St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 25, 1913, Image 11

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    a ' I
prostrated Every Spring
.av tfutTrrine from !vmici-ia. ti'uLn..
run-down .. mlilinti 1 1 1 nt noma rull 'that ex
treme tired Ceding, ' my r.gulur ripcrictice
until I lii-gati tu take 1IxmI Su r hii j arillu. It
gave ins relief almost from tlu first dose, and
oon I wan rumpli-lcly restored tu health and
strength. I Luvo now for .nnu yean used thin
unfailing remedy each injf, and l,av Ltt-n
rewarded with good health in tlie Htiiniiirr and
winter." Mrs. L. U. l'.ickC.rd. (lossville. V. If
Hood's Sarsaparilla
. v. M..- ... . , . .... ..
Cttti 11"' u,llJ Parsniiaruia, out biko iiioi gum Alteratives, Milling!
jnJliluo r'lri ,lloM' KreBt AjtlBiliou"' """I Liver remedies, Mandrake and
pimlclion; U'ose gr't Kidney rci lies, I'vn I'rsi, Juniper Merries, and
piptie; those fc-reit Stomach Tonic. C.i.tian ;t and Wild Uierry
Bark; "J ,tnt'r VMlunule eurtiv ;' t. It will do you food.
Secretary of State to Confer
With Legislators.
lawmaker Respectfully Await Ar
rival of Secretary IJefore Act
inic on Alien Land Hill.
r ,.l u fei.ry prt f" W lal
a .tk.r I" """ W,IM ''"
II kH"l' !"'". ate.
Pearson -raise Co., I'ortland
'much in pleasant manner
mir llll. MONrYt He "r m.rwniailve.
SAHr. " . ,, ,, ,.l... and take
" " w k l-n-t " '"K
""Si. It K - "'" HW- """"
lrllTC Wale.B V. '.lrrxaa,
r B I til " '. ij.k.i4i""i'
II rrl.rv.K
White V a ndot tc iJr'ZV.
1 v,l .tier Wle I1U7 :,"h N' ''" "
Washington, I). C. After an hour's
conference at the While House Presi
dent Wilson directed Secretary I'ryan
I to proceed at once to riacramcmu to
'co-operate with (iovcrnor Johnson and
tlie mcmbcre of the California legisla
i ture in framing a law regarding the
i ownership of land hy aliens that would
I not conflict with the treaty obligations
of the United States, particularly with
"1 am going in the hope that we
may he alile to find the best solution
! of the ditliculty," said Secretary Hry
an. "I feel sure that they in Cali-
1 fornia will enter uiion the work with
IUrul Hand Marhln.
1 mrt huuahl. ut.J an4
1 ha J. r. Maroa I .. aj IM
taint,.!..-" .i. l l.ikla uf alua -..
PA(1HI .I ANO & r fcKTII.IZKK ( O.
1J M.ia Ml., fotllaa. t.
Man Uniformly Courteous, Has an Ad
vantage Over Rival With
Morose Bearing.
A !lealiiK mumier la nil Importunl to hiii renH III liny IiiihIiii'BH. A
Kelllle, courleollH lllilllluT will will r
(iKiillloii anywIiiTe. So iihk li ilepemls
upon first linprrxhloiiH, ami IIichh are
favorable or unfavorable a. cor.liiiK to th(. lme iHt f ,.0.0,M.ratjori as the
wliellu-r a man U iol He and i-ourleoiiH ., . , , ' , , ,
or bruH.ii... and i.ervo.iH In bearing i 1 rt-H"k'nt aml 1 tl
Wo eaiinot ulways JihIko a man by ., . .. . ,
what be r.y or .loen. but the way In ! Swramento - Definite word from
which hit says or loes a cerlaln tliin '"cretury of State Bryan that he
will prove Hie bet Index lo bis char i would : come to Sacramento reached
acd-r. ; here Wednesday, and it was announced
A pleasant, courteous bearing w ill ' immediately that all further action on
help a man to hiiciihs in uuhuichh
are Sola
A sen Is for
IIOLTON and lU'llM llr ll
tTH)'n'. Tha tanpU(a Uwk
tl Mrt.h.nji la Ika NialhwaaL
Writ. t I .1 a.
HUHtat lM. I l l AH all HIC C O.
U4 ftxaaa Sli farUa4. (ml
the proposed alien land lcilati..n
would be deferred uijtil he should
: have opjHirtunity to preaent the views
of the Federal administration on the
It was said by leaders of the legis
lative majority that there was no dis
xmition to act hantily and that all
were agreed it would be the part of
courtesy to I'reaident Wilson and his
j cabinet to await Secretary Bryan's
! comini? before bringing the land bills
out on the flinir of the senate.
$100 TO $500 SAYED
On Karh Automobile,
Our iN.n-rti mim p'mn
UanV'U.c M' Mi rmi.
mnrm tvy rrtim. Iriaf full latttlt
Ura fcl.lra
(M N..klala HlraH.
Wanted His Body Above Ground.
Not mi very I.hik nKO theri died. In
th n.irth of I'.iiKland. a farmer who
left ltihirtict Iiiiim that bis body should
be put In n coffin, and then placed
li (tin loft of one of the bams on the
frm prenilxeH It was don, and will
probably remain there for neneralUills.
Underrating Influenza Germ.
One (inint: a week Is to be Riven
to each'l In tlin I ji in belli llunr.l
taxis' hcIiixiIh at Norwood, Kncliind, as
a pri'vvnllve iiKiiliiKt liifliienia. All
ran say U that. If the Influenza
rrm Is to he Intimidated by one
oraiiice a wck. It has sadly lost Its
pluck since met It.
where a booriiih. Impatient manner
will turn nway ciiKtotners. 1 he
brilH.pie iiiiiii may be as well incunltiK
as bis more arfable rival, but people,
bnvn not the time nor Inclination to
find out what Is beneath the rude ex
terior; they prefer to patronize the
man who makes It plain that It is a
pleasure to serve; that the world Is a
mli;hty pi. um. ml place, and that he Is
Kind to lie alive.
if v.kii t.rf. twit thi tioHkcMHor of a
pleasant manner, start In to acquire It. !
You will find It an Inline u help In
makiiiK a success uf anythliiK you un-1
dertake. !
Kor tha nira ami prrvrntion "f yrry H..m
Ara you kr lU.a yuu s frirnd that'a ai.-kT j
Wr.ta t.xlay f..r aymptum t.!nuk: and wa will
! ilaKti'a ra fra f charita and tall
ymi what rr.n!." ara nardil Ui l ura ymr
arlf at h.-ma. Aid l'" pl. Anirncan Herb IkiC
lor, UM Arra.ln lll.lir., rWatilr. Wah.
Small Print Bad for Children.
Small print leada the youiiK scholar
to look loo cliiK.'ly at bis b.Miks. lie
is not yet familiar with the forms of
the words, and bis eyeslKht has not
yet reached Its full iieuteliess. Kor
eiiHy be must have retinal lin
tines lnrcer than those which satisfy
the trained render. To obtain these
larger liiia;'S he brli'Ks the biHik too
near to his eyes, or bis eyes too near
the hook, and tti Is apt to be In
jurious. 1 Save Tour Horaei
from Diatnir, Mountain K-vr, and all
nlhrr f.irn.a of fimtairion by uinif Mpoka'a
Di.l.aipOT laaiaaaaa. I'ut on tha toi.a;ua or in
thafaa.L twfe at all limes for all sites and
ariaa, under all romlitionn. Santa for I"""
ln.l.'rri--r and ('liu-k. n I'hulera. AoU on the
M.i, aiprla tha K'mia. Krmovrs worms
from stomach and int.tinra. A line tornc
and spiirlisvr. Al .lnt-'y safe, evt-n for hu
n.n U!.nra. Ovrr l.uuu.osj lttles sold Uwl
year, lireatrat cure and prrvantiva aver
known forConUiirmiisdiiM-awa. Nearlyevery
ZrUIS '"rem-Jyl Hteps whatever toward preparation for j
i Why not? It i not an H-rimnt. Iryit; war within a specified time or SIX.
be convinced; let "p1ibV' hel y"u savs months or a year. I
i ami n.ak. money All whol.-a.le dnjpifi Tmt.xt,nt to which other nations i
handle IU Vour home 1ruiritil can supply . .,, ,
nsnuie iu u . . "gounded on the
rn.-i.wl. A holllo, 60c. and $1.00-. i.l and pmpoBition was not fully disclosed to
li,.... the dozen. llK'V.UJwrU'i' the committee.
I fpulm Madical Co.. Ijisincn, inu., o.
Outlines Plan for Universal Treat
lea -Foreijrn Powers Favor.
Washington, I). C Secretary Bry
an's preliminary outline of his propos
ed international agreement for peace,
which he laid before the senate for
eign relations committee Thursday, de
vel.iHMi wide differences, of opinion.
Nevertheless it was understood that
with the indorsement of President
Wilson the secretary of state soon
would undertake to (en negotiations
with the leading powers for such
treaties as the proposal contemplates.
Developments, however, indicated that
some of the committee, Democrats and
i Republicans, were opposed to the idea
of the I'nited States binding itself by
internationnl agreement not to prepare
for war during a specified time while
a dispute was in progress, which is
one feature of Mr. Bryan's plan.
iti-ioflv ScrrctHrv Brvan's plnn. as
he outlined it, is that the United j
States should make treaties under i
which disputes, even those involving ;
"national honor or vital interests,"!
would be submitted to an international
board for impairy. nnd that the disput-
no- countries should agree to mite no
use SNAKta 10 Kill SNAKES
South America Haa Discovered an
Excellent Way to Cope With tha
Universal Pest.
In Bouth America, where th snake
pest ta a very serious proposition,
they ara now using snakes to catch
Kven In the motit civilised parts of
Brazil over 1.00U persons are killed
annually by snake bite.
The mongoose, which proved bo ef
fective lu Jamaica and elsewhere, Is
of little ubo here. Necessity la the
mother of Invent Ion, and nature and
nUni.a h.. l.uvn lit lliHt lliMCOV
ered something which it is hoped may
eventually exterminate mo ureuuiui
The discovery Is nothing else than a
"beneflclent" snake- which is harmless
to man, and which kills and eats the
polHonous Hpeeies.
The tnUKBurana, as it la called. Is
a thick, muscular snake about four
feet long. It Is possessed of an In-
satlnbl.j appetite for poisonous vipers,
and It can tell of the approach of one
In the same way that a pointer win
"scent" game. When tackling Its
prey, which Is frequently considerably
Digger man itneir, me goon unuao
assumes a lethargic air as If It were
glutted with food and could not fight.
Seeing this the bad snake Immediately
This la Jiiht what tbe other wants;
for, being rendered by nature com
pletely Immune from the poison, it
seizes its enemy before it has had
time to recover from the charge, and
gives a fatal bite at the base of the
Shake Into Tour snoea
Atlan'aFoot-Kane.Bpnwderforthafnrt. It "iraa
(.amful. awollen, smarting. aweatn.K f-t. Makes
new hoe rwy. Bold by all IiniKKiKU and Shoe
H'orm. Don't ac.-rpt any suoMitula. l-iampal
k KfcE. Adurwui A . S. Olinw.-I. ! Hut. N . X.
Old Treasures Found In India.
Images of Hindu gods and Buddha
have been discovered at Dhalagaon
near Hampal, India, formerly tbe cap
ital of King Ilallal Sen. Two months
back, an astrologer of Panchashar,
MunshlganJ. is said to have predicted
that there lay bidden treasure! In a
pucca building underneath a tank.
With the permission of the owner and
tho government, the tank is being
bailed out by blm. Aa a result, the
images were recovered and traces of
buildings found
thrift nn little thinra lika blulnr. Don't --
M-ct watr for blumir. Ak for Ki Cruaa ball
! K3
I i. "A
1 1 x
I JjI HAtaft V
1 1 . . -V
Woo .q.5o 91.00
.4.S0 AND $5-
$j. 00, 1 o ma u'J
Tha larked makers of
Men's J3.50 and $4.0O
nor. in tha world,
tour '-il.-r lo al.ow fon
' But fMI a.
ti j" - . r i 1. ...1.
' 3 l a.i.l wt-ar aa othnr uiakn eanni SV.1.00 lo
-tlie ortiy iiiiinr-in- - - -
lathra, atrlfa and baie lo tult everybody,
If yo.i cool. I UII W. 1- lou;la larae faa-l.i-
riea at llrorM Maaa., a oil aee for yourll
. 1 l . ....... 1 u a .hnt are niii.l.
1.0 w iwm 1.11 ... ... . -
yon wool. I llirn undrralan.l why lliey are a.rr.n
IO lit lieilr-r. I.M.K 0--'-r. "' -
II W. I Imria. .nor. arr nr i'rw m - - ' ,
rt.rr.-l rr.n mr i.riory .! .11- m.,--. - - r - '
eil t-'t, noeliira fr-a. V r IK-for 1
I tUiliit. It wl.l .how you how lo rlrr Of "ail,
awl w li you ran aa luoney on your lootweai.
W. I. UOI UI-aa . BrrkU, Biaaa,
aa. sbw-
DO t'f I.Z,.l
tww. ll.a' a
f '' 29,a I
Vptriiame u .i-tmpr.i I
"" (,n I.. o,.m
Coffins Many Centuries Old.
Two tiny coffins have recently been ,
found In the monastic burial ground,
of Peterborough. Northampton, Kns- '
land, and have been placed in Peter
borough cathedral. They are said to
be the coffins of the twin children of
King Canute, who were drowned in
Whittlesey Mere aB they were cross
ing to be educated at Peterborough
First Idea of Sewing Machine.
The earliest attempt at sewing by
machinery of which there is any au
thentic record was in 1753, in which
year a machine was patented in Eng
land by Charles W. Weisenthal. In
this machine the stitch was formed
by a needle, having two points with
an eye at rntd-length, which passed
completely through the goods In imi
tation of hand sewing.
blue, tbe extra suod value blue
and a set of
No Romance In These. 2ont o1 &"'n"
Polly-"IIhvIiik announced that they ! Zones of silence such as that .Us
re Kulnr. to Ine In an apartment. 1 ! covered In the Alps have t t. anown
).. the N. wlywedH got a lot of ' to hcle.itlKts for It long time home
awful presents" "Holly "Yes. In- years axo a committee conducted a
a.... . .. ' r ....... riu... nts in the I'.iiKllsh
rr.i: AIII.HIK II1CIH I SIIW a SHOW ' i 1. a -I - - -
ihaniiel with ine nu
ear piercliiK sircliM. wlilxtles anil Hom
ers they could procure. It wiih fourd
that sometimes on the clearest and
quietest dav a houiiiI whs unaccounta
bly Inaudible at n short distance. This
demonstrated it lusiveiy me .-am-
leti.e of soundleHS lolies and Incident
ally suggested an explanation of cer
tain ocean disasters. ,
aoval, a !,. n mow. r
urdrn tnoiw ". -..IiiiK-,
After Material.
Editor "W hy do you persist In com
!r. I t.-ll von I don't buv lie-
'Ion." A lit In r "I Hi I dini'l u Ull til
"II any of my stories. I
m on Karth
-v uuuun
anil came In
local color."
w riling
FrlrntlHhlti la iI.ii vlfl tt tho vn.l-c
A Oally Thought.
1 am tnorn .....I 1 ...I with
IV. a . .
uir u miii nir iinriiinitaa cieoriEo
You're "Out!"
In the "Kame of health"
you are soon "down and
ut" if you allow the
itomarh to become weak
and the system run-down.
Tone the stomach, stir
the lazy liver, make the
kwels active by the
daily use of
Mothers will find Mrs. W Inilovr-. """Hln r N to uao l..f their UUaruJ
auilu ibe UetlimK period.
Advertising Always Going On
the committee.
Free Seeds for Farmers.
Portland, Or. Free seed will be
given to any farmers in Oregon,
Washington or Idaho who want to
I Innt corn this year by the O.-W. R.
& N. company. C. L. Smith, agricul
turist for the comnanv. has secured a
large quantity of excellent, accli- f
mated seel corn and is distributing it
in 12-pound lot, which is enough to
plant one acre.
Mr. Smith declares that Oregon
within ten years will be the premier
corn state of the Union, exceeding
even Iowa and Nebraska in the volume
and value of its production, as well as
in the average yield per acre. He says
that the theory, held by the early-day
r..n. ihiit corn can't be grown in
fallacy born oi laziness
Choir Invisible Has a Recruit.
A Kansas man who has lately been
abroad reports that this inscription
actually appears on an old tombstone
In a cemetery at Saragossa, Spain:
"Mere lies John Cabeca, precentor of
my lord tho king. When he is admit
ted to the choir of angels, whose so
ciety he will embellish, and where he
w ill distinguish himself by his powers
r.t enmr ('.nil kIuiII R.'lV to Ills Htll-'els.
'Cease, ye calves! and let me bear
John Cabeca, a precentor to the king
of Spain!'"
Dr. Pierce'a Pellets, small, sugar
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Do not gripe.
Good Sleeper.
Their political dispute, according to
the account In the Kansas City Star,
bad not been confined to words, and
at last one of tho antagonists, with
great dignity, said to the other: "Sir,
you have called me a crook and a
fool, you have broken my spectacles,
vmi hnva toinrhp.l niA twice. I hODe
you will not rouse the sleeping lion
in my breast, for if you should, I can
not tell what may be tbe conse
quences." avi rrnp a rm n rv nvR lilT
Take LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine Tablet
V . . . it i. !i . L- UI
irruirin.ia munu muiwr 11 iiiwwuo u.w. u. . t
, ...... u-.Li . l. or
UltU V B, 9 BUf ueiiwv la uu um.
Lamentable Ignorance.
Mrs. Kaller Cooks are such Ignor
ant things, nowadays. Mrs. Justwed
Aren't tliey? They can't do the sim
plest things. I asked mine to make
some aweetbreada the other day and
she said she couldn't. McCall's Magazine.
The Stomach
Is the Target
Aim to make that atrong-and digestion good and yoa
will keep well I No chain ia stronger than its weakest
link. No man is atronger than hia atomach. With,
stomach disordered a train of diseases follow.
nr. pierce'. Golden Medical Discovery
makea the .tonwh healthy, the liver active and tha blood pure. Ma from
foreat roota. and extracted w.Uiout tbe aae of alcohol, bold hy dn - m
Lyuid form at LU0 pet botUe toe over 40 jeviw, ivin aeneral aauaiactioo.
If yoa prefer tablets sua modlfleet by R. V. Pierea. M. heaw eaua be)
lutal of antillTtan deatlcra ew triad box ly audi receipt of Mt I atauttpa.
Woman's Rights.
A woman has the same human na
ture that a man has. the same hu
man rights, the same human duties,
and they are as Inalienable In a wo
man as in a man. Theodore Parker.
Advertising Always Going un 0rt,gln is a fallacy r
From the first announcement of a, unnr,.gressive ideas
tid mother that you have made your ; "
bow to the world to the time wnen
your friends put up their belated ap
preciation of your virtues on your
tombstone, you are constantly ndver
Using or being advertised. Kdniund
St roc t .
Sunflowers and Temperature.
ci....n....,.. reduce temiierature, nnd
rl in.nwn to arrest the malaria that
1 prevails In some localities. Hundreds
of homes in .mssomi ...... - --
well aa In Texas, aro provided with a
.. ... hui.aii.rn natch of
souiuerii oi ri......"
sunflowers near the home. It is said
to work wonders In that respect.
Music and Mosquitoes.
In some pnrts of India, where mos
quitoes abound, it is Impossible to play
Ihe violin because the music attracts
. i. 1 1, numbers. When
II1W llint-i in in r"-" ,
the first notes are heard the mosqui
toes awarm In clouds nrouiiu mo
er and make the movenients of the
hand Impossible. Harper s Weekly.
Paint on Window Glass.
If the window glass has been splash
ed with paint, melt some soda In very
hot water and wash the pane with It,
using a soft flannel rag.
Camel's Speed Considerable.
A camel with an averago load will
travel twenty five miles a day, and
when unincumbered It will reach nine
ty miles a day aomet lines.
Earthly Punishment.
The way of the transgressor Is well
written up. Kansas City Journal.
Servians' Joy Unbounded.
! Rolgrade Not even the Servian vic
- tories during the Turkish war caused
j anything like the scenes of enthusiasm
which were witnessed here over the
I taking of Scutari by Montenegrins.
Business was at a standstill, while the
whole population gave tnemseives over
to rejoicing. Lawyers, merchants,
! soldiers and workmen danced in the
I . ti.o airnin of music. Wine
may almost be said to have flowed in
the gutters, for everywhere barrels
were broached and all were free to
drink to the victory of Montenegro.
Five Men Drop 2200 Feet.
Iiutte, Mont. Five men were killed
in an accident at the Leonard mine,
an Amalgamated ICopper property,
when William Peters, the engineer,
lost control of one of the big hoisting
engines, which flew to pieces, causing
one cage on which were four men to
i renin r...t and another cage on
which were eight miners to drop 800
feet. Nine other men sustained in
juries, none of which is believed will
result fatally
WiNon Indorsed In Tasadena.
Pasadena, Cal. The hoard of trade
directors adopted a resolution at a
meeting Thursday indorsing President
Wilson's attitude toward tho proposed
California anti-land ownership bill.
(f Dough &S
t Better! f
Maaufat-turtac t'hamiat.
Spokane. W'aab.
rnmr Sit I ltavlna auftVrwl with nomach
trouble for a nuniler of year, and tried a
great many dortora and a rat many pro
prietary preparation, but li...nrd no per.
manenl relief until I took atomach
remedr. and am plrMd to a. th.t 1 have BO
further etomarh and ran ant any
thlnB I daaire and ...ffrr no rad rwoilta. I am
a profewional mirw. havina nur-r-d for
yaara. wine of the time for lr. Ilolh of Nw
York t'Uy. the areatart .iM'i.lirt on rhil.1
rea'a diMnana : alo had rh.rva of W ardner
Hnepital at W'.ntner. Idaho, for two year.
Stare taarnlna l.y niy own rn.rr.rnce the
araat benefit from the oae of I'owi-ll'. Htom.
anb Hameilr. 1 hare recommendo.1 it to a
greet many for rh.ldrea and .di.lta. and In
Ach rA II ha. t-rn rem.rkal.le for the
rood It haa done, I cheerfully recommend
It to anyone .uffrrine with any kind of atom
eon trouble, a. 1 am aniiou. to aid anyone
etiffarlns from .iohneai of any kind, aad I
bare never known of medicine to compare
with Powell'. Stomach Kemedj for all hlnda
of Bteaiaoa trouble. Voura truly,
til) Boone Are.
Enriching the Language.
The growth and change which are
inseparable from all living language
cannot fail to interest the student, and
a special interest attaches to the in
corporation of the names of well
known men. Thus Wellington has
come to mean a sort of boot; Broug
ham, a carriage, and Gladstone, appro
priate enough, a traveler s nag. as
ii..ii front niAn advocated the "bag and
baggage" policy, which seems likely
at length to be adopted.
Other names have been turned into
verbs aa well as nouns. Kor instance,
the murderer Burke's name is per
petuated in the words to burke, burk
ed, burking and burkism, while in
quite recent times Captain Boycotts
experiences resulted In the language
being enriched by the phrases to
boycott, boycottcr, boycotting, etc.
The most notable case was prob
ably that of the great and good man.
Rev. T. Bowlder. D. D.. who by pub
lishing a "family edition" of Shake
speare in 1SS1. added the words
"bowlderize" and "bowlderisfn" to our
language. Exchange.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Marine KTe Remedy. No Smnrtlnir Feels
z. ' ... fr-M t ff..r tr.l. Weak.
ytite Acta s"""i- . . , , ,,,
I.- v. ....I .iranolntrd Eveleln. Illue-
trted Book lu each Package. Murine Is
compounded by onr ti-ulli-not "Patent Mea-
wco for u.any year. i.w u-o, "Y.'.r."
lit, and byVr.tclMi at at n.l
Mnnue Ke tsaive lu Acpllc Tuuoa, -i-c and oUo.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Good Reason.
"I dou't have the kiddie at the thea
ter verv often," said an actor who re
cently returned to N-w York for th
usual brief run In a house where mo
bill changes weekly, "but during tue
holidays 1 let his Mother brine hi'M
...... 'tnr a mntinee. and arranged to
have a box for them. Tlie youngster
remained remarkably quiet (for him)
during the entire performance.
"That evening at dinner I jestingly
" 'Son, how did you manage to be
so good during the show?'
"His answer surprised me.
"'Do you think I wanted you to
scold me. daddy, before all those peo
pleT' "
KM Toe nail lime iriv'-r uo.n... j - -
money, soee tv. ice aa f ar a BJiy olhtr. Ak our
Were Substantial Men.
a oorin.ia nl.t .Inciinieiit dated nt
West Point, August ITS:!, gives the
weight of several distinguished offi
cers at the end of the Revolution, as
follows: General Washington. Ci'l) ,
pounds; General Lincoln. C-4 pounds; j
General Knox. 10; Colonel Ilet,ry ;
Jackson, 2:t.H: Colonel Swift. 219. and :
Colonel Michael Jackson. 252 pounds. !
Tourdnnririst will refund money if TAZO OINT.
MKNr fail to euro any riw. of Ilchinir. blind,
bleeding or l'mtruding Pilea in 6 to U ilil buc
j Much Sense In Question.
Small Susie had asked so many
, questions that her mother became im
patient nnd told her that little girls
should not be so curious. "Hut.
mother," presently remarked Susie,
without a trace of Impertinence or
"smartness." "w hat am I to do If I
don't ask questions. Alu't I gotta
"Can't you remember the piece I
mean, Mary? Miss What's Her-Name
played it that night at the Thlnger
Ings. It begins at the bottom of the
piano anil goes lam tum tunity-tura-,
tab." Judge.
Large Demand for Silver Bullion.
In sensitizing film and paper for
use in photography pure silver bullion
is treated with nitric acid, and so
large, has the business grown that the
leading producing firm In this country
uses one-thirtieth of the silver output
of American mines, or five tons a
City's Many Fatal Accidents.
More than three thousand five hun
dred accidental deaths occur every
year In New York.
You Need
II yea keep year liver active, your bawala
regular aae year aioestioa gaaa
Regulate the Dovuela
Stimulate the Liver
Improve Digestion arid
; Furify the Blood
is what they all say
I .. i . -
i S:'.ra-. . .'f.'
ta.W.4. WtSL ftumtmtm Mmiimb
Methods of
Out-of-town pwo
pV can tuv thmit
plt and bridaf
work finiahed inoi
day if necessary.
An abaolut aTJar
ntee. backid by 24
jvara in ForUand.
Wise Dental Co.
S A. M. I. 8 P. M. S.ndav 9 la 1
Phones: A 2029: Main 2029.
raillna Bide. Third and Washintton. Portland
nn rf! pmmtvt t
tit-nta of llcm-fottoaou,; nmim
1 rr OtirfJ mnrt H Tim nsr. assppi nn-ionn, win
trim onm mni thmt un rui haiv not ohT,inMl ?
nrntv'tit F-tif. I-" thi iaTrntt nfur ha.l(r ii4T.
ntTf jo'ir riie an. pr-trir. lon.a rniT1y hte
viion t qtiu'k, wurt mi aayifsa, Hit prt'ripttoriii
Br inimivuiuifd (nun Kvtt, Herl-dj, Hnds t-nd
Unrltd th-t hnr lr'n sjnthn-t. from iTtTi' qrisir
tTof lh Bit!"- i"h of thftet tue4winia
rr not known to th outsittfi wotlii, hul h h-a
hnnd-i1 down frt'tn fathaar to aoa. U. li. phkuoi&aa.
tauu.atM m CLuia.
tf rem llrt ont of town anrl tjannof rail, writt. for
r rtiptom blank and oirvular, aoloinf omU um
1 62) rarst St., Cor. Morrison
Tertland, Oratoa.
P. N. U.
No. IT-"!.
L"HKN writing to adrartlaera. pleaa aaaa.
" tloa thia paper.