St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, June 20, 1913, Image 6

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    Court Proceedings
Beall & Co
R-C Lillich
Pomala V
Manala II
Roberta Wm
Neiminen Oscar
Overhold II
Hoffman J
Coast Culvert & Fume Co
Takka O
Anderson FaI
Lake J
Jam A
Kasper S
Robertf S
Lovejrren E
VIST no. 10.
Van James
Hendrickson Elian
Erickson Andy
Erickson M E
Kjellberg A
Nelson Charley
Austin Will - .
Col River Powder Co
Stubb A E
Craven J
Erickson Albert
Carlson John
Maon Mat
Van Nathan
Bennett 0 B
Clatskanie Merc Co
MST. no. 12.
N A Calmberjr
Calmberjr A B
Olson H
. E E Hoberg;
Burt Cecil
Olson Ole
DIST. no. 13.
Peterson J F
Novotny A
Aldridge J H
Carter Geo
Majrnusen Harold
Aamodt M
DeRock V
DIST, NO. 14.
Beck O W
Beck L
Faltinat F
Adams G C
NcPherson Rob;
Wilkinson S A
Mellinper W E
Pettijohn T
Mills E J
Wood A
Emmons J
Ray Samuel
Beck W E
Trehome E
Wood B
Schillepiet A
Rose J
Troop T R
Spencer I
Mellinjrei U S
Wood N
Clark II C
Erickson Erick
Ray James
DIST. No. 15.
Mills E J
Spencer Bob
Hess Jerry
John C R
Early D
Trageser G
John A
DIST. no. 16.
North E
Gregerson & Killberjj
DIST. Ho. 17
Young Harry
Miller 0 A
Novak F
Braim B
Mitchell, Lewis & Stavcr
Hendrickson A
Kostrba J
E R Bird
W Tetz
C Grant
J Callahan
J Kostrba
I Fisher
W Pringle
II J Southard
C Adams
J O'Neill 2 50
T C Morris 2 50
L J VanOrshoven 137 10
II J Southard 2 50
Mist Pub Co 3 CO
G Lange 70 00
C Rabinsky 06 25
M Callahan 33 65
F Novak 33 15
AJucubec 10 00
B Braim 31 60
29 00
2 50
10 00
2 60
22 50
30 00
-JN to
at ;
12 50
23 40
12 50
w 2 50
25 00
30 00
29 50
15 00
18 00
5 00
5 00
16 25
25 00
22 50
15 00
5 00
17 35
t o
10 00
18 75
17 50
15 00
2a 00
15 00
15 89
2 40
1 20
8 40
7 20
7 20
25 Oo!
25 00
35 00
16 25
30 00
27 60
51 62
19 10
14 23
5 45
7 50
8 75
8 45
11 90
11 25
7 90
4 CO
27 60
58 75'
20 00
48 40 i
2 50
I 25
2 00
4 40
1 50
4 10
27 75
Col Riv Powder Co
P Boysen
L Sonneland
L Sonneland
A M Swensen
L Sonneland
General fund bills rejected
Jos Ilickenbottun
F M Fowler
State of Oregon
II J Southard
Thos Basse
Generut fund bills continued for
Campbell J L 8 M)
Road fund bills rejected:
H E Nichols 25
Whereupon court adjourned un-
il Saturdas, June 7, 1913.
Saturday. June 7, 1913, 8th ju
dicial day.
Court came pursuant to adjourn-
OHicers all present.
Due proclamation being made,
the following proceedings were had:
Matter of petition of Frank L.
Smith et al for a cqunty road:
This matter having heretofore
come on regularly for consideration
upon the second reading of the re
port of the board of county road
viewers, and the court having made
an order continuing the same until
Saturday, June 7,1913, now on this
7th day of June. 1913, it appearing
to the court that a remonstrance
against the granting of said peti
tion has been duly filed herein,
which said remonstrance contains a
greater number of signatures than
appear upon the petition, and the
court being advised in the matter it
is ordered by the court that said
petition be and the same is hereby
Matter of tax rebate to Columbi
Agricultural Co.:
On this day it appearing to the
court that the Columbia Agricul
tural Co., on March 10, 1913, pai
to the sheriff the sum of $4.32 in
in payment of taxes on Tract No
Clatskanie Drainage District, and
that Mr. J. F. Cheldeliu also paid
the said taxes on the said tract, it
is ordered by the court that the
clerk be and he is hereby instructed
to issue a general fund warrant in
said amount in favor of Columbia
Agricultural Co.
Matter of bids for bridge across
Beaver Creek in R. D. No. 8
the I. D. Wonderly road:
On this day this matter coming
on for consideration, and the court
after examining the bids on file, and
being advised in the matter, it is
ordered by the court that a con
tract be entered into with Portland
1176.25 1 HtT'"r"jTHifi vVnrgWV 'crotch that l
2 50 Hkely to spilt down. Purine tho grow
ing season a good deal of needed print
ing may Ih done with the fingers, wa
ter sprout and shoots growing where
they are not wanted while villi teixlor.
Younff tree should l kept Well cultl
rated. mid whore they are sot in tho
yard or lawn one should simile about
them and gtve mulch of strawy
manure to keep the aoll from ha'-l:.
In dry weather. If small tree aet
fruit It la usually bent to pined It off,
so thnt all strength may to to the de
velopment of the tree.
The biggest fool pair thut the writer
hns heurd of lit a lone time lie run
across the other duy. The man bad a
small house and an ' acre of ground
north some $730 and was spnrkluiC a
half baked irlrl. who said she would
uinrry him tf he would buy an auto
mobile, lie fell to this and swapped
hU place for a machine and $100,
which won't lust a great while In de
fraying gasoline nirtl repair bills. Thla
man. though Industrious, is but a day
laborer, and Just what he and this girl
of Ills will do next winter In a rented
house If labor should bo scarce It Is
rattier appalling to contemplate. And
yet we suppose they will le happy as
lurks with this auto, ami If they don't
worry about the future perhaps other
ought not to.
tow ft Is h I - r fi Vie value of
ttianv tin othcrwNf tine horse l often
considerably retimed simply liecatise
of the postimiieineiit of the training re
fenvd to until after It has Its habits of
life pretty well formed.
Thero Is to In established on July I
new bureau under the federal de
partment of agriculture that will have
charge of what will be known as the
rural organisation service. The main
object to wltfcli uttenllon will be given
will be better marketing facilities, so
rial welfare mid other problems bav
in directly to do wllh the farmers'
tlnanclal. physical and social welfare.
This matter rnut not b n-prtnted with
out iecUl permission.!
157. (Bridge & Iron Co. for the con-
o rn U...UH.
iu me pians hi in ajiecincaiions, ior
the sum of $1038.
Matter of bids for bridge across
East Fork at Pittsburg:
On this day this matter coming
on for consideration, and the court
after examining the bids on file
and being5 fully advised in the mat
ter, it is ordered by the court that
the bid of W. D. Case be accepted
and that a contract be entered into
for the construction of said bridge
according to plans and specifica
tions, for the sum of $1900.
Whereupon, court adjourned.
37 50
11 25
6 25
3 25
2 50
26 76
10 00
12 00
27 50
5 00
15 00
17 50
5 50
it ot;
" 1 it m t itui.o wMfLi r n r- r- B
rnunmu t uu iu i n c c 0.
A reader of those notes who recently
27 00 1 ''t out Home small trees asks for some
12 50 ' uBScstloii In regard to pruning them
so as to give tiest results. In a trim-
00. em way it may be said thnt this erirly
11 00 1 pruning that given during the flrst
101 00' or "ve fcaTn ' tl,e tree' life 1
! by far the most Important In the flrst
11 25 place, one should keep In mind thnt
5 00 the most Important result of this prun
ing Is to give tho tree the proper bead
or frame on which Its later growth
and strength and usefulness are to
dt-iK-nd. To give this It Is welt to trim
one-ycnr-old trees (straight whips) to
a height of from eighteen to twenty
four Inches. Personally the writer
trims both apple and pear trees fit the
point whore the knee strikes In pass
ing. A numher of side branches will
58 15
CC 25
40 00
33 15
30 35
20 00
51 80 j grow from this stub, and tho following
39 60 season these should lie thinned to Ave
2 50
of the strongest growing at nearly
equal distances from one another and
cut back at least a half of their length
and to outside If the tree has an tip
right habit and to Inside buds If It tins
a decidedly spreading habit. The di
rections Just given will apply to
branched two-year old trees thnt were
got from the nursery this spring and
to two-yeur-old trees set last year that
were not pruned at all. Tho aim In
all this pruning should bo to give
sturdy symmetrical frame and to have
the union wlilch the branches roako
with the trunk as strong as possible;
bejjce.po limbs .Bh'juld 11 left wblcji jn
It Is likely perfectly naturnl, but
there ure folks who would rather at
tend a moving picture show thuu have
a square meal.
Some one bas found out that tf a
bushel bOkket Is slipped over a hog's
head the animal can lie easily backed
up most any kind of a chute.
Tlnvo things til shipshape around
the poultry yard, so the hens will be
bringing iu the prolits from their eggs
while you are making the Culd crops
pay. .
Most farms could be made much
neater In appearance and considerable
value a i Mel to their building and
fences by the use f the paint brush
about thU time of the year.
A record )tat vine Is reported by
a resident of Lewis county. Wash. It
was eight feet long and weighed forty-four
pounds, whllo the potatoes
from It weighed tweiity-nluo pounds.
Next to the apple, tho strawberry Is
the most generally growu of American
fruits mid. from the standpoint of rev
enue derived from Its cultivation, also
ranks next to the upplo lu importance.
Sweet pecs are vigorous feeder on
plant fond and will lie tho more lux
uriant if they are watered after they
aro well up with dilute manure wa
ter or are given a mulch of well rotted
The Into session of the Iowa legisla
ture Increased the bounty on wolves
from J.j to $). This may serve to
lessen the tendency to allow the old
ones to live in order that the bounty
on the whelps might be secured.
Cows should never bo fed exclusively
on sllnge. but should hare some dry
forage fed with IL Kilage Is a enrbo-
naceon food mid should have'some '
more nitrogenous food to go with It In
order to make a better balanced ration.
Little chicks nre likely to hare trou
ble If they are not given an opportunity
to scratch and stretch their legs by the
time they are three weeks old. And
such trouble Is nggrnvated If the ra-
Ucn Is too largely fat rather than bono
and muscle funning.
it Just the right time, when the
weeds nre starting In the surface soil,
n Iron rake Is the best weed killer
for the small garden that we know
of, as It not only covers a good deal of
ground, but stirs It well and exposes
the tender roots of the weeds to the
A lending eastern agricultural Jour
nal receutly, contained an Illustrated
article telling bow one man failed In
the poultry business. . While they
won't say much nliout it, there are
doubtless a good ninny of IU readers
who will be In shupe to sympathize
Willi this unfortunate.
A firm In Massachusetts make a
business of collecting stray milk bot
tles.-' Last year It collected from vari
ous sources 2.&00.000 bottles, and of
tills number oOO.OOO were taken from
city dumps. If this practice Is general
In American cities It is no wonder that
tbe cost of living 1 a trills high.
Trouble In breaking a horse may be
reduced to a minimum If the nnlmal
baiter broken before It la eight
months old and accustomed to a bit bo-
An examination has boeii made Into
the causes of the iinllirlf tiuess of tree
and garden plants In many large cities,
ami It has Im-oii found that leaky gas
mains ure responsible for the trouble
In most cases. Sweet peas have been
found to be especially sensitive to gas
fumes. Among the tree the cotton
wood seems to Ih the mot thrifty ot
the common shade trees in the pro
onco of this handicap.
A friend reports the loss of several
lilters of pigs when the sows were
halfway through, their period of gesta
tion us the result of their getting hold
of a quantity of moldy silage which
was thrown out. This Is but one of
several Instances which have been re
ported lately where loss of 111 tit pigs
has resulted from this cause, this ex
(HTleiice Is a somewhat costly one, but
its K.-iou Is well worth learning.
The dilute solution of llmc-sulphur
has been found an excellent substitute
for the bordeaux mixture In the spray
ing of vine, bush mid tree fruits, but
as a fungicide for potatoes It has not
been found satisfactory, experiments
carried on last year by the New York
statlou showed that potato vines that
were sprayed with lime sulphur were
stunted ns a result and that the yield
of tubers was materially reduced.
A prety good llsh story comes from
Boston to thi effect that a llstierman
named John Men so hauled u lob
ster alHiard the other day three feet
long and weighing In the iicl;lilHirhid
of ten pounds. It had claws eighteen
Inches long and Is thought to have
been at least twenty-live years old.
The lobster attacked the man ou being
hauled into the boat, but was put out
uf business with an oar after biting
the legs of his captor.
According to figure lately Issued by
the bureau of statistics at Washing
ton, the cost of living was higher dur
ing the closing months of '.)V thau
for any period during the preceding
twenty-three years. In 1S!K) tho cost
of ii year's food supply for an average
worklugmnu's family was f'.'tKl; In
ISis;. $J7I. mid In 11112. m Krora
thi'se ligures It Is clear that there bas
Im-cii tin Increase In the prices of foist
stiilTs of iibout tiO per cent since the
year is: si.
The slugH that ofteti skeletonize the
leaves of ps:r and cherry trees may be
put out of business by spraying the
tree with commercial arsenate of lead
dissolved lu water at the rate of two
pounds to fifty gallons or. If the tri-v
aro low. by dusting them with line
road iln-t. In either rase the stuff ap
plied puts n kink In the slug's glxr.ard.
Common road dust Is also equally ef
fective In doing away with the rose
slu The worms that feed on cur
'ant and gooseberry leaves tuny Ik? ex
terminated liy dusting them, when the
dew ts on. llli powdered hellebore.
i,r.;a iif M . buiTettu w.
t . I twenty or more year ago
luste id f H great deal of mutter which.
In the .ourse of event, was used as a
tiller for low chair or to start flres
with However, lovers of birds as well
as tillers of the soil should lie rratllled
with this publication, even though be
i... i- .... I..r iniikes lllcllllry tO
A -....-- - - -
'the inotmst of making the bordeaux
solution, which she wishes to use ou
spple and pear live This soliltloU I
a fungicide and I fr the pun. of
controlling apple aenh. sisdy blotch
ami other posts of a fungous uuturs.
The solution Is easily made. Its prep
aration being ms follows: To make Of
ty gallons dissolve live M.unds of blue
vitriol tcopn r sulphate In twenty Uve
gallons of water In it small barrel or
half barrel. Next slake tlve und of
frexh xtone lime. Using care not to let
It get too hot. This Is done by having
plcntv of water haudy and slirrlug It
us oc nilon requires. When thorough-
y slaked and reduced to the consist"
emy of a line putty dilute to twenty
five gallons, us In the case of the blue The two Ingredient should
then be poured together lilt" fify
gallon barrel, a pailful of each being
added alternately slid the mixture
stwred after each addition. WheU
ready to use the mixture should coll
t.ilu 'nil excess of I line. To be sure
that such Is the case a few drops of M
solution of prusslate of potash (sihoi
should lo added to a small quantity
of the mixture, which. If still add. will
give n chocolate precipitate. If thla
precipitate Is fornix Hmmt-r
Isf added until It Uoms t If
worm limy be held n clT,1'
lug to Ibis olutloa W(I
commercial arnciiuts uf u?"11'
should he diluted In a euunul 'l
of water ami carefully ttirJJ"
pouring II In. Tb. n,u
stirred frequently whllt sprinT
should Is. applied to th. tr toJ'
heavy pressure as possibly
lutlon dcscrtls-d la also Men!;'
controlling potato blight Tati '
pllcntlou should bt mad
vine- are ten Inch., high tJ
be repeated at Interval of tub
wet or muggy weather ptulk i
the sitiito bugs show up thlnV
of lead which the sohuioj 2?
will fix them, though It Is tat
an ry lo mid It unless una wUhab
rt.l f I hen. "f
It I questionable wh.-th-.-.
the long run there I any nit
ting the seed of a glvrn tgUl4
the ground liefore llm aeaut k
The stuff come on slowly
wiirms up ami Is likely to bt
and not to !. so w.l is thi k
seed planted quite awtilUj Utf. i
The common milk wewl wWiJ
a few years ago was rooil.N
as a pt. Is now bring milm.w
many gardens as a valusuls f4t
pl.. Its thick leaves whf t
broken exude milk which Is fu,
nutrition The leaves are (MolH t
much the same way as sptaari a
taste very much like asparsias
1 University of Oregon &
JUNE 23-AUGUST 1, 1913
jjj Twmtv -fur I'l.liin lor - I ifiv t'mirrs l)ilingui.lir.l I'j.ina KJufSua
atl-lnt lo KrguUl F-M'ulty.
3 t'niiri'ilv Iirini..iic5 osn. B.Mt.1 ami rismi fl. 0 srr wX. Utimti
r.r on rjiltmd.
Kur Coinplflc IHiKlralrd t'alJg.HIi Addfets
3 The Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene
Daily, May 28 to Septembers
Choice of Rotiles snd Slooover in Both Directions
Limited Trains East
.. Spokane, Portland & Seattle
Great Northern, Northen Pacific
Burlington Route
The li-p.irtm'iit of agriculture has
reientl.r lsuci farmer." Inillclln No
.".IS. hiih the de-t.rlptlolis
of fifty UniN of useful Ainerl-an lilnls.
W ith en h dewerlplloii N given a pie.
tare of i!ie lilrd. done In . olorcd (ilales
ot only Ihe iippcanin aiul halilts of
tliese l.l'iN tire ret forth, hilt eTiiphiiMl
Is iiI-m. p'-n ed on th. lr value to the
farmer:' 0 ..rl.'-.-r I. w t ttrun;;t
('hit aio
M initr-iHiii
Si. I'uil
f 11)7. si) t..t..n 1110 )10
72. H Ci.l.trlo Sptingi 5VIIU
M 71) liclroit II. ?0
Tl.'HI Kieuu City AO. OU
MUM) N-. Yoik ll.5ll
lHH M I'ilt.l.iiriili 91. SO
60.1)0 I. ii, mil. Vi.UU
Wii.iiiprg f'.l'.OO
Train Schedules and other itt-UiU will be furniihsd on rtqusst Kslff
checked and sleeping car arcomotlslinnt srrsnged through to deitiastssv
St. I..Mii
' 7i
R. II. CROZ1ER. Aut Cea l fs. A(t.
Portland, Oregon
W, C. WILKIIS, Asst. Ceal Freight & Pat Agt, Portknd. Onf
t. O. DIVENS. Agt
Houltoa, 0r
We Sell You Everything Cheap
We Sell Cheaper than at a Sab
Come Try Us Once and Find
Out for Yourself
Houlton, Oregon