St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 04, 1913, Image 6

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    ANCE No. 151.
providing fur the Installs
)r In Sewer District No. 1,
(y of St. Helena. lrmin. In
j of the ordained declaration
. Common Council of aa.d cilv.
. owerlitg the Common Council of
a city to contract for such hiatal
.tlon: providing for tit payment
thereof by the property owners within
aald district; constituting ths assessed
charge on each lot In said district a
lien thereon until paid; providing for
the drawing of warrants In payment
of said Improvements; providing for
wiv issuance or cerinicates of delin
quency and ths foreclosure of the same,
and empowering the Common Council.
generally, to pass any ami all needful
Ordinances for the collection of such
assessment, should at any time this
uruinance oe round inaurrtcient.
t" II L' U L' i O t . .. - i.i. . I .
iK.ib.ct ... ...;-,. Willi vnii
nance No. HI. duly Paused bv ths Cum
man Council of the City of St. Helens,
".'regon. on in zetn day or May, A. u.
1911. and on said day duly aonroved bv
the Mayor of said city, due and legal
nut ire was given to the real property
u. iwn vi sutu newer district a.
said city, of the time and place of
meeting, the same being at the City
Hall, at the Council Chamber thereof,
on the evening of June Utli. 1913, at
4:3!) o clock p. m. on said day, at which
time and place they, or any of them.
might make and tile objections. If any
they had. to such Improvement.
AM). WHKKKAS. said meeting was
had and fully attended, and no vulid or objection was made, filed or
raised to said improvement so conlcm
plated, or to the boundaries of said dn
AND. WHEREAS, the Diana and aneel
flcatlona. as heretofore filed herein, have
been formally adopted; and John (J.
Uage. Harold P. Hoss and V. J. Fuller
ton, the duly appointed arbitrators and
appraiers in said matters, have made
an equitable assessment and apportion
ment of the probable costs of said sew
erage system, among th real estate
owners of said sewer district, baaing
said estimate upon the laat preceding
assessment or real property only;
AND. W HKRKAS. All and every mat
ter and thing, as a condition precedent
to the rift'lt to construct said sewer, and
assess the real property within said di
trlct therefor, has been performed:
NOW, THERKl-'OHE. the City of St
Helens does ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the Common Council
of the City of St. Helens. Oregon, Is
hereby authorlied and empowered to
Install a sewerage system in Sewer Dis
trict No. 3. of said city, the boundaries
of which district are as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the Intersection of the
south line of Willamette street with the
east line of Winter street, in St. Helens.
Oregon, running thence westerly along
the south line of Willamette street. Hut)
feet to the center of Hemlock street
thence northerly on the center line of
nemiocg street, ib reel; tnence west
erly HQ feet to the corner of lots t. 3
20 and 21, block SO; thence southerly
along tne center line or said block 6S
thence westerly and parallel with Wil
lamette street, 140 feet to the center of
Walla Walla street; thence northerly
on the center line of Walla Walla street
620 feet to the center of Wyeth street
thence easterly along; the center of
Wyeth street. 140 feet; thence northerly
and parallel with Walla Walla street, 272
feet: thence easterly and parallel with
Wyeth street, loo feet to the west line
or Hemlock street: thence northerly along
the west line of Hemlock street 44$
feet to the center line of West street
thence westerly along the center line
of West street 240 feet to thee center
of Walla Walla street: thence northerly
on the center line of Walla Walla street
214 feet; thence easterly and parallel
with West street 140 feet to the corner
of lots 3. 4. 1 and 20, In block 4 of
Columbia Park, now a part of St. Helens
thence northerly and parallel with Walla
Walla street. 174 feet to the corner of
lots 6. 7. IS and 17 of said block 4
thence ensterly and parallel with West
street, 140 feet to the center or Menr
lock street: thence northerly on the cen
ter line of Hemlock street 290 feet, more
or less, to the north line of Columbia
Park: thence easterly on the north line
thereof M0 feet to the center line of
tak street; thence southerly along the
center line of Oak street 678 feet to
the center line of West street, thence
westerly on tne center line or west
street 40 feet, thence southerly and par
allel with Oak street 214 feet: thence
westerly and parallel with West street
100 feet to the common corner of lots
s. . 14 and 15 In block 30 of St. Helens.
thence southerly and parallel with Oak
street 544 feet to the south line of Wyeth
street, thence westerly on the south line
or wyetn street loo reel to the north
west corner of block 31 of St. Helens,
thence southerly along the west line
of block 31, 718 feet to the place of
beginning, containing 198 lots in ac
cordance with the intention of said
Council, as declared by Ordinance No.
147, of said city, and to that end that
the City Recorder be. and he hereby Is.
required to advertise for the period of
two weens in a newspaper or general
circulation, published weekly. In said
City of St. Helens, and also for three
issues in a newspaper or general circuia
tion published daily In the City of Port'
land. Oregon, for sealed bids for the
furnishing of all material and labor
necessary ror tne construction and In
stallation of such sewerage system, In
accordance with the Diana. Drofiles and
specifications thereof filed with the
Recorder of said city. The notice for
bids shall provide for a certified check
In the sum of ten per cent of the bid.
running to the Mayor of the city, and
shall further provide that the said
Council will reserve the right to reject
any and all bids should they be deemed
disadvantageous to the city.
Section 2. That the contractor whose
bid shall be accepted shall be required
to enter Into a formal contract with said
city for the prosecution and completion
or such work, which contract shall con
tain a provision that the contractor shall
promptly as due, make payment to all
persons supplying to such contractor la
bor and material for the prosecution of
the work arorenaid. and that said con
tractor shall not permit any lien or claim
to be filed or prosecuted against said
city for account of any material or labor
furnished, and that no person shall tie
employed for more than eight hours In
any one day or forty-eight hours In any
one week, unless in an emergency When
no other competent labor Is available. In
which case such laborer shall be paid
double wages for all overtime. And said
contractor shall also be required to exe
cute a penal bond with good and surri
clent sureties o secure the faithful per
formsnce of all of the usual and par
ticular obligations of said contract, with
the additional obligations that such con
tractor or contractors shall promptly
make payments to all persons supplying
him or them labor or materials for any
prosecution of the work provided for In
ucn contract.
Section I. That for the purpose of
sucn improvement ami to provide means
for the payment of the same, the ap
praisers shall, as soon as the actual cost
nas peen ascertained, assess all or the
real property within said Sewer District
Xo. 3, above described, such assessment
to he determined by an equitable ao
portlonment of such real property among
all the real estate owners In said sewer
district, based upon the last preceding
assessment of real estate only, and not
upon the improvements thereon: and the
costs and expense of making such Im
provements shall be a charge against
and a lien upon the property within s.ild
sewer district. In accordance with such
Section 4. That as soon as such an
portlonment has been made the Recorder
of said city shall enter In a docket for
that purpose, by name or number, a de
scription of each lot or parcel of land
against which safd assessment Is made,
with the name of the owner or owners,
and the amount of the unpaid assess
ment. Such docket shall thereafter
stand as a lien docket as for taxes as
sessed and levied In favor of said city,
and for the amounts of such unpaid
assessments therein docketed, with In
terest on said unpaid assessments at the
rate of six per cent per annum against
such lot or parcel of land, until such
assessments and Interest are paid; and
all assessments and Interest shsll be snd
remain a lien on each lot or parcel of
land, respectively. In favor of said city,
and have priority over all other liens
and Incumbrances whatever.
Section S. That whenever any pay
ment of any assessment, or Installment
thereof, or Interest or costs thereon,
shall he made under the provisions of
this ordinance, the Recorder of said
city shall make an entry thereof In said
lien docket, with the date of the ame; place they, or any of them, might make
and such payment made and entered Inland file objection, jf any they had, to
aid docket ah ail operate aa a discharge such Improvement.
of salj lien to the amount of such pay
ment and from the date thereof.
Section . That the Common Council
of said city Is hereby authorised to Issue
warrants, based upon the credit of said
sewer district, to be known aa Sewerage
District Warrants of Sewer District No.
3. bearing Interest at the rste of six per
cent per annum, interest payable annual
ly, which said warrants shall be accept
ed at par and Issued from tlm to tune ss
required to defray the expenses of put
ting In said sewerage svstem.
Section 7. That said warrants shall
be drawn in such form and denomina
tions that the auld taxes or any part
thereof, when collected, may be mude
immediately applicable to the paymvnt
of some portion of said warrants, sod
final payment shall not In any Instance
til, lend beyond the period of ten yeais.
Section . That as soon aa the ap
praisers shall have mad the assessment
provided for in Section 1 of tills Ordi
nance, th Common Council of said city
shall publish notice of such assessment
for three successive weeks In a news
paper published In said city, requiring
ail persons owning property in said
sewer district so assessed for such im
provement in the sum of 123.00 or more,
at any time within twenty days from
the date of the first publication of such
notice, to fit with the recorder of said
city a written annlicatlon to pay said
assessment In Installments: such appll
cuiion shall slate that th said applicant
and property owner does hereby waive
ill Irregularities or defects. Jurisdic
tional or otherwise. In the proceedings
to make such Improvements for which
said assessment la levied and in the ap
portionment of the cost thereof. Said
application ahull also contain a provision
that the said applicant and property
owner agrees to pay said aaseasim-nt tu
en equal annual Installments, with In
terest at the rate of six per cent per
annum, payable annuullv.
Section That the applications so
received shall be entered in a book Kepi
for that purpose, showing the date of
filing each application, the name of the
applicant, a description or the property
and the amount of tiie assessment.
Section 10. That thereafter there shall
be due and payable annuuliy for ten suc
cessive years to the recorder of said city,
by the owner of each lot or parcel of
land assessed for the said sewer Im
Drovement whose auulicatton to pay the
cost or such sewer by installments lias
been rued as herein provided, ten per
cent of the cost of said sewer assessed
against the prooerty of such owner, ss
appears by said lien docket, with the
amouut of one year's Interest at six per
cent per annuni on all unpaid assess
ments or Installments. Tnat rirBi pay
ment aforesaid shall be due and payable
at the expiration of one year from dale
of the said assessment In the lien docket
aforesaid, and subsequent payments at
the expiration or each year thereafter.
Should such owner or owners neglect or
refuse to pay the sum or sums aforesaid
as the same shall become due and pay
able for a period of twenty days, then
the same shall be deemed delinquent.
and the Recorder shall nave the right,
and it shall be his duty, uuon demanil
and payment of the installment, penalty
and Interest, to make out a certificate
or certificates of deitnuuentv against
such property, and such certificate or
certificates snail be numbered and have
a stub, which shall be a summary of tin
ertiricate, and shall cuntaiu a state
1. The namo and residence of the
person to whom Issued;
2. A description of the property as
sessed :
3. The year or year lor which as
sessed ;
4. The amount of the assessment and
interest due:
The name or the person to whom
assessed ;
. The rate of Interest the certificate
shall bear;
.. The time wnen a deed may be cau,
if not sooner redeemed:
8. When a certificate of any preced
ing year la outstanding and unredeemed.
It shall be stated in subsequent certifi
cates issued and the principal sum due,
wun aate or issue.
Any number of lots or parcels of land
assessed to the same person, or as the
property of an unknown owner, muy be
inciuuea in one certiiicate.
Section 11. That said certificates of
delinquency shall bear Interest from the
date of Issuance until redeemed at the
rate or ten per cent per annum, and shall
be sold and Issued to any person in the
order of priority In applying therefor
uDon Davment or tne value in principal
and interest tnereor; and such certifi
cates shall be sold, redeemed and fore
closed in conformity with the provisions
of Chapter VIII. of Title XXVIII.. of
Lord i Oregon uvi, ror tne collection or
taxes, and the method or the proceedings
on roreciosure thereor and the issuance,
service and return of summons, and the
manner and time of making deeds under
such proceedings and all matters anil
things necessary to be had or pursued
in order to fully carry out the purposes
hereof. Including the right of appeal.
and the courts in which such proceedings
shall be had, shall be aa prescribed by
said Chapter VIII., except that all cer
tificates of delinquency shall be Issued
by the Recorder, all redemptions made
by mm and the order ror the sale or any
such property made by the court shall
be directed and delivered to the City
Marshal In place of the Sheriff, who
snail tnereaiter act in ait things con
nected therewith Instead of the Sheriff.
Section 12. That all assessments
against any property in said sewer dis
trict ror wnicn no application nas oeen
made or allowed for the purpose of pay
ing the same by Installments shall be
due as soon as made, and shall be delin
quent from and after the expiration of
three montns rrom the date or tne aani
assessment In the lien docket aforesaid;
and thereafter the same proceedings
shall tie had ror tne collection or said
assessments. Issuance of delinquency
certificates, foreclosure of the same, sale
or property. Issuance of deeds, etc., as
are herein provided ror assessments pay
able In installments.
Section 13. That after the expiration
of three years from the date of delin
quency, when any property remains on
the Hen docket for which no certificate
of delinquency has been Issued, the Re
corder shall proceed to Issue certificates
or delinquency on said property to the
city; and the City Attorney shall then
proceed to foreclose, in the name of the
city, the assessment Hens embraced in
such certificates and the same proceed
ings shall be had as when held by an
Individual: PROVIDED, that for the
purposes of this section summons may
be served or notice given exclusively by
publication in one general notice, de
scribing the property as the same Is de
scribed on the lien docket.
Section 14. That the Common Council
of said city Is hereby empowered to en
act any and all additional or supple
mental or amendatory Ordinances neces
sary to fully and completely carry Into
effect the intent and purpose of this
Read the first time June 23, 1913.
Read the second time June 23, 1913.
Read the third time and passed June
30, 1913.
Approved by the Mayor June 30, 1913.
A. W. MUELLER, Mayor.
Attest: E. E. QUICK, Recorder.
An Ordinance providing for th Installa-
uon or a swr in Newr mstrict .no.
6, In the City of Ht. Helnf, Oregon,
in put-nuance of the ordained de J a ra
tion of the Common Council of sutd
city, empowering the Common Council
of ld city lo contract for such In
stallation; providing for th payment
thereof hy th property ownfm within
ald district; cormtttutinr th
char" on each lot In said dlntrtct a
lien thereon until paid; providing for
the drawlnir of warrant) In payment
of snld Improvement: providing for
th issuance nr certificate of delln
0,uenty and the forroiir of the
name, and empowering the Common
Council, rnerally, to pa any and all
petwlfiil Ordinance for the collection
of surh aHment, should at any
tlm this Ordinance be found Insuffi
cient WHEREAS, In accordance with Ordl
nanc No. 148, duly pawned hy the Com
mon Council of the City of Ht. lb Ion
Or icon, on th J-ltti day of May. A. IK
1913. and on aald day duly aonroved bv
the Mayor of aald city, due and 1'T' 1
no Ice waa elven to the real property
ownera of aald Pewer IMatrlt No. 5.
of said city, of th time and pine of a
rn"t.n. th sam being at th citv Hull
at the Council Chamber thereof, on the
evening of June 1th, IftlJ, at 7:30 o'clock
D. m
on said nay, at whlcn rim ami
ANT), WllKHKAS, tutd mstln was
had ui id tuliy a i united, and no valid or
auhatutttiiil ill icctltMi waa made, f.ld or
rttUtM to m1U linproYt'iiivnt so conlvm
plttifd, or lo the buundurlvs of said dis
AM), WllKKKAS. the plans and stct
ftiMiions. an h.'tftofurtj filed herein, have
l-tji'it f.nnmlly udopU'd. aiui John ij.
Wuite. Harold ft ort and V. J. Fuller-
Ion, the duly appointed arbitrators and
apprulvt'ra in paid matlttra, have made
an tHutttitlo avntiu'itt and apportion
:mhi of t!u piutmMu coat of vald aww
vuiric nynu'tii, aiming the rval ealata
ow m n of aald awvr OlvtrU't, buying
niitd ciiliiialt upon th last prevUUi
tiio'-.Mivnt of real property only:
AM', WHKIU; AS, All and wvcry mat-
tor ami thing, ua a t-omliuon prtHeJtiit
to the right to count run a.ild suwer, and
tt-i'r!i tut real property within said u ta
li trt therefor, turn lu-en net formed:
NOW, TUKUKKOKK, th City of St.
tli'trtt dot ordtttn aa follows:
Svciiou I, That the Common Council
of i ho City of Sr. Helena. Oregon, la
iurt'l'V authorized and rmpowervd to
niatall a weweiag nyntvm in Sew or lla
trict No. 6, of aald city, tho boundartra
of which dtMtrict art aa follow, to-wit:
HfKitining nt the Interacction of the
cent r I in' of Wyeth street with that
of Walla Walla atrtet. in anld city of
St. Hrlcna. and running thence aouth-
erly on tlio center line of Walla atreet
4 4 feet; thence wewierly and parallel
with vt'tii wtreet M'u reel to the eHHt
lino of Itond atnet, thence northerly on
the east line of Itoml street 2 SO feet:
thence weNterly nt rUht angles to Hund
street. 190 feet lo the center of lota V.
lo, is Htul U. In block y. of aald city;
Ihenee aoutherly and parallel with Bond
street. feet to the common corner
of lota 5. . 1. ami t S, In km Id Moek V'i
thence WtMletiv and parallel with Wil
lamette Mi t t. fi't to the center line
of I'tne Htreet; thence northerly on the
center line of I'tne atreet. 348 feet to
the south line of Wyeth atreet: thenc
weMerly on the aouth lino of Wyeth
atn et, 4"0 fet ; thwu-e southerly at right
angles to Wyeth atreet. Ild feet to the
common corner nf bits 9. 10, 13 and
14 In hlock 1M of aald city, thence went
erly and parallel with Wyeth street, JIN)
feet to the common corner of lots V
10. 13 and M In i hn'k 1J4 of said city
thence northerly at right angles, 02
feet to the common corner of lots 7, 8.
15 and Iti In bhn k 125 of said city; thence
westerly at right angles. biH feet, more
or IrxM. to the eat line of the 8. I. A 8.
railroad right of way; the nee north II
leg. i'k mm. east along the eat line of
said right of way. lHl 1.3 feet to the
northwest corner of I in II road Addition
to St. Helena, thence south 85 dcf. tV
mln. east along the north line of said Addition 4J4. feet: thence
Muutlt til tie it. .ok mln. eaat along the
north line of Wall road Addition, afore-
a 1. 1, tf & , feet ; thenc south Si deg.
:t6 mln. cttat 347. IK feet, more or lewa.
to a westerly extension of the north line
'f Colurnhla I'nrk. now a part of said
city; thence easterly on the north line pf
Col um hia Iark. afr-siid. 7t feet to
'he center line of Hemlock street: thence
southerly on the center line of Hemlock
street, 2)0 feet, more or Jesa: thence
westerly at right angles to Hemlock
Ureet. 14't feet to the common corner of
lot , 7. IH anil 17. In bltK-k 4 of Colum
bia Park, aforesaid: thenc southerly and
parallel with HetuliM'k atreet, 174 feet
to Ihe common corner of lots 3. 4, 19
mi in aald block 4 of Columbia
r'ark: thence westerly at right anirlea.
I4H feet to the center of Walla Walla
treet : thence southerly on the center
line of Will. i Walla street, 214 feet to
rne center line or West street. In said
city: thenc easterly on the center line
of West street. UIO feet to the west line
r Hemlock street: thence southerly on
Ihe weathn of II. nilock street, 4(K feet
thence westerly at right angles 100 feet
thence southerly ami parallel with Hem
lock street, -.'72 feet to the center line
or yeth street : and thenc west
erly on the center line, of Wyeth
street. Ilo feet to th place of
hemnnlng, containing S14 lot. In ac
cordaiiee with th Intention of said
t ouncil. n declared bv t rd t nance No,
It", of s Hd ciiv. and to that end that
th Cltv Hecorder le. and ht herehv is
required to advertise for the period of
two w eka In a newspaper oT general
circulation, published weeklv. In said
City of St. Helens, and also for thre
issues In a newspnper of general clrcula
tfon published daily In the City of Port
land. Oregon, for sealed bids for the
furnishing; of all material and labor
neccssHry for the construction and In
alalia tion of such sewerage system. In
accordance with th plana, profiles am1
stieclficallons thereof filed with the
Recorder of said city. The notice for
hlils shall provide for a certified check
In the sum of ten per cent of the bid,
running to the Mayor of the city, snd
shall further provide that the said
Council wu reaerv the right to reject
any and all bids should they be deemed
dis-id Viintageon to the cltv.
Section 2. That th contractor whoa
hid shall bo accepted shall he required
to enter Into a formal contract with said
city fur the prosecution and completion
of such work, which contract shall con
tain a provision that the contractor shall
promptly, a due, maka payment to all
person smmLving to surh contractor la
bor and material for the prosecution of
in worg aforesaid, and that aald con
tractor shall not permit any lien or claim
to be filed or prosecuted against said
ritv for account of any material or labor
furnished, and that no person shall be
employer! ror more than eight hours In
any one day or forty-eight hours In any
one week, unless In an emergency when
no or tier competent labor is available, n
which case such laborer shall be paid
double wages for all overtime. And said
contractor shall also be required to exe
cute a penal bond with good and suffi
cient sutet1'- to secure th faithful per-
rormame or an or tne usual and par
ticular obligations of said contract, with
th additional obligation that such con
tractor or contractors shall nromntlv
make payments to all person supplying
him or them labor or material for any
prosecution of I ho work nrovlded for In
such contract.
Section 3. That for tne numos nf
such Improvement and to provide moans
for Ihe payment of the same, the ap
praiser shall, a soon aa the actual coat
has been a ff rt 'lined, assess all nt the
real property within said Sewer District
No. h. fibove ilffterihcd, such assessment
to be determined by an equitable ap
portionment of such real nronertv among
all the real estate owners In said sewer
district, based upon the last preceding
assessment of real estate only, and not
upon the Improvements thereon; and the
cost and etene of making such Im
provements shall bo a charge against
and a lien upon the property within said
sewer district. In accordance with such
Section 4. That ss soon aa such ap
portionment has been made th Hecorder
of said city shall enter In a docket for
that purport, by name or number, a de
scription of each lot or parcel of land
against which said assessment Is made,
with ihe mime of the owner or owners.
and the amount of the unpaid assess
ment roicn docket snail tnerearter
stand a a lien docket as for taxes as
sessed and levied In favor of safd city,
and for the amounts of such unpaid
assessments therein docketed, with In-,
tercst on said unpaid assessments at the
rat of six per rent per annum against
such lot or parcel of land, until such
assessment and Interest are paid; and
all assessment and Interest shall be and
remain a lien on each lot or parcel of
iHMi. respectively, in ravor ov sa Id c tv.
and have priority over all other liens
and .nriimbranceii whatever.
Section h. That whenever any pay
ment of any assessment, or Installment
thereof, or Interest or costs thereon,
tall be made under the provisions of
this ordinance, the Hecorder of satd
city shall make an entry thereof In said
hen docket, with the date of the same:
and such pavment made snd entered In
said docket shall operate as a discharge
of said Hen to the amount of such pay
ment and from th oat tnereor.
Section . That the Common Council
of said city Is hereby authorized to Issue
warrants, prised upon the credit of said
sewer district, to be known a Sewerage
fdstrict Warrants of Sewer Olstrlct No.
.. bearing interest f th rate of six per
cent p' r annum, Interest payable annual
ly, w h Ich ss id Warrant shall be ac
cepted at pur and Issued from tlm to
time a required to defray the expenses
of niitt'nj; In safd sewerage system.
Section 7. That said warrants shall
be drawn In such form and denomina
tion that the safd taxes or sny part
thereof, when collected, may be made
Immediately applicable to th paymnt
of some portion of said warrants, snd
final pavment shall not In any Instsnc
extend beyond the period of ten years.
Section . That ss soon ss th ap
praiser shall have made th amrit
provided for In Section 2 of this Ordi
nance, tha Common Council of cUr
J"llpubll.h notice of such
..r ihrat surcessive weeks III news-
paper Pub hihTw " "''T'.'.'IS
ill persons ownin ,r"e;-ry u
sewer dlslrlol so assessed "1
pruvsment III lie sum of '""J.?;
at any lime with n tuenly days from
The dale of "he first publication of such
iVoTlce. to file with the recorder of sa d
city a written ppl ration WJft 1"A,J
assessment In Installments: sue si l
cation shall stale that the said applua. t
and property owner does hereby '
all Irregularities or defects. Jurisdic
tional I.r otherwise. In the pnvceed .
to luske such Improvements '' "'';
said assessment Is levied slid In the sp
poi'tloiiiuent of the cost thereof. ""'
application shall also contain a prov sioi
that the said applicant and proper
owner asrees to pay said assessment in
tun euual annual installments, with In
terest at the rate of sis per cent per
annum, payable annually.
Section . That the applications so
received shall be entered In a book kept
for that purpose. sholiiif the date or
riling each application, the name of the
applicant, a description nf the property,
and the amount of the assessment.
Heel ion li. That thereafter there shall
be due and payable annually for ten suc
cessive years to ths recorder of said city,
by the owner of each lot or parcel of
land assessed for the said sewer Im
provement whose application tu pay the
cost of such sewer by Installments has
been filed as herein provided, ten per
cent of the cost of said sewer assessed
against tlie property of sued owner, as
appears by said lien docket, with the
amount of one year's Interest at six per
cent per annum on all unpaid assess
ments or Installments. That first pay
ment aforesaid shall be aue and payable
at the expiration of one year from dale
of the said assessment In the lieu docket
aforesaid, and subsequent payments si
ihe expiration of each year thereafter.
Should such owner or owners neglect or
refuse to pay the sum or sums afAresnld
aa the same shall become due and pay
able for a period of twenty days, then
the same shall be deemed dclimiueiil.
ami the Hecorder ahull huve the right,
and It shall be Ills duty, upon demand
and payment of the Installment, penalty
and Interest, to make out a certificate
or certificates of dellmtuenly against
such properly, anil such cerltflcale or
certificates shall lw numliereil and have
a stub, which shall lie a summary of the
certificate, and shall contain a state
ment: 1. The name and residence of the
person to whom Issued;
1. A. description of ths property as
sessed ;
S. The year or years for which as
sessed :
4. The amount of the assessment and
Interest due;
5. The name of the person to whom
assessed ;
(. The rate of Interest the certificate
shall bear;
7. The time when a deed may be had.
If not sooner redeemed;
8. When a certificate of any preced
ing year Is outstanding and unredeemed,
it shall be stated In subsequent certifi
cates Issued and the principal sum due.
with date or issue.
Any number of lota or unreels of land
aaacssed lo Ihe same person, or ss the
property of an unknown owner, may oe
included In one certificate.
Hcctlon II. That said rerllflrates of
delinquency shall tear Interest from the
date or Issuance until redeemed at the
rate of ten per cent Per annum, and shall
be sold and Issued tu sny person In the
order of priority In applying therefor
upon payment 01 ina value in principal
snd Interest thereor; and such rerun
caies shall be sold, redeemed and fore
closed in conformity with Ihe provisions
of Chapter VIM. of Title XXVIII. . of
i.oru s Oregon i-aws. ror the collection or
taxes, and the method of the proceedings
on foreclosure thereor and the issuance,
service and return of summons, and the
manner and time of making deds under
such proceedings and all matters snd
things necessary to be had or pursued
In order to fully carry out the purposes
hereof. Including the right of appeal,
and the courts In which such proceedings
shall be had, shall be as prescrlted by
said Chapter VIII, except that all cer
tificates of delinquency shall be Issued
by the Hecorder. sll redemptions made
ny nun and the order ror the sale or any
such property made by the court shall
ih directed snd delivered to the iity
Marshal In place of the Hherlff, who
shall therrarier art In all things con.
nected therewith Instead of the Sheriff
Section 12. That all assessments
against any properly In snld sewer dis
trict ror wnicn no application lias Ocen
made or allowed for Ihe purpose of pay
ing the same by Installments shall he
due as soon as made, and shall be delin
quent from and after the expiration of
three months rrorn the date or the said
assessment In the lien docket sforesatd.
and thereafter the same proceedings
snail ne naa ror tne collection or said
assessments. Issuance of delinquency
certificates, foreclosure nf the sume. sale
of property, Issuance of deeds, etc., as
are herein provided: ror assessments pay
able In installments.
Hectlon 13. That after the exnlrallnn
of three years from the dale of delin
quency, when any property rernalns on
the lien docket for which no certificate
of delinquency has been Issued, the He
corder shsll proceed to issue certificates
or delinquency on said property to Ihe
city; snd the City Attorney shsll then
proceed to foreclose, In ths name of the
city, the assessment Hens embraced in
such rertlftcates and the same prtx eed
Ings shall be had as when held by an
individual: l'UOVIiKI, that for the
fiurposea of tills section summons may
e served or notice given exclusively by
publication In one general notice, de-
scrining tne property aa the same Is de
scribed on the lien docket.
Section 14, That the Common Council
or said city la hereby empowered to en
act any and all additional or supple
mental or amendatory Ordlnencee necea
eury to fully and comnletelv rsrrv into
effect the Intent and purpose of this
Head the first time June 23. 1911
Head the second time June 23. 1 V 1 .1.
Head the third time and nassed June
JV. 1VI4.
Approved by the Mayor June 10, 1913
A. W. Mt Kl.I.KIl. Mayor.
Attest: E. E. QUICK, Hecorder.
An Ordinance providing for Ihe Installa
tion or a sewer in Sewer llstrlct No.
. In the City nf Ht. Helens, Oregon,
In pursuance of the ordained derlura.
tlon of the Common Council of auld
city, empowering the Common Conor
of said city to contract for such In-
siauaiion; providing ror the payment
thereof by the property owners within
satd district; constituting the assessed
charge on each lot In said d strict a
lien thereon until paid: providing for
trie drawing or warrants in imvnienl
of said Improvements; providing for
ine issuance or certificates or dclln
quenty snd the foreclosure nf the
same, and empowering the Common, generally, to pass any and all
needful Ordinances for the collection
of such assessment, should at any
tune tnis uruinance De round Insurri
WIIKltKAS. In accordance with Ordl.
nance No. 149, duly passed by the Com
mon ouncil or The Clly or St. Helens.
Oregon, on the 2(lth day of May, A. I.
IV 1.1, and on said day duly approved by
the Mayor of said city, due and legal
notice waa given lo ths real property
owners of aald Hewer District No. t,
nt said city, of the time and place of s
meeting, ths same being at the City Mall
at the Council Chamber thereof, on the
evening of June 1ih. 1913, at 7;3o o'clock
p. m. on said day, at which time and
place they, or sny of them, might make
and file objections, if any they had, to
such Improvement.
ANIi, WHKICKAfl. said meeting wss
had and fully sttended. snd no valid or
substsntlal ohjeetlon was made, filed or
raised to said Improvement so contem
plated, or to the boundaries of said dis
trict ;
AND, WHERKAS, the plans and snerl
flcatlona, ss heretofore filed herein, hays
been formally adopted; and John ti
Osge, Harold P. Itosa snd W. J. Fuller
ton, the duly appointed arbitrators and
appraisers In said matters, have made
an equitable assessment snd nppnrtlon
ment of the probable costs of said sew.
erage system, anions: the rent ..i.i.
owners of said sewer district, basing
said estimate upon the Irs! preceding
assessment of real property only;
AMI, WIIKIlKAlt All and every mat.
ter snd thing, ss a condition precedent
to the right to rnnstrtirt said sewer, nnd
assess the real property within said dis
trict Iherefor, has been performed;
v..w TiirnKHHtK. the City of Ht.
. .VJ i-lls of HI. Helens, Oregon, IS
i'i rco"? . hut" "" emi..-w-.-u
of whudi d..l'lJl are si follows. !",
"'lu i'.nli.n. at lb- n- ."US
tl.k kil In aald I V of SI. Helena, ami
inmng t en" i.o,l along '""'
ii.i t I Hond street tlUi feet, thence west
erly and pa.sll.1 lo .llaineile stleeb
lua lu.i tu the con. ii.ou corner or lots
J IU and 4 of block 3 of J city,
"hence southerly and parallel Willi l.o.ol
i',' reel! "iJ reel to the i"'"""'"'"'''
of lots (.. . I J and in of sa d 1 1. k J.
(heme westerly snd parallel with Wil
lamette sireet, 4JU feel to the cenlel
Vie if I'll., street, no. Il.e, ly u n
Hi. center line of Tins sireet. 3 't to
.I , south line of Wyeili slieet. t
westerly on Ihe soulli lino of "vein
street 4.'t feet, thenc. southerly at right
a a lea to Wyeth slieet IU feel, ft"
common comer uf lols . !'. U and 14
of block III. in sal.l clly; thence west
erly and parallel Willi V yeth street .
fe. t to the corner of lots . U, H and
14 In block l:i of sal.l t It) . I hl" "
..orth.rly t right angles ...3 r. el .. the
common corner of lois 7. . I and U
In block 1 2h of said City; thence wesl
i ly at right sugles '.'ii feel to Ihe
east line of Ihe 8. I'. 8. rallioad rig 1.1
of way. tnence southwesterly along Hit
east line of said right of way lol" feel.
...ore or less, lo the wel line of the II
M Knighton slid wile donation land
claim. Ihence southeasterly along Hit
west line of said claim, 13. J f"'t. more
or less, to Hi. northerly line of the conn
tv road running from St. Helens to
ion ihence northeasterly on the no. yi
.rly line of the slaite couuiy load, .J
feel ...ore or lean, lo the Center line
of block l;' of said clly: theme south
erly and parallel Willi Calif. Tula street.
Ihl feet, more or less, to the coll. .......
comer of lots 3. 4. IU and an. In bl.ak
i.r said city, thence wasleily si right
angles o feet lo Ihe w.-.t line of Cali
fornia street; Inen.e norihetly on the
west line of Culirortils street 193 ft el.
mote or less, to the l.otth lll.u of the
county road running to llouiton, thence
northeasterly along ihe north line of sanl
roud, l;4 feet, mors or b ss, To Ihe
renter line of Hue street; thence south;
erly on the center line of I'lne street 4.
feet, more or less, to Ihe renter line of
ihe ro. inly road aforesaid; thence north
easterly along the center line of said
road 4"H feet more or less to a point 4u
feel northerly In right i.ieoaunm.-nl from
Ihe north line of Washington Square.
lhnc easterly snd parallel to Ihv north
line t.f Washington Square 4ii feel, more
or less, to Ihe west line of I'u.'lfle stteet.
Ihenc northerly on the west line of I'a
clf.c slre.-l. 3.1.1 feet to the northeast
corner t.f bl.M-k nil of said cltv; s'nl Ihen.r
westerly oil the south line of ilU.uci te
street 3.10 feel to th place of li
ghtning, containing 4u& lo's, in ac
cordance with the Intention of S'tl.l
Council, ss declared by ordinance N...
It J, of said city, and to thut end that
the Clly Hecorder be, snd he hereby is
required to s.ltertlse for Il.e period of
two weeks in a newNpuper. "i general
circulation, published Weekly, in s.tlo
Clly of St. Helens, and u! for three
Issues In a newspaper t.r general circula
tion published tin 1 1 y In Ihe fltv of I'orl
land. Oregon, for seul.-d bids for thr
furnishing of all n.aierlul and lulor
net-rssary for Il.e construction snd In
stallation of such sewerage svitcm. In
accordance with the i.luna. profiles sml
specif lestlons thereor fifed wltli the
il.-eord.-r of said city. Th notice for
bids shall provide for a certified t:h k
in the sum of ten per rent ..f ths bid.
running lo ths Mayor of the ctty, s.ti
shall rurthrr provide that the sal.l
Council will reserve ihe right to r.-l-ct
any and sll bids should th. y le deemed
disadvantageous to ths rily.
Section 3. That th. contractor whose
bid shall lie accepted shall t requited
to enter Into a formal contract with sat. I
ctty for Ihe pronecution snd rotnpiei ion
of such work, which contract shall rot.
tain a provision thai the contractor shall
promptly, us due, make payment to all
persons supplying to s.h'h contractor la
bor and material for .he proset-ut ion oi
the work aforesaid, and that said con
tractor shull not permit any lien or claim
to tm filed or prosecuted against suhl
city for sccount of any material or labor
furnished, and thut no person shall le
employt-d for more than eight hours In
any one day or forty-eight hours In any
one Week, unless til sn smeriteticv whet,
no other competent labor Is available. In
which rase such laborer shall !w paid
lo.inie wages ror sll overtime. And sat.
contractor shull also he required to re
cute s penal Pond with good utyd st.rfi.
cieht sureties lo secure the faithful per
forrna.tce of all of the usual and pur
licuh.r obligations of said contract, with
the additional obligations that such con
tractor or contractors shall promptly
make payments to sll persons lying
bun or them labor or materials for any
prosecution of the work provided for it.
sue it contract
Hectlon 3. That for ths pttrposs of
sum improvement and in provide means
ior tne payment or the same, the ap
praisers shall, us soon as the actual cost
has been ascertained, assess sll of the
real property within said Sew.-r I. .strict
No. , above described, such sssrssment
to oe oeiermineti i.y an eqqitnhle ap
portionment of such real property among
all the real exist., owners In snld sewer
district, hased upon the last preceding
assessment of real estate onlv. and not
upon the improvements there. m; ami the
costs ami expense or making such im
provements shull be a rhu.ire i.s,ii.imI
and a lien upon the property within s.n.l
sewer ois.rici. in accordance Willi sjch
ap portlonment
Section 4. That aa Soon ns soeh no.
portlonment has lo-er. mn.U the II. . ..r.l. r
of said city shall enter In a docket for
it. at purpose, i,y name or number, a de
scription of each lot or parcel of land
against which said assessment Is made
w.'n me name or the owner or owners,
and the amount of the unpaid .
mint, sucn d.s-ket shall thereafter as a ucn docket as ror tux.-s as
sessed and levied In favor uf said city
and for the amounts of such nt.puid
assessments therein docketed, with In
terest on suhl unpaid assessments at the
rate of six per cent per annum sgulnst
such lot or parrel of land, until such
assessments snd Interest are put. I; slid
all sssessments and Interest shall hs .....l
remain a lien on each lot or parcel of
.a...., respectively, in ravor or said clly
and have priority over all other Urns
and Incumbrances whatever
Section ft. That whenever any psy-
...,-iit ,it nnx assessment, or Inst M 1 ! tuq.t
thereof, or Interest i.r costs ti.r..,.n
shall be made under ths provisions of
this ordinance, the of sal.l
city shall make an entry thereof in said
lien O.K-sel. with Ihe ilals ,.r II... - n
and such pavments ma. It. n,l . .!
sain docket shall operate ns it discharge
... nn.u ..en in ins nmottni or such pay
ment snd from the chite thereof.
Section 6. That tlm l-ixm.,,,,, rv...,.t
of said city Is li. r.-l.y author!. . I to Issue
wnrrsnis, nnsc.l upon Ihe credit of -1.1.1
sewer district, to be known ss Sewerase
Olslrlcl Warrants of Sewer lilstrlct No
. bearing Interest st the rale of six per
rent per annum. Interest payable titinii al
ly, wnicn sal.l warrants shall be accepted
t par an.i iss.icij rrom lime to lime as
required to defray the expenses of put-
io.k ,i, nnfii R.'.riKH System
Section 7. Thai Sl.l.l ...rrnhi. .....II
he drawn In such form snd denomina
tions that the said taxes or sny part
thereof, when collected, may be made unt.tlctil.l in ti. ,.Un...
of some portion of sal.l warrants, and
final payment shall not In sny Instance
extend beyond Ihe period of ten years
Section . That as soon as the ap
praisers shall have made the assessment
provided for In Section I of this Ordi
nance, Ihe Common Council of said city
shall publish notice of such assessment
for three successive weeks In
paper published In said ctty, requiring
all persona owning property In auld
sewer district so assessed for such Im
provement In the sum nf in, tin ,.r mr,..
at any time within twenty days f , -m
.o- ouin oi tne rirsi pill. Illation or such
notice. In file With Ihe rec,.r,l..r i.r ......
oily a written appllrstlon In pay si. I.I
assessment In Installments; such appli
cation shall slats that the ssld sppllcnnt
and properly owner .does hereby waive
II Irresularltles oe ,l..ff..a
tlonsl or otherwise, In the proceedings
lo make such Improvement for which
said assessment Is levied and In the ap
portionment l.f Ihe Cost IhuriMtf U..I.I
application shall also contain a provision
that the snld applicant and properly
owner agrees to pay said assessment In
ien equni installments, with In
terest at the rate of six o.r ....
annum, payable annually.
Section . That Ihe applications sn
received shall be entered In a book kept
for thai purpose, showlne the dui. .t
filing; each application, the name of the a deeorlptton of Ihe Broa.
i ml Ihe amount of Ihe asaeasinsat '
Section It. I hal Ih.realt.r Ihvr. ih.n
lie due and payable annually f,,r t. '
ceasite ais tu Ihe recurdvr of said .0""
uy Ihe owner of each lot or pstu.1 J
land assessed for Ihe said a.w.7 i?
prove... sot whose application tu ,.
cost of such sewer by Installments k
neon filed aa herein provided, UZ ,
cenl of Ihe -.Mit of aald aew.r s.JLJ!
against Il.e properly of audi ow nerlr
appea. a by said lien docket, wllh 11
amount of one year's at aim )rl
vent per antrum on all unpaid sss.vl.
inc. its or li.slallmsnle. Thai flrsl iuTT
inc.. I aforesaid shall be due ami ivVli
at the .xpliatlun or one year front a...
..f lite aald assvssmetu In t d,w!?:'
aforesaid, sod subsequent paynieuia i
Il.e expiration of each year lh.r.r...
Should elicit owner ur owi.ere
rsfus. tu pay the aiini or sums sf..r...Tl
as the same shsll Im coins du. and iw
ablu for a period of twenty days ti,.
the sum. shall be deemed ucli,,uu
and the Hecorder shall have ths risM
in. I II shall be his duly, upon
and pay. 1. of Hie Install.., panslt,
and Inteiesi, lo make out a c.t if
or cert 1 flea lee of dellnqusiity siaia.1
audi properly, ami such crltfl,, "
c. i tif l.sles shsll be numbered and hI
stub, which shall lot a summary uf ikl
ceriifiuats, and shall contain ,1,,
I. The name and residence of u.s
person to wltt. 1.1 Issued;
3. A description of Ihe properly u.
3. The year or j-er for which u.
4. The amount of the aescssmsul tad
Interest due.
i. The name of Ihe person lo wheat
The rale uf Interest the certificate
shall b.-sr;
7. The lime when a deed may be had.
if not sooner redeemed;
a. When a certificate of any brsesd.
ing year la outstanding and mirnUiui
11 shall be staled III subsequent Cerllfl.
cales issued and the principal sum ana,
wltli dale of Issue,
Any numler of lute or paresis of lane
issessed to Hie same person, ur ss itsi
property of au tit.ktiotrn ownsr, liar w
Included In one t.rtlficete.
Section It. That said certificates of
delinquency shall bear Inlwrssl front Um
dale of Issuance until redeemed at tiM
rat. uf ten per cent p.r annum, end shsll
In. sold and Issued lo any person tn ths
order of priority In applying ll.raf.f
upon of the value lit principal
and Inteitst Iheroof, and such rerun,
catce shall he sold, redeemed and furs
closed In conformity Willi the provisiuna
of Chapter VIII. of Title ASVIII, of
Lord's Oregon Ui, for 11. e collection sf
taxes, and Ihe method of the pr.H-es.lihxs
on foreclosure thereof and Ihe Issuance,
service and return t.f aumniona. and ths
manner and tint, uf muktng deeds usdsr
melt and all matters ai.4
li.tngs necessary lo be bed or pursuvg
in order lo fully carry out ths purpose
hereof. Including Ihe right of appeal.
.11. d lbs courig In which audi prurmu.iixs
shall le had. shall lot ss prescribed bo
aid Chapter V III., except thai ail cer
tificates of delinquency shall be Issusg
oy Ihe Hecorder. all redemptions mass
hy bun and Il.e ur.ler for Ihe sals of sny
audi property made by Ihe court shall
t. directed and delivered tu the city
Marshal In place of Il.e Sheriff, stia
shall thereafter act In all Ihiugs sun.
nected therewith instead of Ihe sheriff.
Section 13. That all assessments
against any property In said sewr dia.
Iiu l for wltli It no application has base
made or aliowvd for th putptoi. of pay
ing the sum. by Installments shall s
due ss soon aa made, and shsll b. delin
quent from and after th. esplrailna uf
threv months from H.a dst. of th. eats
assessment in lb. lieu docket .foresaid;
and thereafter lb. same
shall l.e had for the collection of as. 3
aaaeMsiui-ttts, Issiianc. of delinquency
certificates, foreclosure nf the same, sals
of properly. Issuance of deeds, etc., as
ute hvreitt provided for assessments pay
able in Installments.
Section IJ. That after the sxpirallo
of three years from the date of dalle
quenty, when any property remslns sa
the lien d.a-kel for which no c.rlifhsls
of delinquency baa leen Issued, the Ha
order snail proceed lo Issus certificates
of tlellnqqst. cy on said prurty te the
city; snd lb. Clly Attorney shsll lhaa
proceed to foreclose. In ths nam. of ths
ctty, ths assessment ll.ue etiibrscea 'la
such rt-rtificsies au.1 the sains proraee shall he had ss when held by sa
ludlvlduul: nt'.VII.KIi. that for lbs
purposes of this s-rtion summons mar
be scried or notic. gtv.n .xcp'etvely ty
publication In one general notice, tte
scribing Ihe property ss Ihe same la de-scrtla-.t
on the lien docket.
Section II. That the Common Council
of said city Is hereby empowvr.d to as
set any and all additional or supple
mental ur stoendatory ordinshcs
s.ry to fully snd completely carry Ints
. fl i t ths Intent and purpose of this
Head the first lime June it. I ' -
Head Il.e second lime June 33, lull.
Head th. third time and passed J visa
30, 1913
Approved by Ihe Mayor June 14, Itlt.
A. W. Ml' KM. Kit, Mayor.
Attest: K K. WCICK. Hecordsr.
An Ordinance providing for Ihe Insislla
tion of a sewer In Sewer Idstrict Ns.
7, In the Clly of Ht. Helens, orr-s.
In purs.mncs of the ordulnrd declare
tlon of the Common Coonctl of ssis
city, empowering the Common 'ouncil
of said city to contract for such In
stallation; providing for Ihe
thereof I.y ihe properly owners within
raid district, constituting the sssesaeg
charge on each lot In said district :
lien thereon until paid; providing far
tlie drawing of warrants In payment
of said Improvements, providing for
the Issuance of terllf Iratee uf
qucii!y snd the fon-cios.ire of the
same, and rm'towcrlng the Common
Council, generally, lo pass sny and sll
needful to. Una. lies fur the collect!.
of such assessment, should si
time this ordinance be found Insuffi
cient. W 1 1 KICK Art. In accordance with Oral
nam.. No. I ill, duly passed I.y the I taw
in. nt Council of the Clly of Ht. Helena.
Oregon, on Ihe 2th day of Msy, A. I.
111 3. and on aald day duly approved 1
the Mayor of aald city, due snd leg"
notice was given lo the property
owner of sal.l Hewer Idsirlrl N. '
of satd cllv. of the time and pises or i
m.-ellng, the same being at the City H
at Ihe Council chamln-r thereof, on Ine
evening of June Kill. 1913. at 7 .1" ocloc
p. m. on said day, si which lime ens
place they, or sny of them, might rns
snd file obiertions, If any they hsd. is
such Improvement. a.
ANIi. WIIKIIKAM, said meeting w
had nnd fully attended, and no volld r objection wsa ms.le, filed sr
raised lo snld Improvement so corttsre
plated, ur o the boundaries of aald aw
lrl1; jj
AMI, WHKUKAH, ths plans and speri
flcstloiin, ss heretofore filed herein. MS"
been formally adopted: snd J".'!n...T
:age, Harold I". Hoss and W. J.
ton. Ihe duly appointed arbitrators sns
appraisers In said matters, hsve rrtsna
an equitable assessment and appor""";
ment of tin. prol.uhle Costs of said sew
erage system, among the real ,
owners of said sewer district, 1st
.l.l estimate upon Ihe Isst preceding
asaesMmi-4.1 of real property only; .
AND, VV I IK I IK AS, All n.l every
t-r ami thing, as a condition precedent
.. ..... -i ... ... . ..!,! .,a,r. Situ
i, ,.. r.snt to nm.iru. . "' . . ....
assess Ihe real property within snld af
iritt rneieror. has n.-en penon.. . ,,
Helena does or. In In as follows:
Section I. That the Common cnunro
of the Clly nf Ht. Helens, Oregon.
hereby sulhorlxed and empower
Inslull g scwerngs system In Sewer 1 'te
lnet No. 7. nf snld clly. the boiin.lsri
of which district are aa follows, to-"".
Ib glntilng at the northwest corner "
block 4H. SI. Helens, Oregon, and run-;
nlng thence southerly along th J"
line of Hemlock slreel. 791 feet; thenc.
westerly and parallel lo HI.
atreet ISA -.. I.. II.m common cnrne
r.f lots in. II. IJ and 13. hlock n '' I";
Helens; thence southerly at right n"1(
II. icct; tnence westerly e-- t
with SI. Helens slreel liO feel.
common corner of lots n, t, 14 nl,J..i.
bl.s-k r, of rt. lb-lens: thence "''"'""If
nt right angles nil feel to the corner "J
lols f. , H and I of block 5; th"
westerly and parallel lo Ht. ''r'.f,e
street. .10 feet lo Hie east line of I ""
strict; tliencs northerly on the essi
of I'aclfle street. 11 feet: Ihence w".
erlv nnd psrnllel lo Ht. Helens
Mil f.-rt: thence northerly and Pr"',.
to rncirin street ir.n f.-et; torn "
erly at right angle lo Taclflo ire