St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 15, 1913, Image 6

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    nnnonnrann 11 V b hi
JC U flli J til 1 JuiM A lmlhr i r i
J ij 1 I I I J 1 if : :J IbliLiJ I LJ
LJU lIJwULlUlliy will LJ L-Jl IVJ
LL Subscriptions Whether New, Renewals or Arrearages Will
Count Double from Now Until the Close of the Contest.
One Year Subscriptions
Two Year Subscriptions
Five Year Subscriptions
2,000 Votes
6,000 Votes
15,000 Votes
C O N T EST"" 51s P AR Tn E N T "I
July 1st ST HELENS MIST Aug.30th
at 8 a. m. phone 20 ST. HELENS, OREGON al 9 p- m'
Mrs, W. H. Wagner is visiting
with her daughter. Mrs. F. W. Jor-!
dan, near Corvallis, Ore.
Mra. R. Fry. wife of Capt. Fry of
Alaska, is visiting with friends herei
this week. j
The report is that Walter Len
gacher lost his home by fire Sunday
evening, i
Frank Wolf and wife came down
from Woodburn, Ore., in their j
auto Monday for a visit with friends. !
Mr. Wolf was formerly superin- j
tendentat Warren's Cold Storage :
Plant at Goble for ten years.
Mrs. E. E. Goin and Miss Dorothy .
Hewitt were week end visitors at
Misa Margaret Wasciewitz of
Seaside is visiting with her cousin,
Miss Leona Alexander.
The Columbia Timber Co. closed
their camp for two days last week
on account of a trestle burning out,
but are now putting in about
100,000 feet of logs per day.
G. W. Jordan and family and Geo.
S. Snyder and family took a five
day trip by team last week. They
went from here to the Little Clata
kanie Creek; then to Apiary; then
to Rainier, and from Rainier home.
They tell us that fishing was very
poor, but they all enjoyed the trip.
W. II. Wagner has rcshingled his
house this week.
The Goble base ball club played
a game with the Rainier club at
Rainier Sunday and were defeated
7 to C.
C. T. Rambalski and family and
Miss L. Rambalski of Portland,
visited Mr. Rambalski's mother at
Tona Barbers on :he Willamette
slough last Sunday.
There is some good campaigning
for the the Mist in this vicinity for
a trip to the Round-Up. The
writer wishes them all success.
Mrs. Ira Withrowand Mrs. J. M.
Lindsay are visiting in Beaver Val
ley this week.
The Farmers are all through with
haying in this vicinity. The hay
crop this season was very good.
There is a few fields of oats yet to
cut. The potatoes are a good crop,
but some of the late planting needs
rain to bring them out in good
shape. The apple and prune crops
are going to be light,' but what
there is will be good.
Mrs. J. Christenson has returned
from her visit to Portland and
other points.
Miss Ada Johnson who has been
visiting in Trenholm for some time
past, left on Monday for her home
in Portland.
Miss Ruth Fowler is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Geo. Hyde at Yankton.
Mrs. Cha.s. Hines transacted busi
ness in St. Helens Tuesday.
Mrs. Win. Ketel and children are
visiting in Houlton at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lowe.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tatro re
turned Wednesday to their home in
Messerj. Foster and Keiley are
working on the road with their
teams, hauling rock.
E. E. Quick and A. J. Doming of
j St. Helens passed through Tren
holm Wednesday, starting out on a
camping expedition.
About 8 o'clock Tuesday evening
a small party of friends surprised
Mr. Clifford Bramble at their home
her', it being the occapion of the
anniversary of their wedding day.
also Mr. Bramble's birthday. Re
freshments, including ice cream,
were served during the evening and
all report a very pleasant time.
J. Bonnel returned home from
the Portland hospital this week. He
will be able to resume work in a
short time.
A. Holaday and family, Dr. B,
Blatchford and family and B. De
Graff went to Ilwaco, Wash., last
Wednesday morning. While there
they will attend the wedding of
Miss DeGrafT. From there they
will go to Seaside, where they will
spend some time at the Holaday
County Judge Harris is spending
some time here superintending the
oiling of the county road. A new
wagon for sprinkling the oil has
been purchased by the county.
People along the road are rejoicing
to have this work done.
Mrs. Albert Johnson was called
to her home in Washington by the
sad news of her father's death. ,
Mrs. Lapham and daughter Lois
are spending the week visiting rela-j
lives in Portland and Vancouver.
?.!r. Harry West arrived home
from his foreign trip last week. I It-
brought with him 30 head of Jersey
cattle which he purchased on the
Jersey Isles. He reports a pleasant
and comfortable ocean trip on the
transport Minnesota, crossing the j
ocean in 1) days. After a 'M day
quarantine in New York the cattle
were placed in an express car and
a hurried trip across the continent
was made in less than 5 iHys. Mr.
West also brought home with him
four White Orphington chickens
and some potatoes from the foreign
country. The West farm is an in
teresting place to visit.
T. Cloninger has beei spending
some time at the Springs.
K. H. Bushman is trying to re
gain health by a stay at Martin
Springs, Wash.
Fred L'hlman and family are en
joying a rest and outing at Seaside.
C. Osteon, who was injured at
the mill west of town some time
ago, returned Wednesday from the
hospital. His friends are glad that
he has recovered from his injuries.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, who pur
chased the Blaufus farm about six
months ago, have sold their place
and moved to another farm near
Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lamberson
are again at home after enjoying a
two weeks stay at their Seaside
Miss Duffy from Milwaukee is a
guest at the home of Mrs. Cettehel.
A few cases of seurlct fever are
reported in the neivl.'.'iirh I.
Work on the charge of yrade of
the Masteti's l"VKi,. raot'oad is al
mt finish) d, and nmn tin while
tents will be We will lilies
the noise of tin- workmen.
1 he forest lire of the Peninsula
lagging (')i. is nearly out. The loss
is very heavy. The fire went
through George Kalis' pasture.
Rii.glitg Brothers' circus is at
trading unusual interest this m an ti
family of springboard gymnutt,
the Alpine family of wirs ptf
formers, ('apt. Huling's twotroufe)
of performing seals and lealioM.
the Schuman performing bona,
the three herds of Lett traind
elephants on earth, Mijirex, ti
Mexican w izard of the high win
th" KUrkonian aerialist tod ti
fifty funniest clowns on sarin.
The great feature of the shows
of course the newly added aped
"Joan of Are," with a trainlodf
special scenery, costumes and it
properties, and a cast of l,200chf
acters. There is also a bailrtol
ItlMI danrinir wirl a chorus
iecai;se or lis nu.n.v new nature f vi(.M ,, , ort.n,.lr, of W
andthencwa.-ped Kivrn the ,..w H(,Bt,. Thi the SrestMtdr
by the addition of the great ( In- IllnUc ,,1,, product
cle ' of Aic." 'Ihe circus will',.,,,.,. ,,rwnte, in America, eoictd
he K. en in Portland on t HI ' , a ,ltwiMy ,,uilt ,Uge Vtt
an. ami i!,n cty an,l the sur- th:in . hun,red ordinary thfttr
rounding country will he well reple. ,ti!,nai,e portai,e iu that It
w-iur.1 u ii aiways .s wnen umg- i,e t.ruc,,.,i in the mtn tent
Martin Briggs is visiting in Port
land, j
ling Brothers are within excursion!
There will be a new parade in
the forenoon three miles in length.
The menagerie is practically twice
as big as it was last year ami con
tains many specimens of strange
animal life new to American zoos.
Audiences will be entertained by
375 of the greatest of Europe's cir
cus artists. Chief among the stars
who are exploiting novelties ami
sensational acts are: The Saxon
Trio of the world's strongest men,
whose wonderful feats of strength
have startled Europe. No act like
this has ever been m en in America.
Close upon it in importance are the
Balkan! family of sensational riders,
the JanowHky family of novelty
acrobats, t,he three Jahns, ladder
balancing sensationalistr, the Itr
beer troupe, who juggle human
beings; the Portia quartette of
women contortionists, the Maryland
morning. This grsat ntrt
ment is given as an introductory
the regular circus peofurmanctiM
entails no extra charge of ad"1
"Joan of Arc" tells a wondirW
storv from French history in
ing and dramatic way and witnf
wonderful illusion rf tons of IP
scenery and stage devices.
In t!
great battle scene the audience
hel.I spellbound by the
Hip aeon uklU the enactm"
the coronation of Charles VU
beyond question the most lump'1
and inspiring stage picture V
For Sale The furniture and
trim (tt ilio fiAintral Hotel in 3t
Helens. Will consider trad '
r ..,....... ... omIi deal, ft
mi oi i i ijr )i
and terms reasonable.
L. Kosasco,
St. Helens. 12"