St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 22, 1913, Image 1

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NO 34.
The Columbia County Fair
Arrangements All Made lor Great'
est Fair Ever Held in County
On Septemlirr 25. 26 and 27,
1913, will be hdd the Columbia
County Fair. It will be the greatest
thing in the line of fain ever held
in tlie county. In fact, it will he
the first general county fair ever
held. Heretofore the Grange of
Yknktun haa held a fair, and a good
one too, but never before haa there
been at the disposal of fair man
agers of the county auch a turn at
they have thi year. The ground
hive been selected in Washington
Souare midway between the river
lamlirg in St. Helena and the rail
road nation in Houlton. A pa
villion for exhibit haa been built
large enough to hold all the ex
hibit that come. New table and
died have alto been built for the
accommodation of livetttock of all
kind. Much work i being done
by the men in charge of the matter
in the way of getting exhibitors
interested enough to bi ing out the
Septemlr 8th and 15th are the
opening date for the greater num
ber of the achool of the county.
The St. Helen and a few other
schools will oiM-n September 2nd.
A modem four room school build
ing is nearin completion in the
Vtrnonia consolidated district and
will be ready for the opening date,
next month. The ground contain
three acre, and, with one exception,
are the most attractive in the
if county.
The ehool fair will be held this
year at St. Helen. In connection
with the county fair on September
25-27. The prize lit for the ex
hibit of the achool children la very
liberal, and a creditable ahowlng
will no doubt be made by the
schtols. Thoae induatrial contest
deserve the support of every man
nd woman in the county interested
It the future welfare of boya and
At least six eanitary heating
plant have been initalled during
the summer In the achool building
of rural districU of the county.
Several diatrlcta have made Im
provement In their ground, and
district 14 and S3 have each built
splendid gymnasium.
The new course of atudiea for the
chool of Oregon will not be ready
for distribution before the first
week In September. The essential
feature in the new coure of tudy
for the grammar grade will be
practically the aame m in the one
recently used, but aome radical
wv U l 1 J UIVUi WUfc
change will be noted In the course
M .... . . t l .1 I
for the high achool. High school
students will not be required to take
o many af the cultural subject,
but may choose auch aubjects as
ill give them an Industrial edu
ction, if they deaire It.
An effort will be made by the
county achool auperlntendent to
hve every rural district organize a
chool improvement club during
W coming year. Such cluba have
been known to bring about ideal
god produce and the good stock.
Thin is a county fuir; a fair for all
Columbia county; a place where
every citizen of tho county should
visit if possible to do so. The state
has appropriated $'J22 for premium
and the county has appropriated
'something like f'iUO for buildings
' and exjenses, besides the citizens
jofSt. Helens subscribed unequal
amount to that appropriated by the
county. With all these funds there
ia going to be something doing all
the time. $100(1 in prizes has been
ofTered, according to the prize list
and there will be ribbons and other
prize. There are going to be lots
of people here from outside points
and it is up to the people of Col
umbia County to make this a County
Fair where sample of the produce
of the farm, garden, orchard, duiry.
chool and factory may be seen to
ahow what a wonderful country we
condition in the school life of their
I district. Two club were formed
nj tjuy remierej vaiu.
able service.
The four school, maintaining a
complete high school course, Clats-
kanie. Rainier. Scappoose and St.
Helen, will open thi year under
very favorable conditions. The good
that these schools may do for the
boy and girls who attend them
and for the communities in which
they are located, cannot be over
estimated Let every one become
a booster for his local high school.
There ha been an effort made
each year for the past three years,
by one or two of the principals of
the high schools, to organize a
county debating league, but the de
sire for uch a league has never
been unanimous among the princi
pals. It is to be hoied that during
this year a stronger sentiment for
this school activity may prevail, and
that we shall have a school debating
league. The method of conduct
ing the Teachers' Annual Institute,
cheduled for St. Helens, Nov.
19-21, will be somewhat different
thi year from former year, in that
it will cover a wider cope of in
struction, and perhaps render serv
ice to a greater number of indi
vidual. Wednesday will be called Farm
er' Day. nd the lecture at the
general asion on thi day will be
given by men who are expert on
horticulture, atock raising and build
ing good road.
Thursday will be professional and
Business Men ' Day. A physician,
a lawyer and a merchant will be
among the number who addresa the
general aeaslona on this date.
Friday will be Parent' Day. and
the ubject selected will be ap-
propriate for the day
ir iA(krul
Vrv little method work, relating
to the course of tudy, will be done
in the general sessions. This will be
done in the different departments
by able Instructor.
For Sale -A few hogs at my
place, 1 1-4 n''1" northwest of
Warren. H. WHeizcnreter.
For Sale-Twenty-foot pleasure
launch. Inquire of A. A. U.,
Mist office.
Prominent R. R. Men
ft. H. Raw, ttttt. U. HririM Crnutiii Plaiil. f;j. K. Rri. of It A. T. S. P. Sr.. Loary Smith, f tlx N. P. Sr.
B. Kw-kutk. uf f.rrman. V. I. Brat. fc!r. IU. Hrtrna CrnMutc Co.. Or. H. tun jk-urrnk. of M. Luim
The meeting of railroad men and
engineers held at St. Helens Creo
soting plant last week will result in
a standard system of treating Doug
las Fir ties and piling. The men
here gave the various systems a
complete test and practically de
1 ??-
The IVtyon Board the "Special" Hound for the Camp
Last Tuesday the firm of Morgus.
& Son disposed of their entire busi
ness in St. Helen to A.T. Kiblan.of
Milan. Wash., an experienced mer
chant. The transfer of the prop
erty was made this week and the
new proprietor is in active charge
of the business now. The same
fair treatment accorded the public
by Mr. Morgu is promised by the
new management and the stock of
good handled by Mr. Kiblan will
be of the very bet quality.
Fifteen yeai ago Henry Morgu
arrived in St. Helena, having all hi
worldly possessions in a small pack
on hi back, consisting of some dry
goods which he wa selling to the
people from hi pack. Upon hia
arrival here he decided that St.
Helen would be a good place for
him to settle down and go into busi
ness. Accordingly he secured a
small house, unloaded hi good and
opened up for business. From that
tmall beginning Mr. Morgu begun
to build up a businhss which now
stand as one of the leading mer
cantile firm of Columbia County.
About two year ago he took hi
on Fred into the firm and it haa
been since known as Morgu & Son.
The third partner in the firm is
nearly as well known too as the
principal, Mrs. Morgus having all
these year been an important
factor in building up and maintain-
at St. Helens Lat Week
n : ! k j1 p
cided upon a uniform method. On
the trip to the St. Helens Tim
ber Co. camp on Friday a most en
joyable time was had. The party
was entertained at the camp and
inspected the improvements being
made on the logging road.
ing the business. About a year ago
the firm disposed of the grocery and
hardware part of the business to
A. S. Harrison since, which time
dry goods, clothing, furnishings,
boots, shoes and furniture have
been the stocks carried by Morgus
& Son.
Mr. Morgu ia perhaps the best
known business man in Columbia
County. He has met and become
acquainted with nearly every citizen
of the county who has visited St.
Helens. He ha transacted business
with hundreds, perhaps thousands,
of people at his store in this city,
and hia business dealings have al
ways been square and fair. He
has accommodated hundred of poor
people with credit for unlimited
amount and for indefinite period
of time and very few people have
ever tried to beat him, because they
felt that he was a true friend in
time of need and always ready to
help them. He ha established a
reputation for fair dealing and
honesty that will always stay with
him. He is held in the highest es
teem by all citizens of the com
Mr. and Mrs. Morgus will remain
in St. Helens. They intend to make
it their home. For the next year
the work of settling all accounts
and collecting bills will be the chief
occupation for them, after which
they will take a trip to the old home
in Syria.
The St. Helens base ball club will
journey to Woodland next Sunday
for the return game with the boya
from the city.
Candidates Becoming Alert with
Feverish Excitement. Each
Confident of Victory
Dance Given In Their Honor to be Enjoyable Affair
Standing of Candidates
Mis Esther Weigle, St. Helens
Miss Grace Popejoy, St. Helens
M'ss Daisy Hutchi.son, Rainier
Miss Sarah Mathers, Rainier
Miss Nellie Dunn, Houlton
Miss Beth Perry, Houlton
Mrs. Rudolph C. Karth, Yankton
Miss Kate Baker, Warren
Miss Fannie Cooper, Warren
Miss Ada Adams, Scappoose
Miss Fay Lynch, Scappoose
Misa Dorothy Fowler, Goble
Miss Mamie McClay, Columbia City
Mrs. Ira Withrow, Goble
Miss Wilma Pulliam, Clatskanie
Mis Page, Clatskanie
Miss Mabel Mills, Vernonia
Miss Inez Smith. Vernonia
Miss Dottie Pringle. Mist....
Miss LaVeta Thrapp, Vernonia
Miss Rerg, Fishhawk
Only one more week remains
till the close of the Grand Voting
contest for the free trips to the
Pendleton Round Up and who the
winners will be is solely a matter
of conjecture. Several candidates
are holding votes in reserve to
cast the last night and the closing
hours will be the most exciting
of the contest. Good natured
competition, these words express
the sentiment of the candidates
in the various districts, the best
of feeling prevails and while each
is trying to beat the other, it is
without malice and the contest
manager predicts that the losers
will be gameones and the winners
good ones. Of course we cannot
all be winners but .we can all try
to be and those who try hardest
the next week are the ones likely
to be, if any candidate thinks she
has a "cinch" on first place she
had better spend five minutes
changirg her mind and then pet
going on the "doublequick" and
keep going till 9 o'clock Saturday
An ad in this issue of the Mist
announces to the people ot this
community the establishment of a
new business firm in St. Helens.
William J. Muckle and Washington
Muckle have purchased the hard
ware business of Jas. Muckle & Son
and have taken charge of the busi
ness. Mr. W. J. Muckle will have
active charge of the store and his
experience and knowledge of the
business insures a successful enter
prise. Everybody know both Will
and Wash Muckle. Everybody
knows that they are capaMe and
trustworthy men; that they will do
what they aay and that you art as
sured of fair and courteous treat
ment when dealing with them. The
name of the new firm will be The
Muckle Hardware Co. They are
August 22th, 9 A. M.
NO. 1
96 ,345
no. 2
no. 3
no. 5
no. 4
NO. 6
night. August 30th. of course if
you think you have enough to
win, well and good only our ad
vice is, don't think so, there may
be others who are just as confi
dent as you. That's why all of
you are urged to do your very
best from now till the close, if
you waste time that micrht have
been employed getting votes ard
then lose, you will have no one to
blame but yourself. The contest
manager has warned you time
anfl again that there are others
on the job," that's all he can
do. "A word to the wise is suffi.
The dance to be given the clos
ing night is an effort on the Dart
of the Mist to show appreciation
for the good work of the candi
dates and to give them all a good
time whether winners or losers.
Several candidates have not sent
in lists of those whom they wish
to invite, and are earnestly re
quested to do so at once in order
that invitations may be mailed.
going to carry a complete line of
everything in hardware, stoves,
ranges, tools and implements. If
you don't find just what you want
in stock your order will be filled on
the shortest possible notice and the
pricea will be just right. See their
ad in thia issue of the Mist.
The members of the Methodist
Sunday achool and their friends en
joyed a picnic on Tuesday of this
week. The afternoon wa spent on
the school ground. Base ball and
many other sports were enjoyed.
At 3:30 they adjourned to the grove
and partook of a basket supper. All
reported a good time.
For Sale The furniture and fixt
ures in the Central Hotel in St.
Helens. Will consider trade for
farm property or cash deal. Prices
and term reasonable.
L. Rosasco,
St. Helens. ' Box 142.