S. ARMSTRONG, SUP. JI0ULT0N and ST. HUMS, ORkGGlf For Sale and Want ArJt Ads i These C Juntas Druii Rj Kor Sulu-UO acre i mil,., frJ St. Helena. Cood building. . quire at Mist otllce. Wanted-Clean cottn nigiT, the Mint olllee. rw iM-iii inwiniM 111 the Rink 1. ... w 1 uuiioiiik. oieum mill, eleetrit litem, not ami cold water. t oiumina To. an. t I a . A Hiuul hiiiiun ii.ill. .1 " """" "'reectiuifi l..d I.. 1 1.....:.... ! ... f,,r Miil.t lnniiir,i .. '" pncei lerma at the Aliat olluv. .. . L'..- C.I.. A find l.iiil.litiiv utt.. 1 , " iny ininutf, uiitk frniii emirt li..,,u.. ti' aide tertiiH. Addresa Itox 103 HeleiiH, Ore. Hp tor ISulf IWo iood loti HI . t. HMI ...!iL I s . iuu inn wuri ix'aiijiiuiviewthAt tannui dc nui on. jfMHj, lots from $100 and up. close Columtna County Almtract 4Tr iw'nipany 31 I.'., c, . I.. ".... I . viMrim cainp wivm ail eoiTipiete. inquire .vapiimja; Livery nianie. 4ttx) ... 1 1 a iarcain in house and u & 1 , . critii,! r.i,rlii,n it st lf..t..,.. p....... , ... ... iviiii. rtx 11, iruit treea, r i vie. Ym l. rm.s. For purtietdara rail Mist oll'ice. 1 lira 01 mi Hi.ea lor aaleiU i- m .11 - times. Addiesa V. H. fx Itox rj-'. St. Helena. Ore. r or bale 4 lota, fl-room hou l-jisy term. Inquire of Clms. Sm llotilton, Oreiron. 1.1 t . 1 . 1 , rurnianeii ami iioiiscKtcpiu rooms. Near the dctMit. I louitoe Ore.. Mra, I.. I.. MotTctt. Imp navv your incturea uKen not t. -'-A ... - . I at the photo tent. We roue lews in in( country, taiia . ..1, see our Work. Welch, rhototrrapnef For wile in Yankton 10 acw inmroved hind on county roM (1. Hid Iruililintri. U. C. Kirlk VimLtan Ors For Sale - 2 Iota and mnal houy Some atnnll fruit I'rice $700, $i;ihi cii-sh. C. Wnjcncr, ' 1 r.,,..t sr L.l.ini Ors For SIm - Purceluin hath tuK Innuire at Hon ton lonfectinwp Store. 3tpd Inkvn nit nt mv i r ace. 7 Rile - ' J , r Jcrwy bull; 1 Mack and h hinfaiv an.! nim ril v Hilll Kill lia.ifasr Vrt rttoilrj lirrinilB ftf Df.i Owner can have iime by pavir t' II a tl U.... ,a tr!r I. ..r.ll.s rirnlaltJ if. iii(ijv i 11 1 i'ai ti 1 r ntl n A I Mueller, St. Helens. iMiuiiy in 1" ninn off V. I'araonn, St. Helens. 1- . 1 ; l. ..Iuldrinrs ror a jj1""! "i jrio-im-" f I.' f!.,IL.., !,. I',.lnrnl,it C'S I4 viuini 1 ( mv pldHtercr, Uaiiilerre. .1. . .il w&a s place. 1 i- niiii'a Warren. II. W. lleiw-nreur. For Salo-Twentv-foot pl launch. Inquire .of A. A. 0 Mist ofTice. ForSale - The furnitureand urea in the Central Hotel l 51 Helens. Will consider tr' f' farm property or cimh ileal. and term reasonahle. L. Koaasco, St. Helens. N' Str. IRALI V nf r bctWCCB St. Helens and Portia j co rrtifo nne waV 75 cents round PI Tickets good anytime April 4'h Host l-erea St. Helen l f Heturnlnic leaves I'. rtlsn.l U r ArrUe at St Helens 4 t' r. 1.1.00)