St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 01, 1913, Image 7

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Cae r yea) 'snrr prleee fee- Wild Dvras
j nkM aeses ta "- WrU
,0., ati all kuula el pimllry. para. .
pearson-Pane Co., Portland
. .... v
MI'RTtlM - ee (IwtnlH,
mm fall prU i.i
itPIITC v. (iixiii,
Oil P It I A ' ieer.r.W aaliuia'. u
fB HI'. dfce anil Ire,
ner"IJ lltleet lel.ieiwee. Umm wffkM
Machinery :5
,jla ..mill. ete. lhmi.IL. Martin (.. IS Urt
gjjwuaea. l end a,
St. Helens Hall
PueTi.aSu, OssooM
t-laent and Day School for Cirla
U, ali-a. t)-sMtl Art, iMMUt a-iaa.
TlUl MftKlon.OfrlDf N
tip. Lasts ai
m1. le .,,.!, p
, .tl a j i ., uf
tua ar"-.hf.
f. t ".,,
ftal4 r -lr, M
! I wtit (
d I - ftl.
li ft ftuJftjU, iM IMJAt An., IrMUjt, I
c . .
n -
Chiro praetor
Mtntific Trvaimvrtt f til Arut n. I hrnnlc
I ittW I l-riil raM-iiilucw. null l
S arkuol f 1 Uwhlris cif TwlrvrBphy andr
U .isl i.M.fYit..n f tb lrijrll(. A.
I. Mr niwrl Irlrn ri'hr. and itight
lMk& l.ltMS ( urM4 In ar monthly
Wtailmnl. I'i'r to lak u wll
ttld yrvfnuiun t IIIIX cut. W rtW l full
Strum imn.
Rrmovlng Mildew Stains.
SoikinK mildew stains in butter
silk or sour milk will many times re
mti them, but not always. Try a
olution of one heaping teaxpoonful of
:hlorli of lime to a quart of soft
iur; strain when well dissolved and
ilp the mildewed spots In It until the
tuns disappear, then rinse Immeui
iUIj and thoroughly in clear water.
Mollwrf wilt fln.l Mr. Wtnsiows rloothlail
trniptb b st rriLlr Ui ximm luff UiU chliirq
tUUf 111 UMUliug iwriwl.
All Need Forgiveness.
H thst csnnot forgive other
irtkkt the bridge over which he must
iBself pans, for every man has Deed
u be forgiven. Ixrd Herbert.
Emergency Plea.
0d night Msrjorie and her sister
Itr enjoying a pillow fight before
koing to sleep. They had been told
V '. n .J". i
Vn'V i
dse no longer
Wpntcdly to be quiet.
fiotter could stand the noise no longer
id started for their room. They
run! hp riimino anil
Viriorie drooiied down on her knees
Uid her bed and said: "Oh, God,
f Issse turn me into a mouse, so 1 csn
ids under the bureau!"
Always Something to Itlame.
Some men blame their shortcomings
to Uifir families and others on the
wipspers. Atchison Globe.
Hi Future Assured.
"Does my boy " inuuired the par-
it, "seem to have a natural bent In
17 one direct ion V "Yes, sir," said
it teacher. " He gives every Indica-
on of being a captain of Industry
m dsv. He L'i'ts th other hnva to
Ml his work for him."
A Wonder
In the Blood
Remedy That Has Shown
a Most Remarkable
Purifying Effect.
ThS Word tnt.JI,'1n la in . I V. m mist
PUSed In mir lane-iimr. Tlmre are rers
' itiaMii'inul im.i.tii.. i, ..i
r ue Health a. the fod w. eat. Take.
r tmninle. tli i..tlL.n.n ...... II.
. This famous blood puriner
1 and , nilnl to healthy Mo as ;
SV .
r tn,l
- oi wnenr. roaat hei.r ina i
"' snso.ra tliat make tin our
s matter of
1lnt in h. H
"T P'irpne of
" tnrt t the
fact, there Is one In
H, which serves the
stlmulatlns each ecl-
body to the henlthy
"Mlrlm.nt. That Is why It resrner
hmint ""PPly; why It has such a
r noons Inniienre In overcoming eo
ons ... o .r...i
M In rru..n .... .,
El - "iiinpi ma iinn'im n. n. .
-is nni1 P"""lve anil.lotal eect
" '11 thou Irrll.itl... .1. ..
;Jr,,'""""lm, sore throat, weak eyes,
ska ir' '"" of weight, thin, pale
Sri. , wnirinesa oc inttscte anii
hnt fv 'n"-nly SXcrlonced as
'"I a but (la uf H. H H. at
'ore, ii nil In a. fear tlnvi vrni
M ou . , ' " Dr"f" and energotle.
r foil I i, tll- ...... ...
t S 1 ow ii;iura oi new um.
The '""'""I only In the laboratory
'nta t l''',no Co- "9 Hhl .
kill,.. "" oiaintain a very em-
lure J "' '"r'1er of a stubborn
ur rnav ... .... . .
iDficUi r rreiy lor aavice inn
-. look of nutructl.
H. S. t.
FU. ,n? Kcneral stores.
ft r-i i '"" mm n. a. o.
Ins ., rreiMiMlerona. Thcra Is
r It tt . 1 as B. H.
h mZ. u""'," r""JJ' slmUar te
. iMtiMiw wastneei mm mm.
Reported to Have Four Regiments
of Rough Rider Ready.
Autin, Tex. Governor Colquitt has
been provided with what purport! to
he reliable and inside information that
Colonul Theodore Roosevelt has quietly
organized four regiments of volunteer
cavalry of the Rough Kidur type, corn
xsed of trained marksmen of Arixona,
New Mexico and Western Texan.
It la allt-gud that the real purpose
of the Colonel's present visit to the
SouthweMt is to direct the selection of
the men for the military division and
that he will aoon have it in readineia
to enter Mexico In event of hostilities
with that country.
The report further says that Colonel
It.Mnevelt ia currying on this work
with the knowledge and aanction of
the United Stutt-a War ,l..i,Url,..r,
! ,,a wi" pi- in of the
Drigailu If war should come, it is laid.
Wathinitton. I). C Major General
William W. WitheniXM.n, aaiixtant to
the chief of atalf, declared the War
department had no knowledge of the
report thut Colonel Roosevelt was or
Knlxiim four regimenta of Rough
Riders in tho Southwest. General
Withcrspoon said he was not inclined
to believe tho report.
One Hundred Square Milea Affected
by Two Shocks on Rainier.
Tacoma, Wash Two severe earth
iuake shocks, covering an area of
more than 100 square miles, shook
Mount Rainier about 11 :15 Wednesday
morning, rocked the gate houses of
the immense concrete structure of Ta
coma's lL',000,000 jiower plant at La
Grande, 30 miles south of Tacoma,
and created alarm in hundreds of
hnmes. The disturbance, laHtmg
about half a minute, was most strong-
ly felt at the National I'urk Inn, at
Ashford and La Grande.
The telephone operator, Mrs. Scurry,
at Ann ford, was sitting at the switch
board and was thrown violently for
wsrd, the chair lurching toward the
desk. OIHcials at the city's Nisqually
power plant, after a speedy examina
tion, reported they had found no
Hundreds from Tacoma and else
where are on the mountain tramping
over glaciers and following dangerous
trails, but no reports of injuries have
been received. Kthan Allen, superin
tendent uf the National 1'ark district,
said there could be no doubt they were
seismic disturbsnces.
The shocks were apparent at Elle
and Katonville, in I'ierce county, and
at Iewis, in Lewis county, where the
shock appeared to be the strongest.
Seattle No record of the earth
quake reported from Mount Rainier
wss made by the seismograph at
University of Washington. It
.... ' ... ;, . .
at the
said at the university that a careful
examination of tho record failed to
show the slightest trace of a shock.
Professor Henry Landcs, head of the
department of geology, is out of town,
and his ollice assistant, who made the
examination, was unable to account
for shocks being felt on Mount Rai
nier without a record being made by
tho seismogrnph.
Scion of Wealthy St. Louis Family
Enters U. S. Army.
Spokane, Wash. Six feet six inches
in his stockings, a scion of a wealthy
St. Ixuis family, well educated and
refined, Alexander D. Grant, Jr., 19
years old, Wednesday applied at the
United States Army recruiting station
for admission into the army, thereby
breaking the record of the local office.
Never before in its history has a man
of similar height attempted to become
one of Unrle Sam's fighters,
Dressed in a tailor-made suit, young
Grant appeared at tho recruiting office
and made known his desire to enter
the army. After convincing the offi
cers he wss in earnest, he was given a
physical examination and passed one
,u .rf..ct examinations ever
" '-- I -
recorded here.
"Oant is tl
I "Grant Is the tallest recruit I have
evtT enlisted. " stated Sergeant Wat-
... l. .L. L. . I.. ....... .I, full.
son. I tnina ihhi no m uw vow ....-
est soldier in the army.
Suffragettes Ordered to Move.
Trenton, N. J. Anti-suffragists
Wednesday requested the Trenton po
lice to interfere with a woman's meet
ing on the street, which was conducted
by tho four congressional couHers
from the National association for
Woman's Suffrage. The four suf
fragists started a meeting in front
of the headquarters of the New Jersey
Association opposed to woman suf
frage. The antis summoned the police,
who compelled the woman speakers to
move down the street 50 feet to com
ply with a city ordinance.
Enlistment Rill Offered.
Washington, D. C Chairman Hay,
of the house military affairs commit
tee. Introduced his bill providing ma
chinery for the organization of volun
teer regiments in time of war or
threatened war. The bill would place
the volunteer organizations on a foot
ing with the regular army and the
National guard, and would supple
ment the Dick bill.
Don't be
just because your Stom
ach has "gone back" on
you. There's a splendid
chance for it to "come
back" with the aid of
Stomach Bitters
It soothes and tones the
tired nerves, promotes
bowel regularity, aids di
gestion and will help you
back to health. Try it
Though Pathetic, It Seems Strange
to Western Ideas.
Among the Buddhists in Japan it Is
believed that the souls of children go
farther after death to Sui-no-ka-wara
(the stony river-bed) and there they
remain until they reach maturity un
der the care of Jizobosatsu, who is
represented as a priest with a long
cane in one hand and a ball in the
He is said to stand in the center of
the kawara, where he preaches to the
children as they pile up stones, one
for the salvation of their father, one
for the mother, the third for brothers,
the fourth for sisters and the fifth for
their own salvation.
When night comes on and the wind
blows hard a gigantic evil spirit ap-
- . I ... I V - I ! t 1 1. -
down tn hep4 of gtonei whjch the
children have made, and they are so
frightened that they run to Jizo and
hide themselves in the big sleeves of
his kimono, which have a miraculous
way of increasing in size according to
the number of children who seek ref
uge. Then the evil spirit disappears
and the children begin again the work
of heaping up the stones.
Passing through cemeteries in Jap
an one sees tombs that have the image
of Jizo carved upon them, as the par
ents take that way of gaining the
special favor of Jizo for their child
ren, and one will see little piles of
stones built up by the parents and
brothers and sisters of the children
with the hope of helping in the tedious
work of the little ones in the kawara.
Christian Advocate.
T Br.l. In Nw Shoes.
Alwsrs ihsk In A Mrn'f fnot iCua, apewdsr.
II e urea hot, swratiiiK, K hinf, swollea lL
i'iiri rorm, Intrrnwniic nsllg and bunions. At
ill drufif mis ami shoo iter!, 3.'. Root accept
invsiitwtitute. Hamplrmsilrdf'RlLK, Address
AiUu 8. '.limited, 1 Kor.N. Y.
Definition of a Gentleman.
A kindly heart, a quiet voice, polite
words and manners, a hand open to
help, attention to little things for th
comfort of others, freedom from an
ger, boasting, and patronizing; to
ward the strong, courage; toward the
weak, chivalry; toward all men, fair
ness. Few men ever see one in a mir
ror. Life.
Wanted One of Her Own.
Dorothy loves her baby sister dearly
and takes it quite hard that she is
not allowed to play nurse oftener. The
other day, being asked what mamma
should bring her back from a visit to
the city, she msde a gentle requset:
"Please, mamma, a great big doll
dressed like a real baby. I want one
of my own to play with, since you
won't let me have any fun with yours."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
Easy to take as candy.
Money and Prosperity.
Some of the most flourishing coun
tries in the world, such as the United
States, Canada, Argentina, Australia
and France, have a large supply of
money in proportion to their popula
tion, but so have poor Paraguay and
Spain. On the other hand, the per
capita supply of money is notably
small in Germany, Chile and Sweden,
which are also prosperous and progres
sive. Argentina leads the world in
the stock of money relative to the
number of inhabitants.
Resented the Secrecy.
A new little biother had come to
small Carcw, and it was observed that
he looked sulky. Being asked if he
was jealous, or what ailed him, he
mado outspoken answer: "No, I ain't
jealous, an' I like the new kid well
enough, for a baby, but I think I
might have been told he waa com In'.
How'd you all like it if I waa to walk
into the house tomorrow and Just shout
out, 'See, I gotta babyl an' none of
you'd even so much as heard a peep
from me before?"
Masterfulness Checked.
"I've a good mind to go and Jump
into the river," said N. Peck, at the
end of a little domestie discussion, as
he picked up his hat and started out.
"You come back here," said his wife.
"If you Intend any such trick as that,
just march upstairs and put on your
old clothes befoie you start."
Montenegrin National Dresa.
The national dress of Montenegro Is
very picturesque, consisting of bright
and varied colors. The headgear la
becoming cap.
Cautious Recognition of Huerta
Government Advised.
Senators Much Impressed By Am
bassador's Statement of
Mexican Situation.
Washington, D. C. Ambassador
Wilson's conference with members of
the senate committee on foreign rela
tions resulted in stronger support for
his plan to recognize the Huerta gov
ernment in Mexico than he has re
ceived at any time since reaching
After a three-hour questioning of
the ambassador, many members of the
senate committee expressed the opin
ion that serious consideration should
be given to his recommendations for a
guarded and restricted recognition of
Huerta, designed to bolster up the
present government until elections can
be held in October.
The determination of the govern
ment's Mexican policy does not rest
with the senate, however, and there
was nothing in the situation to indi
cate that President Wilson or Secre
tary Bryan had wavered in their de
termination not to recognize the Huer
ta government at present. The mat
ter presented to the senate committee
by the ambassador already has been
laid before the President and Secre
tary of State Bryan.
The conference at the capitol was
distinctly a presentation of "his side
of the case" by the ambassador. As
a result of the generally favorable im
pression he created and the close scru
tiny and tentative approval given his
report by many members 'of the com
mittee, it is believed the administra
tion will be urged to furnish the sen
ate committee at once with its private
information from Mexico.
Tarred Wooden Roadway of O.-W.
R. & N. Span Gone.
Portland Railroad traffic on two
roads entering Portland waa demoral
ized, river navigation stopped, street
car service impaired and pedestrian
and vehicular travel inconvenienced as
a result of a spectacular fire that de
stroyed the west portion of the upper
deck of the new Harriman bridge
across the Willamette river, in the
heart of the city, Wednesday after
noon. Whether the fire started from de
fective wiring or from sparks from a
passing locomotive is a subject of con
troversy. The flames first were seen
near the west approach of the upper
deck, which is used for streetcar, ve
hicle and pedestrian traffic. A brisk
northwest breeze waa blowing. The
fire spread rapidly and great volumes
of dense smoke cast a heavy cloud
over the vicinity.
The tar-soaked wooden blocks with
which the upper deck is paved burned
with intense fury and gave forth great
heat. The west half of the structure
was enveloped in smoke before people
realized what was happening.
A general alarm was sounded and
within a short time 11 steam engines
snd one chemical were on the scene,
augmented by four extra hose wagons,
four ladder trucks and the new fire
boat, David Campbell.
A noticeable list of the bridge at
the east approach on the north side
wad observed by Fire Chief Dowell
and Battalion Chief Stevens on close
inspection after the fire had been sub
dued. The bridge
pine knots and
smoke. The
burned like a pile of
gave forth as much
flames wrapped them-
selves around
the steel pillars and
burned off the paint. The heat was
sufficient to warp the steel columns,
and several of the cables of the lower
draw were burned nearly in two.
Ocean Grave Decorated.
Boston Wreaths fashioned by mem
bers of the family of William T.
Stead, the London editor and author
who was lost in the Titanic wreck,
were caat into the sea from the deck
of the Cunard liner Franconia as that
vessel lay, with engines stopped, over
the grave of the Titanic last Sunday
afternoon. Fifteen hundred men and
women stood with bowed heads during
the ceremony, while the ship's band
played "Nearer, My God, to Thee."
The wreaths were madel of laurel
picked from Mr. Stead's garden.
Britain Will Not Exhibit.
Washington, D. C After delaying
an answer for more than a year, the
British government has informed Wal
ter H. Page, the American ambassa
dor, that Great Britain will not par
ticipate in the Panama Canal Exposi
tion of 1915. While it does not ap
pear that any definite reason is as
signed for this refusal, it is regarded
as Great Britain's way of intimating
that she still resents the course of the
United States in regard to the canal
Parcels Post in Statu Quo.
Washington, D. C On assurance
by Postmaster General Burleson that
he would not further change parcel
post regulations until present rates
can be more thoroughly tested, the
postoffice committee indefinitely post
poned action on Senator Bryan's res
olution to annul the postmaster gen
eral's power to change rates and sizes
of mailable parcel post packages.
How It Struck Elsie.
Little Elsie, sitting in a street ear
apposite a man with twitching eyelids,
whispered to her mother: "Mamma,
that poor man has the hiccups in his
Don't buy water for blulnt. Liquid blue b et
Cml all wilir. Bujr ked Cruet bell blue, Um)
m Uiet'e ell blue.
Man'a Preference.
"Men in youth, or age, or middle
age, will sooner kiss a pretty mouth
than a clever brow any day, or every
day." "Wiisaro," by S. C. Nether
Continues Its Usefulness.
Ia Ipoh, (Malay peninsula) one of
the pioneer motor-cars in the country
is now in slmost constant use as a
funeral hearse. Hauled by coolies, the
proud old pioneer wends its frequent,
slow, laborious way to the cemetery.
Stomach Weak?
Blood Bad?
Liver Lazy?
Nervous ?
aids digestion and purifies the blood. As a consequence both
the stomach and liver return to their normal and healthy condition.
Nervousness and biliousness soon disappear. The entire system
takes on new life.
For over forty years this famous old medicine)
has "made good and never more so than today,
enjoying a greater sale all over the world than
any other doctor's prescription.
For aatle at all druggists in liquid or tablet form, or
you can send fifty 1c stamps for trial box. Address)
Not Hardly.
Doctor (to anxious husband and
father) "All the baby wants is some
good milk, and take care that it al
ways comes from the same cow. As
for the mother, there's nothing really
the matter with her, only a little
weakness, that's all. And she'll soon
pick up if she has every day some un
derdone beefsteak." Anxious hus
band "From the same ox, doctor?"
" When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Ere Remedy. No Smartlnr FeIe
rine Arte Quickly. Try It for Red, Weak.
Watery tyre aod Uraniilated Kyelida. Illus
trated Boole la earh PacSatre. Murine la
compounded t7 oar tx-altete nut a "Patent Med
Iclue" but need In aorrveeful Physicians' Prme
fclce for mini T Tear. Now ddlcated to tbe Pfeb
llo and sold bT Urue-irlst e at 3bo and 60c per Boule.
Marine are BalTeln AeepUo Tubes, $o end Sua.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Systematic Slaughter of Rats.
A price is set on the head of the rat
in Tokyo, and, according to the Far
East, "The sight is frequently seen in
the side streets of the city of some
blooming damsel gingerly ; conveying a
small rat, suspended by a string tied
to its tail, to the police box. Here an
official receipt is given for the rat.
which entitles the holder to 5 sen, ard
so the plague is combated and the peo
ple protected against foul epidemics."
Mrs. Hamilton Tells How She
Finally Found Health in
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Warren. Ind. "I was bothered ter
ribly with female weakness. I had pains
and was not regular,
my head ached all
the time, I had bear
ing down pains and
my back hurt me the
biggest part of the
time, I was dizzy
and had weak feel
ings when I would
stoop over, it hurt
me to walk any dis
tance and I felt blue
and discouraged.
"I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound and am now in
good health. If it had not been for
that medicine I would have been in my
grave along time ago." Mrs. Artib E.
Hamilton, R.F.D. No. 6. Warren, Ind,
Another Case.
Esmond, R.I. "I write to tell yon
how much good your medicine has done
me and to let other women know that
there Is help for them. I suffered with
bearing down pains, headache, was ir
regular and felt blue and depressed all
the tiros. I took Lydia E. Finkham'a
Vegetttble Compound and commenced to
gain hi a short time and I am a well wo
man today. I am on my feet from early
morning until late at night running a
boarding house and do all my own work.
I hope that many suflering women will
try your medicine. It makes happier
wives and mothers." Mrs. Anna IIan
ISN, Esmond. Rhode Island.
Bet tar tkaa Other penrela
producing light, daiaty, wkole
some cakes aad pastries
high erel and
moderate ia price I
Zoo lb. tin at grocers
m m
You save both the wholesaler's and re
tailor's profits when ordering, for we
manufacture this material.
1- ply, weight 35 lbs. to 103 sq. ft... ..$1.25
2- p!y, weight 45 lbs. to 108 sq. ft..... 1.60
8-ply, weignt 65 lbs. to 108 sq. ft..... 1.75
Write for samples or order direct from
this ad. Satisfaction guaranteed.
MFG. CO., Tacoma, Wash.
That Waa Art.
"Realistic?" repeated the critic,
"well, I should say he was realistic.
You just ought to have seen the ex
citement he created in his studio when
he drew the corks in a dinner scene he
was painting the other day."
7HY go alone dav after'
, " day suffering: when aid
is at hand so convenient and
at bo little cost.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
Outspoken Intelligence.
A letter addressed "To my dear God
in Heaven," written in a child's hand
writing, was recently posted in a Rus
sian townlet. As the address waa
written in German, the Russian post
authorities forwarded it to the Ger
man frontier postoffice at Tilsit. The
postmaster of the latter place returned
it to its place of origin with the fol
lowing superscription: "To be re
turned. The addressee is in Heaven,
with which Germany has no communi
cation." t-r make liquid blue costly. Buy Red Cross BaS
Blue, outkee clotnea arbiter tnan snow.
Daily Thought.
Let your first effort be not for
wealth, but independence. Whatever
be your talents, whatever your pros
pects, never be tempted to speculate
away, on the chance of a palace, that
which you need as a provision against
the workhouse. Lord Lytton.
is what they all say
of oar
Methods ef
Out-of-town pee.
pie eaa aave then?
plate and b klge
warkflnetbedlaea day If sjeeeaaary.
An abeolute snap
en tea. backed by IS
rears la Portland
ML Si. a. Wlit
Wise Dental Co.
orricr. moursi
S A. M. tn 8 P. M. Swndeys t le 1
Phone ! A 2029i Mata 202.
fainnt Bids.. Third eed WeaMnctaei Pertleeal
HTi0 pan in rye fret tor optraHont tar Ptl
when fry using
Dr. Schreuder's Pile Remedy
Certain care eaa be effected. Larse atae fl-OS;
trial sue 10c
The Vitalitas Chemical Co.
Nerth Beak Bid.. Seattle, Weak.
moat or xo.-rii
tlMCklBtM ffcMtO,
Try one an or if you tiavw team 4o04wr wttfc
this on and that ons and hstv not oMaine-d
msnent rllf, Lm this grrmi natar hosvlar alio
noso your csuv) ami prMrrih rwmeviy who
action Is quick, surw and mmttx His prssBcriptkma
mrm compound! from Root. rle Has. hnda a ad
Barks that hv bdM'D fthrd from ory quar
ter of tb ilott. Tha mrHnttm of thaw asadiciaasi
arv not known to tha ouiaula world, bat ha) bass.
aanttd down from toUw to son ia tko ateataM
tau&iliM la ChUa.
If yrm Hra ont of trwn and eannot rail, writ tor
arm plots, blank and airuuiajr, tsVTira.nt 4 owat ia
162 rirst St., Cor. Morrlsofl
rortlead. Ores eat.
r. n. u.
No. SI, '19
WrHKN wrttlns te adrertieera, please sasm
" tioa this paper.
If "