21, 1 ldV10 ifllOl FhiiuII last ImiJ (" FrkUr W Th Mi Publishing Company (im"t """"I "'"' Jimr)f III ,' Mi ,,! .( l liil Hi-lr. Ht,,,u SUM. KIITIO" KaTKS ... nmiilln i.lrcrltlK rMlM 0'"'1 known n appll ,,11.111. I.enal notlrm Ifft crnta per line County Official Paper A rx'ws iti'in from the Orvjron Ajfrii'iilturul Collie in thin issu nuTitions tlx; necessity for united n'tion umonjr the fruit Krowera of the state utid the various cuiinties and urgva the t'stabli.sh nicntof fruit cnnnerieH in dif ftTcnt localities. That buk'kcs tion is i" keeping with theelforts of gome f thermit Rrowers in this county, especially uround the Wurren and Scappoohe neiKh btirMKids. to huild and operate a cannery where the fruit products of the various orchards and gar dens can he disputed of, thereby insuring a market for these lirfiticts. In this county rijfht now there is most urgent need fur such an establishment. There ii no market for the fruits thut arc produced now on the small acreage of orchards and aniens, that is. no rnurket where a fair price ran he obtained. There are thousands of acres of the most productive land in the world that could and would be put into fruits and lurries if there was a mar ket w here a price could he oh tained that would pay returns on the money invested and the labor in producing them. A fchort time bko there was a movement started to organize a company at Warren whose ob jects were to huild and operate a fruit cannery. Money was sub scrihed, ollicers elected aid or ganization perfected. The farm ers and fruit growers were the stockholders and everything seemed to be in readiness for the commencement of operations, but for some reason the project fell through and the orRanization was dissolved. Then a move ment was started t' huild one at St Ih lens. hut this also has fallen t by the wayside. It seems the; reason for the failure of the War-j ren project was the fear of the, farmers that after the products: were preserved and ennr.ed, noj market could he found, for the jobbers who ileal in that class of j K"oils would not ngrve to handle j them and the farmers came to the conclusion that it would he j a losing proposition. The jobbers all have their 8ecial brands of Roods fnen the east and Cali fornia places and if an establish ment started doinjr business here the prices would be placet! so low that our products would not btintf enough money to pay the expenses. We understand such representations were made to to them and it evidently had the desired effect. Then the farmers wanted the business men of this city to establish a planf. which was considered, but after looking the matter over carefully it was decided that it would not pay and was dropped. What are the reasons for this fear of failure to pa? Just this; that the fruit growers, farmers and everyone else are after the very highest price that can be obtained for their products. If a cannery was in operation at St. Helens some of the produce men from the city would invade the neigh lorhood and ofTer a higher price for the goods than a local organ ization could alTord to pay pnd the result would be that farmers would, of course, sell for the higher price and the plant here would be operated, if at all. at a loss. This has leen the experi ence of several industries which have started in the smaller places and Would do doubt be the out come here, unless there was ro operation, and the only way to have complete cooperation he tween the fruit grower and the cannery is for the fruit grower to own the cannery, or at least to h the principal owners. Then if a city produce man should come down and oiler a little more nwinov f,.. ii... . i.. . i products, ifnj farmer and fruitgrower would l.u.l I.:.. . .. " mieresiin me cannery and the result would be that the produce man would get nothing. That a market could he found for the products of a cannerv here, there can he no doubt. If the jobbers of the city would not handle it, salesmen could ! sent out from the local cannery to compete with the jobbers and it is pretty safe to predict that the home grown products would meet with a ready sale, especially if tho finality wa.t equal or bet ter, which it certainly would be. Hut in order to accomplish this there must be co-operation and in order to have complete co operation there must he a finan cial interest of all concerned. It is a feasib'e proposition too. Ix't a company he organized and the farmers take the majority of the stock, the business men w ill readilv take the balance and an organization will be formed that can and will defy the trust pro clivities of the produce men and jobbers. After a year or two of successful operation, or even is no great returns are received for a year or tw o. a market w ill have been established where the pro ducts of the county can be sold at a profit to the producer. Then it will come to pass that many hundreds of acres A'ill be cleared and planted to fruit and berries and a business will be established that w ill be independent of the jobbers and result in great de velopment of the county to the financial betterment of all con cerned. In Columbia County there will be two localities that will cele brate the Fourth of July, t'lats kanie and Yankton. All other communities have passed it up. Clatskanie is preparing for the greatest celebration in its history and no doubt many people from all over the country will attend. At Yankton the Kedmen have taken charge and are making ex tensive preparations. There will be an old-fashioned picnic din ner, with patriotic exercises and sports Dr.d great quantities of fire crackers. These two places, Clatskanie ard Yanktr n, should be the meeting place for almost the entire population of the county on that day. The people from these other towns and lo calities where there will be no exercises should journey to one or the other of these celebrations and join in the occasion. F.very thing possible is being done to take care of the visitors and en tertain them so that a day spent at either place will be worth while. ADVERTISED LETTERS ODGEs Ix-tter unclaimed in the St. Hel ens, Post otliee for the weekending June in. iui:. ("has. Conies 1 letter (i. H. Kxtrom Ceo. Ijiwrence YA Olsen " Father I Irhirt letters unclaimed by July f, will be wnt to the Den.l-I-etU-r office. M. C. Cray. I M. Iloulton Free Methodist Church There will be quarterly meeting services at the Free Methodist church at Iloulton commencing on Sat unlay evening and continuing over the Sabbath. Uev. W. N. ColTee, District Flder, will have charge. All are invited. J. N. Wood. I'asttr. Sabbath Sdmol at 10 a. m. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and X p. m. Prayer meeting on Thtrsday even ing at 8 p. ni. J. N. Wood. I'astor. IIOL'I.TON UkU.K MiVH, Women ol WuofU-riilt, meets the secoml ami lourlli TilrwtMy aftrrnuoli of cw-li in., mil Ht Iloulton, Ore. Mm. Kla Wik-tri in, i ii rl lit n Nei)(liUr K M poo., or,.,; Mi,,,,,,. A. Mitli-y, Clerk. ('oliiml.iii KiitKiiipiiit-iit No. 77, I. (). ). K. iiiectNiu the I. (), O. K. Hull, on tli leioml MM f.mrlli 'J Imrwliiy ol chcIi mould, Kojouriiet tij IVIimn In i,k.!.i ninhally lrni!ei to me.-t with u. 'I.C. U,iU), thirl I'utriiirch. W. l;ikesley, Serilw. I'OI.L'MIIIA IIOMICSTKAI.' Nri. 2l.VI l!rtlirrhxl ol Alnrriean Yeomen, mi-els thn --(, stiil fourth Wed tirMlay night ol end. month at Yank ton, Ore. Visiting niHinliert welcome. K. S. Hin.Son, 1 1, mumble Forrm-tn (!. H I.akk, Corrr-iu,lcnt. -CHURCHES Iloulton, first and third Sundays. Preaching by the pastor, Itev. W. T. Fain hild at 11 a. m. and 7:110 p. ru. Sunday school at 10 a. rn. II. O. Oliver, Supt. Yankton, second and fourth Sun days. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7::i0 p. in. Union Sunday school at 11 a. in. Warren Preaching at 3 p. m. on firnt and third Sundays of each month. Other points, week nights. W. T. Fairchild. I'astor. All kinds of job work done at the Mist ollice at reasonable prices. MIl'Ai: CH.i'TKk, N. .10. O. K. s Meelt In Mnic Imll '.he ec n,I a nil lourtn Nntur lvo, h month maky (;i:oi:;iv, w m. I.I'CY UK VY. Secrntan St. I lelniH I.o l No. k"V SiJL7Jvll7.I. O. (. 1'. mertH VVwi" thel. O . K.h.iil.l liiK.oti tie Hecoml ami lourth SiiinfliivB ol em li montli, viiitinif iiinnUTH are alwavi ifiveli a hearty welcome. Clia-. I!, elrr, N. i. J. W. Ailrn, Src. A Von I,ile No fil.' K iiiik'IiIk nt i inrrK evrry Tnewlay Kvenii K In ai de Hall, St. Ilrlenn. Vi-uin KiiKhla nly Welcome. SI. i:. Miller, C. V. Harold Kusfi, K. ol RAH M IIKI.K.NS l.olMiK NO. Ar A V A A M. Meet 1st ami 3.1 Satnrila;- in each muntli. Viaillnft lirother cordially welcomed. U W Clark. Ma-ter; H. It. tjuii k. Secretar.. I'ni'e.l ArliHMiip, Assembly No. inretM l'ut and thud SHlunlnyn of eat h month at K. ol I'. Hall, Ht. He'ei . ,illlcrr: M. A , Jol.n rrinyle; Sntj'i,t, Mr I.i.ie Un'.n ii-ou ; Sec, Mra. Mahel Mill; Tnav. K II. ltolienwin. All vinitini; Artisans nre cordially invilad. mtiim Columbia County Bank OLDEST IN THE COUNTY ST. HELENS, OREGON Capital . $50,000 Surplu. . . . 10,000 Stockholders Additional Liability 50,000 Total . $110,000 This is your protection irlnii you dp business with the Coliunb'ui Co. Jitt n I: . Fou r per ecu t in -1 1 crest paid on tarings .Iccounts. Any amount will start an account. - BOARD OE DIRECTORS Wm. M. Ross, President L. R. Rutherford, Vica-Pres. A L. Stone, Cashier J. S. Allen, Asst. Cashier L. G. Ross rnnmi Rainier Mineral Soap The Soap of a Thousand Uses COME. ILL YOtr 1 11 XT II IIS, PniXTIlllS and meciuxics and THY A BAll OF RAINIER SOAP C.H.JOHN & CO. i a THE HOUSE OF QUALITY- OEXE "That's the sixth Studebaker we've passed the only kind to invest in" "The only kind because, at I always say. when a man puts money in a thing he wants toknow that he's going to get the worth of it out again." "That's plain business as I look at it" "That's why I say the price doesn't tell you any thing at all. There's only one thing that talks except the wagon itself. That's the name of the maker." "When you buy a Studebaker you're buying a vehicle that has behind it and in it sixty years of ex periencesixty years of success and sixty years of reputation for the square deal. That'a why a Stude baker always looks good to me." "My father used to aay that Studebaker honor wa aa sure as a United States bank note. He was talking after having used Studebaker vehicles aince ha waa a lad, and he told ma his lather beiora him said, 'Be sale get Studebaker." "Vehicle builders ean'l hold that sort of reputation now day without delivering the goods. A Studebaker wagon has the est in it That's why a man gets the ami out of it why it's always an economy." . . - , . "Dealers may say to yon something elsa la )uat as good. But when you buy a Studebaker, you're making a eeie inveetmanl every time." St tut Dtaltr ar writt as. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. HW VOmC CHICAOO MUiAi KANSAS CITY nsMVKg MINNEAPOLIS SALT LAKg CTTY SAM gtAMClSCO VOtTLANU, OKE. UtltLAiiliLiAtUKUtULiAiUHAiULllAiiiLAitUiaK ST. HELENS Harness ! Shoe Shop MONTGOMERY BUILDING ST. HELENS, ORE. MAN KODAK GOODS A NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED G MK liiVB FRM DOLLAR UP THIS IS THE TIVE OF YEAR TO TAKE A GOOD BLOOD REVEDY. YOU CAN T BEAT jj Xtnls Hot Springs Blood Bemedy m WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THIS FIRM'S REMEDIES A. J. DEMINC. Druggist. ST. HELENS 3 Cs.JJ JH tx Q.QJUU Bt gj g ULSLULSL ILIJUUL&JLJJUIIJI t liltltl tXXJLXJ Newly Weds Attention! This is Usually the Month of Months for Weddings. Remember We Have a Complete Line of House Furnishings Call and See Us Before Buying We Believe We Can Sell You p Furniture as Cheap or Cheaper Than You Can Buy It In 3 Portland 1 SItElrOUI3 5c ROSS UNDERTAKERS HOUSEFURNISHERS EMBALM ERS ieeeie SsiiiULiULAiiAliLUiliLAAiULIlAltikAULJ CENTRAL GROCERY . W. W. BROWS, Proprittor I TRY Wi FOR GROCERIES BUTTER and EGGS Fresh Vegetables Daily V1 'Ky Chris Johnson & Sons Successors to St. Helena Auto Co. jSt Will positively meet Witt ficrv trnin Autos for hire. Calls answered day or niglit Phone connection Look for the cars with the Red Cards 1 &T. HELENS UKeliON Allen, Felton & Quick REAL ESTATE DEALERS INVESTMENTS. RENTALS. INSURANCE. COLLECTIONS. LOANS, LAND TITLES, APPRAISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR. GUARDIAN. FISCAL AGENT CONVEYANCE. EXECUTOR INFORMATION ' ' AND EMPLOYMENT ST. HELENS . OREGON . . . . . . . a .t.s jia s.K i A vi 'VAvAvsvJt4KAXtA VAtVAJt, Columbia County Abstract And Trust Co Abstracts, Real Estate, Insurance. Loans, Conveyancing St. Helens, Oregon