St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 18, 1913, Image 7

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in Writ. . slue
, ,11 kUl f lltr. seek, ete.
Ln-Vaz Portland
, 7i.'U ,r, ,,,r "nl "" '
j.i ti"" ' " i "'' i
'"naliKHl. A " " "'IlllH, ImI
' l ...t I f ' eat leneU "I
".- N-vl'r w I'ereiie Ae..
III Hlo!t iMItr ent "mtt
Waieaa F. I'a.emew
W in. I. t. Irs
hlt1(JtH l-rtllf". wuM ami
iL f"r fck I tot end frke.
Helens Hall
I'nKM 4 Mi. (mUKl
Lnt nd Day School for Girl
! (U 1 """ Art. IIMNilU
President to Confer in Person
With Representative.
Return of AmhasHador Doubtful
Step Limic Contemplated, Saya
Secretary Ilryan.
' R III l'i '' I' Ml..
bl II 1"
Mm 5714
r.-w-ti til aM Ai-iila ami Chrotile
1 knlla I1.L7
- I
Ei-iJJ ( harrier f CflHtwrrra lleiMiag
I,.! f, r I 1 " urwlr
f-t.Mu ; 1 :-t-- f ' i'ft-tt.iir. A.
t. : Ihi. 1 'ay aril nitf hi
j t I V f . ut tn uy tuotith'jr
l- rnf. ' ' t rf ).. U lh Up Wl.-
ft-.-rt at utile cu vwiie ir run
list fly KiLLm rrstrKs-a:
.' , .(! tlM
ii i ur riMi.
1 1 r tiyMM
WaMliiriKtiin, I). C The announce-nii-iit
wan mmle formally at thu White
ll'iime- thiit AnilmnHHilor Wilin hi
hfen Huniriiom.-il from Mexico City for
a conference with thu I'reiiideiit on the
Mexieun Bitimtion.
(jiintiientiiiif on thiH, Secretary
!rHn naiil that tliin step hud been in
coiiti-fiipliitioii for ome time. llu re
fuacil to 1 i (i-ijH a miKKetition that this
Htutcini-nt indicated the atnliHieiailor'i
recall and w not hrouKht atxmt by
the nction 'of the diplomatic body in
Mexico City In formulating a joint
complaint HKiiinut the attitude of the
United States toward the Kuerta gov
trnment. The necretary would not confirm or
deny the report of the meeting of
foreign rcprenentutivea in Mexico.
There is much speculation in odicial
circh'i regarding Ambamiailor Wilmm'i
! future, but it ii believed generally
that hi return to the Mexican capital
i hy no means certain.
I'renident Wilwon has received re
cently rciorU fnim individual Ameri
cans not connected with the State de
partment on Mexican condition, so that
lie will lie prepared to take up trie dis
cussion with the ambassador with con
siderable personul knowledge on the
If the I'resident should conclude that
it is not necessary to return Mr. Wil
son to Mexico, the embassy there
would be left in charge of Secretary
O'ShaoKhncssy. Thus its status would
corressnid to that of the Mexican em
bassy in Washington, which is under
the care of Secretary Algeria. Kec
ognitiou of the Huerta regime would
be involved in thu dispatch to that
country of a new ambassador.
i tutU, 1M IteJAlk lis aMUjr. a. &
of the Jo) a of Cominir Home.
About all the ligger that us aver-
fuiks cut in life," ruininatingly
rked the old codger, "is after we
Ihi m olT mi a long visit to have
fflioM has known us for
L-i nH c our grip sack as wo come
g it u:i the street, and Inquire
out emotion, "Why, hello! You
i sway 7
y.'hen Your Eyes Need Cara
Murlnw t: r P-nirtJi'. N'nHnobrilnff Fla
It V''ik:r. 'lr li li.r lir.i, v
rj l.maMl I.I nill,ltffl I- JVlUl. lllU
10 ! In m. Ii '.'liaf. Munw la
r-ii.-. h i-ii- i-it'ii not -ennt
-l.-ii it., I ill u . nfnl rii?li ll. I !
'f ii. in. t o. N..w dM.1li-l..l I.itli0 lkiil.
I A . .ri li In i. K' nli'l UX' Iwr H"tli.
fim k; f i.ii- in A.i-iiilu '1 iiucia, Vi SH4 5IKL
rtn Eo Romody Co., Chicago
New York Doctor Declare "Din.
I coviry" Absolute Failure.
Taeorna, Wash.- With physicuns of
national prominence attending, the
Washington Association for the Pre
vention of Tuberculosis opened its an
nual convention here. I)r. C. tyjovil,
president of the association, in his ad
dress, spoke of the Kriedmann cure,
which he investigated on a recent trip
to New York. Although he had had
many of Kriedmann's patients under
observation, he was unable to find a
single case in which any benefit from
the treatment was apparent.
Dr. Livingston Kerrand, of New
York, secretary of the National As
sociation for thu Prevention and Re
lief of Tuberculosis, placed Fried
mann's "cure" on an equality with
(Lionel Mulberry Sellers' eyewater
for the "millions of India."
"Not only has it been demonstrated
as an absolute failure," said Dr. Per
rand, "but an immense amount of
harm has been dune throughout the
country by Dr. Friedmann. "Many
spent all they had to get to New York,
mortgaging their homes, and, worHt of
all, a great many dropped the safe-and-sane
method of treatment when
they were doing well. Dr. Kriedmann
has used the crueleKt kind of exploita
tion in our country.
"The segregation of tubercular pa
tients, rcat, plenty of fresh air, proper
food and treatment by competent phy
sicians are the elements of the only
remedy known today for consumption.
There is no absolute cure, but if the
disease Is taken early enough and the
proper treatment is followed one may
be reasonably aure of regaining
Dr. Quevil spoke of the great de
crease in the death rate from tuber
culosis in the state of Washington.
In PJ11, he declared, there were 1210
deaths, while in l'J12 there were 1115,
a decrease of over 100.
tiiuise "Has l'aulinu's husband a
ror of debt?" Julia "No; she is
lt happily married." Judge.
ngvr of Dictating With a Liap.
"Office boy wanted, to make himself
l.thful." -Adv. in Manchester Kven-
: .Sewn.
1-4 'V. p i'! I:' ,, ,. .- ,l...,l.l. Tata f. rmif
r fj Ihhi'u fr fc any otlir. A Jour
About Timepieces.
ICIorVs often ptop, but they seldom
rp with the hands at any one hour.
I ck and watches arc said to atop
I' ll their owners die, but auch casta
Diplomatic Victory la Complete
Now l'p to Court.
Washington, D. 'C The American
reply to the last two Japanese notes
on thu California anti-alien land law
has been delivered by Secretary Itryan
to Ambassador Chinda, who at once
cabled it to Tokin. As in the case of
the preceding notes, the contents of
the latest one were withheld from
There is some expectation in official
circles that the delivery of this last
note will conclude thu negotiations on
j this subject between the two countries
I for the present at least, if not alto
j gcther.
I It is declared that the American re
ply to the various points of objection
to the California legislation has been
made so complete as to remove most
of them from the field of discussion.
Kven in cases where the Japanese con
tentions have not been manifestly
completely negative, the expert diplo
matists are said so to have framed
their resKinses as to reduce the points
to clear issues, which probably can be
adjusted only on the basis of judicial
Unless the Japanese foreign office
concludes that there is something in
the American note delivered last re
quiring immediate attention and reply
probably there w ill be no further dip
lomatic exchange for at least another
month. At the expiration of that
time the Webb alien land-owning act
will become effective and the way will
be opened for judicial test of its
fan, Vcary
and Worn
Jf You Feci Fagged to a Fin
ish and Utterly Used Up
Here is Quick Relief.
Half rim joi,i,ii yi, n nicer mnplaln of
"rr nr. i n li m.itiuiiit hruln. Juiiaied
'TV i,iu MMiuriifiil tli'Nlra to In?
n Hliil .oil unit Mii.t nf thfMA fteot
lt In-i ll nu i .- !i,.,-vltifit Ih'it niisllluil
aliy llulo mi II. n nrrvp.1 nlilv to llltt llown
Tn. ns tl in ii,, y niut. Avnlil nerve
muliiuu ii,. ,r i mm, I this worn
H In :t , u. I i I, I... I tn bna.
'fll l li - . ... .1.. n,,.lll.
- iiii:r ji'ii iniiin, n itiw ,....
nK "f ih in Inn irermn In the IiIismI
II lliry run ln oveiriimil lljr m
itri..,.i.. t,.i t.. uii, it is known
" i'ltn I, xemlii. (,i,t eoinllllori Wliero ttl
ImiitirM 1.1, mhI nornlltlllllteS
'err l ,,. I. . , ,, i. ... i
rM"n i.i I
Otis 1 1
luii-r 11. ,
ty tlx red
"T II II, 1
ic'i'i iiit In R. fl. H. snrres the
"f the ei'lluliir tissues
' fi on l.ino.l tlio iiiilrlment
' lis liiiilih itml ennrKy.
ii li . l pi i .., out ao tn any ilma"
oi't u i. r..r . t,nirt nt H. R. H..
Wlft'a si.r t-.l. t.,.wltltf
I an.i ii,, ,,, ,t ,,,, lru,., i iUB,, oma
I'1"'' rliin i lalme.l l,i Im "JuHt as fniwl."
i u reoieiiy insr. nrn v .'i.
twliiki'.iiK; It just naturnlly rnshrs
'Wit Into your Moml, s. alleis aernis rltflit
'' It, up un.l ili nn ami slilewaya.
ion f,,. t,,,r llt not frnm a
Mlniil.... ... ., j, mil iintn inl aeflim Ol nrus-t,
"' 'ruin iim rational rftVet of a nstursl
"MMim J.iMt as sellvo ami Just a tlmnly
" ft man wlm luis lieen lost In tha
inuntiiii.u i ..i . 1 i
niniiii fiiiuveii u.
"" a cttlr Juit rooklna- a savory
of K, i,nrM, i,,,f, im nut ncalct
Set a I i . . u .i i. nl
oil rut 1 I,.!!., in Inat a raw man.
bIm .
'" ii is prrpiirril only In tha lanora
'7 of Tha swift n,,rltla Co., 10 Hwlft
Aliunla, Hcnd for their fr-
r IMlltiK of II, rnnny strans comll
Z1 t RfTilct the human family
of liiiuovorlohsa blooJ.
Mrs. Smith' HtMly Found.
Woodland, Wash. Word was re
ceived here that the body of Mrs.
Clinton Smith, of .Portland, who, with
her husband, was 'lost on Mount St.
Helens, has been found. It was about
loon feet from the place that Mr.
Smith's laaly was discovered.
It is supposed that Mrs. Smith met
her death in much tho same way as
did her husband, whose body was
found at the bottom of a 3110-foot
precipice of ice and lava alwve Toutle
canyon, on the southwest slope of
Mount St. Helens. It is apparent
that Mr. and Mrs. Smith became sep
arated while trying to make their way
down tho mountain in the blizzard of
Sunday, July 6.
California Potato Hit.
Olympia, Wash. Declaration of
quarantine against all California
grown potatoes is threatened by the
new department of agriculture, on ac
count of the prevalence of tuber moth,
a new and dangerous pest, on potato
shipments from the South. T. O.
Morrison, deputy commissioner of ag
riculture, has asked the attorney gen
eral for a formnl ruling as to his pow
ers in the matter. The tuber moth is
a new pest, which lays its eggs in the
eyes of the potato. The worms burrow
In tho root ami destroytsfood value.
$2.",0(0 Tcarld Stolen.
Undon The theft of a pearl neck
lace valued at f(5,000 was reported
to the Scotland Yard authorities Fri
day. Tho pearls are alleged to have
been stolen during transit by pRt
from Paris to a dealer in London. The
robbery was discovered in Iondon
when tho registered packet was
opened. The case contained only
pieces of sugar.
Government Would Save $1 10 Ton,
or 1,000, (MM) a Year.
Washington, D. C. Naval experts'
figures, showing thut a government
armor plate factory costing $X,4fiG,0()0
would save $140 a ton on armor, or
more than $1,000,000 net a year, were
submitted to congress by Secretary
Daniels. The secretary's report was
sent in resjainse to a senate resolution
and supplemented a previous state
ment issued by him advocating a government-owned
armor plant.
Mr. Daniels asked instructions to
make a full, thorough and early inves
tigation of the cost of an armor plate
factory and the cost of manufacturing
armor plate in factories owned by con
cerns dependent on government pat
ronage. Reviewing the situation in hia re
port, the secretary said the accepted
plan had been that the Hethlehem, Car
negie and Midvalc plants should get
the armor work at practically their
own prices.
"This step having been taken, he
said, "it clearly followed that the
manufacturers themselves conceded
that, one-third of the work coming to
them without much reference to the
price, they have not overlooked the
advantage of putting in bids practi
cally at the same figure and at the
same rate. They have argued that if
one of them put in a bid much lower
than the others the only result would
be that the other two firms would have
to come down in their price to that of
the bidder in the eventual distribution
of the work."
He explained that the European
countries, France, Italy and Russia,
have sought relief from the high cost
of armor plate by the operation of
government-owned plants, while Japan
has built two government factories.
A Human Match Factory.
Los Angeles Intemrban Trains
Crash Together.
Injured Probably 200, Many of
Whom Will Die Crowds Mob
Loa Angeles To "horse play" by
youtha who played with the train
whistle is attributed the loss of about
12 lives and the injuring of some 200
persons near here Sunday night. Two
Pacific Electric trains collided, tele
scoping two cara and wrecking an
other at Vineyard station, in the city
Three trains loaded with excursion
ists from the beaches at Venice had
stopped at a curve where a switch is
turned. The last train began moving
forward while the foremost trains re
mained at a standstill.
Carrol Hartholomae, the conductor
of the last car on the center train,
jumped to the track with his light to
"flag" down the approaching car.
Some youths on hia train, aay some
passengers who escaped death, pulled
the whistle in jest. This, it was ex
plained by railroad men, was interpre
ted by the motorman of the moving
train, aa the signal to come hahead.
With a crash of breaking glass,
splitting timbers, men'a groans and
women 'a screams, the motor car of
the last train plunged into the rear of
the center train. The youths who had
played with the whistle were crushed
in the debris.
The two colliding cars were nearly
telescojed. The second car of the sta
tionary train was almost demolished.
The motorman of the moving train,
hearing the whistle, had given full
speed ahead. The curves evidently
had prevented his seeing the standing j
cars of the next train. The third :
train was not afTected. The three j
trains were said to have been runninf? i
at three-minute intervals.
Most of the killed were cut into
pieces. Their identification was slow.
Special trains rushed the injured to
Ix)8 Angeles hospitals and the dead to
morgues here.
The cries of the wounded could be
heard above the din of the crowd,
which became frantic and which
mobbed the newspaper photographers
who tried to take picturea of the
The body contains phosphorus sufficient to make 483,000 matches. Pho
phorus U one of fourteen element composing tha body divided among
bones, flesh, nervous system and other organs. The perfect health of body
requires a perfect balance of the elements. These elements come from tha
food we eat the stomach extracts and distributes them.
Hut if stomach Is deranged tha balance of health It destroyed and tha
blood does not carry the proper elements to the different organs and there
Is blood trouble nerve trouble heart trouble. Pain is the hungry cry of
starved organs. Put the liver, stomach and organs of digestion anJ nutri
tion Into a condition ot health. That Is just what is dona by
which has been so favorably known for over 40 years. It is now put up In
tablet form, as well as liquid, and can be obtained of medicine dealers
everywhere or by mail by sending 50 cents in lc stamps for trial bos
address K.V. Pierce, M. D., liuffalo, N.Y.
Is a book of lOOrt pag' handsomely boand In cloth-treats
of Phyaioloily-ftlyalttnv, Anatomy, Mdirlae ftnd Is complete
I Uobm f UytuAMa-ixuul stamps lu M.V4'WkJU4UU1uN.V. ,
You save both the wholesaler's and re
tailer's profits when ordering, for W
manufacture this material.
1- ply, weight 35 lbs. to 108 sq. ft... ..$1.25
2- ply, weight 45 lbs. to 108 eq. ft 1.60
3- ply, weiget 65 lbs. to 108 sq. ft. 1.75
Write for samples or order direct from
this ad. Satisfaction guaranteed.
E. BERKHEIMER MFC. CO., Tacoma, Wash.
Tariff Hoard Is Discussed.
Sun Frnnciscn Plans to brinir about
the appointment of a permanent non
partisan tantr commission ny tne gov
ornment were discussed at the meeting
of the 16 directors of the chambers of
commerce of the United Mates wno
are visiting Snn Francisco on their
10,000-mile tour of 11 states. The
SCO commercial bodies, national and
municipal, that compose the organiza
tion have voted in a referendum in
favor of the appointment of such a
The directors voted to empower the
nresident of their organization and the
executive committee to appoint a spe-
. . . . r, i
cial committee to comer wun i resi
dent Wilson, Secretary of Commerce
Kedfield and Chairman Underwood, of
the ways nnd means committee of
congress. J
In this manner the views of the
chambers of commerce of the United
States upon the appointment of the
tariff commission will be submitted
formally to the government.
Woodmen Kates Subject.
St. Paul, Minn. At a conference in
the office of State Insurance Commis
sioner Preus, Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Weeks held that the bill passed by
the recent legislature, authorizing the
incorporation of the insurgent faction
of the Modern Woodmen of America,
provides that the rates to be charged
must be 50 per ceni attove inose now
charued by the present organization.
The subject of increased rates was one
of the causes of trouble between the
parent organization and the insur
ants. German Aviator Killed.
Muclhausen, Germany A young
German aviator named Dietrikha was
killed here Wednesday. While land
ing ho brought his aeroplane too
abruptly to earth, it overturned, and
he was crushed beneatn tne motor.
Raises jgV.
If the W'ls--j
Dough &3&
f Better! M
Vv Poun1 rL?A
All Grocers nXTtZ.j
Miles of Telephone Wire.
One American telephone company
has over 14,610,000 miles of wire in
use. That would be enough to make
about fifty-six single wire lines to the
moon from the earth.
Perseverance Key to Success.
In almost any narrow way of living
a man's life may be exceedingly sim
ple, but if he wishes to escape from
this narrowness, unless circumstances
are much in hia favor, he has to blaze
a pathway through all sorts of hin
drances, and often very much uphill,
before he can get to the place of wider
influence or outlook. It takes courage;
it takes perseverance; it takes an un
conquerable hope to do this.
Be thrifty on little thlnirs like bluing-. Don't so.
ept water for bluina'. Ak fur lUai Croea bed
Blue, tile extra voud value blue.
More Mean Philosophy.
Mutual liking is all very well, but
there is nothing like mutual distrust
to hold a woman's club together.
Yen Cen Get Attend 'oot-rasc ntEC.
Write Aliens. Oim-:cl l.e Kny, N. Y., fork
!r- aainle of AiU-u'a Fool-htte. It cun-i
VM-atlliK, h.t fiw-ilell, Ac-hiug (t-i-t. It mak
m-wr or ligl.l Kli-M-a Ai.y. A n-rtaia cure lor
?ornt. Inflowing uaiIm and bunion. All dnie
KikUaeUtL SUki. ilon't accept any substitute.
Never write on a subject without
first having read yourself full of it,
and never read on a subject till you
have thought yourself hungry on it.
Mothers will finfl Mr. Winnows Snothtne
Pyni tho h. at r.-n.rW to uaolul their cbUilroq
during the IceUuug oeruxi.
be Done" j
Portland Couple Lost in Blizzard
On Mt. St. Helens.
North Fork Logging Camp, Wash.
Giving up all hope of recovering, fori
at least four or five days, the bodies of
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Smith, of Port-'
land; who were lost in a blizzard on !
Mount St. Helens Sunday, July 6, 26 j
mountaineers returned here. I
They were completely exhausted
from hardships and exposure encoun
tered in the week they have been
searching the snow fields.
Settlers of the North Fork of Lewis
river and mountaineers and trappers of j
the Mount St. Helens country, who
have been scouring the snowfields for
a week, have narrowed the search
down to one particular place on the
mountain which cannot be reached
until the weather is good and the snow
has melted.
The tracks of the missing couple
were found near the top of the moun
tain on Friday, and were followed to a
point where they went down, a steep
slope with a rock formation on one
side and a snow field on the other. It
is believed the couple went down over
this slope and perished. Because of
the storms on the mountain it has not
been possible for the searchers to
make their way down this slope. J
Mysterious Power Guides.
Tacoma, Wash. Directed by some
mysterious power to the spot where
her son, E. B. Mygatt, on June 20,
leaped from Lincoln bridge, Mrs. C.
P. Mygatt, of Independence, Mo., ac
companied by W. H Mygatt, her other
son, went straight from the depot to
the acene of the tragedy and an
nounced to the young man that they
were on the spot where his brother
Mrs. Mygatt had no guide, she only
knew Edward Mygatt met his death
by leaping from Lincoln bridge. She
did not know the location of the
bridge, and asked no questions, but
found the exact spot.
Banana Finds Advocate.
New York President Wilson may
be deluged with hundreds of letters in
defense of the banana 89 the "poor
man's fruit," it was said by some of
those present Saturday night at a
meeting in Cooper Union, at which
speakers advised protest against the
proposed tax of one-tenth of 1 per
cent a pound on bananas imported into
this country. Mrs. Julia Heath, pres
ident of the Housewives' League, and
other women speakers urged that all
present send to President Wilson a
personal letter of protest.
Aviator to Attack Ship.
Nogales, Ariz. Didier Masson has
invented an apparatus to carry 12
bombs on each flight, together with a
sighting system for dropping bombs
from his aeroplane. The French avia
tor declares that within a few days he
will attempt again to sink the Federal
gunboats lying in Guaymas harbor.
Strawberry Wine Praised.
Regarded medicinally, strawberry
wine is held to be superior to grape
wine. Spanish doctors who have in
vestigated the matter report that
strawberry wine gives the greater
strength to a weakened costitution.
The strawberry wine industry is said
to be assuming some importance in
Constipation causes and aggravates
many serious diseases. It is thoroughly
cured by Dr. 1'ierce's Tleasant Pellets.
The favorite family laxative.
Conscientious at Least.
"Why did you say your prayers
twice, dear.T" asked his mother, kiss
ing Charlie good-night. " 'Cause I
was too tired to say them last night,
and I'm making up for lost time."
Two Women Tell How Thej
Escaped the Surgeon's Knife
by Taking Lydia E. Pink-.
ham's Vegetable
It is impossible to maintain
health and strength if you
allow the stomach to become
weak, the liver sluggish and
the bowels constipated, but
you can guard against such
troubles by the daily use of
is what they all say
V v.1
V-i ' - ; I
tft.lV. A. Will, rWHtJT Ml Maul
1 1 our
Methods of
Out-of-town psjo
pV can haw that
n'ntsj and brUi
work finished la on
4ay If aseei arr-
A n abaoJnta fn
ant e backed by M
in Portland
Wise Dental Co.
I A. M. ! I P. M. Sundeys t I
Phones: A 202: Mais 2029.
rallint Ride.. Third end Waahintloa. Portland
Swarthmore, Penn. " For fifteen
years I suiftTed untold agony, and for I
one period of nearly
two years I hadhem- j
orrhages and th a
doctors told me I i
would have to un
dergo an operation,
but I began taking
I.ydia E. Finkham'a j
Vegetable Com- I
pound and am in
good health now. I
am all over the
Change of Life and
cannot praise your Vegetable Compound
too highly. Every woman should take
it at thut time. I recommend it to
both old and young for female trou
bles." Mrs. Emily Summersgox
Swarthmore, 1'a.
Baltimore, Mil. " My trouble began
with the loss of a child, and I had hem
orrhages for four months. The doctors
said an oorat!in was necessary, but I
dreadi-d it aiitl divided to try I.ydia E.
I'inkhnm's Vegntable Compound. The
medicine has mude me a well woman and
1 feel strornr and do my own work."
Mrs. J. R. I'irKiNG, 1(30 Sargent St.,
Lultimoru, MJ.
Since we guarantee that all testimo
nials which we publish are genuine, is it
not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has the vir
tue to help these women it will help any
other woman who is suffering in a like
manner T
rn ifw-oiTt prompt tiwta.
V !.' of Hob-PoImbou,
Keftitfa-blUsUAf U
the Chlaeae doctor.
Try oner n--r ti vnq tiv!B doctoring- wlta
tli i on it tut t Ml .me inj hmi not oM inKl pr-niHMt-n
r.-i tt . i h n irr.-At nnrurt heeler di f
!! oi;r mid irwri'f m rvmptlr whoa
i t urn if ipiii k. tircnini :.fe. 11 id pnwrripllona
irt roti-rn-uri'ltn, f mm htvun, Mrrba, Hudi n4
Htrkn thnt hitt tcn ar' hTxi from mvvrr qnr
trof th tiloi. Th Mt'rt of thw mliMne
are not known to tho nutaMf world, bat ht hm
hnndewl down from tmttkt to toa la 1a phjaioiaaa'
famUiw la China,
If Toa Mrm cmt of town and cannot call, write for
symptom blaaa and envoi!-, eaoloeiu- 4 eeste la
162) rirst St., Cor. Morrison
Portland, Oregon.
Why pay la rye frm for operations (or Pitts.
u-rh-rt by using
Dr. Schreuder's Tile Remedy
Certain cure can be efT'-ctrd. Larre alia $1.00;
trial size luc
The Vitalitas Chemical Co,
North Bask Bids, Seattle. Waeh.
P. N. U.
No. 29, '13
WHM wrlttns t edrertlerra, pleaee
" tioa tale paper.