for Sale and Want Adi AJ, in Thete C .lumn Bring Result Professional Cards I". IE Ilorsrt For Sale ill kirn! of horni-n fornule or will . t. ...... f,.r r:itll ( 'nliil liritl lrU,- II'" - " .,. li:it we liavr at tlw Sc;iimn' iki,ry . VV. Grunt. a'.r "sali' " tt . miU'H from gt 1 It-li-riH. t I huildiiiK. In- DR. L. GILBERT ROSS PHYSICIAN ft. SURGEON St. Helens (Hill' Hank IIMj built t'ln.liua Hiii" lit Mist olliee Wnnlfl Ch-un cotton niirn at lh 'M ""'" Knr Ki-rit K"m.4 in the Hunk huiMiiitf- Meant luul. rlirtnc liht. I"t "''' '" Columbia Co. I'.tink. At,""11' houo three choice IhIji in KhmI locution in St. Helen f,r wilt'. Inquire for prices nnl IrrioH al tin M it "(lii'i-. ..i . . I :. i f .ir .'ii " ''"I- " ion, ni';n a i l :l "Ml.'ll Mrs'.; Iit.sil il lu'lltrl I, r I l'!l.ii i'' Andl'i'V .lolilimiii. f',r .''.l!'' A'Tra,"!1, ('Hi. I Hull, (),:, I . 1 1 1 1 1 r -'". Trtriity minutes aa'1 frm I I t li"'ll; r. Ilrasori- i,V i 'i uh. .4ilirss I'.n lo:i. Si i' i n , '!'. :iip Kur Sale 1" iuti-h in Ilai'liclor Flut fr naif. U. S. liMpuin. St. llt-li'in. U r'ur Salr (i-room houne with hath nd ;untry. 1! lots, barn" ami four rliii'ken Ixium'H. (iood fence around place. Iii'iuire Ieldy Rerg, St. ililiTi. lmopd Tram for S;tle - Four years II . well broke, will weigh over IKKId pounds. 4ti J. A. Nelson, Warren, Ore. For Sale Two mood lots on Nub Hill with U'uutiful view that cannot be shut oil". $M(K). Also lots from $loo and up. Close in. Columbia County Abstract & Tr. Company. St For Sale A good oak dining table and other articles of furni ture. Apple at the Miles resi dence. Str. IRALDA Suinuier Kates between St. I Ulcus a n d Pur; t.d ,' ei ii t s one way 75 eents round trip Tkkcts c;i m1 any lime after April 4th limit I'uvi'i Si. I If Inn 7;.Vi. til. kiliiimiiK lcM' I'ortlanil 2 :WI p. in. A r 1 1 Hi SI llrlrill 4 -I'i p. 111. C I 1IOOCHKIRK DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SURGEON OMUe Mawai 10 la II a. m. 1 to 4 p. m. OKKICK IN HANK HI II.KlMi St. Helens . Oregon T. S. WHITE hUNERAL DIRECTOR I.H'KNHKM KMHAl.MKU I loulton Oregon DR. ALFRED J. PEEL PHYSICIAN A SURGEON ll'illL Il In( St. Helens DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURGEON I'liune Main in, A I .'11; Kia. K .; imioXHu' Portland, Or. GEORGE H. SHINN AT TORN EY-AT-LAW St. Helens - Oregon M. E. MILLER ATTORN EYATLAW St. Helens Oregon HERBERT W. WHITE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW St. Helens - Oregon Real Estate Transfers When was YcurHoLse Painted? Li t uc estimate your build- inj.'s, suggest color schemes ami make an estimate. See McCOY! Sr. Helens - - Ork. OW I'ON TLANl) lAII. 6TEAMEH I'.ovi-a SI. Ilelfii ' A. M. Arnvi-a al fm lUlliI 10::H A. M. Ij-kvm r.iriiHna at, a I', m Arnvxa hi. Ilrlfiif Mt :: I'. M K. 0. R Formliek to F. II. Smith. tractn l;i7 lliM Iteaver Hoim-n. C. U. & M. A. Kelly to E. A. Fitzgerald, loU 1, 2. :. 4, blk (, ('eorgetown. J. & 0. TipMla to Alln-rt Iuri, lanf" in 10-7-4. " H. A. & M. I). Sherman to Nora HtiHhong. land in 35-5-2. F. P & Win. M. lioHS to Mamie i Noble, loU 10.' 11. blk 1, in Col. Park. W. E. & C. A. Evernaul to C. K. & M. Heeman, land in C-4-1. M. E. Swanstrom to A. S. Kerry, land in 9-5-5. A. I).. M. W., W. M. Hliott & Price to Columbia & Nehalem R. R. land. F. W. & R. R. Ciltner to Martha (J. (ioV. 1-5 int in land in 29-5-X F. & F. L. (liltner to Emma (I. White, l-5th int in land in 29-5-3. C. S. C. F- & L. M. Elwood to Columbia County 1'roduce Co., land in 8-7-4. C. W. E. Kolierts to E. A. Brooks, lot 3, blk. 22, Dobbins Add to Rainier. M. H. RiekeUon to I). Jeatroplis. lot IS, blk 10. R. R. Add to St. Helens. H. (1. K. Howitt to Columbia & Nelmlem River R. Co., land. I. Souers to (I. C. I-ov. land. C. J. Stewart to I.amb Timber 11. MO IK I US V .S'fV.V hare J ust received front Xeiv York a beautiful line of Sirin J dress goods, trem in ed h tils, and fill over enibrodmj, and lives. We ask you to rail und see our new stock it is worth your while. x-x. 1V1 kj jr-X KJr sJ to J k JLj 1 U.flQl 111 University of Oregon I" Summer School JUNE 23-AUGU5T 1, 1913 Twcmy-fivc Innlrui lor. Fifty C"ourC!t )istiiiguilicil Kacrn Kilinalon ittlilcil to Regular I'urulty. I'liivcriity Dormitories upen. IdarJ ami room 1 1. 50 per week. Reiliiceil rates on railroaiU. I'ur l'uiiilttr IllustratcJ I'Migng, Adilre The Registrar, University of Oregon. Eugene F (excursions east Daily, May 28 to September (50. RETURN UMIT OCTOBER 31.L Choic of Route ami Stopover in Both Direction Limited Trains East via Spokane, Portland & Seattle Great Northern, Northen Pacific Bnrlington Ronte LOW ROUND TRIP FARES WANTED A GOOD MAN TnrftntUn fa.' I no lUlt wr mm Mi(li ll Ant liit an.l BHlifil Und ! rid. (tow M 1)U'X rtt. hh ! Mirt of on tfnth i'Mh, antl Um il-in- n nlul tiul nunl ln1limU. lrjt I I iMr cni. TTT llm null ! nf Ft t llivir ilnM nfttif lh hmm .. bat It ! thm tmw A fjKX4 rrwBtnllv wnnlndj In tliU di.lrir. IU mat I a Arl alaaa mma who ran fnrMUh h of r-f- rrttncmi. W rll al norm. i rnr rvfnrt-nras, long r hats llvnd In thMinirr a.t what ttnatnoaa yu wstl In. AJdrM, W. O. IDC LUMHRMIN SLO. PORTLAND, ORB. r.i . lunil in 30-6-3. n I M KpIIov to C. C. Ive, land. J. C. Johnson to J. A. & S. M as,.r.iin K nrrs In 3fi. 5. 21. m. v- i " - - C. Ward to R. & S. Sesneman, i. .ta in Wrnonia. IHID ... " F, Anliker to Iuiao Anliker, 40 anrnl in 21. 0. 2. Th.m. Ramie to E. Koski, 10.42 - in H H 4. C. A. & M. C. RockaMlow to F. I- & M- c- Rean ,ot 3 t)"1 4' llln.knr,l'a Allll. IMilll' II . " E. F.. P. M. J.. W. M. Ross to C. E. Watters. lot 3. blk.2, Col. Horl, A, 1,1 C. J. Stewart to Lamb Timber Co., land in 3(5, f, 3. R. Traeey to Western Timlier Co, 40 acres in 35, 5, 4. Baltimore f 107. 50 Iioton f 110.00 Buffalo f 92.00 Clm-ao Ti.'iO t'olorailo Spring 55.00 Jlenver 55.00 l)eMoinr 65.70 llrtruit S3. 50 Duluth 60.00 Imliaiupolis 79.90 Kansa City 60.00 Milwaukee 72.50 Miiineapolit 60.00 New Vurk 10H.50 Onialia ,60.00 IMiila.lrli.liia 108.50 I'ittHirtfh 91.50 St. Louis 70.00 St. I'aul 60.00 Toronto 92.00 Wainon 107.50 , Winnipeg 60,00 StHelensMillCo. ElectricLighting:: (Saves Your Eyes) - S team Heating (Prolongs Your Lives) Lath Wood Lumber Train Schedule and other detail will be furnished on request Baggage checked and deeping car accomodation arranged through to destination. R. H. CROZIER, Ceni Pa. Agt. Portland, Oregon W, C. WILKGS, At. Ceni Freight & Pat. Agt, Portland, Oregon T I J. O. DIVENS, Agt Houlton, Oregon TV, KrauiwtM Ca ti tataa ma " Nr. rarmer! If Yon are going to need anything in the line of VOVCn WIRE. POULTRY ALTTIAG. PLOWS.- 1MRR0V. CULTIVATORS. AOWERd. BIADCRS. WAG0A. BUCCIES. HACK OR Thrashing Machines Talk over your wants with OLIVER & OLIVER HOULTON. OREGON We are here to supply your needs and the fact that we are now doing a Splendid Business in these lines proves that we know where to meet the Farmer Preased Customers are Our r a a. i Dest AQverusers jj ICE!! ICE!! ICE!! I Frank Wilkins the St. Helens Ice Man will 3 Deliver Ice Any Place in the City I 1 E Office on Sheldon Dock St. Helens 3 fjiUiaiUiUiUiUiUiUiaiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiUiuiuK All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished. R. CONSTAMTIN a I Plumbing and Heating Sheet Metal Work St Helens Oregon METALLIC tM CARTRI DGES Mad by the Foremost Ammunition sT Concern In America THE biggret name in the ammunition and firearm world M I day Rtmington-UMC. M'hether ytmr arm t a Remington or any other atandard make, whatever it calibre and the load you need, you want Remington-UMC metallic not becauea I they are neceaaarily umped with the ame name a your firearm, but becauea they give more accurate remit. Tkia Company ha kMa making aanmuaiboa for fifty rear. W R produce aMalkca lor vrcrr ataadafd rnaaa et arm-and avarr namiiiiiia LMCcartnda atataat in tk anal lot whack ll aaada. Thara ia a Jralrr In thia communirjr wka caa eiva yo Ramm every boa i na.LJMc: MruUiealor aa nfla. aver Diatol. rind him, A him for ikam. Look for the Had Bail Mark ea racailica aad ahol ahalla pee buy. 3 Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. T Broadway 2 New Vork F, J. 1'earson to Nehalem Tim-, ber Co, 1G0 acres in 10. 4, 3. I E. & M. J. Ross to E. F. & H. A. Keller, lot 22. blk 3, in Colum bia 1'aik. River Land Co. to Peter Mauris, lot 8, blk 27, in Rainier. C. Gamble to C. B. Gamble, 80 acres in 13, 7. 3. R. F. Graham Jr. to C. E. Graham, land in 30, 7, 2. F. L. H. Downing to R. C. Camp bell, blk 2, Dobbins Add, Rainier. For Sale 24 white Leghorn pul lets and cockerels; also fancy pigeons, several varieties. Pigeons received blue ribbons at Clatskanie Fair. For information and prices write Robert Ham'll, Deer Island, Ore. UtltL iiiL .U.UL1 .i.Ul. liiUk MkiUi R. C. R0BERT8ON I. A. KILL B CENTRAL MARKET t Dkalers in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Poultry, Produce Your Orders Solicited Good Price Full Weight Phone 60 St Helena, Ore. Watchea ClocLa 3 VON A. GRAY All Watchmaker and Jeweler. Work Guaranteed. S Optical Good St Helena Or. : afjiiUUWWWWWW o i 3 3