St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 01, 1913, Image 8

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and Mrs. A. J. Peel in St. Helens
this week.
Horn, on July 2Uh, to Mr. and
Mrs. George Barker of South St.
Helens, a son.
Deer Island
A. Setfert is the proud possessor ;
of a fine horse which he purchased
in Scappoose.
Mae SetTert returned home from j
Clatskanie Friday where shes;ent'
the Fourth with her grandfather,
Mayor T. J. Flippin of Rainier
wu looking after business matters
In St Helens Wednesday.
Mrs. S. S. Evans of Gentry,
Arkansas, is visiting- at the home of
Mrs. I. E. Dodd in St Helens.
Fred Adams, a prominent farmer
and stock man of the Deer Island
neighborhood was looking after
business matters in St Helens
Judge Dart went to Seaside Sun
day to spend the day with Mrs.
Dart and Miss Dart who are there
for the summer.
. Miss Esther Weigle spent Tues
day at Rainier.
Judgt W. H. Cooper was a busi
ness visitor in St Helens Tuesday.
Sheriff Close of Kalama. Wash.,
was in St. Helens last Friday.
Team for Sale 5 years old. Well
broke. Weight about 2500 pounds.
For particulars enquire of David
Lynch, Scappoose, Ore. 2tp
Milk cows for sale, near Tide
Creek station. S. L. Butler.
Fred Morgus has gone to the sea
shore for a couple of weeks outing.
During his absence Miss Sadie
Baker will assist in the store.
Rev. J. S. Mowery will preach at
Yankton next Sunday at 11 a. m.
At the home of the bride's
parents near Houlton. Ore.. July
26th, Guy Anston Boyd and Emma
Ellen Nowels were married. Rev.
J. S. Mowery officiated.
Geo. Grant and U. B. Milloy of
Scapsoose were St. Helens business
visitors Tuesday.
P. A. Frakes and son George
have moved back to Lakeside Stock
Farm with their dairy stock.
Conductor J. H. Dobbins, wife
and youngest daughter. D. Faye,
visited with his mother, Mrs. R. J.
Frakes last week.
James Muckle spent Tuesday at
St Helens. Mr. Muckle is very
proud of the new Masonic Hall and
says he and some of the old time
Masons art coming down to help
celebrate at the formal dedication.
County Commissioner John Farr
was in St Helens Tuesday in con
sultation with Judge Harris over
some road building.
All members of Avon Lodge No.
62 K. of P. are requested to be
at the meeting next Tuesday, Aug.
5. The Grand Vice Chancellor,
Frank S. Grant of Portland, will be
in attendance and an interesting
time is expected.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Harrison re
turned last week from their summer
outing at the seashore. They re
port a very pleasant time.
Mrs. M. Rosenthal and two little
grandchildren are spending the
week at Seaside.
S. Churchel has moved his family
to Trenholm and Mr. Jellyman has
taken their house for the summer.
Jacob George, E. A. Rotger and
Wilbur Muckle returned Saturday
evening from a fishing trip over at
Rock Creek. They report that fish
are not so plentiful this year, and
that is especially the case in Rock
Creek now as they caught every
fish in the creek and there is no
use for any other persons to go
there from now on.
For Rent 8-room house, strictly
modern: partly furnished if de
sired. Inquire or call on A. W.
Mueller, St. Helens.
Miss Laura Heist of Salem was
guest of Miss Elsie Phillip the past
Miss Fleek of Pendleton, Ore.,
is visiting with Miss Lulu George of
this city.
Mrs. W. H. Powell of Portland
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
C. H. John.
Mrs. H. M. Barnett and little
daughter of Turner visited with
Mrs. Turner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Todd of this city. ,
C. C. Cassett spent Sunday at
For Sale Good milch cow by
Jacob Skuza, St. Helens, Ore.
W. A. Harris spent the week's
end at Seaside with his family.
Mrs. Carrie has been quite seri
ously ill at her home the past week.
Mrs. Frank George and Miss
Ketel spent Tuesday in Portland.
Mesdames E. A. Rotger and W.
Muckle were Portland visitors over
David Lane of Portland .visited
with friends in St. Helens over Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cooper of
Bachelor Flat spent Sunday in St.
Dr. McLaren of Rainier was in
this city on Tuesday.
A. Barr.
Newell Ward of this place has
started a blacksmith shop at Houl
ton. Ed Barnes is visiting here now.
Wm. Clark went to St. Helens
I Saturday.
f I
I I..
Real Estate Transfers
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Price of Scappoose
and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dillard
started yesterday morning for Sea
side, going by way of Washington
county and Vernonia in automo
biles. On the return trip they will
try the river road.
David Lynch of Scappoose was a
business visitor in St. Helens Tues
Zip Studebaker has re-arranged
his restaurant, adding an up-to-
date cooking furnace and tables,
doing away with the counter. The
room has been newly painted and
papered until it now presents a very
neat and clean appeorance. His
ad appears in this issue of the
Charles R. McCormick of San
Francisco spent several days in St.
Helens this week looking after his
interests nere. He seems quite
optimistic over the prospect for
lumber trade and says their boats
and mills are keeping up with the
trade. All the various industries
of the McCormick Co. are running
full time and orders are coming in
sufficient to warrant the belief that
no decrease in the output will be
The first annual ball of the St.
Helens Firemen was given at the
City Hall last Saturday night and
was the best dance of the season.
Every fireman was a floor manager
and everybody danced. The boys
cleared up about $50 and feel that
the people of the city are appreci
ating their efforts to organize and
maintain an efficient fire fighting
The Mist has a bargain in a fine
home in St. Helens consisting of 9
lots with good house, outbuildings,
chicken houses, scratch pens and
good garden tracts. All fenced
with chicken fencing and in good
location. For particulars and terms
enquire at this office.
A. T. Kilbain, a merchant of
Milan, Wash., was visiting at the
home of H. Morgus during the
week on his way to Seaside with
his family.
Mrs. Dizney of Warren was a St.
Helens visitor Thursday.
Frank George was a Portland
visitor Tuesday.
Mr. McDonald, a brakeman on
the logging train of the St. Helens
Timber Co. fell from the car last!
Saturday and the wheels of the j
empty truck passed over both legs.
No bones were broken, but the i
flesh was badly bruised. He was.
taken to the Hospital in Portland.
That there is money in chicken
raising there is no longer a ques
tion of doubt We have at this
office a bargain in a chicken farm
with everything ready to step right
into a good business, already es
tablished. Actually a bargain.
Stop in and let us tell you the par
ticulars. Mrs. Webber and little daughter
of Portland and Mrs. Warren or
Illinois visited st the home of Dr I
B. & A. J. J. & H. Braim to
Frances Snow, land in 9-3-2.
B. & A. J. J. and II. Braim to
Juliette Daqey, land in 9-3-2.
B. & A. J. J. & II. Braim, to
Wm. H. Brasm, land in 9-3-2.
Scappoose Acres Co. to Wm.
Weber, tract 22 in Scappoose Acres
E. G. & C. White to Mrs. E. A.
Phillips, lots 10. II. 12. blk. 20,
Columbia City.
Fred Borleski toJOtto Ludleman,
land in 20-4-4.
Western Coopersge Co. to A
W. Philip, land in 4-4-1.
Mr. D. A. Elliott and family who
have been living in St. Helens for
the past three years, will leave
within a few days for Oregon City,
where they will make their perma'
nent home. The four sons of Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott and Mr. Skuzie
have purchased a lrge mercantile
establishment in Oregon City and
have taken charge of the business
already. It is one of the largest es
tablishments in that city and repre
sents a capital stock of approxi
mately $50,000. The Elliott brothers
are all capable and experienced
mercantile men and will make a
success in the business without
doubt. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott have
made many friends here who legret
to have them leave, but the best
wishes of the whole community go
with them to their newhome.
- t -riir rrNini l-'TON ROUND-UP, SF.PTF.MnFR It. 12. 13. SGMETIItn
SCtr.1. iin in tiiiut Y BUCKING MOKSES COG AT ONt TIME
TI!F.RE ARE BtTWtLr mini -
Congregational Church
11a. in. Service and wnihliip
, : i Iur u;.Tk 1 v;,,). ;.. ,.f discourse: "Hie Mir
WOrcl was irvrni-w v , . j
' I . . . I I . .1...
M, iu K. Pender had uiea . aculous Munii w
at his home in Ogden, I tun, auer
illness of two weeks from
typhoid fever. Mr. render is
known in St. Helens, where lie speni
sometime at the trial of his son,
Jshn A. Pender, a year ago. He
was one of the survivors of the
Custer Indian fighters, having I t en
thsough several campaigns with
. . -i .i ' i.
General Cluster ana general
At the time of the battle of the
Little Big Horn Mr. Pender was in
charge of the wagons with General
.... i t.: I.. .. Ill
8 p. in. M rangers ami iin-uun
all find a welcome and inspiration
Kev. F. J. Meyer, l ustor.
Itisexpected that Messrs. Roberts,
Smith and Fairchild and possibly
another gentleman will sing at the
M. K. church, Houlton, nt the
preaching seivice next Sun-lay at
11 a. ni.
The undersigned has taken up at
Methodist Notice displace near Houlton one Hoi-
' stein ball about 2 year old; with
Sunday School, 10 a. m. Subject: out murk or .H horns.
Editor Oregon Mist.
My Dear Sir: The booklet "Out
line of Labor Laws of Oregon for
the Proteetion of Labor, 1913," is
now ready for distribution and will
be mailed free to anyone sending to
the undersigned a postal card re
questing same, giving number of
copies wanted, name and address.
Sincerely yours,
O. P. HofT,
State Labor Commissioner.
Salem, Ore.
$75 equity in two good lots for
good cow or horse. Inquire of C.
W. Parsons, St. Helens.
The Plagues of Egypt.
Morning service 11 a. m. Subject:
Gideon's Experience.
Epworth league, 7:15. Subject:
Bulgarian Missions. Cecil luss
Evening sermon, X p. m. Subject:
The Triumph of Christ.
A hearty welcome is extended to
E. T. Luther, Pastor.
.Dorothy Frank and Walter I-af-fwt,
St. Helens.
Emma Ellen Nowels and Guy
Augustin Boyd, Houlton.
Irene Elizabeth Henry, Columbia
county, and Harold Abbott, Port
land. Maud Eldred and Cecil Armitage,
Letters unclaimed in the St. Hel
ens, t'ostnthce tor me wees enuing
July 21. 1913.
Fred Briggs 1 letter
Al. G. Heesen "
Peter Kontojohn, foreign "
Sam Kontojohn " "
Ralph Lightfoot
George Ncwham, foreign
Mrs. Hoy Simpson "
Ernest Tucker
Letters unclaimed by August 9,
will be sent to the Dead-tatter office.
M. C. Gray. P. M.
For Sale - 2 lots and small house.
Some small fruit. Price $700, or
$000 cash.
C. Wagner,
lmopd St. Helens, Ore.
Ovner can have same by calling
and paying charges.
George Terry.
Commencing Monday, August 4
and ending Saturday, Auuujtl.j
special .ffer will be in force uU
A bonus of ten thouxaiul votn
will bo allowed on each "tlubf
five" new subscriptions, nul.
fifteen thousand in all. This wiit
positively lie the U-sl otTeroftt
contest and gives those candiditu
who entered late an opportunity b
overtake the leaders,, and it fa
same time affords the leadm
chance to pile up a lare rvwr
force of votes.
Heretofore you were allowed tit
thousand votes for five sulxrrjo.
thins, but during this special off
you w ill receive three times u ir,j
on every five new subscription! joi
turn in. This offer appliei to net
subscriptions only, renewals irj
arrearages will count the amt a
in the past.
if'wt Vatea
roi: .1 .
'('s.v .
Tliu (' poit wlirn tifjtly I i i r . I .in. I l.llr.l in wiiti lumr of ihr ranJi.Ulf lu
wroin vim vsiili In voir, jivI lnu.;lit nr maili-.l to the I'ontnl )r'4r1iiifirt aill
count I IVK I) I I S. Puit't roll. Srn.l In HjI.
Will Stand the Skason at the Homk Farm 3
op the Owner One Mile South oe Scaitoose j
Pedigree -
Troupier (44549) imported 1902 by Kciser Bros
of Keota, Iowa; is recorded by the Percheron
Society of America and record number is 30564.
Color and Description; Black; Star; Hind feet -i
white. Pedigree: Foaled April r, 1898; bred by -
M. Malassigne, department of Sarthe; owned by -
Earnest Johnson, Scappoose, Oregon. j
Sire: Sangrado (22990) by Bon Kspoir 7022 J
(5618) by Sultan (4713) by Bayard (9495) by t
Estraba 187 (796) by son of Jean Le Blanc (739) 2
Dam; Charmante )27974) by Coco (4553) by J
Abd El Kader belonging to M. Lefeuvre. Z
2nd Dam; Charmante belonging to M. Huve. "2
Weight 1735 lbs. TERMS; $15 to insure! z
At my place oncmile South of Scappoose, Ore.
Earnest Johnson
sr r x ' ''
Stands for MIST
We now have in operation one
of the most up-to-date printing
presses made and can turn ou
an' kind of work in tlieshortcst
possible time, and guarantee yog
complete satisfaction.
We will print you any number
of Hutter Wrappers at the very
lowest price possibe. Write or
phone for particulars.