St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, May 16, 1913, Image 7

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. .g fannr price I" Wild Kurk.
Ji alhcr '" ,n Wr"
JJ j,m w, .11 kli.da uf poultrr. pork. H.
Peanwn-rajre Co.. Portland
MOWtKl Hp.. uu iuaai l.'ia,
""I" 1 II l.-.l-l Hll.if. IV, IkiU..;
fw ;, u .. el..,.. . fall
'Wr.'! a I re.ulre mtu
.imWMI l; 1 '"' """ MP-Pw'r with ua
,,M., , ,rtltf borer and Mil
''-'' '-"'
n.e l.IM-"Ml.hkMU
u un . . ,
'money TO LOAN
,... Will '"rawlliatlon blank. Weal-
Mo.t.Mf -. t-wa-ua Ck Ii. few.
rami. Hand MerMn.
1 J . t. Marl l l o.. n let
Jriii.a. -I iick and piea.
12 Mail. m., i-wini. 'r.
band'""-.''- 1 he nvt ettfnplet atrw-k
at Hul 1 " l'.nliee l tb Nucthweet.
Crlw I" ' ' ''"
rim ki iv. 1 1 1 Ai mi mic to.
U! feme hUeel rartlaaa. rrea;aa
Midical Fees In Bygons Day.
it tin' I.' ; linil"K of the eighteenth
ootury Hi'' iiniihI f lo physician
nd uri:"iiM In Knrlnii'l were "lo B
rraduule Iti h)Klrlt, Ills dun Is nlititil
It hllllliK". ui.'ii;," no commonly u
rcii or 1 1 . r . j . i fi-( L'll. Tlmnit Unit lire
. .... ...... .1 I..
Oily nceii-M-n pi. mi iiuin, im-ir inn. ia
no more tV.t r-! i 1 11 tiK ami I pence,
thounti !') oniiilnlily (Irniuilil lu
A turifon h In 13 pence, a mlli
M hl J'Hirii. ) iH ur or fur, 10 Kru.ilM
l let a iiH!i ImikMi or out of Joint,
ud fur I' -111111; tilnml 1 atillllnK; tln
cduIuk i'T n ii tiijii Ion on any limli, 6
(oumlii, Imi ili'-ri In no at'iilcu fi' fur
J cun- " I ln yt'iii of riKulntliiK
it fee lin nl llllK to (III po('k't llf till
Mllcut, r- tri.ii tin thn Wi'dltnlimfi-r U.i
Kit, In ii 1 1 1 1 i -1 in cilil ii history.
PjIhIo Cilira cf 181.
i ll Ii I.-OK-I hUi-iI ioliil)- fur
I mwil f'-r I lii fuuilly, Kmln on n
ore (tr.iii-r uiul "Mr In from Idrrn
to flvf i-i i'.i. then hM a little flour.
ur nr.i lll not hurt thi-m. Hi lr
II a:i.t try In hut lnrl. and If trlt-d
one tli') lll lu tried aguln and
Upper Burma Home of Ruby.
Wt;IN- . -ri ii lu iiuiilllli'R of ruhli'a am
tldtly A .ntnliutrd mid found lu llurma,
Siiui, i'i ) I. hi, AfKliiiniiilan, liidm. lira-
til, A tif ! r. 1 1 ! j iiimI tlui I 'tilted Htnt.-ii,
tt ruimtti. .4 of llurma, Stnui and (y
Ion ir I., win.) riunKtlon cninmiTc-lully
h pinrn 1 1 ii ) r tt tt t . JuHt a thla la
tru tlii-r.- r.-fin tut llltlo If any douht
Jilt I M'.-r Huriiiii. tli MoKok auction,
urnl!i. tin- fin. st mid turnout aupply.
Drop Hermlta.
Two i'K;. oiu nip auKor. otm flip
BoliiM.'i., to third cup of biittrr.
sot and i n.'liulf ti'iiipoona aulrutua,
tlrw tnlii-i puoiia aour milk, ono ti
ipoon nf i-i'lri-, onn rup of rhopprd
rtliiim. mm ijuart of flour. Irop by
tMioiii on linttoin of dripping pun.
$100 TO $500 SAVED
On Kach Automobile
Our r-k-'irativ wmtom pn m.
1-V .i Id hy h rnl Mr au-tun-I.,;..
,mv 1475 rwjuirwj, U(.
tr . r-y trtma, I ijT full ftrttC
U.i ii kl.rtn
.hln,lo. HlrcH.
I'OIMl.AM). OltKtiON.
m the r'-S
f Dough
I Better! SCO,
PvinA Caa Swia
Whether you want a House or just a Door we can
save you money. Get our Catalogue of everything
needed in the construction of a house, a barn or a
chicken coop.
A $1000 House all ready to put up for only
Write to us about it now we are glad to furnish all
needed information.
Engllah Wrlt.r Makea Intertatlng At,
artlon Abuut Moat Prominent
Tranch Marahal.
A r-ci-nt KnulUh hook about Mar
aluil Ni-y, Nupoltioti a hlalorlc ll.-ut.-n-ant,
"iIih bnivfHl of IIih brave," brln(!
oul Nonin lnli-riatliiK fiuta.
Thla Kri ni-liiiiiin waa rrnlly a Cm
mini. Il waa Imihi ut Huitrloula. now
In 1'ruHnln, and lin n find alwuya (Jnr
mil n. He dpi, kit only i,.rmun aa a
'hlld. Mm waa n-d liulred, with a wldu
turn, and round blim pyna. n ff,,.
elKht liii liKa lu hi-lKht, tin hnd ahort
body mid Iouk Ii-km. Hla romredi'a
fulli-d Mm "In rouK'ot." whli-o wua
qulvalunt to 'cllrrol or "brick top "
He wua forty-ali yt'iira old ut Water
loo. Ho wua Nupolion. Bo wua Well
liiKton. M W illi Ni-y whh a nuin who waa
truliii'd up to th hiinlHlilpa of a work
iiimi a lir.-. HIh fHthiT waa a cooper,
mid lu IiIh biiyhood work In bla fu-llii-r'a
biiHlni'Ma hit wn accuatonif-d to
toll ii ml upoMire. Thla eimbled htm
to Klm p pliii-l.liy a the anow on the
rwurn from Moacow, wrapped In hla
clonk, "Willi the alurved, ruKKed aol
dli'ra of Iho Kraud army keeping
KUiird, and tint CoHmicka prowling
around In the darkneaa."
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Kye l!mdr. No HnanltiK rwla
! A. v,.l. ;r. 'V. H ..r li,a, !,
Walrry . ai.J tirwiulau-i lllua
lrala.1 11.... k In r Ii l'. katfK. Murine la
e"aninl'4 br liar Ik nil... n.,1 a"l'Lnl MmI-l-ll'-but In aiH.t.ftirll I'liTI. lana' frao
U. m for li.Mtir fra. N.,w lu Iba lua-
II-. ami a ...I k lnu.alia al ku ...l Um par iluula.
aianua Uja Halt. In Aaapilo Tulwa, So ajia KM.
Murln Eye) Romedy Co., Chloago
Coniervatory Living Room.
A happy Idea In houae conatructlon,
anya ( oiinlry l.lfo In America, la the
ni'W plan of comblnliiK conacrvatory
nnd IIvIiik room. The Idea, hua poaal
lillltlra, both fur the elaborate man
Ion and tlio tnodi-Ht cottage. Kerua,
fiuwiTK, laay clialra and abundant
rinilltlit make the roiiHi-rvutory llvlug
room un apartini'iit that rudlati a beau
ty, chiMTfulneaa mid comfort.
Il-t (V a llall lllua will waah di.ul.ta aa manr
rk.tli. aa any ullwr blua. Iluo't ut jrwur wuamf
tl.Ui ajiy wUiar.
Novellat Playa Safe.
Ulrki'tia and Halzac, living before
novi'llHta walked In fear of Ubl uc
tl.iua, took the name of their charac
ters from above the ahop doora of
Loiidou and I'arla. Mr. Kruukfort
Moore ronfeaaea to on equally eaay,
hut aafcr method. Ho drawa the namea
from tombnloiiea. Dead men read no
Mi.thara will Cnd Mm. Wintlnwa 8Vxttita
'mil' tar l al'W I" uaa ut ItiaUUlUuraa
auiiug- iti w-atliiutf pvrlud.
6juco in Stoneware Dlah.
Mil In a banln one level tulli-Hpoon
ful of coriiMiarch with one cupful of
milk, then pour It Into the chafing
cllnh and boll, atlrrlng nil the time.
Cook for ten nilnutea, then add half
a tennpoonful of vunllla extract and
two yolka of egga. Hweeten to taate
and reheat the nance without boiling,
or It will curdle. Strain and aerve
hot or cold with any aweet pudding.
Lemon Pudding,
f'reain ono cup of augur and three
tableiipiioufula of butter, add yolk of
four egga, then two cupa bread
crumba and one quart milk with Juice
and rind of onn lemon, one tennpoon
ful of nalt; mix till amooth, put In
greaaed baking (Hull and bake; beat
whliee of egg with one cup powdered
augitr and juice of one lemon; spread
on top of pudding mid brown.
Twr drunlat will rafuixl tiunwr If PA.O OINT
MKNT failalo runt any riM uf It. hu.. Blind,
ttlaaillral at I'nMmiuia t'llaa In tu 14 dajra. tuo.
Oil Drilling by Hand.
Oil exlala In great quantities In
Slum, but the methoda of ain-urlng It
ar exceedingly crude. The wella are
not more than sixty feet deep and
urn dug by hand. The oil secured Is
that which Is haled from Iho bottom
of the well by dippers on long sticks
of bamboo. The oil Is sold to the un
lives who llvo within culling distance
of the wella.
"Onto" and "Aren't IT"
The word "onto" la defended by the
New York Times, and the phrnae
"Aren't l?" by the Kvenlng Post. Tru
ly, Henry J. Itaymoiid und William
Cullen ltrynnt have. Iieen dead a long
Dr. Tierce'e IMoasnnt Pellet ref
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowela. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
tasy to take aa candy.
"We formed a club of fjlrle sworn
to mnrry no man commanding lesa
than $10.0110 u year." "And what broke
it up?" "A young fellow enme along
who was earn In r $10 a week." Uuf
fulo Commercial.
Multumln-Parvo Diaturbera.
As amnll letters weary the eye most,
so ulso the smallest affairs disturb us
most. Montaigne.
Twister Wrecks 22 Houses and
Kills Ten People.
AH Wire Down; Damage in Coun
try Not Known-Many In
jured by Wreckage.
Scwunl, Neb. A tornado which
took toll of ten lives, injured 30-odd
persons and destroyed more than a
third of the town passed through Sew
ard shortly before 0 o'clock Thursday
Twenty-two residenrea, including
several of the best in the town, were
entirely destroyed and many more
were partially wrecked, but the busi
ness (Kirtion of the place did not sutler
The tornado formed northwest of
the city and swept across the country,
taking many buildings along its
course. It struck the western or resi
dence Kirtion of the town of Seward
and swept everything in its path clear.
It came on the town so suddenly that
only part of the people had opportuni
ty to run to cellars or other places of
refuge. Those killed generally were
caught in the wreckage of their homes,
which were crushed to pieces like egg
shells. The tornado, after passing through
Seward, continued on its course to the
northeast, doing great damage to rural
homes. Kcporta say that the towns of
Lushton, Grafton, Utica and McCool
were in the path of the twihter, but
all wire communication to those point
was destroyed.
An appeul waa sent to Lincoln be
fore the one remaining telephone wire
was lost, for physicians and undertak
ers, and they left on a freight train at
10:30 p. m.
IIcjHirU from surrounding sections
indicate that the elTects of the tornado
were felt over a wide range of terri
tory, but until telephone communica
tion is restored the number of casual
ties will not be known.
The tornudo was followed in Seward
by a hail and rain storm.
Johnson Standi) Firmly Upon Right
to Exclude Aliens.
Sacramento, Cal. Governor John
son's final answer to the request of the
Federal government that he withhold
his signature from the Webb alien
land bill was telegraphed to Secretary
Kryan at Washington, and in sub
stance amounts to a courteous but un
equivocal "no." "
After making this statement and
signing and sending the message, the
governor went out to the ball game
and spent the afternoon. Ho intima
ted that he did not expect any further
word from Washington.
Hy the text of his reply, which wa
made public as soon as it was dis
patched, Governor Johnson feels it his
duty to approve the action of the leg
islature. Ilia message to the secreary
of state not only aflirms the right of
the state to enact a law barring Asia
tics from ownership in lund, but also
defends the public policy of such a
measure, citing the vote on the Webb
bill as proof of the demand for such an
act in California.
With the sending of the telegram
the controversy over the bill is at an
end, so far as the California adminis
tration is concerned. Governor John
son has until June 16 in which to sign
the act, and in the normal course of
events it will become a law at the ex
piration of 90 days from the closing of
the legislature, or on August 10 next.
Mexicans Like to Be Prisoners.
F.l Paso, Tex. American soldiers at
Fort Hliss are engaged more in pre
venting Mexicans from becoming pris
oners than in detaining the 200-odd
federal soldiers already held at the
Texas army post. A report that many
of the Mexican soldier had escaped
from the prison led to a count, which
showed that there were six more pris
oners than originally were transported
here from Naco, Arizona. The recent
altering of the prisoners' mess from
regular meals to black beans is credit
ed with the popularity of detention.
Train Runs Into Dynamite.
The Dalles, Or. Striking an auto
mobile truck, a part of the load of
which was a box of dynamite, a speed
ing O.-W. R. & N. passenger train es
caped being wrecked here only by rea
son of the fact that the collision did
not cause an explosion. J. W. Klake-
ncv. driver of the motor car, barely
escaped with his own life by jumping
before the engine hit his macnine.
The auto was carried more than 100
feet on the pilot of the locomotive.
Six Cars of Mohair Shipped.
Salem. Or. William Brown & Co.,
of thia city, have just shipped the
largest single consignment of mohair
ever sent from the Pacific Coast.
There were aix carloads, containing
200,000 pound of mohair, valued at
170.000. Tho consignment went to
the Griswold Worsted company, of
Darby, Pa.
Lons: Trudge Pay Ret.
New York Paying an election bet.
Benjamin H. Anderson, formerly gen
eral secretary of the chamber of com
merce and now secretary of the Butler
Admen'a club of Butler, Pa., ia walk
ing from Portland, Me., to Portland,
Or., leading a donkey.
Royal Reaidence and Public Build
ings Closed for Season.
Iindon The mystery of the bomb
found in St. Paul's and other buildinga
hu not been solved, nor has anything
been discovered that would tend to
throw light on it. The suffragettes
neither admit nor deny their responsi
bility. Miaa Tyson, presiding at a suffrag
ette meeting In the lielborn town hall,
while remarking that it had not been
proved that sulfragettes had put the
bomb in the cathedral, added that
there still were persons who had not
heard why the women wanted the vote
and the only way to wake them up wa
by bombs.
Much indignation prevaila among all
classes of society that during the com
ing holiday period Windsor Castle will
be wholly or partially closed, together
with the Tower of London, the British
and other museums, cathedrals and
public buildings, owing to the fear of
a suffragette outrage.
Scotland Yard published figures es
timating the damage to property by
sulfragettes in the past three months
at $5,000,000, and figuring that, in
cluding the cost of protecting lives
and property, militancy ia inflicting a
total cost of $25,000,000 a year on
Great Britain.
That a campaign of even greater
violence is impending is the general
belief. Votes for Women, the woman
suffrage newspaper, edited by Mr. and
Mrs. Pethick Lawrence, says:
"We see before the country a
period of disorder such as has not been
known for decades, perhaps for cen
turies. We see a prospect or violence
being answered by violence in a terri
ble crescendo. We foresee the likeli
hood of crimes being sympathized
with if not condoned and approved by
many of the most respected law-abiding
members of the community."
Another bomb outrage wa attempt
ed at Tottenham, in the northeast of
London. The bomb was discovered
before it had time to explode. It was
found by a caretaker outside the door
of a shop.
The authorities have secured evi
dence that many former constitutional
suffragists also have joined the mili
tant body since the defeat of the wo
man suffrage bill. There is no ques
tion that the number of militants is
Democrats Clinch Victory by Vote
of 281 to 139.
Washington, D. C The Underwood
tariff bill, proclaimed by the Demo
cratic party as the answer to it plat
form pledge to reduce the tariff, was
passed by the house late Thursday.
The vote was 281 to 13, nve Dem
ocrat voting against the bill and two
Republican for it, four Progres
sives supported the measure and 14
opposed it, while one independent Pro
gressive joined with the majority.
When Speaker Clark announced a
vote in loud tones that revealed his
satisfaction, exuberant Democrat
here started a stuffed Democratic don
key over the heads of their colleagues
in the rear of the chamber, a faint
ripple of applause followed and the
gavel fell on the first chapter in the
history of President Wilson's extra
ordinary session of congress.
With the bill on its way to the sen
ate, there was a rush of representa
tives to their homes.
Adjournment will be taken in the
house three days at a time until June
Republicans and Progressives, led
respectively by Representatives Mann
and Murdock, protested to the last
against the measure.
Federal Aid is Opposed.
Washington, D. C Opposition to
government aid for Alaskan railroads
wa expressed to the senate territories
committee by O. L. Dickinson, man
ager for Close Bros, and other English
debenture holders of an existing route
from Skagway to the interior. He
declared that the companies in which
his principal were interested would
open a water and railroad route to
Fairbanks on June 1. A government
line, he said, would send them into
bankruptcy. Close Bros, are partners
of the Guggenheim-Morgan syndicate.
Powers Still Undecided.
Iximlon The ambassadorial confer
ence sat for two hours Friday, but
reached no important decision. It is
not expected that the conference will
reassemble before May 20. In the
meantime proposals defining the limits
and status of the New Albania will be
submitted to the European govern
ment. The peace congress will
assemble In London and presumably
detachments from the international
fleet will take possession of Scutari.
Guards Treasury Secrets.
Washington, D. C Secretary Mc
Adoo took another step in his cam
paign to keep secrets of the Treasury
department from going to outside In
terests when he forbade any treasury
records being shown to anyone out
side of the department, congressmen
included, without his written permis
sion, and announced that he intended
to deal summarily with infractions of
his new order.
Auto Power Runs Press.
Klamath Falls, Or. Light and
power failed in Klamath Falls Thurs
day night and for 12 hours the town
waa without electricity. In the ab
sence of power a local newspaper force
tore a hole through the brick wall of
the composing room, backed an auto
mobile in and hitched it to one of the
presses and the paper was issued only
two hours late.
Doctor's Explanation of Graded Fees
Had to Satisfy Rich but Parsi
monious Patient.
A wealthy man, well known for his
extreme stinginess, drove up hurriedly
In his carriage to the door of a cele
brated doctor. He was In a state of
acute dliicomfort and fear, from the
simple fact that at the moment a
piece of fish bone was sticking some
where In the region of bis throat. The
doctor removed the dangerous obsta
cle, and the gentleman breathed free
ly. "Thank you, doctor!" he exclaimed,
much relieved. "I'll never eat salmon
again never! And with what ease
you removed It. A mere minute's op
eration, was It not? How much a
what Is your fee?"
"Half a guinea," replied the doctor.
"Half a guinea!" exclaimed the
man. For half a minute's work? Im
possible!" "Hut consider for a moment!" said
the doctor. "It's a salmon bone!"
"What has that to do with it?"
"Oh. a great deal," replied the doc
tor. "Had It been a halibut, or fresh
haddock, I should have charged less
perhaps 6 shillings. For codfish or
eels, 2 and 6 would have been ample
payment. Mackerel 2 shillings. While
a red herring bone I might even have
removed free of charge. Hut salmon!
Well, really, sir, one has to pay for
these luxuries."
And bis patient paid. London
Rd Croea Ball Hlu, all blim, bt blum value
ba Um whoia worUI. n.atra tha lauruiraaa auuW.
Not for Him.
"Some day," remarked the nice old
gentleman, "you may be president of
the United States." "Mebbe," replied
the son of the very big business man,
"but If they want me they will have
to raise the salary."
Wasn't Shocked.
"I saw you and your husband at the
play last night, Mrs. Wedgecomb.
How did you like It?" "I'm sorry we
wasted our money on It Several peo
ple told me I would be shocked, but I
wasn't." Chicago Itecord-Herald.
lar the ilinatun) of K. W. GKO V K. Clin s Cold
in Ou Liar. Curoa Grip In Two Daya. 20c.
Christianity In India.
In South India alone there are to
day fully 1.000 Christian college grad
uates, leaders In the life of Christian
communities. Of the 23,000 students
In higher educational Institutions
6,493 are in Christian colleges.
From Headache. Backache.
Dizziness and Nervousness,
Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Lawrence, Kans. "A year ago I waa
Buffering from a number of ailments. I
always bad pain and
was irregular. Dur
ing the delay I suf
fered a great deal
with headache, back
ache, dizziness, fev
erish spells, nervous
ness and bloating.
1 had been married
nearly three years.
1 took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound and now
I feel better than I have for years. I
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound to all who suffer as I
did." Mrs. M. Zeuner, 1045 New Jer
sey Street, Lawrence, Kansas.
Montana Woman's Case.
Burns, Mont, "Lydia E- Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound cured me of awful
backache which I had suffered with for
months. I was so weak I could hardly do
my work and my head and eyes ached all
the time. Your Compound helped me
in many ways and is a great strength
ened 1 always recommend It to my
friends and tell them what a grand med
icine it is for women. You may use my
name for the good of others." Mrs.
John Francis, Burns, Montana.
The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound have thousands of
such letters as those above they tell
the truth, else they could not have been
obtained for love or money. This med
icine is no stranger it baa stood the
tat for years. "
Flowers From Germany.
Germany ships 12.000.000 or 13,000,
000 "pips" or "crowns" of lilies of the
valley to the United States every year.
When these "pips" nre planted in pots
they bloom and lire then thrown awny.
German soil nnd the German climate
seem especially favorable to their production.
nphe Cheerful TLIffe
It la th. rieht of eTervono to live and enjoy the rhwful Hfo. W we
lt to ouraelT and thoa. who li. with us to live tho choorful Ufa. Wa.
cannot do so if ill health takes hold of us.
The wife, mother and daughter suffering from hot flasbea, ncrrotiariaaa,
tteadarh. backache, drasainr-down fenlinw. or anr othnr waaVneae duo ta dlaordara
or trreg.ilantia. of tha ilulicata 'amal. orsana is not only a buroaa to baraalf.
Jv-lit to har lovad onra.
7ar it raad. Forty raan uparieaes has proa anmlsts kabhj thai
TFavorite prescription
' V will raatora health ta weakened womankind. For 40 )mri It baa am iliaj
trajudica. envy and maltca. tfold by dealer ia medicine In liquid ar tablet form,
ir, lieroe a Karorita FreacrlptHtn Tnbleta can ba bad of drnasiat ar ami led oa
receipt ot one-oeul sunur-(ur UM or tu tise. Aiidraaa it. V. Fierce, M. IVa
Uunalo, N. Y.
fr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets retrnlait and lartararasa
aUomarh, Utcx aod towels. Bugmi-ramtea, Uaj sraas
Hello! Hello!
Appetite and
Digestion busy?
Then you possess the real se
cret of food health. Guars It
carefully and at the first sign of
distress or weakness take
It promotes
health. Get a
help you.
and maintains
bottle. It wul
SAVE $1.50 On This FINE HAT
Tha ChallMiao" aatrla tka ha aaalara wUI
anon ti.bowina.t i mud Von aai it from aa
fur $2, r-tai'l. iw wa deliver to yoa aireo
fr.un our l it tery lir iur-l puat ani aaa oa tha
B.H'llmB'. tronfa. Vour txar bark If
l.f. u.r. Hula from 1m for f-lt In llihl UB,
l,lk. irfmrl ar-iy.nil k;hin brown. Iwautlfully
triniDt.'l and rini.lil. Htrla In -ry lina. waar
in arp rx Hl.r... I.r'ler n.w atata aira and lor,
and enrkM a. Vi rila for alyle hmt ' r." anow.
ina other uuMlela. srwa. Oat-PraMBM ta.
Powders In Bananas.
If you have difficulty In giving chil
dren powders, cut a banana down the
middle, scoop out some of the pulp,
and put the powder In; place together
again, and the taste Is hardly ever no
ticeable. WORRIBS
cause much annoyance to children
and great anxiety to parents.
The presence of worms Is recog
nized by these common symptoms:
itching nose, unsatisfied appetite,
offensive breath and colic pains.
Cleanses the t ystem ot worms la a very lew ktmt
is what they all say
cf oar
i-t. jr. -r
Methoda of
pla caa haw thafcr
plat and bridaw.
work Aniahed In one
day if nacaaaajT.
An abaoluta roar
antea. backed br 2S
year, ia Portland.
. "..-v -.
Wise Dental Co.
S A. M. to 8 P. M. Simdavs 9 I. 1
Phonea: A 2029: Maia 2029.
r.ilins Bids.. Third and Wuhinctoa, Portland
MB ffp! "prom p4
nifBta or mom-rn
th Chins doctor.
Try one more if yon hav Nwa doc oritur wttl.
thisi on od thtst onf kdJ haw not obtain! psr
vanent rvlief. It thin arrvat Bat urn aler da
no' your c anl prv-rn!i sunn rrmidy who
action ia quirk, sure and mutm. Him pnarripttona
an cotrtpoandt-d from Rooia, Herba. tHada aal
Bwrhn thl hip Nn athrv from avary quar
ter of tha lot. Th r-rv rftai of thtva medicine
are not known to the outud world, but bav ha,
hiui'led down from fauhur Vo aoo in the r1 T" '" f
fautiliea IB Chiua.
If yoa !! ont of town and cannot call, writ tow
aymptom biaoxa and cirvuiax, aivj.oain 4 otfcmta Im
1 62 1 first St., Cor. Morrison
Portland, Oroton.
P. N. U.
No. 20-13.
yilK.N wrttinw to adrtiaara, plana mmt
" tioa thia paper.
-4- aW
. a. WUL fwiam