St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 15, 1913, Image 1

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NO 33.
Residence Burns
t entir second st ry and
f of the nsidi-nceof I'd Lynch
the corner of St. Heltnsand
It street. were destroyed by
yesterday morning at 2:K)
i.A nil the entire CfTitenta
the building burnd and
i'ej with water until almost a
Jlos. Mr. Lynch has been
niron a farm near Scappoose
irthe past bix weeks, and was
amoving bncl; to St. Helens
.L L ! ..Mill.. IIa hu.l!
I n (IIS mniiijr, ii: mm on tan jr
iced t-o loads of household
-djand furniture in the house
i Mrs. Lynch with the child
1 were at the farm getting the
Lt of the things ready to haul
n the fo'lowing day. Mr.
inch had gone to bed on the
it floor of the house and at 2:30
uiakened by the ctackling
flames and upon opening his
es could see that the entire
tper story was on fire. He
aped from a window calling
udly for help, and then ran to
ht fire alarm box at the school
.useaml turned in the alarm.
lythis time several neighbors
ho had heard the call had ar
vtdand began packing out the
rnitu-e. Within a very few
mutes the tire company, unaer
tnmand of Chief Allen, had
o streams of water on the.
imesand they were quickly ex-j
niruished. The damage to the
iouxe will amount to about SfiOO;
ind to the furniture about $300,
hich is all pretty well covered :
iy insurance.
Word was received here yester-
fy of the death of Wajter E.
Kgcrt a brother of Mrs. F. B
rorsof Scappoose, at Portland,
August ith. Mr. Eggert was
orn in Detroit Mich,. July 11th.
I$4 and leaves a father and
mother besides his sister and
nany friends to mourn his loss.
rervices were held from the
keyes Undertaking parlors at
prtland and Interment made In
Pe River View Cemetery. I
Oil Distributing Tanks Purchas
ed by County Proves Hig Success
The members of the County Court
ent to Portland last week and pur-
cha-ned a 600 gallon oil sprinkler
Kn which waa delivered at Seap
lane on Tuesday morning. At the
atne time a tank of oil was secured,
the tank containing 10,245 gallons
hich was also delivered at Scap
Boone. The tank was unloaded from
the cars on Tuesday morning and
fillfil with oil, and started out upon
the road leading from Scappoose
to Portland. The road to the county
line received a good oiling and then
the work toward St. Helens-was
tartfd. Today the oil has been
Prendon the road from the Mult
nomah county line to the limits of
St. Helens, a dis'ance of nearly 15
Miles, and the cost, including the
The big auto bus of Abel & Shep
ard has apparently rotna to stay,
judging from the number of people
it is carrying between St. Helens,
Warren, Seappnose and Portland.
Starting a little over a week ajfo,
the big can hm been making two
round trips every day and on each
trip la well filled. A schedule has
bi'en adopted and people Blong the
line are ht-ginning to look for the
car, and it is always on time. The
running time between Portland and
St. Helens in about one hour and a
half, making all the stop. The
first ear leaves here at 7:45 a.m.,
leaving back from Portland at 3 p.
m., then going from St. Helens at
6 p. m. and returning leaves Port
land at 8:15 p. m., except en Satur
days and Sundays, when the lat
car from Portland leave at 11 p.
rn. The fare from St. Helens to
Portland, one way, ia $1; round
trip $150; fitim Warren 75 cents,
$1 round trip. On special occasions
the car will leave from Portland at
a later hour and will call at any of
the leading hotels in the city. Orin
Abel, for many years captainof the
ateamer America, is in active charge
of the business and the public is as
sured of courteous treatment.
Well it wan some game after all.
We won't give details, but will
simply state that St. Helens de
feated The Pacific Hardware &
Steel Co.. base ball team 10 to 15 in
last Sunday's game. From the
score. It might seem that it was one
of those country uninteresting
games, but it wasn't. It was a nip
and tuck battle from the start,
with both teams hitting the ball like
old league men. Stevens was on
the firing line for St. Helens, with
old man Morton doing the receiving,
and they both performed well,
Stevens being especially stingy with
hiU when they meant runs. Mor
ton caught a good game, but was
weak on throwing owing to a weak
arm. Dill played third in place of
Henry Brakkc, who was out of
town, and filled the position at the
Continued on Pf 8
initial cost of the sprinkler, la not
as much as the bidders asked for by
considerable. The sprinkler com
plete cost $650 and the oil cost 95
cents per barrel of 42 gallons. About
1200 gallons is used on each mile of
oiling 8 feet in width, which makes
the cost total, including railroad
rates for hauling the big oil tank,
about $:15 per mile. The lowest
bids received by the county court
by private concerns was $56 per
mile. That the roads will be much
benefitted by this process there is no
doubt. People who have been
traveling them this week are loud
in their praise of the marked im
provement. The work will be con
tinued as long as the Court deems
it can be afforded and next year
when the new roads are bufit thev
will be packed with oil which will
make them permanent.
Railroad Men and Wood Specialists
fro m All Over the World in
St. Helens this Week
Making Tests and Demonstrations of Preservatives
Never before in the history of
Oregon has there been such a not
able gathering of wood and wood
preservative experts as are now
visiting St. Helens. Last Monday
engineeis and specialists commenced
to arrive at the St. Meiers Creo
soting Company's plant and every
day has brought others of equal
prominence and importance. There
are men here representing many of
leading railroads in the United
States and some of the roads of
foreign countries. The object of
the visit is to make practical tests
and demonstrations of the action of
various methods and systems of
preserving ties and piling for rail
road work and bridges. Mr, 15.
Kuckuck, of Berlin, Germany, is
demonstrating a process wtich was
discovered by his firm, Hulaberg&
Co., of Germany and which has the
merit of an equal penetration of the
preservative into the wood with less
pressure and at a minimum of cost
Mr. Kuckuck represents the largest
creoaoting oil importing house in
the world and is recognized as an
authority on wood preservatives.
He has traveled all over the world
handling the products of the firm
and has gained such a wide knowl
edge from his experience that he is
welcomed by all the creoaoting and
railroad companies as an expert in
oils and processes. His visit here
at this time with his new process is
the cause of the gathering of emi
nent railroad men from all parts of
the world. He has made many
demonstrations and tests during the ,
week much to the satisfaction of
the visiting railroad men, and en
gineers. Among the party of emi
nent specialists at St. Helens this
week is Dr. Herman von Schrenk,
of St. Louis, Mo., representing
several railroads of the east and
south, and having under his per-,
sonal supervision the selection of there. A special car was provided
the wood and timbers used in more for the guests. All the visiting
than 50.000 miles of railroad work, engineers speak very highly of the
Dr. von Schrenk is recognized as St. Helens plant and pronounce it
the lending authority in the United one of the most modern and up-to-States
and is one of the highest date creosoting plants in the United
salaried men in the business. He 'States.
World's Prize Cow
Harry West returned to his home
at Scappoose last week from an ex-j
tended trip to the Jersey Islands'
near the coast of France, where he
spent amon'.h purchasing the finest
Jersey cattle on earth for his farm
here. Mr. West left Portland on J
the 1st day of May, bound for!
Jersey, and after his arrival there J
spent one month looking over the '
various herds of Jersey cattle on
the Island, finally finding 30 head j
WI1IIII uifcv. .i.i.. " - - I
shipped from London on the 17th '
day of June, arriving in New York
after 7 days voyage, where he staved !
30 days in the government quaran-1
tine station. Then the cattle were
loaded onto an express car and in
just four and one-half days reached j
is accompanied by Mrs. von Schrenk,
who says she is enjoying her visit
here and is captivated with the Ore
gon climate and the grand scenery
in and around St. Helens. Other
prominent men in the party are A.
J. Pooler, tie agent of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R.. of
Chicago; Mr. Lowry Smith, super
intendent of the timber preserva
tive department of the Northern
Pacific, of St. Paul; Mr. Geo. E.
Rex, manager of the timber and
treating plants of the Atchison, To
peka and Santa Fe R. R. system, of
Topeka, Kansas, Mr. E. O. Faulk
ner, of the same company and lo
cated at Los Angeles; Mr. H. E.
Horracks, manager of the Pacific
Creoeoting Co. of Seattle; Mr. H.
C. Russell and Mr. Aleck Lupfer, of
the S. P. & S. of Portland; Mr. V
C. Smith, consulting engineer of all
the British railways in India, com
ing here from far away India.
After the testa were made here
this week by Mr. Kucuck.and other
tests made at the plant, it is ex
pected by the men present that a
uniform system of preserving Doug
las Fir ties will be adopted by the
various railroads in this country
and aome foreign countries.
Mr. S. V. Ueal, the manager
of the St. Helens Creosoting
Co.'s plant in this city has been also
much interested in the various tests
ang has been a source of much in
formation to the visiting engineers,
due to his wide knowledge of the
.business of treating Douglas Fir,
he having spent mre than 20 years
in thi business and acknowledged
as an authority in the west on the
This morning the party, with a
number of Portland and St. Helens
people were taken to the logging
camp of the St. Helei s Timber Co.
to inspect the timber and works
Portland. The cattle are now at
the West farm near Scappoose.
Mr. West tells some interesting
facts concerning the Jersey Island.
It is a small island near the coast of
France, but is a province of Eng
land. The people there are nearly
all of French descent, but all speak
the English language. The island
is 7 by 12 miles, on which there are
51,000 people, over half of whom
live in the one town of St. Helier.
There are about 6000 cattle on the
island, every one a Jersey. No
other stock has ever been permitted
on the island afive. If any cattle
are to be shipped there for the mar
kets they are killed before landing.
No Jersey animal has ever been per
mitted to leave the island and re
turn. If it once gets away it is not
permitted to come back. There
has never been a case of tuberculo
sis among the stock and inspections
are made frequently. Fine Jersey
cattle are not the only product of
Continued oa Pf 0
Tuesday afternoon seven mem
bers of the St. Helens Tennis
Club went to Rainier for a return
match of tennis, and while the
Rainier Club treated them royally
as far as sociability was con
cerned, yet they took the oppor
tunity to get even when the boys
got on the courts. The clay court
was in good shape and some very
interesting and exciting games
were played, there being several
deuce sets, but the Rainier boys
finally pulled out ahead in the
majority of seta. A very amus
ing set was played between Gene
Allen and McKay of Rainier and
Lester Wellington . and If. C
Gray of St. Helens. Gene only
weighs 280 pounds, but he plays
a good game of tennis and he had
the crowd going most of the time
with his antics and by his jolly
ing of all the players. Put a self-
starter and a set of air brakes on
him and he would be a wonder
on any court Lester Wellington
"surprised the natives" by his
steady play and aided St. Helens
very materially in making as
good a showing as they did. A
tournament for the high school
boys and girls will likely be ar
ranged for this fall as there is
considerable interest being de
J. B.
10 BE
Good Time Being
Candidates and
Standing of Candidates
Miss Esther Weigle. St. Helens
Miss Grace Popejoy, St. Helens
M'ss Daisy Hutchi.'.son, Rainier
Hiss Sarah Mathers, Rainier
Miss Nellie Dunn, Houlton
Miss Beth Perry, Houlton
Mrs. Rudolph C. Karth, Yankton
Miss Kate Baker, Warren
Miss Fannie Cooper, Warren
Miss Ada Adams, Scappoose
Miss Fay Lynch, Scappoose
Miss Dorothy Fowler, Goble
Miss Mamie McClay, Columbia City
Mrs. Ira Withrow, Goble
Miss Wilma Pulliam, Clatskanie
Miss Page, Clatskanie... .......
Miss Mabel Mills. Vernonia
Miss Inez Smith, Vernonia .
Miss Dottie Pringle, Mist
Miss LaVeta Thrapp, Vernonia
Miss Berg, Fishhawk
The grand prize voting contest
for the free trips to the Pendleton
Round -Up is drawing near a close
and who the winners will be not
even the contest manager himself
could hazzard a guess with any de
gree of certainty, for it is possible
for any candidate to win if they do
their best the next two weeks, and
anyone saying that this candidate or
that is sure to win are putting
themselves in a position to make an
awful blunder, for it ia any one's
race so far and it all depends on
how hard a candidate works from
now till the close.
Bud Anderson
Bud Anderso-, the well know
Vancouver pugilist, was a visiter In
St. Helens last Saturday, coming
down from Portland ' in his auto.
He spent several hours here visit
ing with some friends and seemed
to be in excellent spirits and good
health. He has recently recovered
from an operation for appendicitis
and says that he feels no bad effects
and the doctors have advised him
that he will be aa good as ever
within a short time. From his
description of his Fourth of Suly de
feat at the hands of Leach Cross, it
is quite apparent that his appendix
waa a much more formidable op
ponent than waa Croos. Later oo
in the month Bud will come back to
St. Helens for a few days visit and
will try out in tennis and other
games with some of our best.
veloped among the student
through the recent matches.
Mrs. F. R. Davis and Mrs.
Eugene Allen served refresh'
ments during the play, and all of
the St. Helena players were gives
a big dinner at the McKay,
Owene and F. R. Davia homes,
after which the boys caught the
evening train for home, vot
ing it the most enjoyable day of
the season.
Arranged for the
Their Friends
August 15th, 9 A.M.
NO. 1
...... 42,835
NO. 2
.. .. 12,540
.. . 15,830
NO. 3
. . 61,310
... 102,465
. . . . . 18,070
....... 13,520
NO. 5
. 79,865
NO. 4
.. ....... ... 8,236
NO. 6
. . . ..... 67,840
... ... 8.040
Messrs. J. B. Wilkerson, Supt. of
Schools, and A. L. Stone, cashier of
the Columbia County Bank, have
been chosen to act aa contest judges
and immediately at 9 o'clock Satur
day night. 'August 30th they will
commence to eovult the ballots and
declare the winners.
The contest management, to
gether with the Mist, is so well
pleased with the excellent work of
the candidates, acting upon the sug
gestion of one of them and the ex-
CoatuMMd m Pm 0