I ll. UM, t, 4uH 'Ik "Ms ' lib,,, nil "ll oti : s ' wnnrnu pOUMKY AND (.AMI. ,. In se..i. Writ. u f. 1 ellier il...f euullry. pork. els. -laiwffsr Pearson -Pace -. Portland HI HI11N . inanity 'I'l. S1" L"ii M ..' d pel... In L ef . (..n.i s.-l Ie.i.lr. nilH t, r'i..filiv. H I'. Can ; elanil r li..ue, i ultikl. ,W a. or-I-..I pal 1 li-ulsis whir) ll.itman. l.n.ieily. II. i; Can. , .r W..I 1. '. H. K . Hash.. I...1 .Mtiii anl hay. 7 r. ItuiiMt, n ..i.il.ulw. sl.ak. mailiiii-ry. via. A, It' ii'l IN-'n, WMil-wley, u. v., 1 n. I I - ...I hl MM I I IM J All . HlvWti UBM, IIUII, .n.f obiiU imr eie.-lallr; quirk v piiriri l.-eit.-r Keni.l. frr I' I 1 I'lu.e. fH l.V. nr. I'tnh n, IA I l: III -K I't'K lilMMlM ,B . ... t ... uli.M ,. itmime alMe.lulelir fie.. m0 H.,.l.l,it 1 nrt mean IhisIiimm. iV" ,t n .,,..1 l. im. U LV,,-r. 1.1 1. Is.lmf IimiiiI.iii pen. l-i4- Kjir.i..'... " "," ",' " , ..I I..-, a A l..l tl IV hrtlIMB r Li, wit - I' r 1 1.-. I l.tal'SII Ki f, Mi". 11 "" 1 fun elf. Am-tit WMiitnl ' Si. J.h. MUwiuri. k 1 )-in iriNiMH (tv but ( n pi, lh ttitiiirtif H-itt til ntk W-riiM mmwv mi- tar. (rrr "' ptttunrra n P,W,.r',i . . . . U .K. 11.... T.. WC M i' ' H'. d4l. VrrMii. II C, C n. I iiiur nlt to tlrir. hmtk- ,(14tii.Ul r-mtUi rnJ mr tii,. tfiiaiiimM rttftiltittvil. b w dm Ihimmi, Wilrtt.Kir fm-littlM, .Mir J Httrhn 4 Hon. lth .- K K Nil. H. Kim ialty rtln fn BiicKt. 1-HI. V nt t.ly. lluU v h.r.-h ll K I- kAni h" W illi ir'ltl lJBurTrri. i',t't tht Knfifly ( .rf ti r-t ftn-iiy th lnnlntn Lm frwti -n t f iM.Ur Klr. 'tU-kly rtttn ....iRr 'D'i lB-ttrn Mttrif an r- iliiha. jfeVitj. (.'ftiji.jtrr 'it'i't fir. I ( ntfotiji ri.. ltiiM, id rJ W Wwt iv I mh vfnttrmnn m Arid ntHt rii-'it'ii iu wmunt r Mb' n! . I A San Krrnanln IlLltf J.0D WIILPAY FDR A COMPLETE jcOURSE IN FRENCH DRY CLEANING WvtMrh t-m at hitnhr h-iw Ui rlaait any arHU. par km-wi--irf- "f trtntng hi uilt nntr In MlhM Hi' r-i' n( th mill r.iru, Ant km ttm 1 1. . .. Walrm s.hix.1 of rrrark llrj I waaliul. Hut f.'. Knlllr. V u.lulnl. riiui- a'ii 1 Area of lha Octant. Th Atlaiillc wi'an lum nil ria of !.5.U,iHiu niiiiir inllm; l'aclflr. Go.- IM.OnO; Indian. 17.iln4.OnO: Arollc. I. ;il.00u. and Soiiibi-rn. 3U.592.OUO. PATENTS I aitt I 41 r.W wJiigu.ti Al h atiit If lligtml rHriiH. ikml art vWm hlfW and WWn, MwmilH. 1h J. K Martin To.. K 14 kt fartiai. .L btU fut Htorli 1 tat and prta WRITi: I0K FKKK ADVICE hfitrrrw't-.n at.1 N. tt nt valua to you. 1ACIH( (.1 ,N( & KKKTII.I7.KK ( (). Ik M.rfl.on hi.. 'rll4. Or. Ml M.SCHOOLof TELEGRAPHY A rhl f -r t K tu-. 1 in i-f Trlirraj hr utvUr lha wt iviti,n f the im-vrwi.T, A. -t. Mrcra. n.. . ( ti lrt(rai'hr. ly ! nit ht i"r-. ll.KMS: Kir-a In ry nvwillily lmtallm-nt, rtinitHna ytj to tak U jrcM Kipn.f. M1n at lltll uat Writ f full Hrticuiara. Do You Near Well? 14 h. rtiK, tt AiNllhn tlh lairat ' mxiafKMfMiMia ajijMJiTmnT. 11 a Ht't htmianly M'nttit b antitttl, n't Ki4t't at wncm kwn diRtin-l, huImI li-artna "wrr t thian who art a mt totally tl-af. Wi ill t rm tali an Ailtih'a hm fa ironth. n ak a V. -mall rrnlal. Hotiiju ai- hou l apt-al u ya a a 4 liiMiliin Aatnuiiht . I ,..,(. u.(w.i fp - I . w j Uf-7 IlfrTKimoNlv CQ It 1 I L.. I ' 2M I i.iiiim i IUk .bk l Star, tmivd. On Phylclo Declare That Appurtenai Ctl and Mtnu All Ttnd to Pro mut tha Digestion. IJIihiit 11 h 11 Hiirliil liiHilliiilnii luin llt-fll HO aiMtllllMIHly lll;,l k.-. ),y o,,,. , truiiiiiiiln rii-rtH In nit-lit yi-nra that thH illilMIUI't IlUN I.I-I-II ,.., r-HpoilKlL. ' for many uni liu. ly i,.,ilH f duMu- i ini-n. On. t,f tin. nnmt i ohhihi uouh j iitntr.Miii.il In AiiiitIiii wiih mild tu Imvo l,r n klllt-.l ,y inning out. Tlia ooiiBUtiiiitlim of i-ourHH uriir courM U'M"1 " 1 In lidd l.y viirloim a. tliorllli-H to ,i huoiiHlMi.-iit Willi in(i Hf liml rvrii with iiiiitlniii-il l.nlth. i Now, nil tln-H- nolloiiH, uerorilliiK to Pr. II. H. l.t-vi-iiMiiti, urn l.an.il morel or ll'Hl lM, ll. luhlotl. Illtil-,,v..rl... ' III tlm MiyaloloKy of iIIkkhiIoii (lurln I Ihn iiihI iln.-n yrura , ,t illHi-n-dlt I tlm mod.-ni illnni-r. lit- aava. 'I l,i. vliidliiitii It. Man linn H Dough I U Better! 'KMOj VI 25c CAEfiyl V An croc yJ7TJ Whera She Wat Wobbly. Kdith la very timid, but alio trlea to (Jo hor duiy, and not long alnce n-clt-d a "plH:T bi.foro amne achool vlalt OM with irrfiit rri-dlt nnd niinar.-iit fHtal,lhlii.d a roiitliu. of ionrHi-H In the ! f;a1"""1'- II'T mollii-r later compll- lllllll.iv II. 1. I I .. L ,t. . ."n iriiiruurji I'OKiuziinra of tln ihMlolnKlal .ruirlil.-H upon whlrh dlK-Mtlon Ih ruiiinli.il. TaUr., for liiMiiinci., tin. flaliorutc kowiih worn by lll Wllllll-ll III). I till. l-VI'llllIK KllltH by tli" liii-n, tlm floral deroralloiiH and tlii miihlr. Tlii-ro Ik no doubt Hint nu ll of thi-HK Iti-oiH ni-rvi-M tti iniriioxi' of 'OiiiumliiK u Ki'lM-rally favorably miiKo ai'ttliiK for dl..i.stlon. It baH bi'i-u kIid w n In riTcnt yi-ara that llu moodx rr.ali-d by tin-Hi- di lalla have u dln-etly favorabln bi-arhm upon tin-pi-rforiiiaiii'o of llu dlni-Htlvo function. Curri'iit opinion. ' When Your Eyes Need Care Try Mnrltia Ev ftrmr.r. Ho HmartlriK rrla li. A.u. V'lli'kir- Tr 11 ..r lr,I.K, Ulrry vrjkiuj Oritiiiilittrii tyelfla. Illu Iritll ll-.ok In rm-ti 'iM-kitir. MtiHtin la r.iiit.n.l.- br imr li.-iitl.i im.i a "I'aiiil Mnd iim.' tful fl.M In til.-. -tftil I'hrtlriAiit' l'n.41 f.,r IM4HV irtn. Ni.w dlli-if1 u, iiim 1-t.b-lit. n4 a.-i4 hi liriiMtfl.lt t 'Mm-, ami allu mi It.. ill. Miirii. Mr rWlt in A.pUl TuImm, Xmi and tou. Murine) Kv Homody Co., Chloavo inriilnd and pralHi-d Ikt, t-bpc lally for not m-i-mltiK ut ull ihtvouh. "Oh, but I wua ai-ari-d, really, mamma," aim child rxplaliifd Im-'finiouHly. "I held my IiiiihIh ut ill. but you aliould bare Krcn my kna.H St. Helens Hall rOBTLAKO, Okl'JO RasiJant and Dr School for Cirli In rti.rra i,f Nt.tara of Ht.I' ho Itapttat tFpl-cal) Collaaji.i. A avrl'Mlfi an4 ilatrf; Dapartaaaata, !. Art, Claxsttoa, A-y ITtltt julaata. waHMiSM. w r lauuiif atjii BRITISH LORDS ADMIT ERRORS Marconi Scandal Reaches Cli max in Parliament. Attorney General Admits Tempting Lloyd-George and Takes All Iila me Truce Reached. TIIK hlTI k airi.moii, Officio at. II.I.o Hall Great 8oldler'a Mistake. Whun (ii'iu'ral Moreau waa lu Kmr I land lie wa once th victim of a j rather droll mlHutidiTHtandluK. He : wua pres. -lit at a concert w here a ploca j wua auug by the choir wllb the re frain : j "Tomorrow, tomorrow." ! I In vlnic a very Imperfect knowletlKu ' of KiikIIkIi, Ii fancied It to bn a can- ' lata Riven in bla honor, and thought he dlntlnKulkhi'd tln wordn: "To .Moreaii, to Morenu." Kuril tlimi the refrain wna repeated , he roao to hla feet and gracefully ! bowed on all hIiIch, to the Kreat ni'ti n-1 iHhiiient of the HiHllenre, who did Dot; know what to make of It. I 6tlll Demand for Flints. ' Millions of fllntN are produced An nually In KiiKland by "knnppers," who uae much the same tools and work In much the ri.iuie manlier an did the men of the Neolithic iik". The fllnta ko to Africa, South America and China. Flintlock imixkctrt are Mill imed by many iiinroiH lu the di ptlin of Africa, nnd nhipmcnts of the bitH of atone find ready market In the be nlKbted ri-Klona. Three High Mountains. Mount Mitchell la the most lofty mountain lu the eastern part of the 1 United SI.Ui-h. It la located In Yancey county, N. '., and according to the I'nlted Stated (ieoloKlcal Survey III , 6.711 feet above aea level. There are i two other mountains' In the Appalach ; Inn ajutcni above 6.O11O feet Mount Inyol in TenneHKee, B.fr.tJ feet, and Mount WmthlnKtou, In New Hamp shire, 6.233 fet. DAISY FLY KILLER plat4 tarvhtn, at ii-x-ta autt mil. all ht. Uff' Bii-at, unratiT llr.;.. Ultl all aien. Wa le) of iri), uu'twUi'rt)af bvri 1 wul ai t ll ot it.) ura aar th lnr r.' iran'avil "lwrti. tolA tf 4alra, av 4 ay nt I f iarais KaJUu iWauaa, im iMAaia At. lmUr . ti Urn thrfftr n lull, thlnir. lib. Mulnr. Ikm't Wpt tlr tit l.luirtf. A.k fur Kl CruM iltij BiiM. Ui .tlrs s...l v.lu. blut. Indignantly Denied. I aee by your paper that you hava published In the Duncan newa depart ment what you called a dance at my house and the ctatrmenta made are entirely falsa. True, w had a few ot our neighbors to spend the evening and some pups from Duncan came entirely without Rny Invitation whatr ever, and when they camo they were Klven to understand that they were not wanted. Thornbury (Out.) Herald Itefloctor. "Canna Ya Boo, Ya Brute?" Kcv. Maiwell Nicholson, when min ister of an KdiuburKli parlnh, wim cull ed upon to marry a couple lu humble life, and In the rourne of the cere mony he thrice unked tb bridegroom whether lie took "this woman" as hla wedded wife without eliciting a reply. At last the patience of the bride was fairly overtaxed and she thus politely addressed her lord and master. In the hearing of the nui'iiilile- friends, "Canna yo boo, ye brute!" Snake Into Tour Shoe Allen's rm-K. a r""W th. fo-i. It rows) painful, .wolk-ii. nwirtlns. wttne: fwt. Makia nmhuMW, ,y .11 llniirrtl an.l Sh. 4HIIM. I..n a-nrt ."V H'll-iiliH". Humiikl Ikl.K. AiWrwi. A.S. OlriMlwI. IKuf. N. I. Out of Hla Class. Tho yotiiiK man with a perpendicu lar measurement of six feet and breadth III proportion had asked the demure little maiden of four feet, alx Inches, to marry him. "Harold," nhe i said. flashliiR u resentful Klance up j at him. "that Isn't fair! It Isn't sport- , manlike! Take one of your own Blze!" New Weapon, ilinks had an Idea. Taking tho phonograph horn be attached It to the vncuum cleaner. "Now," ho aald. "let I your flies come on!" I Will Ba Costly Undertaking. i To bore the deepest hole In the world .an opening In Sileslu 7.350 foot deep, cost more than $10 a foot. Take Long Time to Hatch. Kens laid by n New Zealand lizard require fourteen months to hatch. Ambltloua Age. We are ambitious, be It aald, al though the cost of llvlng'a high. We want to earn, beside; our bread, our daily pickles and our pie. RM ('mm lllue rlrrt doubW valua for yam tnott.y. sum twit, m far m anjr oUi.r. Amk jrou BTucw. Quite So. In reporting another motor bua ac cident In which a workman waa the victim a dally paper says: "The) wheels passed over his dinner-can and for a few minutes he waa stunned." We only wonder that he was not killed outright from Injuries to no vital a part Tat-ler. Covers for Books. Old brocades and tapestries make beautiful covers for books temporary covers, nnd are suited to the annoying telephone book, the dictionary and the like. These bits of Interesting stuffs also make fittings for the work table, cushions and needlo books and Tie w ith tho beautiful leather equipments. Simple Test of Tea. A tea test Is to reduce a few leaves to a powder on a sheet ot whit pa per, and If there Is artificial coloring it will bo noticeable on the paper. Paaa the Plate. A good-for-nothing The churchgoer who doesn't contribute. Judge. Building Material at Factory Price Any jiart of a House, Ham or Garago at an absolute saving from 40 to 50 per cent. Buy Direct From the Manufacturer and Save Money. Send for our Big Free Catalog IT TELLS THE STORY W will pivc the small consumer tho same careful atten tion aa that accorded to tho man spending thousands of dol lars. A trial will prove the truth of our statement. Kve-ry article sold rovered by our absolute guarantee of satisfaction SEND FOR THE CATALOG SOW NORTHWEST DOOR COMPANY rOKTLAND. OREGON. Fine Remedy For Eczema j Also for Salt Rheum, Tet ter, Psoriasis, Lupus, ' and All Skin Afflictions. ! All akin troublea atiould be attacked from within by giving the blood circula tion a good dully buth. Thle la acconv pushed with S. 8. 8., the best known and most highly recommoniled blood purifier aver discovered. Its action la very rapid. Ita vegetable, nature Is auch that It nat urally goes rlKht Into the blood, saturates th entire circulation, bathes th tissues with an Influence that enables th akin to heal quickly. Tho action of 8. 8. 8. la that of an antidote, and this fact has ' b..n d.monstratix! tlm and tlm again i In th most saver forma of wa.plng ' aor.ma. I It Induenc In th tissue where th tiny arteries transfer th red blood for th worn out hloud to th vein la quit remarkable and goes on constantly with every tick of the clock the beat of the i heart. And new skin Is thus caused to form while th germs of Irritating Influence ! that causa eczema are scattered and their harmful nature entirely suspended. I B. B. 8. has a wonderful tonlo influence I In the blood because It contain no "dope, la not a physio. Is entirely fre of ' any mineral drugs or any other drugs 1 axoept th remarkable madlclna! effect of i th pur vegetable product of which it la mad. Few peonl realize how harmful are many of the strong, crude olntmanta that used to bo In favor before they learned that 8. 8. 8. Is safe, speedy and sure. Ask at any drug store tnr a bottle of 8. 8. 8. Ulva It a good trial and you will anon aee a dechlrd Improvement ia any i form of akin trouble. Write to Tbe Swift Boaclflo Co.. leo Kwtft KUIg.. Atlanta. Oa.. for special free advice on ectema and any ther form of skin or blood trouble. lo not allow anyone to palm off a cheap substitute for B. H. 8. You will be grievously disappointed If you do. There U aothlng ele "Ju.t aa good'' aa 8. B. B. London For the first time in many years British cabinet members were compelled to defend their personal honesty before parliament. The at torney general, Sir Kufus Isaacs, and the chancellor of the exchequer, David Lloyd George, excused their dealing in American Marconi shares on the floor of the house, and the final scene in the Marconi affair, which their political enemies had attempted to magnify into a scandal rivalling the Panama debacle, was tense and dramatic. The two ministers admitted that they had acted thoughtlessly and mis takenly, though without dishonest in tentions, and regretted their failure to divulge all the facts when they had made their denials to the house last October of buying English Marconi shares. Having finished their defense, in deference to the tradition that the house should be left to discuss their conduct without the embarrassment of their presence, they walked from the chamber together. A great cheer j from their partisans followed them. The resolution introduced by George Cave, Unionist, in behalf of the oppo sition, which brought about the de bate, went no further than to express the regrets of the house at the trans- I actions of the ministers and the lack of frankness displayed towards the house. By expressing their regret, thereby agreeing with the resolution, the two ministers spiked the guns of their bit terest opponents, who regarded the case as an opportunity to make polit ical capital. This comparatively tame ending to a fierce controversy was apparently the result of a truce between the party leaders to protect the good name of the parliament. The Liberals were threatening, if attacked unreasonably, to resurrect all the buried shortcom ings of the Conservative ministers from almost forgotten graves. I Keeping the Body in Repair Nature intended that the body thould do its own repairing and it would do no were it not for the fact that moat ofua live other than a natural life. Nature didn't intend that w should wear corsets, tight collars or shoes, nor live in badly ventilated and draughty houses, nor eat and drink soma of the things that w. do, nor ml. ia street ears when we should walk. The consequence Is that th body when it gets out of order must look tot out side help to make th aeceaaary repairs. For weak stomachs and the Indigestion ordyapepsfa resulting, and th moltltnd ofdinea.es following ihrefrom. no mdirine ran h. nv-r. adnitll aa a curative agent than UK. PIEKCE'S UOUJfcN MEDICAL DISCO V Lit Y. This famous Doctor's prescription has been recommended or over 40 yeara, and Is today ju.t as big a success, itmtores a healthy appetite. Cleanses the blood. Strengthens lha nerves, he gu la lea stomach and liver, ttemand th. original. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Sold In Liquid or Tablet form by Dealers In Medicine SOTtd 31 on .-cent stamp, to 0.7 eoat of malting only on a free ropy of Dr. Here's Com avm ttwiM Medical AUvimt. 10U4 imsm. cloUibuuad. AdUrw. Dr. Piere. Bulfakt N. X. COURT CALLED IT CRUELTY Method of Negro Lion Tamer Met With the Decided Diaapproval of Engliah Judge. Lady Helmsley was a witness In an Interesting case heard at York, in which a uegro lion tamer named Al bert Maccomo was summoned for cru elly terrifying a lioness, and Albert Manders, menagerie proprietor, -)f Old ham, was summoned for permitting the animal to be terrified, says tbe London I'all Mall Gazette. Manders was at the York Martin mas fair, In November, and Lady Helmsley was told by one ot the at tendants that the lioness had already caused the death of one man and at tacked two others, and that Maccomo would at the peril of his Jite enter tbe cage. Lady Helmsley described how the animal was frightened by noises and by the Insertion Into the cage of red hot bars. She was so disgunted with the performance that she left and re ported the matter to the police. Further evidence was called to show that the man entered the cage for a few moments, firing blank cartridges while he was Inside. Manders was fined 20 shillings and costs, and Maccomo 10 shillings and costs. Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnslow-s Booth I n Syrupine Ik.i remedy to use tot tneir chUdraa Auriag ine teething period. WILSON CALLS AT CAPITOL Crowd Cheers as in Campaign Days When President Waves Hat. Washington, D. C President Wil son made another trip to the capital Thursday and this time did not get away as inconspicuously as on prev ious occasions. A large crowd had gathered to hear a band concert on the east front of the capitol and when the President arrived there were cheers and applause, reminiscent of campaign days. The President rose in his au tomobile and waved his hat to the crowd. The President had on his list 20 sen ators, Republicans as well as Demo crats, and saw them all within an hour. He consulted them about ap pointments of all kinds in their home states. It had been thought that he would take advantage of his opportun ity to sound his callers on their atti tude toward currency legislation. General Strike Is Called. Charleston, W. Va. A general strike of miners in the New River coal field, district No. 29, United Mineworkers of America, will be called next week, according to an an nouncement of Thomas Haggerty, member of the international miners' board. Fifteen thousand men are em ployed in the New River field. Whether the 15,000 miners will be idle depends upon what concessions may be granted by the operators. It is believed that some of the operators within the next few days will grant terms agreeable to their employes. In all such instances, it is intimated, such operators will be protected when the strike comes. Here We Have Not The Time. The hotels of Europe come la for commendation from an observer, who points bis moral with this Incident: "The European hotel manager who, at our departure, came to our cab door, bowing his thanks for our patronage and presenting Mrs. B. with a bouquet of roses, left us with a sense of pleas ure and a desire to return which I have never experienced on leaving any hotel In this country." War. War Is a hangover from the days when men ate their flesh hot from the kill and not from the fire. Will Lev ington Comfort. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow els and cure constipation. Simply Do One's Best. Everything that happens to us leaves some trace behind It, every thing contributes imperceptibly to form us. Yet often It is dangerous to take a strict account of that. For, either we grow proud and negligent or downcast and dispirited: and both are equally Injurious In their conse quences. The safe plan Is, always simply do the task that lies nearest us. Goethe. Sometimes True. A friend's three-year-old little girl, upon being asked If she would like some vegetable soup, replied: "I would Ilk some more soup, but I don't want any more of the garbage." Modern Student. "How about your geometry? I want you to do something in that." "W1L It's this way, father. Unless I mak a certain percentage In football, tbey won't let me take the geometry at all." You're Out! a wlaWiisiis' j g titTiel. If you have not perfect digestion, liver activity and bowel regularity. These should be daily functions in order to main tain health. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS will help you when those organs become weak and lazy. We urge a trial to day. INSIST ON HOSTETTER'S ifarflV- ' Well Mated Pair. Manager I am lookmg for a man I can trust Applicant And I'm look ing for a man who will trust me. W ought to get along fine. Usually. Tom "What's the difference be tween betting and bluffing?" Jack "A good deal." Yale Record. Demand is Made on Dunne. Springfield, III Twenty-six mem bers of the Progressive party its full strength in the Forty Eighth General Assembly called on Governor Dunne and presented a demand that he sign the woman suffrage bill without delay. Governor Dunne had already delivered the bill to Attorney General Lucey, with a request for an opinion aa to its validity. The Progressives demanded official approval of the bill without waiting for any opinion from the at torney general and without regard to what the opinion may be when given. American Loss 14 Men. Washington, D. C Fourteen Amer ican soldiers were killed in the recent four days of fighting on Jolo island in the Philippines when General Persh ing's command finally subdued and dis armed the rcbellous Moros, according to a report iust received by the War department. On the list of dead were Captain Taylor A. Nichols, of the Philippine Scouts, 1 1 scouts and two privates of the regular army. Hessian Fly Appears. Stella. Neb. The Hessian fly has made its appearance in the wheat fields of Southeastern Nebraska and reports of slight damage have been made by the farmers. Seventeen-year locusts are thick in the orchards of this locality, but have done no damage THIS WOMAN HAD MUCH PAIN WHEN STANDING Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham' Vegetable Compound made Her a Well Woman. wf Chippewa Falls, Wis. "I have al ways bad great confidence in Lydia E. I'inkham s Vegeta ble Compound as I found it very good for organic troubles and recommend it highly. I had dis placement, back ache and pains when standing on my feet for any length of time, when I began to take the medicine, but I am In fine health now. If I ever have those, troubles again I will take Lydia E. Fink ham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Ed. Ferron, 818 High St, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Providence, R. I. "I cannot speak too highly of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a3 it has done won der for me and I would not be without It. I had organic displacement and bearing down pains and backache and was thoroughly run down when I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. It helped me and I am in the best of health at present I work In a factory all day long besides doing- my housework so you can see what it has don for me. I give you permission to publish my name and I speak of your Vegetable Compound to many of my friends." Mrs. Abril Lawson, 123 Lippitt St. Providence, R.L MR. A B. POWELU M.aaf.ctnriD. 1'h.mist. Spokane, Wua. Dmi Sin n.rlns mffeiwd with itonrh trmbl. for . nn ruber of yean, and tried a imat many dor-tori and . great many iro pnetary prenratiOi. but obtained no per manent reli.f until 1 too. yonr stomach remedy, and am rlciiMNt to aay that 1 hav. a. fnrtber stomach trouhl. and nan eat atiy thin. 1 deaire and s'.ner no bad reieiltft. 1 am . profeealonnl nnnw havinr- nnrse-i for yara. soma of th. time for Dr. Holb ot New York Otty. th. rroatot reialist on child ren's disuses : also hvl charx. of W ardner Hospital st Wsrdner. Idaho, for two nan Sine leernin. by my own ezir'ene th. .re.! b.neHt fro-n th. nee of I'ow-U'e Stom ach IWiuedy. 1 have recomniendt-d it to a reat many for children and sd-.ilta. and In each ea It has been remitrkal-lo for th. rood it has done. 1 cheerfully recommend it to anyone suffering with an kind of stom ach trouhle. as 1 am nnsious to aid anyone sunertn. from sickness of any kind, and I have never known of medicine to compare with 1'owell s blomach Kemciy for all kinds of stomach trouble. I ours truly. ELSIE STEINFH, 222 Boon. kv. "DIDN'T HURT A BIT" u what they all say r4WJ1.iiVejaja. p, i yp?mm ( .V a.laa.fniei. of our Painless Methods of Extracting Teeth. Out-of-town peo ple can hav. th.h. p-lata and b rid co work finished in on. day if necessary. An abaolut. auar antoa. backed by S Portland Wise Dental Co. OfflCC HOURS: S A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 la I Phonttt A 2029: Maia 2029. ralUa Bid., Third and Washington. Portland : oui ur iuyyn PEOPLE mn ieapiT Tvt"rTiTf tr . rieBti of H'H-FoiioartfAaa, BMith-buldia rBiM tixtuk C. GEE WO Ih Chlneae doctor. T17 one tnorv if jam himbmn Jrcorinff wlffc ftfcb on ni lht on tnd hv not oMinM pf. fetuivnt rl(t. Lot thi sttvnsc nmir hele-r '.u.t no jour nti prtwrti- sjon'tJ rDttlv whi action l qnU-h. fur nd unf. IHi pr'ri,tiona r tviripoand-! from Kiw, UtThi, Hinia and. rarka tbt ba bii jTb !-. frt'ro entry qnr-It-rot th slol. Th rH'r. of th Dt4icin ar not known to th rnrii world, hut hr ta hax1 down from (atiusr U aaj im llu phjauHaaa fauUitw la Cauw. CONFUTATION FREE. Tf tou Ut rmt of town and oannot, rail, writ tot atrroptoiB blao and circular, ancloainn 4 oanta ia THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1621 first St., Cor. Morrison Portland. Oregon. P. N. U. No. 23, '13 TV writ In to atlsit-rtv pi ; tton thM tapr.