St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 11, 1913, Image 2

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B7 B, Fletcher RoWnsoo
Coauthor with A. Coou D07W of
The Hoond ofthe BHfarrOH'M.
"Are you Inspector reooe, SlrT
He looked what he was, a garden
ar"a boy. and he stood on the platform
of Richmond station regarding us
with a solemn. If cherubic, counte
nance. The little Inspector nodded
hla bead aa he felt In hla pocket for
the tickets.
"I hare a cab waiting for you, air."
"Are you from the Elms?"
Tea. air. Mini Sherrlck sent me
to meet yon, having heard aa you
were coming."
We walked up the steps to the road
way, climbed Into the cab, and, with
the bey on the box. dragged our way
up the steep of the narrow street,
past the Star and Garter (the hostelry
of ancient glories), and so for a mile
ttntll, at a word from our youthful
trve Ttm. Richmond, had been stab
bed to death In a road near bis
house. That was the single fact tele
graphed to Scotland Yard. Taking
my friend here, I caught the 1:35
from Waterloo station. It Is now
half-past three. As you will observe
my work has not yet commenced.'
"I eet the boy to meet you. I
wished you to bear my story before
you saw the police up at the house.
I should like to tell you all I know.1
'That will, doubtless, be very valu
able," said the little Inspector. "Can
you find us a place where we shall
not be disturbed?"
For answer she led the way through
the wicket gate. A couple of turns
and the winding walk brought us to
an open space in the laurels and
rhododendrons. On the further side
was a garden bench, and there we
seated ourselves, waiting, with great
anxiety on my part at least, for
further details of the tragedy.
"My father was a widower," said
Miss Sherrlck, "and when he died he
left as my guardians and trustees my
mother's two brothers. Colonel Bul
strode and Mr. Anstruther Bulstrode.
Colonel Bulstrode, who had been In
the Indian Stall Corps, had retired
the year before my father's death,
and taken this house. It was with ,
htm that I went to live. Richmond
suited him. for be could spend the day
at his London club and yet be home
In plenty of time for dinner.
"My uncle Anstruther was also an
Anglo-Indian. He had been for many
years a planter !n Ceylon. It was on
toe uoionei s advice that he took a
house near us when be came home
this spring.
"I first met Mr. Boyne last Christ
mas, when we were skating on some
flooded meadows by the Thames. He
Is a lawyer, and, though he Is doing
well. Is by no means a rich man. Un
fortunately, I an an heiress. Inspec
tor Peace."
"I understand, Miss Sherrlck."
"Colonel Bulstrode expected me to
make what he called a first-rate mar
riage. Mr. Boyne and I had been en
gaged for two weeks, and at last we
decided to tell the Colonel. We knew
there would be trouble, but there was
nothing to be gained by continued
postponement Mr. Boyne made an
"The colonel has come by aa ae
cldent, miss, down by the wlcket-gat.
I was going for a doctor'
"I did not wait to hear more. I
mas very fond of my guardian, Mr.
Peace. Ho hd but temper, but to
me he had ever been kind and consid
erate. As I started, however, CuUea
came panting up and tried to turn nie
back, waving his hands. Lunatlo or
not. t did not mean to lot hi in fright
en me. So 1 avoided him, and set oS
running across the grass to the Wil
derness gate the one through which
we have Just come. I had almost
reached it when I met Mr. Doyue. I
was surprised, for I thought he had
already gone home. Beyond htm I
could see the gate, with two of our
gardeners standing on the furthor
side and talking earnestly together.
I asked Mr. Boyne what was uis)
matter, and for answer he took me by
the arm and led me back towards
the uouse. He looked very white and
111. I still begged for an explanation,
and at last be told me the truth. My
Uncle, Colonel IlulBtrode, had been
found lying in the road stubbed to
death with a spear. They had no
Idea who the murderer might be.
They brought up the body to the
house. Afterwards they let me see
him. Even In death his face was con
vulsed with passion. Oh, it Is dread
ful, dreadful!"
Her reserve gave way all In a mo
ment, and she burnt Into a fit of sob
bing, hiding her face In her hands. It
was some time before she regained
her self-control, and when she spoke
again It was with difficulty and in de
tached sentences.
"It was about three o'clock," she
said. "Mr. Iloyne came into the room
where I was. He told uie that my un
cle had spoken very Mttorly to htm in
their Interview, and that there bad
been a quarrel between them; but
Mr. Boyne's sorrow was sincere. I
am sure it was sincere. Afterwards
he begged me not to believe any
rumors I might hear about him. Then
he went away. Afterwards, as I was
looking from the window, I saw him
walking down the drive with a po
liceman. Several of the servants
were gathered at the front door
watching and pointing. I don't know
how but the suspicion came to me
General News of the) Industrial and durational Dcvc!oPmMl,
and Progress of Kural Communities, Public Institutions..
Tti.OOO Employes of Eastern Koads
Declare for Maine.
New York-Peace overtures have
ceased between 45 Kuntern railroads
ami 100.0(10 members of the Order of
Kail way Conductors and the Brother
hood of Railroad Trainmen, after the
employes' representatives in confer
ence with the railroad managers an
nounced that 94 per cent of the men
had voted to strike for increased
wage. Final action on the proposed
tieup remains with the general co,n"
mittee of 100 of the conductors ami
trainmen's organizations.
1. i tk. iitu,tiiiiii nniniof. in oucr-
.v.-. tt, .frik., v.ii. will ! ..resident are. not proved, so fur as
be ratified unless the companies meun-, Oregon is concerned, by the reglslra
...:i., .or-.. ... ,mu hii-lnT waees or : lion liiriires so fur this year. The fig
.-r..rt ... submit the disnulo to arhitra- ! ures received to date by Secretary of
St;ii Olcott from 14 counties show
IIWII. . .
twin., n..,rti,.ti,.ns the Krie thiit the Hull Mouse party has about
Per Cent of Progressives So Far
Registered Very Small,
Salem- Assertions of special writers
of prominence for Eastern magaxlnes
i hut the 1'roirreasivo party I well or-
irrun iintl Htmnvrrr than whn Col-
(1 1111 Koosevelt was its candidate for
railroad and its two subsidiaries, the
New Jersey New York and the New
York, Susquehanna & Western, with
drew, leaving 42 roads in the confer
ence. The Erie system contends that
the increase demanded represents an
annual cost to the three roads of $1,
200.000, and that the system in pay
ing this sum would sulTer in safety ap
pliances and equipment.
The conference committee of mana
gers will meet soon to consider the de
cision of the employes' general lom
mitteu. The railroads are then ex
pected to make their ultimatum.
It was said that at no time during
the session was the Erdman arbitra
tion act mentioned, but comment
among railroad officials ami union rep
resentatives showed a general exee
tation that the men would appeal for
arbitration before definitely deciding
to walk out.
T. H. O'Brien, representing the
trainmen, said :
"The Erie men will insist on a coro
ner cent of the total registration.
As a matter of fact unless the Pro
gressive party adherents are emulat
ing the Democrats in registering no
way and voting another, the new party
will have a small following at the next
election, if the present ratio keeps up,
The figures show a return of Progres
sive party men to the Republican
ranks, with many Democrats pursuing
their t.lil tactics of registering as lie-
Resource of Stale Will He Given
In Foreign languages
Portland Authority has been given
by the Oregon Immigration com nils
sion to proceed w ith the translation of
accurate information concerning the
resources of the state, into (icrman.
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Fin
nish langunges. An immigration book
et in dernian has already been pre
pliance with their demands for a wage j pared by Paul K. Schwabe, an employe
increase, and unless the
unless the meets
their demands, the men will strike."
Depositors Receive Limited Sums i
and Run Is Checked.
end actor, the cab drew up at a
wicket-gate In a fence of spilt oak.
As we stepped out a girl swung open
the gate and stood confronting; us.
She was a tall and graceful crea
ture, with the delicacy of the blonde
coloring a beautiful face. There was
fear in her blue eyes, a fear that wid
ened and fixed them; and a tremor
of the full red Hps that told of a great
"Inspector Addington Peace T"
"Tea, Miss Sherrlck."
There was that about the little In
spector which ever invited the trust
of the Innocent, and also, to be frank,
no inconsiderable proportion of the
gull ty to their special disadvantage.
I have noticed a similar confidence
Inspired by certain of the more fa-
moos doctors. So I was not surprised
when Miss Sherrlck walked up to
him, and laid her hand on his arm.
with a confident appeal In her eyes.
"Do you know they have arrested
himV she said.
1 bad not beard. What Is his
"Mr. Boyne."
' "The man who found the body."
! "Yes. The man I intend to marry."
I liked that sentence. It was
stronger than an protestations of bis
Innocence that she could have made.
Tou cannot think he Is guilty," she
said quietly. "Tou are too clever for
Chat, Inspector Peace."
"My dear young lady, at two o'clock
I beard that a Colonel Bulstrode, of
appointment with him for one o'cJoet t perhaps it was through what Culleo
Pittsburg To the decisive state
ment of Secretary of the Treasury Mc
Adoo, is attributed the restoration of
almost normal conditions in financial
Pittsburg despite the closing of the
First-Second National bank, an insti
tution that has been accredited one of
the strongest in the country.
The closing of the First-Second was
followed naturally by suspension of its
affiliated bank, the First National of
McKeesport, and the appointment of
receiverships for the banking house of
J. S. & W. S. Kuhn, incorporated, and
like action with the American Wa
terworks & Guarantee company.
Another huhn interest affected, the
Pittsburg Bank for Savings, suffered a
run Wednesday, chielty by small de
positors. This was continued in some
what greater magnitude Thursday, but
appeared to abate as the day wore on.
bmall groups of depositors who en
tered the bank promptly received f.r0
on demand, as previously, and were
required to give the legal notice of 30,
60 and 90 days to withdraw other
amounts above the stated figure.
About 15 1 0,000 was withdrawn from
the bank, while deposits were $20,000.
Announcement was made that J. S.
Kuhn, the president, and W. S. Kuhn,
vice-president, had resigned and that
W. J. Jones, the former secretary and
treasurer of the bank, had been made
president, with A. N. Voegtly, former
assistant to Mr. Jones, as secretary
and treasurer, while L. M. Plummer.
auditor, was made vice-president.
From the time of this announcement
the run perceptilbly abated and the
crowd disappeared, until at closing time
the vicinity of the bank differed from
no other business day.
of the immigration Uianl, and the
other booklets will be issued as soon
as possible. The second edition of
the Oregon Almanac by K. .V.. Davis,
will be ready before, the close of sum
mer. The Immigration hoard also has
given Mr. Chapman authority to pre
pare for a comprehensive exhibit at
the Chicago Land Show. Mr. Chaw
man will attend the show.
Pensions Given Widows.
Two applications for widows' iien
sions have been granted in Lincoln
county. In each instance the hus
bands died from natural causes and
the widows were left to maintain their
homes and support their children sole
ly by their own efforts.
County Judge Fogarty holds that no
pensions should be granted where
there is any possibility of the pension
money being used for the benefit of
any other person or any other purpose
than the maintenance of ,the home and
the minor children of a dependent
Those granted amount to $27.50 a
Treasurer Issues Statement.
Salem State Treasurer Kay has
issued a statement of disbursements
for the six months ending June 30, as
follows: Total, I l,7rt,5:tfi.fi4 ; bal
ance. $l.2r..I2.13; balance January
I, 11.457.4X7.02; receipts. $I,7M.
177.75; disbursements from the gene
ral fund, ll,40H,C'.l.V27; balance. $r.3.T.
fi0!. 19; balance general fund January
, i."i,tiiJ.ii.i; receipts, :'' 07
Tl... - L I . ,
.-.minion scnooi iunl increase
miring tne period J lXr,HVj. H, the
total Jan. 1 being t.;,2r.5,uf.i;.40. The
ruml June 30 was $ti,301,42H.fiM.
Commission of Five v:n ..
State Exhibit in isii
Salem R. A. Booth. Kuga,. r ,
Hswly. Polk counts w
son, Pendleton, and O. M n. .
John F. Logan, of Portland .
pointed commissioners to h...
charK of the Oregon exhibit, 5"
Panama-Pacific lnternatin,
lion In San Francisco in fl
were apiwinted by a emmitte,
at the last session of the l,'
consisting of Governor West, gjj
.ary ui oiaie wicoll, Mst, Trsaaul
Kay, Speaker of the House MPiTi
the governor being the only tnemhL
who did not attend the meetim
rxiniriou inai lh
- - -"'Will
will organise Immediately, a It
much work of impnrtanre. Th
cess of Oregon's undertaking j.
pend uiK.n the work of the mm
in expending 1175.000 appropriiWk
the legislature for the exhibit of ,1
The appropriation is larger th
that made by the neighhohn
of Washington and Idaho.
members of the commission twn.-.
will be ample for an adciiuits ilm.
The bill places in the hands of fk.
commission the 'entire sunerviii j
the building or buildings. tmnL.
salaries of employes, and the
conduct of the state's affairs.
Members of the com mission wills,
ceive no salaries. Mr. liooth
lected to represent the SuuthenAt
trict. Mr. Ilawley the WillMmn.i
ley, Mr. Thompson Eastern Oiwm
and Messrs. Logsn and Clark ths pun.
land district.
Dr. F. II. Ilayward to Mike U
dress at Summer School.
University of Oregon, F.atmt-
Prominent educators of Oregon lull
least two other men of note in the ed
ucatlonal world will take part os tit
program of an educational rnnttmtt
called for t riday and Ssturdsy, Jijj
z ami in, ss a pari or the tumme
school sessions of the Tniveniitj 4
Oregon, Besides s lecture on the a
cial status of the teacher in Gna
Britain, by Dr. F. II. lUywini i
spector of schools of l-ondon, Enjlut
there will be papers by SuHrintendl
Meek, of Boise, Idaho; Superintend!
Alderman, of Portland; SuperinU
dent I lug, uf Kugenr; Profon
Sehafer, of University of Orres;
Professor Kessler, of Oregon Agrw
tural college, and many othr
cators of the state.
Presentation of the papers ii intmi
ed to open the way to genera! dim
sion of the different problem! Mi
"The morning seemed as If It were
never to end. As the hour approach
ed I could wait in my room no longer.
I slipped out of a side door Into the
upper garden, which lies at the furth
er side of the house. I wandered
about for some time in great misery.
When I beard the stable clock chime
tL half-hour, I started back to the
bouao. It must have been decided
between them one way or the other.
i naa reacaea tne drive and was
walking up to the front door when I
saw Cullen, tb butler, come running
out of the Wilderness aa we call
the shrubberies where we now ar
ana so across tne lawn towards me.
He was In an excited state, wsvlng
his arms and shouting. Cullen is so
stout and respectable that I could
only conclude that he had gone mad.
When he was some twenty yards oif,
be caught sight of me, and slunk
away towards the front door aa If
trylnjr to avoid me.
"What la tha matter. Cull en r I
called to him.
"He slackened his pace, and finally
stopped, with bis eyes staring at ma
In an odd fashion.
"Tou come In with me, miss.' be
stammered. It's no mischief of your
making. Eh, eh, but it's ugly work
black and ugly work.'
What do you mean, Cullen T" I
said as boldly as I could, for his man
ner frightened roe.
had said. I ran down the stairs and
ordered them to answer. At last they
told me he had been arrested for
the murder."
We waited for a while, and then
the little inspector rose, and. In bis
courteous manner, offered ber hla
arm. She took It, looking at him
through her tears.
"He is Innocent, Mr.
"I trust so. Miss Sherrlck."
They moved off up the walk, I fol
lowing behind them. We emerged
from the shrubbery on to a broad
lawn. The bouse, a sprawling old
mansion of red brick, was before us.
We crossed the grass, and, turning an
angle of the bouse, came to the porch,
from which a drive curled away
amongst the foliage of an avenue of
The central hall was better fitted
for a museum than a habitation of
comfort-loving folk. Bronsa gods
and goddesses glimmered in tha cor
ners, dragons carved in teak glared
npon th eastern arms and armor
that lined the walls, the duller hoes
of ivory and lade contrasted with the
brilliant turquoise of old Pekin vases.
It was here, among these spoils of
the east, that Miss Sherrlck left n
i she disappeared, a tall, thin fid.
low in plain clothes nteped out of a
door on our right and saluted tha In
President Wilxon Gains Weight.
Cornish, N. H. President Wilson
has so improved in health in the last
three days and likes his summer home
here so well that he virtually decided
to prolong his visit. Should affairs in
Washington, however, become press
ing, ho will start back immediately.
The satisfactory progress of the tar
iff bill, especially the adoption of the
caucus resolution by the senate Demo
crats insuring a safe majority for the
measure, removed the last bit of anx
iety the President had about spending
me weea away from Washington.
i ne i resilient has not only taken on
weight, but his face bears a ruddy tan
and a glow of health, the result of
brisk motor rides in the cool mountain
air and plenty of golf. The President
found an ideal links, at Hanover, N.
II., and probably will play golf there
ireouently hercarter. Professor Cox,
Peace," she. of Dartmouth college, invited him over
and assured him that he could play in
conspicuously there.
Suffragist. In Parade.
Erie, Pa. Through streets thronged
by cheering thousands, school children
and advocates of woman suffrage
marcneu in procession as the principal
event of the third day of Frie's cen
tennial celebration of Perry's victory
at Put-In bay. Following the yellow
and white banner of the Pennsylvania
Eoual Suffrage Association ...v..r-i
hundred women from a doxen or more
states marched through tho streets
after the children's parade. Handsomely-gowned
women represented
the states where women can vote.
Stamp Change Protested.
Canton, O. Resolutions adopted by
the McKlnley club, of this city, have
Deen forwarded to President Wilson
and Postmaster General Burleson pro
testing against the substitution of the
picture of Jefferson for that of Mc
Kinley on postal cards.
New Map Given Teachers.
Ifiuwl IN itfl T . m ,,
........ ei.cners or MOOl!
Kivcr county have ench received
ux'griipnicai map or the district west
oi Mount Hood. It is one of tho latest
puiiiicauons of the I'nited States
topographical survey and is railed one
of the Atlas sheets of the Mount
Hood (Quadrangle. It shows in detail
me toxigraphical features of the re
gion around I,ost Lake and over which
the dispute as to the Bull Nun road
nas arisen between Hood River citi
zens and the Portland Water Board
Anti-Hanging Kill Appears,
naiem A copy of bill to alx.liMk
capital punishment, advocated by the
"iui v,iiMii i unisnmenl Crusaders
... oeen siiomuieil to tho secretary of
state. It is tho intention of the pro-
"ve me measure voted on
"i !hn f,"t,'l,'rtion for tm? initiation
of bills. The bill and blank petitions
nt.(,ilM,,nK ,( w,.re r,.r,.rr,, to Mr
Olcott for him to determino whether
the form and paper comply with the
La Grande Chautauqua Pays.
La Grande The fourth annual
Chautauqua of La Grande, which re
cently closed, it is believed, netted
enough money to clear last year's de
fioency of alH.ut :,00. The weather
was threatening during the assembly
r id held tho receipt, down. The
camping feature was a decided success
this year.
Farmers After Squirrels.
Airlic-Sqnirrels In tho woods sur
rounding this place are showing them.
selves numerous this year and efforts
r..Kncw halt an Increase.
I oisoned wheat is distributed in the
timber to kill the pests. The squ.rre,,
are the silver gray species and destroy
the grain rrops. '
Big Mill Goes to Seaside. ,
Seaside With the closing of
ease, presumably with A. IMA,
electric power magnate of the Nor
west. Seaside is assured of a iiwraill
which will begin operation shout Or
toler I next. The lease wnmnUkj
Washington capitalists through J. t
Oates. Other names were withlwii
The lease runs for 60 years.
.instruction or tne mm win
August 1. Considerable monJf ba
been paid to Olson Bros, for a ppl
of logs already cut Olson Kros. bi'
guaranteed to supply the mill will
logs during the life of the lease.
The mill site adjoins the S
electric power plant, adjoining tf
site of an old mill which hasbeeoNl
of use for some years.
The deal assures Seaside of in
duatrisl population throughout 1st
Women Exchange Cookinf.
Hood River number of families sf
the Upper Hood River valley W
idopted a unique plan for enndurtisj
their household work on a co-operiti")
basis this summer.
In this district domestics are r
snd the households, all within a short
distance of one another, will aaenw
alternately at one of the homes, shut
tho meals will be prepared. Vw&
the past two weeks the residential
the China Hill district of the illJ
have been taking their meals st W
home of Homer A. Rogers, s Portliwl
real estate man, who passes th
mers on his rsnch here.
Land Cleared for Fruit.
Hood River On. .... . .
chianngsmade i Rny mid Columbia
"'"'V"" summer Is the Bn-
l7truFt ,""t '"Proved by J. A
Vinchell at Mo.ier. The taskVs Jusi
been completed at a est .of $160 an
Dig Mill to lie Rebuilt
Charles T. Early, managing direct
of the Oregon Lumber company,
nounres that the big ISO, 000 -rip11?
mill of the company that was destroT
ed st Dee last week will l rWJ
strurted at once. The new mill
be driven by electricity, as was th
plant. The orders of the luniher a
pany will be diverted to nearby
Our policy hss been," ssia
Kuril "In .,.,n,l nor tnoneV Si t'""
to home aa possible. A great "j
of tha orders will bo filled 7 w
smaller mills in the valley."
Tillamook to Have Fair. .
Tillamook There was a Kood!"
tendance of dairymen at the eoanj
house here last week, when s meet "'
was called for the purpose of org
Ing tha Tillamook County Kair
elation. Chairman Will Spaldlr
of the committee from the Commerti
club, announced that sufficient
had been subscribed and the s0
tion was organised. It was d'"
to hold tha fair early In September-