St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 01, 1913, Image 4

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In the matt' r of the estate of Herman
H .necl, deceased.
To lb urkiiOA it heirs and de visees of
HeitUMo Hansel, deceased.
Ia ihc name of the State of Oregon,
you are vited to l and appear iu the
County Court of the Stale of Oregon for
the County of Columbia, at the Court
Room thereof, in ti e City of St. Helens,
In aaid county and state, ou Wedtirsday,
September 3,1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
that day, then and there to show cause,
if any exUti, why an ol der of tale should
not be made according to the pravcr and
petition of the sduiinistraior of the
above entitled eiitate, for the tale of the
real property belouging to aaid estate,
the laid real property being described
as follow:
Beginning at the northeast corner of
a tract of land heretofore deeded by
Rachel A. Campbell and J . A.J. Cainp
111, her huiband, to Emma Vivian and
Frederick Vivian by deed, dated Octo
ber 28th, 1S92, and recorded in Hook M.
of Deed for Columbia County, Oregon,
at page 4S, thence running west along
the touth boundary line of tl.e re-ent
traveled county road leading from St.
Heleni to Houlton, Oregon, l.iO feet to
a point, thence running couth 175 feet
to a picket fence, thence east 61 feet to
the east Hue of Rachel A. Campbell's
land, thence In a northeasterly course
230 feel to the place of beginning, all of
aid described tract of land being in
Section 4, Township 4, North, Range 2
West of Willamette Meridian in Colum
bia County, Oregon, and lots 20 and 21
of Block 107 of the city of St. Helens,
Oregon, except strip taken by county
Witness my hand aud seal of said
court affixed this 22nd day of July, 1913
H. E La Bare, County Clerk.
Seal cf County Court,
Columbia County, Oregon.
Published first time July 25. 1913.
Published last time August 22, 1913.
A, W, Mueller,
Attorney for Administrator.
Martha A. Tift, Plaintiff,
Thadeus F. Tift, Defendant.
In the name of tl.e state of Oregon,
yon, Thadeus S . Tift, are hereby required
to appear and answer to the complaint
filed against you herein on ix before
the 9th day of August. 1913, that date
being six weeks from the publication
herein, and if you fail to appearand
answer herein, plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for in the
complaint filed herein, and more particu
larly defined aa follows :
"The plaintiff asks that a decree be
granted forever divorcing her from the
above defendant. That the court per
mit and allow the said plaintiff to re
sume the name of Mrs. Martea Annetta
Anderson, said name being that granted
her in a former marriage, and that such
other relief be granted as to the court
may seem fit aud equitable.
Max U. Cohen & Joseph Mannix,
Attorneys for the Plaintiff,
Notice of Sheriff Sale
By virtue of a foreclosure execution
duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit
Court of the County of Columbia in the
rotate of Oregon, dated the lGth day of
July, 1913, in a certain suit in the said
circuit court, for the said County of
Columbia and State of Oregon, wherein
C. m. Elwert as plaintiff recovered a de
cree against Bennett L. Johnson and
Mary Johnson, husband and wife, aud
William S. Dippold and Dove E. Dip
pold, husband and wife, for the sum of
I6d".oO, with interest thereon from the
27th day of June, 1913, at the rate of
7 per cent per annum, and the hud of
floO.OOas attorney's fees id said suit,
ayd the purther sum of f 14.75 as costs
and disbursements therein; command
ing and directing me, asthe duly elected
and qualified sheriff of the said County
of Columbia, in the State of Oregon, to
sell any and all of the right, title. In
terest or estate of each and all of the de
fendants tbeiein from, on, or after the
15th day of May, 1911, in and to the
premises hereinafter described, and to
apply the proceeds of such sale :
First : To the payment of the stun of
f 44 75, costs and accruing costs.
Second: To the payment of the sum
of 150.00as attorney's fes.
Third.- To the pa; ment of the turn of
$1587.50, with interest thereon from the
27th day of June, 1913, at the rate of 7
per cent per annum, which decree was
duly enrolled and docketed in the office
of the laid county clerk of Columbia
County in the State of Oregon cn tl.e
87th dty of June, 1913.
ow, therefore pursuant to said lae.
cutton, r.otice is hereby given tl at I
will, on the 25th day of Acguet, 1913
at the Court House door, on the west
side thereof, in the City of St. Helens,
County of Columbia, state of Oregon, at
the hour of two o'clock on the after
noon of said day, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash any and
all of the right, title, interest or estate
of the said defendants Bennett L.John
eon and Mary Johnson, his wife, and
William K. Dippold and Dove E. Dip
pold, his wife, or either or each of them,
had or claimed in or to the hereinafter
described premises, on or after the 13th
day of stay, 1911. to. wit:
The Northwest quarter N V 1-4 of
s cti n thirty live :.), Tow nship seven
(Twp. 7) north of lange live (K. 5) West
of Willamette Meridian, contstuing lt0
acre, together with the tenement',
hereditaments and appurtenance there
unti belonging or in anv wise apper
tainitu including that one certain
tpng'e null complete, situated on atd
descuhed premises, together wi h the
engine a i 1 machinery of every nature
used in the operation of said mill, which
I am ord re I and directed under and hv
virtue of -aid execution, or soniuih
thereof a mar be Decenary to satisfy
the mid di ctee in favor of the said C
M. Klwrrt aii I against the said defend
ants, Dennett L. Johnsou aud Mary
Johnson, husband and wife, and Wil
liam S. Pippold and Dove K. Dippold,
huebank and wife, and each of them,
ith inte. est thereon, together w ith all
costs and disbursement, which have or
may accrue unJer or by virtue of eei.l
Witness my hand this 17th day of July.
A . K. Thompson,
Sheriff of Coin mlus,
Slate of Oregon.
Hannah C. Fort, Plaintiff,
Paul Edward Fors, Defendant.
To Paul Edward Fors, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint 111 d against joo
in the above entitled, suit, on or before
the 30th day of August, 1913, and if you
fail to answer, plaintiff will take a de
cree against you as praied (or iu the
complaint tiled herein, to-wit:
the bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now existing between pl.tintitl and
yourself be dissolved, aud for such
other relief a to the court may seem
meet and equitable. Service of tbia sum
mons is made upon you by publication
pursuant to an order of the Honorable
J. A. Eakin, Judge of said court, made
on July 14lh, 1113, directiug said publi
cation in the "St. Helens Mitt," once a
week for six consecutive weeks, be
ginning wih July 18th, 1913
O. M . Hickey,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
613 Wilcox Bl.lg ,
Portland, Ore
First patilication, July IS, 1913.
Last publication. August 24, 1913
Alias Summons
Vargaret Bean, Plaintiff,
Arthur L. Bean, Defendant.
ToArthurL. Bean, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
make answer to the complaint filed
against you in the abve entitled court
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this notice to-wit:
the bth day of September, 1913, and if
you fail so to do, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take judgment and decree
against you, forever dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now and heretofore exist
ing between you and the plaintiff, and
that the plaintiff be given her maiilen
name and have snch other and further
relief as to the court seems equitable
and just, together with plaintiffs costs
and disbursements herein.
Service of this summons is made upon
you by publication of the same in the
St Helens Mint, a weekly newspaper,
for six successive weeks by virtue of an
order elgaed by the Hon J. A, Eakin,
Judge of the atove entitled Court, on
the 21nt day of July, 1913.
Date of the first publication the 25'h
day of July, 1913.
Date of trie lust publication the 5Uj
day of Sep'ember, 1913.
Perry C. Stroud,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First National Bank I'.ldg ,
St. Johns, Oregon .
In the matter of the estate of P.. B.
Sanders, Deceased.
To A. D. Sanders, M. A Sanders, E.
E. Sanders and F. M. Sanders, heirs at
law of said deceased, and all persons
unknown having any interest in said
In the name of the state of Oregon:
By order of the above named Hon.
Conrt, made and entered on the 24th
day of July, 1913, von are hereby cited
and required to appear before the said
County Court, at its court room in the
City of St Helens, Oregon, on Mon
day, the 15th day of September, 1913,
at one o'clock p. m., then and there to
show cause, if any you have, why an
order of said court should not be made
granting to L. R. Rutherford, as ad
ministrator of said estate, permission to
sell and directing him to sell, at public
or private sale, as may appear to the
best advantage of the es'ate, that cer
tain tract of land lying in Multnomah
County, Oregon, known as lot No. 9 in
block No. 2 of K ockwood Park, accord
ing to the plat thereof duly recorded in
the public records of said county on the ,
llth day of May, 11). ; and the S. W. I
1 -4 of the N W. 1-4 aud the W. 1-2 of
the S. W. 1-4 of Sec. 2. township 9 :
South. Ranee 3 East of Witlaiii. tie 1
Meridian, located iu Marion County,
Oiegmi, it all being the propiriy of mid
ent ile; or so mtich thereof as innv be
necessary to pay tie debts of aaid de
ce.ised and the chargi s and expenses of
Witness the Hon. W. A. Ilairis, Judge
of said County Court, with the seal of
said court ulllxed this - Ith day of July,
Attest : H. V.. Lal'are,
County Clerk aud K.iOlticio Clerk of
said Court.
(Seal of County Court)
Citation to Heirs
In the matter of the estate of Joseph
Y ii bin i icoui, II D. Vaiihluric m,
Saab SI. ee'ey, Drccilla Baker and Ellen
Mays, bro' hers and sister of said de
ceased, and Kuie'ii'C Weed, Lawrence
Vanblarie m. Isaac yaliblariivm, Sum
uel Vanlilaricolil, John Vanbtaric 'in.
Loilvina Taylor, Martin Vanbiariconi,
Lillie Yanhlaric m Anna Chri.-t inn -sou
and Harriett Vaublaiicoin,
nephews and nieces of said de
ceased, heirs of law of mill deceased,
and all persons unknown, interested in
said estate, Greeting:
In the name of the stati (if Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby cited
and required to appear in the County
Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the
County of Columbia on Tuesday, the 2nd
day of September, 1913. at iOVclock a.
in of that day, then and there to show
the cause, if any f'erebe, why an order
should not be made granting to the Ad
ministrator of said estate permission and
direciiug him to sell, at public auction
or private sale, as may appear for the
best inter sts of said estate, the real es
tate of said deceased, located in Colum
bia County, Oregon, and described as
follows :
About 2 1-2 acres more ir less Ling
iu the Southeast 1-4 of the northwest
1-4 of Section 4, Town-hip 4. N. R. 4
W, of W. M. on the east and north side
of said pai t ; Also a strip of laud elsiiit
100 fi et in widtts lying east of the tract
now owred by Guy Mills, and went of
land owr.ed by Joseph Hu kenlsittotu
and running to the ct uter of Rock Cieek
and all that part of tl.e S. K. 1-4 of the
N. W. 1-4 of Sec. 4. Tp 4, K. 4, lying
between the land of Joesph Ilicken
b itti.mand East Side Addition to the
Town ol Vemoi.ia, excepting 100 ft. by
100 ft. at showu in book 14, pnge 2t)o, of
the deeds of record of said cn'i ty. And
a. I that part of the S. E. 1.4 of the NW .
1-4 of Sec. 4, Tp. 4, Ii. 4, Iviug east ol
Rock Creek and W. and N. of Ka-t Side
Addition to Town of e nun m, except,
ing that deeded as rboan by Itook 11,
page 320, of the deed iecon!s of said
county. And all tint de-enbed ns Lot
No. 9, BLrk No. 12 of the Town of V:r
uonia, and all the lots of the East Side
Addition of the Town of Veruonia de.
scribed by lot numheis and bloi k num
bers as foilows : Iots numbers 1 to 5 ol
hlk. A, lots numbers 1 to ti of blk. 11,
lots nuuiliers 1 to ti, blk. No. 1, lots
numbers 1 to 12, blk. No. 2, lots num
bers 1, 2. fi, II. 12, blk. No. 3, lots num
bers 1,.2. 3, 4, 7, 8. 9, 10, blk No. 4. lots
numbered 2, 3, 4, block 9, lots
numbers:!, 4, 5, 7, 8 blk. 10, lots num
bers 1, 2, 3 blk. No. 15.
Witness the Honorable W. A. Ilarri,
Judge of the Couuty Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Coliiinha,
with the "eal of said court affixed this
20th day of July. 1913.
Attest :
II. IC LaBare,
Clerk of said Court.
p,y A. F. Barnelt, Deputy.
II . W White,
Attorney for Administrator,
rirst publication Friday, July 25.
Lat no lil t ion August 22.
C. I. Hooghkirk, Plaintiff,
Joseph Silva, Catherine Sila, K. F.
V orhees, Delia Voorhees, L. W. Voor-
liees, Olive Voorhees, Waiter Voorhres,
Nettie Voorhees, Delia Voorhees and
the unknown heirs of Isaac Voorhees,
deceased, the unknown heirs of
William Voorhees, deceased, and also all
Other persons or parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien, or in
terest in the real estate descriLed in Ihe
complaint herein. Defendants. 1
To K F. Voorhees, Delia Voorhees,
L W. Voorhees, O ive Voorhees, Wal- 1
ter Voorhees, Nettie Voorhees, Delia
Voorhees and the unknown heirs of
Dauc Voorlne-, deceased, the unknown
heirs of Wiliium Voorhees, deceased,
and also all other person or parties un
known claiming any right, title, estate.
lien or interest In the real estate de
scribed in the complaint hereia. De
In the name of the State of oreg'oo :
You and each of you are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit, on or h fore the la-t day of the
time prescribed in the order for the
publication of this summons, tli.'s"d
period ol time bel"U w-ks from the
day of the firstj publication uf this su n
mona. and sal I last day ol publicatloa
bring the 12th day of September, 1911
ami if you fail to so anpear and ans
wer, said complaint Hie pmint II il
cause your default to be ruler, d mid
apply to the court above nauci i the
reiiffdemaudediil said coui hunt, to
wit: For an adjudication that ti e m
of plaintitl in and to ti e following .le
n-ribed real property in C'-i ' ''I i
couuty, Oregon, vii. : Con iicmg.t
a point on the north side of at. r st. ( t
in the city of Rainier, thirty fe I t aster 'y
from where a line running paiali. I nli
and through the center of New i. dl'ied
street In said City of lUmi i wo ld
cross the north boundary of id a rrSt.
audruauing thence easterly aim g ih
north side of Water street forty Lit,
thence at right angles northerly one
numbed and srv.ntr feet, to the Up
land or wat.r Ironia.e -old hv Dean
lUauchard to said C I HoogtikiM,
thence at right angl s westerly foity
feet; thence at rigid anii'es sodilnrly
one hu nlied and senntv lee', in r or
less, to the place ol I e.-inriing. he go I
and valid; that neither ihe d rn tan's
nor either of iheiu has ai y t ' 1 . 1 1 ( : c-.
estate, lien or inter. t in .-aid real piop
erly, ami lint ihey be forever injoiri d
Iroiu a- rtmg any claim whatever
This r 1 1 in m on t is pub i h.-.l t y order ol
the lloiioritl'Ie J A Eaklo. Judge o' the
Circuit Courn l the State . f Oiegon, lor
colon, bin County, made and dated July
2rtth, 1913, win h ord r presenile that
ervice of suti,ui"ti in tlos suit be made
upon you by publication once a week
lor six consecutive weiks in the St.
Helens Mist, a newspaper id general
circulation published weekly in sill
County, which tine will begin to run
from the day of the Ibst publication
hereof ; and the time within which you
are required to answer said complaint Is
on or oefore the Iu t day of the time
prescribed in said ordi r for publication,
to-wit, September 12lh, 1913.
The date of the Ib st publication of this
tuuimofis is Friday, August 1st, 191:1.
Dillard A Dav,
Attorneys lor Plaintiff,
Old Time Patriot Pirate of the
Gulf of Mexico.
And aa Mild a Mannered Man a Ever
ScuttUd Ship or Cut a Throat He
Boldly Faced Andrew Jackson, Won
Hi Friendship and Fought For Him.
In the brave day of old Jean I.n
tltte, the patriot pirate of the gulf,
ruled over a little outlaw kingdom of
hi own within ii few inllea of the city
of New I rrlcan.
A ph-turcNijue figure wn Jean La
lltte, with a graceful, courtly delivery
about him which made him popular
with many of the most estimable
dweller In New Orleans. Handsome,
able, averse to the Nliedillng of blood
ii in I even possessed of loyalty to the
government whose ejdse laws he
madt. it his business to break.
l.alllte wu rreinh. He drifted to
I-oiilsinna lu the early year of the
nineteenth century and set up in pira
cy In the bay of Itarataila. a hhelter
sl harbor on the gulf of Mexico, pro
teetisl by n long Island cnlhsl Cm rid
Tcrro, where Jean Lnfitte dwelt lu a
house of brick, with broad nnd com
fortable, veranda, where one might
loll lit ease in ii hnmijiock, smoking
We Sell
and .Irli.Ulng hull), white lral. blen In to bring report or pi""'"'
takeil and pnwpecta ahead.
No crude or common pli'te was thl
Jeitll Limit.-. He held a private.".'
commission from the republic of 'r
tugeua. which had l''" recently
tnl.llshed In -South America and hm
long aline 1 n forgolti-n. and till
commission gave him the right topluu
dor SpiinlHli ahlpa. I.M"tt' follow era
were a motley coll.s tloii black, white,
jellow mid resllo-a and reckleaa
rover of the -'H I.iimiIm tiulllcked In
silk und gold and a, mild
Ids goods openly lit nucllotl even In
tin. city of New Orleans.
II.. u popular, too; there la n
doubt of tlinl. Ib'd It been otherwise.
I.e would lid hiiM" been penult ted to
remain live years In Bin nlm la. A
enrlv II s I MM we II rut governor of Is'U
W.iiui thundering against htm. hut
tllte weld calmly about Ids lot-lues.
Occasionally H revenue olllccr was kill
ed In a brush with the pirate. In
i l.ilily I.iilltle evplessed his sorrow Hint
bloodshed hid b.soim cessaiy A
ens,, was luoiiglit Multilist him In the
fi dcinl court The district attorney wii
a iniin named Orymea liilltle !'
to see Comes, and Hie result of the
visit was Hut tlio ill-HI' t ntl uncy re-
l-ticd his otll. ean.l undertook I utltle
delense. He and the lawer who II
sisted til its were promised $2'.'l
uplisi. for their service and K"l It
Alter the case was dismissed Crjnie
went to Il.iialii la to receive hi fee
en I spent a ecli feasting with liie
pliatc. who tr.Mt.-d him "Ith princely
I and es. oiled 111 ill buck I"
the Mississippi lu a handsome jaw I.
laden with caskets of gold und ll.r
Itepeiited attempts had bis-n made to
oi -aui.e a lalUtniy expedition t "b1
stroy l.atltte's pirate colony, but up t"
the year IM I they had always come
to nothing In September of that
n llrlllsh brig anchored six mile from
Itaralaili pass, and lis captain came
a.hore und o(Tei.d I.iilltle n captain'
commission In the llrilish navy and
$:;i,ts If he would Join the llrltlsl. ill
an attack against New Orleans.
I.ntltte pretended to consider the of
fer, sending w ord meant line to n mem
ber of the legislature of the ltrltlsli u'h o fT.-r and declaring Unit tie
would lie er no ept It. lie sent int.-1 It
er letter to Ooertior Clialboriie, who
had $r..ii for I.ntltte' head
und for whoso head I.iiMtte In return.
In u spirit of guv bravado, had offered
n reward of J.",it,'si I.ntltte suggested
thai the goxerimr extend clemency to
his pirates, who In return would aid III
the defense of the stSJte ngilnst the
ltrltlsli 'I'll.' offer wa rejected, and
an epei!ltloti under 'otninodore I'at
' tors f the I nlted State navy
! HWut.j.t-d down on l'.arataila iiuexpict
edly. tore down the brick house, eon-
Livery, Feed
All Business Promptly Attended To
You Everything Cheap .
We Sell Cheaper than at a Sale
Come Try Us Once and Find
Out for Yourself
tlJOUoft tli II. '.I
Ihe pirate.
Jen ii l.alllte and hi brother P,rrt
eoiicd and eatilbllalnsl tlieuisvlvM g.
the lower Mississippi. Meimy, ,n, A
drew Jaikaoii had an he.) t n,,,
t iie the defense of .NVw Orleang. J,
Lurtlle went boldly Into Ni.w tirlew
to see him. although the llcry general
had declared he would have iio(iig l()
do with "theao idrale nnd hellUti bsre
dllll." Ther must have been i
i charm and persuaalveuca BiKMJt
Jenu I.ntltte, for after the Interview
Jackon ( his udud, nceiip(w
the ii til of the pirates ami hIiuvvviI IIi
utmost trust In tluuu And tlumu;!,,,,,,
the alege of New Orlenn the fullnweni
of . ll fit to allowed Ibeiuselves Wi.rtliy
of colill.lcliie They were eX'ellent
gunner, nud two of l.alllie's i ii Jnh,,
I loinlnbiue You and a in. in iiniuisl
In. ho, were put lu charge of hMi.
hen tlm ltrltlsli had been driven
away J nek sou recommended that Iji
lllle it li.t hi men be grunted pnnl.n
(or all prevloiia ml.lemeaiiors, iiinltli
thing wa done.
Nobody seem In know exactly what
Iieciiuie of Jean I.ntltte ninl his brot her
III IMll we llnd Jean In i .i I
'I'ex.. whence he was chnsiil ,y lht
Spanish goveriiinent lu j,,.r
thiire caiiie atorle of crulso In t
'iirltibeun. The cull of the seu wa
tisi strong for the one time Itariitnrlnn.
KaiiMii City Star.
Our Uvea will be no higher thuu our
Talent I that which Is lu mailt
power Coiilus la that lu whomi pnwuf
a man I I .moll
Cr. llit Judge, J. A, b.a kill, J. P.
Iusirlct At'.oniey, K. II Tongue
( i ii I y Judge, W A. Harris
Clerk. II hi UlUrr,
" Sheriff. A U Iholiip-on
Ase-ir. C W llkelry.
To asiirer, K S Ha'lan.
Scl.'sd Supi j II.
" Ml v.yor, i eo. It. Cnnv.rt
Coroner. I'. II
.... .1 l-liii lrr
" t minims. oners . ., .
ll. Huhrrr
i I rv ov nr iui ksi
Ma or , A. W. Mueller.
K. ro der, I- K. Willi k
Mir. I, at. V. . ...,lr w
1 e .suri r Mia. I. M. D. dd
( our i ilioeri J. II. Cr. nkl e, W. J,
Muckle. J. K. Uniiisey. mid M CaXiin.
airr ComriiiH-l n : A T. L. .ll.
K. McCoriiii. k, A. L. Store, f.
1 lapaill, II . I . soullia il.
'tl Supl., Chas. I. a
and Sale Stable
Houlton, Oregon