St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 25, 1913, Image 1

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NO- 17
, .. ... .,..! fill- wi'll'Hl llOShi-
,y pas-"! I" attract Millers,
HlHtl.'- Ul- Mill." I
r :. : !'
llhe IhsI tii. nio.l of ClltlCingj
. ..)..- I l!v it . ',
, ,1,1,. I!'...! is t.. U' direct.. I
I I.. !.....!!
l.nriiir .I.miiioh- i. '.""
(he uk'i M-u!tunil districts of
...m F.ur-l"-. The "'"'"
plans I" li"1 I a ,f ,"-
,l(fn t.i which ieprrn.-niaiivc oi
i L II. .i.i inn f.titiilt
Lirti. !. r- m-n. -ilitirn, com-
L rliil. .ilieials. etc. will be
,-,iind general nrhome to be
.1 Ui.i l.c outlined. No
i i
I ,H,. JHU, rllll I.Jtt ). l
II. .1 i I, r,. I, III.!.. I I, lit till'
I f il.e I :n iriK W'U '' about
1.".. ;in.l Mil '' given U to the
. f...tiiin utu-iiL iliLS
,, l.avr i-"tif rcne.n w ill take
Sel -l. Norwegian, Finnish
punish immigiation. l!y this
n.-t can mir.vnniui
i'M I'" 'l attracting
Lists fi.nn among foreign speak-
. r...l.', I. ul on fx" arrival of
immigrants heir tlu-y run le
ctm. ami g.vrn ass islanre
An ur.i-.ilturjl rlub ha been
Led at Burns., th." lirst organi
1.1) of lh- Vs 1 f 1. 1 ill that pari of
vi.n. The club will discuss agri-
Itural subjects, encourage riiml-
i fanning mctlm Is and alTor.l um
i;Nirliitiiiy for tin- exchange of
-a ar...ig tin1 farmer iim well a
uing t flu. 1. 1. In of the ngri
i lural .l ailment of the Harm)
Lnty hili school. One of it
Li-fts in to Mrui-f for Harm-) tin- L.iwlit of the farm
umiiMralion work provided for
the hut wsii.ii) of the legislature.
Suthi-rlin is to have a large fruit
!-mi k plant in operation late
ut inoiitli. Tin- local fruii growers
l-.H-iali..ri lias l. i n active in w-
IririK' tin' which dHt
11,0110. It will hk. new patent
'.mysm's in 'Iryiiii; ami iirewrviiiK
UitH aiol vivetal'li h of all kimlH
.1 will I f vi iy ureat liel.efit to
hi..I.' of that wction. Xon-
r;irttaii. lo iiitc n.aile for
In.', year's) ci i.n.
Llmti'i:! will hold its annual
rtiwl.i rry festival ainl fosie nh..w
M'Ut June 1. The ceU-liration
1 1 u t Ao-.ay tlTair nn.l tlu-ie
I ! an in.luMirial rxhihit in cn-
itinnwn)) it. Thin, atnuallv. in
I'M ainiri s I...... I i vunt
I'lKlitiuiMieil I'.lucatorshnve lieen
CUreil fur I ln Hi.iiitiii.r K'kMioli of
I'nivcr.-ity of Oregon thin year
'"'h will open t-hoi I ly after ci m-
'Wenienl at).) lat for nix week a.
filii'.-ie eilni'utorn are from varioua
;irt?) of )liw cuiinlrv iit ue'l DM
lri,m nli i . ..-. I . Many are famous
'''Ctlll'iT J. utipi iilli..rii iill fuill'll
i.'iilisis. Many Mix-rial couisch
'Mil l,(. .,1 r.,r I k.iru ml.
wiiic ,i , t ,.ll(i .,.)., ri,
A c o:iii - hcimive Hhowintf of ex
Ly many Mocieties ami or--iniai
:,,1S, hinhly iiutnclive il
harai'li ;n I . )... f
" "iii hi' mill ik in' i "'i'
f'Ti'iici. ilM lUiniitn Life, its Wiu-tc
i'" I ..nviTMitii.ri, to l.e helil at
JJ.-.-.i f.,tl. y,.. I'urtlnr.l, May !-!!.
"Hicern i,' . confeMnre are in
'"'"'h With over loo iliirerent in
H,il'io U,at prohuhly will he
"'present,.,!. Interest in thin Kather
mf is wiilespreml ami the ntteml
a,lt''' liroinises to he lurKe.
Win. Ye.k.i, who has lieen Con
'lurlint; a wiloon lui.sinesH in this
city ilurintr the past year. I.aa ha.!
his huHim'KD attache.l ami the pla.-e
iil Dow closctl. II, hus left the city I
ami Lis crcitom are ailvcrtisiiiK a'
summoriM nvainsthim, ho hi. where-1
al.nuln is prohlematical. The cotin-i
cil rcfuHe.l to Kraut him a license ut
the ineetiri; several w.-es uo an. I '
he hroiiht mumiunulH proreelinx j
to r.impfl the issuance thereof, hut
hefore the time for hearing hy the
court hiul arrive.!, Mr. Yeske had
departed. Another man is now cir
culatiiif a petition for a license in
the fume p'ace.
Mr. A. II. Tarhell had an ollieer
of the Uur. au of Animal Industry
of the United Stati u to test his
herd of dairy cowh yesterday, with
the n-Hult that the odicer ro
n lunced aliHoletely no tran s of
tii'ierculoiUD in tlm herd. TliinwasiK
an ofl'icial tout ami was very gratify-in
to Mr. Tarhell. The htrd
consirits of 45 head of lin cows.
All Coiinc-ilmen and Mayor
City Council called for detailed
Htat.'iiiei.ty of i-x n order ami ex
trcusurer. Ordinance restraining linen from
running at large n frrd to julire
J. II. Cr.mkite chosen i rehident
of council.
t'ity Council cl.ose J. VV. Day
City Attorney ut f-alary of f4u er
month. Recorder nalary f'.'.UtU
(jeueral cleaning up icfernd to
Health committee.
Co:npc'lin aut s to line up on
Strand referred to ntrcct con.mitti e
Ordinance regulating r.giar.l
and lloating M.pulation lefeired t(
police committee.
Ordinanci- regulating closing of
stores at certain hours of evening
referred to police committee.
Ahatin nuisimv near steam
laundry referred to health com
mittee. City Attorney instructed to pre
pare ordimi'Kv for newel district
N n. .r and !.
K A. Kotgers instructed tore
new hattery on tire alarm system.
K ' irganiation of tire deartment
referred t lire
SI. HjIciis Will Meet
. M,icca!iccs of Portland
Next Sunday at 2 o'clock the
ham-hall warnm will oM-n in St.
Helens wit'l fie St. Helens team
opposing t'n- team i.r Maivuhee of
Mt. Hool Tent of I'ortla id. The
St. Helen i line-up w ill h i no ne
ttling like it wai last year, with
Virgil Stevens on th j m mil I. I'erry
Austin oi lint and Karl I'erry on
,.l while I'ele Ilr.lkk.' will
occudv tin dilliuilt cirn-r. Tu
other mi' iiVri of th torn ire all
well kniw.i. s t'i ' ' wi" ,K
..t.nost ft I.kmI oi. T.i! visiting
t.'i nis r.'(M'ni ;ed in om; of tin
hest in rurllan.l. no a good fast
gam.- is predicted. Tie fence at
fie hall nark ' !)ini repaired. In
meml er the gum-:4a t at 2 o'clock.
A i il... i-wi-iii election hi-lil in th
.-ity of t latskanie the iue-lion of
...i....i...r mil the sale of liiiuor
mould hei.rohil.ite.l in the city wis
voted on and resuiuu m -"j
for the dryn. Some of the liquor
men have taken the matter of the
e ality or the election into court
hi d have had isnued a ret-truinmg
order prohihiting the rounty court
from making the order derlanng
the city lry. The matter will lr
aigueil a', thr May tern of court..
Win rea.s. The Common Council of
the City of St. Helens, Oregon, hy
resolution, nuhmitted various amend
ments to the Charter of said City,
to hj approved and detei d at
an election, whii-h was held in tni.l
City on the 7th day of April, 1 9 1 :t.
in conformity with the jirovi.sii.r.n
made hy the charter and ordinance
N. 'J4 of said city.
And win-rep.. it is provided hy
said ordinance tint the nsult of
said election should he announced
hy proclamation of the mayor of
said city.
Therefore to that end it is herehy
declared and made known, that at
said election, held on said 7th day
of April, l'.M:i, there were 138 votes
given foi the adoption of ! n act to
amend section 9 of the CI of
the City of St. Helens, in Columl.ia
County, State of Oregon, entitled
"An Act to Incorporate the City of
St. Helens, in Columl.ia County,
and Slate of Oregon, filed in the
olliee of the Secretary of State,
Feh., ISH'.I. as thereafter
amended relating to the water commission.
And 108 votes against its adoption;
and there were i:i5 votes given for
the adoption of An Act to amend
Sec. lit of Chapter 1 r.f the charter
..f the City of St. Helens, in Coldin
hia County, State of Oregon, en
titled An Act to Incorpor-i
ate the City of St. Helens, in
eolumhia County, ami State of
)regn, "filed in the olliee of the
C. J. Weynor, J. J. I'-erg, U. A.
Alexander, J. 15. Godfrey, J. H.
VVessor, S. K. Wren, A. Handler.
K. I'erry, A. A. Johnson, H. F,
liohinson, A. J. Mci'herson. L. U.
Mason. M.C. lJuhoil. W. J. Uilleter.
I 1 I M;i,.)...1l ..II ,.f l'..rll'.r,.l
IV. II. til 1 1. 1,1 il, ail wi a i.iv.itini.
1'. H. Seh'.lle, Seatt'e, Wash,, A.
Marker, St. Helens; Joe Kuneurger,
St. HeU-na: N. Oleander, W. L.
; I'ulliam, '('latskanie; Al. W. Porter,
Kelso; It. G. Sanders, W. W. Call.
L. I!. Mason, G. W. Nolair, W. V.
Call, louis Huhrer, Mayger; H.
i'eterson, II. K. l'aktr, C. K. John
son, J. J. Wil iarn, I'. N. Oinst. O.
1). Lavender, Vernonia; H. W. War;
held, I ren.t Wash., It. (J. Hall,
I'end, Ore., Chas. Coopei, Kalama;
Tom Civas. H. Mathews, (J. Hrown,
J. Jones, C. A. Alakinster, Kalama,
N. Merrill, Clatskanie.
The Schooner Albert H. Hind,
after bring on the dry dock in
Portland for a week, arrived in
St. Helens today where she will
take on a cargo of 7"i(),000 feet
of lumber for Australia.
Steamer Klamath arrived to
day in command of Capt. Asp
lund. formerly of the Yosen ite.
After taking on a full load of
lumber and a deck load of piling
for the SanFrancisco Fair build
irgs, will sail Sunday night.
Steamer Ike finished loading
last night with a full load of ties
for San Francisco.
Schooner G. F. Carms will
finish loading a full load of piling
for l'earl Harbor. Honolulu, r.ext
week. This will lie the first full
cargo of piling leaving the river
for some years.
Steamer Carlos loaded out from
St, Helens Thursday, bound for
San Francisco.
Schotncrs Jewett, Irene and
Heulah will all clior in a few
days from St. Helens loaded with
lumber and ties for San Francisco.
Five vessels in a row all load-
vocrcta'ry of State Feh. lNS'.i, ing lumber and ties for California
as thereafter amended, relating to w as quite a signi on me isianu
the water commission, and no side of the slough this w eek.
votes against its adoption. During the past week over
In testimony whereof I have here- 5.000,000 feet of ties and 100,000
unto set my hand and caused the linear feet of piling were shipped
seal of the city to he atlixe.I this from St. Helens for San Fran-
lst .lav of April. A. I., HU3. Cisco to bs used in tne r air build-
A. VV. Mueller, Mayor
,ings at that place.
A St. Helens Street Scene
Mrs. W. I!. Mackay of Portland
is visiting with relatives in St.
He-lens over Sunday.
Mrs. L. K. P.utherford sp nt
Thursday in Portland.
Miss Slade spent Sunday with
friends at Astoria.
Fred Adams, a prominent farmer
from the Deer Island country, was
attending to business matters in St.
llekr.s today.
Mr. Norman Merrill of Clats
kanie was a St. Helens visitor last
George Mcl'.ride returned last
Saturday from SanFrancisco where
he had been on a business trip for a
Dr. Cliff and family motored
down from Portland last Sunday
and sient the day with friends in
this city.
W. K. Critehlow, an attorney of
Portland, was looking after legal
matters in St. He'ens last Monday.
Mr. I.emr-ke, th- president of the
largest i-n i ri.i,ig Creosoting Oil
Company i:i the linked States, was
here last week from his home in
New York.
Mr. and Mrs. IiI5are visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.urk
head at Bachelor Flat last week.
The Artisan Lodge of St. Helens
held an opening meeting last Satur
day night, which was addressed by-
Mrs. King, a state officer. Quite
an enthusiastic meeting was held
and a Brand hanouet was served
after the meeting.
County Commissioners Fluhrer of
Maveer an 1 Farr of Warren were
in St. Helens las'. Monday prepared
to order Clatskanie drv, but were
prevented from doing so by an in
junction. Bishop Scadding held services in
the Kpiscopal church last Sunday
evening which were attended by a
large number of people. The servi
ces were highly appreciated by the
conirreiration and the music was
especial y line.
The will of the late S. A. Miles
w as probated in Portland yesterday
and the appraisement showed prop
erty valued at $151 ,072.13, of which
.f'.S,:?00 is in real estate and
$'J2,1'.)1.:!0 in money and notes. The
property was equally divided among
the heirs and Frank Miles and W ill
Miles are named as executors.
Mrs. Baldwin, organizer of the
Yeoman Lodge, has been working
in St. Helens in the interest of the
order and has secured enough
names to warrant the organization
of a lodge here. The first meeting
will be held at the K. of P. hall on
Friday evening, stay 2.
Mrs. Bessie Peters and Misses
Alice and Annie Quick visited Mrs.
J. Warren Quick at St. Vincent
Hospital, Portland, last Saturday.
They report Mrs. Quick as doing
the very hest that wan hoped for
her and that she w ill soon Le able
to return to her home.
A letter received from A. T
Laws repor's that he has arrived at
I Bedlands, Cal., and had a very en
iovable trio down on the William
j Chatham, the big lumber schooner
The Iiws family will return home
during next week, with YA and
I Harrv very much improved in
I health.
i An auto party consisting of Capt
Pureva and wife. Mrs. Kennedy and
'Mrs. Otto, all of Portland, drove
Mown on Sunday and spent the day
!in St. Helens. Capt. Pureya is
general manager of the Columbia
, Contract Company.
Mrs. Clyde Sutherland and child
ren are in the country at present
for a holiday, at Yacolt, Wash.
Little Modilla Black entertained
her friends last Saturday afternoon.
Th )e present were Alice and Klsie
Blackburn, Annabelle Isbister,
Dorotha Guild and Louis Quam.
K. A. made a business
trip to Westport on Wednesday of
this week.
J. N. Iiiee and family visited at
the Morton home in this city the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. David Davis, of
Portland came down for a visit with
Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
It. Cox of this city.
Miss Laura Barber visited at the
home of Miss Mary Hamilton in
Portland over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Way were St.
Helens visitors this week.
Mrs. Kicen and children came
down to spend the week end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rosen
Mrs. E. A. Crouse returned
Saturday from a six week's visit
with relatives at Snohomish, Wash.
She is much improved in health.
Mrs. Carrie Watters has been
quite ill the past week with measles.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Markee on April 12th, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Welch and
son Ralph, of Portland, parents and
brother of Mrs. A. A. Galichio,
spent last Sunday here.
J. B. Dyer was in Portland on
Misses Amy George and Peryl
Muckle visited in Portland the first
of the week.
The annual election of the offi
cers of the Guild will be held on
next Tuesday. April ilth, at 2
o'clock. All members are requested
to be present.
Mrs. Pugh and Mrs. Frazer of
Portland, visited with Mrs. Frazer's
aunt. Mrs. M. C. Gray, over Sunday.
Miss Gertrude Weed left this
evening for Newberg to spend the
week end w ith relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Felton visited
in Portland on Tuesday.
Ed. Lynch met with a very pain
ful accident last Tuesday while at
work in the mill yards here. He
slipped on a board and fell on his
lame ankle, sustaining a severe
sprain. It will be some time before
he will be able to resume work.
J. B. E. Bourne of Rainier was a
St. Helens visitor last Wednesday.
The Uev. W. T. Fairchild of
Houlton will preach next Sunday at
Yankton at 1 1 a. m. and at Tren
holm at 3:;!0 p. m. No preaching
service at Houlton M. E. church.
The Aid Society of the M. E.
church will hold their anniversary
at the home of Mrs. L. R. Ruther
ford Wednesday, April Q. All
members are requested to be present.
At the regular meeting April ?2,
Houlton Circle Women of Wood
craft elected Elna Wikstrom and
Minnie Morley representatives and
Agnes Dixon and Minnie Morley as
alternates to the district conven
tion of the Grand Circle Women of
Woodcraft to be held in Portland
this summer.