ITerial? L STORY J We Chronicles sf Addington Peace By B. Fletcher Robinaoo CoAsthar whh A. Comb Dopie of" TU Hound oflh. TUakerrtTteeess, . 1 -iepUlsktt) MR CORAN'S ELECTION Ten o'clock! Big Ben left do doubt about It; tor the giant clock la the tower of the bouse ot parliament la a noisy neighbor. The latt stroke tnun- dered out as I climbed the stairs tnat led to the modest lodging ot Inspector Addlcfton Peace, and silence bad fallen as I knocked at bis door. I wi alone that eight and In tne mood when a man escapes from himself to aeek a friend. I found tbe little detective at Us open window, curing across tbe tum bled roors to where tbe abbey towers rose under the summer moon. Tbe evening breeze that came creeping up with, tbe tlfa blew gratefully after tbe heat of the Jul? day. He glanced at me over his shoulder wltb a abort Dod of welcome. "Even tbe police grow sentimental on such a night." I suggested. "Or philosophic." " The reflections ot Diogenes tbe detective, or the Aristotle ot Scotland Tar J.' " I laughed. "May I Inquire as to tbe cause of such profound tboughtr He held out a slip ot paper, which I took and carried to tbe central lamp. It was an old newspaper clipping, stained and blurred, relating In six tines bow James Coran, described as a student, had been charged at tbe Bow street police court with drunken ness, followed by an aggravated as sault on tbe constable who arrested htm. He was fined tbree pounds or even days. That was all. "Not a subject ot earth-shaking Im portance." I said. "No; but It has proved a awtaclent excuse for blackmail." "Then the victim is a fool." I an swered hotly. "Why, from tbe look of tbe paper tbe a 3 air must have place a dozen years ago." "Thirty-two years this month." "Which means that tbe riotous stu dent Is now a man of over fifty. If James Coran has gone down the bill, tbe past can't hurt blm now; If be baa ted a respectable life, surely be can afford to neglect tbe scamp who threatens to rake up so mild a scan dal. Blackmail for a spree back In tbe seventies It's ridiculous, toepeo- tor." The little man stood wltb his bands behind blm and his bead on one side, watching me with benevolent amuse ment. When be spoke It was la tbe ponderous manner wblcb he some times assumed, a manner that always reminded me of a university profes sor explaining their deplorable errors to fcls class. "Mr. James Coran la a respectable middle-class widower who Uvea wltb bis sister Rebecca and two daughters In the little town of Bread on. twenty four miles from London, lie arrives at the 'Fashionable Clothing company Ala London establishment la Oxford street at ten o'clock In the morning, leaving for home by the :1I. In bis spare time be performs a variety of public duties at Brendon. He la a recognized authority on drains, and has produced a pamphlet on dust carts. As a temperance orator bis lo cal reputation Is great, and his labors In the cause of various benevolent as sociation have been suitably commem orated by a presentation clock, three Inkstands, and a silver tankard. His Interests aro limited to Brendoa and Oxford street; of world movements be thinks no more than the caterpillar on a leaf considers tbe general welfare of the cabbage patch. Pleaae remem ber the facts, Mr. Phillips, la consid eration of bis case. "Blx months ago an envelope ar rived at his bouse wltb two lncloeurea. One was tbe newspaper clipping yon bold; the other a letter denouncing blm as a hypocrite, and warning him that unless tbe sum of twenty pounds was placed In tbe locker of a little summer bouse at tho end of his gar den the writer would expose him to all Brendon In bis true character as a convicted drunkard. "Coran was In despair. He had Ima gined bis unfortunate spree long for gotten. Not even bis own relatives were aware of It He was trying for a seat on tbe county council; the elec tion was due In a month, and he re Hed for bis success on tbe support of the temperance party. As an election weapon tbe old scandal coold be used wKh striking effect Bo be paid as many a better man has been fool enough to do under like drcumstaa- "la three days on Saturday, that la Cbe election takes place. This morning he received a letter similar to the first, save that the demand was for a hundred pounds. He had just sense enough to see that If be al lowed himself to be blackmailed again It would merely encourage further at tempt at extortion. 60 when be ar rived In town, be took a cab to Scot land Yard. I heard his story, and caught tbe next train down to Bran don. I did not call at the house, but gathered a few details concerning him and his family. In all particulars he seems to hsre spoken tbe truth." "Must the hundred pounds be placed In the summer bouse tonight r "No. Tbe blackmailer gave him a day to collect the money. It must be In the locker tomorrow night by eleven o'clock." "Which means that 70a will watch the place and pull out the fish as he takes the bait It seems simple enough, anyhow." "Oh. yea." he said. "But It la the faulty sense of proportion In Coran which provides tbe Interest In the case. Even at the time the scandal waa no very serious matter. What must be his frame of mind that It should terrorise htm after all these years r When I left htm halt an hour later It waa with the promise that I should have first news of the comedy's con elusion for a tragedy It certainly was not, save for the blackmailer. If Peace should catch him. The following afternoon I was sit ting la my studio with the cigarette that comes so pleasantly after tea and buttered toast between my lips, when my servant, Jacob Hendry, thrust In bis head to announce visitors. They came hard upon his heels a long, gray-wlskered man In tbe lead, and the inspector trotting behind. As they cleared the door the little detective twisted round bis companion and waved aa introductory band. "This is Mr. James Coran," be said. "We want your assistance. Mr. PtOi- Upa." Tbe long man stood staring at me and screwing his haJds together In evident agitation. He had a hollow. melancholy face, a weak mouth, and eyes of an Indecisive gray, from his square-toed shoes to the bald patch on the top of his head he was extremely, almost flagrantly, respectable. "I am taking a great liberty, sir," he said humbly, "but you are, as It were, a straw to one who Is sinking beneath the waters of affliction. Do you. by chance, know the town of Bread on?" "I have never been so fortunate as to visit It," I told him. "I anderstand from the police on cer here that you have traveled abroad. Accustomed, therefore, to the corruption that taints the muni cipal life of other cities, you can scarcely comprehend tbe whole-souled enthusiasm with which we of Brendoa approach the duties, may I say the sacred trust, of admlnlstertng to the sanitary and moral welfare ot our county. Those whom we select must be of unstained reputation. From a place on the sports committee of the flower snow I myself have risen through successive grades until even the houses of parliament seemed within the limit of legitimate ambi tion. But now, sir, now it seems that through a boyish Indiscretion when a student at tbe Regent's street poly technic, I may be denounced in my ad vancing years as a roysterer. a tippler, almost a convicted criminal. Tbey would not besltrte. Mark my words. sir. If Horledge and Panton my oppo nent's chief supporters In Saturday's election are Informed of these facts, they will mention them on platforms, they may even display them on hoard ings." He paused, sighed deeply, and wiped bis face with a large silk pock et handkerchief. The situation was ridiculous enough, yet not without a certain pathos underlying the humor. for the man was sincerely In earnest "If I can help you, Mr. Coran. I am at your disposal." I told blm. "It la a matter of considerable deli cacy," be said. "My younger daugh ter, Emily, has formed an attachment which la most disagreeable to me." "Indeed," I murmured. The young man, Thomas Appleton by name. Is of more than doubtful character. Miss Kebecca, my slater. has seen him boating on the Thames In the company of ladles whose ap pearance was er distinctly theatrl caL" Tou surprise ma" "He has been known to visit music haila." "EHd Miss Rebecca see htm there. toor "Certainly not sir; but she has tt from a sure source. It was obviously my doty to forbid blm tbe house. 1 performed that duty, and extorted a promise from my daughter that she would eeaae to communicate with him. In my belief. It Is be who baa dlscov- FORCE OF FEMININE POLICE Norwegian Women, With Official Poei- tloa. Are Given Appropriate Duties to Perform. The appointment of another police woman at Chrlstlanla now brings the feminine police force In Norway np to seven, three of whom are in Chris tlania, two at Bergen, one In Stavan gor, and one In ChrlsUansaad. The special duty of the chief police woman In Chrlstlanla, Sergeant Osen. la to keep under surveillance girls and women suspected of living Im moral lives and female beggars, while her two eofleaguee Interrogate women tramps, and. If deserving, render them help, look after the children and see ered the scandal to which 1 need not again refer, and. In revenge, Is levy ing tbts blackmail. Tbe law shall strike him. If there Is Justice letl In England." "And where do I come InT" 1 asked, for he hud paused In a flurry ot lmllg nation. "Perhaps I bad better exrlaln." Peace Interposed. "Owing to this uu fortunate love affair. It Is plain thai no member of Mr. Coran's family muxt learn that this young man Is suspect ed or thst stepa are being taken lor hi arrest. It would not be unreason able to fear that he might be warned. 1 am staying with Mr. Coran tonight, but I do not want to go alone. 1 might take an assistant from tbe Yard, but tt Is bard to pick a man who has not 'criminal Investigation depart ment" stamped upon blm. Tou look Innocent enough. Mr. Phillips. Will you come with us, and lend me a handr I agreed at once. It could not fall to be an amusing adventure. Atter some discussion, it was arranged that Peace and I should be Introduced as business friend of Mr. Coran, who bad asked ua down to Brendon on a sudden Invitation. A telegram was sent off to that effect For the first fifteen minutes of the train we shared a crowded compart ment Gradually, however, our com panions dropped away until we were left to ourselves. Mr. Coran was In evident hesitation of mind. He shifted about screwing bis bands together with a most doleful countenance. When be commenced to speak be leant forward as tf arrald that tbe very cushions might overbear him. "I have mentioned my sister Re becca." be said. "She Is a woman of remarkable character." "Indeed." I murmured, for be chose to address me more directly. "We have differed lately on several points of er local Interest It Is very Important that she should not learn the cause of my appeal to the police. Anything that aroused her suspicions might lead to consequences very disagreeable to myself." "I wUl be discreet" "My daughters will er benefit largely under her will. She would cut them out of It without hesitation If she learnt that their father had been connected wltb so er disgraceful a scandal. Tou understand the situa tion?" "Perfectly. It must render your po sition additionally unpleasant" He sighed and relapsed Into a mel ancholy silence, In wblcb the train drew up at Brendon station. A cab was In watting. Into which we climbed. A couple of turns, a short descent and we drew up at a gate In a long wall of flaming brick. Aa we walked up tbe drive 1 looked carefully about me. Tbe house was also ot red brick and of mixed archi tecture. I believe the architect bad Intended It for the Tudor period, with variations suggested by modern sani tary requirements. The garden before the windows waa of considerable size, with laurels and quick-growing shrubs lining tbe edge of a lawn and several winding walks. At the farther end a thatched roof, rising amongst the young trees, showed the position of the snmmer bouse which played so Important a part In the story we bad beard. It was striking six as we entered the hall. Our host led us straight to our rooms on the first floor. We had been told not to bring dress clothes, so that ten minutes later we were ready to descend to the drawing room. Mr. Coran's daughters, a pair ot pretty, bright-faced girls, were seated In those careless attitudes wblcb de note tbe expected appearance of strangers. Miss Kebecca, a tall, spec tacled female, whose sixty years had changed curves for acute angles, re posed in tbe window, resdlng a vol ume of majestic size. She laid It down with a thump, removed ber glasses and received us with great modesty and decorum. Tbe Inspector and a fox terrier, that set up a bark ing as we entered, were the only mem bers ot the party that seemed natural and at ease. I found the dinner pass pleasantly enough, despite the gloom that radi ated from tbe brother and sister. Emily, the victim of the "unfortu nate attachment" quite captured my fancy though I am not a ladles' man. Twice we dared to laugh, though the reproving eyes of the elders were con. stantly upon us. In the Intervals of my talk with ber I obtained the keen est enjoyment from listening to the conversation of Peace and Mlsa Re becca. Tbe lady cross-examined htm very much as If he were a prisoner ac cused of various grave and monstrons offenses. Upon the question of antl vlvtsectlon she was especially urgent (CHRONICLES TO BE COMTINTJXDJ that they are kept off the street aa vendors and beggars. The policewomen all perform occa sional eight duty and patrol some of the worst quarters of the city. With the exception of the policewomen at Chrlstlansand, who wear a complete official uniform, the women are dressed In plain clothes, only wearing green capes bearing a mall medallion tamped with the crown and lion ot Norway, to distinguish them from ordinary cl Usees. MEAT I'SDEK I'l KF.FOOD Alt! Cabinet Ollicers Combine to Pre vent Misbranding. 1 Washington. l- C. -Probably the n.ost radical and far-reaching expo.-, tion of tho food and drugs act Hmce its , enactment was made 1 hurs.iny Secretaries Houston. and Kcd fleld. charged with enforcing this stat ute, ruled that ment and meat I""J ucts in interstate or foreign commerce which hitherto have l.een exempt from the provisions of the pure f.d la, i may be seized if misbranded or sdul-, terated. licginning at once, manufacturers, of meat foods will be required to com ply strictly with the food and drug f act as well as with the meat inspection law. , ., 1 This action was taken on tin strength of an opinion by Attorney ; General McKeynolds. The three sec- ; retaries revoked a regulation adopted , in October. l'.tOti. only four months af- I ..- of the wire food law, which had prevented the department of Agriculture, according to state ment by Secretary Houston, "from prosecuting manufacturers of meat foods under the pure law, or or dering seizures or prosecutions for misbranding or adulteration of domes tic meats." Secretary Houston said he could not understand why meat and meat prod ucts were not food in the sense of the wording of the pure food and drug act. and why his department could not scire adulterated or misbriin.led meat once it had entered into interstate com merce. Therefore he had sought the advice of the attorney general. "Under the meat insection law." the secretary said, "meat inspectors have absolutely no power to seize meat or meat food products that have become bad or have been a.iiiiicrnico. , after they have left a Federally in-) spected establishment. The only rem edy possible under the meat act is to proceed economically against anyone selling bad meat, but even in this event, bad meat cannot be seized nor its sale prevented. TO FIGHT LOW RATE lil'LlNC. Decisions Against Itoad Only He ginning of Struggle. Washington. I. C.--The state rate decisions which marked the session of the Supreme court recently are re garded by some as merely the begin ning of a tight by the railroads against low rates. In each case where a railroad failed to sustain its claim that the state rates were confiscatory the Supreme court specifically reserved the right of I the road to begin new proceedings, i This was true as to two roads in Min nesota, twelve in Missouri and two in Arkansas, where Justice Hughes said the data on which the contention of confiscation waa based was too general. Whether any road can collect data be fore the Interstate Commerce commis sion concludes its valuation of all the railroad property in the United States sufficiently accurate to satisfy the court that proper valuations have been arrived at is a new question. Flections Worry Jurist. Chicago Charles S. Cutting, for many years judge of the Probate court here, announced that he would resign from the bench September 1, to re sume the practice of law. "I im resigning because of the an noyance of constantly recurring elec tions," said Judge Cutting. "A man is no longer judged on his merits as a judge. Judges are praised or blamed according to tho parties they belong to. The constant worry and annoyance of this sort of thing has been too much for me. If it were not for that I would gladly re main on the bench." Judge Cutting has been on the bench since lH'J'J. OKEGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Oneral New. of the Industrial and Factional Develop, and Trogresa of "u"1 l'n"nunitif, lvbbc '""1'tutlom, Ett. Ne Doubt. Visitor "What lovely furniture!" Little Tommy "Tee; I think tbe man we bought tt from la sorry now he sold It; anyway, he's always oaU-tng." Angora Goat Is Humbled. Washington, I). C. The Angora goat can no longer lord it over the pastoral sheep and proclaim its aris tocracy, for the Democrats of the senate finance committee have put both on a level. Hy striking otT the Underwood rate of 20 per cent ad val orem on the hair of the Angora goat and transferring it to the free list, with raw wool, the committee ran counter to the ways and means com mittee of the house and decided a much disputed point in the woolen schedule. Mexican Loan Barred. Berlin The issues of the proposed Mexican National railways and Mexi can government loans were barred from the German market by the Prus sian minister of commerce. He noti fied the banks interested that they could not be listed on the Kourse. This action was taken as a sequel to the request of the German government to the great German banks to desist from futher foreign flotations, in view of the monetary pressure at home. Fpankinjr CoU $100,000. Monticello, N. Y. Mrs. II. Wolfe, of Ferndale, Sullivan county, near here, tried to spank her young son and in so doing upset an oil stove. In the fire that ensued 12 business houses and three dwellings, including the Wolfe house, were destroyed. The loss will reach $100,000. Three Riae 13,180 Feet. Vienna The French aviator, F.d mund I'erryon, who holds the world's altitude record for an aeroplane with pilot alone, and pilot and one passen ger, broke the world's record for carrying two passengers Thursday. He reached a height of 15,180 feet. NEW FISHING HANKS FOUND Halibut Feeding Ground Off New. port Noon to Fishermen. Portland -- Halibut banks recently discovered otT Newport. Ysqulna Hay, Or are receiving much attention from Portland small boat operator. The bank are new and among the richest kowiu They are sufficient to supply all the market of the North west with fresh lish from early spring until late fall. There are eight gasoline launches at Newport being lilted up for lishlng, three of these are already engaged in the business with great sueces and the opening of a cold storage plart at Newport next month will aid mater ially in the commerce of that industry. In addition there is a sailing schoon er from Seattle, at present held up by a lien, and Captain K. K. Voeth has resigned Ins position as master of the yacht Sea Otter and taken charge of the Wanderer, which be will take to Newport to engage in the halibut fishing. Inquiries alsiut the halibut banks liuve been frequently made by Port land merchant. Captain Taliell, of the Palsy, reported that he had ob serv ed launches fishing for halibut when he arrived on the present voy age, ami his report is one of many of the same kind. There will be a survey made of the banks by the government and doubt less ("Hptain Voeth, who found them !... ............. u-hil.i .hi tht launch (Mlie iiii-v minim, t S., will receive credit for his valuable I discovery. GLADSTONE (JETS LKCTt'ltEK llaumgardt to He Heard Thrice at Coming Chautauqua. Oregon City One of the interesting features of the coining Chautauqi't to be held July H to 'JO at Gladstone Park, will be the It. It. iUiimgarvlt lectures Professor llaumgardt i erhlip the best known Chautauqua lecturer in the field today. llaumgardt first attained renown as a scientist, later as a globe-trotter, I and linally as a lectruer. He has ac 1 quired a wonderful knowledge of the I earth, having traveled in every inter esting corner of the world, and at the same time continued his scientific studies of the stars and planets. This wonderful knowledge, coupled with ' most Interesting personality, and an ! excellent delivery, has elevated Haum ! gardt to a supreme place on the Amor : iean lecture platform. He lecture on !July H, 1'J and 2i, the final three j evening of the Chautauqua and a fit 1 ting close to the assembly. School Ha Agricultural Club. Mt. View rural school, in Kenton j county, has an agricultural club with : an advisor chosen from among the neighlHiring farmers, to meet every fortnight through the summer to plan and discuss exhibits for the State fair and the local Industrial fair next fall. Seniors of the Agricultural rollege, under the extension division, have in- spiriHl the organization by visit to the soh'Mil, giving talks on crops, cook ing and sewing, pi-sts and soils. At thhe last meeting the children ex amined the tent raterpillar, bud moth and oyster shell scale, discussing treatment for them, lire ad baked by one of the little girls was judged criti cally and found very good. There is a regular student Isxiy or ganization, ami a number of entertain ments have provided fund for equip ping a croquet ground, a tennis court, and a baseball diamond, anil putting up a big swing. What was left at the end of the school year is to be used for fruit trees to plant on the unprotected side of the grounds, which can be used for shade and horticultural instruction. Hood Kivcr Ready for Chautauqua. Hood Kiver In addition to the am ateur theatrical performances that will be presented by local talent on each night of the second annual Horticul tural Chautauqua to be held ht-re from July 22 to 2, the days will be filled with lectures by the best horticultural authorities of the country and a do mestic course will be given for the valley housewives and bachelor house keeper. One night of the Chautauqua will he devoted to a comic opera. J. A. K ping, well known as a teacher in Portland, is preparing "Tho Mikado." The valley has some excellent musical talent Southern Student Here. Hood River -Five husky young agri cultural student from the University of Tennessee, at Knoxville, who are touring the West to study horticul tural and agricultural conditions, ar rived here recently to take part in the strawberry harvest, which has now shifted from the lower to tho upper valley. The young men are paying part of their expenses by working in orchards and grain fields. From here they propose to go to Eastern Oregon to take part In the grain harvest. Salem upon a more CHF.KKY TO Itl'LK AT sit.. rherrlans" Prepare Kin, for July 3 to S. A cherry fair .n, flrBi revduborste scale Ik.. before attempted In this city tin? given July 8. 4 and G. An oldl. ioned Fourth of July celebration T be held. These and the Sltm fv, tauqua. which will be held ju)j K, Inclusive, are expected to t,v the capital city's largest crowd, n, business men have contributed liberal ly for the cherry carnival, tM tW farmers and fruitgrower kv led to romiH'te more exUrun than ever before for the prizes, w will be the handsomest ever offer! To advertle the carnival tni bn to the minds of the people of thn(! anil county a realization of what r means to them, "The Chorriini,", organisation similar to "The Rot lans" of Portland, has been form It I eoniNaed of progressive mm! the city, and they will ie that stone is unturned to bring pnipl,. Ibis city from all part of thetut. That the cherry carnival ! 1 In Itrqmrtance only to the Kom Fnt val of Portland, ha been provtd k the success of the exhibition! offe past, and the proecl fr a r one this year than ever be fun t aroused the resident of thu citj at county to a sense of public duty t er before. Msny carnival stlnrti will be in evidence and the strwUtf the city during the fair will beta gestive of a great exposition, with usual side features OKF.GOX rROGKF.SSlVK STAH Recognize Necessity of Riuitrs Method Among Farmers. Oregon Agricultural (Vllrire. f valli Oregon is the first nUte in union to net its official seal nrcti public recognition of the necrxit; 1! promoting better liumness mtl&o among the farmer through Ihs putit school. The new text honk, "Pnit pie of Itookkecping." by DeinJ.l Kexell, of the of commtm the Oregon Agricultural coHrgt, b been placed on the list of Iwoki afcs ml for the Oregon public schooli ! the next six years. Il is inU-mWIs; the eighth grade and rural hr schools, and is an adaptation to . educational work of hi previous th ough work in farm business mttlw for older students now widely uti--progressive fsrmers. F.ighteen Herrie Fill Box. Hood Kiver Some of th lanr strawberries ever seen in this were disulaved this week in the V wimlows of a local jewelry Itos They were grown by Oscar andrt on his Fast Side place, and IS of Dm Idled a box. The new variety ii kno as the Goodell berry. Mr. Vanderbilt declares that earlier Ix-rries were larger than It on exhibition. "It is n-t Justs'" of them that reach such iic,"ht4 "for all of the fruit Is simply w strou. It keep well, too - just a well a the Clark Seedlings. which the valley ha become so fi on. I put several boxes In BJ frigrrator the other day and they" in fine rendition four day afwr. Mr. Vanderbilt ha he.-n rKfia numerious application for plant" this large variety of strawberries. Trout I'lanting I Rcgim. Shipment of trout from the & villu liafohrrioa anil of tilieasailtS ft" the state game furms at I orvallii I already been legun by iwm and gnrne warden. The fish hatcheries have this J t twin 000 lO.OOO.f trout, and 'of these two carload about 1H0.000 have already betns ....I ...l..l w..nt ' 1(1 Cot'T Grove and the other to Corvallia " shipment of these trout the n -Hiu--lftl!v He.iirned for the purpoS" being used and is proving very factory. AlM.ut 1500 bir.1 have alrea.ljli' hatched at the state game fm nrlv ROOD mirirm are nilW Sotting. l' tho pheasants the great majority to be sent for the stocking ranges in Kastern and Central tw slnce the Willamette valley i well supplied with these gsmsbir Navy Bean to He Important Crop. Quinahy-The navy bean will he one of the Important mips in this section this year, about Co acres b !nK plant ed. In addition to the beans that will be placed on tho market in a dried state considerable acreage will be do voted to green beans, the output of which has already been contracted to Portland canneries. f'smnni ChautaUUtia Sit- Rl..m The Willamette Uni""'1, campus has been selected s tbe PtJP for holding tho first Salem Chaut 1 .... ., . . .1...:.,- Thert qua, JUiy a V 11, ineium.. -- . a line grove on tho campus v Chautauqua management eonsW" an ideal place for the meeting iuliillnii Tha eamntlS hS fenced and the senior class wi" rf ... . . 1 . 1 miVS. A sent lis class play in mo -- though the Chautauqua will inuiai one lor naicm, no ation in the state will furnish entertainment this year. r- rAitinnm ftood Salem Luther J. Crispin, fFZ ment agricultural expert, who recently returned from a trip a largo part or the eouniy. crop conditions are unusually the prospects are r " TT -jrt Th flr.t eron h SBVS. will M.. . k .... -.nected the season. Mr. Chapin decl' . the opportunities olferea Vrr era and agriculturist in ln''.,'TBi and the entire Willamette --unsurpassed.