St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, June 27, 1913, Image 8

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Dr. L. G. Ross was a Clats- This same question is being tested
kanie visitor on Tuesday. J in several other counties of the state
W. H. Cooper of Rainier was "'so. and the outcome is of con
attending to legal business in St. sizable consequence to the tax
Helens on Friday. j payers as well as the road districU.
Mrs. John Q. Gage and child- Deputy Sheriff A. B. Lake will
ren returned home Wednesday ieave tomorrow for a trip to his old
night after a visit with friends
home in Missouri, where he goes on
a business and pleasure trip. He
will be gone about a month and
will take In several eastern states
' before his return.
in Portland.
M. Rosenthal was in Portland
on business Thursday.
Mrs. R. C. McCoy spent Thurs
day in Portland.
Mr. Brewster, an attorney from
Portland, was attending to some
matters before the Circuit Court
here this morning.
J. Bruce Polworth, a promi- visited a few days this
nent attorney from Portland, was Helens.
Mrs. Ramsey who has been suf
fering from a nervous breakdown
caused by the excitement of the
fire, is improving slowly.
E. W. Conyers of Clatskanie
week in St.
a St. Helens visitor today.
Herbert W. White, an attorney
from East Aurora, New York,
has been in St. Helens for several
days and has decided to locate
Mrs. S. C. Morton returned to
Portland Thursday after a few
days very pleasantly spent in St.
Helens at the home of her son.
J. B. Dyer has sold his black
smith shop in this city to Mr.
Wm. Jellyman cf Jaynesville,
Wisconsin, who will arrive within
a few days to take charge of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Perkins re
turned from their wedding trip
to Drain and other cities of
Southern Oregon on Monday
evening and will be at home to
their friends at the Masten
Business in the St. Helens post
office has not been effected by the
high water, but continues to give
the office force all that they can
attend to.
Mr.' Martin Ketel of Aberdeen,
Wash., is visiting at the home of
his uncle, A. Ketel of this citv.
Mrs. M. C. Gray is working regu
lar hours in the postoffice on account
of Mrs. Dodd being on vacation.
Mrs. Elma Sprague of Kelso,
Wash., is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Cora Weeks. She came to at
tend the wedding of her grandson,
Mr. Harry Popejoy, last Sunday.
Mrs. Iva E. Dodd is taking a two
weeks vacation and will return to
her work in the postoffice about the
end of the week.
Willard Piano for sale cheap.
Call at St. Helens Improvement Co.
office, St. Helens.
S.C.Morton was a visitor in
Portland Wednesday, being a
witness for the defendant in the
case of the Government vs. the
Callender Nav. Co.
So far as known no one has as
yet been appointed to succeed M.
C. Gray as postmaster.
Miss Nora Adams of Rainier
visited with her parents this week
in this city.
Mrs. H. C. Littler and Miss Laura
Littler, mother and sister of Mrs.
H. 0. Wilson, arrived on Monday
from Omaha, Nebraska, and will
visit here this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. VanNatta of War
ren were St. -lelens visitors on
Parcels post matter may be sent
C. O. D. beginning July first.
Backstamping mail, except spe
cial delivery and registered matter,
has been discontinued by order of
the department at Washington.
The river at this place is falling
quite rapidly now. the register
showing about 4 feet lower than on
the 8th of the month. Occupants
of the docks have all moved In and
the boats are landing at the Sheldon
A suit was filed in the Circuit
Court this week by the Portland
Lumber Co. wherein it is testing
the validity of the levy of the special
road taxes for road district No, 8.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron B.
Larson, Warren, a daughter.
S. C. Morton motored to Port
land on Monday. .
Mrs. Willard Jones who has been
visiting the past week with friends
in this city, returned to her home
in Portland on Wednesday.
Mrs. J. L. Zipperer went to
Portland Wednesday to see
"Hankey Pankey."
Hon. Norman Merrill, Mayor of
Clatskanie, was attending to busi
ness in St. Helens on Tuesday.
Mr. David Lane of Portland
visited friends in St Helens last
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Masten on June 21, a daughter.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Conway on Jund 23rd, a daughter.
Mrs. Bessie Peters left on Satur
day for a visit with relatives in
Portland and Aberdeen, Wash.
George Pringle went to Portland
Saturday to consult an eye specialist.
Bert Adams, a prominent farmer
of Deer Island was visiting in St.
Helens on Wednesday.
Chas. and Washington Muckle re
turned Tuesday from a trip to the
Shippard Hot Springs much im
proved in health. In fact, they are
quite like boys again.
Mrs. W. H. Parker o' Rainier
visited with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. William Muckle in this city
the fore part of the week.
Mrs. Barger and Mrs. Kappler
of Yankton were St. Helens visi
tors on Wednesday.
Mayor A. W. Mueller spent last
Saturday in Portland.
Mrs. A. J. Deming has been
quite ill the past week, but is
now able to be up.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lungren were
Portland visitors on Sunday last
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Galichio
were in Portland over Sunday.
Mrs. E. A. Thompson spent
Saturday in Portland.
A. C. Gray and his dairy herd
are having a "picnic" for which
they are indebted to the overflow
of the river.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holcomb of
Portland spent Sunday with their
daughter. Mrs. W. B. Dillard.
Postmaster Gray says that as
soon as Uncle Sam can be induced
to dispense with his services he ex
pects to engage in the culture of
oranges and grape fruit in Southern
Mrs. E. A. Rotger entertained
eleven of the little tots of St.
Helens at her home on St. Helens
street on Tuesday afternoon. The
time was spent in games, after
which a dainty luncheon wasserved.
Those present weie: Marion and
Regnald Cox, Marion and Virginia
Morton, Arthur and Wade Parker,
Rashley Peel, Agnes Farris, Harriet
and Charles Ross and Kenneth
Next Sunday afternoon the
Rainier base ball team will again
invade the St. Helens ball park and
undertake to even up the affair of
a couple of weeks ago when the
local boys decisively defeated them.
This will be a spirited contest and
the fans of this city and Rainier
will turn out in force to see it.
The game starts at 2:30 o'clock and
should be seen by every loyal fan
in the city.
R. B. Magruder, General Man
ager of the Columbia Agricultural
Company of ClaUkanie, was in St.
Helens this week. Mr. Magruder
is quite well satisfied with the man
ner in which the dykes held up
against the high water and says the
test has been sufficient to prove the
permanency of the project.
This week nearly all the old
soldiers who took part in the Battle
of Gettysburg are on their way to
visit the scenes of the great battle
which took place 50 years ago next
week. Among the veterans who
went from Oregon were two Colum
bia County citizens, Israel Spencer
of Vernonia and J. M. Lindsay of
W. R. Hewitt, one of the officers
of the various McCormick interests
here and in California points, and
by the way, the owner of the best
business corner in this city, arrived
yesterday Torn San Francisco and
will spend several days in St, Helens
looking after business matters.
Rev. F. J. Meyer of Kalama,
formerly pastor of the Congrega
tional churches in Pueblo and Cin
cinati, has accepted the pastorate of
the Congregational church of this
place. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer will be
an acquisition to the social, educa
tional and religious circles of St.
Helens. Rev. Mr. Meyer will as
sume his pastorate on July 1st, his
first regular services' being'held on
Sunday. July Cth.
Whereas, at this season of the
year the firing of firecrackers, giant
crackers and other fireworks are a
great menace to property and often
cause much loss by fire, as well as
being a most dangerous practice by
children and others engaged in the
use thereof; and whereas requests
have been made that the city pro
hibit the use of them within the
corporate limits by a number of
property owners; and whereas it is
deemed necessary that such action
be taken;
It is therefore hereby ordered
that the firing of fire crackers,
giant crackers, sky rockets and
bombs be and the same is hereby
prohibited within the limits of the
City of St. Helen between the days
of July 1st and 10th. 1913, under
penalty of fine and imprisonment.
Dated this 25th day of June, 1913.
A. W. Mueller, Mayor.
C. C. Reed. Portland; J. H. Col-
lens, Rainier; Pathmore & Dunn,
Frank Letson, H. W. White, V.
Scott, Frank Beebe, Portland; W.
K. Holland. Scappoose; J. Canfield,
W. Long. Mark Hegle, Coover
Boyer, City; G. B. Cone, Portland;
G. P. Levery, G. Van VeVen, C.
Peterson, Rainier; H. J. Broughton.
Poreland; R. B. Magruder, Fred
Yuccal, Chatskanie; John J. Wiley,
Portland; Mrs. Vincent, St. Johns;
W. L. Lind, Portland; J. A. Eakin.
Astoria; J. Nelson, Nick Pappat,
Westport; H. H. Humphrey, Port
land; Wallace Sumpter, Crabtree;
E. E. Dill, L. B. Coovert, Portland;
A. Murray. Clatskanie; W. Long,
City; N. W.Call. Portland; Geo. W.
McBride, Ciey; II. H. Jennings, Ta
coma; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Young,
Eureka; N. Newell. F. I Gordon,
ClaUkanie; Knute Beito, Portland.
Scott Simpson, Hugh Goodell,
Otto Edlend, Portland; Mr. Mc
Coy and Wife, City; A. Carlson, J.
McManns, Portland; A. C. Nush, G.
Armitage, Rainier; R. L. G'fford,
John Langill, San Francisco. P. A.
Katherine Erickson, Columbia
County, and Jackson Girard, Clack
amas County.
Clara B. Stevens and Harry B.
Popejoy, St. Helens.
Florence Nickerson, Yankton, and
Wm. T. Slater, St. Helens.
The Harkentine Amazon Br
rived down from Portland Thurs J
day and went direct to the ship-1
yards for some necessary rigging
work. The Amazon has on a!
full cargo of lumber destined for
the west coast of South America
and as soon as repairs can be
made will leave dow n river
After having put the Steamer
Merced through her trial trip
and made a couple of voyage
on her to see if she was just:
right. Captain Edward Jahnsen
assumed command of the flagship
Klamath on Saturday last. The
Klamath arrived at St. Helens
under command of Captain A.
Asplund and since the Merced
was here loading the transfer
was made here, each Captain tak
ing with him his bridge olhYcrs
and stewards department.
The Steamer Klamath, after
taking on a million feet of lum
ber and piling for San Pedro left
out Wednesday night. She car
ried her full passenger list, as
The Steamer osemite, Cap
tain Norberg, arrived Tuesday
night. She loaded a full cargo
of ties and piling for delivery at
San Francisco and sailed Thurs
day night. She also had on quite
a few passengers.
The Schooner Irene, Captain ;
Mitchell, was a get-aw ay Tuesday j
morning on the tow lines of the
bar tug Wallulu. She goes to
San Francisco this trip. On her
return to St. Helens she will load
a full cargo for Tasmania. This
will be the first time the Irene
has gone foreign in the last eight ,
The Steamer F. S. I.oop ar
rived in Monday noon and went
direct to the docks of the Colum
bia County Lumber Company,
where she completed her cargo
of lumber for delivery to the
Panama-Pacific Exposition.
The Steamer Multnomah, un-!
der command of ('apt. Chas.
Marro, arrived in the river yes
terday and is now discharging
her up cargo at Portland. From
there she will come to St. Helens,
loading for Southern Califordia
Miss Hazel Watts arrived home
for the summer from Wellesly Col
lege on Friday evening.
The I -allies Aid of the Congrega
tional church gave an entertain
ment at Watts & Trice Mall last
Friday. The program was excel
lent, as was the social hour that
O. M. Washburn and children
8Knt Sunday with Mrs. Washburn
in Portland. He reports that she
in making rapid progress toward
regaining her strength and looks
for her home in a few days.
The South Side Timler Co. camp
began operation Monday. The high
water had stopiied them from work.
Mr. J. I). McKay returned Mon
day from a short trip up the Colum
A Royal Chinook salmon weigh
ing exactly 74 pounds and meas
uring 4 feet, 2 inches in length
was packed by Jas. Sheldon yes
terday having been caught by
John Young, a fisherman of this
locality. The fish was worth in
the neighborhood of $G to the
fisherman and by the time it is
put up into pound cans and placed
on the market at retail will bring
in $15, making 5 dozen cans of
fine Columbia Itiversalmon. Mr.
Sheldon is planning on sending
the big fish to one of the Chicago
hotels to be served at a banquet
as a specimen of the fish indus
try of the Columbia river. Old
fishermen say that there has not
been such a large fish caught
here for over 15 years.
0r WTM-v-ril
Ilk Elastic HciUrj
r.U.v t mi fu
Stocidaf , Khm Cap AnkUta
" uwiMla
Stands for MIST
We now have in operation one
of the most up-to-date printing
presses made and can turn oil
any kind of work in the shortest
possible time, and guarantee you
complete satisfaction.
We will print ou any number
of Butter Wrappers at the very
lowest price possibe. Write or
phone for particulars.
77; 7i 7,7.7 ;.YV..V ST. ILL! OX
Wii.i, Stand tiik Skason at thh IIomk I'akm i
Pkdickkk ;
TrOtmier (a.C.U nnonrlnl inni t k'oiccr Hros
.... , .j. 4
P of Kiota, Iowa; is recorded by the IVrclieroii 1
JL Society of America and record mnnlcr is 30564.
C Color and Description;; Star; Hind left
C white. Phdh;kkk: I'oalei! April t, 1S9S; hrcd ly
i. iWiuasMjMic, department 01 Marine; owned iy
? Karncst Johnson, Scappoose, Oregon. j
, Sikk: S.mgrado (22990) by Hon KsjHiir 7022 j
- (.S6,X) l)y Sultan (1713) by IJayanl (9495) by
I."... .. 1 . - 11 y . t - - - . 4
; i-.siraoa 17 7c)) uy son ol Joan Jc Wane (739; '
Dam; Clianii.mte 7974 ) by Coco (4553)
AM Kl Kadcr belonging to M. Lcfetivre. i
I 2nd Dam; Chat niaulc belonging to M. Huve.
Weight 173.; lbs. TKRMS; JM5 to insure.
At my place one mile South of Scappoose, Ore. j
I Earnest Johnson
MiUiaiAlii.uh,aarL ting, ,ttrm