! a , Citation. iS TUB COUNTY COURT OF TUB STATE OF ORKliON rOR - . COLUMBIA COUNTY. Ia the matt.r ul the estate of Herman Hansel, deceased, v To4ht nekuoan heirs and devisee ol Herman Hausel. deceased. Io the nam of the Ktute of Oregon, yon are cited to I and appear ia th Conoty Court of the Put of Oregon for the County of Columbia, at the Court Roost thereof, ia the City of St. Helena, In aaid county and state.on Wednesday, September 5,1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, then aud there to show cause, If any exists, why an order of sale should uot be madeacvording to the prayer and petition of the administrator of the above entitled estate, for the eale of the real property belouging to aaid estate, the said real procrty being described as follows: t " Begiunirg at the uortheast corner of a tract of land heretofore deeded by Rachel A. Campbell and J. A. J. Camp Mi, her husband, to Emma Vivian and Frederick Vivian by deed, dated Octo ber 28th, 1892, and recorded in Book M. of Deeds for Columbia County, Oregon, at page 4.-8, thence running west along the sooth boundary line of the present traveled county road leading from St. Helena to Houlton, Oregon, I'M feet to a point, tbence running south 175fet to a picket fence, thence east 61 feet to the east line of Rachel A. Campbell's land, thence In a northeasterly course 230 feet to trie place of beginning, all of said described tract of land being in Section 4, Township 4, North, Range 2 West of Willamette Meridian in Colum bia Couuty, Oregon, and lots 20 aud 21 of Block 107 of the city of St. Helens, Oregon, except strip taken by county road. Witness my band aud seal of said court affixed this 22nd day of July ,1913. H E LaBare, County Clerk. Seal of County Court, Coinmbia County, Oregon. Published first time.July 25, 1913. Published last lime August 22, 1913. ' ' , . A, W. Mueller, , Attorney for Administrator. Summons. IN THE CIRC1CT COURT OF THE " STATE OF OREGON, FOR J COLUMBIA COUSTY. Martha A. Tift, Plaintiff, vs. Thadens F. Tift, Defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, yon, Tbadeus 8 . Tftt, are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against yon herein on or before the 9th day of August, 1913, that date being six weeks from the publication herein, and if yon fail to appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed herein, and moreparticu larly defined as follows : "The plaintiff asks that a d.cree be granted forever divorcing her from the above defendant. That the court per mit and allow the said plaintiff to re some the name of Mrs. Martea Annetta Anderson, said name being that granted her in a former marriage, and that soch other relief be granted a to the court may seem bt and equitable. Max O. Cohen & Joseph Mannix, Attorneys for the Plaintiff, : N-tice of Sheriff Sale By virtue of a foreclosure execution duly issued be the clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Columbia in the State of Oregon, dated the 16th day of July, 1913, in a certain suit in the said circuit court, for the said County of Colombia and Stile of Oregon, wherein C. M. Elwert as plaintiff recovered a de cree against Bennett L. Johnson and Mary Johnson, hnsband and wife, and William 8. Dippold and Dove Y. Dip pold, husband and wife, for the sum of fl587.60, with interest thereon from the 27th day of June, 1913, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and the sum of 1150.00 as attorney's fees in said suit, ayd the partner sum of $44.75 as costs and disbursements therein : command ing and directing me, as 'he duly elects ) and qualified sheriff of the said County of Columbia, in the State of Oregon, to sell any and all of the right, title, in terest or estate of each and all '.f the de fendants theiein from, on, or after the 15th day of May, 1911, in and to the premises hereinafter described, and to apply the proceeds of such sale : First : To the payment of the sum of $44.75, costs and accruing costs. Second: To the payment of the sum of $150.00 aa attorney's fees. , Third: To ilif payment ot the sum of Jl 5x7.50, wi h interest thereon from the 27th itay 4jur.e, 1U3, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, which deerte was duly enrolled and docketed in the office oltbe said county clerk of Columbia Couiity In the Slate of Oregon rn the 27thdy of June, 113. ' Jiow, therefore, portusnt to said ese. cotton, notice is hereby given that I will, on theifith day of August, 1913 at the Court Jioute door, on the west side thereof, in the City of fit. Helens County of Coltm.bia, stale of Oregon, at the honr'of two o'clock on the after, noon of raid day, sell at public auction lo tl.e highest bidder for casii any and all of the right, title, interest or estate of the said defendants Bennett L.John eon and Mary Johnson, his wl'e, and William 8. Dippold and fove E. Dip pold, bis wife, or either or each of them. had or claimed in Or to the hereinafter " P' Ibereof duty recorded In described premises, on or after the 15th' public records of said county on the day of May, 1911. to.wil: I day of Mar. 1907; and the S. W. The .Northwest quarter N W 1-4 of 1 X 4 of the X. W. 1.4 and the W. 1-8 of S rtl. n thirty Ave riS, Township seven ; le S w ' township (T p. 7) north of range five tU. 5) West R"K of Willamette of Willamette Meridian, containing 100 'Meridian, located in Marion County, acres, together with the tenements, J Oregon, it all being the property of said bMdiUiiieuts and spnurtenances there, estate; or so mm n inervoi as may nnto belonging or in anv ah eppet- necessary to pay the de s of said de taining including that one certain ' ceased and the charges and expenses of sh'ng'e mill complete, situated on said ! administration. described premises, toget'er wi h the Witness the lion. W. A. Harris, Judge eniilneaod machinery of every nature County Court, with the seal of ned in Iheoperation of said m 11, which I am ordered and directed under and by vtittte of aid execution, or so much thereof as may I necessarv to satisfy the said decree in favor of J: he aaid C. M. Klwertan.t agninet tlie said defend ants, Bennett L. Johnson and Mary Johnson, husSand and wife, and Wil liam 8. Dipl oid and Dove K. Dippold, hosbank and wife, and each of them, with iute eat thereon, together with all costs and disbursement, which have or may acC' ue on ler or by virtue ol seid execution. Witness my hand this 17th day of July, 1913. A. E. Thompson, Sheriff of Columbia Com tv, Sta'e of Oregon SUMMONS IN THE' CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR COLUM BIA COUNTY. Hannah C. rors, Plaintiff, vs Paul Edward Fors, Defendant. To Paul Edward Fors, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to apr and answer the complaint til d against joa in the above entitled suit, on or liefore the 30th day of August, 1913, and if you fail to answer, plaintiff will take a de cree against you as prated for in the complaint bled herein, to-wit: Tnat the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and yourself be dissolved, and lor such other relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. Service of this sum. mom is made upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. A. Enkin, Jode of said court, made on July 14th, 1913, dim-dug said pubti. cation in the "St. Helens Mist." once a week for six consecutive weeks, bs- ginnin. with July ltiih, 1913. O. M. Hickey, Attornev for Plaintiff. 51$ Wilcox Bldg., Portland, Ore. First publication, Jwly 18, 1913. Last publication. Aoguat 24, 1913 Alias Summons IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON', FOR COL UMBIA COUSTY. Vargarct Bean, Plaintiff, vs. Arthur L. Bean. Defendant. To Arthur L. Pean, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon voo are hereby requiied to appearand make answer to the complaint filed against yon in the abeve entitled court within six weeks trom the date or the first publication of this notice to-wit: the 6th day of September. 1913, and if you fail so to do, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment and decree aeainst vou. forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between you and the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff be given her maiden name and have inch other and further relief at to the court seems equitable and just, together with plaintiffs costs and disbursements herein. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication of the same in the St. Helens Mist, a weekly newspaper, for six successive weks by virtue of an order signed by the Hon J. A, Eakin, Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 21st day of July, 1913. Date of the first publication the 25th day of July, 1913. Date of the last publication the 5th day of September, 1913. Perry C. Stroud, Attorney for Plaintiff. First National Bank Illdg,, St. Johns, Oregon. Citation IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREfiON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY, In the matterof the e-tate of E. B. Senders, Deceased. ' To A. V. Sanders, M. A Sanders, E. V.. Sanders and F. M. Sanders, heirs at law of said deceased, and all persons unknown having any interest in said estate: In the name of the state of Oregon: By order of the above ranie I Hon. Court, made and entered on the 2t'h day of Jnly, 1913, you are hereby cited and required to appear before the said County Cour,t, at its court room in tie City of St. Helen, Oregon, on Mon day, the I5th day of September, 1913, at one o'clock p. m then and there to showcuef it any yon have, why an order of said court should not be made lien or inter-st In the real estate de granting to L.R. Rutherford, as ad- scri' ed in the complaint herein, Ihb- minlstrator of said estate, permission to. sell and directing him to sell, at public or private sale, as may appear to the best advantage ol the estate, that cer tain tract of land l)ing in Multnomah Connty, Oregon, known as lot No. 9 in block No. 2 of Rock wood park, accord- saiu court amxeu inis :un nay oi tfuij, 1913. Attest: II. K. Latere, County Clerk and ExOtllcio Clerk of said Court. (Seal of County Court) Citation to Heirs ix the county court ok the state of oregon, for Columbia county. In the u;atter of the estate of Joseph Wioblaricoin, II. D. Yanhlaricom, .!! Sl.eeley, Drucilla Baker and Ellen Mays, bro her and MNtere of said de ceased, an I Emetine Weed, Lawrence Vanblaricom. Isaac Vanblaricom, Sum net Vxnbluricom, John Vanblaricom, Louvina Taylor, Mm tin Yanhlaricom, i.illie Vanhliiric m Anna ChrUtian son and llaniette Vanblaricom, nephews aid nieces of said de ceased, heirs of law of said deceased, and all persons nnkuown, lutervsted in said esta'e, Greeting: In Jthe name of the stati of Oregon, Yon and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear iu the County Court of the Sttte of Oregon, for the Couuty of Columbia on Tuesday, the 2nd day of September, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. tn of that day, thm and there to show the caiife. if any terebe, why an order should not be made granting to the Ad ministrator of said (State permission sou diiecting him to sell, at public auctiou or prtva'.e sale, aa may appear for the best interests of said ea'nte, the real es tate of said deceased, located In Colum bia County, Oregon, and described aa follows: About 2 1-2 acres more or less lying in the Multicast 1-4 of the northwest 1-4 of Section 4, Town -hip 4, N. R. 4 V. of W. M. on the eat-t and north side ol aid p.ut; Also a strip of Ined alxmt 100 ftet iu width lyirg east of the tract now owi.ed by Guy Mills, and west of land owned by Joseph Hicken ttom and rnnning to the ctnter of Rock Creek and all that part of Hie S. E. 1-4 of the N. W. 1-4 of Sec. 4. Tp 4, R. 4, lying between the bind of Joesph Hicken bottom and East Side Addition to the Town ol Vernoitia, excepting 100 ft. by tOift. at stiowu in book 14, page 2i3. of the deeds of record of said coUi.ty. And all that part of the S. K. 1.4 of the N W . 1-4 of Sec. 4, Tp. 4, V. 4, bingraftof Rock Creek and W. and N. of Ea-t Side Addiiioti to Town of Vemonia, except, ing that deeded as shown by Book 11, page 320, of the deed ii-cords of said county And all tint described as Lot So. 9, Blck No. 12 of the Town of Vcr uonia, and all the lo's of the East Side Addition of the Town of Vemonia dr. scribed I y lot numbers and block num bers a? follows: Ixts numbers 1 to 5 of bis. A, lots tiunitx-rs 1 to 6 of blk. B, lots numbers 1 to 6, b.k. No. 1, lots numbers 1 to 12, blk. No. 2, lots num. bersl, 2. C, II. 12, blk. No. 3, lotsniim hers t,.2. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, blk No. 4, lots numbered 2, 3, 4, block 0, lots nuiiibeis3, 4, 5, 7. 8 blk. 10, lots num bers 1, 2, 3 blk. No. 15. ' Witness the Honorable W. A. Harris, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ol Coluuib a, with the teal of said court affixed this 2.th day of July. 1913. Attest : II. E. LaBare, Clerk of eaid Court, y A. F. Bariiett, Deputy. II . W White, Attorney for Administrator. Firit publication Friday, July 25. Last publication August 22. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COLKTOP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUM BIA COUNTY C. I. Huoghkiik, Plaintiff, vs. Jofeidi Silvs, Catherine Silvs, K. F. V-orhecs, Delia Voorhees, L. W. Voor bees, Olive Voorhees, Walter Voorli. es, Nettie Voorhees, Delia Voorhees and the unknown heirs of Isaac Voorhees, deceased, the unknown heirs cf William Voorhees, dec.-ased,and also all other perrons or parties unknown claim, ing sny liuht, title, estate, lien, or in terest In the real estate riescritwd in the : complaint herein. Defendants. To E F. Voorhees, Delia Voorhees, L. W. Voorhees, O'ive Voorhees, Wal ter Voorhees, Nettie Voorhees, Delia Voorhees and the ui.known heirs of Daac Voorhee?, deceased, the nnknown heirs of William Voorhees, deceased, and alo all other perrons or parties un- I known claiming any right, title, estate, fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon : Von and each of yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons, thJ said period of tint bel ,rom day ol the first publ cation of this sum mons, a d sai I hat" d,.y of piihlicatloa being the 12'l day of Scpemter, I'M and if vou fail to so appear and ans- u... ...l.i .i,miiiitini ine inniut u - rau-ie your default to las entered applv to the c mit above named .i.- mIIi.I. m.mtted In aiid rotu I'luinl, lo-.i title' For an adjudication llat ti e from where a line running parallel wnli and through the c liter of New llnlfo.d street in Suid Ci'y of lUiuter woold crs the n rth boundary of -aid WaierSt. andruailng thence ess'erly aloeg the north side of Water street forty f et, thence at right angle northerly o a hundred and sevents ftet, to the tide land or water frontage sold bv D. au Rlancnard t said C. I llo-gliklrs ; ttienct. at right angl-a westerly fully fret;theoce at right angles nni'h.rly one humlred anil seventy tee', mr- or less, to the placo of legluning. be go and va'id; that neither the il. 'en danla nor either of them Iks any rgh', title, , estate, lien or interest in said rent prop " ' " ' ' , " I' , -,, , a erty, and that they be f.eer i njoim it .rom ..serting any cUiu. wll.,eve, a.sertmg therein. This uniiuioi s Is pub I h"d by order of the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Jodge ol 111" Circuit Courlol the State of Oregon. !- Columbia County, made and dsted July 2tUh, 1913, whiihord. r prescribes thut service of summons in this .uitl mxde uon you by piihlicatlon once a aeek for six consecutive wek in the M. Helens Mist, a i.cwswpcr of general circulation published weekly in anhl comity, which tin e will begin to run from the day of the tbst publication hereof J and the time within which you are required to answer suid c ni laint l on or oefore the la-t day of tl)e tio.e prescribed in aaid nrdi r for publication, to-wit, September 12th, 1913. ' The date of the Qrut publication of this summons is 1-fidiy, August 1-t, 1913. Dil!urd A Pay, , Attorneys lor Plaintiff, Notice of Survey to be made by County Surveyor T Louis Streicher, Min.icio'a and Oregon Ltnd and Timber t'ouipany, a corporation, Alexander Md'h ron, Ed ward (S. Mct'hcrson. Mar.iu J. Mcl'her. son and John C. Kll worth : Notice is bcrby given that pursuant to a notice and rejiie-t that the set 'Ion corners at the northeast and northwest corners and the quarter section orners n the east, north and west mlcs of Sec lion 0, Towmdiip 0 north, range 5 wi s', Willamette Meridian, Columbia County, Oregon, have lieci me obliterate I and lost and the owner of part of said section reijUetted that the same lie re e-tabli.hed and the quarter qiistter tion Corners in said sectn n l e also e- tubbthed aud marked. Notice is beieby given that on the 2tUh day of Augiirt, 1913, I will proceed tn make such survey and re-establish said lo-t and obllierated corners and quarter corners at d establish the quarter quar ter corners in said section tl, s,nd mark the same according to law, of which you and each of you will take notice. Geo. B. Conyers, County Surveyo. Colombia County, Or, By L. J V.iiiOrsl.oven Deputy. Date 1 1 first publicatii.o Aug. 8, 1913. Date of last publicati in Aug 22. 191.1. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OliEGON FOR COI UMBIA COUNTY. Iiora E. MujHlcinan, I'LInt J, VH. Charles C. Mo-sleman. D fcinl.nit. To Charles C. Mussbman, the alove named Difemlnnt. In til- name of tf.e state of Oregon you re I ere by requir.d to appear and answer the coiuplnlnt of the plaintiff 61ed ag.iiusl )ou I. the a ove entitled court and cau.e, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of ttiis summon'., and if you fail to apesr end answer said complaint, for wnt there.. I the plaintiff will apply f the court, for the relief praye 1 for In the sai I com plaint, to-wit, fur a decree dissolving the marriage Contract existing fwtween jrou and plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as sIk- may be entitled to This summons is served npon you by publication in "The St. Helena Mist," pursuant to an or l-r made and enter -d In the alHive entitled court on the lllli day of August, I9l3, by the Honorable I J. A. I'.kin, Judge of said court. John R. Down, s, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Ore Date ol fir-t publication is Aug. 15. 1913. Date of last publication !s Sept. 27, 1913. Summons IM THE CIRCUIT COURT (F THE STATE OF oRKCoN roll TIIH county of Columbia. Win, M. Ross, as administrator of the estate of Hans P. Bjorkman, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. John Larsen, Anna Laisen and Amos wiv. - j ... , i il.iv of the tiral pun icauou " ofpluinlitl in and to the followicg de- (Uy f K-rih.d real property In Co.ni.bU ( lh( ,,,(U of pVp. countr. Oregon, vis. : t onimenc l.g s Jf ( , ,u .,.,.,,,! thennithsidc.il Waierst,. , r ,ia c,,,,,,,).!,,, in the city of Rainier, thirty feet easterly I I ..II. l-n. M.II,i.llri,t1ol 11)11 I'.v w M..KIw4ln. Defendants. To John Lai sou and Anna Laro. De fendants: In the name ol ibe Mate ol Oregon, you and each ol youar- hereby icq-iiteil to appear aid en-w.-r Ihecon plalnl tiled against you In the above eulliled ,, , . ,,.,., i. ,i, iiiiii, iirv-trriifvi - - - - . ...',.. ..i .. ..I iil. au'uiiioiia. I ueS hi , ... ... lM"iml wl li',,b,i" etk 'f",u "', he tnie ed and apply to the court above named for the re.ief demanded tu aaid compl.i.il, td-wit: For Judgment sg iinst vou fr 1 150, with interesi there, on ai the tats .1 o p.r tent per nniuu Horn Aiigut lt, W0, lr 7i altoriie' fce..f..r ft 28ul taxes pal I and I r o-l-and dial urseri eot ot suit; ror a d- le of sa'a un-ler for ctosi.re ol the I..Ui. ing desciihed 'l property I'. Culuui' u county, o.eg n. t-wit. t'. mm-nciin i a 'liit JW unit west of Hi" North te.' Coiner I llie D. L. C. f Z- Bryaiil. le a.ctii.11 111. towiish p 7 north, ra. ge 4 west of iliiuniMt Metldian. and run. ning thei re sntti M rods; ih-ne wr.l 13 r.Kl.; thence north Ml rod ami thence , U2 rod. to the ,h.,uI of la g aUng . and that vou and a I pcisolis tlainillis under you, subsequent to the execution, of dm mortgage refeiled tu In rotiij lain) I e line, losrd of all I wli'.i'lnlni or equllt of roleinp'lon in said premises, and thu' von pav any dtfii'irncy remaining after l plying the proceeds of said sale properly applicable to the satisfaction o' add judgment. t his summon, ia pub Uhed by oidei of the lliirorable W. A Harris, ('ounij Jmlge for .ai.lC. Iilinhiil couuty, or. gon. l-ii.U and dated Aiiau.t 14' h, ItM.I. which ordrr pr. scribes tint S'rvb'eot .iin.tnoiis In this suit be made u, on ou by publication once a week or U con secutive week in the St Ilrh lis Mist, a licwspaier of general circulation pub 111. ed weekly it. said county, which lime will liegin lo run from the day of the first publication he eo'; and the tmi within wh ch you are required toanswer snhl complaint I on or larfore the last day ol the time pr. scrilwd in aaid order for publ c.itiou to-wil: Sep-etuber 2Hi, 1913. The ibt- of the first publication o' thi suuimona I F May, August 15th 1913. Dillard A Day. AtU rneys lor I' atnufl. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT CofR'T OK THK STATE OF OR! CON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTV. Ilszel WoauMii, l lainttlf, vs. Cha. Woxniau, IetVlnl.iiit. To ( has Woxman. Delemlant ; In the name of the state of Oirgon : You are hereby required to a pear and ansaer to the tutnplalnt 6ld against you in the ab ve entitled suit, on or be fore the 4th d.v ol t. t.-r or the '."7th day of Septem!r, I'.'ht end if you fail to atiser, pi oil' iff will take a decree agul st you as pra)e I f. r in the coui p'.iinl f . 1 " t heitin, to-wii : Tl ai the b nd.ol niatritiinny ber-tofore and n- w el". k beta een plai I'ff and ours'f i'.s.ed and f.r such u l i r relief mi) ft. in me. t and rqdab'e. , Service ol this summon, is ni.n'e upon you t y publication pnr-tmnt to'uo ..rilrr of the Hon, W A. Ilarri., County J.c'ge of said County, niaile on Aug 14,1913. dirertinir said publication In til- St. Helens Mist once a week f .rslxron sutlve wels, h Inning the ljlii da; of AugU-t,JI913. O. M. Hickey, Attorney for Plaintiff. 513 Wilcox llldg. Portland, ore. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice in hereby given that the board of directors of school dis trict No. 55 of Columbia Co. will receive sealed bids for the con struction of a school house size 2 U31 1 12. Hid to be opened on the 27th day of August, 1913. Ma terial of old schoolhouse to be used ns far as may bo. Specifications to be seen at the house of the clerk. Ten per cent of certified check to accompany each bid. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. P,y order of the board of directors of district 55 of Columbia Co. Edwin North, Clerk. IU.I I'lHIIOI" W,i, i - " " EUROPEAN PLAN AMERICAN PLAN .' ' 1 EVERYTHING MODERN AT THE ST. HELENS HOTEL easaiiiiiBBaaBBasBSBBBBBBBisBBBBM J. CEORCE, Proprietor ALL BUSSES CALL AT HOTEl. RATES $1.00 AND UP SPECIAL RATES TO REGULAR BOARDERS Rport of The Condition of No. 18 The Columtih County liankat St. Helen, In the State of Oregon, at the clnsd of business Aug. 9, jy.3 RKSouka:g Iamtm and dUcounta $140,012.20 Overdrafts, secured and uniHtcured 259.79 llondi and warrants 41,4sg. R3 llankinc houao 15,670.00 Furniture and fixtures 2,700.00 Other real Ute owned C.128 77 Due from apjiroved re serve banks 4I.9C7.80 Checks and ther canh Items 1.00 Cash on hand 10,tVJ8.00 Other resources h 03 Total -rC7,HOo,44 t.lAltllJTIKS Capital stock paid in $o(),Q00.00 Sutplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profit, less t exHna'g and taxes pnid ,B.2K0.28 I'oatat savings bank de posits 11.123.97 Individual deposits sub ject to check 1 50,945.67 Demand certificates of depoeit .1,707 39 Cashier checks outstand ing WC.71 Time certificates of de- poait 1. 802. 74 Saving di'poaiU H2.279 68 Total $2;7,805.44 State of Oregon, County of Columbia, sa. I, A. L. Stone, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly wtar that the above sta'ement is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. A. I.. Stone, Cashier, Subscribed and eworn to before mo this Nth day of August, 1913. J. W.Day, Notary Public Correct-Attest: Wm. M. Koss, I It. Rutherford, J. S. Allen. " Directors. MARRIAGE LICENSES Anna L. H.ren and St. Helen. I.ucy Kve'man and merman. Rainier, Ira Saurer, Ernest Zira For Sulc - Porcelain bath tub. Inquire at Houlton Confectionery Store. 3tpd Taken up at my place, 7 miles west of Doer Island: -1 yellow Jersey bull; 1 black and whits heifer and one red and hit heifer. No marks, brand or bells. Owner can have same by paving charges. R. E. Keck. For Rent-8-room house, strictly , modern; partly furnished if de" sired. Inquire or call on A. W. , Mueller, St. Helens. For Sale A few hogs at mf place. 1 1-4 milts northwest of Warren. II. W. Ileizenrcter. CITY AfiD COUNTY DlRECTORlf Cirt.dt Ju.'ges, J. A. liakiu, J.T. Camtilcll I list 1 let Attorney, K. B. Tongue. County Jmlge, W. A. Harris. " Cletk. II. K I-atU'e, " Hierlff, A. K Tboiiip-nii " Asses or, C. W IHakeslrJ. " Tr.asurer, R. S lla'tsn, Kchool Hunt. J. B. WUkerso. " Kuifeyor, Oeo. B. I'onvrrs. " Coroner, P. II. HI.erw.siI. ilolinFsrr " Cotnniisaionera j, Huliref. I ITVOPST HKl.KMS Mayor, A. W. Mneller. Recoider, K. K. Quick. Marsliat, W. H. Wondnw. , Tieasnrer. Mrs. I. P.. D-ald. . Cmilicllmeni I, II. Cronkl'e, w.j. Mnckle, J. K. lUit.aey, and - Water Comrals-lon: A. T. I-VV F. McCormUk, A. U Hlone, Isiain, II. J, houtha.d. Water 8npt..'Chas. I V- '