V .S.-Je Want Atl AJ, m lb Column. Bring Raaulla Professional Cards' All Work Guaranteed. Horses For Sal All kind f tmrrwi for nalo or will , ,., t. horses fr cattle. Come and ' . . . .1. U I w,t wo nave ui .-whmmhj v,.ry l.iirn. ' v- runt. Kur Sale - '"'r,'M: " nn,,'rt 'r,,,M , ,. 'UK. ;'"l buildings. In- u'...,i..,I Ocan cotton rags ut n . ... it! i yr Kent Pooius in the Hunk ' luiMintf- '". "'nil: 1,1, ,,,( hikI cold water. t'olunibiu (o. I tank. A jrood house with three choice u in l'"'' I locution in St. Melons wile Inquire rr pi ices arid U,U I ''H anil u. on 'iisy terms. II C.Hlfn-y. F-il ' Wisan St., rilan.l. w ill 1' in St. I Mm n I ......i. I. L',)r Sa'c-- me nig team, neiuy . , i.... 'i i;.,i..., I ... . t 1 . I .. fcuKoil awl nariien, m.-" i.ko. i i rsc.H. l.mpiiro Aimrcw joniisnn. arr.'n. White Wyandotts ECGS EGGS lAilib $1.00 52.00 . i t. i .:l : .. r'rm Usl UiVing anil r.xminiioii llir.l.n. Crt-kn-U $2.00 to $.Vnu S-c'y of County ASs'n Summer Rates between ... ii.li M. l u us a n u j hi-i i vi yi u tits one way 75 cent round trip Tickets oh anytime after April 4th lii.it I- rr St. Ilrlrll" 7 .. III. u iii'ioni! i. hm-m r. iiii.n I ' :to p. iii. rn r at SI llr'rin 4 i't p. in. C I IICMiCllKIRK Men wasYfurHo.se Painted? Let me estimate your huild- nis, Miy v;c.st C(ilir si lieines iinl make an estimate. See McCOY! St. Hii.kns Okk. WVluivf for Hale nt thi' Mbt oll'icc Ikin.lsof typewriter :iM'r, car- "it i;imt, li'Kal liliinks, wul Iiacks IMIWILAMI lAIL STEAMER lv. Mrl' hK 0 (HI A. Arrn.- hi I'.. ill;, ti.! Ill: HI A. Uvhp l' .filmi, at 2M I. Arrivr. SI. Ilrl.... Rt V. M. M. M M Potato News Since a large part of the po tato crop of the western part of 'reijon was destroyed by late "Kht, the following advice from I. P.ailey, expert plant pa- "flok'ist at the Oregon Agri- ultural college is of immediate alue: There is no practical seed patment for the control of this; Jn8us pest. (J rowers must se "ft the seed with care, so that ttinif or discolored pototoes are fot used. Mven the many tubers he planted carrying the I'Rht fungus in a dormant con- 'ilin, ready to start infection of '"PS in moist norm wpftther. f?he most that can be hoped for to use seed that will germinate If conditions are favor abI for blight later it will be Str. IRALDA DR. L. GILBERT ROSS PHYSICIAN &. SUh!(.rON (lllliw Hank HI. Ik. Hull, I'llOtlPN St. Helens D? EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SUNG BON St. Helens Oregon T. S. WHITE FUN Eh! A l. DIRECTOR I II kSKI) K.MII.U.MKH Hotilton Oregon ' DR. ALFRED J. FEEL PHYSICIAN A SURGEON St. Helens ll'ilMllim DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURULON IM.. .nc MkIii III. A I: a. Hi K. 1111 t 1117 SrlllllK It tl t I.I t K K Portland, ( )r. GEORGE H. SHIN N AT TORNEY-AT LAW St. Helens Oregon Af. E. MILLER ATTORNEY A I LAW St. Helens ( h emi d"aux niixture, hut. oiu sliou'i' nt wait until the fiin,ru has es tablished itself in a field before sirayin. "The foliaire should be kept well covered from the time the blossoms open, bo that the spores scattered by air currents will 1 killed ns soon as they fall on the leaves. Three applications at intervals of about two weeks generally have proved sufficient except in cane of prolonged warm, moist weather. 1'or the first application the 1- 1- fin strength I'ordeaux mixture should be used and for subse quent applications the f C-.'O mix ture. 1 would not wish to argui against seed treatment as a gen eral practice, however', for we have several other diseasi s w hich can be controlled largely in this way. Formalin should be used 1 nt. to Ho gals, of water, and the potatoes soaked in it in packs or crates for two hoiiw before cut ing. and then spread to dry." Aocommodatlng. Tti niiwt neciiiiiiiiixliitliu pmipl" In (ho wrUt ri tnlloni. Yiiii'II bv to linnil It to tlM'iu. Tlii-y're nlwn will ItiK to hilp you out nil tticy rnn. Wo riMiiln.liM of tills utnloiilit.it truth l.y Hip pxirli'tue t frloml of our ItiHt WiMlti.'wtiiv. He dot tiiMmiwl for a new milt. W ln' the rotvinonj wns over Iip mnll.-l ami inl.l In lil wli.nltiK y: "I II It' frniik with y- 1 rn,, t .ny for thU milt tl the hitter pint of nrit mouth Will Unit make nny IfTriMiri!'' Not the Hllchtext dUTereiire. You're mi ol.l niNtoiiier. niul JoU nhotililti't mention mirli ttiltti:.'' Thiit'B mlKhty nti of you. When m ill Hi milt lo remlyr' "The hitter pnrt of neit month." Clilifliio New- Cart1t. Atwentmlnil.Ml 1'rofenMir-Ponr. denr. h... ,.r..l... thette wniiieii ire. u u" J h,.vp..-t nut the BHi hill In between Urn leaves of a treatise on eiploslree. IVI Mele. WANTED A GOOD MAN TIik en.lln p. m. tun- war rn Mllln !. In" ltl n.t nail.-' l.l In 0 i,l.l......llll"'.''"" . rr. on M..nt ' " t...nli"lll ,.. i Hlnalrra .iul ..i in.iiin.i.u.. i""""r; t all I-.. ri...l. will " ...V. I.n. ol I"' ,-ul.r. ' h-l' Ik"" lu'V""" lliplr pl"' n..u h "' "a.. Mwnlillth wanlr.1 In lll .!.'. l flr-l rlM J ! ran fiirnl.li I Ml "I r -rrrnrna. rl tm l - I.a. lln.ll lhn.u"lrj aa.l wl.ai l.u.liaa " la. A.l.lmaa. W. O. IDC lia iiwiim"'' BLDa. POUTLANO, Odt. R. CONSi Dumbing and Shert M.Jdl St. Helens ii. mo net's ,y sd.y I'rom .Vnr ) 'or It i I Siri n 'J itn ss 'JihiiIs, iiml nil on r t in lures. II V' a si; mid sec our if is iron ir h i I MORGU Ifriiiiiiiii!i LIVE NEWS FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS SCAri'OOSI; Sup'. P.. I). Pi.l.-ti n li ft on Kri lay last for I'.u tlnml and on Mon- lay started for the Philippines. His, many friends in Sc-appoose wih him a safe journey. ! K. . P.undy has taken charge of the school ami is making a good im pression. Miss Kva (larrison returned home from tin- hospital l;..-t wck. She j is much improw d in health. I Dunwo idy and family, who have lived here for a few week, , . . ... i - I inoveil to l.ritili l oiuniina, wnere Mr. lhinwooly has been employed in a large lumber camp. A new porch has been built on the west side of the t'atik l.uil.lil.g. lhe i imms up stairs have been tinted and cleaned an I other repairs have 1 bi'en made. l- I! l;!.,(,.l,fr,l ul.JI open ilcntai olluvs in the south rooms and Dr. llatiicld will occupy the remaining rooms. A number of our people are suf fering with an epidemic of throat ! trouble. J. A. r.mniett of Praln, Ore., is! visiting his sister. Mrs. M.J. Pul ler, and family. i J. A. Wikstrom of danger,' Wash., paid a visit to his brother, I. ('.. Wiksti i m. Mr. Marvin Chintz of Denver, Colo., H'ent a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Washburn. Mr. and Mrs. Krnest John-on are rejoicing over the arrival of a Soil. Miss Kllery Butler is making a visit with friends at Yoncalla. Our genial station agent and his w ife are making a month's visit to the old home in Pennsylvania. REUBEN Mrs. M.( , .Ionian went to Rainier Tuesday. J. M. Lindsay was in Rainier on business Thursday. Tims. Johnson and w ife of Seneca. Nebraska, are visiting with Mrs. Johnson's brother, J. K. Allen. Mrs. Thos. W'ilkersor and Mrs. Samuel Wilkerson of Ariel, Wash., mother and sister-in-law, visited with Mrs. tleo. S. Snyder Thurs day. Win. T. Snyder attended the school meeting at Woodland, Wash., Friday and Saturday. Ceo. T. Kouers of St. Louis, Mo., and Win. T. Wiley of Portland, Ore., were in the city on Saturday. I .1 is p'l ami Jack t.-n ! 1 the ball game in Portland , I Saturday ami Sunday. i I ! i The I.eniraclier P.ros. have moved ; ,,1(.ir U) lhe Iaml fl,rlm.ry i mvru.(j iy I;ai.k Tlu.y k,aV(. a! dance at the new mill Saturday! .evening. j The fanners in this vicinity are j making good use of the fine weather i this week m getting in the crops. The hay crop is not showing up. very well this spring on account of the chid weather, but the way it looks imw there w ill he a heavy . e .. 1 1 i. i . . e e : 1 1 oi oi an iv.nu.i oi nun WARREN Our road supervisor, Mr. Ka!- berg, has a crew of men and teams work cutting Uown mo nign I'"'" - ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and daughter Mildred left this morning for California, where they e.eet to spend the summer. The Warren ball team won an- other victory to their credit Last ' o i i i... i ouiio.ij uicj MniTruvii in uewaiuiK the Mayger ball team, the score being 11 to 15-. With the excep tion of a couple of innings a very good panic was played. The home team will play (loble next Sunday on the (loble diamond. Mr. Paeon was very ill the first of the week, but is improving, which we are all glad to hear. Mrs. N. F. Paker is visiting her daughter, Mrs. lompkms, at der-vai.-, Ore. Miss Pertha Ream is gcnding the week in Portland. The farmers have been very busy for the past two weeks, making use of the tine weather, but are now pi tting along with their work so that they have time to straighten up and take a full breath. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lovegren and little daughter Lauretta visited ut fli.. lit.owt if t rj I itviurr.inV parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kricksoo. Mrs. O. A. Eriekslm is visiting her parents, Mr. an.l Mrs. K. C. Lindsay, at Gresham. Mrs. N. F. Paker and Miss Kate Paker spent Saturday and Sunday in Portland. Mr. Friekson says that his sale of implements are larger this year than ever before. There must be some reason for this. EANQERQUS BlIIOINOt atlalaa Uliaw TttMUi TilM - Our Wwra-to-tlt Bilk Elastic Hlr7 rllTM at ono of tan arv. Stockinet, Kna Capa, Anklala Salf-aiaaanmanal Klanioa appllaatlnai W00O4RI),CUnaCO. I'wrtlanalt lraca Alexander at-: 1 iy thing in the line of V0VL71 VIRL, r .ULTRY ICTTI(G, PLOV, 1MRR0W. CULTIVylTOR. AOWERS, BIAIDCR. WylGOA. BUGGIES. HylCKS OR Thrashing Machines Talk over your wants with OLIVER & OLIVER IIOULTON. OREGON We are here to supplj' )-our needs and the fact that we are now doing a Splendid Business in these lines proves that we know where to meet the Farmer Preased Customers are Our Best Advertisers Zi CORDIALS WINES Pine Bottled Goods a Specialty S BEER i Mill Co. I s ighting " Eyes) leating r Lives) Lumber mer! INDIA RUNNER DOCK EGGS $1. 00 per hi $.1.00 per 0 BARRED ROCK EGGS $1.-10 per J Poor Hatches Made Good W. C. MORLEY ST. HELENS OREGON CIGARS WHISKEY E BAR roprietor Orkoon :tent CATERERS K. C noilKRTSON F" MARKET red, Mints ij, Produce d Prices Full Weight St. Helens, Ore. t Clocks 3 GRAY eweler. All nteed. 3 St. Helens Or. 2 UiuiilljilUiiliUaiiUlUiUU necessary to spray with Bor-